The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1904, Image 1

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    , a
toe xzj:x 111
, Tonight increasing eloodfneesi
Thursday, probably shower and
cooler; winds becoming southerly.
v VOL. III. NO. 181
4 . - ; i
' ' 1 f 1 1 ' J ' t 'vv'-:';: : -
. 1 - - 1 :. x. imi-O. -'4 K
- V
5dutoK Hltchdl: r Ukdy
to Support Direct PrI
vx : mary Act ; Vv
j. Attempts to Undermine Earrtert Be
w Rm Rnilt Ai-asmI Hit lufflriil
., -, oc4i May. oc uciciicv
4 : TbrwOihfbeMeasire 'l
-V ' -'-4 .-," ' -
TIM wftng Tlctory woo by th
'MltoMl fMtlea of ttw RapubiloBM of
; MaltnoaMJi ooiutr tm tho rlMrti last
mpwiam, mhmm tho r-itloa of Or
i fow's oonior otnator wu doeUrod by tho
' vtaton to bo thm rool loouo of tho ftfht,
- boo notorallir glvoa. rim to th bellof
-' tlwt bo wiu bo without oouo oppoot-
tloa wbo hio torn oxptrco la 17.
Caouol obttrrtrk, laiprwod with tb
' mdcnltndo of the vtotory la thla ooontr
nd wltb MttobAll'B populorUy with tho
rook and fllo of tho votoro throughout
' too otato, aro apt to aaoumo that if hla
boalth pormlta him to bo a oandldaU
calm, ho oaa bavo a ro-oloottoa for tao.
i T But monf tho profooolonal poitttetano
' thla Ttow dooo aot bad oiieb a roattr ao
a eoptano Thar aao olroa or aa oppooi-,
Uoa to aonator HltchaU walob mr
' iiiium tnrmldaJtl oroDortloiio boforo
t-- tho next two jroara roll by. Vroa k
' Mattaooiah oount, whoro hla aum wim
r tho alog&a of Ttotory ta tho prtmart .
' tboro aavo boon atutUrlnao of dlator
' altr.' Local loadoro havo roaMitod what
thor taraMd tho ooaator'a dlotatorahlp,
aad tholr rBOBaMBt baa booa tomatod
; y tho obvioa lotontloa of MltehoU and
FtiUon. to DrooT&m tho oraaalaaUoa of
" k. IuI.i.ihh T tm still m. miia.
ftio whothcAkatB ioaoliaiMilJ
XltohcU will sorry thorn to tao point of
ooelng to thla proaroa.
But It la outoldo of Mutnooasli ooonty
thai aoaator MItohoU baa oaporloaeod
bio ohlsf political dlsappolnuaonta of
lata. Flftoaa stato aoaatora woro olootod
loot Juno who. with It- asoro to bo
olootod la Juno. IMC. will Toto tor tbo
Boat Unltod Statoo sonstor. Tbo toras
-of all aMshoro of tho- bawor hoaao will
. of ooaroo oaplro before ltOT, oo that
thoro ta aa rst'no lodloattoa of tho com
ptoxloar of that body. Of tho It otato
aonotoro olootod this yoor, 14 aro Ropub
llemns and oao la a Dsakoerat. Tho Ho
publloaoo aro Booth. Coko, lAjrooch,
WrlchU lxuaiuii7, Halooa. llodooa. b
larkor. Maya, Wchsl, Vottlncbaia.
WboaldoB, Bowwnun sod MoDoaald.
Tho Domoerat la Coshow.
