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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
A f - . " THTE -OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY ; g VENT NO. CCTOE" . ' It i - GAMBLERS FIGHT IN i LAST LEGAL DITCH Attorney Mendenhall Claims Gtj Alone By Vir- ."- "toe of Charter Has Jurisdiction in AH ' Cases Where Laws Are Violate! .-,. ( Contending thai th legislators prw tlosllr npealed III ette tovi relative s gsasBllnsV whrM Portland la eoa crs4 by giving? Us city a charter to which wiston to made tor control linf and regulating- Muk-CWM) Attorney Ed Meadenball appmnA la Um circuit ourt before Arthur 1 Freeer, the act ing presiding fudge, this morning and iUU4 how Um, 1mm la t be foug-bt out. : 1 '-. That tha gmWln eohorts ballere they hare reached th laat dltoh la ert danced by tM eouree adopted by tbalr counsel, who wm retained especially t defend Peter Qrant and Nat aoletaon en th charge oC conducting a kaao bum a, bi addition t apeaeer aod Dane, who appear la th anaibllna; eaeea gen erally. . It waa agreed1 lhat prior to tb dar act for arsrunient, next Tuesday.- Attor ney alondenhail ahaU aU hla authorities ta Deputy District Attorney Ifoaar. who rapraaanta th state. Tha postponement waa secured In ordar that tha atat law library at Salem may b ransacked by tb vamblera attornaya, In th effort t mass thalr ou aa etrcauj aa pMatbla by quoting- all tha court decision possible, which tfaay My wW strengthen tbalr aid of tb . case. i - - ' Mctlott TS ef art tela 4 of tha city charter ta aiad tha baata fey the de fense. Ita taxi la aa follows: "Th counell aball hava and exercise exclusively all legislative powora and authority of th city of FDrtland. and do laa-ialativ - powara or authority, lthr aapraaaad or laipllad. aball ba uarclaad by any atbar paraoa or par ona, party ar parti. thr thaa the - eouneu. Th oouneQ ahall bar full power and authority azoapt a hereto therwle pmlded, to axerolae all pow er conferred upoa th city la 4bla charter and th oonBtltatloa and lawa mt tha atata of Oreaoa." "We oontend." aald Attorney If enden liall, "that th council ku aaolualv power over th subjects named la tha clauaa foUawlntT thla ana. Amoaa; the aubjeota over which It has eadualve control, we maintain, la aambllnjE. cor red la eubdivUton 49 Fire aUte eupram oourt dedalona have been aubmlttad by Attorney Men denhall which, ha d eel area, support atronaiy hla contention rblattva to Mnbila Tha Brat la th oaaa of Ben nett t. People (M ni., ). whar tha defendant waa; Indicted under a atata . V s. law for aetlina llauor without a lleanaa. Th city waa empowered by th legiala- ture, In Its ebarter, t aeciar in ami of plrltaoua liquor within Its llmiu a nuiaanee and punishable aa suoh- Tha oourt held that, aa th city charter had superseded th atat la on tha aubieot, tha defeadant waa not auilty of a atata offense. lu tha oaaa air th state of Missouri m X Bar (! Ma CM), tha defendant waa prosecuted by Information, th same aa la Oreffoa, and eoavlotad of keeplna: a bawdy house. Tha defendant contended that tha atatut waa Inoperative la tha elty af UL ImIm, by reason of th pre visions of Its charter. Thla view waa taken by tha auprem court on appeal. which held, that the charter superseded tha, alat law. Tha judement . aamlnat tha defendant waa reversed. Another