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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
' '-'V'.- V- 'ft V V''A' "'THB'ORBOOH PAILt JOPHWAI PORTLAND, V" TYTXT ' rTTT' r, 7"! THIS AGED COUPLE I3BS ACTIVE AND: HARRY ' jt 'v u if -vv 4 - - V fvtf 'iff "t.f Xp MR. AMD MRS. WILLIAM & DSPQTT, f tn ML Tabor there lire an ard couple who har hem married (or .nearly three-quarter of a century. William B. Deputy. aad SI, and tola wife XI m Ira. a-ed M, recently earn to this tat and ara living with their daughter, Via. Opdyke, who cesldee la Mount Ta- They war nutrrled in . Jennings oeunty, Ind., In IS. They had 1 children, eiajht of whom ara bow llvlns, ancactd tn fartnlna: and atocat-raliln-In thy aiovad -from Arkanaaa t JMlaaouti wttara thy lived on a farm ua tll thlr oaralng- to Ortm. . Tbr hava had SO arand-hUdram, Moat ttf whom ara living, and II ftraaUBraad ohlldrva. All th craat-craodXshUdraa r now aMra, Mrs. W. B. La. llTtnf In dfount Tabor, la tha third child, aad Dr. B. Peputr Pattern, whnw offloaa ara tn tha Marqmum batkUsc ta a ftand dauffhtar. Both Mr. and Mr. tMpaty ara ta voed health and apand a graat daal of tin raadlnf to, aaoh othar arary day. Ha la an actlamaabar of th Mathodlat ohuroh. whlla hi wlf 1 an ardent Baptist. At tha tlma af tha CItII war a waa aufferln from aa ya troubl and waa nearly blind. Coaaaquantly ha did not partlelpat In th war. Two aoaa, however, ollatod, la th Sixth Mlaaourl rasiniant. pteaibr It waa th fttstr-flfth aa nlvaraary of their wddln It waa an oaoaaloa of g-raat Jay among thalr rela tfvea and friend. Rev, R. K. wvana par formed another wtddlnf crawax aw tht day. InVBHlf "SPBBBaaafcai. iSfefeiBIK vtf .14 the STcr TiiAT sAvir : 't ::crcv" ' A. Mill J Thla heaaetlU all mall order promptly aad with tha nam ear and aaaet aaaa that w ell aeoda t eutomr that vtalta ouratora --ell order e forward ' aama day reoatvad paettad and for warded in the beat poaalbl manner. Money hack if you ara not saUafled. I 9. 1Mb? v 1 ( 11 i I, W w Honor Good aold harm ara "en honor. We aorreet r rurs and an la take , readily and without quibbling. Wa t -niter our cue omer ta have Iicrfeot atl kotlon, ana It' not our fault if they do not get . It : w Btrlra to pleaea nd amttmTw And often at a lft of pront. Bat- la fled cuetoro- r M on our babble. v Harlng purchatd the Dayton Hardwarg companyw stock of Ranges, Stovss, Grmnhswsrc, ate and tha stora occupied by dun, wa ara now tn a position to and ara aallinf svary artkla purchased from this firm at 60s) on tha ?1.mI. If you ara bunting ganuina V v bargains in thaaa Unas coma In and inspact tha stock wa ara offsrkg during thla sals. , r 4 v ' ."V .. V; CaLY THOSE SAVED IN ' CHURCH Or COD w- titiui mrouasr ow sast sxsb -aro nnoons) xmvr of sua ass I eUTS) 1 vswammBa. V-, AT THE THIATFJCS K Th Chureh af OodM la th Utf of an tiauaual reliaioue oramnlaatloa that has freoenuy aetabllahed beadquartar on th east aide. At 41 Hawthorne avenue Ood Meeting Rouae" ha been erected and will be opened on October IS ta the nnual gathering of tha dlaelple of th galth, Tba-hftUafa -ef lha church ward l jalslnad thla morning by Elder J. Ban Jord. foreman of th meeting house, when he wa aaked aa to th. extent of the taemberahlnv - - - W So not know, ha replied. keep ao hooka n or v records. The aai hook kept by Ood. We of thla earth Sara net set down the name far fear we Include a alnner among them But H m true that our etn bershlp oenetets of wnly persona who hav been aaved to Ood. We oome her to this bouse and yn-eaok the gospel as It la found la the old and aw testament and the who ceeelv It and meet the conditions are r aorded m the book of heaven. Onr oreed la that all Christiana ahould be united. -Ood