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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
-. f '-V CLAIUVOYAifi ' roamriLT p eqtal ov earth of 2s proi-emio. SrFraqdiOraU aoa4 WathlnctOQ raw ziim '; Sir Francis Drak v $10.00 CompleU - Life Readings for .S JC This Week Only T1: v ' - ' '"TET.Ti TOT WAJtr. ' " ' to cnuMa vnni battaVAATOBT TOTJ CAB , , ' ' BB VMM JUDOB. 1 ' ' 1 A1VATI COjia0Z.T TU ntf. , r BUBM ABB BWT 0OMOT nm . nm ' nw 1 , sow o otbboomb au nonui f. ' Tour , peat, your sraoeot lift ud your sa tire future and ever r thing can be ton hy consulting RIB FRANCIS DRAKB, the wnrld- rmlneat true eklrveyant end spirit mflinnv wbo la tho sreateat Baior t master r mu kim th world bM mc kMws. sag WaM tocos Ouwfnll, Aa Bonaa Propoama. (Tou 0 bo rnU JUdg, " Xatotordlaary Oblrmut power, combined With hie superior knowledge of occult (arret, fnabto Mm to read human Ufa with nurr ng iccwir from , Infancy to old mm. Hit power are wonderful end titapatiinlaj bla advice k reliable; hia Information clear, con el asdTto th point In U. Courtship, Mar flag, Dlvoree, tit). Will, Patent a, Journey, Pnlona, Inveatmento, rperuUtlne, property, ifenalou. Mortgagee, 0U aad Mlalng Ctotml, Die, etc, stt. -' j . - , ' '- '' Wrsou As a Qa.tJoa. Without any prerloo ikoowhtdge, tad having a saturst meeue of knowing who rru art-. Whence or for what you came, he telle ; T Mow, age, orrupattoa, wbrr yo Itv, . ,. Ullf. jm at frlaiida and enemies, whn t and who k fake; trlk you whom and'a-i y will marry. frMnff uaaaav data, facta, and Ifwatlona, .tahiiut m fr In Artne. and coattiof poiw uulraa aatlafacttatt la flvaaV . JBOQJH Wottait. t wfll ffkrfalt MM wtwra I fait to toact 9tm mw to faaclaat aayotM 79a dlra bow t tnika four nmlM jar frlanda, Muaa a and7 Mrrlaa wltb tb ana of raair cbrir, It to rod lack ad auka rrai aawraafal fn yaw tmatnaaa. rniovj a II lnfloaBrra. ra till tha arfuiratad. aira fom lnrkj auinlarra, Vcata tha aarth'a Imriad traaavraa, aaitla tba ld aatata tbat tlma baa placed bajond tha nrrar'a abrawdBaw. 44 pMlUMtr eamirtat rear bwatoaaa. . . om . . wnf wwem " , ' km Haara 10 a. ia. ta . au Dallr and Saaday. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE ' : MU Vaabtiiiti am, Tim Sa4 Wubhutton Ita., Tb OUt "MILITARISM PERIL OF UNITED STATES" as. JFAtrmaai ana m WTWHia in t , BSMOOSaVOT 'V TatZB OOWTBT . , abv . DjrxAJnMt Asoivmoav ov 1 ajuct Buunrvrvms nr Taa TO AOmiOwXTVBUm. ' law Twwl TUltorm.) (Copyrifbt, Haarat News Barvtot, ' by taaaii WIN to Tba avarnnl., ' - t Pari a, Oct 10. Tlx . Hoc I al lata anf3 Antl-UllltartoU tn tha French ohambar a.r aroint Co mak a atrons attampt to r- havw tha g;rat fall tnanauvara wbicb ara hald annually aboil a hod. Tbay amy that - tba maneuvara, whtch ooat aftormoua amount of mofwy, and which dopriva : tha vlnwy&rd-owDara and ArsBara of mao Junt at a tint whan lhay ara naedd " xnot ara of littta or no practical value L and will point out that thay ara nearly i always attandad by acoMants. Thla yaar waa aapwclally bad and tha num- bar Of man killed and wound ad durtnc tha rnanauvera la -oonaldarably orar a hundred. ' t The Sodallata aa? that manaurara of " thla kind mar ba all Tlcht to arauaa a monarch Ilk tha leu leer, but that thay - 1 are antlraly out of alaca la a republic "M llltarlam, M, Jaurea ia quoted aa aylnc, "ia tha curaa of the treat ra- - . mibllca, and opena tha way. for raatorm- tlon of a monarchy. Wa hava bad plen ty of proof 6f this M Franca; where a law majority of tha people hava al ways been ready to oto In rapt urea ovar satlltary onlforma, but that military eue- oaa and the creation of a military oasta " la dangerous to demooraoy la aaea avea In that moat dem 00 ratio of all rwpufa lira, tha United Btttee, which ts how followlna; the path which will lead to . tha seme feeling of superiority wrer the ordinary rttlsen among wny efrWre which has been and la tha aura of Uar :.f many and which w know of hera in franc. "1 can Still aea tha necessity of tnatn- talnlng an army for rh dafenae of tha ' onuntry In time of war, hut In time of. paaoa ha rtrmy ehoald not ba ennealcu ? ous, and tha lass mUlUry display w hava tha battar." ; ' (VAKtAND BABE HAS ' . '. THE OSTRICH BEAT :- v .' ': (JBtornJ gaecla) rrbw.)' V T Aaklaod. CaL. Oct ' Ift. Tber t an - Oakland babya of two years wba Un though ha chewed up half of a aeven ' Inch gin tub which had Contained candy. Th youngeter munched con- ; 'dentedly at bis indigeatlbl meal for r . ' aoma time before diecovered and for tt -J hours tha crushed glass has repoaad in hia little atornaen. Th hah la tha ahtld Of Mr. Bjkl fr. iWnii n.riiHiia of lit Oaatra street. and arcordlng ta Dr, J. 1 Mayon, who treated It. has A god whanos for eererr. The battlaahlp was compelled to pnt tnte nnrt for auppftea. "Wbnt'e tba matterr waa tha amtlous ury of th eec rotary of th navy, who waa on bowrd. "Ia It S hot bxT' CASTOR I A . Vor Tri rknta nA CMldran. ' ,. Tb0Uni Yob Ban Always Bonpf eiafttBf Of VEIL CF MYSTIFY VCAWN ASI3E By the World-Fame. CUIrvoyint, Astro- . . , Jrancc Mcaiua ua raumoL ; -' MOT? TA OOBTLAJTD ' v SUM WaabtnbUai ttraL $ 10 Complete Life ... Roadings ' . -i for TbS Week Only ' jro CHAmoB mm , ATMVAOTOBT. '. TOU TO TJM fmt. 