Mleaourt case ta that of th state acalnat Binder M No. 411); ta which tha defendant waa convicted n der a atata law af sellina liquor- and keeplna; open aa ale and porter bous an Sunday la St Louis. On appeal th decision af the auprem court waa prac tically tha aajM aa m th precedln The fourth oaaa eltad waa that of the Ttllam of St. Johnabunr va. John C Thompson (61 VL, 100). Tha defendant waa eoarlctaaVof yletatlaa; the atata victualing- law. Tha supreme court held that tha city charter, autoonslDg- bl Jobnsbura; to regulate dts vlotuaiina honse. repealed by Implication the atatantaw-.-o far-as -that .city-waa con cerned. Reference la made in thla oaaa by tha court to tha case of tha atata of Missouri . Clark 64 Mo, IT), tha decision being- cited with approval. In Hoc he va. the Mayor of Jersey City (it N. 1. I. ). th aama pnn- dlple. aooordlna; to Attorney Menden hall. ta announced as la tha foregoing. Attorney Mendenhall aald ba had not completed his Hat af authorities, which he expect to add to by consulting ma atata law library at aaJom. Ail authort Uea will be placed in Dputy District Attorney Mosero hands before nest Ttteadajr, tha day set for verbal argu ment. The authorities quoted by the state will hot ba known until th day of argument. . . "Wi believe our aide or una aaae ta ao atroag," aald Attorney Mendenhall. "that we are part ecu y wtutng ta sup ply tb district attorney' office with our author 1 tie, we do not aeiieva our conclusion oaa he auoceaafuUy contro verted." 'MAY BACK THE LAW (CaattaMd from Pag Oaa.) ' a baa th tmmouM ajdvantage vr ooasaetHora f blna la the office. It ta iwaeonaU to aspect therefore that under the oondltlona named the legis lature of IBOTmijmt arvT Itself virtually r fhatrttcted by th paopT to- re-elect Sen shi - M4ahail.-,XeaatoawJea-wei personaily appaaad to him mlffht ind it prudent to alnk their owa prefeiwncaa, rather than Incur tha censure af their constituents. With) vacillating or In different member th expressed choice af the peept would probably b decla Iva. and they would nil la line far tha people's candidate. It Is true that Governor Oeer failed of election to the United State eenata. although endorsed by tha popular vote, but his defeat waa due la part ar least ta hla refusal to support the awty nom inee for governor. Furthermore, tb di rect primary lam waa not thaa fa ferae, o that . legists tors ware under no pledg-ee is observe the people a choice for aeMtort . la thla respect the condi tions two year bene will be radically different, . It Is apparent therefor that tha di rect primary law amy ba a factor of Im portance la the eleeUoa of th next Valted States aenator. and that ita op- eratleu to likely te a a material help to the candidacy . af . saator - Mltohell. Ramora hava beea current that aa at tempt may he made at tha oomlng aea aten of the legislature ta repeal tha law, but there 1 little ground ta sol lev that thla wlUbe dona. Senator Mltohell frteada aa wall pa th advocate of tha direct primary would naturally stand to re ther in the defease of tha law. It may ha amended to euro tha defect re-efeatrr-dwrnoveawdi but aJUV 4a aeaaatlal prpylaj'" will ba ratalnad. , EDUCATORS WILL . ' NOT COKEKERE ' Th Lewi and Clark corporation re ceived by mall thla more ins tha Anal answer of the Nat tonal Educational -eociatton te