I i ... ! "- tJ It Stands for Something. --That's Why t:t JoornsI Succecdas : , ' You have a guess coming. Vfcfct CJ the Woggle-bug say ? PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER' 9, IBM.'. ' Sassm) "THE DIFFERENT r STORE V SCL'R CKGON AGENTS ' FOR 1 HE WORLD , FAMOUS BQNNET SILKS Dtatrmttttiur D-not for tb PRBhflBR AMERICAN CvRSKTw, tb ROYAL WORCJC8TBK9 Baloo In . . . Second Floor PORTLAND QUALITY v, SHOP , . . PORTLAND'S BEST CARPET SALESROOMS HERB ON FOURTH FLOOR Horn of me "Quirk Meal" Cooking Ranges, Detroit Cw(k Stoves and UeuM HMtn Third floor, UHm i fuaoua Cut Oltu. -THE DIFFERENT ;- STORED . Portl a n d -s : F o re m o s t Sto re '' ,V '' ' :'f''- THBRR'I A -TREASON FOR THf THRONGS, THAT BWARH DAILY THROUGH PORTLAND'S LARGEST. FOKJCMOST AND AVTIJORITATIVJB Women's" Quit 'arw4 ...v Wrap 1 Salesrooms Brand BaJoiis-Seoond Floor. "TRB FASHION - CKNTXR "OF TH8 . WKSTKR1 OARM&NT WORUX" Hmwik aftsr season th . highest - types of distinctive atyla ismnc ' find rsprMantatUm ltu our vnrlvald dlvplay of . Woman's outer apptraL ' The most sxqulslM norcl craattona Of Paris and other toralan faahton oen r wra wall aa tbalr American raptloas ara bara In the moat oomprahanalva Tartety; oocamandjny the approval and aamir&tlon of the moat faatldloua J wnman mnA ttiM keanaat Btvla-orltlea. '-f " )k HERB ARB GOWNS, FROCKS AKD J? r. WRAPS ".OF VN EQUALED STLTK MATCHLESS SCOPE! .- . vm e.ninM. .jimXm w vnyea models, new "Blaeboff David" model, naw "Franeh Blouse" Suits, nw "Knoclmbottt" Sulfa, ntw -Tuxedo" Suits, aaw "Dlrectolre" Sulta, new "Paplum Blouse" SunTa, new , "P Mff-f torn Parla" Sulta. new "Hdntlna" Sulta.. naw "Rippla Coat? Sulta. oaw rof" Suits, naw "Frock Coat" Sulta ta air tha new etradws of : MflanF. jnasM, Burrundx. JUyaA Raaada, unt OnJoo. otc aAd the raat AUTUMN BAUIiS ( Tha tfcpoattloa ahowa ha Iftiportanoa M atyla In Tailor-mafta Solta and tha poosibllity of .securlna It at moderate oomL A rarlaw of tha naw volora, new materfala, dtstlnnltva Una and atria Sepmcture v tha varment will ba a pleasure that will appeal to every woman who mvea tha. beautiful. But tne moat Important part of tha "Mystery of StylaV Ja aklUful. parfaot fittlns, and every Suit, Coat and Skirt sold bjr ua la. ;,; .k. v y- '.- - Our staff of fitter is, wa believe, aaeond to no corps of custom fitters In Amsrlcsr thoroughly traipM artist who are oertalnly ufooquaJed by any etber western bans. ' TH PRICV RANOS HERB IS WIDE AND F1TTR5D TO EVERT PURSE J-WAOB KARNBR TO CAPITALIST t- V - Smart TaUorad Salts BSOO ' 1 TrnMowd WaHtlns Satrt B2S ' te ....;..,..$ 1S.S0 to fc......$3.5 Calln Oows and Tbaatir Coatame Silk Underskirt NS tp; S5 BOO o .-.h.....B45 Ask to saa tha naw Hlia-ndaraklrts in Opera Wrap and Csrrlaa or Auto- . waJkln mnth SILK WALKING mobile Coat B200 to....f38.BO ' SKIRTS SIS to .........BB Eranlc Waist, the ffreatest assort- 'Chlldran' Coats BBS to S3. 7 6 ment nt hend-BseiU Kvaolas! Waist Kimono and - Dresstna SaoQua. In " STB to , 91S Tailored and Fanor Waists $30 to SB Shirtwaists fet street wear BIO Sl.B to .... Dress 8U to.. as short or lone styles, STB to. . . .SI Golf -Jackets and Vests A popular knitted novelty, vary seasonable, SB t t..,:..;....-..., 81 OoTf Blouse SrO S3.B0 Morfolk Jacket ..,...... $7.60 up Ejctra! Extra! Extra! h -. rflIKT)RBTDS OF NEW RAINCOATS CAMS BY EXPRESS YESTERDAT1 1 Beautiful vafmatits, adapted for wear on beautiful, day, when sunshine ratans or proteoUan amlnst tha alamenta that storm. Tha naw ones ara full of surprislnc waawr naiisiaa. As easy to (at into aa a man full-dreea top coat. Indsed. eoue of them or modeled after that armaoC Frlestlar Crm renet tee. 