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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
Tn OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER . 1904, t - i' iii-L LEA snmAA oomtnov nr nrmi. AT Indianapolis. Oct. A--The spacious au ditorium oT"TomlinsoB hall wu srowdsd In every part this morning at ths Open ing of th biennial con van t too of tbt National Leagua of Republics olubs. Owing to tha Itttsrsst Id tha presiden tial oampslgw tha attendance la unusu ally Urfi, and la llkswlsa remarkable for tha uumbsr of prominent party Isadora present. Among these ars JtS aubitoaa senators, representatives, gov 'arnora and other laadara from aaaf State, i, ; It was A few mlnutaa after Is o'clock When tha national president. . Hampton ploore, of Psnsylvaato, celled tha Kathar ine to ordar. Mora than 1,09 delegates hr hiimJ bv ataiae ob tha floor of tha hall, whlla severs! thousand spsotetora coupled, the raar ana tne gajisriea. tmr ttrlmf atlunt and rMDODIM BSCrS- tary Klbart W. Waaka of Iowa, raad tha call for tna gathering and various para graphs at whloh waro loudly applsudsd. Praaldant Hoar than saweaedeA to de liver hla annual addrsss. whloh was per aaatari artth IMubtleu fervor and cor a tally rsoslvsA Another feature of tna open log aaaaioR waa tha reading- af a letter of grssuae Iras rresMsat mooss velt - , ; Tha wrh of the aonvantma th ta hV iKa tha aiaotlAM m nfnaera. tha reed In a of raporta from committee and retiring oncers, general dlssaastoe oe puuia for tha campaign and addraaaaa by prominent party laadara. Tonight thara win ha a. hum anastlnar at which ad draaaaa will be delivered by Senator Beverldgs and muu M. Ntw, secretary M im treasury Bays instil dab Sfcsela Vaafaa Vwatt li laiiiai ngg x . -' (Joaraal speelat afrtoe.l New Tort. Oct. A-As prostates of tna National Asaoelatlon of Democrat lo aluba William Randolph Hearst haa laauad an appeal to tha varioue olubs to ahow great aaal In tha coming oaav nalra work. In oar ho Bars: ' "I hope that vary official and svery Individual member of avary olub fat oar association will do all that ha oaa, and mora than aver before to promote and expound tha Interests and tha beliefs of eenulns Jenwrsonlaa Denwmrecy, "I call upon ail members of tna eluba to basin earneet campaign work Imma- d lately, ta lworixaJao where reorsanlaa- tlon Hi naeaaaary, nnd. oapaaiaiiy to rea pood promptly and energetically to vary sugseatloB that may coma rrom tha national saanaawmant of tba Demo cratic party " - OavrnOaVM ao -f w r Baltlmor unminov. ' Jeanwl laerial Swrfta-1 Baltimore. MA. Oct. A eaaetlc nrralsnmant of tha Republican admin la- jtrattos made here mat nlcbt, A a rat Democratic rally, ny aanator :ulbaraxa of Taxaa and aWnator-lfilaot - The aldet-a a tttrnd aoe oolored raca cama- la for sevareat. oon- damnation by RayneA who daeiarad that tha Democratic party's only a ta oduoata tftam to goad aitmenship without daatroylng. thorn by attamptad oaleaoanoa with tba white race. j 1 1 Jesraal Sparial 9rrtm.t ' - New Tort, Oct. A BHaborata arranga. mawts havo baaa completed by tha Man hattan ohib for tha reception tonight 4n honor of Judga Parker. Tba reoep tid, whloh originally had been planned as a olub affair, haa. baaa broadened to mean a general public reception to th candidate. In addition ta Inviting- all tha olub members, Invitations have been au tn tha mam ha re of tha national aommlUea, tha atato committee and tha various Democratic organisations of Now Tort and vicinity. .... i; : WW SlwljriaUV ' r UMHl apettal g-rrW.) ' ''v . Otean. K. T Oct A formal aottnoa tlon of nomination was yeaUrday given Lieutenant Governor Frank Hlgglno at hla noma m this alty. . Kanator Oepaw made tha loading