THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAKft. TTXPAY KVXNINQ, ,1 - 4. it n ft 1 1 VoS SIMM ADD TO L'G BAREOR FLEET ffoitn mna -mxm r Wit bin th past 14 hour th fleet In - lb harbor tea ba ewlded to by tiw ar rival C the luum Columbia, De - e patch. Pulton Mid Redondo from the south. All the mmIi brought oar ' nod hut wui go out fully loaded with - what, lumber and general freight 4 The Dm patch and Fulton arrived a n early bur this moratng. and tha ekip aer report that they had naaveatful . trips up tha coast. Tha formar brought ; SCO cords of tanbark from Del Mar, CaL. . and tha lattar tha aama character M " freight from Shelter 4700. . Mora than ordinary lftret ftp at . tachad to tha arrival of tha Fulton, ow ing to the fast that thl hi tha flrat tliaa : thai aha baa boa la eomm lesion alnoe -ah waa wrdrked- oft .tha Oregoa aoaat last spring. lurlng a gal of unusual ... severity she waat ashore, and had to lay thara altaoat -two month before R waa . considered aafo to auke aa attempt to Ct bar out Into deep watar. Tha vessel ra loadad wttir lumber at tha time. Tha steamer Aberdeen of tha aama 11a la daa to iwh port tonight from tha , Bay City, aad tha Alliance aaltod but , Bight far Portland. They will lalta oat lumber on tha ratura trio, - , Tha Columbia mada tha pasaag up tha rlTar from Aatorta yesterday la aia ' bourn - She brought a big cargo of aw oral marabinrtiaa and .a full ", list, v' ' -. , , vwulf to naovui Owing to aroooth alee of detect rv ferork by Uarbormaatar Boa Btsltn. Joaa -, La CrlUoa, aaaUar froai tha Kreoch atata - Duplelx, m now la Jail oharsad with da orUoa, Caput la Lamlrla racarda Jaaa . aa balnf oao of tha boat aian ha vr - had la tha foraeaatla, and ha waa loth - to loaa him and aoUflad tha harbor nutr of hla oaoaaa, Blaim loaatad him . ; .. In Biaaiar'a oaloon la Bursald traot had plaoad htm andar arraat. Br totarnatlonal traaty vtth th ' : Vranefa aovarnmant 1 a deaartlDy Bailor from a vaaaal firing tha fla of that country oaa ba afroatad and haM ' aara. If tha ahia ta not raady to dopart at that tlma tha aailor la ralaaaad from . ' euatody. but hafora ba ata out of alht af tha eonaty baatUa ha- la raarraatad apoa tha aama oharaa. tianally tha ahla V a raady to laara boforo tha azplratloa ' bf hi aeond Una la arlaoa and h la ftlaoad aa board. . . " Whll oominc op tha ftvor raotarday amh a load f ahlnaiaa tha- atammar Barafe Dtaoa, of tha Bbayar Traaaaorta . Uoa oompany'a float, wont - aaroond oa a sandbar at Clatakanla, about mllaa below Portland. Shortly aftorward ona af bar bocohalaa aoappad la twain, and ; tha vaaaal had a narrow aaeaaa fram ba '. tna: wraokod. - Tha fralgbt aha aarrfad aa all plaoad , bjnidahlpo and tha aha In rapairad bafora . any araat amoaat af damaaa ooald ba dona. At blab Uda thaatoamar waa floated and ah arrWod at bar doak tn 1 fortlaod lata In tha aftaraooa. Bha 4 an( lutatkH rauU sua thta awra- " ' 1 AAOVw TMM WATMCTOBTC. ,f '. , lata yaatarday aftaraooa tha Oarmaa ' ablp Anna oompletod diaebaralna; bar amraa. It la th Intention to mora th aaaal ovar to Monta-omery dock, and - tie bar up until aha la ahartorad. , v- j Local laapaotora Bdwarda and Puller ... inspected tna river steamer O. X. .Walkar yaatarday afternoon. . Tha vea .aol balonaa to tbo Ktma Un of baata. ; Astoria, Oct ?. Condition of tha bar - at a. as., amooth; Uabt southwest wind; waataar, cloudy. 2fo ahlppins; : saovina, - BL Helena, Oct 74aaaad at t:M a. 