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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1904)
i r: ,1 .( ,..y... 11 - octA lrt.'nj: CIRCULATION OP T LTION OP T"5 f f I wiAtnl; - 1 JOURNAL Showers; 'soutnarly wind 5? VOL. t NO. SO. PORTLAND, OR N, SUNDAY MORNI OCTOBER l4.FOUR SECTIONS- PAQE8. )x i v : - ' PtICK -PIVX CENTS. DEAL VITII vi 'II GAMS . ; - , y v. . v . 'r AcGveCriyfo Seek- EASAGAWA S REDUCED fill G to Koret-h Rrt Khii DU- , utlshctioi af fnperiil Givcrt Bcot Wh Progress 1 i, MM Kws tentr. Tokta. Oct. 1 U to reported that w ins to tb numW of lnvikd mm Uw " Ruwla tMHtallona numbr only from ' SM to O0 liulMd M 1,00. Th acouU ,' now r apparently ittzpertncd. Thl oonMrd twr to Indies t InsuffV ctont nrnvM.1 7 0nrl Turn's droop hav Mtvanced - to 8ulchns. oa tb llnehrla aide of ' th viwot wall. Thalr daatlnatt la t Xlaebou, waat of tho Uao rtarar. Ocn- oral Toani Chi. In command of Um Chi neaa janiaon at Mukden, haa Informed : tha autttorltlaa at Paklna; that tho Rua alaM ara fortifrtnc tha Imswrlal mauaO .- Imidi In tha acttrhborhood of Mukden and th aotcnta at Tlan Cou aad Luna; Yu. - . Ta Japanaaa army dlaburaaar dallr mong the Cbtnaao coolie to- yen 4). ' VTha Aahai notaa tho atranaa ,. phanomonon that, while . Japanaaa aa . curltlaa hava racovarad thalr ton oa the Lendon anarhat, Aha domeatte market showa a further declln moA dull bual Poralrrf trada to ood and tha farmer bond whleh raaovered rapid lr In HM do not recover now in eptt of apaA'a . atrongar flnaaclat poaltlon. An un con Armed report Wu iwoatVatt . hare tola afternoon to tho effect that " Aghtfnf had be run near Mukden, bua . aa there ha bean no. eaclal announea - tnewl aonoornmc auch a battle U la ' - preaumed bar tonight that ta rumor i wlraout, foundation. ' . i Numercma aklnntehaa aro batn datl . atantlr report ad- between acouta, but aald from tbla there la no oAclal news to load to tha belief that a. aatUo la any wbare near imminent. - Tha first known dtodatiafactton of the - tm pa rial sovermnent with tho prosraos of the war eaa be announced tonlffht m Kihm remoral of ueutanant oonorai Baron Haaasawa. from the oonuaand of the Imperial aiiarda divlahm. . Tha official bulletin ajuiouhce that . ha la to retire from tho field to take oommand of tha military administration : In Korea Baron Oram plaosa oh Haaaawa whatever d leered It that mar attach to K tha delay of the Tapanes army In tha battle Of Kwanaulten, and eeveral waeka later In the turnins operatfona whlah " Xurokl attempted at tha spur of tha tanthal coat mines. Baron Baaaamwa eoarmandad what n , known aa tha Imperial body guard, oom- pitalna; 'four Infantry red man ta, two regiments of osvalry. thro of artillery and tho third battalion of englneora, " ' Although th Japan .left wing wma " able to get around tha enemy, tb Jap- anM -right was repulsed at eeveral . points and, while the battle aa a whole rwaa auoesseful art two days, tho a - eloping msvmnt wan not oarrlad on aa laid sat by Kurofci. The fault la aaerlbed to Oenaral Baron Uasagawm HOeVsg Alaaar wa .... m . (joarml aaarial sarrlet.) i . r. Mukden. Oct I. Cblnaee refugee are . flocking to Mukden during tb tempo- rary lull In boat little. -.Tb .village- along the Slnmrstlng road and tho Hun River valley are practically deeerted and : tho same Is th can with the eastern .and southern roads. Many of th fleeing dnptimtlon, bow ver. have not corns to Mukden, but bsv crossed th Uao river. Th foreata fur ther aat are femlahlng rsfug for ' many, whoa euhaiatence la bnrrlaa. . anmoKATatnr a Frfaraaia fa tb Jag . . 