- Mot boto than alx of tho 14 ftopubll
aa holdovsr osbatora aro aaeounted oa
atonaob MitohsU ouportora. Uaht f
thom ara rosardod aa sit bar opsaljr or
aoeroUy la favor of ooats othor oaad
dato, TboM flcttrao oosm to foroahadow
aa aaU-MltohoU aaaiorltr la tho nppor
braaeh of tho toffialataro of ltT. It
la Burprlslac that oo loxso aoaibor of
otato oonatora should havo bosa ohoosa
thai roar, whoso OdsUty to MltehsU la
opon to OttsoUoa. but thlo la attiibuMI
to ihinionaaswsont by aoiao of tho oona
tor's frlonda. la aovoral loatanosa eaa
dldataa for tao atata oonato who woro
koowa aa atroao; MltohoU bmb wsrs do
t satod oltbor Jor tho Domination or at
tbo poUa. la Uaoola, Tllhunook and
1'amhUl ooantfoo Pr. W. Tylor sbnlth, a
atltoholl adhorsat, araa dofoatsd for tho
aoHloatlOB by O. ft- Wrlatot, who aannot
bo elsaosd aasoas tbo atltoholl otolwarta.
la Douglas oounfy A. C Marstsrs, a
MltobaU ma. ooptarod tbo DomlamUoa
aftor -a atruccla, but waa dsfoatod -at
tho polio by O. P. Coshow, a DoaMcrat.
la Boaton. aaothor loosoorat. P. Avory,
waa olootod. oooooodlaa; to tho asat vaoa
tsd by Joba Daly, oao of IfltoboU'o old
OToard. Othor laotaaosa aUsht bo naod
In which trick woro lost by ftoaator
btltehsll'a frlsoda. with tbo eonosquoaoa
of lesooainff bla foUowlnsT Mi tho atato
- - ymobon mi VoB Amaoa. ,
' but a. nawsrful wsanon hai
ploBOd la tho hands of Sonator M J to hall,
which ailabt provo potoat ta avoroomo
all poroonol opposition naraoc tho -ansss-bsra
of tho loalsUturo of 1M7. Tola
voapoa la tbo dlroot primary law. Ia
Oroaoa votora havo tho right to tndftont
at a goaoral slsctlon prooodlna; tba oloo
tlon of a Unltod btatoar aonator tholr
ohotoo for that offloa, bat thla axproa
aloa la not blriSlM upoa tho awnabsra
of tbo luuarura. Tbo dlroot prlaaary
low aooko to nwko It mors dlBeultfor
tho loarlslotor to lamoro tbo oapvooood
wish of hla ooaatltusnta by call In upon
him to atata ta bla aonHnaUnc poUtlon
whotbor or-not bo will rsaard hlaioslf
so bound by It it la trno that bo Buy
doellno to commit almost, but to do so
mlniU amtsiiaJly tosson hla chanooo of
olootloa in a olooo district. Hovlnn on
priiiil tbstTOholeo for Valtod Btatso
aoaator. tho,' votsra wUl natnraUy do
btro oooao assuranco that tbstr oholco
wlU bo rosptotod by tbo oandldato for
tbo stats loclalatura. If ho- rsfuasato
piodiro hlausif tbo rsoult wtsf bo op
pooitioa at tbo polls, which May bo
atrona onoagb to defoat alas,
ta tho caaoiml aloetloa of IMC tbo
pooplo of Oroaoa will again havo op
portunity to dnotaro thalr proforonos
for United ttatso sonstor. Lsilatlvo
oandldotoo nsod not bind abomsolvoo to
obosrvo tbo poopls'a cboioa, but doubt
f waay of thMt will think It oapo
dtont to do ao. It Is blghly probahls
.that if Ssnotor MltehoU la than a cas
dldats for ro-lM)Uonv a awjortty of tho
llspubiicaa votsra would favnr bio. ro
sloctlon. H onjoys a oonsldsrablo hmoo
ro of poonlsHty amono; Uia pooplo and
4 F Two.).
K -
Wisconsin Scprerce Court
Gives LaFoilettc Parly :
Fanoas Battle af factions for Ibe
, filtlbl to tic Nine "RcpuMICoo" 'I
r the Party ticket Lost .