'n. French ahtp CrlUoa. , . '.Port Los Angalaa, Oct t.-eJled-- . Britlab ablp Hajaptoa, for Portland. Ian Praaelaoo, Oct T- tailed at l:M laat alght taamar AUlanco, from Port land and ooaat porta. - - Sailed Urt nbxnttaajaar Aama, for Columbia rtvar. . Aatorla, Oct 6114 at lt:tt a. at r --0raiaa ataamar Arabia tor Hong kong and way porta. Laft up at l:M p. bl Pranch abip JJrUlon. ; Laft ap at I M a. m. Bteamsr Pulton. 'UEVOCUTION BREAKS : -? OUT IN MACEDONIA (loeraal tpe-lal garrW.) Berlin. Oct T. Tha Tasehmtt retmrta b new outbreak In Macedonia. Revolu tionists are plundering and murdering tn all directions. Tha Turkish troops are retaliating- by slaughtering tha In nocent Christiana and outraging tbo women Han are flee tna to the mountain fast. ' 'fMsaea and the death list from mcpoeur 1 'V In the ease of women and children will ll..;B largo. Last oubjiob woman. (Jearaal gMctal Hervlee.) ,. , London, Oct 7. Lady Curstm baa . va ' -taken a dooldad turn for tha worse. Two ' ' f fphyekane have bean summonsd by ' v apeolal train from London.. 4Bmelal Mepstae to The 7aeraeL) ; ;; Ohanoy, Waah- Oct T. Oscar K. Har ' yisea. a student of th atata annual -avhool here, haa amellpox. ECZEMA ; . ' MaiffawMSW- J avknd ' and CLrcOXOFTC has daa tor cilebrsisa eraaUM la arv , woofc. W sv o i " a'w"ra- Mil GlyoaoM Ml aatf rltd Ml immkIbIw n 11 1 1 1- tttcmmm awtfc wnui a MalBpilH ika p Me raw. Ynnnnnlv vaa fatal batttos of Hydreeowe and Ply ana asm aent aa receipt ef c t pay eaDrcaaase. Tbeaepnparailoaeare hana- lees, yet powerfal avrmtctaea. Bead ay lea. lag phyeiyBa, ay saw svaa-w. ... Hydrozone OTHER UNAWARE CF SOS'S DEATH tiva vaars aao Lawla Btlbort laft hla homa la Doo Uolnaa. Ia and aama waat. Ha waa yaarawf aao at tha tlma and waa a mambor of tha oroar ox aowrn Woodman of Ajnorloa.' Ha oarrlod i.O'J af llfa Inauranoo la that ardar. Oa laavtna- laa Molaaa ao aama o ParUand. Ha aocurad work wita ino coaatruotton amac of tha Oroaoa Rail road Kavlaatloa company and laborad ror thraa waafca at atarbuck. Wash. Than ha baeama IU of typhoid fovor and was romevod to mu Vlnoaat a ftoapitai u tbia any. Ho fomainod at ma aoapiiaH for tan daya, whoa ho dlad. - Aa aaad mothor and xataor .roamaa ia'Daa Uolnaa, ana tuay wroto ao aim racularly. Ha rapltad a faw tlmaa bo foro ho bacama 1U. tnoa aia wMra (MM& Hla paraota, howavor, oontlo ud to writo for a tlmo, aatU thay loot track af him. Hla mot bar pa 14 nia in Buranoa duoa of II par month to tha Modara Woodman af Amartca. aba baa dona ao watil tha arooant Una Aa aooa aa hla doatb ooeurrod tha BlBtar uparlor at at Vlnoonfa wroU to BUbart'a fathor. Baa raoaivad no raply and It ha alno boaa laaraod that tha Uttar fallod to roach it aaauaauoav Two yoare ac tha fathor dlad. Rooaatiy tbo Hater Buparioa waa look 1na throuah a bundla of old papara at tha hoapltal. , Bha found a daod td a oartala ' plae of Und a ear Nobalam. Waah., that balenad to Kllbart. Thau Bha wroto to tha poatmaator at Iaa Molaaa of th death af tha young man flv yoara ago, and roquootod that bia ralaUvaa ba located. A oorraapondaoca Btartad botwoaa tha poatmaator and W. Ilmnona aUta deputy of tha HoU ara Woodman of Amarloa, Of thladiy Albart a mothar has paid ato Inaur aaoa duaa rogularly alnoa bo laft hla homa ta Daa Uolnaa Today documen tary papara and laaal proof of bar aona doatb war mailed to bar and aha wUl be paid it,, tha amount la whkh her a. waa laaarad. KUbart waa baxlad la Loao nr oamatary ; NEBRASKA LAUNCHED CoaUnuad from Paa Ona.