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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
"Difibrcnt Store" : 1 - - II a - i 1 - 11 ii iii Bmeai , i ii, in i 1 1 i aaasa rrrcaa vjiiiv a ivi j iri ; v v And ft pretty mas lobster at that, would attempt to deny the value of a credit department to a MBif Store." It ii as neceasary as it is customary. ' And still that are some business "lobsters toe small and with too limited iwsoorcee to be able to afford Ihonieofree and tbeir patrone mis boainese convenience. A late lasue of the Dry Goods Economist -o leadmf eastern stonkeep--luff authority has to eey: "That a credit businees can be done on safe Unas and aafegoarded by the fullest inquiry and aorntiay, the mtW of the most successful retailers of the county afford ample proof." Last year actual losses la this department did not reach one-quarter of one per cent of our credit miilness. The enormous bulk of business dona by thia bouse amply repays for the Blight expence. Integrity and probity of character with a reputation of being prompt pay are the only requisites for open ing an account here. It facilitates shopping for you and for ? See me about J THE CREDIT MAN, office Third Floor. The Small Ware Aiglet Aboand with Bsvgain Nuggets ' rinwr floor. ,, , A BUNCH FO S0 LACKS WOBTH Mo V . '1 Raac armAm Blaak llohair SbO Ulla for Weeue, IBM ai Wfi 1 to fcuaoa, vml tlaj apaelal, bvaah BASTIKO OOTTOPI FOJI ft SFOOL 9Uf HAIR BRUSHHB fftaW " tTrii-ai-a Halt Smakee, artM MMaAittriMiilnMn.Mi apaolai, oaall ,.av"0 Me FOR HAIR ntUSHRe WORTH Tta ' Hadlttm-abM Hair Hi awRae, eoiia . ISO FOR XIBJC'S JTUTHIflliH TOTUVt ROAF , Klrre Juranna Toll at Soap, lara-aia aakaa, nL If e; wpaalaA eaell ASei fa FOR TINS SIUC HHOIUH-SISa SFONOBS WORTH M., .,, - 490 BOTTUB HAIR TONIC FOR tea . Crow. AHboUM and Qalnlaa Heir Twaia, 4-aa settte, TCraa,eiei epartal fcottla ..,m w.ROe 11 WRITING TABLETS PO-p- ' ' ' . Rxtra Lorsa Bla Rla4 la Wrtttna ,blete, aoakat alaa, wlae ltat paajala aanli . lea WRITING TABLBTS o , . . . . Ralad Uk Wrttlns Tablata, aote Skw. vala tte: aBaeUL aaa IIS FOR STAO-HANDLB FOCKRT-RNIFR , Bore Larsa Slat an-Haadla Feafcat-KaTraa, Jf aUdaaj, alaa tt p. ' alal, aaoa .....(. . - . . ! J lg Ue FOR POCKBT-HNITBe WORTH Tfta . Fataat praaa sanne am waaBlag jwhi aunaa, m apaolaLaaoli aa4B3e . m mrDaCtiTJ vrwai aYtaTH la ..'.-. , . .... : Laraa-eiaa Coaaa Jat-Haadad TaOat ' euaa. vaJua So; epaoial, aaoa. . . k WHITB NAINSOOK DRIBS BHIBLDO , sua NO. t Taiao u; apaaiai, pair., siao no. a, vaiuo ta; apaoiai. Slaa No. j vaiva ito; opaaw, aiaa Na A nlwa ta: avaeiaL a mi an n amant h a ran Ma fVOM Umv Ha I rain b 1 M aa ar aooare topa. vai. the aoa; aaaefcU. Grckt Removal Sale of New Shoes OONTIN UBB ood round toaa. aiUitarr eaala; raur aaoloa at rive sot aVlae. rayUar valaaa, apodal far Tharadar ealjr. pair ......... .gUgg BOTS AND CHILDRKjrS SHOBS ' . w' - L. Bora Saoaa, awda af boa ealf. doabto eelae, fB ovn toaa. aaavy ataaaa v appara, aaat aaoaiaaias pnaalM. aad