did not Intend that hla people hould b divided into aeeta and at war Wtb one another. The whol of hla ehurchmen should be aa th dlaelple were ta oldea day. ' . , - "The Church of Ood wa founded on . the Pay of Penteooat. when Jesus said. "On thla rock will X build nr ohuroh.' . That waa In the year II and the church noted on earth for SM year, when aeoetacy halted it. por Ul year the People were la darkness. Then Martin lAither was raised p by Ood to preaoh "Hi ward, la lis this branch wa founded. W hav no other discipline and teach no other law but the word of Qod. We aehaowladg ao reverend, we are here a servante merely te teaoh Ml holy word, and we work ta aooord ano with th prayer of Jesus, 'SanotUy .tbem, that they may be oao.' " V Th meeting houa wa oreeteg by Wre offering under the direction of a fhumbar of older who earn here from deattl. It 1 a four story structure, the upper story being used for Mvlng fmrppse. By renting the room a bora . th anpsa of the ohuroh 1 practically mot At the oemtng conference it 1 weld ao eontr! button whatever will be akfd or solicited. Those eonnected with the aew ostaMlahment appear to lha stnoere, quiet bellovars. The prla tng elder la O. T. Keai. ' , v ' THIRD APPROACH TO f f THE Bt'RNSlDE BRIDGE 4. A third n trance la to be built to the burnatde bridge. A permit as been 'owoureg from the oounty by the Diamond Sand oomaaor. Smith A Howard pro rtetors. which has a larg rock c metier rn operation at th foot of Ankeny tret It ha sublet ? by l feet of the water front to Otera W. Bate, of tha Diamond Srlok company, who win build a high dock, on a level ;with the brldire, and open a roadway to Jt The XHamond Brick company oner, sues an extensive arlek and tile plant ,ot Bussl, Waahlngton, the Colum bia river thra mil above Vaaoouvor. t I desired to bring the product to .Portland for distribution, and to handle M la th most economical way. Th tlle arllt he hoisted from boat by team eren to the a if a dook. There will ha store capacity on and under th Sauk for 1 carload,- , k. ' 'in ii mm -i " i A bsem to travalors. Pr. fowler' Kx irraet ef Wild atrawhetry Curea dyeen- tnt, dtarrhoea, saalcknea. aiaM iaa prempuyt , , ( seasickness, i Asm penapUy " -. "BIOBB BS A SgroonSSb " , Th Columbia theatre ta airing It patron lmmenaa aatlsfaetlon thla week With the atook oompaay'a ezcelleat pre sentation of -Nleb.- the faro built around a statu and an electric wire. It ha been the policy Of Stag Director Bernard in MlecUng hi weekly hill to get aa fat- away from th- provioa oflarlng as poasibl. -The Jilt- wad a pure amgttan eomeoy. Tfioner la modern American fare with a sorsai af muKhter In every line. The ad venture of the animated statue and Peter Amos delight tha Colombia's crowd nightly. -It la a aouroe of no llttla aaUsfaetloa that m thta play each member of the cast la given something worth doing and it 1 wu dene. . wabdsi a frrattan wm r Wagenhals and Kara per, who have be come -an Important factor la tha world of peotacular drama, will present Fred erick Ward and Kathryn Kidder tomor row (Thursday), Friday and Saturday nights, at the Marquam Grand theatre, In a lavish production of tha new play. aalamaabo," written by , Staateiaua Stance. The play Is founded upon Flaubert's famous classic "Salemmbo.' It Is laid in ancient Carthage, at a period when Its waning power waa threatened by Rome on the one hand and by the revolt of it ova mercenary arm tea on th othar, A special price matinee will bo glvan Sat urday afternoon at 1:1 o'olock. Boats ara now selling. - . . Ralph Stuart brings hla brand-new productloa of "By Right of Sword" to the Marquam Orand, three nights and a Wednesday matinee, beginning Mon day, October .SO, The play Is a