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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
1 : 0Rr 1 DAriT JVJAL. PORTUt TUr:DAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1904. I- ;iTiiTi;zs;or:Ti;:3i;::LD I 1 . - SANDRIA BREAK3 WORLD'S RECORD JEFF HYPNOTIZES HIS OPPONENTS -BASEBALL, FOOTBALL AND BOXINO J. A. HOftlAM SAOA EaEAKS Z. six ft:ic;;3 iiaxx or m muw tut p" OAS A UAP gBOOBw IMTOW a omf man , . " . r ' ' - - tJaeresl 0st4 tUrvtet.) .'No Tork, Oct. 4. Duryea' Sandrl i mad a new world' record for alx fur ' long, straight iwijr, yesterday at Mr ' rt perk track, and captured the flllle' half of th matron' atake tll,l4i. " Tha tim made waa ' 1:0044. Oatrlcb broke tha world's raeord for an and , flve-olxteeath mil ovar tha hUV, by go- ln It In Jilt. Summary: ' - Sevan fUrtongUbrt woni time. -1 1:17(1. v- . ' v - Tha alath matroa, f or galdtttge, tht I eclipse course Bedouin won; time, ire. Tha alxth matron, for-, flllle, tha ' lipa . oouraa Saodrla . woni time, , 1:0814. j Tha Jerome handicap, mil and flra- war ins riufi . wui, s yuoa, nil. ' V six and oohalt furlonga- rapper ., won; tima. :. Selling, tha Wither mltoThletle v Heather won; tuna, i:ta - St. Loan, Oct, i.-Delmar park N narr; ... , Sis fur1ana-TtTand won; ; tlm, 1:10. Sevan furious, ellinav--Tengtble won i urn. i:se. iKiii; tima 1:11V.. Mile and TO yard puree -Hla Doyl wan: tima; l:ttU. t - . Five furlong. .pama-utn wo.; tima. 1:04. Six furlong, eel ling Jake Oreenburg won; tima. , -.,'.. At: Bmuttge. City, Oct Elmrldan . .-y, Knaaa , vaults: Haas won; tlaa. Six furlonsn Van 1U. j . Fir snd a half frlaiw--)Lrtdft won; tima. 1:10. , Pour and half foriona-Tar won; tima. :S7H- ir ona woo; tlaa. MllM a . Benibnrdlar l:da. . . 8tapaebnn Craoiin , On mU Fair Ladr Anna wowi Una, ' ; s -,-: ,: - v.'- v:. irr,: ''; :."v i.---, At Wartfc.- vyr, Oct. 4. worth annnnary: 7 , ' Mi la Jim Hala m; tima, i:4t l-i- Six furionnn Shtrnths Olaan , wen: .- tlm. l:lit-S. . ..... j Mila and a ' yard .Camaaata wan; - tlm. 1:41, stx furloaaw-8Ujr Ban won; tima, il t-i. v.; r,' On and ana atataanth- alla Assa tawla won:-tlm. l:4l-f. Ftv nd a half tartoof SHrar 'Von.' ma, i:tt. . -. ,- . ,: 'iw v, ii. , ii .tuiwvc nniTT win SIDETRACK HIM lmfl Sotrtal Srrtc.) -.; etaco. Oat.. 4. mina Oarbott slaad avar a raport now circulated aat to th ffet that Jimmy mtrndad a atdvtraek him and taka an Jaa Oana. Billy 'Bocha raoatvd talearaia from tha DanTarlta yantarday nrflnc him to aall apon Brttt and aa eartain if It was trva th aolorad man would ba hla naxt opponent. Whan Koch i rand tha meaaaaa ha laavhad aloud, bat aerertheleea u did aa Corbett bid him. Brttt nanrad Mm that ha baA no Intention, of atln Oan In th near rntura, and ta advtaa Corbett nut to do any mora worrying. 