The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 07, 1904, Image 5

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    T?:a .cL ,3o;t da"Y joutnau pcww"' fkiday evenino, October Ts rt
toaiexrs unnum
Humn dnsd l......HUiHkt'
ttidr.r's t. "Osos H, -w"
Colombia ...."Hi Mr
b.tA- 4naa sf Mm IW
fori Vata!Ue
tWoe , ,....VuJTi!te
Areas ..., Tai Tlt
Star v Vtadarllta
t A tMTNM tfllMr Wt t the Ml
. ery of ths Rsv. Stanton C. Lad ban was
Toua pt ine iruaieee ok we bwom
Baptist church. Da at Atooond and Aafceny
. streets, at th annual reunion and ban
' guet held last sight By standing vats
the members unanimously ratified the
'action of tb trustss. Deeooa W, B.
Hail explained that, the Increase had
bean decided on beoaase Mr. Lapham la
j-"" the most faithful and caergstlo paator
(ha , k.. aw H.4 Swifli
: showed ths current sxseaees of tha
;. ohureh bava all baaa mat and that aux
Ulary religious sooletles axa Id Hour-
i, Isblng eonditkm. ' .. m i
; One man baa B. Johnson eallsd npen
' tha polloe to aaatat him In locating bis
U I H.H Till. tilKI
f ' It la tha flan ffaaolaco oAelala ha ap
peels to. Whan tha bar ran a way from
hla fattia kar it na taw tha numua
at following tha Higgling circus. This
tiiae, it tm hhi, ww iam DNirM we aju
with a vaudeville troupe. At tha tima
tha bor want with tha eireua bo was
. locstsd ta Bant Boon by Detective
t It ran. who travels with Una blf shows.
Ha was a tart ad horns ward, but dlssp
y Ptf4 Seals.
Tsks a gtgambsat reds through the
mountainous radon, amidat tha match-
Um scenery of Oregon. .Vlaw tha groat
waterfalls, oaayona ul glens skirting
tha Columbia, Tha staamar Chaiiea B.
- flpanear laavaa foot of - Washington
street 'Mondays, Wed needs ye had Frl
. days oa Its up-river run to Tha Dallas
i and way landings, rturnlac on altar
tiato day. Whan eomlBa to Portland
laava tha train at Tha Dalloa and rlda
. down to tha ony on tha flpanoor. Tai.
Brown ta Wta of tha Halm Clothing
and Chlcsac bo atora at, lU-7
mib pi lev wi, vuuu viu uw in eiwkuiiiai,
v ahoca and. man' a and bora furniahlnga
v a la balas mada at thla aalo la Mtaiaaw
Inc. ' Such a raeord braaklna; aala waa
navar twtfnra nuumMlaf at thfa aaa arm
" of tho yoar. If yon want high el aaa
;, . pal.. - w,
. H. -HtcWln. a laborar, Un from a
V l-foot acaffold at tho antranoa of tho
t fair grounda Tuooday aftatpo ' and
fraoturad hla light lagv Ha waa work
tng 001 tho oatranoo whan a plaak avd-
dealy cava way undor. him. praolpltat
I In tha vtetlm to tho ground. Dr. A. C
ralth raduead too fractaro and ardarad
11 tha man aaat homo. - ,
If yon want your linon wblta L
' If you want ft lanndarad Hht ---,-
,: Tha Union hi tha nlaoo to go -
- Maavaa your ffarmanta look Ilka
v It la Orafon'a traataat laundry.
4 It la llttM wondar it dailghta na
, ', natrons all tha ttma. flaoond and Co
. lumbta. TaL Main lit. . ? ,
V -At tho amraal maatlng of tha board of
, . dlraotoro of tha Portland nubll baths
' yaetarday Edward Holmaa praaaotad tha
smwoal roport of -Traosurar R- Zfv1n
V atooa. showtna a boMneo of 7t 1 at
" . Ladd d TUton's bank in favor of tha
V oauiav a aonciaBicr or o ino opan
. -. suoaonpuon.- . , '
-;'Tow ahoos 't
Will bo ' -.
-.Dona todapi. " A ,
; At anew .' ';.: '.