) the tocttie, :v-i
-, s.-f
(SpseUl fnssstoh to las tsnsaLt '
Madison, Wl Oct. t. Tho suprooss
oourt today docldsd ta favor of Ooror
aor Robort M. La FoUotto ta tbo oontoot
ovor tho Bopublloaa aaaao on tho ballot
- Tho doclsloa waa throo to ono, JusUos
Oassady alons disssotlns. wootloa II,
Wlsoohsla atata law, waa quotod aa au
thority for tbo doolslon. Thlo provtdoo
that la oaao of a division ovor tbo tltlo
of a polltloal party. proCoronco ahall a
tfvoa to tht oonrsatlon bold pursuant
to a omit tosuod by tho rorularly oonatl
tutad party outborltlooi Tho docialoa of
tho stat oootral oommlttss pladn tho
L FoUotto tioaot on tho ballot la ara
oumod to oo lust aad aauat stand. -
Tbo sjuootlo upon whtah tbo suproaao
eonrt pooosd was which woro tho row
tars and which tho boltonr at tho lata
RopubUoaa eoavoatioa.. It waa a oon
toot botwoea tho otato adnlnlstratloa
roprooontsd by Governor La Pollotto aad
tho onU-admlntstrattom or railroad fao
Uoa roproooatod by ftonator poo nor.
Tho lattsr loft tho roamlar oonvoatloa
and bold a oonvootlob of It own. Tho
dslocatao whteh It oolootod to attond
tho Ropublloaa national ooavontlOB woro
-i in tha bnswosaloa that tho
oonvsoUon book of U was tbo rocular
oonvootlon. Oa Aacuat ottornoyo for
tbo faction lod by Unltod fttatoo Bsnntor
pan Tf -Qiinonor nUAs opH llio T
th tats supromo soar! tp ba aUowod
to brine aa actloa hi OQttRy 0 eoqipl
tho aoerotary-of atato to oortlfy to tbo
oooaty olsrka tb tpoonor Uokot to bo
pioood la tbo column uador tho bonding
Hopablloan Uckat." and to ootnpol him
to furthor esrtlfy tho thlrtosn prool
dontlal olsctor bo plapad In tba aanM
column with tho Spoonor atata ticks.
In dooMtnp; tbo rocularlty of tho La
poll t to atata ttokst tbo avpranM oourt
In sffsot plooso that tlekot andar tho
Ropnhllcan hoadlas and clvoo tao
furthor advantao of bslng oa tho list
with tho prosldftntial olootora, thus al
nsoot oartalnly Inanrtas Ha alaoUoo.
h .. isarsal anlil tsrrks. ' ' ' '
Chioaao. OoC a. Ths La Pollotta ds-
etoloa waa rocolvod at national Bspub-
lleaa Boadquartora with nndlsculood ra
list. It la bollovod that that rowMvos
Wisconsin from tho doubtful llat. It Is
oxpootsd that tho apooosr-dtalwart
tlekat will bs' withdrawn.
'.(,: ' - ' K '
Hn phi nssatm b lbs TiothI '
, Mm Tnrb CUst L In Mt- BtOrV
of dupllolty and rovonco ooourrsd today
In Jersey City. , who U-yoar-old Uaal
WnMaa aoafs sOsO In mart that abO
commlttsd porjury tn asearlnc tba oon-
vlouon of ll-yoor-OM iioau uoitwn, woo
has boon asatsaood to ftnako U1U paa-
tontlary for It ntontlia. -
"Ho waa tnaoosnt." aooooa xno am.
nd I only aeouaod . him bacaoao I
waataa to swt avaai with anothor Sir! bo-
oauoo I thought 1 woo hi am with him."
toodoj uoho) naa oooa in swmtw
tlarw a oath. Tbsro wmS a dramatis
mrmmm On SKa MmH nua whan aba told
how oho oonooetod tho atary agalnat
young ooioon. . . ,
Tha anam aha asado aaalnat tbo
vmuis anan waa of a. ssost oorloua na-
tttro. aad although rlgoroualy or oao n
minid OTurtng tao irau. ano orwon an
tha Oatalla aad aonld not bo ohakoa la
aay particular. Hor largo lustrous, bv
nooant-looklng oyoa aarnod ooaviotioa ta
ha uii aftar a. ilwK dallbaraUoa
OoMoa waa found guilty, aupa will at
bo taaoaj to rroo ooraoav
IJsarml MJiHsl Borvho. -1
' Mow Torn. Oct t. Tbs subway rail
road boob to bo opsnod for travoi m but
tho beginning of a big underground
Mow Torn.'. Already thoro to oao big
store andergrouad. Tboro hi maob talk
of aa undorground arcade along Twenty-third
street. Tba store already, soss
pleted la connect sd with the big ser
oaatlle building at Twenty-third street
and Pourtb avenue. It Is a large store,
finished hi white, with big plate gatas
windows all along tbo front each aa
oooa la tbo big stores hi tho shopping
district It w understood that tho big
room will be occupied by a department
otoro that wtU. alee bars a floor ever-
A passenger da recent subway trip
for tho bonsnt of nowsponor mob, said:
"I don 'I doubt that aa aroado will ho
bulM. Thoro will be that arcade, aad
othor aroodoo. There will bo a city
underground. Brilliantly lighted streets
under the aJdewalka, gey hopa ef all
kindav raataaraau aad theatres, sasgrba.
