The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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1 6MklIiMMtlrLMw WtrttoTWMOMn
1 ' t heater.. Pa. Oct. i. Pnyetclane of
thla towa ar pttsaled vr aU-raar-old
htanUa Bedi. who u and d dirt
' to rifmnM to toad. Th child an
her peculiar appetite are a mm ef
' Mt eroador throughoat tbe country
1 Th little 1rl wae bam em tha day of
j fhe battto of Manila hay and waa chrle-
aaaaa to oosmenwfh)a f
aoric want.
' TIm child a know ma tha wmd
awter." White th other children spend
'" tha pennies given them by Oisir parent
1 ppea ondy. UtUa Manila willingly o-
. nataa all thaaa family Vina ta her bil
lah friend and forasrose tha enjoyment
of toffy and other dainties for tha priv
ilege or elttlng aloaa in tha roadway ad
onjoying a anoreei of common dirt,
tramped down by the hoofs of aoreee
ana rollad ovar by tha wheel of faraa-
" ar wagona
- 1 took UUla ManOa to tha seashore
m,- seya Hrt Bedle, -and aha ftllad
'herself full of tha aand and ata aa ravea
' nusly of tha stuff as would anothar
child af pdy., Wa left tha. aaaahora
and .went to tha mown tains, and tha
-deer lltUa gtrt waa brought day aftar
stay from tha roadway by tha nurse,
who found bar. eating nod and dirt from
.. the read."
Mr. Bedle baa baan In eonatant eon-
auluttoa with Dr. William F. Builman
f thla city, who 1a turn baa eonaultod
I number of phyeldans about thla
atrange phenomenon. Tha doctor aaya
tha chlld'a health at th present time
. ta excellent For three waeka an ex
perienced trained nurae baa been em
ployed to watch the child and let her do
'aa aha ohooeea. ;
The doctor a report abowa that tba
athlld. when left alone, baa eaten ao
'much mud, dirt, burnt xaetchea and
laehea from tha etove that for three days
- no ona oould Induoe bar to tak.nourlah
Snoot that waa placed on tha table; . -
, Vt. i - - :
oesyricM. RMI Kews terries, bf Xmwi
. Wire ta TV. taiwt)
London. Oat I. While New Torkera
re making much ado over B. R. Tbomaa
fraying tut a day Tor the royal eulte
eU the -8L Regie hotel, Londoners famil
iar with tha prtcee of the arlatooratki
Jiotela hare are not amaaed at Mr.
Thomas' extravagance. Mr. Cornallua
IVanderbllt and her - daughter Oladya
occupy today tha royal aulte at Clar
tdte'a veatliujr ItOt a day. Tha Vender
bllt'a ohm from Parla Taureday to
send a few daya abopplna?. .
Clarldie'a royal auita la tha meat ea
fenalTa In Iondon. Only royal t leu and
Amartcaa mllllonairea are raoklaaa
- ainoucb to occupy It. It te rarely vacant.
Mrs, a P- Huntina-ton quitting- U tha
day faMfora tha Vanderbilta arrlred. to
nail on tha Ooeanle. Clertdta la nt aa
large aa tba ft- Regie, but the prleaa and
. Its luanrtaa are arrival ed erA. by tba
' 'i. -
Openal Dteaatm a Tke Vearaalt
. Wtaooa. Waab.. Oct. . ft. a Cox.
H. D and H. Ji Banning were arreeted
while hiding in the underbruah near hare
yeeterday by Sheriff tfanutt, charged
with burglarising the (X R. N. aacUoa
bouaa. . - i
1 They pleaded guilty and war given
one year ta the penitentiary at Walla
Walla. They will be taken intra tomorr
row.. , .
?; Vision Vr
The care of eye
cannot be overestimat
ed. They are the guide
to one's welfare and if
ycrar vision is impaired
in any way the beat of
correction is none too
good. ; Therefore - ,,. .
