r ti; pc"ti f ' riDAY FVFNiNa October 7, 194. i SASLIHW . EMPLOYED &-Ky x c $50,000 Worth of Suit ' Sterling! $13.60 and V $4.95 $7.95 $16.00 SuiU aod" Sterling's $17.60' and. $20.00 Suit and Overcoats.... . Sterling's $22,50 and $25.00 Suits Y?f $11.95 -ana vTcrcaaia... . . i Sterling $27.50 f t g Cf and $30.00 to $35.00 J) ff VO doits ana uvercou , $7,uuu wortn oi Pants -: - 1 Sterling's $2.00 Black and ' fQu Fancy Worsted Pants, ,v..u.70v Sterling's $2.25 Y-V rfd i t ? Kentucky 'jeans W.'.... 47 1 A Xr SterUng's $5.(10 t S T : C 1 Oft ' Wool Pantt.fvv Mf 1 Sterling's $4.50 Fancy- Y 'Ai Wool Worsted Pants, -.v.4?sYr Y Sterlings 47.00 1' All-Wool Imported Scotch Tweed Y. ;. T 1 fat" Pants.. ..,..:,.....PXiJ $5,000 Worth of y .v-'.r. Overalls Y Sterling Bros Fine Overalls, the best to be had in Portland at any price will be sold at The Hub during fff This great sale, while they last at, each.....;.......... $6,000 Worth of Sterling's 76t Golf ' iWrr Shirts. . ..... ......' .O Y C Sterling's $J.50 and ; $2.00 ' jAf" . Manhatun Press Shirts. T'w Sterling's $2.25and $3.50 QH JA Imperial Dress .Shirts. ; . . 4 1 XT $4,000 Worth of Men's Work Slurts : SterUng's Men's 50c Work OiCW Shirts .....4-1 ... XUW - gterlings $J.0O Work, S ;L A Q Shirts. . w . w j .V , , y Sterling's $2.00 Wool Work ; g Q ,; Shlrts..v..............MyOC Sterling's $2.50 'All-Wool -Ct l fl Vork ShirtsMWv.u..'.eP 1 O 7 TV lLVGniilfk wAl aW V VAlAl NOTICE TO OUR. PATRONS ! AS THE EAGLE BIRD SOARS HIGH ABOVE THE BOLE HILLS, SO ABOVE Third I 'rf; I H T7 ri I Third . end r r ' -4l3h I J and Cshaiggl -Ui 1 1 i 1 j liSI UdiJ ILJJ; iBurnside AS THE ROAft OF THE MIGHTY NIAGARA DROWNS THE TINY VOICE OF THE CHATTERING BROOKLET. SO SHALL THE LOW PRICE STORM. NOW ON, HUSH THE LUNGLESS TWiTTER OF THE WOULD-BE IMPER- ..v , v : V SONATORS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF , V r c , c ; Portlands Most Glorious, Most Entcrpnsing, Up-to-Datc end Square-Dealing Clothing, Shoes and g 1 Gcnt WE ARE NOW entering upon the greatest clothing and shoe sale campaign ever inaugurated by ourselves or any clothing and shoe institution on the Pacific coast. As stated yesterday,' the Sterling Clothing Company of Des Moines, Iowa, t had been in business or exactly one year. At the beginning its management bought for Des Moines ae it had bought for die Boston market, its former place of business. BUT DES MOINES WAS NOT BOSTON. In comparison, it was as a minnow and a whale, with Boston as the latter fish. "Last spring found- the house tremendously overstocked, but notwithstanding, it bought for fall delivery on the same extravagant scale which characterised the beginning of its business. Delivery of its latter or ders began a few weeks ago, and hs management found itself unable to meet its obligations. . The manufacturer, not at all so af fable and "tender" as his traveling representative, threatened attachments. The mercantile agencies, thoss almost unerring ba rometers which record the financial standlngot the business world, whispered It in Chicago that "STERLING BROS. OF DES MOINES stand on vie verge of trouble The firm is overstocked and cannot meet fcs obligations." Our Chicago representative was thus given the "tip" that has served him with such effectiveness in times that have pssse into history. He hastened to Des -.Moines, and to make a long story short, s- -;, ; J - -. - - v ; ' Bought the $ 1 35,000 Stock 6( abthingFumshing r . And these Des Moines domes and these Des