'Til light htm next, aald Brttt, nhonnh I don't feet that tha asreamont w eotared into In New York m blndlna; any loncer. Cor bett. ia an tntarvlew. Mated that ha Intended ta fight whenever ha att a ohanoa, and while ha haa vet fought anybody, he would have if th ftaduee- meata had been great enough.' In eaaa boxlag 1 atonaad her Loa Angel ae will make a strennoaa esart to pull off the ' Britt-Carbett fight. Tom Marv will Mmha ftiiniJ wit b a mu prtnetpala It will ba net Iba than 110,. aao, and asayba mara, t " Ban Pra la exfuS In ta Brtft SEATTLE TLAYE2SV CAyau Tlptai. Wllv.J ' I AtUiflA "Tag Seattle and Loa" Angela toama arrived ra Portiaad th La meraias, the flrat named being ached uled for a wk rl h Ihl city, while tha latter art a their war ta Taooma for a week' engagement with tha victoria Tlgero. The Seattle team haa aeveral farmer Bortland Biayere en it roll ln the per on of Carlo Smith, Charlie Shield ana huit murpny. Rue Hll 1 In eherg of the SI waahea, harlna; auooeeded Parka Wll- on in th management. Speaking of .their trip ta Taeoau, tha Seattle player ear thatrit U almoat lm- poealble to beat Taeoma en their wn grounda. carlo Smith aald tht mam "- way, ii ii i rngnc the way a vialtlng eluh. apoUllv Seattle, la treated there.' The? have th umpire DorzaioM ana evaryupn go ta Flahar and hi men. They beat n bp One run ia every gam and that after aeveral f ear player ware put eat of the name, eoiaetlmee for n reaaoa at alL" Chaiila Shlelda ald:--l m heartily glad oa t nav ta play ut Taooma anr mora tht aeaean far yon havn't chance whe you have to play agalnat 10 man." Thaa ara sample of the way tha Seat tle lade think of Mike- Planer' town. and each man on tha team haa practi cally tha eease eompleiat, and th Lee Angelea player were offered large bunahea f aympathy by tha Si waahea thl morning. J With tha Seattle team l lack Hlofcey. who waa the etar pltehar of the Co lvmbu. Ohio, elttb In the Amerloan aa aodatlon thl-aeaeon. -Hlckay wanted to ota Dagdala. but th fat man would not ptfer htm enough, eo th erack onttfpaw aaallp earn to kmi with Ru HalL Captain Tim Plead t mwhat wor ried ver the whereabout of Hal Chaee, th crack young flrat baseman af the seraphic team, who got off the train at one of the atopa this ptde f Saera rasnto to anther aom fruit that h bad apled ln a nearby . orohard. Mot owning a - controlling interest hi the road, which would thereby tarur htm Immunity from being forgotten, th train pulled out without him. and Hal waa left to gorge himself on orange. apple, et., until tha next train north. He will probably arrive bora on to night' train and will therefore be able I reach Taooma in tlm to may th opening gam with hla dub. Tha Los Angela team toft thl af urn eon for Tlgsrtown. - r , "X cannot wnderataBd. aald Captain Flood of Loa Angelea thl morning, a Boa Halt waa endeavoring ta oom to an agreement with Ham Iberg," why Dugdala ahould hare released I berg and Nadeau. To my mind they were the bast men in their raapaetlva depart ment that ha had. Ibcrg waa winning moot of nf game and Nadeau, beeldes being a good outfielder, waa an excellent man on th bene. If th aaon were not eo far advanced I would endeavor ta alga both these player, but at present we ara doing excellently with our regu lar team." Iberg may pi ten the Sunday game against Portland, but K w not probe M that ha will become a regular mber of tha 81 wash staff. . Nick Will lemn wilt pitch for Seattle thl afternoon and Jaka Thieimaa or Ik Butler will be on