Such as we are able to
give will result in the
greatest benefit Youll
find our glasses just
right', not too weak or
too strong..; If need be
For by his methods, he
is able to conquer the
most complicated er
rors in vision. ; j
Cor. Third and Washington
. . OPTICIAN. ' . . '
to SMATV or mow an
mom siiiu to xoifwaw oobt-
:todd Dwaatm aylaaasd Wha te Tba leatealt
Dee Mot nee. la., Oct I. Date Hi of tha
manner In whleh the rlrat Ifatlonal bank
at Ortnaelt waa robbed of le.M by
H. A Spenoer and hie aon, oaablar and
bookkeeper reepeotlveiy, are jun oam-
ing to light - ,
On July IT tba eouplfc who were ta
aeparaMe eompanwna were aaea to
eprtng from aa electrm launch la a
email artificial Uka at Grlnnell and
alnk to death, peatb waa believed at
tha time to bo Wool Jen tel. but tha aa-
tonlahlnc dlaeovary of tho enormoua
defalration pUoed tha matter In a dif
ferent light and ladieatad auwMe. ,v
. . awkflgwaa Wttt Wnaaan. -
After a month'a Invaatlgatloa, tt bee
eetabllahed that Inulguaa with
woman, beginning back It yea re ago
with Charlea H. Spenoer, Sr., father of
tha oenlor of tha two auleidea. were ra
ponetble for tba diverting of fundi
from proper ehannete and forging or
aoteo to cover the ehortage
In 1171 Grandfather Bp near was re
volved In ttaeon with Mra. Mowbray,
for which be had to pay dearly to the
weman'a hueband. la the later elghllee
there waa another affair with a Denver
woman which u no lean expenaive.
WIN ' -
Orals and real aetata speculation waa
Ukewlaa reaponaiMa for heavy loeeea,
whioh war covered by maana of mlaap
proprlated fund a. Wild apaoulatlon la
Beatrice. Nea.. town lota plunged' him
Into the mire. Ha waa killed at Denver
la years ao at which time ba waa
probably ftti.QOt short la ble aoconota.
Hta aon and arena on undertook to
cover up the ahortage by manipulating
the books, and suoce-od until Uet July.
The burden of deot grew eonatatly. bow
aver.' and It la manUeet they detarmlned
upon Joint suicide te escape tha Inevit
able expocure that must come sooner or
laten. -
WaameUI tHspatm m Vb JearaalJ
Seattle. Wash., Oct. SFor a dlstanoa
of half a Mock east , and weat af the
laiolng operations for tha rt grade of
Second aveoue from Bell ta Virginia
street great eraoka have appaarwl in tha
perpendleuUr banks of earth standing
Mt feet above the gradav promlelng to
bury the excavation under thou sands af
tons of elay. Thirty-twe bouaea are
standing on the hanging banks and moat
of them era doomed. Already two bava
gotta down and the Utile church, for
mora than year asserted, baa nail aisv
Tba board af poMlo works thlf after
noon vtslted the aeena of operations and
ardent have been tsraed ta the contractor
to continue te eiuk-e, even if tha whole
hill goes In, burying the houaee under
neatb. Tha owners af tba structures
were ordered to move them mora, than a
year ago whan tha work of tt grade waa
started, but nothing, waa done. Tonight
moat of -tba bouaea are deserted1 and
everything moved out of tha Una af
regrade which can poseibty be damaged
by tba slump. .
(serial DWaattb ay f asssf Wm to Tat saral)
New York. Oct. Herr Cenrold of
the Metropolitan opera bouse la In a
atatd of distraction over tha mysterious
disappearance of Olive Kremetad. who
la to sing Xundry at tba aeeond per
formance of -Parsifal." The time for
renoareale having arrived without the,
BDDearanee of Mite. Prams tad, Cos raid
sought among bar ftamde without reeull
and cabled to her address In Burope
without any better ouooeae-
The answer received waa to tha affect
that the opera singer had not been aaen
or heard of in Burope for tha paat la
daya On the other hand, tbere la noth
ing ta ahow that aha had Balled from
Burope and no proof that aha baa
arrived In America. In pis dilemma.
Conreld has arranged ta have agents
meet all tha Incoming steamers from the
ether side la tha hope that Mile. Frem-
etad la now approaching tneae ahorea. .
(sat 11 TMsptrm m Tee learnt) -Helena,
Mont.. Oct. I.- A special from
Belgrade. Montana, describes a duel
with knives between two well-known
oltisens of that place, J. M. Barrels and
Fred Hill, who bava been enemtea foe
some time. They met In a saloon and
tha aid quarrel wea renewed. Knives
were brought into play and both pea
received wounda.