'anas Ban of ttw Wv -(CbpyHgtC Hearst Kew aWek. bp taaaad , Wirt Tha JearaaJ.) ' Berlin. Oct; I 0nrml Kurepatkta has loot hi famous charger, L Maro rhal. a gift to bint from th esar. La Marechai, a aon of Lohengrin, tha JEn ltah thoroughbred, has, .In fact, all , ' (Continued ,n lag Two.) WILLAMETTE M THAN EVER BEFORE Capam Raaba, commander of the Steemer Fomona; which arrived hi port last night from points on tb upper Will amette, reports that th rtver lg lower by four Inches than H waa over before known. Had It not been for th work performed recently by th new govern ment dipper dredge ha doolared that It would ba impossible for eteamboata to go many miles above Oregon City. "Wa eonnsot with th ateamer Or gona, which rona fmm Newbunf to Balem," says the captain. "Th Orsgona ia on of th llghteat draught steamers m th . world. When loaded the only draws about 14 inches of water, and on a good portion of her rout th water ta sot mare than U lac ban deep. Had not I 1 vv II o Tirana- k. 1NA? SHOT OF JUDOB ALTON B. , ' . x - ft ' - TlffT TO RAILWAYCHANQES HSHQWINrSTOGKS i.r tapNlal Sipptteh byLeeeei Wbat W Jeeraal) Ban rrhnetsco, dot: .Many minora ara la circulation here- a wmi aa m tha east as to tho llkHbood of a ehsng in th present management of tho Banta Pa. Thcaa rumora are do to tb -IMavy buying: of Atohlaon, Topeka Santa Fe StOCR TOT a numOOr OK trnvuimm ymm. Thes purchaaes ara aald to have, changed tb majority ownerehip'Of both th oommob and pref erred stock, and today nva big railroads' toteraatav three of which are bHter competitor of each other. wn la th aggregat i,e,ess out of a total of M.oo common sou prefenred aharea of Baa Pa stock. ' Tha or raHroad mtoresU. and thalr holdings of Hants Fa stock ar aald to ba aa follow: - . Mlasonrl Padflc. IM.W Sharaar un ion Paeine, MS.S00: .,fnl,. IIMM; Bock islsnd. JM.tM;. Pennsylvania Railroad, aos.oog. - . . In eaa tbsrs ds not a anaaa-up or tb managamont It la looked uponvas a CARRIER BURNS MAIU SAVE DELIVERY ' - ' -i ' (SeeeUl TDiapatrh by Leeaed WW b Ta Jsanul) Fresno. Cat. Oet. In- the mst 14 hours two emoloyoB of th Fresno, post- off ion have been awrestsd . by John B rocker, poetofftce Inspeetor.. Yesterday Bleaaar Hill was arroatsd for rifling Iho- malL Today J. F. Lead rum. a rural dla- trict mail carrier, waa arrested for de stroying maH matter that he fodnd r convenient to deliver. - . - Laadrum has a look smnrtrr rout and LOWER th new dredge dons som very effect fv work la eeveral local Uie tha ebannet would only be about Inches ta depth. It saa therefor be even that If It had not bean for the dredge th navigation of tha upper river would have been abandoned before this date. Tho Unusually low water hi attributed to the prolonged period fit dry weather. If It ahoaid fall ta rain during th next two or these weeks it Is possible that a much lower stags of water wtfl result. In that event th Orsgona would have to be taken off the Nswborg and Balem run. But tho members of the transportation bomnany are of th opinion that I he rains will come m time before it hu nnwi nca bit Us up any sf ta. boats. 