,! ir m "
Nd thorn. f'"
Ooodyaar Shoo ranalr Paotory, Thmbnt
boar Gas Co.'s offlea. Frao eall and 00
Uvory any raaaeaabla dlataaon. ,
' Tha capital stoHt of tha Columbia
"' .Basin Stock Tarda aoaspany haa boon
Increased to SSSO,Os. -A sits far tho
'- salaetad m a short tima. Sltaa havo
, j ' Football I Pnotballl ,
, ' Tha aaaoan'a first bla; csmst
. : L Tomorrow at Multnomah Field, I p. .
Multnomah va Astoria.
Multnomah's only gane befors CaU
fornia natohos. . . ,. .. -
'' - Kasldants of St Johns declare that
tha proposed amendment to tho pound
I ordinance will reault In permitting cat
tle to roam through the town la the
'' asms way aa befors the ordinance was
passed. They Insist that the ordlnanoe
should be left as K
eBBBBnajp 1 ' f-
Footbstlf' ' ;i ,'-'. i
Muitnomsh v AstorUL ? mt ?'!i.
See all the local cracks play.
At Multnomah Field tomorrow at t
p. m.
A red-hot same, rata sr shine.
The Christian IkidaavroF aoefat of the
t First Convregmtlonsl ohurcta la to flvs
tha Srst membars' sociable of fhs year
. at the T. - it. o. a. tonight in tha
r-, : iiai mm a mmm nmm mm
:s -. - ... . . i. .
In the mnntifBi'many erf you mn handling your
material la ths good old-faghioned wayman power
and horsa power, and wondering why tha other fal
low keeps ahead of you.
Take an Hour Off .
and Find Out
' Coma down to tha shop and aaa a practical teat of ;
Yona of mr new reversible v. :
Vi!!cn:stto (htactcs Hoist
elation parlors, and a good program has
baaa arraaaad. which will eonalat la
part of a reading; by Vrs. Vesta Town-send-WUllams,
a violin solo . by Miss
Cornelia Barker and a vooal solo by .
. Kllpaok. Praoantnc the program will
be a run of basaet ball In tho vrmn.
alum between the Tlsere," lightweight
ohamplons of last yearu and a team
picked from tha lead are. Tha gams will
bearUi at o'clock. This social Is open
to all association members and their
women frioods. .
Whits Tern pi a Bapttat ohureh eon
dudad Its annual business meeting last
night Tho reports showed a very suo
ceaaful year In all departments. Over
lil.sog has been ralssd for various pur
poses. Including tho Improvement . of
the churoa property ana renovation of
tho parsonaas. Tha officers sleeted for
the year rs:, Ax U Veaals, clerk; Mies
Daisy Btltea, aaaiatant elerk: Grant
Phegley, troasursr; C ft Kopf, aaaiat
ant treasurer; S. G. Mai ana J. D. Buah
nell, John Wlasv deacons. The Sunday
school superintendents wars sleeted aa
follows: Central Bible school. Jantua
BMwards; flsvler street. A. Lewis;
Unlvsralty park. Mrs. J. T. Hoys; Dlsle,
Cornelius Mclson, Tho report of the
good eltlsonshlp committee by O. P. M.
Jamleson, chairman of tha. committee
and preslderU of tho Portland Municipal
Issgus, was Intsroallng.
' , Cameron, president of tha North
west Kleotrlc Bngtneerlaa aompsny, ac
companied by his wlfs and Mrs. J. B.
Godfrey, left last evening for tha east
Mr. Cameron wlU visit the St. Loals ex
po alt ten for 19 days ana men spend a
few days st his old boms In Dansvllle.
111., visiting relatives and friends. Hs
will also visit Chlcaco Cincinnati. Phila
delphia Mew York and Boston on busi
ness natters. Mr. Cameron haa bean
appointed a dologats to ' the Trans-
Mlaslsslppl Commercial songrsos, which
meats in St Louis October to II. Ms
WU1 be absent Hi weeks. , ,
B. G. Welch, until rsosntry manager of
tho Colombia 1 theatre, has eoneludod ta
appear in vaudovlllo bsra Ho will pre
sent a sketch celled Tllp Mr. Flop.
with tha asslstansa of his wlfs. Klttls
Franc Is. Miss Dyer and Miss Beatrice.
The new arranarsmsnt follows Mr.