drama tisation of Arthur W. Marehmonl's thrilling story of modern Russian life and detail th adventures of a young American,' Richard Hamilton (Ralph Stuart), who goes to Moscow ta search of excitement Mr. Stuart la aupported by a very oapable oompany. Seat on sals Friday, October T. Regular Mar duam prices will prevail, with a popular Wednesday matinee. ? . a l .. (i.i. The ebgacement f Kryt Bel lew ta "Ragle, th Amateur Cracksman," slQses this evening. If you hav not seen this polished actor la hi great uoce, do so at this Urn. - Th Mar quam ha not offered anything thla sea son te compare with the ourrent attrac tion. In addition t th Bngllsh star, . M. Holland, an artist to hla flngr tip. W In th cast. Th two of them make a rare combination. All Portland 1 talking f th great elfmag af th play, which alone Is worth a graat effort t STAR'S BXU IB S SOB. r. :: ' Packed bousea are greeting tha per formance at tha Star theatre thla weak and ar giving every act a royal wel come. Tee top-line rs, tna tnr ao re- bat I Forrest, ar worthy to Oil th piae of honor for their Work I marvelous. The Kramer put on a novel funny turn and tha younger ale- ter at Irresistibly amusing aa a "tough airl." Bell and Dal ton ara wonder fully rouarh with aaoh other bat suo ceed " admirably ta ' entertaining the audi Th head of the bill at the Lyric thM weak I easily th Jupiter trio. Besides sinata: and dancing very cleverly they crack some new Jokes. Dave. Samuel in Hebrew Impersonation Is clever; Dave Rap haet the ventriloquist 1 tha heat la his tine to appear la this etty so far this season. The Carters, In a eemedy musical sot, are amusing and pleasing: Harry Heyt sings a eatchy Illustrated song. The vUasoepa, with It Japan and Ruaslaa picture, i entertaining, ' BAXBB BRAWnrS VW,' ' At some time or another every one Ha taken pleasure in feeding a deto- tlv story. The word "detective" In- varlaaiy wiiiiti a myttary. aad mys- tdrle ara alwaya taaaraattasr TO A fi , fhi Dayton Stock of CltAftlTEWAlUC Coneista of an extended line of Blue Xnamaltd, White Bnameled, Nickeled, Aluminum. Granite Galvanised and Tin ware at go OB TM BOT.T.tsV . . nv w vsmii BAVOB FAB. suarta .......,.........,.......8 . - 4 llt-djuan ..40 4 B v. , v I. , I-'", ' '-.J" . BABTTB Vmm 9AM, M-ejaart ..BOd WE GIVE CREDIT . ? RANGES AT 60c ON THE DOLLAR ) a ujw . ... l PI Sim Mar to cut guar tnteea X years, su ol top. oven sla i-, in oven, buraa wo or eoel a aoe aervicaabla ramre for rvary purpoee; worm : in, our eoa aw prlos $31.20 . wun osxaenaois reap. - j : arrair -0d axtnu t .: . " All ' Sieel Ran -vr'1 L '.v aam aa above, worth 1 V -1 $27.00 :- ' With i rvelr KmIJ an sTaaar : Faymant PUn -y. f' 1 ; : l i i, v. .. , A 7hm Deiytoa Stock of CRANtTEWARX Oaaatata af aa mrteaded lino of Blue Bnameled, White Brmsasled. Klckaled. Aluminum. Granite, Galvanised and Tl- at as o n Boxan. , a-Y ' " ','a1Pki1 aaAjrrrs ba wanna, '.. -quart ........00) OBABTTB BOTTifBO BarTwTWsV--'-- S-quart siaa ..t.f..y-..qUld) YOU CAN HAVE CREDIT -i EASY PAYMENTS ON ' 5 ALL STOVES and RANGES Hot Blast EASY GREAT BARGAINS IN HEATERS SSiI I Hener t Jewel . Hsatcr Sot laat tttba; which oaa bo regulated, eervto draft in front also son pit, aeep , tmA run nickel trim- ' minf ' a thing of beauty aa wall aa a servlceabl a t o v a we hav them la I Nfalir $6.50 Ha 13d $9.75 1 V f. .- J. - . : L r ... .i , -f - --i'- A Srrldtas AwA he a heater heavy aaat tov. for wood only. A vary hasjddomolg wmstrmatas itovt. perfect la operation. , with dam draft ta f front spreading at tha bottom to beat the canter baa; a i amok damper which ..V operates automatic ally whoa the feed dam ta open, w nav in No. 631 $20.00 No. 62J $35.00 Prbs O&k Heater 1 . 