1 EMM f -M. e ' rrm. .RKBP4 TAaOri-WCa)rT HgWdTOWC ? . certainty thab tha Bant- Ft'a traffic policy will bar altered a. that the eoia paoy will so longer b a thorn la the Ah f tthsr th Union Paolfls and MUmonii 'Pacldo- or any other road la which. Gould. Rockefeller, Hirrlau and Kuan Lebj Ok. are Interested. . At least that, la ,tba oplnton of local Booth arn Paclfle and Banta Fa oAolaia,j who Aeep' track of auoh mstterav . - This absorption of Banta Fa stock by rival railroad Internet Is looked upon as another atep m a oomm unity of in Uraat acbms that will eventually place all tb overland, lines under tha domina tion of - three- separate on mb mat ion. Whether the 6 a, Paul road Is finally to uae- the Banta Fa aa an outlet to Cali fornia, or whether, the Rock Intend la to get It for tho asms purpose Is a ques tion otMmmodUts and very fascinating Interest to railroad people, flt. Paul and Missouri Faeifle holdings of Santa Fo stocM ar aald to represent -John IX and Wb. RockfHr mony, . Tor som thn. k Is stated,' has been tn the habit of burning mall that would shorten th' d lata no that ho had t cover. N B rocker got en Land rum's trait tsday and naught him, t la asserted, aa ha was throwing a bunch sf mall Into th atovs, : Landrnm Is a' Bpanlsh AnTCrloan war vtraa aad draws a peor slon. ' . ' . ' ' in order to get the pons ton- LandrtMU claimed to b a aufferer from dysentery aa a result of campaigning in tha Fhtl ipploss. Preparatory to an examination by atbystCMn.Lnodrum. it ' Is tblast at nothing bwt raw pork .for several days. A charge of fraud Drill bs lodged against him on thhvaoor. TWO KEN KURDEREO ' BY KNOCKOUT DROPS (Reerhil Blsptteb ts The fear aal.) Butte, Mont., Oet. . Charte Runkla, of Csntervllls. waa today found In a dying condition In an empty aoal ear. bla race jbelrui smothered la duat. a a re sult. It G believed, by offlcoTB of his being given - knockout , drops, , Runkl died eeveral. hours after being taken to th hospital. Runkle Waa known to have had Money with him when ha left horn sarly In th day. and hi thought to have been given a deadly drug: at som of th rssorta visited . by him. - Runkle' death makes the second in Butts from knockout drops wlthla the past week.- Lsat Tuesday night Bdward Wsgnsr, a wsll known contractor f this city, was drugged to death and robbed of tied. Hi body waa found crammed into an alley hi th roar aC aa Cast Park street saloon. In Statement Rsps "Reck- x less Roosevelt SUGAR BARGAIN Siyt Dcnocrah Wanted Evei Qreater ; Bcclprocliy with Cila Tb Ww 7 t Graiici Bat fetter, ; i'i (Saaetei impasm r Uamd Wb ta tha Jiat aal. New Tork, Ott. a. John Bharp WU una. Democratic leader In tha hous. of rep re en ta Uvea, today Issued a stat- ment in wbloh ha replied to Roosvits Inainuatlen. m his letter of aooeptanoa that -the Damocrata ara Inalaosrs about reciprocity. William says: Preaident Booasvelt declares that th Cuba reciprocity bill paaaad lb only on passed wee opposed by tb Democ racy. Tha Congreaslonal Record shows that when th Cuban reciprocity btU bam M a vot It ro1vd every Dema c ratio vot In the hous mcpt eight, wbll npo tha Republoan aid of th chamber II vote were east against WL Tho Democratic newspaper' all over th country I ado reed the policy of th Dem ocratic representatives la Washington. -Tb preaident in his aaoartlon upoai this aubjeot. has bean almost ss rock less aa; be baa been about many other things.; Recklessnss sea ma to In part Of bla character. In tb nfty-eighth oo grsas, rt bv tfu that th Demscrats at tempted ts amsnd th Cuban reciprocity measure, but by making R still more rs ciprocaL ' That- amendment waa vote down by the Republican party and with th approval of tha Republican president; as X aasais bold ts state. Thisils not sU that th Republican party, did In sonneotlon with that bill for th benefit of special sugar interest. Instead of making th bill In th begin ning th flrat step .of a reciprocity pol ler. t deliberately mad it th htst,' , MWhthr by aotaaibargalB or not f oanpot say. because I don't know, bat It pwossTVpon that biU by