. ' . : :
. t.V J ,
'.fr. i rC. X JF ijy l
, ITao Favors a Port
Rer. Walter L Smith Replaces the Iowa Senator
Who Jarred With. Fairbanks and Left Him
at '. Portland Pleading ' Sore Throat.
Chtoago, Oct . The RopuUloaa va
Uonal eommlttoo baa assign d Rev. Wai
ter L Smith of Iowa to take Senator
Donivora place on the Fairbanks special
and assist the senator la tho remain o'er
of. tbo speaking engagements la tha
west Smith loft today for Ogdea, whoro
he lelna tho train. , ' , . , .r i ,
Thai verinee . tho story that
printed aaoluolvoly la Tbo Journal last
Saturday to the eaTeet that Benator
Dot liver would leava tho Fairbanks apo.bsgaa-to mlk. - Tho offoetweo aot what
olal train. It alap oonflrma the etory.
printed osolaatvoly la Tho Journal of
Sunday, that ha loft, tho party giving
tho reason! that ha waa sufferings with
aoro throat
It waa la Portland that Dolltver and
Fairbanks cams to tbo parting of tho
wars. DoJUver' waa never contented
with tho amaaor la which the epecial
(Jewes! Iptslat Berries.,
York. Oct a. At Newark last
evening a 10-ton rolling Mast furnaee
filled with hot Iron to bo nsod fa weld
ing tho lolnta of a trolley A rack became
uomanagable tost aftor passing Osborne
terrace aad Clinton avenue, end striking
a heavy grade wont down tho bill for a
distance of a quarter of a mile at a ter
rible speed, imatodlatoly In the wake of
trolley car. The nsotormaa put on
fall opted, but the great bmob of fire
end iron gained atoadlly. After tba race
had gone a quarter of a mile, tba fur
nace swerved from tbo oastbound to tbo
westbound track.
Almost at tbo aama tnstant a w set-
bound trolley ear oamo aloes; traveling
at top speed. Tbo motonaaa figured oa
passing the menacing Iron aaonstor.
Just oa It seemed aa tf the oar would
the big furnace govs another
r tm Ha tasao of last Tbuyoday oven
tag The Journal publlsbed a long and
atreaasstaattal disputes, from Chicago
under the heading: "Taat Railroad
PoH Brings Rockefeller Una to Coast
And Limits J. J. Hill to tho Oreat
'Northern Field."- In that story it
waa am do appareat that tbo Rockefel
lers, through tho Chicago, Milwaukee
et Bt Paul, had secured tho control
of tbe arortbera Pacffto. thus providing
them with a ready-built outlet to tho
ooast something they long bad ao
oted; that the Burlington bad soao
ander tbo oontrot of tbo Herri man
Interests and that the Hill and M er
rs o Interests were limited to tbo Great
. Northern territory. -
Tbo alow coach Oregon taa this
BMtmtag, tho Srat time tt baa referred
to tbo nutter, prints a dispatch from
Chicago ta which R la stated that
Rockefeller-Gould Interests havo eo
rsrad control of the Morthora Paetae
and will operate in olooo aarmony
With tbe Burllngtoo, that tho Santa
Fa baa formed a etoee alllanao with
tbo Union Psclfltt and that the Hill
Morgan interests sseumo aa tndpead
snt control, of tho Otaat Northern.