'V- -' , ia Jut aa ohaap to iaa tha baai, V raor. tax oomtzaAvtd. , EmIIcImc that Btanr of u boat cltlwna at tola vlt wm)d ba otUr too aniloaa to coo-ujt a Soud, reliable rlalrrof aut andpalmlat U tbar vara 0rat aaaurrd of nwlrloc aoma bpnedt, I Uwrafor d barabj wUaaalj arca aad giMT- Wltbost iny prerlAin knowt4n, and aarlnx m natural aavana of knowing who rwa ara, wbsnra or tor what run oam. 1 wlU tall yaw Hfa bat tar tban rt tu toU It b M, I will cail . UN t iiAKUal iw noi ai THIS IS HUNB8T, ! IT NUTT 1 -will -1t jroo lark tbat wioa tacrtm la lon aarrlaga, dlw, a, poallon. bnalawaa, I aiH irnintiwup w u w ir- (tora Inat aftwtina, oasa anndr and hapw iarrtai'l rpuoltc tha aapirated; I will tall jro buw to (a!o mc lava 01 im ana jo oaaira, on ttifih tniw iwar: will tall wha a ad wbaa yen will martj. " 1 win ir-ii worn anil awsawaa rwa vra wwaaww with, and buw to aura It. Do rv wlab to know farta jm anU knowt If yna will aaed to four andtTtakintal If fovj will nraka a bang I biialaa If rntt will win y oar lawtaatl , , If yowr doniAati troablra will anom awfll f : If joq would obtain your arobltlrwt If Tour land raotalna anlon-al. oil f ffBal. If yi ara btvdl , . ; ir yoai win anecoeti in a fwwiwa - , What tnnliieaa yoa abnula follow v' Wbrro ft Invfat In bualnaaat If yo would auceead In roar loaa affalrt " ft yon ara lnrtr In rnlnln aprwlattnl f bar-nt frli-nda will ratarol f Daat troutflaa will taraaaat Ttm ba tha fatBH la roar bsaband ar wlfa iirtratt Uaa tba 4raon ram aaallad 0m bapwy arlrUd of yoar twiae? Ir another abajw tba lmt Mai attawtkav abat aboald brlou to nut If bo, oMa and lca tarlft and nr rM; mat win diapai rna oar a ewun m Uft tba toad Iron yow achlac baart. 0 araat ara tba sowara af tb(a aaa that .ha Ota, brine tocatbar tba awwtbaaxt, ba-" hand or wtf who hTa baa) ufupi by alandrnnaj aamW. , s lloora a, a, to i am, ' Dafry and woaday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND SUM WMbtastaa atrt; a Iaa BrfrMa awtranoa on mitn airrvt. KING PETER WOULD Wi A PRIKCESS ov noi omowv stt a am MMOam KOim or uaaiiii moTAXTT ' lfnui swnummom, i (Cesrrlghfe, Beartt Xrw eVrvies, by Leaaed Wire to The JeeraaL) . Balgrad. Bervla, Oct 10. Rumor la' rlfa that now KJng Pater bai been acJcLXXaTZObrt MADS OX rATOXABXX TEAHM. ly orownea . Oa ia ininaing ox aviuni a firmer grip oa th tnrwna by aontracUng n marrtag with- a princess whoaa kin will throw their tefluene In hia favor In tha oourta of Europe. av far, H la anderatood, tha princeen -who to-to ba honored by being humbly prayed th sue oead Dragn as queen of tha Oervlana has not been definitely decided upon, but litre at least ara being considered s likely to smtle'on Ms majeetyn ault at tha Ins I at nee, perhaps, af their rela- tlvca, when he goes a-oeurting. tins: Peter's first wtx diea seme years ago, while bo waa tn oalla. 8 ha waa n Montenegrin priooaaa. and nto mdtoaty la aald to ba sounding Prince Mlcnoiaa. 01 im DtacK nvvnuun, w certain whether or not a second mar rlage on the part of tha aerrtan nronarch would be dlaagrweabla to him. Aa Prlnos Nlcbolaa upheld tha Karagaorga vttch cuilma for year, and aa he t con nected by nwtrtiaga with tha ralgning famllle of Russia and Italy, hts dwels lon la not on- which oaa b treat tad lightly by the wearer of the iron crown. It ts almost certain, however, tnat King Peter will make his prayer to a Oemni Drlnoeas. ' He be Mere that an alliance) with on flf tha leaser lights of Oarraan royalty would not ba looked upon with dlefavor at t. Petersburg, while (t would bare the affect of secur ing for him tba support 01 uermany mi tba Balkann. Peter asva Aejrtrtana. Vor a! time snarrtar to an Austrian prince was thought of, hut King Fetor strongly auspeets tnat tna Austrmns nlan to sets hht klngdora when they occupy Hovl-ltaaaar, which will fall aa their aha re with furtner dhrnatmDrmnt of the TurkUh amptra. Anrardlnaly tha Mea was tttodlBM or anbatttuttng Oermaa prlnoeen whoaa family ha strong Influence at the Austrian court. Prineees Rmma of Ruae waa aupgrsted tn his majesty acoause. of thto.' Bhe is tha eldttt daughter of the elder branch of the family, and the Reus prlaces ara powerful m the antia cne sf Uonarchs. -. Whether or not th old famny would ear ta ally Itself wHa n Kaiwneorswrlteh Is naknowR. but arrangncnaBia are buig mad to aacertatR this. Princess Kmtne, Is only) n yearn eld. while King Peter to middle-aged. But She Is sard to ba. T " .! L T T r I Another poaatbtlltv aa queen ormeorl ts Prlnreaa Mathilda) or Bavaria, Brand daughter of Prince lfMpold. tha regent of tha eeuatry. A Saupold Will become a Ina- when the Mad Otto dies an allianc with tha Wlttelabacha Is aapeclahy at tractive, prlncewa MathUd 1 somewhat elder tbdn Kam of Reun baring been horn tn ItfT. Th WlttelBhnahs ara e eroding y prowd. hower. and aa tha prlnreaa ts rather n miring ywung arnanan, aaarrtage witn tha IfaraMraw yltch tacks prrAabllltp. 1 prlnoeas crementine sf Itolgtuta has been put forward by King Peter's oun aelors aa a anluMe ntstoh for hlaa. Bjhs la th tfttrd daughter of King Leopold, and al his death will Inherit portion of But vast fortune, wntc would ba CITY aTOTIOKS.' raoretXD wmovxm or mnxvm .- s mut Noflra k hr-reby lv-a tbat at tba Bwrin f tha Conarll of tba City of Portland, Uragon, bld aa Ua Sib day of Oc lobar, ISvi, tba ful luwtnr i-M.lnli.A fc.B aitiHiti'tl: KMolrod. Tbat tha Council of the nty af rtwiuod. Orosoa. oWmi It xpoim ana pro poB to laiiirura Burualda atrrat frini tba nua or Wi of ri-oiit iral to tha raal Una of Third ainet br araoliia tba tri-t k aa proir aub srada. lakliis up, rcdraaalus and rvlaykiut tba tiM blocka new tn tba treat, and laylaff tba nocaaaary new atone blm-ki. all to ba ea a eoucrata fonndatloa aU Inrbr la tblcfctiaaa; by rplactrtf tba Old rath now Is UMr atraat In Ik, rttv a Btthnrfcan Hal Iwar OrvmnoDT'i rlaht of way and tba Port In ml Hallway (.'uaapaiiya runt or way, witn aTooTca ran dm ma man auTra ltiohB la drytb aud by pafltiB' the rUht of way arlta atuu blacka net aa au incbao 1 coi.rpto. Hald lmproratnoat to be mad hi aeeordaaf wltb tba rhanar and ordlnanoaa af tha City of Portland and tha plana, atw-tfleatlona and a M ma taa of Urn City Englnaer Slad Is tba af ftoa of tba ArnUror "f ttia City ( Part land au ite 16th day of pteasbrr, 190a. Indorardt "Tlty Boa-ttwar'a plana and apart Ac tlutta for tba laipravaniriit of Itamaldo trot Irt'iu U rait llii af Froat atraot to , tba eaat line of Third aftaat and tba aatlmatoa of the wtk t ba dono and tha pro ba Hie total eoat tbraof." Tba oat of aald ImDrovaBMiit to be asaaaaad aa prorltW by tba rlty ohartr-i earn tba proi any apaoiaiiy Banraira mitvof arm wmrn ia l.reby darlarid to ba all tba lota, parte of tola and parwli of land lylna: barwn a line loo faat north of and para I la! with the north llrw of Bnrnaldo atraf and a line 100 fttt ontb of and para 111 wltb tba amith Uoe af nmnalda atraot and bctweoo a line lOu fart Hit of lad parallel with the eaat Hne af tont atraet and tba Mat Use of Third atreat. lb Bualnaar'a Mtlmato of tbr prubaMe total eoat for tba mwroraawat af aald Burualee alnet la rr.WHi.oO. Th ebova 1 mi wore aw at to to be clamoa aa a atone, blurk ItniiroTeinaat and ah all ha mala Ulnd hy the Hty fnr a perted of 20 year. t-K vtdi'd tbat th" ewnara of a majority of tbo proparty baflbd by aaht ImproTeniant. a any portion thereof, stall nut prtltton for a now or different liaa.oaniMt ha for a tba asnlntloa of auch prrfcd. rna piara, 1 pen near vrna ana Nmini ot me City Cuyinarr for tha ha pre via on l laid BurnaMa atjvat are hereby adoptad. HaoJTa. 