way of amendment a provision which was not requested to fe placed upon It by tha Republic of -Cuba and which waa solely In the . interest of a class th proviso that the duties on sugar should not ba reduced to other nations by rsclproslty arrange men ta." If thla was not hargattt with those Republicans who war representing the rucar' interests, then It is at any rata something which might well hav hsea a bargain. "Upon several other ' occasions th Democrat tried to get a mora reciprocal treaty, and at Svery point ova wens balked by th Republicans The Con gressional Rscord wllbprovs ewery at fo ment I hav made and will show that th president Is wrong." - , ' - WOUJU0 OORORAJb FIB' fV Washlngto, Oct. a. Th stima.te for I toe win be something enor mous, according to som reports already mads privately to th cabinet officers and to th president. The effort of the adminiatration Is to oonoaal th figures. It fears that notwithstanding- tb In junction of secrecy laid oa tt by the president, some of th biggest Item will got to th public be for they eaa ba rs vtssd for congress. Conferences with cabinet officer en thla subtsot ara tn order, tho-flrat of which took place today between Acting Postmaster General Wynne and lbs pros Ident, aa to tb postofflos department' affairs. Thi la regardod as tha most Import- am for th reason that th rsoent annual atatament wer exceealve by reasop of tho msohlnatloas of Beavers and- Ma-i ebon, wxtravsgancs, oorruptlon, etc., ate. It Is up to th department now to show for 1M largely diminished estimate taking; of ooarsa, into aeoouat tha nor mal In roes In th business of ta de partment. - i..' (Continued on Page Beven.) REPORTED COAL MINE FIRE PROVES UNTRUE 17 tfoenMl apsrlsl SwrlaeJ Marshfisld. Or.. Oct. t. Th report that gained elrculatlon ts ths effect that th Beaver Hill Cool mine, Itustsd about 11 mil from here, wa on fir, had beeneulkheaded and slosed. sad that all Indications wars that It would bs som pest el y destroyed. Is antra. Th snly foundation for in report wa th fast that a few timbers hi tho mln wer slightly burned, owing to thalr having- become accidentally lg- . nlte. .- Th bias was xtiagu!ehed and m full fores of seen ar now working rho miss. Th report . rested esnslderebl excitement, a ths mln hi considered on of best properties of th kind on th pacific onast. It la the property of Spree be Is Bret bora of Ba Francisco and to valued at more ' then tl.dM.asd. . . - Jobn Slisro WKlta SUPPRESSED PHOTOGRAPH" OF ,. ..i- ... . . , , HIS FIAKCEB. v - i Copfee of thla photograph haw been 'eel sed tn Oermany becauss ths Kaiser conaiders them undlgnlned. Th hat the Kalaer might forgtv. but th familiar altitude and hs elgaratt In tb prlnoe's hand hs cannot psr gelt tb publlo t Ss. v ' NEW BISHOP FOR (Seertal Dnaateb ta The Joaraal.) Orsat rails,- Mont. Oct. Archbishop Ohrtotl of Portland, O.. wtU offlciau at ths Installation of Right Rev. "Ma th ia Clement Lenlhanr D D, tbs first bishop f th aswiy created d loess sf Orsat Falls, y at Id d'elock towrroV morning. ' ' '" ' Bishop Lsnihaa arrlvsd herd this even ing from Dubuque, I a., where be was ordained bishop. Aeoompanylng Bishop Lenlhan were Father Tlttel of Lorento, Penh., and rather Olbbona f St. Paul. Ths nactr arrived In a srlvat carl placed at. Its disposal by ths Orsat Northern Railway company, and wa at one driven In carriage to tho rectory of Si Ann church. Ther th avow- ala war received by Archbishop Chris SECRETARY. GAMBLES AWAY. MUCH. MQNEY (aparkU nesatm bpLeaaeA Wire MTs Jeers!) Saa Franolaeo, Oct. a. The mysteri ous disappear no oF W. C Stores, sec retary of tb Leather Warksrsv anion, who was reported missing yesterday, baa been sxptalned. .: - ' Tb zplanatin was mads by Storsk himself.