, That ta, ala daya moor thaw. Tbo
land-Alaska Uno.
6( v
waa conducting lta part of tbo
and wonted to leave. Fair
banks oertalnly bad ao objeetloae to hla
leaving, for It waa Dolllver and not to
the vleo-presidential oandldato that tbo
people ohe red.
there were dissensions ' dnrtog tbo
whole af tbo trip- until tba arrival of
the special ta Portland. - Fairbanks
otood oa an eminence, oa It were, aad
addressed those who oarao to listen. Dol
llver in of different build. - He won tho
hearts of tho audience oa soon aa ho
was desired by those who ord booatlag
Fairbaaka. - - . .
Suddenly Oollrrer becamo afflicted
wttb "sore throat" Ha couldn't apeak
any morev tt waa said, and onust leave
tho party.' ' Tha Journal printed tho
facta Today's dispatches oonnrm tbo
statsmonta made la Tha Journal Sat
urday aad Sunday. - '
lurch toward tho track and the ornsb
came.' Tbo big furnace hit tbo front end
of the oar with groat force. A doewn
passengers woro thrown from and to end
of the oar and landed ta a bean. - Sev
eral men and women woro badly fright
ened and mere or lose bruteed. . 1
? fnpecUl Ihvpstsb a tbe JsaimtK
Xorthport, Wash.. Oct t. Big forest
flroa are raging In thla section and doing
great damage. Everything ta ao dry
that tbo re spreads rapidly.
iBpoaal Dwoatek ts The Jssrastl
Daawtot, Ida.. Oct t-Two Oonaana
held up a miner near bore last sight
aaoared lie and asado thalr
Oootelio baa besn appobitsd aaayor of
If You
See It in
Ike (Dregonian
ltd Six Days
Jtmirnat R gtvea to Ms renders tho
most astounding piece of railroad
news, from a local or national otaadV
nolnt that has bosa printed ta aoenthn.
Tho chief factor la tbe outcome
moat have been Harrises a It waa
he who originally hold a majority of
tho Northern Partflr stock. In any set
tlement along the line tadMated 11 ta
laooooeivaMe . that bo sbouidj havo
Sound Cities Have Grab
bed Business That Be
longs Here.
'J 'I
Htik& tU Lack f Eicoangement
: to Eaterprlie Have Cost City
' Maieyts WeH'asPftfttte v
People Caucrvative.
Once more the ouootUm of ateamahlp
aarvtca botwoea this city and Alaskan
points Is being discussed with a view
to the Inauguration of a line of steamers
that will be a permanent Institution.
With no material difference in dis
tance between Portland and southeast
ern Alaska ports In fa cor of her busi
ness rivals on the sound, tbo matter of
Portland's gradual elimination from
thla field of trade during recent years lo
ono of great Importance and Interest
It is evident that with conditions aa
nearly equal, thoro ta no good reason
why Portland should not get and hold
her shore of tbs trade of that vast terrlr
tory... ,f . i
About taJCM.tet lb gold la being
brought out from .None alone thla asa
aon. Tbe output of gold from every
point, from tho Atlln country to tbo
Klondike, ta atoadlly increasing, aa per
manent mining camps and modern ma
chinery are established. Tho success of
tho Wfilte Paso sV Yukon River railway
la being followed bp-tbo building of
other toads In Alaska,
Tho develor-nent of tho vast coal and
oil fields of rWo Kayak and- Yekutat dis
tricts, between Mount St Bllas and tho
mouth of Copper rtvor, la rapidly pro
gressing; and operations there will bo la
full blast next season. Including the
building of anothor run road, a now har
bor oywt the establishing of an Impor
tant tity that will bare urge atstnou-
ivo territory. These fields ara aa- yet
virgin' trade opportunity, and together.
with Alaska's othor business openings,
the prospect for northern trade exploita
tion .la ao groat and growing that Port
land oanont afford to continue Indiffer
ent ta It Whatever naadloapa exist to
dleoourage local business enterprise la
that direction should bo removed. It la
declared, and the necessary action taken
now. to bo In time for tho beginning of
business early next season.
v. &eeal Mtaa hnre Ptrvk.