koines shoes are in Portland now. THEY ARE HERE AND AT THE HUB, -TO BE SOLD AT ONE-HALF THEIR ACTUAL WORTH, and you, Mr. Reader men, youth or boy, may make selections of apparel, UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ' in STYLE AND FINISH, of the very BEST domestic and imported woolens, at 50 -cents on the $1.00 of what you vill pay for similar goods at other ploces that is, stores where they sell this high Quality of clothing at alL , And thereA are but one or two concerns in the city where such splendid garments may be had at any price at alL Our store was closed one whole day for the purpose of marking down prices on these garments and shoes, $55,000 worth of which have ar rived, consisting of the CREAM OF THE MOST STYLISH GARMENTS THAT WILL BE, SEEN IN THIS MARKET THIS YEAR, Every piece was, made to the order of the Sterling Clothing Company, from the most expensive cloths, and are warranted the- equal of anything to be had in Portland at double the price we nave put upon them. In proof of this, we ask the careful attention of our friends to- these quotations; :.vV.-.v.-" f.; 'Xi ..-V 't $9,000 Worth of Men's Hats : Y "'v . ' -" Sterling's Famous - A $5.00 Kingsbury Hats.: epXerY' Sterling's Famous : (( $1.50 Kingsbury HaU... 1 YU Sterling's Fsmous ' YY' 1' fCv $2.50 Hats , . f . . . . .V iC . Sterling' Famous i Y .. - A C $1.50 Hits .;. Jt D C - $1,500 Worth of Boys' Hate v Sterling's entire stock of Boys. Fine - Hats, worth from $1.00. to as J J iiigh as $2.50 TO C $200 Worth of Caps Sterling's ' entire stock of ' J O 'Caps, worth up to $1.50 each..O"C $?9000 Worth of Hosiery 'Sterling's Genuine 1 'Y- , : Y Cv Rocldc?d Sock..,..........:. :. OC Sterling't 20c YA1 V' SltW -Fancy and Black Hose.;.-..... O3C Sterling's 25e - s:,;;;Vi OU' Fancy and Black Hose J2 Sterling's 85c Y Y'. . w- " ;'. . '- Wool and Cashmere lose. . .. 1 Sterling's 50c Wool, w A s Cashmere and Fancy Hose. ; V. 'T'C- Sterling's $1.00 KVY V.'. .vA-' Heavy Wool Hose. ........ .tfC Y $4,000AVorth of Y lH, Odd: Coats Y Sterling Bros. entire stock of odd Coats, belonging to; sfaO ' $12.50, $15.00 and Y J)VO $20.00 suits, at..;.... v - f aff af"WL a. -2-' J J liflfll IjaRM .Lftt XAltU VIU lVlil "Y THE - EFFORTS OF THE PUNY IMITATORS OF Goods &nd Shoes at 40c on $3,000 Worth of Y Odd Vests "Sterling's entire stock of $2.00, f Q $2.25 and $3.00 ones, at. . ... ..yOC $7f000 Worth of v; Sweaters 'Sterling's Superior $1.00 A r Sweaters.., ...J..,M.7I,fry& Steriing's $1.50 v. YYv'Or Sweaters . . . , U . v , . i . ; ; v . r , ..U V SterUng's $2.50 . Y vf OA Sweaters.,.. 4) 1 J4T- "Sterling's $3.50 y tfj QQ Sweaters. ...... t...... 1 $4,000 Worth of Gloves YC v y; . ... .... SterUng's stock of v- t M Men's 50e Work Gloves., . ..Xf C . Sterling's stock of ' -J ffZ ; Men's 75tfWork Gloves ODC . Sterling's stock -of - AtA Men's $1.00 Work Gloves.V. r.tV C , Sterling's stock of ' f ' f OL Men's $1.50 Work GIoves. ...y QC . Sterling's stock' of "f " Y f Q ' Men's $2.00 Dress Gloves. ...yOC Sterling's stock of-" ' '!' ' '-Zls Afi--Men's $1J5 Dress Gloves.,.. iyC ' ; Tbir is strong Glove talk, isn't it? But every word is' true. No better or finer gloves are to be had anywhere in Portland, and you-get them here at less than half their cost at other stores. We have to do h. vte shall, however, employ two seta of men, and we want att unemployed v call and see us immediately. We need them in our business. And if you buy anything at th Y MONEY BACK WITHOUT A WORD! ; v , ;, Vl . WE WILL DONATE $500 TO ANY WORTHY PORTLAND "CHARIT T ' HAVE MADE ABOVE CAN BE SHOWN TO BE NOT ABSOLUT StlALL THIS SALE TOWER LOFTILY i - r', Yl '' the Dollar. 