4 I f This la one of tha ' heat medium - priced heating stevee on the . market attractive in appearaaoe, easily operated aad wllr lve perfect satis- Sun Heater - AT, JLy . Jcno Heater - - v - f.:, .1- ..A v-.v - -- - , -;-v' t n 1 ; . 1 1 m v . parceci atm- v cttoav Lara swing fiody aw In tow "and ' ml fl'nlckel'fflmminVs. - sf Wa have these stove taj thra . alae- ' No. It $6.75 : NalS $5.35 . NalS $11.00 ! . . c , . . ..' r A poflshsd ' dtMl air - tlsht heater. with oast awing ' ton. seDarat cast . lid, 1 screw draft cleaning door. ' nickel trim rains. W have them la V, tw alaea-ii. Ha. It iff I J0 0 FoimM haiy. mm A , atsel UnlBdV awing top, large) wood feed, taw draft; ehea r v. L X. L. Heater Thl at ova does "ex! any -Other air-tight heater of It r else and atyta In appear- Rnc St to grace any parlor. ' eavy polished steel, with t . sectional cast lining, can ,nd swing top. Sat lid, cast use rim. larre awlna feed door, screw draft en lower and swing top. bi door) nick! foot rait top rim ana ower truaminsL and a great fuel eavea ; Three sis Ha Ur' $9.T$ ' ... . iu( aaa a m s a a ; IMa 213 I Cook Stovww, ComIIm Stovwta BIm tltmt OB Stovtet, Lamp tnd Oil tfMtfatg Stom At Bedrock Pric :-y,k'- Its' 4 v . r i.f ..:.-.;. .-c J eAir Heater, " Ihttra heavy pot v '.i ished steel body, ... cast top snd lid, oast bai bottom V and front; full ' nickel trimmings, A a splendid heating W atove for all pur k poses j POWERS iiiiBSiiiilP J v I x 1TD V I x J 4 1 am . - a ' w " -.;' ' . Ji Con Eeyte't Th Sign Of tha Fear drsls with th adventure of Sherlock Holmes, and th eompeny preeanttng thla interesting dramatlsatlea of that famou book Is meeting with great aue- ea at th Baker theatre. There will be Baa Una Saturday. AM AJSOABsi The bill at tha Anted theatre thl Week la guaranteed to snake anybody fnrset hla or her trouble. Russell and CTNetl In their comedy skit will drive away all Borrow and bring tea re of taasMag I tha drfteat r, Thett daima ara new and elever aad their aenga are oatohy. Tha feaaala member f th Sua la bewltahingly pretty. Oaa of th moving ptcturaa anew a Hfe-oavlag crew at work ta tha a, ( It ilk brimrlag Kew Tork ta Part. t aa th as asm fal ptatuiai at th Oaaeral Hooum dlsaatsr at the Bljeu thl week. Overy detail la portrayed, ta startling manner. Bven th diver under water ar shown. Ruth, th child aerobe t. Smith and Brown gad Tint Welch Shsald tw fsMa, - A . FUKD K2 MANAGER, , , ;7 WITHOUT A TONGUE Maguire, n of the eldest thatrial laaaaaara ta tha aouatry and for aome years asoeeiated with Maud Adam who recently underwent an operation ta New Tork for cancer f th tongue. Is to receive a benefit to he tendered by New York theatrical pen- he must spend tha fsmstasn af hla Say Without speech. . - ., J Baroessiv mk1ng Is said to have caused th malady. Frequently he would mok a many aa tt and ft el cars each day, notwithstanding tha ad vie of III friend.' H treated th whol situation a a joke, remarking a he waa on hi way to th hospital: Thl 1 my farewell tour." Tear age Magulrt took Annie Adam and far baby, Maude, out af Virginia Ulty. tfev,, to San Pranoleeo, and while undr hi manacement Maude made her start Tkar.- earn ,t ForUaaS sad pUyed ta th old Raw Market theatre. Tha star af today has net forgotten. She earn te th front with a eubetanttl ehectf when It waa reported that Mh guir wa In troubl. Magsir haa msd many vlalt to Portland and hj well known throughout the Paetfla north west ...... 1 Only on remedy In- th world that will at one atop Itchln of th skirt In any part of the body., IMan's Oiul ment , At any drug stor. ft cant a s, Ftaferred Stoek Canned Oeada. - AUea V Jwawta Beat BraaeV ; ..J 31 i I 1 t " 1 lit. '-1 '"ft" n ' .' 'V- -3 t. 4 p -1 -.- . .','. ".v V- . '