, Hill received a bad (rat on tha aide of
but neck, extending from his ear to be
low tha chin, narrowly missing tba Jug
alar vein, while .Barrel baa two Seep
wounds la the hand. Neither was, how
ever, aeriooely Injured, v - .
. . .
y.S - .. '-'V-;. f.
- (ffserlsl iHssatek tt The learntl.) . ' .
Seattle. Wash., Oct. a. By rep recent
mg himself to ba a aoltdtor and collector
for the Y. M. G A and W. C. T. U, a
stranger baa eelleAed vartooa mrma of
money from cklsens of isuaen Anna hlU.
The eecretaiies of tba organisations were
notified today and each pronounced the
solicitor aa impoator.
Check given tha f el low by charitably
reclined persona were andoraed and
oashed. ' According to the police the
amount the swindler secured Will foot up
aeveral hundred dollars.
(Continues from Pag One.)
will nelthar alga nor veto tha poolroom
ordinance, nut will pernrit It to become a
law without ble approval. "It doesn't
make much difference anyway what the
mayor does," said one poolroom habltee,
"Of course if ha vetoes tha ordinance tt
will ba a little unpleasant for the eoua
cl)mn to bava to pass ft over hie veto,
especially If there la. a roar from tha
longhalra. But tha cownelhwek will pass
It over tha veto-If necessary. That or
dinanee la getng through and they aaa't
nan ABTian or vaonswst
e ejv. Jeasael.V "
Taooma, Wash,, Oct. Fojlowiag la
tba text of a notlncatlon to tha poet
offloa department by Dodwell m Co.
agenia of the ateamor Calchaa:
Taeoma. Wash.. Oct s, jMl The
Pastmaater OenaraJl Waablngton. D. C:
The following oable baa Just been re
ceived from Alfred Holt A Ca.. of Liver
pool, owner af tha British steamer Cal
chaa. which veaael waa eelsed by th
Russian Vladivostok neat off tba Jap-
ansse ooaat about July 2:
The Calchaa' releaaa has been ap
pealed agalnat by tha Russian erown
advocate becauad aatoagst tba mall mat
ter waa Information: addressed to tha
Japanese omelets containing Snanclal
Information of value to the enemy. We
give yon deOnlte Instructions' ta notify
tha poet office department that wa re
fuee to carry any mall for Japan dur
ing tha duration af the war.'
Tha oable enda: Th Calchaa waa
ona of our regular liners operating be
tween Pugot aound, Xjondon and Liver
pool, via Japan. China and Suaa eana.
She waa on bar regular voyage, and
her cargo contained no contraband. Wa
Hinderetand the Russian erown advo
cate la baaing ble appeal agalnat bar
releaaa upon the fact that the United
Statee mall carried by tba Calchaa oon
tained Information for tba Japanese
officiate. . ' .
We consider tha United States
government abould Uka Immediate no
tion agalnat tha confiscation, or. deten
tion of tha Calchaa on aooount of bar
oarrylng United Stated malL Thla 1a
certainly aa outrage agalnat tha United
Stataa by tha Ruaalan government that
should not ba allowed to paasu -
'Please ba notlSed that during tba
duration of tba war we must decline to
carry United Stataa mall for Japan.
Kindly advlee what action win prob
ably ba taken by 'tha department, and
whether there la anything that wa eould
or abould da
- TxmwftTU m ca. ivttv.- :
(Special mspetea aylMatd Wtee ts tbs loeraal)
New Tork, Oct S, Tba large German
freighter Albana, from Hamburg, waa
held today at pier MV Atlantic basin.
Brooklyn, for smuggling. Tba boat waa
to sail for, Newport Newa tomorrow, but
WlU undoubtedly ba detained. -
Inspectors Hooley and Ofetl, who
nave a long list of apprehensions to their
credit, are responsible for tbe sotsure.
Whim going over the veaael this morning
tha Inspectors suspicions ware aroused
by tba great amount of coal fat the
bunkers. Ordering members of tbe crew
to shovel eame away the Srst layer bad
ecaroely been, ecraped oft before a ktrge
wooden case waa dlecovered- ' Oolng
deeper, W mora wen pulled out. They
were found ta contain gin. Is addition
to theaa eases sOO clgara. It bottlaa of
brandy and aevast bottlaa of gin were un
earthed. Nona of th articles were on
the ship's manifest and aa were con
fiscated and aant to be appraised.