address at h maas ataetlng which was held m tha avanlag. - earaal gaeetel gervlee.) -' Atlanta. Oa, Oct. A Georgia's blfi- nami atata alaatlan m baiag hold today. Aa the Democ ratio ticket w tna onir on in tha flald and ha thle is headed by flnwnnr Tarrall and made UP Of the other atata smears who are eandldataa for ra-elootloa, tha public mtcrast in tha elect too to naturally not vary keen, in uiitmn tn the candidates for Stale and judicial officer there ars four con stitutional amenamsnia w no ma mt- ' 1 (featsal "! rrta wa Vnrk fkrt. i. The Democratic peak ere' bureau yaaterday atadV-up tha route tor William Jennings atryan. nm poka yastarday at numarous towns in Nebraska fram tha roar and of hu train, cloning tna day at A tally In Haxtlngtoa He will deliver two epeacheo la Waal Virginia, October tl and 11. and from October IS to W will speak In Indiana. October 24 and t will also And him peaking In that atata. -.v VAJTA1CA, (Jearasl Bpertal Sarvkw.) " Albany, H. Oct. A la a speech, tna first he has mads tha present ?impalgn, DeMd B. Hill, before tha Ibany Coaatftutlon olub laat night, da voted tho greater part of his address to orttlolslhv Praaldant Roosevelt's meth ods of carrying through tha Panama canal right of way. His speech was wall rocelveA - ' . . , v ao om aTMomfrr. '" '(Jaaraal Spaeml garrlee.) 'l' Halena, MonU Oct. A Tha stats ssa tral commit tea of tha labor party yaa tardsy decided to put tha Democratic electors' names on the labor Uekat, thus Bdaralng Democracy. y CMAl . am FCJ PAYNE 4 IRUOIDBs CffOTS. Washtegtoa. Oct. A aJvarywbera to day In Washington are evidences af mourning for Henry C Payoa. poata as tsr-awasral of tha United SUtsa, who died at :lt o'clock last night. On all government buildings tba Am are dy ing at half-mast.. ' Praaldant Roosevelt will Issue a gan sral ordar eloalng tha various executive dspartmsata Ptiday. which Is tha day sat for tha funeral obewrvaocas bare. Bvary poetofftco tn tha United States will be closed duting tas hour of tha funoraL First - Assistant Poatmaster-Oaneral Wynne wss'thls morning formally des ignated by tha president ta perform Jh duties Of postmaster general pending tha appointment af a new member af tha cabinet. Bfervioss hers la Waahragtoa will be held In stt. John's Kiplsoopal church and will be attandadby all tas prominent ofllcmls of tha svarnmoat and rapreaeo tatlvee af foreign aatlona, After tha ssrvloas here ars oancludad tha body will be skipped by special train to Wisconsin, leaving lata Friday after noon. - , . . The' funeral services will as held 4a All aalnta Mplsoopal church la Milwau- hea aa artsy-an flagi af Ms 4vnteh ta maab wtU ba gmda si Foras Orova-oesa- etery. .. Payne's death wag duo to dilation of the heart and diseased eoadltloa of tho mitral , valve. Although his Ulnsss lasted but a wash tho end was at no time unexpected, as ha has baaa la poor health for many yaara and would have resigned bis portfolio soma time ago had not tha postal scandal a become ap parent Ha than said that ha would never leave his ottos under firs unless death took him - . ' t . Howry C Payna wag bora ta' Aah field. Masa. la November, 1141. He went ta Milwaukee la 1IU aad had baaa thara but a few yaara whaa ha baoamo active In politics and gamed national fame as being one of the moot astutstpolltloal generals af his time. Since 17I ha served oon seouti rely mm secretary and chairman of tba Toons; Man's Republi can club, secretary and chairman of tha Republican stats central committee, member of the Republican national com mittee sines llta and delegate to tho Republican national conventions af ISM snd ISM. For Id yaara ha was postmas ter of Milwaukee and had taken a for most place as a financier sad buslnssa man of that city. Ha etrangthenad hla aoqualntanoe of tha northwestern coun try la ills and UH whan ho was ra oelver af tha Northern. Paclflc railway. tea with Sunday Jaaraal want ads. Don't forgot. i:adi;: sceke mZXeTWXAXi MBTXSULA OOBTTSsTTMIaT OV TMM WWmWKAW RFXAOOPA OMimoM of tn vanvs snrawam OFsnrs zat mraognr nmwLM W ..