'mat ua Auditor or me dry ar FrrtUad be and bo hi be r any direr tad to jrtra or ilea of tha emooaod Imnreretncnt af mid llwl aa provided by tba rltr charter. I lemon trance a pa lnat tfte atxna mproT trnt may bo tied In writing with tba oodr abrnad wltbtn SO days from tba data af tie 6rt pnhlltatioB of tbla netlea. . . . ny ardor ai taa coanni. - . T1IOB. o. ntrxTW. .' ' Aadlfop of tha Ctty of portlaad. Porttan. Oracon. Octobor a. ISO. mcAjroiAr. 1 a'' OVBOaT ft aVAJT raAVOSSOO aUaTK. .. UMZTBP. . . . . , af Oeaunerae aHnibng, . , . lurk toaato, Tktrd aad Head Orftee. SB OH Bread ttreef. Trades. Tbla bank traneaob irnaral banking baal a. makaa loana. dleeoanta bilk and taa ara lrttara of credit available for traralora and for the purcbaee of uercbandlaa la any city of the war 14. uoaia ia toreia-a and domratie eatfbeuse. inieren paw eo an obi aapoajt. W. A MACttAB. Ifaaager, Saovmrrr ATnras m vbuit op, t8d HorHaon bL. Portland, Or. Traaaacte a Oonaral Ban kin Baslaeaa. ' SATMOS DEPABTMEltT. later aet Allowed 00 Tlma and Saviors Dap eat by, Acta aa Trnat for Beta tea. Drafta aad letter of credit avaltobl la all paitj 5 " .., .i:....rwJlaBt U A. LfWIS. ............ .Plrat Ttce-Prealdat A E Hll.LS.........akooad rbw-Prealdrat . . JUBJTB..... Sacra tary CTBura VATXOVA& BAJTBT r ' of vartlaad. Or. - Daabyaated Bapoaltory and Financial Agent sf v toe United Btota. PraeldeBt... L-jL- L. MTTJJI Caablar ,.,,..3. W. MBWK1KK Aaalataat Oe abler ...W. 0. ALVuKP coood AaaUUnt Caaftler. .. .. .B. P. BTEVBN8 Letter Of arodlt leaned available to Buropa and the Eaeters Btatra. Stobt Bwhanae and Talea-raobi Ttaaafaia eold on New Turk. Btoa., It. Loula, Bt. Panl. Omaha. Baa Pranclacei aad . the prinetpal pelnta a the NorthareaL - sunt ana umo mijb omwa in aoma to nan an Xondnfl, Parte, Berlin, Prank fort -oa-the Mala, Boag Konc TakohaaH. Copaaaaaea. ChrktUnla. Btockholm, At. reMrabwc, H eow, Burichi Bonolnhu Oollactton made on neerabl wrna, 1 abb a TrcTonr. BAjrmaB. l (Bctnblkhfd in lh.'.) fiuaiM .a aaeral Baahlnai Bni Collactlona mad at all point an favarabto html. . Lettera of credit homed a valla Me la Bnrone and all petota to tba United States. Riant Kscbanffa and TelesTaphlc Tranafrra mid en Mew Xork, Washinstoa, Chloarov St. Loala. Denre. oaab. sou kfootana and Brltkh Colombia. vrhanav an Id en Ufliwn. rna. BeiTio. Praiikfort. Beag Keag. Vetahams, bUaUa aad HoaolntB, I JBTTBB sTTATBS VATXOirAB BAH, aomTBTWBn 00. thibo 'akd oai tn. Xraaaasto a oonorai Baaauia; nuaiaeaa. KRAFT. THRT'ED AfmUabl hi all cltlea of the United Otata aad . , srarope, Maag aoag aaa auaiia. . . t.... J. . AlKSWoam Vice reatda4....'. .....W. B AVEB Aaalttant rkahler ....A at WBtOHT MaBUtBJLBrrar itattostai. babtk, . POBTZAVD. OBXOOaT. 7. PRANK WATBuN, Preetdeet A. L. DT'HHAM...u. Ttee-President B. W. nOYT. Cashier OEOnOB W. HOTT...........Aaaitant Casbler - Traaaaeto a eaaerai amnkiny ubumbb. Gratia aad kttera of credit leaned available w ail parrs oc toe woria. CofWcftob epecUlty. Oold dnat ewatbt nrotutta asoa. a camAgTBgBnw Of faff flit ads imaetmeata Munlciaal aad JtoUne aeade. Wrtto ar au. IMVt Flrat Bt, Portkad. Oraawa. MORTGAGE LOANS OB Portland Real Eat ate at Lowest totoa, Tltlaa 1 nan rod. A l tract a Fnrnlahed. auaaiaraa m xsubt pv. Ream A Cham bar of Ooeameree. greatly appreciated by King Feter. But Ah eocentrtoltlce of her sister. Princess Iioulaa of Saxr-Cnburg, and former Crown Prineees Stephanie of Austria, now Countess Irfmeya, oauae a suspicion that there la an odd stank la tba fam ily, and this Is a dlsadvaaugo. More over. Princess Clementina la aald to In tend to retire from the world, but eh may reconsider her decision at tha ffr of a throne. Nothing-deflnlt will ba done by King Peter In regard to his contemplated es pousal for a time yet save to aaosrtaln th sentiments of tha kin -of the pos sible- brldn Ha has bscoma even more seneltlr than of yore slnoa aacendlng the throne, and he hates tha thought of being rebuffed. AVaTTOaVa TBO (Coprrlsbt near ltews Serrlre, by Leased . Wire to The Joarnel.) London. Oct Id. Paulino A at or haa returned from Paris with her chaperon and fiance, B pander ciny. She has not pet announced her brldasmatda. Miss Altar's wedding gow la tnaklng In the hop of an nafashlnnabl mod lata whom Paulina ban patronised slnoa her child hood. , ' From tha Chicago Mew A " cmtfeaalna for worn on? fls on. H's all right, S suppose: hut I hop they Ul never get on the Ju dicial bench. Mhe Why de you snp that t He B-csuw thay would be oonttnw- atly addlaa; BwstBcrlpts to their optn- mna and ws poor men would never know where we werw at ' ,. M TwAWsTbtftU M. M. Austin of Winchester, lmt, knew what to do In th honr of need. Hts wlfa had such an unusual oaa of stomach and ltrer trouble, physlctons eould not help bar. Mo thought af and tried Dr. King's Maw Ufe Pill and she got relief at amen and was finally eured Oal Uft 01 TT IrOTIOI. PBOPotxa mTmorTMiBT of aoiais , , BTaABT. ' Kotte hi barahy alvon tbat at tb meatlna of taa Couprtl of the City of Portland, r--foo, held ou the Btb day af Ovt-lt. UbM, the Aillowlaa r-at4utlOB waa