Welch resignation ss a anambar af tho
Columbia Stock company. ,
At ths quartprlj buslnsns meeting of
the Highland Congregational ehurch
mst nlcbt, IX B. Cooley reported on too
meeting of the stats association. A
Junior Bndsavor society of about M
membars has lust been organised. A
movomesj tor a siali - aosisty In '
' See announcement of tho Cope and
Millinery and Suit house annual autumn
eele. which begins tomorrow morning.
Shrory artlelo rsduosd, MlUlnsry, suits
and Jackets at ana-half and one-third
radostUtsv i ;i.t;
Ths Third fhfnatry will basin Hs sec
ond annual target praetlos October tT
and will oontlnua for several days. Ths
praeties win bo held sn tha target range
bask af tha slty park.
toeaeBBaaawsmi '
Ths Demoeratlo oounty central- som-
mittee will meat next Saturday evening
at tha stats commltteca headqnartars
la Hotel Soott, Seventh and Ankeny
Football f FootbsUl , V-
- The first big gams of tha season!
. Multnomah vs.1 Aettorla. " : ,
Multnomah Field tomorrow t I p. m.
' Wa-Hoo Tonic Ths groat blood puri
fier, news tonle and ltver retnilator. Just
what yon need these days. Tor aala by
all drnffgtota.- - -. : '
Ws si aaa and press your slothes and
shins your shoos for il.oo par month.
Unique tailoring Co, T Washington.
Main 14.
Portland Wire dk Iron Works ars bow
located at Trenkmaa Co.'s on Fonrth
ar - Flaadera, . Werh famed . out
prosnptly, . 1 .: . - c ,
Chew Des-Tal-Oum, bars pearly tsoth
and prevent dssay. , For sals every
wham. -... "
Adlutant-Oeaersi W. B. Ftnasr of the
Oregon Natlonnl Guard has returned
from a trip to Bull Rua, Where ha
viewed ths military maneuvers at the
famous battle ground. On his return hs
stopped at St Louis and visited the
fair. . .- -
- ; 'A Reliable Shoe Rrn.
Tha Bsron Shoo Oo at - Mor
rison street. Is onb of ths city's oldest
and most reliable Arms. They handle
ths very best grades of men's, women's
and children's shoes to be found on ths
coast, and ths prices quoted ars always
low and reasonable, quality sonsldered.
In men's shoes they handle such well
known brands as George B. Kesth Co.
T. D. Barry A Co.; In boys shoes, ths
BioeUlor sad Bunker Hill brand; in wo
man a ahoos. B. P. BSed Co.. Hllltsrd
dt Tabor, and the celebrated Bad School
House shoes. Thsas well known brsnda
nd ths firm's reputation as to reliabil
ity and honesty ars sufhclsnt guarantee
that those who trade hers ars euro of
good values for tho money spent To
morrow a pedal sales la every depart
tasat, ars announced by ths Barons. ,
Free tea with Sunday Journal cash
Want ads. Don't forgot
n. it in;
'. ; ..; y..
r -
I AT Till TlATXU j
: "
I . r ' 1 11
"But this one she hath naught la
common with tho daughtsrs of moo.
Her great eyes shins like suns Under
triumphal arches the whtteneee of her
bosom outshines tho diamonds of - her
neokUoi. When. I- was near her I
breathed tho odor of temple fragrant
as wins, terrible as Death. Oh how tho
stones must thrill beneath her saadtUa.
and ths very stars lean out to sas nor as
In these words, ths giant barbarian.
Matho, sspresses his worship of Ba
lsmmbe, tho daughter of Hajullcar. In a
great tragedy written by Stanlalaus
Staags and presented hi Portland for
ths first time last night by Frederick
Wards and bUtbryn Kidder.
Read those Unas and what other mod
ern playwright will -they auggeet? Only
onsJuatln V- McCarthy the author of
"If I Wars King."
It waa ths pleasure of ths Marquarots
flrst-nlchtera to witness a play that ast
all Now York talking when it was first
produced by Blanche Walsh. They talked
not only of ths star, tho climaxes and
ths scons they had thought of ss ob
jectionable, but- of the beautiful ma
guags In whlsh tho powerful story Is
told nnd tho .gorgeous dressing of a
Wagenbsls. and Kemper production.