-who bobbed ap serenely this morning and admitted that he bad hew gambling for two nights with strangers and bad lost lit. Th money lost was not tbs funds of th union, b ssys, but his own, and hs to corroborated by th officer sf that Sfganisatlos, SHOT BY THUGS AND . HURLED FROM TRAIN . fgewM awastes te Tb learaalt ' Columbus. MonU Oct. Shot by thugs, robbed of bis .valuables and harled- from a awlftly moving paaasngor train, waa ths fat of a travel, on an, overland Northsm Pacific passenger train, who. from paper found, hi be lieved to b Louis DenamST of Bdmond, South Dakota! Track walkers sarly this morslBg alsvrd Danamer lying b x- - - ' - ..-' - ''...'" " ' ' . . o ' . t r OKRMANT i CROWM PRINCB AND 4 i GREAT -FALLS - T 1, I, tie. JBishop O'Dsa of Beattl and tha Very Rev. Mr. Kaupen, obaneellor of .th dloeeee of- Seattle.- -.. ' Later In the. d- Blenop Olortous of Bolss City, Ids., arrived and will par tlclpatd In th osrsmonles. ' Bishop Leo Ihasl will bs ftsoortsd to. the rectory by a prooesston of Catholic societies, i K From that place. ponUfioal entrance. will ba made Into the - church where Archblahop' Chrlstl will eonduot eer vices, pontifical high mass being eeie brated., After th oereraonlee a grand banquet will bs tendered the visiting clergy and prelatss by the oitisen of Great Falls : f Th ceremony aald from Ita tmport ano will b on of the most Interesting in th history of thpCatholl ebuveb f Montana.: ' - - - - ' - " aid th track with a bullet hols through bto bead.. H waa breathing his tost and died within a few moments, af tat bs was Tound. - . - DenarseV pocket had ibeen turned Inaldo oat. nothing valuable being fmind on th remains., Tha train from whlah H Is ' believed Denarner ' waa thrown osseed throushv Columbus during th night. la ths men inside vest pocket was. found .pnprs .bearing; ths name "Denarner." and a ticket from Ifidmopd. South Dakota, to Taooms, Week. CORPSE-STANDING v : ' 0 J U ST UNDER WATER -r:-.,)- - Itesetal Masstdi ts The Sasvssl.p - ' - 1 Balem. Or Oct. a I. M Rumbaugh, a rsrmsr of Ubsrty. four mile south sf this city, rommltwd sutctd Wednesday. He bad not boon seen stood then until today, when bto body wss discovered emndmg so ths waters of a slough near tb Oeorgs Crotoan plane abovnht tty. Wednesday bs seemed unlike himself. He asked for hto son Clyde, who h dently forgot wa attending sohool at ths titpttal Buslnees college in this dly. He started to hfs Iruitdryer, but lay down on th ground, saying a wanted rest. Rumbauph t left tb pae and ths One Explanation of the Attempted Return to "Wide Open" Town. V,. :l AGREEMENT REPORTED t v Ii Rctoni far Support af Republic. . NacBlftt Next SpriBt (!( v HocsesR tsSaK Are to" Dave Free Hani ' -; ' v- ( ' ' ' Back of tbs poolroom ordinsne which we railroaded through tb etty eouacB tost Wednesday there to said t he a political deal which t expscteit t hav an Important Influence upon th munici pal lscitoa , net year '- Ascording t. the wbo-.prets.