adopted. ' Beaolred. Tbat tba CwincU uf the City ef Portland, Oraon, aWma It aipedU-at and preemva to Ibhituto Hgrrla atrart frua) tha raai line of Willi a ma aoruua in th wrat Una of Ualua 1 Tiin 1 In tba ' pWluwlag waanar, to wn; IretBy aradlny the etreet foil width with full liiteracvtbyaa to the aad a by Uto C)ty Knaliievc. baconil- py brtotwur toe earfne f th afreet full whltb with fuM 1& tor aa lion to praper rede wltb Ihlril By ra-laylns eroaewatta. . ' - v ; fourth By Donalructlus attnta gnttera. Raid ItnpnrrenMut te bo madn ta M.ordaaM wltb the charter BBd ar4inan-oa of the city af Portland iu4 tho plana, p-rlQvitloiia and eatl atata ef the tlty Bntner A la too of. Oca of tha Andltoo uf ttm Ciy of Portland o tba tt tar af 'neptembar. lOA. todoraed: 'City Eiifineer'a plana aid aperlOcatk'Ua for the Improvement of Stuarts etreof from tha eaat Una of. WIIIUhm avenu ta the want Una of Caloa aeoue, end the oetlmetea of. the wrh to be Sena aad tba prubable total ut urnoi. Tha eoat ef aald Improremrpt to b aa a provided by the flty obarfer prop art specialty bcaentad tbfreby and Which k hereby declared to b- nil the Into. parU of kta and pat-o'te of kad lylna between a Ilea 1(M fl north of and parulU-1 Wltb tha nirlh Uo af Horrk atroet aad Hue Ji) fct a-ith of and parallel with tha eoutb line of ria atrapt, and batweea tba eaat Una ef W li llama seesaw sad to weat aae f Ualoa avt-uoa. Tba BtaineerB eettmato ef the probable total eoar for the laipaavetocat af .aald atom atroet k ta.ean 00. f . Tba a bora Improremerrt I to be tlaaaed a s rravel Iniptovaineut and shall be maintained by the city for a period of four year, provided tbat tha ownrra of a majority of the property benontad by aald improvement, ar any portion t)irof, aball not petition fur. a new ox dlf frfn( IrauraremeBt bufur nwk exiiUatlua. e earb period. The plane. apaebScartona ' and aaHaaataa ef the dty Bnaiaear for tha impruTestoat et aald blorrla atreat ara bar tbr adnuttid, Bc-aolved, That tba Audit. ef fa 'City ef Portland b and be k borehy directed to aive twtlra of tec prueoeed Imprevemact of bald BVret aa prorldod by aba city charter. Bnmmutrancea aaalnat the above Improve awnt may be Ikd In writing with the under alyned within dare- from ta data el the drat pubUc-aitoa at thla not boa. By erder of ta Coenrtt, . . , . r" THtSf . a TJBT1JW. . Aadltor ef the Ctty of PsrtliaeV . fnrtUnd. Oryjraa. Octobar . 104. rBOPOSID I3CTXB ra BAST TVXLfTB TRCET. rfofJcs la letv-bv alcen that at the Bee Hne ef tba Oounell of the City of Portland, Oregon, halft oa to 3tb day of octobar, lpua, the fol li'Wlnc raaolailon was a dot led; BHKlvod. That the Council of the City ef Fiat land, OTocon. deems It aapodlent and pro- pnti-B to cn t met a sewer ta Kaat Twelfth street frost SB f et aoatb ef the aootb Bne ef Tb'jmpaon street to w ow.nevtloi with the sewar to Tillamook atroet. Bald sewer to he of vltrl Pd aevrcr ptpa of eight Incbea clear laaldo dlamator with all aeceaanrr ratoh-baaUia. Sit- holes, lamp holes and b ranches. nia aewrr to be cnitalruited IB aeasroanea with the ebarter and ordlbances of tba City ef Portland and the plana. ai locations and rati metoa ef tbe Tlty Knini-er Iliad Id the of flco of tha Aadltor of tba Cilr of Portland on the ITtta day of September, 104, Induraed: "(Ity Enslneer'a plan and apeclacjtiona fjC a saner la Cart Twelfth etraot from S3 feat auutb af tbe aoatb tine of Tnofapeon street t a arwer la Tillamook atroet, aud the estimate of the work ta ha done aad fba arahnhle total eoat thereof.'' , Tbe coat of mid aewer to h aaataaes sa provided by tba tlty cfaartar upon tbe irupcrty art-dally bt netted tbctcly and vhlch k herebv clared to be all tba tnte, porta of lota and parceto of lead tytog totweea a line 1U0 teat north ef and parallel with tbe north-line af Tillamook, street and tha aotb line of Thomp son atroet and between a Una 100 feet east of awl parallel alra the east Una ef Bast Twelfth street and a Una loo feet weat of and parallel wlrh tbe weat line Of Eaat Twelfth atreat The Eaa-lnref'a estimate ef the probattle total eoat for the eoMtrecuoa ef told sewer la eomoo. , Tha plaaa, spedSaannas and eetlmarea ar tba City Bnaineer for tba eone tree 1km af said eewer are bar by aduptrd. Kosoivea, Tnat tn Aiwnrer or ma ttiy or Portlabd be and be la hereby directed to a-tve rottce of tbe prnfMaad conatrnctloa od aald aewer aaprontec py taa city coartvr. netAntwtrancea e a I nut tbe sbnv aewrf mar hp sled la wrttlac with tha ea feral coed within days frtm the-dato af tba' Brat pataitoaUoe f thla notlca. By erder ef th Oaanrtl. ' - . . . Tiios, c. nrruw, - s Aadltor ef tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oreson. October a. lStM. raopossB ntPKOTEVUT STBXXT. or . ajtxext Xottce ts bereby ilTia that at the iseetlng. or tba round I or the city ar rortbind. Or soa. bM on tbe nth day ef Or. 1M4, the lolkiwlhs resolution waa ados ted: Resolved, That tbe Council of th City Portland, nrraoa, decrea It e esnodlent and nrn eVt from tba west noaa to Imorov Ankaav air lino of Seventh street te tbe eaat line t Park street to tbe f "Howies manner, to-wlt: rirat nv era ill na tne atreat to tbe aab-srade fa IT width with full intaraectlona, as abwn ny ta atakna set ay the City Kiigln-er. Becon nd By eoustrui'tti a luce block header. - Third Br laylns tile. ins tue. , , rnurtaaiy cm ha. eoastrscrmg , artutotal rifth y brloainc the eat-fac sf tb Street fell wlitb w-rni full totoneclloo to grade with bltnHthle pavement. Bald Improvement to t made re aeenedattce ltb tba charter and ardlnaarea of the City f Portlaad and tba plana, aprclAi-aUons and eatl Dtttrs of the City Eng-lneer Sled In the offua ef tha Auditor ,f the Ctty of Portia nd oa tba 4tb dar ef Ortor-er, 1904. Indoraed: "City Bn Clnrer'a plana and aneclfloatloRa for tbe Im provement ef Ankenr atiee.fn-m tha weat Una of Rt'vcnth etreet to the eaat Hne ef Park treat, aad the eatimatea of the work to ha 01 no and tha probable total coat thereof." th coat or aald improvement to ae aaaeaaart aa provided by be city rbartor upon tbe prop rrtr apedslly aud pectillarly benefited Iherffiy and whleb ii'serebv declared to be the follow iba; Boutb H Mock 54. Cnueh'e addition f tao Utr of Portland: ecutti H of Park block A and the north H ef Meek aorta one -ball SB, Pert land. Tbe Engineer's satlatato ef the probabk total coat for I he 1 mare a meat af said Asfcaay atr.