To express It frankly, ths first thing
that Imprsasas ths spectator is ths mar
velous Bosnlo dlspUy. And then the
characters ars revealed, an by one, In
maummcent taetalon.
Mr. Wards, while hs disclaim tho sa
tire to substitute barbarian ohlef for
Shakespsrsan' roles, appeara aa Matho
with all tho maynetlsm af his arlato
oratle make-up laid aside. His aotlmr
laat night was a treat as great a treat
as hs haa given Portland aloes bis Marc
Antony, whloh ha reads so beautifully.
In ths third not. ths groat tent scene,
tha actor waa at his best. I dare say
that no other man sould bavs used the
word "Salammbo" as many tunas ss did
Mr. Wards and convey to ths audience
ths absolute sincerity of the barbarian
lovey. It was at ths end of this sot
that ths house demanded 'a curtain
apsaoh, after seven curtain cells. It was
not long. Mr. Wards merely thanked
the audience on behalf of Miss Kidder
as well and truthfully added: "The only
reward aa actor haa m ths applause of
ths moment and. perhaps, tha msm
ory of tt afterwards."
MiBg Kidder in ths title role far sur
passes any other effort ths writer has
seen her attempt. She Is ths dlgnlflsd
picture ths author Intended until her de
scription of ths storm' the staes poa
sossss no language mors beautiful
gives full away to her emotional powers.
She, as wait aa her oo-atar, arose to a
tremendous height In ths tent scons, and
tha death waa snactsd with what we
oall "real lam. . ; .
Thomaa Coffin Cooks, who has been
associated with Wagsnbals and Kemper
aa stage director for several years, plays
ths aged Greek, Spendlua, with fins ef
fect. Especially Intense Is his rtvld de
scription ef slavery and ths curse upon
Hamllcar. Wadsworth Harris Is con
vincing as tha deposed chieftain of tho
Carthaganlsa hosts and Miss Brooks Is
a satisfactory Hilda. There ars few
weak spots to ths oast. In fact, and
ths marvelous sosnto production would
be worth goliur to sea aa an exhibition,
even if ths play did not exist.
Ths sngngsmsnt lasts until tomorrow
night. Admirers of what is slassle on
tha-etage will not vsrlook "Salasnmbo.
"tiuvyAvasi cxocnV
grandfather's Clock" wss produced
fey ths first Uses last sight a Oardrays
theatre before a small audlanos. It tells
ths story of an inhsrltanos that die
appears through ths abeentmlndedneea
of an old man. Zn an endeavor to pre
vent any posslbls obanod of -robbery ho
hides ths box of .money in an 01a ciock
and forgets, about It. His grandson,
who m In lovs with ths hslrsss is nus-
naeted fcv his father of steeling the
money just before ths boy runs away to
ths elty. Hs runs away because he be
lieves his sweetheart is to marry an
other. Tho work of a detective sn the
trail of ths hero and egged on by the
villain, e lawyer who has charge of tho
legal affairs of ths heroins and who la
anxious to marry her.! samas ins scory
Just ss ths hero Is about to bs taken
tho grandfather haa a luold moment, ths
money la reoovered. ths hero's name is
cleared, the happy aoupls united and ths
villain thwarted.
James Hurley aa Daniel Hughes,
father of ths hsro. had ths strongest role
last night and filled tt welL Lola Davis
made a winsome heroine, while Franklin
Sales bury. Louis-Swtmsr. Arthur vsrner,
George P. Haines, A Ida Gardner and Bs
telle Furr filled ths other rows, ine
actors and aotrsssss were hardly fitted
for tho play, whlsh would need a star
east in order to become popular.
It waa originally intended to run out
ths week wltk HGrandfsthers Clock.
but ths managsmsnt has dsoMed that It
will not do, at least In Its present shape
and A Romanes of Coon Hollow" will
hold ths attention of Cordray'a patrons
until ths end ef ths week.