Portland merchants woro first In tbo
Alaska field. Before any other city ta
the Pacific northwest was known ta tbo
lobbing trade, this city waa selling sup
plies and provisions at old Fort W ran
ge!, Juneau; Sitka and other potato.
There' were alwaya one or more boats
running ta this trade. In ltT and prior
to that time tho Pacific Coast company
waa operating tho Oregon; the Blder and
tbo Cottage City from Portland to Sitka
and Skagway. , When tho Klondike gold
dlaoovortoa were made and tho rush be
gan, tbo Sound oltloa fastened their ac
quisitive gaao apoa the far north and
determined anon a desperate effort to
displace Portland In that territory.
Seattle bad been nurturing a small but
growing Jobbing business which at thla
Mass waa Just big anougb to olt an and
take notion. The Seattle Jobbers saw
their great opportunity, and they took
full od vantage of tt Hundreds of
sheets of advertising appeared In tho
malls telling of Seattle as aa outfitting
point for tho north-bound prospector.
Thd st Miner llaea also eent out vaat
quantities -of matter.
la thla way aid the wholesalers,
manufacturers and retailere of Seattle
secure tba bulk of the Alaska business.
Tbo few Portland aMrohanta who re
mained in the Alaska trade still do a
considerable business there, showing
that tt k entirely practicable for this
elty to carry oa a profitable and
permanent trade thoro. If progressive
Ideae and aoarago aro obowa.
So rsaig alg a as Meld VaMbv
la istf W. S. soammell of Saa Fran
cisco oamo to this elty with three boats
aad mads a propooltlon to piece tbem
la the Alaska trade and main tola them
there If guaranteed IS.pae for each Trip.
Portland business men entered Into a
eootraot with ScammeU to operate hla
boats. Tbo ftrat trip waa a financial auo-
Continued on Page Three.)
allowed tbo Barttagtow, a strictly
oompotttfva read with tbo TJatom Paot
Se, to get away from him.
. Tbo bueinese aad circulation of Tbo
Journal la atoadlly growing not alone
because R publishes tho news the peo
ple really waat bat for tho further
reason that M stands for tboas th'ega
whtob they moat earnestly desire,
-la defeatlag tbe garbage grab
wrttss a oortsspondaat The Journal
baa aavod the people of Portland half
a million dollars. Everybody hi now
beginning to realise that the most Im
portant thing that baa happened ta
Portland la a doasa years la tho estab
lish stent of Tbe Journal. Nov not only
oaa both sides to every guest ion got
g hearing but tha moment tboro ta d
graft or a grab the people aro to
formed of It and oaa take such steps
aa will protest tbem. Jeag live Tbo
Tbta ta all tho Justification Tbo
Journal ass do for existence and to aa
high a compliment as could bo paid
to aa honest, aad enterprising news
paper. . A.b llut tmt whir Vtu ImmI hum
Unites to grow ta business and lnflu-
Railroad Deal Announced
last. Week Affects
:rrA Stocke d -;
,4 ,
Mortal More Probably tlie. Gane Than
tbe Hunter What tbe Seenrttla
' SettkQKBt Mean to tbe
Northwest -
' (SseeUl MsMteb a Tbe JearaaL)
Mew York, Oct tv One explanation
given of tho sudden rise la St Paul
stock yesterday 10 that Rockefeller and
Morgan Joined forces and gave Hani
man a hard equeese, Bill joining ta be
cause ho waa short on stock himself
and found that tt waa better to be ta
with tho squeesers than ths aquseaess.
Tho threat was made to withdraw tlut.-
000.000 from the banks temporarily to
upset Hani man loans and the bull mar
ket loft ao loophole of escape If tho
execution of the plan waa attempted.
Thla, tt la alleged, la tbo reason why a
definite agreement waa reached on the
whole tranaoonttaantal railroad situa
tion. Tbo weight of Rockefeller's hand baa
been growing heavier for a week and the
fictitious bull market save R added
strength." aaya thla authority."-4so when
R oamo to a question of unconditional
surrender tbsro waa only ono thing to
do and that waa to aoeept terms."