--it r Boaton. Maaa.. OoL A With the sun light beaming in benedteltloa on the bright croaa boras on high, and th great shepherds of tho church etad la bright vestments, marching siong, ana tba loud prooessloaal hymn sounding throuah tha alalaa of Trinity Church, and echoing slong tba streets for many block, tha triennial geasrsl convention of tha Protestant episcopal onuron oi tha United States was opanad 'this maninc Thai voice of tho soornor was dumb at tha majeatlo spectacle of mors thaa half a hundred ricniy ronea bishops marching shoulder to shoulder. "Crista st Kcciaelna" was not angraved on any banner or writtaa as a legend os cross or vestment, but It was In ths hearts sf all as tny prooeeoeo: to tas solemn oeremony. -1 , Wbllo ths vestments showa' with bright aolor, aimpltcltr shsractorlsed ths proceedings. Tha only embiom oeia dolff la thle groat prooessloa wss ths gtiuertng. braaaa croaa la tha hands of a dignified youth, who ssarebsd at tha head of tbsoolumn to ths door of tho church. Tho splendor af ths prelates' attire waa m direct proportion ta ths high church tendencies of each bishop, - Tha Right Rev. Charles Hamilton, lord bishop of Ottawa, ths Right Rsv. Jamas Carmlohsal. bishop coadjutor of Montreal, and other vlalUng Canadian prelates appeared la Khea brioches and leggings, short osaaooks and William Penn hats. Tha representatives of ths Church of Kngland war similsrly at Ured. -. Tha Archbishop af Canterbury drove to tba church la company with Bishop Potter of Now Tort, snd ths millionaire churchman, J. Flerpont Morgan. As ths two prelate aad tha financial saagaato passed up ths steps of tha ehuroh ths Utter excited quite as much attention as hla scolsslsstloai brethren. Ha was quietly dressed la a Pr.nca Albert coat, light Sootch uvusara, and wort ft high silk bat. Tas has of bishops was mad Bp In ths order af their consecration, tha Junior bishop coming first and ths rear being brought up by Bishop Tuttle of Mlaaour ths senior bishop, and bancs ths presiding afflosr. With Bishop Tuttla, In ths Pisces sf honor, ware ths visiting prelates from England, Canada aad other foreign parts. Arriving at tba church, the head of the process loo halted, wblls Bishop Tattls and his ool leagueo In ordar of seniority passad through first. Only a fsw of ths bishops entered within ths rait Included among tha number wars ths - archbishop of Canterbury, tha bishop of Hereford, tha lord bishop of Ottawa, Bishop Brent of tho Pbillpplnas, Bishop - MfKtm of Toklo, Bishop Rows of Alaska, and Bishop Van Buren of Porto Rico. Tha feature of tha BI-OOSSdlnaTS WSS tas opening sermon, which -waa deliv ered by ths Right rsv, wuiuua i,Toa wall Dosna, bishop of Albany. Beyond ths format organisation of tho house of bishops and tha bouse of deputlss no business was transacted today. Ths deliberative sessions of ths eoavantloa will begin tomorrow and will ha held la Im""1""1 church. " ' . FIRE DESTROYS OLD - EUGENE LAND MARK ' (Bsetlal Dispatch ta tba JosrssL) . : Eugsna, Or.. Oct. I. -Ths aid dwelling house of KlUab Bristow. at Ptoaaaut Hill, ths flrst ana erected In Land oounty, was burned yesterday afternoon. It was unoccupied at tho tlms and ths origin of tha Ore Is not known. It was built la IMS by KlUah Bristow, who cams across ths plains with Eugene Sklnasr, ths founder of tha city of Bu gnna, and other well-known pioneers. Tho