. " ' m BVAVVB PfcAY.'
rflobe, ths status, emerges from her
resting Plaos each night at ths Colum
bia theatre and delights tho audlanos
with a representation of what a piece
of marble, suddenly corns to life as a
woman might say and da In modern
New York. This has been me most
profitable week of ths entire season at
ths now bouse, and Btags mremor Bern
ard ' Is racking hla brain to discover a
faros of ths same msiit for early pro
Next week's bfll win be "An Ameri
can Cltlsen ths Hat Goodwin hit.
which will employ sii ths favorites or
the eompsny. Including . Dot Barnard,
who has not as yst had an opportunity
at ths Columbia. Ths powerful lovs
theme of the play will be carried out
by Miss Counties and Mr. Baums, walls
ths other membars will all have strong
roles ta perform. The usual mstlnee
takes plaos tomorrow.
"Ths Wtsard of Os," which somas as
ths Harerusm Orand theatre next Thurs
day, Frldsjr and Saturday nights, Ostobsr
It, 1 and 11. with a spselal matinee
Saturdar, is ons of ths greatest hits of
ths day. Aa tntsrsstlnp; peculiarity of
ths audiences that visit Tns Wlsard at
Os" Is that there are always maay people
in ths theatre who have -esse ths play
Before." a gtrangsr who drops In is sur
prised to hear thosS around him saying:
"Now Dorothy ta going ts brln tbs
Bosrsorow ts ltfs or "just watt a
minute and you'll aaer that girl sing
'Sammy to ttm man la ths upper right
hand boms" Ths advance sals of seats
will open Tueeday morning, Oetober 11
at ! s'cloc. - , -
nnooox aouoi ra oaw "
With srisrlsok Holmes as ths esntml
ftgurs, 1C Is no wonder that "Ths Sign
of ths Four" attracts large ' andlsness
nightly to ths Baker theatre. Tha slay
haa turned out to bs ons of tho most
fascinating Sufferings of ths early sea
son. Tonight and tomorrow aftamooa
snd night will he the Isst opportunities
of witnessing ths thrilling pleoe af
stagecraft. .--'' -..
' - tt mxa-n ei swonn.-'
Ths story st, "By Right f awhrd."
which Ralph ' Stuart produces three
nights and Wsdneedsy matinee, begin
ning Monday, Ostobsr la, at tbs Mar-
1 1 r. ay
53-53 3d St K "ea2v C
Corner Davit , Aja
'.' eo . 'V ' ' V
A good, aerrlccablo
TWe tarxip worth ?
734 as a , special ;
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, !
i':-.A-i AAh' tAAL
' i . - -'-'V'?- ::v
V' i Phone Main 1708.
ooam Orand, la taken from A.
Itarehmont'a stlrrinc novel of tho sdms
UUe.- Ths sosnsa ars laid In Russia, and
tha plot revolves around ths adventures
of a rouag American named Richard
Hamilton, who Is mistaken for Alexia
Pstronvltob. lieutenant In ths Mosoow
Hussars. Mr. Stuart produced this play
last season on the Padflo oosst with suo
osss whloh waa recently duplicated at
tbs Amerloon theatre, Nsw Tors, where
ha mads a splsndtd Bosnia production.
Beats ars now selling-
niaaT a &TSXO. ,
Tonight Maaagara Keating. Flood
give II la gold away, $1 at each psr-
formsnos. , This week s bill is aa sx
oellent ons and tnsludss ths Jupiter trio,
who sing, danos and oks sleverly; Dave
Samuels In Hebrew Impersonatloss;
Dave Raphael, tba ventriloquist; ths
Carters In a ootnsdy musical act; Barry
Hoyt, in lliust rated songa, and ths vita-
scope, with Its Japsnsss bud Russlsn
pleturse ars entertaining. . . . ,
nxaaam tunussi skmkd. -
Uf motion pletnrea of ths General
Slooum disaster, -when over lot persons
lost their lives, ars shown by ths BIJou
vltaseops this weeK. Tbs performances
tonight will bs hummers Ruth, the
daintiest little serobat who ever de
lighted aa audlanos, Smith and Brown,
ths Ughtnlag-llks dancers and steppers,
and Hattls Wads Mack, Irish moao
lOgulst, are other features. . k ,
iiurm nm a aaoasaL
Tonight is ematsur night at ths Ar
cade theatre. This anouneemeat ts of
iatsrsst to SYsry theatre-goer ta the
city, thousands ot whom hvs already
frequently a -railed themsslves of this
wsskly Innovation at this well known
playhouse Ts sss la addition to tho
full, regular program a number of ama
teurs competing for public approbation
with the regular professionals Is al
ways entertaining and laughable.
woaa waul.