th Invitation extended by Portland for the next annual conrvauttea. The reply u written by Secretary lrwla abepard. He aays, la part: . WbUa the office re of tha aaeoclatlon find ao cause for regret that the hut eonventloa waa held at the Louisiana purchase exposition la oonnedtiaa with Ita great educational exhibit, kveslew of all the results of that eonventloa and la .view of special Important work In welch tb aaeoclatlon la new engaawd. K waa deemed InaVlvwabie to meet wii the Lewi aod Clark expoeitloa dt Part land next year. . 'Tha moat careful eottsldratlon waa given to th Invitation from Portland, and It waa a matter of regret that It did not eeem to be consistent with the beat Interests of tha association and Ita work to go ao far from th center of our membership next, year. Thar Is no doubt whatever that a way will b found for th aseoolatloa to meet on th north Pad Ac ooeat la the near future, but It does net seem possible to da aa aaxt year." :i ii i n m I ,. i imiTAn nrnirrc . AUU11UK KCflJiW . BATTERING-RAM BILL CCUKCIL CflALIER I SEES RAEE FI3I A NMfl ITundreas of people tbrenff tha dty aaunoil chambera and taa city hall cor ridor thla after noonr to raaaonatrata. If necessary, against tha pesetas af Mayor Will lama proposed amendment ta the salooa box ordinance. They feel that f tha amendment, which la aa ether thaa a substitute rdi nance, passes, th dives will maintain tblr bosa mm la the past without any Interference aa the part af the aollce deoertmeat. . - The proposed amendment la act with out apposition among; tha member In the council. Several hava expressed themaflvea openly aa Ming opposed to the proposed amendment. . Among them are Councilman JTteg!. Albee god Foel- ler. Others are uon-oommlttaL while a few favor th amendment. Councilman plage la very arucm op posed to the amendment. Ha eta tea that It la simply a naava ta kesp from taklnc out the boxes. If tha amend ment passes ha state that ha baa no faith that tha polk- department wUl enforea It "I hava lost at! faith ta th solid of ficer of this city eafsrolngt any Buck County Auditor Carl Brand states that ba will not audit a bill for t7.X9 sent In by Sheriff Word. Thla amount waa kali tti MnMWMil HeprtwSM AAM. w - . h.t.i.MH. .iik .t.ia I ordinance aa that proseeed." said ha. break into Chinese anmbltnc dens. There la no llkallbood of tha amend omntv JiuIm Webater has adonted a mnt baS paseed thla afternoon. There liberal course and In every way has en- f much opposition to It. Unless K deavored to assist the sheriff la th per- thrown out oatlrely K may ba referred forma noe of hla duties. Aa eoW sa the ta th liquor lloenM pommlttaa. judge returns It 1 probable the auditor win be instructed to audit the biil 1 . Tha excuse for refusing to audit the bill is that no requisition waa secured from tha county court. This technical ob lection la regarded aa flimsy. In view of th stand taken, by a .majority of the county court, , DEMOCRATIC CLUB'S REGULAR MEETING Th regnlarty fortnightly meeting- of tha Muimemah Daatooratw ctuh win be held tomorrow evening la Hlbarnla hall. Sixth and Washington btraata. , Tha prog-ram far tha evening' will a an nounced tomorrow. Tha attendance at tha atoetiag af tola club haa bean In creasing- and ta doing- fXoUv palsa waray- Mearaal apteui gervtae.l iLondon, Oct. .Lady- Cumoa