(spertal Dtaaatcb ay Leases Wire Is Tto Joeraal)
Ned Tork. Oct. a "I- paid tUfcOOa for
lay shares of Northern Pad no stock In
tha panic of May , 101, because X was In
honor bound to deliver tbe arts res. X did
not oonslder the prtoe excessive, aa it
might lust a wall bava gone to few a
share. ,
Thla etatement by It. H. Tbomaa.
former president of tbe New Tork stock
eacbange, waa made under oatb today
I tha bearing beforp Referee P. S.
Revtlle at U, William street. In tba suit
of J. J. O'Leary of 'Cbk-agn to recover
a,gp lost to the panic throng a abort
side of Northern Pacific stock. Tbomaa
denied that ba knew of any conspiracy,
plundering or scuttling on tba exchange
that day. aa O'Leary alleges there waa.
Mrs. Roea Luyster, telephone operator
for' Sternberg. Paid St Sinn, defendants
la tha eult. teattned that aha sent the
message to Mr. O'Leary. the day of tha
panto, demanding that ba cover hie con
tract. .... t
. f ; -.- - . - - 1?t l(
(laarlel Dtsnatck te The JaernsJ.)
tSalem. Or., Oct I. Hoa. Leonard Me
atatton filed a petition for tba nomination
of the electors on th ticket wf tha Popu
list party with tha secretary of state at
tb late hour of U o'clock tonight.- ,
The candidates are: T, B, Phelpe of
Vale. Malheur eounty; C. T. Brhmltllen
of Woodvllle. Jackson county: Or. J. U
Hill of Albany, Linn county; Leonard H.
McMabon of Salem. Marlon county. Toi
nlgbt wag tha last opportunity, the
law aaya these peUtiono ahaU ba Sled
a) days before tha election, -
Spertal Dueetefe The JearaaL)
Butte, Mont., Oct. a, David Newer, an
eapreaa messenger on tha Oregon Short
Una. was fatally Injured today by bis
revolver accidentally being discharged:
Newer waa returning from Salt Lake
and whan Stiver Bow was reached Newsy
prepared to plaoa tha gua In 1 tba safe.
The lurch of the ear threw tba weapon
on tha oar floor, exploding the oar triage,
the bullet passing through Newey's
stomach. Kewey waa on th run from
Salt Lake to Butte. He formerly lived
In Penvar. n . f ,.
oxAms: sbxas t&m.
. Uearesl Speolst Becrtee.)
Oreat Fella, Mont Oct . The Oreat
Falls Trlbuna, In an editorial tomorrow
morning, will announce its sale by Sen
ator W. A Clsrk ta W. O. Conrad. W. O.
Kggltn of Helena wjll succeed H. B.
Mitchell s editor. The purchase price
Is not announced, thouejh It la believed
to ba In toe neighborhood af 17 1. too. -
(Bs4al DtesateB ayLesssd Wire te The fears!)
Washington, Oct. Army orders are
Issued that Major William A. Olaaaford
shall proceed to Seattle and eaeumaH
charge of tha Alaskan cable ayetem. ra
I lev rag 1 Lwutenant-Colenel Thompson,
who will proceed to Manila for duty.
First Lieutenant William A. Covington
will proceed la AUeajg, $a for duty
osfcrfsTsn arorars
A awo-
jtorn av
(Special Mspatcb ta Tto JaarssLl
SaatUa, Wash., Oct. IV Becauee Henry
Fay at Harrhngtom incurred tha enmity
of a woman ho to now under arrest ot
Snohomish upon a charge of murder by
araoav Th crime la alleged to ba tba
burumf of tba Hotel Harrington, at
Harrington, about two Weak sgo. In
which Lawrence Tiemay, a eon of John
Tieraey, a prominent Unaoln ooanty
farmer, lost hi Ufa.
The woman la tha can la Mary Tay
lor, who until tha time of tha fire waa
oook In th hotel which Fay waa con
ducting under a lease. . Aftar th fire.
which aha alleged Fay get bo Induoad
her to leave Harrington to avoid sus
picion railing upon (nam, xor is- w
aeaaary for him to remain bo keep
the people from suspecting that ba bad
fired the building.
aeveraj jet tare were axenangag y
tha pair, and noma of thaaa am moot
Incriminating. Prosecuting Attorney R.