-t k tl.ItM. Tha above Imcrnremrat hi to be ol eased aa a Mtullthle paemcat and aball h malntalnod br 1 fee etty ff a. period of curbr rear, pro Hid that the owners ef a maieritr of the prorerty betn-ttted br mid lilt prove a-eat or any portion thereof aball not petlttnn for a new or different Impcovtment sonura lbs aspkattoa ef eu'b Bx-rfnd. in j'hiin. eperifKaHor ana enttmatea r tne (Hty Baainecr f- tbe Improvement ef asJd Afreny atrtet are hereby adopted, Reanrvt-d. Thj-t tbe Auditor of tba City ef Pertknd be aad ha hi berenv directed to aive not 1 10 of th- propnst-d tmnrovctmnt of aald atm't a provide' br the city ehartar. nemonat ranees asalnet tba afxre lmerov. a-t-nt mar he Sled In wrltli.ff with the andrr-rla-ned el thin 80 darn from bhe data af Urn it pnMlcatla of thla rottoa. By erdec ef to CounHI. T1IOB, C. flBTUIT. Andttor ef the City of Portknd. Perth nd. Orasea, October 8, ISO. pROPOfED mpROTrMTirr or east tab- : BULL BTBEXT. KotW'to heeeby gtvej that at rh nwellng at tha Cnamt of lb lMt af wovtland. Ore. go, held eti the btb day of frtohwr, IPUa, the following reeAlottos Was sonpted: ItesoteeA lbat tbe Umiik-11 ef tha flty of Pcrilaud, Oreson, decani It rtpcdlrut and pro p"s te Improve Baal Tamlilll etreet from the eaat Hne f Eaat Thirty -t.iarth atreat to the neat Hoc sf Eaat Tblrly-dfth street to lbs folk wing manner, to-wlt: Pit at By brtnalns tba street to grade aa ihowa by the SUkea eat sy tn City Buglneer. BemiHt&y cnnalrtiotlns vaxll sidewalks IB eerordanco With tt-m (its BusioMr'S. Stoaa aiecl flea tlon and ratlmatea. Btld Immremaat to 1 reedf la acrordaacs With Hi charter and ordinances of the I'ltr of Portland akd tb Si ma. ractaratk.ns and cellmates ar taw tity aiunmi-r at o is tn (.ffK-e of the ftodllvr of the City of Porthnd on the I9th day of September. 19114. todoraed: 'Tlty Engineer pUne and apt Hfp-atl'iua for tba improvent at Cast TambtQ alreet from the saat Itoe ef Kaat Thrrty foin-th atreat to the weat line Of East Thirty -IKb atreat and ib eatlniatca of the wrk to be don sad lb prubabk total -oat thereof." Th east ef aald tumraaement to -he as- aeued aa provMed by the ctty charter upon tbo arnuerty' asovlallr tMwflted thorebr and wrlrb, to berehy decbred l be all ton lota, paria tf tola and para la of toad lylag Jotweu a line nm isei nnria 01 aa parallel wits the n,rtb ttne of Eaat VanthlU airrei and a Hue ( fret south of aud parallel wltb tbe south I line ar Boat Tanrniu etrrei between the- eot Bne sf Eaat l-blvty-fearrb atreat Wiat Ua of Eaet TMrt'-Sftb atreat. Tbe Engioear a tattmata of tn probable trial mat foe the lmpruveaMac of aaM skat VamblU atvH k flTTxSj. ' The plana, op. I rirat tona aaa eat 1m tea af to Cltv Btislneoa tar the ImnroveoM-nl of said Poat latublll street are bTehT a.tipUd. Bew-lved, That tbo Auditor ,t tb City of rVvtUnd b Bad ho to hereby at reefed t gtvr Bolke ef th proaswed toiiirovcment of aald aiiit aa provided by the ctty or... tar. aenvtnatraBcea aniusi in ai-.To rmprove ment mar bo Ir-d In Witting wlrh toe under atgood wltbto S3 day toa the dale t Baa Brut pul-lk-atlon of tbU notice. , ( , MM aroer oa soe amncr , . . Tift . ff, flRTTJr. Auwitat of tbe City of rvniaad. PWrttosA,' Oceawm, Octet 8. ISO. OSTT aoncEg. 1 Bam bag j4nwewa'a'eBBBr PBOPOtID IFWTR XBT AaTBt BOAP. EAST TWEMTf-flBAT BTRBET, SAW IRVINw . BTREiT, EAST TTOrTY-BEOOBD BTBXKT ABD OACUOB BTRXET, Bufla k hereby it ten tbat at the meettaf of tbe t'uaacU of VU City of Portland. or r . h"W oa the btb day el o.u !, IPua, tor yuiwliaj raaoluuoa waa adoutMl: Btoolwd, ThU tba CouuiU f the Otty ef Pi-rt land. Ureas, deenu) It aSvedlei't aad pro toa'8 to Couairuct a Sewer is Band road. Twenty Aral street, Eaat lrvlus street, Kaat Twvuty-sei-ond strvat and Orsa auvi't. ttoio the later arc tloa of Orrsom street anil Hai'dr r"d to tbe aewar In Kat Twontlath atrret at Bandy road. Bald a-tvef to bo of vitriflod' aewar pipe wltb aH a.-oary natch latlna, uu-bulea. lamp-tmloa and, aad U- t-o of tbo fo I lowing dlaieuakna; Of 10 tstbca clear In aide diameter from the tnUraectloa of Oresuii street wltb Bandy road to a point In OrecoA a tree t at Bast Twenty-eltth atroet; tbpaoa of 11 lucbm clear Isajda dlainates front a f.lut la On-p-n atreat at Kaat Twanty-alrtb atreat to a point la Ore sen street at East Tweiity-foorUi itrt-et; tbaur of 14 inrnaa clar lbalde dlamator from a potot bb Oragua atreat at Eaat Twenty-fourth etreet to a .juAnt Id Orocna atroet at BaaC TvMnty-aeeand street; tbotn-O of IS iBcnaa clear lualdo dlaineter front a point la Beat Twesty-eecuod street at Ora fon atreot to a print in r.aet TwmtyHMKond 1 1 rest at Eaat Irving atreat; tbr saw of 1H li che clear lnsid diameter from a point in Baal Irving street at East Twenty -second tract tn a point la Eaat If ring atreot at Eaat Twenty -twit iuut; (bene of Bb tor) if eWar insld dltuatr from a pctat to taI Twanty-ftrit in rt at East Irving street to a point to E( Taeaty-Srat etreet at Hast Quean atrevt; d-tnee af PS Incbea eicar toatde diumater to S i-.T.aecttoo wltb tbe aewar la Ready read at Baat Iwentlei Uvt Natd erwrr to be eosatrttrted fa act-or da oca wltb tbe charter and ordinances ef tbo City of Portlaad aid tba plana, euedncatkin pud as 1 1 ua tea of tbe City Eurtnear Sled la tbo Office or the Auditor ef tbi- City of Portland oa tba lath day of Heptc ruber, 1904. Indoracdt I1ty Engineer a plana and eaor ideations for m Bcarhi Sandy road, Easi Tw.