paased a quiet night and her condition la what better thaa y est rosy. WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY? (7 1. irS WORTH $50 TO KNOW The ' aeiaj utter aWI"rt eserssl Per rex eg. wtae aua ef the party frea Oa, waeas savestarei are te Mlor mppkBMet ef Tat nxeeay Jeemal. umn ess eaerMss every er a brt te rtliwiiei kta aeiwei. Ta Btrtates aad aeerrtstlve rsiesa te the eahtttee ef the preMask The esestloa adsuta ef but ene nr. Per the largest assiber ef iwrtert ey amrbj smut aawsii TV la arlssj to be aistrlhetee aa aujowai the greatest svstaer ef eerreet aaewera, $ie.0S... .......VULat me east larrest asaeer er eemei aarwers. the third iirmi suBber er eemt sar the foertfe Umet eaaser ef eomet aa the ta sect Ureeet aambeni ef eerreet the ten next largest anmbers ef correct aaeweia, tl.O seek 10 00 tha sieves atxt largest saabers ef eerreet saswers, ao meh.. .... S-M . a oo ert. i se the ieaHfe laraest aameer ef eerretrt awwera, L0.,. 1.00 Mvm, fl.M asok 18.0 aaxet Oct. 3; t7M thla Coupon Only. ' c,- fajp. 32 , . Te the WOOOLSBUQ mDITOmi , ; f'h -"J K THB SUNDAT JOUBlf AL, PORTLAKD OBJDOOlf. . I - Th ariawar ta tb aaaatloa asked of the Woggiebug; hi Um hfaga " ghM aetloa of tha paper of SUNDAT, SSPTXMBBK . la .-. iMi.MmiiftwM es . .;..,-' , , s , J, ; , ; . , f , f H I ;. w.t 4 ; - - " , . ' - - '- , . i. . ' .- ' - . . ' . , ' ' - If Mit,MaMHM,i'MH .v- '" .'" - :i - -. ? ' ee ,. Strart and Taws ar ettp m eat aw itee BTrtU Deternay, Oetober g wui assear la Tbt iasaay IHN. e (he miropi V HULXS OF THE CONTEST mepna. lias las re sea ts ha teead deity ta l V Tea rivet ye eUst ehssres Is answer us eeei ar Jeareal ef Ortrr X. Kah IhwUi s hvah Tbe anewer a te be wrlttea ee the eseaae srmtos ea that day aod na eat art wert eaya terlewtat. asch asan haeiea a asw mihi. gTVp TH KB sad en tbe Wat ay ef the swath aiwd mm to THE WOOULS BV Tbe feerml tie wale eeeanes H 3 0 ROITOR, The Jesraal Portlsaa, Or. Only eovpom l!t THB OPTlOg OP Trig torn. M. OF 7 IIS inisp BA Ml. BT to A. sf 1 tha ewarfle If tare m wffl as dlrlaad dirled. The Orteber Hin. or OTfctaB wiU ae emaist m aastag sprensa aearf (he llthtet eeatber of ear re t aeawara tee trat pries suaiariy ttea. ta aunllat ar wear itlvetr taa ether arlsaa wiU a Bared, ant araef te aiafed la ana aaeetepe Is eeaMrtral sraer. KO TWO fAITPONI IK H gHrBLflpg Ml BT BKA g TKf Iamb NLMBIi. If yes are enairfac eoesess Oally frea amrt tbaa mm aagy ef Th J'Mraal yoa aast aarloM each act for tha Broth la a aaparstt esvelna. rntMtafirs seed aet writ ree eame anewer en each eeepne. Tee star write asaw far every day. bet EsMSMnkS, TBI - LsJtQSiff StWaM Of coaAtcT AJtavana win. ... .. . s eaeys ef lbs af a PEACE CONGRESS HAS RELIGIOUS SUPPORT eeral apertal Barvtas.) - Boston, Oct. a. The peace aongr aaeembled at M o'clock thla morning-- A telegram of greetings waa aent to Hodge aoa Pratt, London; Frederick Harris and Andrew Carnegie, Ski bo castle. Many telegrsma of approval were reoetved from religious organlxatioaa throusbout tha country. . ' . Rabbi Levy of Ftttshura1, vJoe-praeldent of the Universal Peace union, aroused great enthusiasm by aa address In which ha denounced war uratrlcld. EX-PREACHER USES .PROFANE LANGUAGE , (aperUl Diasetes ts The eearssL) Korthport, Wash., Oct. ft. John Cart eon, an ea-preacher. many tlmea ar vssred for making