house bad baaa occupied continu ously sines Its srsctloa until a few months ago. It has since boon used as A sheep pen. - ttaaeM Mssatoh b The JeerasLt " Seattle, Wash., Oct. A The wagss of svery man la tha employ of ths Pacific coast eompaay'B big ooal mines la King oounty were yestsrday reload voluntarily by tho company. Men who have baaa retting IH19, tLSI and IAS a day for tea hours' work will now receive ll.sA for sight hours' wort. All men . a ployed by tha- hoar have boos raised from- to cents aa bouy. - ,-. . a irf f i . frao tea with Sunday Journal- sash want ada. Don't forget. : To B3;,Given ":-'V yfl-'i--; i'-Lmm'm' '-if-- --'.-vi-,' - a, .- YVIUI salaam V a-X V W V , W Suit of Uvercoat .1 - : , -.-i ' y : C r Basebadl Mwisk. Set of Boxing Cloves SMSMBgamws-wawa ' " . ... T4ir1 malrW th hen a nrfmnt of sWmethinaT all bOVfl want, you make a saving of 25 to 30 per cent on the : , purchase try buying here : j 9f - ? Sam,l I Rosenblatti Eb Co. Cortbsr ThlN aa Mc4Tbon Streets FUMISHIM GOODS . . ' MM mV. 'xl I.s.t a. J T7.-M4Mt4Mv f1-r XJTaA A 1 1I1C iNOrmWCSlS greatest r uiiuwuu . uuvuo tou- : v .; quarters. ' No matter what fixings you may need, it is v r'" i. " ' vma-aa Ka rrirmf Hrccr orsn at ths. nrntv.r nriPA'M . - - r AAWl Ui AAAw VW1 A a vs. wwwwaf MrT T.f - k " - " v - . a ';V--V,-- ''y ' ' . ; ' .., ..... : -. . v. : f .-'-aVT Monarch, Quett and Star makes, semi-laundried, negligee, tall weights or :jt. stiff bosoms, coat and regular styles, attached and dettvehed cufi white -: . hiki irai Eiioia Twr wi 11 iai itm , . . . . ... j - , t-; - $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 'mm " vsma m.t4fll frsented. from the simolest cotton mixtures at 50c, to the finest of silks at $30. t Unen meshes, cotton mesh, sfflc and wool, merino and pure wools.' ; ":';! r7..' -I,t;. V "! ' - Exclusive agents for SCHOENHERR'S original iUM&ri mjssh unoerwear. dctot m. wm Itss than any other imitated linen mesh. gW UJSH SUJjr VUM aaima asaewse ... . ,,,3. , t y. . .,.A - v'. ; . f" v. ALASKA TRADE ' SHOULD INTEREST 5vr fCaaUnaei from Paga Os Tha hna.ta Mtnrnsd so Portland and found "nothing doing. Tna re bad baaa no organised campaign w suu up and maintain the trsds. Ths boats tied up at ths dock and SoammaU draw his bonus dally under bis oon tract until no was bought off sad bis ships discharged. In ISO anothor effort waa mada ta rsoovsr tha lost ground. It failed aa oauas af lack of aggreaalvs advsrtlslng aad systsmatto support. Two yaara ago local bustnaso men af tha "navsr-say-dby olass agala took up tho subisot of Alsaka trade, but without suoosss. So far aa known, this Is tha hut effort that has beea asada to ta gala tha Alaska buslnssa. Maaagar Baumgaxtaar, af tha Oray Btaamshlp company la of tha opinion iu aiaaka. trado Is a rich arlss. .- wimA nnuM ac bar share af It If tha proper methods were employed sad ... t ml Ha sava this olty has lost ths trade because Portland sualnnaa man wars too wisaini. ... . -Portland Bnrohants wart arraia or Alsaka orsdlta,- says Mr. Bswmgart nor, "and they were too sooservmtlve la svsry way. Ws have dona buslnsss aa a C O. D. basto many tlmsa In Atoska, and have never loot a dollar la that way. Ws would have continued la ths Alaska trade had ws received local support" Ths firm of Flelschner, Mayer w 4 - - fnfminil SBMHIC ins SOW Portland firms that has maintained a stand buslnsss with Alaska merchants. This firm sands lepreasntaUva to Alaska twlos a ysar, and no oovsrs sii tho territory that sag, bs atlsndsd to by one man thara. wiiai tha Imnortanes Of th Al aska trsds snd Its great futur aosstblU- ties," said I. N. neisonnsr turn morn mg. Tba country thara m aavsioping. Ths nsw all and ooal naioa ars