Aa apparently much more reasonable
explanation ta that this authority.
whether Intentionally or otherwise, boa
oi tha cart before tbo borae. There la
no, doubt, that through agreement tho
Union Pacific baa got rid of lta North
era PacMo holdings. There la toot aa
little doubt that tbo Wb Peal, a Roshs
feller road, perhaps la. conjunction with
the Missouri Pad no, a Ooutd road, baa
secured the oontrel of -the -Northern Pa
cific which forms a perfect Paoifle coast
outlet for 'the SW Paul. It ta likely
that If tho Union Pacific baa not se
cured the preponderating Influence la
the Burlington that lta destiny will be
controlled jointly by tbo Hani man and
Northern Psclflo Interests. There to ao
difference of opinion that the Hill and
Korean Intereste aao oonflned to tba
Oreat Northern,
It to well known that tho relations
botwoea Morgan and Rockefeller have
been strained for some time and R was
ths Interests of tho latter which forced
Morgan out of tbo steel trust ander elr
iii aiannw that were vary humiliating
to blah When It to remembered that
HU1 and Morgan havo Jointly controlled
the Oreat Northern and that they have
Jointly dominated Morthora Pacific and
at the same time that Haniman waa tbe
only Sua through whom the St Paul
could got a Pacific outlet and that hla
relatione wttb Rockefeller havo been har
monious. It Is quite owfdont that In what
ever aqaeealng naa been done Hilt and
Morgan ara mere likely to have besn
with tho mm aws thaa with . . tbo
The Rockefeller band baa boea more
or less definitely apparent ta thla alt
uattoa for -boaso time- past and to a
targe degree tho outcome baa been dis
counted la weU Informed circles. That
the Hill and Morgan Interests havo been
forced to take what they aould get
there lo sow no reason ta eouos. any
mors than that there to roason to doubt
the preeent harmonious relatione be
tween tbe Rockefeller and Haniman In
terests, every resent move baa strength
ened tho Herri maa syndicate, the lat
est announcement coming officially from
tho Mooreo. being that Harrlman for "a
year or more" will havo Joint control
tn the Chisago Alton msnegsmeat
Tbo forcing of I F. Lores out of tho
preaidency of the Mock Island hi aa
othor evidence of the passing of Mor
gaa aa a groat railroad figure, for R
was through his Influence that Loree
eaate ta the Mock Island from tho Bal
timore A Ohio. This means tho advance
ment ef ft 9. Wlochell, who boo lately
had s spectacular career, to tho presi
dency of tba road. -. 1
Tba Unto Pacific Railway 00m pony's
sale af lta holdings of Northern Securi
ties stock to a ayadloota rop re earning
the Mockefeller-Oould toterest will prob
ably tersxlnata tba HlU-Harrlmaa con
troversies that hero bosa ta tho oourts
for years aad have occupied tbo atten
tion of finsnetal Interests of tha entire
country. . By tbo terms of tbo sale, tt
hi said. Northern Pkolflo. St Paul and
Mteeoarl Pad fie wlU bo operated with
tha Burlington while tho Santa Fo and
Union Pacific will form a olooo alllanee.
Tbe Oreat Northern will resnms Its to
dapsndeaoo ander tbo oontrot of J. J.
Mill aad J. Plerpont Morgan.
Tbo basis of tbo settlement of tbo
merger oalt and tha distribution ef tbo
property Involved will bo of vast Im
portance to tbo northwest and to pert
land, whoro tho Herrtmaa Interests eea
ter. Tho forecast eg the settlement wss
givoa ta The Journal Bipambar It, U
ta oa the following basis.
Tbe Harrlman and Rockefeller tat cr
ests, or the Union PaoMc, to take tbe
Chicago, Burlington A Qutney railroad,
which ta now a part of tho Northern
Secwrltlea company.
Tho James J. Hill hvteresto to retain
Intact the Oreat Northern.
Tbe Cntmgo. Milwaukee A St Paul.