M. Dye of Unooln county baa those
written by Fay safety In hie poaeea-
alon ,i v 1
Mra. Taylor Allege that Far waa to
go to Snohomish and aftar aha -got a
divorce from her husband, who with
their four children, la. to Stevens
oounty, they 'war to be married. She
went ta Snohomish two weeks ago Sun
day and said that she expected .bar
"husband" to a day or two. Apparently
ah waited patiently for Fay's arrival.
Mora than a week paeeed, but on Wed
nesday she looked up Marshal Brown
and voluntarily told Mm that Fay had
it fire to- tha hotel and caused the
death of tba boy whose Ufa waa lost In
that fire. 1 v ... :,
(Special inssatm byLaased Wire ts Tae earaat)
New Tork. Oct. i. Angered because
Charlea Johnson, a wealthy Ban Fran
cisco man, ffJ years old, refused to ac
company them to Ireland, where a
fortune awaits him and bis testimony ts
needed te a PtO.OO cast, two lawyers, it
Is alleged, attempted to kidnap blm fhla
afternoon an ha waa leaving tba ladles'
entrance of the. Ftftb-Avenua hotel. ,
They wore drawing Johnson toward a
cab that waa waiting' when he reeieted
He knocked on of the lawyers down and
wan fighting with tha other when po
liceman arrested blm on a charge of as
sault- The lawyere accused Joonaon.of
having been In an asylum. Ha drew a,
paper from bat packet saying that he waa
perfectly sane and signed by sanitarium
officials, and waved It at tba lawyers. ,
(Spa-UI DbuMtcb s Tae TeareeU .
an Franclaco, Oct t. Ths atockboM-
era of the White Swan mine brought eult
today agalnat the directors to prevent
them from aelllng tbe stock of delin
quent holders who refuse td pay a
per cent assessment Tha plaintiffs,
whe bold nearly $le.oQ4 worth of tha
capital stock, say that tha directors lev
ied thla assessment in tha hope that th
holders would sell out obaan rather than
pay tba assessments. I -
They aak that an Injunction be Issued
restraining the director from holding
tn threatened nam.
(Continued from Page Ona.)
throuah tha aamoalen. dlanlavad avia.
pathy with tha Japaneaa, and la now un
doubtedly serving as mount for soms
Japaneaa officer.
"General Kuropatkln," writes the Rue-
amn commander-ln-cblara adjutant to
friend 'In thla city, "had thrown th
bridle ovar his arm and waa patting
th horse on to neck when It kicked,
tor away and, galloped .toward the
enemy. - " i
"Four Coaaacka Immediately pursued.
but their horse were no metob for tba
general's thuaderer, and tba riderless
animal got clear away.
At last tha Cossaoka came back, ex
hausted and afraid to ahow their face.
Tha soldiers have generally taken this to
be an ui amen."
(Ospyrlght, HMrst Mews Serrtee, by faeflM
Wtre te The Joarasl.)
San Franclaco,. Oct. 8.4-Major I L.
Seaman, a United Statea army surgeon
who arrived from Japan on th ateamer
Mongolia' on last Monday, an route to
St Louis to read a paper on the Jap
aneaa treatment of the wounded before
the International Society of Army Bur
geons, bad eame very Interesting sxpe
rlencee with th Japanese In Man
"In company with Captain j. T. Boyd
of tha Tenth United Stataa cavalry."
aald Major Seaman. I waa th gueet of
a band of Chunahuee or Chinese
bandits ad called, who re undoubtedly
aiding tha Japaneaa, - Their chief waa
called Ithuntaorleln and ha mad grant
friends of u becaue Of some Weat
Point riding tactics shown blm and bla
horseman by Captain Boyd. .
"While wa were In bla camp,' along
with soms Jepanea, near n plaoa called
Slnrbfhtung, some of th Chunsbuses
brought In tha heada Of six or -seven
Cossack on ptkea." . ; ,
and Japaa Rav tfaataas BwiM to
(Special THssatcfe ay Leaatd Wire b The Jearssl)
Waahlngtan, Oct. .Russia arid Japan
nr having numeroua gubmarinp torpedo
raft built la thla country, according ta
Information and belief at tb navy de-i
It la atated that work for Russia to
being don at Newport News, and that
th veaseis far Japan are being built un
der the direction of F. T. Bowlee. for
mer rear admiral to tha navy, and lately
chief of th bureau of equipment
These latter veaseis are at the Holland
type, while tb other are of the Lake
boat type, one of whlob ba already been
received by Rusela.