- It waa than that taaoboru of -raloaa broka loooa It araa on who onawr -. aa If knowlaa; It wa intanaaa xor or. tha Taasal aalnod momantum and plouabad down tn waya to th auiat watara waitinc to raeatvo bar. ...... . km alia frank th bllloWB though cloven with a balfo and aa in stant later ton of watar ware thrown la the aln the apray reaching as blgb aa tha top Of tha abed ta which the aal waa put together. True to tha prorate of Robert Iforan, th Nebraska Battled down oa aa ves keel, taking bar baptism Ilka a dockland floated off aa though on a trial test of ana Aaem tha llaad ooure. gh w ehaekad about. I t teat from the ways and tha stake boat aeaaea cowara aer. The ravenu cutter Oram then took charge of th taononwd ablp and towaa har ta huor a. where ana was anonorwu. Taanaat ah arul bo Womlaatad and lauacbaa will aarry rteltora to and fra Uinapeetber. t , . ' It baa not Been ia tn niarory of launching in tha united atates that . mora suooeasful batUoahrp event baa take plaoo. Por week Prank N. Hibba, who. a yaar ago realraed hla aooltlon of naval con structor at the Pugot bound navy yard to take charge of toe oonstroetloa of tb Nebraaka, baa bean attending to tho do ll. The war over which tbo vessel Biid to bar future homo oa th booom af tha dean war la perfect oondltlon. Not a aide etake or support bat had been in spected eeveral tlmaa and It waa ror tfala reaeon that Robert Horaa stakad hi word that nothing would happen, to mar the occasion. . - t - , , It waa 11:1 o'clock when tho gate to th shipyard war throw open to th oomoanya auests and for tbo neat boar a constant stream of vlaltora entered tha yard and took ua their station. About tha yards, on platform, war atatloaad Waanra First Realment band, the Pugst Bound Navy Tard Mart nana, Meier's band and th United State army band from Port Lawtea. They fur nished tha music and tha tlma passed ao quickly that tho crowd had not become aettled before the- bull Oars launching platform began to fllL Ad tbo Invited guest aam up th atalrway thay were mot by a reeeptloa committee and la turn lntrodooad to Qovarnor 'Mlekey. Ulsa Mickey and the governor atari and guest. Promptly at 1 o'clock Mayor RRbarg BaJUnser stepped to the front of tha platform and raised hla band for ollenoa. Instantly all was huahed and ha basna a brief address introducing- eeretary of tat Bam H. Nlcbola. acting governor, representing QovernofvMcBrlde who ta absent from tb atata Acting Govern or Nichols than deliv ered the address of welcome to tho gov ernor of Nebraska from th atata of Washington. Hs spoke of tha two great state and th attention which baa been attracted to them through tbo building of tb Nebraaka. Governor Mickey mada g reanoaa. and Bald, ta part: V Bum bub lllakar fritih. It ta Indeed a pleasure ta bo with you at this time and to llatea t tha kindly words of greeting Just spoken. We from a distent part of our common country present aa thla aaepleloua occa sion rejoice with you over tha triumph of sklU whloh this moment commemo rate With our ueual avocation laft behind wa set aside th daily grind of life for a few daya. and wa are glad w are her. "The words of your distinguished speaker ring with genuine hospitality and wo arc agaja forcibly reminded there la a north, south, east or west: that eld Una of demarkatlo hav van ished and tha whale Union la bound to gether la bond af