new trado territory and wll ba open to ail ncennatltora, Portland wTll have ad quel ehanod thara. Ths whole trouBls with us In ths Alssva tiaos c .taamahin Una and laelfalso of Portland prsstlga and tnflusnes in Alaska. Many Baa Francisco ana asatiie man go mi business enterprises In Alaska, and they help those cities la gutting th trade. Han Pranolsoo ass as a isrga thsra for many yaara Portland una a heavy Alaska trade prior ta tna n-ion- diks boom. At that tlms tn raoinc Coast company waa running a Una of boats between Portland and Alaska Mints snd man Portland nouses am a cood businaee thara. When tba boats stoppsd w had to snip via swam. nu tutm Maitifad tn mlaslna a boat. and delay la shlpmont of consignments causad much trouble, ana tna traoo dropped off. Ws ars aww doing a fair buslnsss tn Alaska, but not nearly what we. should do. If Portland hsd a good lino of boats and regular sailings, sa alaak. merchants could daosnd upon having their ardors filled. Portland could develop a largo buatnses wna as aasaa polnta." a W Dsvora, of ths Srm af CI A Dsvars, said: ' ' I was on I of those who favored a bonus for a Port lead-Alaska Una. Ton caa say for our firm that ws would put a traveling man tato Alaska territory UwL aWiwJL w- "if l A - as soon as thsra was a boat assured." Among those -who took sd van tags of tha Gray company's boats la lMs were the C. C Cltns company, paint and oil dealers, snd ths W B. Olafks company, fruit and produos hoass, Tha Cllns company put In a branch house at Noma, snd did a largo and profitable busi ness untlr this ysar, when, owing to Ulnoss of one af th Srm, th Noaas house waa sold, ' W. B. Olafks A Co. work ad up a profit able buslnsss la Alaska, but whsa ths boats stoppsd. th handicap of shipping vta Taeoma and Seattle proved too great, and ths buslnsss was dropped. "Perishable freight sent from this city by rail to tho Sound, and allowed to Ms thsra on th dock awaiting Us sailing of a boat, arrives la Alaska In bad oondltlon, and results la loss of both money and reputation for tho ahlp psr," said W. B. Olafks, speaking of tha Alaska buslassa. "If ws had a Portland-Alaska lln our houaa could do a good buslnssa la Alaska. For a kmg Urns ws kept a maa at Juneaa, who oov srsd tho wools of southeastern Alaska, and If ws bad shipping faculties today ws would put a travails- ana agala into that tsrrltory." a Tha distance between Portland and sagway to about Ml miles in favor of Saattls, for boats going ths Inslds routs but by ths outside routs to southeastern Alsaka points thara to llttla or ao dlftor enos, and ths sntlra Satd la opsa to Portland snterprlss. t , ST. PAUL LEAPS IIP (Continued from Pag Oas. oompany. Osorgs Gould, who to la e barge of tha management of ths deal, to said t bs tn Chicago for ths pur noss of oomoleUng ths details of th arrangement. -'-v. Oil miliar A Saxaaa s mm . Railroad men t this city and tboss tntorsstsd la railroad finance have ex pressed many opinions oonoemlng ths setUsmsnt sf ths sondlcA It to asserted a umt that svar slnos tha onanlsa- tlon of th Northern Securities oompany under tha laws sr nsw jsrssy in ivv. It haa bean a burden ta Jamas J. Hill. Rin-a auraosa ha orcmniSlBS tha Slant eonosrn was to guard tha Orrat Morth- srn and Northern Paelno aula see from hostile ooatrol. But they wars opsa to attack by tas msgnltuds of their stock tosussj, Ths eonfllct of May. 1101, todies tad that Jamas J. Hill and X. Plerpont Mor gan did not hold a controlling Interest In tha Northern Paelno, as was gen erally believed. After that skirmish Marrlmaa held a majority of th stock, but was unable to turn his victory to tho beat account. ConssquenUy a reached a settlement with H Hi lt was tha sgrssmeat