-ntj--drat atreet. Cast Irving' I root. East Twepty-arcuud atriat and Ori'ton atrent frnni tha lutoraer tloa of Ort sa Street and Randy road to the newer In Etot Twentieth at rat at Bandy road, ond tba aetlmalca of tba work to be doss and tba net able total coat thereof." Bald ewer to be conatracted for the fmrpos ef aawerlns all tbe let a, oen of lota and ptrcok of land lying witala the. dhUtlct sosaded and daocribed aa fullowa: ,. Commencing at a pvlnt to feet eon th ef tbe aouih hne of Randy pnad tn rectangular HM-asareinent and in feet weat of the weat 11 ae of flaet Tweiity-ftrat atreat; tbene Berth akini: a Una 100 feat Wi-et of and parallol wltb the West Una Of Eaat Twenty-first atreat to a point UK) feat north ef tbe north Una ef Eaal living at?Mt: tbiiica eaat akus a Una luO feet mrtb of and parallel with the north Hue of Bast Irtlns atreat to a Point 100 fret west of lb; wtst line of Bast Twenty -second street: taenco north, nlnsf a Una ion feet eet of and para lief with tbe weat Una tt BaatTwoaty-aecoiMl ataet to point H "feet north ef the aurth line of Orero atrcet; trear east along a line inn fact nirth ef and parallel with toe north M11 of Orovon afreet to the center Hne af Knat Twenly-aecond ft root: tinenee nor lb abiug tba renter Ua of Eaat Twenty-aecoad street to th eater line of Pari be atroet; tbenca eaat abmg tbo crater lino of Paclttc afreet to tbe eanter line of Bast Twenty- I troth street; thence Booth alonaT tba center Hue of East Tv.ti.ty-eisbth atraet te s ptat in Kaat Twenty rlgbtb Btrei-t ll-n feat smith of tbe south Una of the Bandy road Id rectannilar mea anr amen t: thence la a eontr. westerly dlreritoo a lung a Uac ( feat anatbeaaturly froBi and parallel wltb the Bontherly lino of tba Bandy road In rec tangular awaaoramant to the plao ef segl nlng. , The cost ef said aewer to w aaaeeaed as pre-vtd-4 by the city cfasrter npoa tha loth, parte of Imb and Mreek of km! lvtne within tbo dltrtot berelnk-fora bounded and described. Tbe Engineer's -t Invite f tba nrobabla total coat tor the naatracUoB af . efld aewar to .fia.ort. Tbe plan, epeet flea tiees and earlmates ef the flty EnalD-vr tor tbe aeaetrselioa ef aid aewer a hereby a dented. Rianlml, Thst tbe Auditor ef the City ef Portlaad be and fee h hereby directed to give rustics of tba nroposedr const rwt ton of said ewer aa provided by the city charter. Rfttpwatrances agntuat the nb.ive newer may ho died In writing with the undersigned within 2ft days fro the date ef the flrat poo ilea ttoa af. uk notice. . By arOer of the CeooclL . ' ttYob. fi pKrtm, Andttor of the rtty f rortlaad. . Paetkne, Oregon. October R, MOi. PB0P0SXO XkWBOTataTXBT Of EAST BUTE BTBAETi Wotles k hereby grem that at tbe sjsetfos; of tbe Couricll Of tba City ef Portland, Ore gon, held ou (he Bib day of Oil. -bar, lave, the fnlloWlbg reaoluUo waa adopted: That the Council of tba City af Portland, Orvgon, deema It espedlcpt and pro ucea to Imrjrov Bast line street from tbe east lino nf Enst fifteenth atreat te tbe east line of East Rlgnteenth atreat kj L tba foUowtog Bunner, co-wk ; Flrat By grading the' atroet fBJI width with run intersections to tn proper sun-arana an aU-wn by tba atakea eat by the City Engineer. econd-By brlnslus the anrface of the aUeel full width wltb toil latoiwecttow to graaa with gravel. Third By rorstrocrtng arttflrtal srn side walks Ib accordance with tbe city Begiaear'a pkns, apectocationa and eaUmstea, ronrtb--lly consulting wouden atdewatka tn aronrdance with tho Hty Engl user 'a plane, peelAretloiM and eetimatca. Fifth Br conatructlng wooden eroeawatft. Blith By conatrwctlng boa ana atone gut ter la Uccordani-o with tbe City liiiglasari plana, apectneatfltaa and estimate. bald tmnrDVmcat to be made la accords oei with the charter and ardtaancoa of tbo City of Portland and the pbtne. aperlflcatlona aad eotlmatca of the City Pug I near died la tbe of ne of tho Auditor of the City ef Portland en the 4th day ef Octobar, ltto4. Indorsed : "City Engineer's plana and averloeatlona for the IntpruTemeat of Cast Plae atrvet front tbe east llqe of East -Fifteenth treat to tha east Una of Eoat Eighteenth atraot, and the eatr mates of tho work te be Boas aad the probabk bial cost thereof." Th cat of aald Improvement to be aaoeaeed an provthd by the elty charter upon the prop erty snectallr and peculiarly benefited thereby pud which k hereby declared to he all tbe lota, ptrta of )t aud parcele of land lying he. rvreea a Hue 100 fvet north of and parallol wlib the north llnr of Eaat Pine etreet and a Mn luo feet nnnth of and parallel wlfh the nrutb line of Eaat Pine atrvet and between The eat flue or Eaat Fifteenth afreet aud a Una liHl feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Ene Ktghteewtb etn-r. The Enslnsvr'a eat I mate of the pevoabk total coot for the luticovoawBt sf mid Eaat tiaa atreet ta t,4.nii. The above limriiewont k to he atonaed aa a granl Improvement and aball be maintained 1 by tbe rjty tor a bctmhI or Br yoara. pro Mod that the owrMT of a majority of thu acouetlr benefited by aald fmpmvement ar any portl-M i inrrrni iiuii priiiinn iw a uew or oil- ft-nint Imnrovaaiatit bwfore tba ea air a Una af auch nerVtd. The plana. ereclBeatkaw and cetlmstea sf the flty tnslneer for th Improvement of gabt Eat Ptne atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved, Tbat the Aadltor of tbo City Of P"ttland be and he bt hereby 41 reel od to give not tee of tbe nrripnerd unpravern'nt of aabl atreet aa prtrrldrd uy tb city charter. ftaoBolranra againat the almve ujj prove meat nay b- Sl.