'with a world of quiet, dlsnlflad beauty and smart affeota. Pretty tonln on collar and cuffs bf Brilliantly 000 red velvets yea, and nastai elotha Maweat of all leatbar trlmminaw. .There are dosana of aaw detail toucbeo to enthuse over. Soma of tha 00a t have bozplalted baek and and front from oollar to htpa. The Palette (cape sleeva) Coat I ataTorlto In fact. Fashion's lateaU , Tha ataow of good-looklns stytea at from BIB f ?IBB ! noteworthy. ' ' - t . t s S Raincoat year and this showing- bar Is far away th bast and raa ast on the Coast. We've twiee aa many as any other thro local store. Coats that ara fit to a-uard tha most manlfloent opera town or ball dress; Coat that arvkpproprlat for street'. Any prion youchoose B BO to $10 ANOTHER, ATTRACTIOK FOR THBOtEFTTTBRB jyPuV FORTH FROM ..... ... k . v FOURTH FLOOR. V " i. Handsome Irish Point t It AT MATCHLESS SALS PRICES! ? Another feat of tmderbuylnt for wlileb our Curtatn-chlaf is famoms. He'd rather set tha bast of m curtain manufacturer than sleep much "rather. Tha curtain, told of below are a lot he wrestled for a Ion time to set at his prleo, but finally threw tha maker to his knees upon consideration of a big sals IM thna and future order. - Over 10 styles In tha ohoosln. and th selections are marvelotts. Each curtain yard Ion and Inches wide. Th sf eateat curtafn bar Cain aver offered buyers by ady Portland house. Read the list: T tylea: rafular style; regular IT styles; regular .it styles regular S styles; regular 4 wtylea; regotar, styles; regular M total styles. 1 I 4.B6 valuea; pair, t.K valuea; pair 1 I.Bf value; pair . AM values; pair 11.00 valuea; pair ll.M valuea; pair ' !. values; pair S9.8B' B. t.OB 4.78 B.95 .7B 8. BO 8.BB Women's Underwear and Hose MONDAY SPECIALS A f First Floor. T8 FOR WOMEN'S WORSTED , UN VKRWKAR, WORTH $1.00. Wnmen'B medium weight Jareey ribbed worsted Vesta, Pants and Tights, In white. Th famous "Merode" tf derwear: regular Ir.oO value; eprla) for Monday only, garawat ....TB BO for Women's Underwear, worth Tec t Women's white Jersey ribbed ntsl and vesta, excellent lea - quality; special far Monday, aaeb ......BSa) BR 4 for Woman's Hose, worth iOa Women's medium weight black Cotton Hm. OK. Importation: spliced heele, double sola, ribbed top, our very beet toe quality; spec mi for Moods y, . pair .86a ! V ' - " ' -f r- ,f MU your order If hot convenient to come to the, store A ahop by mail. All orders filled promptly by expert shopf pers. Leading; mail-order house on the Cos'st. . .'- , y v ' V We" shall be pleased to open a credit account with any ' ; worthy person. It facilitates shopping for the public and - for us. Buy any time, pay us once month. See credit man; This Store is tHe Juipitife & Mercantile GonsteUation S : : stores are star-nice, ana navttneir periods ot ascendency. iVenus w no - less a star when Jupitet' mounts the" heavens--but - JUPITER RULESJ The good store of yesTr'day (good as ever, but no better) is outshone by the better store of today Some stores pop into prominence as rarely as does Mercury; but that doesn't count for us- Sustained excellence pushes the world, ahead. It's a wonderful' year of achievement for the house of Olds,: Wort man & Klng.fryfte'rt breaking; records right and left,.. and we mean to close the year of 1904, that's been so good to us thus far, with the record sales of our mercantile life. ' --.We feel a pardonable pride in the new building soon to be thrown. open to the "public'that, when dded.to the good "Old , Homestead" store, will make this" the best appointed retail store m all the -west. The adde4 acne of floor space will enable us . to "let out links," as it wene, all over the house, enlarging the selling- space which has ' heretofore been over-crowded entirely , inadequate' to accommodate our vast and rapidly growing patronage, improving the character of the service, and adding in mul titudinous ways to tbe comfort, convenience and safety of our great public - It has been stated repeatedly of late by entirely disinterested observers, that the greater Olds, Wortman & King-8torewill be. the best lighted, most airy, and altoethcrthe most attractive and convamcntly srraaged to fee tound anywhere "in allrthe- westrar wen as f - . : PORTLAND'S LARGEST STORE We print beloV a few of the many reasoifs for asking' your presence here tonwrowr-BARGAIN. MONDAY--and at intervals during, the week c k. - fa QRAND,OPKNINO BAXB TOMORROW. OF THB Bmsaassmwrna aiiaml i By athortsallonfof sf Is ' Cithrln Count las and Olds. Wortman A King. Peerless Cathrine i Countiss Sailors" A' beautiful,' cabinet ta plat no photo of. Mia Countiss- Photo by 'Moore) free -with every sale of a Countiss Sailor" this weak. Sea win Sow ,.f . : t, r.i thb Latest ckaudI -, THB AUTHOR1ZBD -CATHRINE COUNTISS SAILOR." orlglnatsd and ' .dlstrubuted only bjf the maker. Olda, Wortman A King. This Jaunty Sailor I avelved by- the Design er-tn -Chief on charming naw line; th original fashioned expressly for Miss Countiss. - and oaw among tha favorltea In bar millinery casket of gem, ba struck '. the feminine fancy at vulnerable ' point 'Dainty and womanly In It loveliness, almost, a th e harming woman and talented aetres herself. It has. Ilk herself, eom to fill , void In Portland heart. Again. Uk this ''womanly woman.' 'tis not only a " local hU but has already baas oopied oast, and may bo seen today worn by the most stylish dressers that go to make up tha "Smart Set" . of New 'York a Winter Olfis of ltOo-t. ' WHAT MISS COUNTS THINKS OF IT - - : - , rwJand. Cragoa. Sot ttb, t4 Messrs. Old. Wortman A Kin. ' - Oentiemon, Tou must 1st ma thank you for naming thl gtyltab sailor hat for ma.. I tako groat pleasure ta wearing mine. It ta neat, trigtasteful, pretty. Too have doubtless put forward some thtng that will meat with popularity, and I am proud to have yoa deem B deslrabl to us my name. . v 7 . ;i i . YOtts Tory 1 rsly, ' ; ' i "''- j f j, CATHRINB COUNTISS., 11 t 1 1 ri 'To farther popularto this new gad winning hat w bar placed Ha price at g figure easy for every purse, but on that do not xprssa th vain of tha Charming creation, via. ......v..... .. ............. BB.OO bVsXIALi SAJLB OTTHB FAMOUS Royal Wprccstcr Corsets Second Floor Annas, H . . . Two style of : dlsoontlnood , hoys I Woroeeter Corse tev Prince hip,' low bust, long over aodo- , men . high la back, or ' Ions over hip and ab domen medium low boat, whsle bono filled, adapted f or , S large rang of 'figure; else from 1M; col ors, drab, wjilt and black; regu lar prtos. II 0; special at 8S.8T ORBAT SPBCIAL. SALS! OF . ' JARDINIERES AND v UMBRELLA STANDS THIRD FLOOR. t Big reduction on Jardinieres of all prices. Many baadsom. style to se lect from. ' Fainted green Jardiniere; value, lie; special at,-each .T...lTg -Inch Fern Pots, with kuaeag vslue, Xftc; special at, each ..184 OLAZBD AND MOTTLED AR01 NIKRES. H Inch: value, soe; spocku at, each- '...-944 1 Inch, with open bandlea; value 76c; ; special at, each .. ....... ..B ff inca. many fancy shape; value, oc; special at, eaob ., i 80) IS Inch, many fancy shape; value, 11. U; special at, eaoh 88) UUBRKLLA STANDS. ' Painted wood, finished with gcMl value, II M; special at, each 8180 Olasad- and toot tied; vain. IJ.TI; - special at, each . . .. . w . . . . -88.88 Wa will b pleased to have you In pact our line of HANDSOMB NEW SlLVBRWARE. rlandreda of fancy articles, newest design snd shape. TBA SKTB, CAKB BASKKTg. CRl'MB srrs. Mot Bowk, bakinu dishbs. ato. . ' ' " Monday Specials WOMEN'S NBCKWKAR AND VEILS ' First Floor gootlona.) 