they reached that ass been tba eauss of ths Htlgn tion - that has followed. Hani man tumad over his Horthem Paoifls stock to tho Northern Securities oompaay which was readily merged giving Hani mon Its own securHlaa la exohsnga, Tha merger sompany also govs him It. MA sssh to settle all differences. . Pesos was established la thsv way. Things would have gone wall bat fsr ths hostile movement thst wss started against ths merger. Ths lln of at tach satsnded from St Paol to tha Fa rias coast. , It culminated la ths I'm ted States suit, resulting la ths annulment of tha mercer by ths decision of tho federal court In SL Paul, confirmed on appeal by th United Statea suprcato court. Hill accepts tna veroict Shortly sfter there came tho announce ment that tha asseta of ths Northern Securities omnpanv would be distributed sr rata among ths stockholders. Hr- October Sunset California Magazine- - -1 Osasral MssArthur aad other army afltosr Issertbs tha raoont mUrtary msnouvsrs la Callfornls, sack arttol bolnc profusali Illustrated with bslftoass, sad solorsd drawl aga by Ad ward CuswsL Intsrsstlng arttolas on California and Oiagsn, "How OUv OU ta Mads." "How Almond ars Orowa, aad Sno dssoilptloas sf Plumas aad Suttar, two great CaUforala oountias, 134 pegs af artlclss. wsstsra storlss, skatcbss and vsrssa. . -.- ;: -'-j 1 0 Cents sl Copy - i? YOlJ CAN BUY v.--v;,- ; sunset magazine; . r ' AT ALL NEWS-STANDS j.; r . i ? . . W. B. CO MAN, Osasral Pssseiiger Agent. rtmaa was averss ta ths plsn. Ha la sts ted that be had grounds to demand tha return of his Northern Paclflo stock lntaot. Hs had Northers securities stock whloh hs dsstred t glvs la ohangs. Hill declined to nltsr ths rssolutloa of tho Ssourltlea sompany and lltlga tloa be can la ths courts of Now Jersey. Harrlmaa won la tha flrst round, when ths court decided not ta dtssolva ths Injunction which prsvsataa tna' wro- distnauuoa. GIVES MISS BRYANT'S ; V LETTER TO PUBLIC rtpsrlel Msssteb to The Taarsat) Salem. Or Oct. -Charlea Pennsll. said ta have bssa tha young maa loved bv sfUdrsd Bryaat, tha young wosnaa who sosamltted suickts aa shiaday sight. has given out th fitter that sha toft for him. Many persons thought thst he eould deer up soma of ths mystery at bar death, through thto latter. la order to dear himself of sit Mama or possible Mams la ths matter of ths suicide of Miss Bryaat ho decided to giro ths letter ta th pablto. Ths tot ter Is ss follows; "Dear Charlie: My mat words gad thnnttta arlll ha af von. PsrhSBS If I had never gone to Sidney, svsrythln would hsvs bssa loossa at in iwww light, but I lea mod to love you batter thaa my wa Ufa. Don't think ms rods but thto to true. I don't suppose ws caa svar as any mors ta sack other thaa thto. 1 hate svsry other boy. For sis wsks how I have thought of noth ing alBs bat some way. to forgot this; now 1 sss a way out of it. You call ms a fool I caa t help It 1 will be happy. I am going whr mamma to- B a good boy. Charlie, for ma I soukt not so yna go away snd leave me. I knew when you cams back some on els would be ' ' r -.os. 1 never o"l cars for ' n ' d' want to. T . Pt! dasr. tvmerr- vw t.,s k Wu4 a SAVE YOUR MONEY In b lifetima we come across many s chsncs to savt money, and it is anwist to let tbs opportunities pass without taianf sdvantsgs of them... Our assy payment plan on fine Watches and Diamonds fives . yon ft chance to make sroai) aav ings every week and obtain full value for your money. Before buying a Watch or Diamond elsawhere get our prices. We give a guarantee on our goods, that will pro tect you. See our display of Diamonds in our show win dow. . v ' 165 mtSt Next to Wonder MUlinery. i a v. a" (ir-"t "Mil t )MM MMMMMMMM MMMM awaww. j 7 '