hlmeolf a nalaanca by hurting rocks throuah aaloon windows and doing other unpeaoeable thing's waa arrested today for publicly decry ins; In profane language th elty offlolaja. - -Ha asaerte that ha la a feaahdr. Ha la Uaoucht ta ha insane. BABY CRUSHED TO " DEATH UNDER LOG ' (BaeeUl nssaftm te The lesrasl.) "r PalouBO, Wash,. Oct. (. Rufu Vtt, the S-year-ald son of R, w. Utt. slttlna- an A big log la the yard, tha child fell off and th Ion rolled aver crushing it to death. - It waa found by Ita mother acid In death. It head pushed In th ground. The en lid waa out of Its mother's lght only a few minutes. - . BAR AT RIVER'S KOUTH IS BEING CUT AWAY . . y-r.- HMeet--f ResultSOf the stanon V th "ov- ernment tatty at tha mouth at? tha Co lumbia are already apparent la tha tact-easing- depth of water upon the bar. Tha aoour produced by tha Jtt la steadily allcing of f tha top of tha bar. so that recent sounding are aald to oivo materially battar depth, tbaa those taken a year aa-o. ? . Major Lengfltt. tha sovarfnajent :eo- Binaer In charge af tha Uy work, de cline nt thla tin to giv parttoular aa to the results of recent soundings, aaying that a report will probably be completed next month and until then ha prefers not ta make gay definite statement. 'Ton can say thla. however.- he aald. there are evldenoee that the dotty la ohualng- a scour which la reducing- tha bar.. We nave taken am soundlage and wa shall take more thla month or next. Then a map will ba prepared ahowlng the results." Work upon tha Jetty will nrobebly and for thla season about December L The Chinook will continue dredging- aa long i as tha weather ta favorable, but It la ex pected that aba will not 'be able to I work later than the drat week la Mo- varaber, an aeoani of the fogs. RECEIVER FROM OHIO HAS AUTHORITY HERE Judgw Charles B. Bellinger ta the feeV arai court mad an order this momlngr extendins the authority of Jeremiah J. Sullivan, receiver of th Aultman com pany, of Canton, O to Include this dis trict, la which taa nrm baa aama proa arty. . Tha suit waa orfginally brought by tha first National bank of Blalravtlle. Pa., to recover oa a promtaeery note for tt.tO endoreed by the defendsnt. In the eomplalnt It la alleged that the Arm refuaed to pay tha note and that tha arm I Indebted far In esceeo af Ita aa ssta, chief among- which la tb plant at Canton for tha manufacture of . agrl cultural, Implements A -receiver and tha Mia of tha plant were thaa aehsd for, and Sullivan, a Cleveland, O. aaan. waa appointed. The case is likely ta be bitterly fought la the Ohio oourta. GREEK STEAMER LOST AND 17 MEN DROWNED CAMPAIGN ORATORS INVADE THEATRES off! (faarasl tpertal SerTtee.) London. Oct, I. The Oreek at Kelmeatlnk went down recently Uahast and IT of tha crew, th captain, war drowned. Eight survivors hava beea lnadd at Lelxeea, Pertugai. LIGHTNING STRIKES OIL TANKS IN OHIO (feeraal rindlay, O, Oct, ft. Ughtnms- this morning- set Ira to a tank containing; 1,100 barrels of on belonging; to tha Na tional refinery. Tha Intense heat oaueed th explosion af three aearby tan ha. Other tanks and rednerlee are la dan . The loee will probably be L,v. ' :i ... V, (Jesraal gasetei larvle.) Truekee, Cat- , Oct, e.