181 FOR LACE STOCKS, WORTH lie A lot of pretty Laos Stock, also aome fine ootton washable stock worth Sao each; special Monday, whUa thay last, aacb 194 STVNNINO FAC8 VBILS. A lot of two-toned Lace Vailing, by thai yard; beautiful veiling and vary be-l oomlnav W bav pricod tgam likel this: . Ift Veiling: special, yard....,., .SSi Oo Veiling, for, the yard ....... .30i 7o Veiling, for, the yard STeH fOo Veiling; special, for, th yard..4BH For Monday only. SPBCIAL DEMONSTRATION MON- T VJJ V '" 'Kyolite' THB MAOTO CLEANER OF SILVER -1 . AND GLASSWARE. . . . " -v THIRD FLOOR. Ofl Monuay wiU be demonstrated to our patrons the aserita of. "Kyolite," tbe newest ami beat cleaner of sliver en the market. The article to be cleaned I sub mersed (n hot water In which I the Kyollte. After a few moments ft Is taken oat snd dried well with soft eloth. wae yoa will find tnat H 4s bright and entirely free' from tarnish. Kindly bring In anything in tha Una of ollverware which yoa have that needs cleaning and ws will be pleased to prove to yoa too merit of Kyqllte. Werrr ted not to scratch. A Special for Small Bdyr SBd) FOB ROTS WAISTS, WORTH 7So AND 10. j Boys laundered paresis W.ata, dark and light shades. Moose snd shirt Styles; Tic and Ite duality; special tor Monday, eaoh B8d usrsf fev B Takes fee IN THB REALM WHBRB RIBBONS REION SUPREME FIRST THE SUPREMACY . OF THE RIBBON ."" -fi-i -f: ?. FLOOR. Is ndlpoted at Fashion's Court ' $hl new Autumn season. Create aa you will, Invent as you may, ' ' you cannot overlook the Renals-' ' ana and Retga of Rtbboaw. Rib T": bona bav never been approached ' , In beaaty and utility as a garni . and the Cycle of Fashion ha again turned to- Ribbons for ev ery . possible use. Ribbons for Streamers, Ribbon for Bonneta, Ribbon Belta with aide Sashes, 'and Ribbon Novelties infinite. Flowers and fruits grown from Ribbons and ao real they make one'o mouth water, Ribbon are supreme) And their supremacy Is pleasing to millions of dainty wear ers, As aver, the thousand1 snd one Ribbon wants are best filled at this shop. Here ara th choicest productions of ths ribbon looms of Europe and Amer ica, priced at figures sure to please th wise buyer who knows ths con sistency between value and price. Let's get together among these Ribbons. The skill of expert ribbon knowledge and choosing la yours for the looking. Tbe Ribbons are priced lower than at other stores. Quantity baying begets close price from th manufacturer and this bouss ' Is the recognised quantity buyer of the Paotflo Slope. This 1 th great "RIBBON STORK" of th West. This week' special attractions beckon , you with , InagnaUe power. v N- Lustrous Autumn ' Ribbons Thousand of yard of dainty, beautiful Ribbons, radiantly freeh and new. Ribbon worthy of the wear of the most faatldloua maid or matron. Portland never saw a mord tsmptlng array of splendid Ribbon. ,. A Una' of handsome, genuine Scotch puid Ribbons m heavy sarin, six tadbe tn width vary , popular for girdle and aat-iflmmin. Price, the yrd - ...........81.0 A lino of all -silk Taffeta Plaids, 4 and I laches wide. Prloea the yard BOd and 88o A lot of pretty Plaid Ribbons, with satin strip, t and 4 Inches Wide ver nice for Children' Hair Rlbbone. Prleea. tha yard BOd and 9B Ribbon In Roman stripes, all colors rvery effective for iwck and Bert Rib bons. Prices, th yard BO 8ft) and Tfte) haded Ribbon In silk or satin. 4 Inches wide. In combinations of green and - blue, brown and blue, Ught mala dnadlng to. dark orange, light blue shad ing to turquoise, etc Price, the yard SOf) The two toned ef facta In Ribbons sre the latest thing for millinery as. Ws have these Ribbon at, th yard....... SOf, 3Bw nd 4Bd Our Cushion Ribbon are aU la new a gorgoou and varied .assortment. ranging price from, yard ....7 ...-8Bd to 8LOO Fancy Taffeta and Moire Taffetas la all colors' at, the ' yard 3ftdY48d end 80a) Beautiful Dotty Varden or Dreeden Ribbons at, the yard .......,,,...,404 Fancy Taffeta with embroidered dot at, the yard, ................. .JO Satin Ribbon with embroidered dot, all odors, the yard 8O4) Taffeta tn gingham check pattern, blue snd white and black and white at. the yard 40 ilk Ribbon with lao or oloverleaf affects. In lavender, maise, blue, ptnk. white and black at, the yard Sfia Bayadere stripe, used for Novelty Belts, the yard TBd $1.85 The naw Coquo de Roche shades In sattn or taffeta, f Inch wide, th , yard . , , iy j. ..