Ths single casting sot Is a feat that
la rarely attempted even by tbs el eve r
sst gymnast. -It requires not only
streiurtb and dexterity, but unfailing
nerve. At ths Star theatre this week
tbs three Forres ts, an exceptionally ex
eellent trie of so rebate, com posed of
two men and a woman, perform this
entertaining feat at every show. All
theatre-goers in Portland should ssa the
work of thai tsnaa,
. v-
Vhnt nS lflMa ertll knuMf at tha.
Marquam tomorrow in a special price
maiinee os amiwo, wis a
Stange draosm,
- - flotice -Special Sate. -
Ws will sell ell oar new- trimmed
hats On Saturday and Monday, Oetober
t and 10, at greatly reduced prices. Ws
want to movs our nsw stock snd offer
great bargains. Tbs bats are aew and
equal In every way to any goods shown
In this slty today. Ska ned ling Sisters,
HI Grand avenue.
That Mount Tabor couple who were
married 14 years aco and save several
soorss of descendants bavs established
a rsoord that few, if any, oouplea in thla
part of ths eoustry saa beat. WbeeaaT
We Do
Air guns, footballs or brass watchee with avfcry BOV8 SUIT we sell, but wa WILL saw
Son enough on your Boy's Suit Purchase to buy your own present and STILL 8AV FROM
01 TO f 1.00 ON EACH SUIT. 1 . . . v
Our Price for Qood
Men's Suits
Very stylish, all-wool eassirneree or fancy wor
. ated, double or single breasted, latest cut.
perfect fit f 7.50, f lO.OO, f 12.50,
f 15.00, f 18.50 and f 20.00.
You will ftruf our Pants Assortment complete,
- embracing hairlines, eassirneree and all-wool
- worsted, from fl.75 to a5.00a. ; ' ,.
"r t ;..-::v HATS -:;vv: v
Wa can't be beat hs styles or prlcea, aa wa
have them in all the lateet shapes and colors,
from f 185 to f 3.00. j ; ; r --
n wtn nav von fa ssa as-t
Bops' (osee se psiias fas kslow amy
; Seattle
i . - . - -.
; October ftp 9 '
ed VMas
sailed S Saadar BaM p. an.
aao, i SAaaa
lm and WaAhwtes.
Hals lM.
t. Usaewew Me'
ef tha Bspws
Barry Pnlam ffkres
Prleee 1M. c l tin gallwy, 18e.
Katlne IBe end Mtlre wllwy. we.
Ttekat oMre apes at Sews A Urtu Sixth
eas WMblagtoa, froei 10 a, m. S f p. sl
Phoos Mala lloT At theatre Asm 1 p. m, te
10 s, av raoee gii. . .
AS ssrt week, saalaalag Sssday aAwaem.
Stat eeedwuTa gteetMt steams,
"An American Citizen'
Maitiiam Grand Theatre
Twdgkt sad ttanoffsw Wight,
Mittate waarwr,
la (he elaborate esMUealar scesU Sfoiartlsa,
mmaTi .AMRn
. avestag jrUm Loser goer, fi.SS, $1:
oenr, 91. Toe, BOe; gsllcrr, Ke, Me. m
uUsae prtees Lower Sooe, $1, tts) bal
Tta, Wet gallerr. Me, C&e. '
Marquam Grand Theatre mhSSZ
Pbaae Mala ass.
Y PepaUr-rrtef Mattaee WadMedar,
m the roaasatu drama,
By Right of Sword"
evening prWs-.Lwrw Boer, tl. Tge. Saleaay.
TSe. kOtt. Oallarr, S5, Mc. nvslar TTsrtnaailar
attaee sncae aaiiita, sor; ti
any part et the taeatre. Seat
lldrea, t
oopoaa MU-
s odkobsv st sat aioai.
MSsst BoaMsonk
Ar-;A- Special Suit and Overcoat at a popular price' i y
V "- priced much under the price asked now by
others, as we are giving 25 Per Cent Off.
s 11.25
For choice of all our AU-Wool Tweeda,
Caaaimerea, Blue Serree and Clay Wonted
8ingle Breasted Hand-Tailored Suite, many
patterns to select rrom.. These suite are be
ing aold at 115,00 all orer the city.