-mlttaaadbf laat meeting- on the Pacific coast was held at 7 o'clock this morning-. Owlns to a misunderstanding as ta tha time of th meeting but a small group aascm- led. Tb senator shook bands, and chatted with th faithful. Meetings are billed today for Virginia City and Car con la Nevada, and la Reno. If evada. to- qi-. , ii i p. i .ii mi ii ami I What percentage af tha Republican campaign fund goes to tha pepulieta will probably never he found out. otorfafwra from A DYSPEPSIA unset eery and reitaf, bet a abaohttc v .' cats Ireas due Oat railing treebaa by eaiag . la sraer to prove that taw abmlsaely harmleM remedy ceres catarrhal ia aaasuitkm of th atoms eh, I will send TRIAL IUE BOTTLE FaTtB M receipt ef m easts IS par nialaai Glvcossh est aaly alarvee, bat It ceres. la thia kduten frem what yMamy nave aaed. Seed bv I a " In; aVugaieta. Rase ssamas WMhat ai atesissa dlM fhtnm St, Row- Tsrk. SaaJ atailiiMW saw a (Jearasl soeHal fffcevtea.) Baltimore. Oct, ft. ome thing new tn poiitloal campaigning- was lahowa laat night whan, between th acta of a melodrama at th BUov theatre, spell binders addraaMd l,0 persona hi tha hone, all of whom were aTueata of CongTassBjan Wachter. Waohter haa taken a lease for two months on the theatre 4a a place to hold political meetings, and aublet It certain nights ta a theatrical stock company. One of the terms of tha contract la that one a week the company ts ta -give free performance, the ticket to ba dis tributed by Waohter.. Last night waa tha krst performance and the house was packed. During tha third, Jatarmlaaloa v eon isr man a apeecn. . RUSSIAN SOLDIERS " WRECK JEWISH HOMES , Ceearaai apectat aWvlm.) ' v " Berlin, Oct . New haa bean re ceived bar af astenslv anti-flam Ita riots at Rudlala, province of Koblvv. Russia. Russian Infantry march tng to ward the front oomhined with tha Deaa anta In a attack on the Ghetto,' They plundered and wrecked th Jewish homes, shot and bat tha Jews and out raged the women. Th Jaws resisted and f ft were wound d. v Officer and polio wltn sad th riota. . - i BARRETT DENIES ALL . Panama tDirrnv t .( i-, i fiivtmi iniupivn (Jesraal desist Berries, y Mew Tors. Oct; ft. John Rarrelt mtalater to Panama, arrived ft am Colon I on th steamer Alliance today. H de nies that there wm any friction ba twees himself and th Panama govers- ment, and any such atatement, h said, had been made for political effect amy, MAY BUILD ELECTRIC LINE AT HOOD RIVER (spMM Meeetoi to Ta fasrml ' Rood River. Or Oct. ft a A. Belt. la local capltaRst. has asked tha dty I council ta grant htm-a f ranch tee for th construction of an alectrlo railway Wooticrd, Clarke C Co. We make shopping a pleasure and a profit to our Mtrbna l?ffltf our Ads.9? There are saving items In every one. ; r ' ' v ' - Here are qome Drug Prices gar te tsllnli ska way w minis wa aaU hi Abscrbant Oatton. pound roUs.BSa) PlokaaMn'a Wttoh Kaaal. pint.l7 Raking' Soda, Kng-ltah, pound., .M paea Salte. pound ..Tf Powdered Bora. Mala Team, packsge . J ..Sa prrwdered Sugar Milk, psoas. .8a) Sosp Rark, package :.. . ........T Mixed Bird Seed, pound. .......-T Carbolic Acid, ejuarter pound.. lSd fMftdllta Powders, bos v.-lla) th fawny af aas Pure Liquors v " Aod Genuine -; K , Quarts, Walker'a CassdUa Ctub.....1.0S bleBrayara CMarbroek bottled in bond) ................ Ftahsr-B Rya .. SI. 10 Oewar-a Special Seetch.....Sl.lS Mosklngum Valley ...9I.IO Old Cabinet Btaad !..,.66a Waich'a Oraaa eula ptata c) .....4S4 Martell I -Star Rroaar..