( , 80o). to ftOo) Special Sale of Satin Taffeta Ribbons ' , V First Floor. : r ... ..,,); V V i BB FOR RIBBONS WORTH II AND 400, ' .V A lino of beautiful Satin Taffet Ribbon) In all colors, whit, Nbtaek and cream, 4 and 44 Inch wide, worth lac and 4o the yard: also aome fine, ' soft, all-silk Mallne Ribbons, same width a th Taffeta, worth 5o per ' yard. Special for Monday only at, the yard ........ ..;...... v8fto V "ir ;Inty.enciennes Laces 5. ' r",: !Od FOB VALBNCIBNNES LACES WORTH Sto, A lot of fine Valenciennes Laco. In white only, in width up to I Inch, and worth up to lac a yard also Insertion to match. , Special tor Monday only, yard. ... 18d N. 8. New and elegant Lace of every description r to bo found at - our Lao Counter First Floor; ; ,..., v" C"; Linen Handkerchiefs ;;;; J 4 HANDKERCHIEFS FOB 4 FOR B0d. . A lot "of nice, fine linen Handkerchtefa. very suitable for the uss of the chil dren; regular value lie each. Special for Monday and aU fha week at, 4 for BOd Also another lot of plain, hemstitched Handkerchiefs regular slas for la- - die use. Special price for Monday only, eaoh ...,.....8 T Beautiful Lace Collars " V-,'"' LACE COUNTER FIRST FLOOR. "- " Our buyer mode an exceptionally lucky purchase when ha bought thm lot of ovely Laoe Collars. Therefor we are able to offer them to you at about half what they are really worth. The Collar are some ef them circular hi a he pa and come In both white snd eeru; other are mad ef Batiste and are lace trimmed. Note special pries given below: . . Collar worth $1.10: special, at each Collars worth tt.M; -Spec lei, at each Collar worth Is. AO; special at each ... CoOer worth t!.M; special at each 1 ' t5- N- ... , J . KERNELS OF KNOWL ; EDGE ANENT THE- C PANAMA CANALU A " ... s f Parents and teacrrers might do well to ask children to read each day the educational Hem anenf the Panama Canal tto be found at the head of this column. They ' are little nuggets, of interest on a matter of interest to every Amer ican culled carefully and touched 6n briefly- from leading author itative educational' journals, A Upon completion, the Panares Canal will be shorter, have fewer locks and less curvature than the one. planned at Nicaragua. The measure of these advantages is the time required for a vessel to pass through, which is esti mated for an average ship at 12 hour for Panama and 33 hours for 'Nicaragua. - On the other hand, ' the distance ' from San Francisco to New York is 377 miles, t3 New Orleans 679 miles,, and to Liverpool 3H(i miles greater via the way of Panama than via Nicaragua. The time required to pass over these dis tances being greater , than the difference in the time of transit through the canals, the Nicaragua line, if completed, would have been somewhat the more advan tageous of the two to the United States, . notwithstanding the greater cost of maintaining the longer canal. But the , Panama Canal is best for the commerce of all the world. ; This house' is to give some Portland school the large work ing model of the Panama Canal, now on exhibition in one of the large show windows. The school will be chosen by popular vote of the people a vote with every 85c purchase ; the voting to close at 6 p. rn. on Wednesday,, No vember 3, the award to be made or the result of the vote at that "lime. We list only the names of the first 15 schools in the STANDING AT P. M. VXS TER0AY: ; ; ; j: St Mary's Acsdemy .....I1,M9 Portland Academy ....-.39,80;t High School ',..1.94,848 Harrison School 3! 1.503 Williams Avenue .......,1!.!U Atkinson .19, 8!t Park ..1,963 Failing... .1.H0 ounnysiac , ... . . . . r. . . r Highland v.. ll.iW f Holladay '. ...lo" Central Clinton Kelly ' Chtpman , ITouch " V