aie awda tea PUad laa waar-. , . Siaaa 11 to la; itarial prloa ..B1.4H ; V StaaalS a : apaelal prtoa. fl'fS . ' Siaaa IK epaalal arte...., .gt.Tg ' 1 Childraot Shoaa aTboTaalf. with SouV aatae aaS Maad taaa, awda la ! Staaa to lUaloa ILTI: ppaetel. pair flS ' Staaa 11 a ft, vaiua ftft.eT; apaelal; pair $1.44 mmmam A aa IHnM BY). WnllBHw ' riT Mill Vrataotloa Straat Shoaa. haavr aotae. fell m .mw at tat. Kl patawt or atoek Upa. raUltarr ar Cubaa baala, atraieM ar ewtna aawaU aao aad weU facta Oa prloa w aaft for t4, aab?..S.00 . u an Wtfiat Thaaa aboae aataa la box ealf. valour oalf. vM kM aad aaant eatt. SMtt opa, baavr r aaadluai waR eotaa, full rowad ar foot-aaapa taaa. t dlf faraat atrlaa a aalaat tnmt taa faaMua Oiorta Saoaa, artoa pair gftgd) ftft,T1 FOR WOIBNS SHOBa . - Tha Wal(.Kowa -Rmpraaa Soaft pjaae afanef vatwvr ealf. pmtaat aalt. BhMbar ar plain bail ar wait aolaa. military ar Cubaa baala, em ' bi it abotaa atylaa. ail vary aaw. rac M M ehoaa; apanbil. pair. .ga.TB : ; . V Portlauxfs Largest and foremost Women's Apparel Shop Grand 6aiona-Second Floor. Cofrtalna the fulleet aa weU aa most magnificent exhibit of Women'e Outer Wear shown by any house west of the re nowned Marshall Field organ iaation of Chicago and is unsur passed in authoritative fashion showings even by mat great style store. v ', . - WaahVa Vaerr Ba. Raate, la aMrval ana axpaaltlon of womaa'a droaa. Bvery saraMnt ftou tha banda of Amartoaa taUora. Tha awsnlfloant balldlae aallod taa "Falaia da Coe taaia,n Bttaatad in tha world- fair round a. aoat thfa buodrad thwa aaad dallara. Tbara ar ta er anlone aaai rapUaaa af taa praaUcal aaraMata ahown ta tbtB sraat atyla eaabat. PorUaad womaa folfc may hara. light at bowM. vtaw many af tha enpliaaMa of taa avaab aiailiaa aaadala that era attraotlne tha at taauoa af aU warn a bind at tha Ms fair. Oanapleaaaa aatoae laaaa r tha axolnatra araattoae af BM Saba ni at aiwaa erne wiaaav Ta Bkodaia a? Ufa raaownad arUtar ac atylaa end eraat taahloa laadar am aaaflead ta tbb boua ajaaa aa the Faalfle ooaat. Na othar boaaa - baa Baffle! ant atyla A Tbursday Couple of Spedai HBNe ia Moaa for A tta af Haa Sox In nataral and blaaki awM at tta artaa ftea pair; pair far - . . BSe . hraira 00 ur. skirts for rfw A rad Itna af Han' Ooif Bhlrta, raealvad paly tkM waib aad ajl rha adw, .- ? - 4-ot of tha boot ftl.ftd aarsnbM la th aaarkati apa e r.Waeb ..v...... TN Perth's - Fcre::t : . - . om boos, au saw anouaa, vmiaa toi Ftaa, aaaartai aajaa. I atae la . . ....-..... ..4 OTipBT.BSS n, BMC box ISO FIRST FLOOR - ffaa valour aair or vial ku ne. wnwW nTomlnanea ta abtalar aaattar what taalr nnaawtal atand ln. Taa only nay ttiat will anlock th traaaara ebaate oataiaioe the Bohroadar eraatlona la nantd "Aatharttailva Sty la." It la raa raaaataft by tbta atera aad thai atar' atyla anata aaasM. W wlU eall you i A Smart Tailorad , eait gis.go o gaoo Oalllnx Oowna and Tbaatra Coatunaa gdS TO gSOO Opara Wrapa aad Carrlaa or Auto BMbUa Coata.gSSAO o gaoo Bvanlnf Walata. tha arantait aa aartmant af bxad-xiada Branlnf ' Walata gig VO gig Tailorad aad Fasay ' watatai gg vo gae djhlrat Walata far Straat Waar ..