pi alag for Port- SEVERAL EE AE mmm hails OAKUO TEAM BAT BETTED THAN CSOWNS Th Oakland (eam proved to ba the mora consletent hittra durlnff (be last aim gamaa a ad they Sntahad th week with ma man avar tna .ioa ours, wnue Portland, noterithstandlng tha much- heralded pro wees of th new acquisi tions, had enly one man kitting better thaJT the .too mark Ktrby Drennen. Rookenfleld waa tha only now man to hit over the .300 mark. Tha week's ar-. eragea ara aa follow, -i-.. - -. , ... pertiaaA. At Bat H. Ave. ..1T -.. .tis , .! .tit .100 .200 100 ; . i i .117 Ml 10 Beck . . : It AockenflMd . . If MoCreedla . . ..........10 adeau . . 0 urley 1 olland'. v,......t0 BSS'':.:.2:::-::: ;S Stanley . 1 HHP1 J a Ml Spencer, negg; sutler, Tmeiraaa and Iberg aaenrad no hit during th week. - i At Bat. Graham ,, , ..a.A Franc k .,....... .St Gnlcy .....IT 6o hi (ley , osklmaa JEFF EEATS LI BY . AUTflIIS!! WAITS) mm tn warm- ws oaTonriii SBBlMOaS ' nWAVPBB) VSh.inV IBHI IBSISUIUBA AOfTO . . , . .'. v' - ..' .. . . . PABA&' S2Vw oossorw Vnele Sant aa OimOiO thai hi aaaii Shall ha UUll M mr tn ahal la n lUrrUUIff I ptsi inspaotors report aa oencerna Of a fraudulent nature, la the past ela Mentha a half 4aiM Anna IaIhb hal. naaa la Portland have been barred from1 mAW OVAmBBD. uaa f the malla Last week Jama 0 1 TI r .in i 1 1 1 tli. MAAit u. 1 MMMMM f aa, That House of Yours Should have th bam ear thai yea yourself get. Would yon wear aa X aid ault af elethe after it became phabbyf Nat Thaa give your bnua a now, amu as paw ana aa u emu, it'a a pteaaura ta pelat her. : - Fisher, Thorseln & Co: AnititiiitttitttttttTttttttiitmttMn MsssMi Hlta. pevsreana . ' :::;.:; .......ii 1 . . . . a Strelb' .....,... lt Krugar , .- 2 Stark . . Dunleavy , , ........! Schmidt , , , Ave. .400 ; .tit . .z&e 4n r .160 . 40 PAOXPM OOABV V'' WEIGHTS OF PLAYERS t, for; first match COUNT TO PLAY ON OLD ELI'S ELI; YEN T (Jearaal SaeMal Swvke. . ' New Hevea, Coaev Oot. 4,-Mrn French nobility la to be represented en ' M Val fnntlMtl altMa tttim fall Vka newest recruit for tha eleven la Oouat Louie at. Da VsJlombroaa D afore. He la a haaky athlete, tipping tha acalea st Mt pounda, and will try for .either eenter .w guard am tha Tale eleven. Tht ta the eount'a aebond m eon at yaia. aoc a ta enrolled aa a regular member ft tha Junior class of the Sheffield Sclent 114, echooL He tack experience, nut ta pevarrui pnysreallv. , s sConat Da More to a son af tha oouat - who Head for year in North Dakota, and f whom Jacob Bit narrated that ha challenged Theodora BeeeevlL then k a yonng ranchman on the puUna. for a uei. Jtooaevan rota ui eamav taat somebody had Ued ta him and they wound up their encounter by taking dinner together. Couat Da More ta ra tetered tn th Sheffield aahool a from Paria. He la aa exeeUnt atadaat and iapalar ha hla elaa. - M Th pTonnl of tha Astoria football team 1 such that th Multnomah boy are beginning to feel uneasy regarding tha outoom of next Saturday game Ia th Aafaria lineup ara a number of atrong and clever, plarara. and the Quar terback Btoehtont 1 on of tha neatest men on th eoaet both at passing th ball and running. Hera are the men and weights af tha Astoria, sad Multnomah player: C Bare, guard. Oammel MS, Hoover ISO. Johnson 171; tackle. Blair 1U. Sutton 170; enda, Painter 1, Began lit. Jones ut; ajuarterback. Stockton 140; halfbacka, Tallant 141, Graham 14t; fullback, IT. Th Multno mah man ami Or levee, center. Hit Rln toul, cants, ttt: Roes, guard, JIT; Sea ley guard, Iti Oault. guard, lti; Wil li elm. guard. 