fraternal reeling and good fellowship. "Th oeoaaton brlaga yon together in one great 1st root with the people of my atata Wa hav a ooaat line and even tho eight of an ocean la a novel aensa tloa to the average Mebraakaa, W are. however, familiar with the , old-time prairie aehoonera ' Tnl veeeet Is about t launch. My people aoeept th proud distinction with do appreciation of th treat honor In volved. Even aa Nebraaka la dlethv gulahcd among her sister state, I trust this great ship may hav honor and prestige among the world's naval peer. "We hop ah will prove tha ataunoh est of her da as, but that her power of endurance may never ba teatad la the school of actual war. "Wa hop bar plating may paaaaaa th are last restating power, but may never need ta withstand th enalaught of an ImplacAbl foe. , , "We hop that bar guaa will prove warn mu ibau a un xmmvmAMam o bats. , SHAN ARAN'S MISSES' COATS We have a special offer in MisBea' Coat, in bltsea and Una. Kersey ckrth, double breagted 'front. V Butcher back with belt, flat atitch- ed. atitched collar, pleat down side. Friday and Saturday... ...f3.98 Child's aSchool Coat 1 - t Child's short School Coat, in three .colors, blue, red and tray, with . cape over shoulder, breast ' trimmed. Special, for..J,..69d Last year's styles, short length. In , blues, reds and grays, Oxfords, well made, trimmed hi braid, and v are worth double our prices asked. " Your choice of several lots, : ' . 94.50, f&0f fa.75... 9125 A IUmrtBik Sab of CorU ARM0RS1DE 3Elongo -Hip" Will Not, Break Down on the Sides! '. . Made of rxratille, three-bone sateen covered stripe, full bone bust; me diurq length, cluster hook for hose . supporter, ' trimmed with rich ; Valenciennes lace, satin bow and " drawing; ribbon, Venus back. This - model covers a wide range of fig 1 nres ; colors, white, drab and 1 black ; sizes, 18 to 80. Price f 1.00 -F.' P. CorseteV? 'r Made of best quality Alexandria .elpth, medium four-hook model, deep hip, stitched vertically at bpt '. torn; a reducing feature. Valen- cennies lace, trimmed at top with . satin drawing ribbon and bow: sizes, 18 to 90; colors, white and drab. Price, f 1.00 per pair, - Also made in batiste. , v: Flannelette ers A swell line ' of these useful house i garments that are per fectly made and worth 3Q double the price we ask. 07y NEW DRESS GOODS i New Crap do Albatross, ta all tha new wanted Bhadee; sard 1&4 Wool Wanting, la aU aalorg and blaofe: yard IM M-taoh AU-Wool Albatra, far WaiattaB and venlng weart Tard - 4d Vaner mod plain, to eraam and whit Brill laaUnee. 49 taobaa wide. ,44) tl-locb AU-Wool SI oil Ian, new anadafl la browaa, tana, graxa. reda and blacks; yard 50d 4-moh Breadclotha, ta Mack aad eol ri tl.M ouallty for Frldar and Baiardar aaly, per rard......f 1,00 NEW PALL HOSItRY Ladle Fleeoe Bibbed Teg Boaa, rogu- lar taai dpaclal SO Thraa for eVOa) Ladle Black Wot Boaa, -Bpoelal ie Ladle Batra Haarr aUabad Cashmere Booa. apeolal BSe) ChUdrwit a lal and Szl Bibbed Cash mere Hoaa. etaes S to H BS Bora lrea-Clad Hoaa, regular its; apeolal ..- ! CbUdrea' Bxtra Heavy lal Ribbed Hob, apeolal . COMFORTS ' S1.M Comfort. Ma a mil elaa. good. desirable patUma, la dark oolora, tl.M kind ................ .... Si. Comforta, doaea liko )lne oovered a good elaa, par whita fllllngi J.0 kind fl.ia Comforter flllod with sweet, aleaa eottoa, oovered with anteen, ta very bright oolora. Thay are aoroU atlteh ed or knotted to prevent tho filling front lumping, and aa attractive la appaaranc that they look for all th world Ilk down oomfortero; great big alee ............ ...aa) marrelB of aosaracn and proJacUle power, but that tn aeoeeelty for train lag thorn upon aa snimy may aov or exist. ... -We hop that bar crew may b man of the hlghaat patrlotlam, worthy ci li nens of this groat republic, aohoeloS In all that portaina to naval eervlee and officered by ma who iwoognls that might doe aot me ha right; that ven gaanoe beloagath to him who lideth upon tho cloud. ad wbos wonder are manifest la tho mighty deep. And when lap of ' yoara a ball reader bar ao longer aervlceable, whan- bar aetlve, ca reer shall have com to an hoaorible do, may eh flod anchorage tn aome quiet land-locked harbor, ther to await tha gradual aroeto of tlma, th memory of a power whtoh It waa awror aeoo aary to aronaa to action, a amtarial O lustrattoa of , hanodletioa of abiding peaca" Th ant number n th prcgrram waa th presentation to lloraa Bros, of the 1 100, too shock dene ted by afao oltlaene of Seattle to enable tbo flrat ta aoeept tha contract at a scaled bid. Robert Moraa received th shock on behalf of the company and In a neat speech thanked tb cltlsenn of Seattle for tb diepoatUea thay bad anowa to ward tb Arm of Iforan Broa' ompany and tha membere individually. It waa through tho "Seattle spirit. he aald. that tha build rng ed th Hebranka bar wa made poosibla Oa behalf of th poop of tna city of Seattle, gecrotarr J. Bv Metkle Of tha Wrapp chamber of aoainiero delivered aa ad dress. BearoseaUng th aaopla of th Stat SHANAJIAN'S EVERY DZPAtlTMENT; C? Suite hiarh tour ria7w sUI awm you , eaptiomUly busy times m the suit v fcamu) . makmg sbopping teas convenient V CUKTAfMS AND' CURTAIN GOODS , Tie Cartala. pair...... ...48d tl.ll kind, pair ...05) 91. kind, pair.. ..' 6SV II. M kind. pair........ .........BOA tA-taok Cream Scrim. Tit kind, yard ..r.-.m-- "v-...-..!rHa) M-raok Wblt Serlm, Ss Had. : yard -M If-inob Mottlngaaaa. aat whlta llo kind .r.......... ...lOdt 4-tnah Ssrlm, cream grownd, ta yet- low, bla. rod aad greea atrlpea, 16 kind: yard . St-teeh Bwiaa, kt doW and atrtpaa, lo kind... .........r. INFANTS AND CrCLD - REN'S WEAR I flaaes' and CniMran'a etripad awttng flannel Oowna. all awe. Bdd ChUdratr'a Naaarath Walata, ataaa I to 11 rears -i IS Children's Kan Shirt, whll and col ored go) Children's all wool whit Salt Skirt, with or without waist J..., TBa) Children's angora and cloth Tama. Plata aad mixed eolor; apeolal. . IS Infants' whit Bilk embroidered Bon net with laea raebing; special.. S.5t Children' silk and wool knit Hoods, white pink and blue; ape olal . 5 and B5 Chlldreas white ai Boa oeta 76 and Bl.OO Infant eroohotoS Bacque. tiiauaed with ribbon and aiib atitch mg BO and 85 Infanta Knit Booties, white and colors tO. 15 and 95 Children fleece-lined nbbed Sleeping Qarmeat, all also ..........U of Mebraaka. Ho. F. M. Front, attorooy goaeral of tbo atata, pka telltng of tho added Interest the people of his stat had taken la th atata of Waah Ington a lace tb government awarded the aforaa Brothers company th con tract for bonding tho Nebraska. . Congraaamaa .Will K. Humphrey was to have pokn on behalf of the people of tho United States, but at tho laet moment he waa called out of tho city end hla aumber wa dropped from th program. . : Rev. L A. Mathews offered the invo cation, ' praying for peace throughout tho world, and for tho prosperity of the city of Seattle, whoa proud cltlsons ware gathered together on a important aa occasion. It wa lac ting thro minute ta th tlm for eettlng tb ware when Ror. Matbewa ecaaed hi prayer aad alien fell on tb vast throng awaiting th momentoue sveat. Tb aheerlng was a graat that the boom of the big gun ef th Wyoming bidding- a welcome to another feghter for Ua Sa of th United State, oeuid oaroely be beard at tha outset. 