$lJtf lt Tailorad Walkhht eairta . VO gag Tnllorwa Draaa ' ,v . , surta ......gave gTg ana UKdavalrtrta......aS vo isg Aab to aa taa naw Silk Cndar aUrta In walUns lenatha; Silk Walktes VO fig Oblldraa' Coata...aa.TS VO gRg KlataaaB and Irsalns eanqaa la laas ar abart atylaa. .gl o gTg Golf Jackets and Vests A eoeahtr femttad aavalty rally, vary si vo as w saaaonahaa. Rl OaU Norfolk Jacavt Values That Must Intertst aw j. ..... .,,................. two fairb for iii. axoalloat aaallty aad Tha voir apaaiai far Urn Ur aattiao two r-r nSft.. HEN'a heelthy bey grows )Oce a well watered vme in lies down and broadens out when he stands up until the buttons burst off his last see eon's suit first, and then the seams begin to give, youVe got to more that boy mto some larger clothee . haven't you?- A boy's mcreaae In slaa to thi point of bursting anything you put onto him before the new la fairly worn off Is a pretty fair index of his general health. Same with a buriieraa one recognises this great OLDS, WORKMAN s) KINO buainese by the same token. Wsre grown so fast that the aisles and tha waremoms of this old store are altogether Inadequate.". Long ago outside Warehouses were faired for the tmmenee reserve atochs - ware bouses larger than this store 'and every available inch here Is used as eeJecroome. And the strain Inrrssftss aa new stocks come trooping In. WsVe moved third floor stocks a part of tnem al ready, Into the annex. Only waiting the fire doors now to open that floor to the public ' Others will follow in quick succession, until la g month thersll be business doing en all five floors and this win ba roruanas foremost, larsrest Warn I W I r l aAnothcr Great Special Sale SILKS If ran ha 1 out baacM roar new fabrtea ara Bora at aapraaadaatad prloa. for am bins ap tha aaw froeka and auke ara ta tha aa VJ V - : " v.'-. The wwrM taaoaraad Baaaat Bleak tndvo ta thaaa not aoauaiBtad tha wortt at ! arloaa. . Boanara Riaok Taffata, tha rarUar . ftaa par yard auaUtrt apaoUl for thraa dnya W4 Bonnat'a Blaak Taffata, tha raauiar ' ti.oe par yard, aaalityi apaaiai for -. thraa day ,- Bono' a Blank Taffata. tha raauUr . ftt.M par yard ewaUtyt apaolai for ' thraa day .gl.OS Baaaafa Blank Taffata, ba rula - par yard auaUty; apaolai for thraa daya gl.Sg Honnat' Rwok Taffata. the rnanlar ftl.Tft par yaad anaUtr) epaalal for thra days . ..glgg 1'.' TxTORSDAY, FRIDAY AND ' SATURDAY. , ; Your choice of the entire stock ' of $U0 Noverty 8urdnga For - " Slit. ' i: Thla lat raolndaa all th lataat saw . altla for Tailor Bulta and awrt ' Walat aaHlnaa, la chaeha. plnlda, 1. trip and faaey mtxtnraa, tn . haavy and 1141 watrhta; aa ajnaV - - laat ahanaa t aaaara at a Urn . ,. whoa BMBt nwadad. a tyUah Mlt at UtU aaat; racuhv ILM, U par , yard . ....... r A ROUSING S DAYS SPK- ' . CIAL. , :,. L00 Covert and Fancy Suit 5 . mga at 78c - A aplmdld abanoa ta awrar S eoad. , aarvltaabla autt for tha at root waar of the aaatraa ar th aebool waar af th mta. Ovar I dlffar . ant aawaat fail partaraa b ahooaa front hi tha praftlaat eaaartoixa . yav aaaa ta naay a day at t a yard; anaM and ahmat for thaaa thraa daya only at. par yard.ya i tw. WrrOTrsAT evekino, octobex S I MT - J a. V M 9 V nW n 9y eneetol apeotnbnient, eele Oram aant for th world-famous Bonnet at Cel'a SUk the kind grandma worn, ; Once tailored Hata th Bendel tailor Bnclfb Ut u4 Connelly Tar ban. - Nox.--jMiav wvrttnaji at Ktog nave Moluea drat chotoe of tha annular (mm abeolute Brat cboioe of tha popular nodal. Other local houaea advertlae Othar local houee uti ur aMemraa Moonf Floor. Lara-tat and neweet Carpet atoek a Dm Paolfl aloperourth Floor. Llbbey Cot Qlaae and .."Quick Meat Cooklna Banna . Hon Ha Lara, toe Third rooor. If rou 11 v -eat f taw writa for aaytMnr row arfrertlaad m this tabllahmaat and your order will ba promptly and oonaeleotloualy dlled by an axparlaoood aaopper, ax the aevr tlaad Briea. . t f SaWINGS THaVT COUNT IN AND DRESS GOODS Aggreaalvo Bargain faQ aalt waf artainly la rark. far bar nai-aaatlaa. Prtaaai kire aa waU as Thtirsdav. Fridav and Saturdav in the Silk t vj J FIRST FIXOR Bilk; the aaaartai ant f thla antir with thia Uaa and ba naabla Fortlaad wmi Boimat' BhKk Taffata, tha raular ll.ot par yard aaallty: apaelal for thraa days Boanat'a Blaak Haaaallna, tha raxu lar par yard aualKy; apaelal for thraa dnya. gl.Og Bonnat'a Black Maaaalin. tha rH' . lar tl-t par yard aaallty; apaolai for thraa dnya gl.SB Bonnat'a Blaak Ham Una, tha raau- 1 lar tl.Ti par yard euailtyt apaolai for thraa day gl.4g Bonoat a Bhwk Faaa da Bom. raan- lar ftl.tft par yard aaalttyi apaelal for thraa days aaly gl.etV $L7S Tweed 8uhings For . Sl.s.. . Bvary plao atalndad tn thbj lat ht on af thl fall newaat and moat fnahlanabi aMUnaac ara 14 Inahia wM. al aaant aeada and nat a yard .' haa aaaa aM far laa than LTj atfn eoad valna at thai art: for thra dnya aaly yoa ny ahooaa 1 nay thins ta tha lot and any for . tt aaly. par yard ....U BUCK DRESS GOODS. $L0 Valuea For Three Daya at $1.1S. Tha tot Inatada aar aattr Hne af - ftl.fte alala aad pabbl . abavlota. flany ataallnaa, bnabat aloth. ar maraa. mail, Vaoattann, dkny- i enala, alpaoa and Stoaltann, ara a - 1 at tat rain, at ant taaa and vollaa; v raanlar fti.te valaa, far Tharadar. . Friday aad Saturday. Bar yard amy Sl.l Raynlar tl.Tt par yard svaa hi Rainproof FnbrMa, todhaa ra ail tna aaw anmnnlah afTaata. far ah tn waist aa na; aaf- allvaa and Onford; apachU far thra dare only, par yard gl.SO summer, lengthens out when be Mean while we must deepen the channel and widen .ifc thro which the vast stocks pass from this store out to the thou- sands that make up the store's great public .There never was such a apade as "price and we're using it vigorously, dig- -ging deep makings merciless cuts, laying v a foundation for. future greatness at OCTO BER'S expansion Sale i