-..,Sl.TS laaetrs Osgaaa .. 91.SO Callfarnta Part and Sherry. .. .8S Cfyatal Rasfc, fty and Tola .,. Wise People Buy Their Toilet Articles : ; -: From Us I : : aafteag ana tawa abaa has gain oousm fMhaima. Ba aa paaaa bhftiBatiBSi Lyaa'a. Tooth Pwwdrr......;..14e Bpsers Cream N....v......ia Mlnd'a Honey w..... ,,. rroatUla .................. .14e Maanaa's Taleam ........,.14 White Tooth Powder.,. ....11 Bay Rum. half pint. ...141 Reaawater. half plnta.....14a Pyrdsraphic Outfits 32.50 ? : art skins - 'U PERFORATED V V; PAPER PA TTERISS We Buy : Toilet Paper In Carload Lots 1 -1 : - ' - ' .: Spaelal par Soa -NMRO,J t-ouno roU ..-Bww SANITART f-owaoa roU.......4a 1.M9 aheeta .........6Ta ' "WOODLARR.' l.m ahatta.,.SSv "PILOT," agtmraa. atoata..4eaji TJKLTA.- aQuaras. aheota .rSal XLONttZXaV aovaraa, l.tpt - sheet U94 Aseptic, extra Ana, Lftdd 11 aheeta .., atal Photo u Department .- y sv vsss areas vsser , 4fto4 a mala, regular 7ftc: apaclal ta oloaa ...SS I "Ansco" Cameras art alwayw. Is aaaaani ear "Bah Aaaea la a parfaot ahrtvra. asakar ompiote. Two atseai . ; ,ry -,t : J2x2 Only SI.OO ?x30nly 32.00; Make your boy ar gtrt happy with ' ear dark room to , atructioa wlthost charav. Wawasaaa We are Sharers Head cuarters tor the r 1 "Carba" Magnetic Razor, Wa boning; 'no grinding, alwaya ; ready for us, out smooth, elean and comfortable, aa sstartlnff or ao ran ess; vmoney hack if you don't , thiak R'g tta beat yau evr $2.50 anyone also aelle; special thla week. , setter 'than regular II.Mi S1T9 Va Star, Gem and Yankee Safety Razors , Special 31.99 v'.s ..-as.eo alumlnuBa, a-VSw faldxns ....... .aw ISw all hrUUe.4 Oeaulne Badgar ....t-wS4 " Shaving Soap WlUlama ..... aravad Plain Woodlark Shaving r Cream, as perfect lather, antlaaptla la aoilaaglbta . .- ... . . aSdj aa. " Woodlark9 Floor Wax Fay dsalaaj and! a wood Jtaorat glvea s beautiful poltob, keep taa,, Can 25c Woodard, Clarke d Co.; We Take Canadian Money at Full Value. r Popular Price Drug Merchants . "' ! it" BANDIT WALTON TO BE TRIED OCT. 21 Charles' W. Walton wilt stand trial tn th etreult oourt oh th oharge of shooting- Pol teaman Ola Keleoa October 11, and on tha aharg of robbery three days later. The demurrers Interposed by his counsel. Henry St. Rayner, war overruled this morning by Arthur IV Fraser, tha acting; presiding judge, who Informed Deputy District Attorney Moaer that ha need not take tha trouble ta argue tha matter. ' St. Rayner claimed that tha flrat In formation chargee two offenses and that both of them contain facta insuf ficient to constitute a cause f action. Judge Fraser said there wm no merit la tha contest ton. " If Walton la found guilty he may b sentenced to serve TO years for the II ret effenae and so for the second, these be 1114 the maximum terms of Imprisonment fixed by statute, A request Being- made for ball. Judge Praser nsed It in th amount of It. 000 tn Meh case. St. Rayner declared th aggregate amount loo high. The arte- oner, he added, seuld not possibly oc cur such an amount. Ra asked that It be made II. Bod for both. offense. - "No," Mid tha oourt, tmth are very sarloua effensea. I think ftft.ftt wseUd be entirely Inadequate.'' , CLIFFORD TRAINER IS ; NOT TO BE TRIED "aifford Trainer, ctesxged wHh aaaaart with latent ta kill Clarence Latoura, waa dtomtsaad In tha mantclpal oourt thla aaomtng upon moUen as Deputy Davtrlet Attorney Maaey. Trainer was brought heck te Pert land from San Fvancisoo by aa affloer of the police daaartmanv beoause It was feared Laiaur would die tram Injuries reoetved In a scuffle between him and Trainer in the Winter Garden. In tha bout Laura re fell to tha floor, etrlhtng- hla bead oa tha oetnanL He sustained a fracture af th akuU. Ba will recover.