- to knew, a ail lane baa been formed between the local Re publics n machine and th proprietors of tn big gsmbimg-houses whereby tb machine hopes as eoatrol th nommstwns . for city offices next spring. In rsturn for ths help which the .gamblers ara to giv the machln Portland to again ta bs mad a wide-open town, th first step In this direction betof th Moenslng off ths poolrssm. . - , There ara many circumstances whim Oongrm ths truth of thai story and U affords th only reasonable explanation yet offered for th mnarkabt course-of th nine councilman who rushed through th poob-oom -ordlnane la at week. Most of them had not been Informed befor hand that auch an ordinance was to bo Introduced and therefor had had no op nuvtonlty to consider th wisdom of paaalag M. Tat from some mysterious source cams tb IntlmsOon that tha measure must go through sad without eves the formality sf referring R to oommltte ths nine council men voted fori It ss on man.- Th asm unquestion ing obedience to th order Of th m cbln to expected again If It become neceeoary to pass tbs erdlnano over tb mayor'a veto. . . - ' Wmsr ffMmalss Osa Balp. if th nomination of city officer neat yer wer t be governed, by .tb direct primary tow th eld of tb gamblers would be of doubtful valuv to the ma chlpp. But It has become apparent that the tow cannot apply to the coming election and It Is understood that . It to to he amended bv the tsalslatttre so as K restore, for that election, the old method' o nominating candidates In convention. Thla to tbs program of the mschlns. for only by this plan can H hop to oontrol the next city administration. If the nominations ar to b mad tn convention th gamblers can bs a power ful aid te the machine In th primaries, when ths delegates to the, convention ar chosen. This baa-been illuatrated many times In this city, an Instance being af forded by ths primary elect led tait sprtng when many prsotnota were carried for th machln jhrougb tbs efforts f th Portland dub gamblers. At that time th gamblers wer divided, some of them id ins and som opposing ths machine. Th purpose of th deal now reputed 1 hav been mad to to bring them aH Into a common a 11 lane which a hall hav fnr Its objects ths perpetuation of mschlns nils in th city hall aad tha rssumptton of p Mm gambling. Success st th pmoarlee la of sours inttal to tb machln If It Is to con trol ths monlaatlng sonvemlon. Th gambling-house can command vote enough to decide th reault tn many pr spinet and t elect delegate wb caa ba railed upon to take the machln pro gram. .If th present plans do not mis carry tn reeult wUI be that th Repub lican nominee next pring will be mr puppets of ths machine pledged, hi th event of their election, l th protesttoa of the gamblers. Th paaaag of th poolroom ardtnone to th first fruit of ths compact between th bosss and tb gamblers. Pressure Is being brought to bear upon Mayor Wil liams to Indues him to sign th ordinance, but If he refuses M do so tt win bs passed over bis veto. Tbla to well under stood among ths gamblera. who look upon tb BMasurs as virtually already a law. ' - v. v Warwtok Bsem Mot Opsav ' Colonel Applegsts thought better of bis determination to reopen his poolroom this afternoon, bnd tb place is not yet running. It la said that he received art Intimation that th may- would not permit sunk a flagrant violation of thi law, and that tf buna should bs r. sumsd today there would b da agar of arrests.. .-' Among tn gambling fraternity th report to current that Mayor Williams (Continued on Page Two.) family never saw ' ft Ira aaaia l)v, Searching parties were organised, but, s trao was found until this evening, when his sen Clyde and th boy of a neialibr named Dova found hi hat tha atou' n hank. A Httle further Bp !Rr f" f his body stsadmg uprurtat M the wi of the atoush. umerd a few Iwn under th water. Th - could nt i th body ut and returned, one lu th ooroner and the other to m tlves. RurhMiieh was a farmer snd prut rowr r dent of this sw m, I' dwisred lnt - w Temporary . . y i V ,'l