7i "t $3,000 Worth of 1 j Suspenders Sterling's stock r ; gj of Boys' 25c Suspenders. ......uC Sterling's stock . - : yV; ' ' , of Men's 25c Suspenders. W Sterling's stock v of Men's 85c Suspenders. I9c SterlinjfV stock I ii':: tS.r"! Af of 50c Suspenders..,....... J&T" Steriing;s stock V ; ;'; -, -JQ of 75c Suspenders.... . uZIW Sterling's stock ' . ' Y'' iQt of $1.00 Suspenders. ........ $5,000 Worth of : Neckwear v Sterling's entire stock Y' Ov of 60c Neckwear............. 1 ilC Sterling's entire stock ?'.' A fr of $1.00 Neckwear.. fxC $12f000 Worth of v Shoes ' $5.00, $6.00 and1 $7.00 -J Yi g Sterling Shoes. ...3-0 $3.50 and $4.00 i gj Sterling Shoes.......... .X.OO 8.50 Sterling y' $1 8,000 Worth of Blankets xr,"'M. Sterling's entire stock of Heavy All-' ' Wool and nne Lambs wool Fine Blan kets, fit for the bed of a king or queen, at about the cost of the wool before it waa shorn from ths sheep's back $3.00 Wool Blankets A..,. ....f 1.49 $4.00 Wool Blankets. .........f 1.98 $5.00 Wool Blankets. .4 $3.39 $6.00 Wool Blankets. .... ..f 3.99 $7.00 Wool Blankets. i..,....f 3.45 $8.00 Wool Blankets.. ........ 3.95 $10.00 Wool Blankets..... 4.95 "Y. b - 1( . 'V ,: d " I . $20f000 Worth of ; JTop CooUy Sterling's entire stock of $18.00,' $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 Top Coats, all made up to order by the Sterling Bros.' east ern tailors, the best cloths obtainable in America and up to the minute in every respect, at the insig-. O E? mficant prico ; ( . VY" ffmOO fi ... Handkerchiefs '.,1 'SterUng's 15c v: ' Y y... Handkerchiefs . . . .'. . . ....... Ac Sterlinar's 20e Linen Handkerchiefs. . ..... . V. . oFC Sterlinfife 25c " C" v J -J-.Linen Handkerchiefs...... ..,1 uv Sterlinr's 50c - Y " y'-Tv' Linen Handkerchief s...... ,.tT $12,000 Worth of i:,Yf::;Urllas'";Y ; Sterling's entire stock of high grade Umbrellas was secured by us and will be sold et these astonishingly low prices. f"'-". . -.- --All 75c Umbrellas... ...J.t....9e All $1.00 Umbrellas , .w49e All $1.50 Umbrellas .69e AH $2.00 Umbrellas.... ...... ..98 AH $2.50 Umbrellas. 1.24 All $3.00 Umbrellas .$1.39 AU $4.50 Umbrellas. ........... f 2.49 Alf $5.00 Umbrellas. , ..... .v. . .$2.99 $8,000 Worth of 1 Suit Cases V Sterling's $5.00 Suit Cases. . . Sterling's $7.50 Suit Cases. , ... . 1.75 395 Sterling's $10.00 Suit Cases:.,. $5.49 Sterling's $12.50 Suit Cases. ...$6.95 Sterling's $15.00 Suit Cases..,. $7.45 And so It feoes all through the store. The , prices have never before 1 been touched in Portland. They never will be reached again. - They are in accords ance with The Hub's well known policy of always selling goods at half what its competitors sre obliged to charge, and .this for the reason that our alert east ern representative never misses a bar gain of this kind, no matter where it .turns up, in any part of the United States. As a hawk constantly seeks its prey, so do we seek these opportuni ties of buying stocks of goods from per sons who are compelled to sell. W shall continue this policy so long a we continue in business; and that will be until our hair has been frosted by time and our decrepit form has been laid to . rest We never grow weary and we rarely sleep. Satisfaction or money hack, always. Express orders carefully filled. salesmen in t- c1- t this store and c r TTT""