- t ' (Bpertal mspxteh to Tha Tiwmll pekane. Wash., Oat. . Minnie Aus tla of Portland waa thrown from her horse with terrific force yesterday In the relay race at the fair grounds, being badly bruised and bar arm dislocated. She la la tha hoop Hal. - - (Special Dlesetaa to The JeareaM Lrwlaton. Idaho. Oat. I. Rudolph Wetter cosvlcted of tha double murder of Chiis Long and L. N. Wain, baa beea eenteneed to hang December 1. LEBANON CREAMERY ; - DESTROYED BY FIRE . ' Bmlal TJhsewh b The JeeraeL) Labanoa, Or Oct. I. Tha lbeaon oreamery, which la owned and run by A. MacMastera. wm destroyed this aaorn- , lag; by flra, MacMaatere bad just start- i ad a flra la tha engine to churn and aooa after a flra wm discovered on' tha roof of th building, which la euppoaed v to hav eaught from the engine. Thla will ba a Mg- Iom to thta 00m- muntty as Msc Mast ere estuaates hid Mm at about which la about , half oovared by Insurance. The sream ry wUl nrabablya rebuilt fca tha aear ; future, . . , ... FAIR IN WALLOWA c 4 COUNTY A SUCCESS J ffhulil Btepeteh to TM Jeereel) Rnterpnse. Or Oct. ftThe third day ' of the Wallowa county fair hj a hug aueeesa. Mora thaa .d peraona are ' ta attendance. The fruit exhibit ta MM ta ha th finest la the atata Raoaa and stock exhibits are af a hla-h class a baiieoa ascension is ana af todara taa- - ture. , . THE RED PDHMT .-'4 RETIRING AFTER TWENTY-ONE YEARS OP SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS Special Sale of Men's Undenvcar Our Fall Stock of Hen's Underwear ta bsrw. Ntvar bafets tn our lonf caratr of bualnaas has our atock bean so compWtar and tha atylaa so Sfreeabla and suali ty luprenM., ls fea ture of this eale U tha fact that you can buy thaaa saaionahls, atrkU up-to-data goods at 6 per -cant on tnett fwguiar pnca..i-,- ; .-, v-v: r. ; Dcrbv Rib Bttte and Grar Shirts and Drmwera ...m.v..1 ;.....40e Natural Gray Wool Shirt and Drawer.. .60 'Natural Scotch Wood Shirts and Drawers 80a Natural and Brown Wool Shirt and Drawera ...........fljOS Camelahair Glattendury Shirta aod - 1 Drawers , .I. $1.05 Fine All-Wool, Natural, Shirta and ) Drawers .t0 Fine All-Wool Red Knit Shirti and . Drtwrrt . . , .-v. v ... . . 4v .f 1.80 Fine All-Woo! White Shirta and t Drawer! .91150 Extra Fine AH-Woo, Natural, Shtrta ' J A r, s4 arar i ana evrawcra ..... i ............... .epa..4 o Stoneman'a Alf-Woot Rib Shirta and Drawera .,......i.............f JO Merino Socka, per pair;..,.,r..,...12e Camelahair Socks, per pair. 4., ......... .20a Natural Wool Socks, per pair.,..W,..;.Sr0 Black Wool Socks, per pair..... .,.20e Extra Heavy Wool Socks, per pair... ...30 - Full stock of Blue and Red Flannel Under wear at Retiring Pricea ; . . v ' President Suspendera . . . ; . , . . ........ 8S Prince Suspenders .-.;.'........ 15d) CL0SINQ-0UT SALE ' 1 '? - i- . Va" A J. PRAGER & SONS . dSlkSSStSSaSSSkSSSBuSS,llWhSatMttti gygtem m Hod River. 4