-d la wrlltog wltb the ub-rlgneil withta m dari from tbe daw af the arst pub Ueatloa of tbla entire. . - By erdec of the Caatnett. ' THng. C, DVTXIrf. ' Andtbar af tbe Cltv of Portland. Pnrftaad, On-goa, Octwer S. 10O4. PR0P04XO SEWER XBf VIBBEBOTA AvBTTB. h'otto" k hereby given that at tb BMvttng af th Cbasrll of tbe City of Porttond. Oce- Joa, h"ld on the btb day of Oetobsr, Ibot, the tUawIng rasolnttoa waa adopttid: R. solved. That lh Umtnt-il of the Clry ef PVrtlaiid. Oresoau seem It expedient and pra nraes to eonatruct a oewcr In Mlnnctnt avenos fr. he sst'th Ua ef rYeacett atrc-l to a rorwectl'in With tbe aewer la Shaver Street. Mid sewer to be of ritrlsed rwer pipe wirfa all neceaaary eateh-rsalna, uaa-boka. wmp-hole 1 and toasebca. and to ba nf the fouowluc dt- j rriIima: or 10 incbea clear Ineitl alt met or frrra the wmth Kn of Prvdeott ttreet t C'lct In Mln-eer-ta avenue at Haaon strict; fi-r r 12 Inches bfltle din mater tp a point I Hlr.ncaoU nrnoj at ttliver re. "aid aewrr to be casatructed to accrabtnew wltb the charter and ordinances of lh City of Portland and the plana, u-rfS-atbin and eethnatce of the Cltr Etioinaer Bkd r ibo fbr. of tb AmlHvr of the City of Portland oa tNi U-th day of peptariber. 1B04, Inttorwd: "City 1 Enslne. r's ttkit and aocHaV.'Uttons for S aewer ' la wlnaeoota arei.'ie hw the e-'tb Ua of Piearntt atrvet I the awr Is hawf Btreet. Slid tb e-Miual. of the wirb. to he Sens aud tbr probable oal coat thereof.' Tho coat of arid aewer te be aaaveaod aa pro vided by tb- elty rbertr-e wr-nn Ibe proper tr irJally baueated thereby aad abtek k ber-bv A, ard to be all the Iota, parte of itm and patn-la r land ijinf netweefi a Mne J'W I eel a-iet of and paralUI urlth th tt line of Miitaeoota aveau rd Una its) feel east of atlnscaota and parattol witt the eaat lib of Mlntieenta artrute and be to re fba. iwsrb Ua of ouavat Street tnA fh" aortb line of I'rvsrott street. Tb Raguvesr'a eetlmile et lb prebaMe aetot rest foe lbs cewtrurtlos of said ss to TIA Tbe pkns. epeclgrsfbins end euftauites f tbr City Binlreer for tbe spuanrusuoa St jaaM t-m rr are hereby aAptcd. KUarVeA That lb Audttoy of the Ctty f TMlUud be and be hi LerobY directed ts aim imHco of th proposed crmatraerton of o U a wr aa dlrectc' b too elty ebarter. Be monstrance againat the above aewvf pntv be filed la writing with tbe undersigned within F dan from Ua dt ef tb Aral tmblloatteg of tbk settee. 1 - By arda of Bb CbawHt. - . , , . " TilOB. C. DriJN. 1 tndltor of me Cltr "f Portlaad.. Portkad, Oregxst, Ottobev 8, XM. t ' 0TTT VOTIOEB. P0POE BVB1 IS RAPT aUSOOM BTRBEf. - Notts hi boteby ajtvon tbat t tbo meeting of tbe Coaacll. of the t lty of Porilaad, uragua. bald oa the Otb day of October, llftM. the fol liytrlng rtwotntl 'B waa doW-d: ' Hnfitvd. That tn ivuarii or is 1.-117 Portuod, Oregon, neems It Mpedleat and aro poaea to Coo tract a ncwey la Eat MadU-m trlfe from the east tin of P1fsapt lw ad dition to fba or war to Kaat Madieoa atraot at B-at Tweaty-UIrd atreat. Bald aower to no ef t trifled aaevr pipe of 10 lucbos aleai Imle dlamelcr wltb all naoaesary ratch-haslna. sja b"ba. lamp-hole and branebes, Bald aewar to soaatructod Ot geesrdetiee wltb the Charter aud ordinances ef tbe 1'ltj of e Charter aud or din -ore et tne 11 u or t and tba ptma, spoulncittoae aud a f the City Unaincer Bird in the office Auditor of th City f Portland en the PortUnA tlmatos of Hu aiottt, r th cur a ItMh eWy af Baptambsr, WH. lnooraat: - tit Euglueefs pt4na ami spectO.-atbiia fnr bower In Kaat Madlaoa atreet from the eaat Une f Plraaant Tlew Addition to tbo newer hi Bat lasua atresk at East Twa at -third atroet. and the eatlmatH ef tha w..rh Is ba done aa the pT'ibabla total eoat thereof." The eoat af said to he saaoaaVa provided by tho City Cl.arter. ia th prop erty anecMrslly aeaettod tbe reft r. snd wnicn to baral dorlared te ba all tha bits, parte sf hts and percale of land lylnr nvtwceo ne IAD frat aortb of aad parallel with the norm tin of Boat Madtsoa sttvet and aa eastrrty es- l.n.ln Ib Ita uwaaa enupaa and a Una 1O0 let south ef and parallel Wltb tbe south line af Madt"n Street ang an easterly ieoai In lto prcaeat conrsc, and between tba esat lino af Bart Twaty-rhrrd strt and a line M fiut osM of and parallei With IM OS at Hup t I'lt-aaant Vliw addition. . The ragtner'a atimafe of the probable total eoot tor tbe ' snatnittoa af eid aawoe N A4SO.Q, , The pLitsK apeHlratton aad serlmate ft the City Eoglnaei for th eassuncttoa of Mid aew ar ara b..mby adopted. . R.-aolvel. That the AadHop of tbe City nf Portland he and be If hereby directed tn give mo ik of the proposed ronet ruction of aald awer aa prorldod by th City Charter. Krii)iNrrrancea aea Inat tbe above aewar mar he filed la writing with the undersigned within day from the date ef tbo Arst public Uoe of this notlca, , By Order et the eeancfi. J; 1 1 Andltor ef the City ef Portland. Portlaad. Orrguu, Octobar t 10M. PB0POBALB JOB TZKD rOB TBS BTRXET -0L BAB IBB ABB SPRXBRXIXn fiXPART MXBTTr Sealed nraonaak win be racetaed at rh fnc of tbe Andiioa of the Ctty of Portkad. uatU Friday. October 14. 14- at p. m.. for fur nlah lug the 14 treat Claaslng bad Bprlnkllag le Eartment with . aa teas ch-at hay. ,r .v-.?- .'rf v , " S3 tone grey oata. . i !: . - ; ' ( , 4 tona ooustry bran, ' , ' . ' ' ' Delivery to 1 Bit 4c at th Ctty Bin. Bli teontb Bad Mndtaon etreeta. Bamplea of bran and oak moat be eobuiltt-4 with bid aad bay auhject to approval on delivery. N proposal will be coualdceoa unieaa sscoej. ponied by a certltled check payable to tb order of (toorse H Wllllame, Mayor of the City of Pertknd. eoaal to 10 pat east, ef the aggregate aaaKiBt of tba bid. ' The right to retort any aad sB bids a hereby reeerted. By order of th Bseeatlv Board. TlIOB. C. DETLIK. ; Aadltor af tb City of Port land. Portland. Oregon. October g, 1004. proposals roa RXPAianw aoorB. Sealed ptwpoaala will he reeelveg by the Water Board ef lh City at Portland, Orsoa. nt tll p. at., October IA IW. tor repairing tho Voofi f tbe Albtna and Uaeola aud jk-reuth-H tract pumping atatlona. ' oprclllratiena and form of proposal may g ottflnod at the water ofSc, City HaH. With ebcb bid must b eesoalted a certtBed check rxtr finoa), nayahl to tho AuJltor af tM City of Portlaud. Oregon, and nonda acceptabk tt tbe Mayor of th dli Will he reajasated ef the aacceMful bidder. Tha rlctrt 1a reeerred by th Wste sward to relict or or all propoarla. rroroaal mast ba cnrloeed la aa