1 Frre minute befor th launching tha flag at Moraa Brothers company waa dlppon and tha bar bosses ter'a la on ah steamed from th slip dowa th Hoed course I the ond f tb channel, bear ing th warning nag. .Th laanahlng wa a Buecee. A Chloag man faUod for tlftVOot. with t4.e aeeeia, on aoount f a eol lapee of ta aejg BBarket la New Torn. It lo easy for n man to break tin and aomeilmea ggg ratal laU by breaklog a I! SHANAIIAI. J IS KIEPARED FOU IT3 Tia FAUf mum Our autumn exhibit of Suits, Coeimae and WrmDS is the most complete we ever made, V V The collection of woman's wear in the sec- , . ond floor suit room oontaina the beet values - we have ever offered. The styles were care fully choawn end ere authorhativw. We m vit inspection and comrarison la etyle, quality , and price. A display truly magnifi-v cent en array of stylish apparel, such as no house on tha Pacific coast can equate It in ductee the best from Europe beet niakere, together with the finest sp)cimena of Arrr lean taste and woekinanship. Never bee the &Ulvent of a new season brought to us such a variety of ultn-faahionable gaymenta, such exclusive and effective moek--taeal In de sign said execution lending that air of grace so much desired by the woman of to- . day. ' The refined points of these nnients re astmruishabss at a glance and there it ' price attached to each much lower than claee fmnsents usually cnmiana. LINENS. NAPKINS. . TOWaOrS ': 0c Bleached CVrtoo Damask, St Inch wide, good for hotel or kitehon uaa; yard MB 45o Loom Damaak. fit Inoba wide, for SB 11.0 Bleached TaM Damask, ft Inches wide'........... .,........ Naawiag, bleaohad Najklaa. It lnoka S)S $S.M Napkin. M pur linen, good else ..,... BED SPREADS l t Bad Spreads, full atae, v far tl.M Bed BDreada. aood alar crochet SB 2.00 Spread at extra Urg ala. pur whlu Maraallla patterns. good weight and good value for l.0; our prleo 01.85 tia, for a fun gw aoablo bed. bleached Bnaa antah, tselnA.. 48 P11XOWS AND CASING floes Pillow. la all els, SS up. I Feathar pUlow. Ilati, ft hind . ..........55 Feather Pillows. Its SB. tl.a kind ...OB Pillow Caaea. dOatt, lfl kind..... 8 Oast, regular ItHa each...,. ...8 1 yard wide eambrlo mualla, aoft ftn lab, regular ia qaallty ...... TVs SHEETINGS. MUSLINS -tnch Bleached Muelta, rard....O tt-lneh UablaaahaS -Sheatlnav yard .A........ :5 t-4 Bleached Bheetlng. aul table for danbl bod; good, heavy alota, fully 1 Inchao wide yard . -a HaM Shoata, hemmed raady for uaa, bleached,, 0e kind ...... .... CHAMPION WRITES v ; : 128 WORDS A KINUTE ffoaraal gpanat Sarrlea) Waahtngton. Oat. 7. Miss Mary 8. Potty, who broa th world' record sev eral month ago by writing It, words oa a typewriter la a day, ha. loot har laurel Th now elmtaptoa 1b MIbb Ol rva B, Oamavoa. en of bar fellow-clerk la th Interior department who received a long record to copy. la seven hour ah had written 11.00 word About' a year ago Mica Cameron wrote aa average of t worda a minute. dh now vcrna'ea lit. Mies Oameren usee