Not Give
Wearing: Boys Suit are
We cany a full assortment of Hamilton, Brown
Shoe Co. St. Louis Warranted Shoes, for men
and boys, from $1.50 to f4.00, and guar-'
an tee every pair to give satisfaction or money
v-, A y rv; t- A; ,r, a
Men's AU-Wool Sweaters,, assortment of
ahadca; worth $Lt5.--., . . - :
?5c Saturday 0nly95c
60 Dozen Men's Fancy Stiff Bosom Press
Shirts, with separable cuffs; worth 75c '.
; v 45c Saturday Only45c , v
Tee wffl ftnetsM seat any
np sewn
wlmaa rsnas wUl not pmaill amok gmaU pasms.
Cor dray's Theatre ZLZJtTM'
PaHlaad's Pwslar Ptsyhasse.
"?"'"'Lr88a.. ""
OaHWalas Play. V
"A Romance of .
t Coon Hollow"
Saassrr. SUeag Out
A Ctaeey lutodram.
at CbsfBCtaf
ianriii tr ks
STASiirg atraaxag. .
ml astt tl
erata, Oo. Matlaae prlcaa. tB te any part
ei (ss seesei eauoraa, n eeui maan ws.
AmuLonov, ' '
The Humphrey-Chapman Co.
Startfot Sesday' Matlaae, Oetoeer M. Mia say.
Tssasajr ass wasasMay nreaiags,
; PHday, latsHay Matinee el
'The Sign of the Four"
tMa a Jeans as ghsrlash
Baker plm
Mr gnus sreran.
The tJyrt Thaatra
Sf PkndeatBs
f IVrTTn Tl
f tvptrxM Tkie
TtlTI SAWTrtriA.
Bats aarRAZL.
Pssfersiesssa J te 4 SO. fTag B Wis a.
m Admtaalas M seats ss
M Slgser.
The Arcade Theatre...
gkav t-Js ts t.m f. av. t as te smp p wk
ft-'1-- 10a ts asy asst.
' rlue Tasatn.
TKl KAAMimg.
' nn noniT lunn.
Bkeeni S;tO te 4: s. T sO te tO SO e. bl
Osasral sIsilaalaB, 10ei rsssrrsd tea ssato, Se.
sf panes easdSTllla
Ossttnooa psrfarwenass treei t te 4iM S.
a. tnndar sMtlaaaas I ts 10 p, SL Bras
tss earforwaeeei boa f ts Mist 0, ak Asy
set la tea thsatre. 10 sssts.
. . i
Will buy choke
our atora, Thla
from $1.50 to $5.00
insist is ad Usse sr Mssm
The North End
---.- i .
I e lifetime ws eons across many a,
ohaace to save money, and It Is unwise
to let the opportunities pass without
takln ajlvantaea of them. Our easy
payment plsn oh fins Watches snd Dia
monds gives you a o nance io mue nun
savings every week and obtain full
value for your money. Before buying
a Watota or XMarnond elsewhere get our
prices. Ws flvs a guarantee on Sur
Ioods that will -protect you. Ses our
lap lay sf Diamonds In our show win
dow. ..
' sBe.n are - trntm aat "
UllVwULt a IWlliUil
We Are Open
For fall stylss. with a fun line sf
sloth, ths beat , on. tha Paeine '
soast. Wsmake ...
V e$25s00
and ep. Ladles own goods mads
vp for til. Ws also make skirts
wholseale and retail. Frtoss rsa
aonahis 10 per ssat lsse than yon
pet any plaos slss. ; kv
s. v::slcws
Ma) kg smd by HimosB ef Mothste fee i
AiMHAaKiUrMtUu for ovar Flftr T
ItjKteUMS ths akJld. sbrteas the rau, aliars i
an Data, seres win eoue, hr ai mbb aenai
agpiadr hr diarrheas.
TeKHTT-rxra enrre a stnu
of any $15.00 Overcoat in
includee Cravenettee, Xer-
Oaforda and Tweeda. A highly tail
garment that ts well worth $11.00.