R r hiMiag. to take the North
ern "Mirlng a through
Pprt Arthur Defenders
Use Nltro-Clycerta
Grenades. K
- it.-
Estimates Japanese lossli Fovr Dara
rigbtlnl aT Killed anlv.
fonadedOrloiri Re- .
v call Confiiwel1
(Jeursel SseeUl aerrlea'f
St Petersburg. Oot ft. The following
dispatch from General Stoessei. to seas
mand at Port Arthur, dated Sep tamo or
tt, was received today:'
"Since- the attack of September II all
has been quiet though there havo been
dally ski rm la bee and artillery bombard
ments. Our army makes ssrttee dally.
"From September IP to It tbo Jap
aneoo bombarded aad assaulted tho forts
to tho northwest of . Port Arthur, but
wars each time repulsed. Tho Japan
ese gained two small redoubts only,
which were wrecked by tho bombard
ment. "The Japanese destroyed the agoeduet
lb aa assault oa Fort Vteoky. which waa
repulsed at t o'clock tn tbo morning
of September ' St. ' Tho Japanose had!
their mitrailleuse ta position when Gen
eral Konkratsnko ordered sappers to
charge them with band-areuades filled
with , ' nttro-glyeorln. Tha k Je pan ess
thereupon fled ta hasto."
Stooosot estimates the' Japanese losses
In tbo four days' fighting at le,aet killed
and wounded.
.U ta of fieially snnewnced today that
Major-General Orloff, anmmander of tho
Fifty-fourth division, and General Re-
rmaaoff. aommandor of the Sixth Siberian
wivlial IBj dmoo bosa reealiea;
Orloff was oourt-martaJed and twhaltod
beoause be permitted Kurokl to turn thy
Russian toft flash at Uao Tang. , ....
Jearsal Bsectal Sarvlse.) i
Foastot Bay, Manchuria, Oct t. The
Japanese continue to recruit the Koreans
under pretense of employing them aa
The emperor of Korea has refused a
Jape oess request that every town tn
Korea fufhlsh from 4t to tt men for
tho army now being - organ lsed. -
It to reported tho Japanese recruited
tot men at Ping Yang, dressed thorn ta
uniforms, sent them from Manchuria
and placed them ta front of a Una fas
tened tp posts until nearly all were
killed. Tho Russians .found only on
(Jearssl aptelal Sarvtoe.1
" Harbin. Oot t. General Korokt ap
pears to bo trying to turn tho Russian
'left while tho Japanese main army ta
marching forward against tha Bnsslaa
Japanese transports aro brtagnag wp
material to tbe mouth of tho Yalu fiver
whence it ta carried by junks to Sahois
and thence by coolies to Faag Wang
Cheng. Tho oenatruetlon of a mad bo
twoea Sahoral nod Faag Wang Chang ta
proceeding. ltls reported tbe Japan oao
have thrown bridges across tho Uao
river at Blaupetho. They are repairing
roads as they go. The Cbua Chueeo
have made communication between Muk
den aad Sltaua Teog. to tbo west, anasa,
(Jeersal tpeeial BrrWe.) -Rome.
Oct-1. Tbe St Petersburg cor
respondent of tho newspaper Glornalo
d'ltalta wlree that tha kaiser baa tele
graphed tho command er af tho Ruoolam
Baltic fleet wishing him a good voyaga
and good tack, ' s
The correspondent adds that only 4,tot
of tbo original Vladivostok garrisoa re
msina The Srat tao ben appeared off
4. 1
Bt Petersburg, Oct t. A dispatch t
day states that a force of Javanese sur
rounded Russians roconnoltertag
Aprtot near Makdoa. Tbo Busslsas rut
their way out aad returned to camp with
some captured oswvoyo.
Tbo Japaaeoo are entrenching
Foulia. t Tba weather to very sold
1 iJeamal Saeeskl
Paris. Oct t A dispatch from tb,
Petersburg eeunrms Ibe report that a
third Rush lea army M sliout to
formed. Oeneral LInvle-r of '
military corps to to be ta ..... d o
WASMir a
vV-XaaVAannaji SBKrW CaawjhTW.
. out Txaxm. way sr .
tearsel Byertal Is ilwt
t .
- 4'