three finger ef her right band aad two of bar left, Bh doo not ua th Xoch sysl. . , j H0WLl"aCF A DOGt -, SAYES A'MAN'S UFE -J ', -- . V - tfaamal OjssIbI tavrlee.) ' Sea Bemardln, Oct. f. Mr. and Mr. William, Borrow aad othara, while coming acroa th desert from Las Vegan N. aU war overtakoa tt anlloa from Daggett by a furious Band at ore, which for 4t hour Mow perfect hur rteaae. Sharp pointed artleloa beat upon them aa though from tho bloat of a furnace. Cenvafl Which they used aa A shield wa riddled aad th akin on C!IANAILV3 TI - 3 IlbUSZ PAUT CI : ' h all fS-. A V A ' we - room, w-vw V' JwTw; Blanket wblt. tan aa gray, 10-4j pair 8 ILfl Blanket .....A. ....... 8X.1S Tan. gray and wblt flaec Blankata tui alas for doubt bed...... .f 1.15 Wool Blaaketa, pair a far white Oregon Wool Blankst, aik wool, 'usually aold for our ' Brio a... . rM .... .84.15 Blanket. II . taataad ' of 14 0 white, double-bed sisa Wool Blankata, with yust enough oottoa in them I keep from aBrlaktac . tl.M Blanhata, to n at M It. THap ar antra larg staa, apladld Muea. pure, vara laaabe wool, bo eaua th oolora la tha berdern are not onlt perfeot. Tho rumtlng- of th eolor doeaa't hart thetr value on Ma., yon doa't buy blankata for looka , A mUl aent aa ft palra, Pay f8.85 Itiatead oi r.o. . . , ,. . MEN'S UNDERWEAR Stan Wool Merino Socks, worth !; speelai. I pairs Cor 86 afen' doublo-fac amoklatoabea, la navy bin and black ......8lS0 0nta aad Ladles. UmbrelhMV gtarta cover; aad tLII .. value .........81.85 Men' All-Wool Vnderwear. tb brown. ua aad aatarai gray; worth l.ot an tLM) Bpeolal.........-, .SS Ifen'a blue Plana! Shlrta, atngla or doubt braaat ............Sl.Ow Bora two-pleo Scheol Suit, age T to IS yoara ........., .51.88 Men Wool aioras. ptata and fanoy color . ...t ..........85 Boy Sweater- plain and ' fancy guipea- reduced t Mr.........4M their face and hands was oat anttl tt bled. ' . Whtt plunging, on of the horaa wa maimed, falling1 with a broken leg. and quickly smothered to death. Charles Meteaif, af the party, got out and cut tha barns from th dying animal, and whll groping' hi way back to tho wagon lost hi way. Only the howling of a dog saved him. and by It he located tho party Hi faoe waa terribly laoer ated by eand during th abort tlm he Befor It atrack them, th storm re sembled a graat bank of eand. looming high In th air, an almost perfectly straight Un forming th top of th eleud embankment Th caava avar th wagoa was riddled with holea, aad th prospector got oat blanket to shield thcen selves, bat even through the th Band petted. ' The peocpeotor aay it wa th heaviest otorm on reoord. A NEW RECORD LYWEEAT MARKET For th first tlm te ataay yaar th PorUand wheat market 1 oa a par with that f 4h rest of th world. A ehort tlma ago tho qtaotatlona war only high enough to permit tho grain men hero to ahlp ta the market of tbo middle west and aaat and a aao a profit At those figures Portland prices war aevera! oonta toe high to admit of buying by Europe but a decline In Chicago, a drop -of ene oont la tbia mar hat today and aA U a d J New Fall Waists, In French and pressed flannelettes, ' made with tucks and pleats, trimmed with Vel- . 4 vet and stitching, new and strictly stylish. Prices from $2.50 - to as little st....,.-.