Toqfioirow in the 7imex--Fit Floor Tales Briefly Told are aaaaay aavhw appui tanlUa OmI sawn. Tha boat known waav la tha thoa wha aa haw draaaanakias wfll da - - AJnrBX . v--.' Una bj new Maiplat. epaa oa baatar tablaa folk an unrrtMrtiatta appartaavty Blank Faaa da Sow, raaw- . hv tl-ftd par yard aaailty; epaelar for thraa day aaly gl.SS Raaaat'a Black Faaa da Sola, far lar ftl.eft par yard aaallty; apaelal far thraa day only gl.SB Bonaat Blank Paaa da Bm, rcw . lar tl.Ti par yard aaallty; apaelal for thra day only gl4g Bonnat'a Rlaok Faaa da Bat. ra lar tie par yard eaallty; Bpaetal for thraa day aaly Boanat'a Black Faaa aa Bola, raw lar tt.lft par yard aaalttyi apaotal . fay thra dare aaly , gl.e4 Thixrsday's Qfiderwear and Hose Specials 1 For WOMEN end CHILDREN 'v; Ffcret Floor Women's fllOO Unioa Suits 69c ' ' e fan wahfht aataa Tataa Batta, half front, ftaa rffc bad; ftl valna: Tharaday, Friday aad Batardny. for Wones'i 35c Lisle Hoes Ww i a' a ftno rtbbad Maak Hal Haaai valna; apaaiai for thraa dhye only. pair. Chlldraa' fin rtbbad blaah aah , laaa, doobta kaa. food waartoc will waab watt . Sfa t b Tu; mhi tftoi apartaL aalr...lTe Staaa ft and IH; vai i: anrtJ.oair. .J - Staaa t, H aad IS; v , 1. pr.,wd XiHsntsr r hnfaata wbita ott down frnt. Ion valaa; epaatal far t s, isoi Portland's Foremost ; Store chic o& 'Elerchiefe r FIRST FLOOR, An taiBMaaa aetartuwl of all the la VaUa and VaUlnsa. BoaaUrul, , Inoluaa hiffoa bat drapaa, wllh chanlJla aad aia--. T aroldarid dota, to all tha aaaaon a lataat oalortaaa. -J. Soata varr- awaU laoa daalaaa Juat oaaia tn aa Sal urdar. A vail JauaUly arranaad balpa a lot t xtva j tha waarar an air of nawaaaa aad , through tha vauiaaa radar, vorr awall valla ......TSa BO Rg.OO Tha New Ctraalar Vatla, with laraa aoaUoaae bordar. - slva ataanlac afTact to naa aiUHaary $9.SO TO gS.OO Hawdaoaia Naw Flala aad Flcarad Draaa Nata, ' raealvad Saturday by ax praaa, ta biaafe, wbita aad all tha aawaat ooiortnxai yard. ,Oe 0 ST. SO A vary baautlfal Una af Chaaipaaaa Valla da Chlnaa for tha October brldaa juwiia aaft. altaaiac; rich and baaaaaaii fahrtoa, laoa and apaaaiad robaa : saraaowa army, larxaat Him on tha ooaat glS.OO TO B12S.OO , HAN DBIRRCHIBF 8PBCIAU . A lot of aHabtlr aollad aad muaaad Handxarohlafa. aoma faaey, aoma plaint - woald xtaka tab bbildtaa aataaald aebool tandbarehlafat lacwiar 13 o; apanlal, amcb -.. JEWELRY SPECIALS V : LAU1RT BRACBLBTS AT ffto ";. . ' ..' Ladlaa starliac Silvar Rraoaltta, ffeeaS ebaxa, plain or Jawatad aat. ' - vaiua tt lUli apaelal . . . ...VRd tLe BRACBLBTS FOR Q Fanoy Oan-Matal Braoalana, aaaartai atylaa, tal Lft) apaelal, aa. d)Od IM B AO TOPS o Fa nay Oxlda Sprtae Baa Tape, eeaare abapa. aatartia xattaraa. valaa ; Taa; apaaiai, amob ... .4B fta FOR SHOB-HORNS, BBONOtD HANOLBS WITH HdUNTIMOa. WORTH CRNTS. Collaj-Bnttob Bata, fraat, baafe tA 7 ; :v aaa bat 1 world ara tneludad avaa ttta wacid waU a haad thaaa lainiili Store atfaaa ta fntthar fa t bar tha beat blaak attka lar ftS.fte