Within a day er two Secretary of the
Navy Morton will take up tbe subject of
ordering about fRflft.eo worth of aub-
marlne craft for tha Catted Stataa navy.
A report an new type of torpedo, craft
hag barn made to tha president direct
by Commander Wlnslow, to prea! dent's,
naval aide,v - - V v ,
r l
. Treaatea aa ytkea.
A , phyaiolan's prescription
represents bla beat affart la
your behalf. Upon, tba way tn
arhlcb It la flttod depend tba
euooeea ar xalhtn of bis trnt-
We Claim
That 4 rear of patient pa
alstent' oar and akUl Jw
placed our preaeripUo depart
ment a tn front. Our prod
aota ar th boat that money
amn bur ' snftano nan
leet, Om dlspeneess are guall
iad nwn of long xpeihrnc
Nwho dispense preaoriptlon nx
duslvely. - Our delivery . ar
vice to prompt, we use ooor
sdt telephone exchange . (Ho,
11) and our prtcea nr low,
We've built ap our boslnea an
the Jlnsa It s growtng every
day. and w ar equtpped in ta
telllgentry rv verr pwraan
wfa antarg ur doors, ..
tf yon phena ua weni 'and for
roar preooripOona. fill and ra
turn tbeaa promptly, and make
no axtra, eharg for th aar-
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
h CdutaroffatR Mwf Trnkmrn
TpAoit' 'jrwRataigw
That th gamblers bava organised a
marvatoualy . affeotlv spy system' waa
demonstrated last sight whan Under-
sheriff Morden led a posse of deputies
on a raid through tn Chinese quarter.
Only two persons in th city besides
tha deputlea were auppoeed to vtave any
knowledge that a raid waa contemplated.
At that hour playing oeaeed.
Whan th officers cam together at
Second and Stark streets and proceeded
to H Aeeond street tha Iron-bound
doors had been thrown open, tb plaos
waa fully lighted -and not a single
Chinaman waa tn eight Af tor, tb posse
oroaaad tn portal,
It waa th name story very place ale.
A doaen gambling dona war visited. All
had bean thrown open in order to pre
vent th door being battered down but
tbe playere bad deserted tb tables.
Ona opium den waa vlstted. Nothing
warranting an arreat wa discovered.
To th surprise of tb poses an ngon
Chinaman, who speaks English fluently,
offered them soma "titer's milk" from
a greasy bottle. Tht waa a "new ona"
on every officer Included in th invita
tion. They had board whisky called
"tarantula Juio" and referred to
metaphorically otherwise, but "Major's
milk" had not been Included to tbalr
, Tha important fact developed raster-
day that two emteearle of the gamblers
bav been keeping tab on prospect Ivy
movements of th sheriff s deputies: at
the courthouse. Their spber of action
will be curtailed In future,
Th officers concerned In tha "pleas
ure trip" last night war Umtor-Shsriff
Morden and Deputlee orussl. cordaao.
Meraland, Oownay and Hoi lings worth. .
At a laraelv attend meetlne- af the
Cnlverslty club last night th offtosre
for tha coming year ware elected and tha
retiring officers thanked for their serv
ices. A dinner followed tb meeting and
an n Joys ble evening wea apent
In tha near future eome plan rawy be
daviaed whereby th olub will bav n
building of Its own. The metier wa hV
formally dlscusssd at tha meeting and a
committee appointed to oonslder th
proposition. It la beHeved that ways
and mean will ba devised foe. the erec
tion of a palatial oKtbhoub. The com
mute will report at a special meeting
to be called at an early data.
Th election resulted to H. O. Piatt,
the retiring treasurer, being installed a
president. The ether orrrcr wars:
Vice-president, W. H. Corbet t; secre
tary, A. W. Chano; trwMurar, R. A.
Sector: commute. B, C Ball, B. J.