-9 1.00 A swell tine of Albatross, with plest- ed front and stitching, in, all - 'the delicate shades fl.65 A better line and better 'quality of Albatross, trimmed with small " rows of lace and insertion, Bertha effect : a real, swell waist in the. new shades, ..S2.95 iVobcn. Zi Pctti- CClt3 4 We have 4 tweD line of the very best . Black Taffeta Silk Petticoats, made round, walling length, with 13 . inch graduated accordeon plaited . flounce, with ruffle, also dust ruf fle. ; Thesa skirts are a bargain at some stores at $5.90 who claim . them as $10, $11 and $U skirts. -Our price, while they , test ...'e...,;....':....M-S9 A beautiful line of Black Silk Taf ' feta Petticoats, with a 4-inch sweep, deep ruffled flounce, un finished top ; worth and sold for $5.00. Our price.. ... 93.95 First class material Near Silk, with . . accordeon- pleat 5 inches ' deep, ( with six rows of stitching around bottom.; A great bargain . - . Walking Sldrta We have Just received a pice line of " Fall Skirts, , pebble, cheviots, broadcloths, panna eloth, ,all the y newest materials. Prices ; ;. 'M - from $20 to. ...... 94.50 Among them are nice .fancy Dress Skirts of panna cloth, nicely trim- med with silk braids and stitching, including a silk drop skirt of the best taffeta $13.85, $10.50 V and 94-50 PICTURES 'v. Many to select from, handsomer framea and glass V worth and sold by picture dealers AQj. for $1.75 and $. Here.. yOC FALL UNDERWEAR Boy Batrav Hoary Pleeo Lined Shlrta and Zrawra, ail !... .85 Boys' Camelahair Shlrta aad Drawer. regular ic; apaclal' .'.85 Children's Ribbed Plaao Lfnod Veats and Draws 1 a,. all1 slse 85 Children's Fleao Lined Ribbed Sleep ing OarnMnta. all elsea 85 Ladles' Pleeo Lined RlbbaS Vest and Pant ..A 18 Ladle Pleeo Lined Ribbed Union Suite, ecru and grey: apaclal. .. .48 Ladles Whtt Ribbed Wool Onelta Union Suit, regular special ..$1,00 Children Pleeee Laaed Bibbod Unloa Bulta, apsclal ... 26 Boys Heavy Ribbed Fleeoe Lined Ualo Suit, all eisee ....SO Mlaaoa' Fleoo Lined ftlbbwfl Onelta Union Suita ...v. .50 Ladles' Striped Outing Flannel Skirt Patterns with crochet edge, light and dark eolor ............ ..85 Ladles' Rvtra Heavy Fanoy Striped Outing Flannel Skirt with aoaHoped fiounca, regular Tie; apeela. . . .60 Ladles' Striped OuUng Flannel Oowna, made with double yak and trimmed -''with braid ..-.. .4.-ae.48 TOWELS Book Towria aia Itxtt, perreetly aB- aorbent, aultabla for hotel, hem- autobed with sseT brderi M only at, each ...... stuck, Towia good llaen -oetton araa od wmrp' at taSI, to kiadi mIi k .14 Turklah Towels, well tnado, asually largo. ta4 laene anatead of I each , -. ,...tH4 Cotton Toweling, faat galmdgia aa red bordara, yard ..T ......5 tMapar, l M aad It Inoba wMe, eani tary die par eottoa. aald tor lee, iSMo yard, aov, yard ...v.. ....? MashvillF- SUtlon, an th Meant Scott oar Mna, I th nlaoe to Bur home 110 for a tor a new I-room house, wltl h Jots of large fruit trees and lara-e lot This la a snap. Tou can bur any klnOj of a house l you want and aa larg a yon want on any terms you want M , One l-room house, tit aowa sad tit per month: l-room nouses from It, 10 up, or I will build yoa any kind of a nous you want I am seiilng lota vary cheep. ao cna owner, 't JOE" NASH evsrai sans 11 advanoe hi Buropa dare lag th past fsw days, has brought, thla market 00 a par with all of thenv Frnno and) Bngiand ar now bidding for Walla Walla wheat and a cargo wa aold te Bngland by Balfour. Outhrl C. of tbia city. Several oargoe hav boaa recently cold of thta aama grade by Ban Francloo to Franco and th Bar, City report many mor tequirien, u