par yard aaallty; apaaiai for thra daya aaly aa.ia Bp in! a Blaak Chiffon raanhv ei.pB par yard p irlal far thraa dapa... Boaaara Blaak Chiffon , raralar fti.te par yard apaolai far thraa day Taffata aaainys -ai.oa Taffata, annllty; And la addtuaa ta tha ebev th aatlm Una of Laawaaaaa. thaaa, Satla Paaha and dainaa, all ftraatly radaead I thra daya ayalil prkftaa. Rala- 23c bat the .. .RRA Portland! Quality Shoo IM lev ar au. jpbs v a- aawaat etwaUena aoval affaata thai ainaiaa. and two atoeva battaoa, aanulMd baefca. .-.-aO Trig ati4 TVim French Sailors Spedai Thursday st ' Thaaa etylaih, Jactnty hata. that hav a ananalns nalvata In thalr Unas, and yat auoh aaney piquancy tn thatr air, aimoat araata na ail-yaar-rouad aaaar alrl Thay halp ta throw off th draar and drlaala of old wlntar and aaavaat a yaebttna; trip In aaatnt aaaa avan whan KrU Kr1axl'a balla ara ilnailaa; npon a ehlU Deoaaibar air. Tha Bailor Hat ha bae a aa all-yaar-roand fa varlta, and tha Franeh Bailor toad hi Faahlaa' rac. Thaaa hata wa talk of today ara maoa ovar wlr franaa, af asaooth fait, trlmnln- af wbita kid and atit bvtton. In atara of blua, brown, rod and ayaaa aad eolld whltaa and Waeka, Tha araataat vaiua var offarad In Bnllora tn our etty wa know, for wo "kaap tabB--at a apaaiai Tharaday arte ef ............. .f.........ei.4e The Canal nd the Model U Knowtadg af tha tapecraptay a) rha lathmua wa aatraaaalr vacua hnUl th fTaat ineranaa of travel dna ta the dlaaovary af no Id hi California In 1141 randarad latpravad aomniuai aatlona a naoaaaity. A railroad at Panama aad a aaaa! at Nicaragua war both praiaotad. Inatrumantal aarroya far th formar la lttt. and for th latter ht laaa. vara made by Anierteaa n1niira. and with a ami amall aneapUona warn th rtrat real, ly aaaa rata aarvaya awda a ta that tlaae, thaash auBMrona axplorlac a padlthina bad been andartnkan eeaaa aador aavannnoat aaaatoea and othar nndar private eaterprtan, nana fttrntabtne vainabla Informa tion and etbera atmply adding to th oonfnaton J randy oalatln;. But thay raaalted la aaoarapblaal kaowl daa avrflelant to olhnlnai front eonalderatlan all bat tha fallowlna; ronteat Flrwt. Hlearaana; aaeond, Panama: third. Baa Blea; fourth. Caladaala ban fifth. Dart an; sixth. Atrate rlvar. The TJnttad State gifanwait haa now aadar eonipia tloa th Panama rente. Thl and tbr awttara of intone Internet aaant th aannl 1 broucht ap by the propoaal of thl hoaaa ta Se to amna Portland school th la rye worklnf aodol af th onnal now on exhibition hi ana f tha laraa ahew window. Th aehoot will ba ehooea by popalar vat of the pai a vote with every tte purehaee the vatlnb to tea at ft R a, an Wedwaadny. Ha vambar t. the award to ba made an tha raaatt f vote at that ttma. W Hat aaly tha aaaaas af th ft rat It aehoolala tha STAJCDIHO AT ft P. ht TnWTXRDAT HI ah aebool . . . n.S SC Marya AoBdeniy M.41T Portland Aandemy l,Tt Harnaaw It. Atklnaas) J aiuiajaa-Avane Park Fatltnv .............. 9 ""d 1 a ( , ( Look . r i I i i ' jv,-; tr ?