Falling and J. W. lidd.
tkkH CULaWi
v Painkiller EZ2
OFF TO waaturr.Bmsl IV RrsaBTBSS
X ...t' 1-, ) 1 I 1 -5
v 1 . '- II II i " . ; ;--
TMm Is the Time
Whaaj yon ars apt ta eatch aold.
and having caught one. It's apt
t gtay aU winter. KMMW WlU
y using - , - -
Bav i on in, pour room and en
joy a Turkish, thermal or medi
cated vapor batb at nor time at s
cost of only w -
3 Cents
' ' This Cabinet will prevent ovr
fntnaaa rtmoves, II poyoda a
month pleasantly and plthout
van Buisg An sm. ; -
Vy 53, 38. $12 Mi
Will boU a pint of water hi IS
v mlnutea. Burn without a wick.
' Uee wood atooboL Otvea to-
testae heat and aaa be easily
regulated. Sneolai pfio thla
' week ....te6
rn "T This "V
Ii jUcohol
f tuU VmUm. jVm DsUary rp mU Par of Cify.
gWfR Ofrwcf CpMmgcMwet rw Romrf thtpaftmnt mf Om Storm. - -
n tb
Th belief gjtlsto at Vancouver bar
raoka that th mystery surrounding the
recant disappearance of Llsui. Francla
M. Boon of the Nineteenth Infantry
has been solved by tha statement that ba
has a wlfa and child to San Francisco,
Whether he has gone there, or baa mad
bla way into British territory, to escape
puntahment for a military ofttn, to
still a quest Isn.
Boon wa to Seattle noma time ago
and while drunk craatod a scene to one
of th tbeatree there. This caused bla
arrest and an order for a court martial
oa tha charge of conduct unbecoming an
officer and a gentleman. He waa eon
nned In quarttra, but still enjoyed tbe
prlvllegwe of a a officer hi custody and,
aa atated to Tha Journal at th time, be
escaped. Mai aald to bava been aaen
to Seattle to company with av woman.
But this waa not th woman who came
to Portland a tow daya ago to mapry the
lieutenant, Jennie Roes, a pretty nurae
who lived tn Seattle, was won by th
officer while ho wa there. Ha propoaed
and waa accepted. An early anion was
decided upon, Sbs wrote blm from Seet
tle that ah would arrive -here tha neat
day and would meet bla at th Hotel
Portland.' where the wedding waa to
tak place. Th day. ba received the let
ter ba disappeared. Miss Boa accepts
tha eltuatloo philosophically, saying, "It
Is a case of a man's deceit I am glad
to have escaped such a man.1 ' .
Lieutenant Boone wntt Seattlo
without leave. Upon bla return he waa
arrested and a week ago last Friday be
disappeared. Ma cannot be puniahed aa
a dseerter If he return to th post with
in two months. Boon wa eomtnlaaloned
second lieutenant freen tb ranks on Feb
ruary f, 191.. H ha a good record;
tha p recent cane being th only blot upon
It) A contributing oause for hi disap
pearance la Id te be in th fact that ha
has recently lost sums of money playing
poker to Portland, although his accounts
are to good order j .
v . -;
(Special DispatcS to Ta JMgnriV V
Pendleton, Or Oct Melvln M.
Read, a looomotlv cnglneeri waa placed
under arreat today, charged with asaault
with a dangerous weapon. HI wife, Lil
lian M. Read, la the complaining wimeea.
Sba charges that her husband struck her
in tha fmoe with blaalng coaloU lamp,
badly burning her.
She recently instituted stilt for divorce
and In her complaint allege that hr
husband at one time drew a loaded re
volver and Invited her to ooroe oat Into
th saga brush and fight blot a dual.
Read resides at UauUllla. ;
L ml
' (SseaUl mepatek e fee JearaaL)
iAwlaton, Ids., Oct. t. Th residence
of A. W. Woodrlng waa burned with
Its contents lgat night. A Sfotlv flu
wa the cause. Loss, 3,09,
Is Life
. ' . . : -1 ' ; -
This" Home Medical
furnlshea tba ourreat that
Nervoua oomplalnta and rheaaaatlamt
are Invariably relhrved by Ita aae.
W furnish tt oompleta, with apt of
jtrr Rlactrodwj and full dlreetloaa far
use, 'Read what our customers any. .'
.' ."v v x,
' Messrs. Woodard. Clarke a Co..
Arllini1 fr.: flrmttrimnn Thrtf
Weara ago I waa afflicted with rheu
matism, i nan tried many doctors
and medicines, but received no help.