errretone. aea led and marked " Proposal foe Repairing Bocfa" ang addreoaeg to the uriOeralgacd. By erder or the Water Boar. .PRANK T. norma. guperbrteBdesc. rwrtmad, Oregon, October . taoC l! Oily Double-Track RMllmj gegaBtlB Missouri River - mi Th OiTcago-Portlund S pedal, the most fuKunouB train in the work! Urawino-roufn sleeping cars, dining car. burfct amokiDB sod library car (barber Rod hath). Less than Vint days Portuod to Chicago Two ThroughTralns to Chicago ar operated dally el the gregon R. R. ft Nav. Co.. L' P. R. R. and hK-aso ft Nortb-Waatara Ry. CbicaVo from Portland and points to Oregon aaaV fiaatara Washiagtoa. Dally cnrioae hi Fallnsaa toerlat slecplngcarafrom Portland through ' to Chicago fftthoat change. & R. RITCHIB. a. O. SARRBK. eB0ai Ay at. .w. ny. ia Thsrd at, e-e .Transwntlnentaal Irgtl lndB Danlly PAST TIME TO IPOKAVR, BT. PAVI DVMTTH. MINNR A 11)1.1 ft, CIIK.'AOO AMD Day light tip through Ih Ofcacnd and bo ky rtf(iintnlna For full partic ulars, rate, folders, ta., call on or ad dress 9 " "to, ot TtsM sVrs. . LtB Ts. ed. Chicago 1 an sea 1 Act. ric. eaaat. BR . c. n.-w. bi. can ns ai NitiM knn. - ottTiifo mieat. Baa Pbamcwco, cal. " PoaiLAss. Oaa, BALTIMORE P OHIO R. IV. AlAt IJLA1N3 VlAWAIJvOTON "Tm?3 I Ik I if gmx lfrWJ i f. 1 IV I J ' - - I II. 7 X I sU"vo Oregon abb union Pacific 3 TRAINS TQ THE EAST DAILY Through Pvillma rd ang teortot b-o tog car doily to Oaaaba. Chlcae. SpeJknr; brlit atorplRg car daily to Kantaa Ctt.r 1 tlirengh Petlinau tturlat leept'tg can dierwn-'' ally orulu.ted weekly to Catcazo, Mt-cllalag-ctaak cars (eoeto treat te tn Baa dell. pxiok pbpox. chica ooportlabd 'EiIAU tut tha Vast tia Seat togtea. . leal Ami :m a. to S a to. ttoiie, ... ' BPOKANB PT.TRR. Per Kaatarn WaaWns-f Son. WalU WaUa. J-ew-it.. Cocas Alert drU a. m. lBAto, Pally, and ajpaat ortbarn potats. A TLA NT tO RTPBE5R. Per tha Eaat via Uuat- insioa. OaUy. . IDatly. ? waaa uau ai'ia waiiVVL. POR BAN PBANCISCO: Oeo. V. Elder Octa.A IA S3. rvwn - ' Alnaworth ,Ioek. B. B, Columbia- 8;W pat (et. s. in. In. ohunbjslvryvfeUC POR ASTORIA aad way point. Connecting with Ptutr. for Ilwaco and North Reaoh. ate. Baa- no s. a. Dally. -v. Sunday 8a tu May ' Ahoot -b oos. si. eSLsesasy. aaio, Aab-at. doeh. 10 ,00 p. B. TamhUl lleor Boa to. ftIR rJATTflX. Oregnn Ctty and Tambtlt ttirer'. W a, av Srpas. Dally. poiata, atra. Kurb aadicatiy. Hdoc. Aahwt. doefc. (Water a.TinlUlug.1 es. ftosday es. Baaday. roB LEwurrosf. tda..f and way polnta from Dally Blparia. Wash., atmra. aa. " Bpnhane and LewlKton. ' About IS ' Dally, ex, Prlday. TICKET OffTCE. Third and Waablngtoa, Tala . pbea Mala Tit. FOBTtaABB ASIATIC B. . B CO. Pes Toknbama and Mrmg Aorrg. calHn at nrbe, Nagnkl and Shanghai, taking fjwight via ennuect1i tlearnem tor plaalla. Port Ar tbnr and Tlaillvoatok: 8. 9. AUAfttA. Oct. Ij B 8. ARAOftSIA, Oct. PS: g. ft. NCMANTIA Jtov tl, fn, fr'gbt aad fuel bee pankviar ai'plp ts . - IAMBS- W. DEWSO. Agent. TeWwhooe Main 304. t'prer Alaska fSnrk, EAST via. SOUTH DNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVRRLANtl nxmrrttti tral, fnr Balem, Roe-l burs. AahlanA Bacra-I 8t 8f p. m. tiiente. OadcB Baa Prua-I T;Bs. aw cUco, Btooktoa. Ijm An aeWa. Et paao. New Or lean and tbe Eaat Morals , train eon oecta at Woodnurn daily ex cent Bundnr t.M.BL :. at. with train for bit. TOO p. to. Angel. BllvertesJ BroWBSVilto. B p r 1 B-r field. WondUng, Sbdl Albany pa aaen per ena.l aerie at woudimra wifaJeie-toa sv kit. Angel sod SIIverT to tocaL I Tra.-BL 14S10p.m. Corvallls BaaaeaaTer.,... If B:M a Bnerldaa paaeetiRer to i.SB a. Dally. 1 Daily, eireot Bundnr. lWtlsjuVOswege Soburbas aWviee sad Taamffl Jhvlalea. Depot Foot of Jefferaoa Atroet. Leave Portland dally for Oswegw T.Mt a, at K.ftft. !:. 1:25- 8 W. -Vl l:td p. St. . Dally (except Sunday). ;, S:n. iri a. m.t 4:O0V. U 0 p, Sk Baaday piy, 8:00 a. m. Returarng from Oaweso. arrtve Portland datlr : s. m.; 1:M. 8:B. 4:3. 1I. T W. S Wt, U'10 a- Daily except Rumlar) e ffl. T P. t an, 10: ). 11:43 a, . Except tou0a. 11. St p. m. Sunday only, 11:00 a. m. fnve from sam depot for DuTJa and lata mediate point dally lei cap Boaky 4:B p. au Arrlvo Portland 10:20 p. m. The 1 nib-no a dance -Moo mouth Motor Use operate daily to blorrmoiiih and Air He. cn sectlng wltb Rontbrn fad no oompany's tracks St Dnlbra and Indepeadeoe. Pfrat-alaa far from Portland to Baemmento and Piu Francteco 3o. berth sA; aecnod-claae tare I1B. aecond-claaa berth PS fln. Tkhet to Eaatern points and lTiuepi. ahur Jaann, China. II on'. lain and Anotralla. City Ticket Office comer Thud and Wash ington atr-ft. Fb oa Alain T12. C W STINOER W. R. COMAN. City Ticket Agent. Gas. Pans. Ai TIME CARD f. trains; PORTXAIVD t LKION D3POT, Fwsst Bound Umttad. Poparts. rrlv for Taaom. aV-altle Olrmsto. aoatb Besd imp. m. and (iruy'a . Harbor nolnto. hortb Coast Llratted. for Tacoma. tile. Butte. Bt. Paul. Mln nrapttU. Chicago, new York. Boston and pnluU BaaC and SoHtbeaac. l.-Ota. sv 1A9 a. at. ' Twln-CHT Eiorvae. for Tacoma. Beat tie. Spo- kaue. Helaa. Bt, Taul. lllnaeaoolla Chteaso. llidB a L N.-W York. PJo-t. and all points Eaat aad Boittheuat. Inst Sound - Kansas Ctty St. Louie Special for Tacotua. n.-nttle. fixkanc. Butt. BUIlitxa, wnver. Omaha. Kansas :a. SB. T.-OSa. Sb City, Bt. Luute and a ula and alii- -. aad soutbl , point it. -r All tratoa daltv asceot on' nutb- srasch. A. U. CM a ULTu X, Aaaimbt ft nets I Psaacnger Aseot, 83B Morriana et.. cor. Third. Portlaad. Or. Astoria & Columbia X " River Railroad Co. FNioN nsroT. Arete. Ih Daily. IW Marswnislwww. paity. Clatakaate wotiort) 11 :lu i C'Uitoa, Artorto. Vl'r- rf . -reatoo, llaiet lUm-i mood. PnVt B't-vena.! j'. ;. UeartMn Park. Pable. , . Aaiorla sad asbu(.i , ' gtseas dalf... drtorB. skprees. r-fujfj aa. Dally. J 8.4. a. ft M.TO. ' AatetU. UC. . P. end P. C A, BTTTW A TIT Cnorbil As wet, AW AWa at. Phone Mala " si the rkhen rnu. fro mm - tb work 7';. " " coat brlrv. ) Octen, MtP FR'V ' op-a. laiTll SOUTCi Ol 1. 1 It- V