X was In despair. On the advice of
a friend I purchased one f youf
Horn Medical Batter tea add after a
trials I
began to
gain rapidly
and tba fact that I am on my feet to
day i owe to your Denary.
of ths serious featur af my
affliction waa terrible sinking spell.
which were liable to aelae me at
almost any moment my heart would
atop beating and I would think I
.was going to die.- The battery never'
failed to -conquer the spells and I
feel only too glad to tell every on
about tha good It has don m. Tours
vary truly. - .
Janfl, A- KKLL.amniIt.
fit Mallory Avenu.
nw ' sin&BTjfa) - azb
VO - OOsrV
' In Hi preeence of a Soora of peracn
who ar Interested, tba cornerstone of ,
the new building of th German Aid
eoclaty. Eleventh and Morrtoon atreeto,
waa told yeaterday afternoon. Tb ear- )
monies were brief and simple. They f
were conducted In th Oerman language. ;
John Reisacher, president of tha o-
dety. mad a brief addresa la whlob he-
told of tha work of th society, in tn
paat and Ita hope for tha future. Then .
he laid the eorneretone la position, - ,i,
Befor the stone waa laid, howwretv
ooplea of newspaper were placed inside.
Ther were copies of Th Journal and J
other paper that ar printed to Fort- .
land, besides tha Oerman publloatlooa of '
thclty. - .
Th building, whn ompleted, will
coat l,000 and Will ba an improvement
to that portion of tha city. Its erection
to the resula of th work of the society
which was organised whan there war ;
many Qermeoe emlgratrng to tb North,
west, . "
(Saerhil Dwaatcb t Tee laaraeM
Troy, Idaho, Oct' l-rOtto Martnson
wa horribly scalded by th explosion
of a Jog ateam engin yatrday. Urn L
may recover. K- "" 1 1 '' : .
Mra Ed C. RtiaeeU. Jr wife of the -editor
of th Dally Alaska Despatch of
Juneau arrived In th city yeaterday and)
will spend a few days to Portland vlsttV'
ing Mrs. Cabell of Fourteenth and Ty
lor treats. . - '" r','
..., AN3 TLM5ES
' Br. 9. Ta BMisinms), lata ef Sto rVnw,
woll fenowa tkrovshout tea west H the awst
proraslTs sad . nr-oMsrsi mnrer speHalist la I
Amric. has lmproviut els SMtboH aad
rlna entil an Is sow trastlns any esacr, ta. i
nor, vmavatd (Und or atiitsasnt growth la r
IvM -4aaa fnar aiiostae, wits bla aniltaxine j
WtsMr. Atroylag the virus aed evry W -of
(h dWaard smwTa, Whim la lsiees WlM ...
bra! tar ie la a sfcorl Mas.
He nras I all eases wW tb trnipkstHl
tMnoi orbotws are sot erfMd, and nsay .
cksm afterward. Nit It Is (Wtrabls te
tratseat la ts tarllMt stagM posatMs, wps
a curs ead to awde aseealty aad at the least I
Wat trMt wlf tae Xrey ar Cfcrtsriaa Set, -trf
Tbrf are ewdaiMd by tbe best so-
f i ' rity. aan svwy i wai mm
atnd aed America end' sins ms M f tae
knife In Mnrsni sad nuaor.
will sona pat 70 in as hw-wraile saMttloa ,
boa 14 yrm keve tb treat yoe. Dr. Pobaa
on raalMt SM worie as prseat vaorer .
rsaeMy nrrr a paaar taaa hU, and mere ,
m se eoW 'ataa was has ala la wear as aa Is
asing It tn67- ....
lir Bnaaanou win mannm a p rail seas
canfr boaviul la PorUund sr Janvarr 1,
uxUfed to a esrm of for Ua sal's Aest akraV .
aanlnaUna and csaesHartAa free. Canal
graraaUe er oy rraadw4. w
n nit iw psaiMiet aa utanee aa msrr
Write er mil. Dr. J. I. BohaaaAa. at Wltrh
ffwl blag., to Madlaos. ror rrent. for
lanA, or.. hr e wtu a Battt Jsaaary 1 ,
,x :v r . ... v -
'-. 'V1.
1 .v
'.-.- - ' - .