1M: Pratt. taaklA ttt; Klrkley, taokm, 178; Dowlln. end. UT; Jordan, and, 140: Kerrigan, quarter, ttt; Holman. quarter, 1H; Coat, quarter, lot; Do! ph. halt ITS; Carroll, half, 170; Mottthrup, full. 100; Haaley. half, ISO: Johnson, end or halt. r?0; Heren, tackle or full, 10. ' ' -y.? . FISHER FEARED MOB ; WOULD KILL UMPIRE Th Alblna Amatonr AthtoU erub challenaree any football eleven averaging 100 to It pounda, ta thai tty to a gaga on Sunday morning. Tha Alblna club baa recently rgaa med and aleeted Thamaa Janason aaa gar for the present sia n. Th gar telephone nuasber la SeU MtO. ABB QwwwjtaN BtAVOKBB. Fred Mailer baa bean matched to fight Perry Qnaonaa at Oregon CHy on Novemmw It. Then wa boxer re coatly gt aa a ta-rennd draw at AstoHa. There's nothing Ilk doing a thing thoroughly. Of ell th Salvee yea over heard of. Bueklen'a Arnica Balre te tha bast.- It ivmps away and en re Burn. Snrea, Bmtsa, Cntm, Boll. tTleere, Shin 1 ira only tftc and !. (Jawaet tptrMI Strrteal " Taeoma. Wash-, Oct 4 "I warned Umpire Brown against going ta Seattl to officiate tn Sunday4 gam,' aald Mike ruber, amnagr of tha Taooma Tigers, discussing tha failure of that empire t nut ta aa appearance. "It would, have been aa much aa hla life waa worth to hav attempted to offi cio te at Seattle after what oecurred tn Taeoma. Brown looelved a threatening letter. Informing him what tha mob intended to do a? h dared ahow up la Seattle. And I beltev there-wouM have been action trouble. I onter Beat tie' howl about aafalf traatatent at the handa af umpires tommy-rot. but I have reaaoa to know that Brown would hav been roughly handled Jnat the gam.' PoUowmg th aehadula af raatbnlU gpmee t morrow in the east: Harvard va. Bowdotn, at Cambridge. ' ' Tal va. Bely Croea. at New Haren. Prtnctn v. Waalayan, at Prtnoatoa. I- rnhiBMa M tutli aa Maaa Va Peanerivaala pa. Celiunbin anivtratty, at PbUadelphla. - , CornaU v. Hohart. at Ithaca, ' Lafayetta va. Oettyaburg. at Bhaton. Dickson va. Mereersburg. at Oarltola. WUmme ve. Msssaehuaetta "Agglea," at Wllllamatawn. . . Carl is i Indiana v. nMibiaai. at Carlisle. Corgate va.- Catana aiiatmy. ' at Hamilton. - . . .Micbiawftf Onto K.- YH at Arbor. Nhdaaa war Tacena ............. Loa J.ngelm ........ Oakland ......... San Praaeuwa Partlas ......A Last fjffjfi j ., JU 0(11 14 40 .MB o i it i in .ui f I., t w o os Mm 4 t I ,j 0 14 01 .4TT T 4 0 0 0 00 ,4U 10 f T 0 . . M .tat mImImIm awiooi""'" " Taeoma, ' Waah. Oct; A Taooma de feated Seattl for the atxth straight time yeeterday. Ovarall waa In grand form and held Seattle to two hits. Jack Hlckay. late of Cleveland and Columbus, and formerly with Dugdala, waa en th alafc tor Seattle, Score: , ,,; , - - . M- m. seattl . . .w. ojoi oo-l Taeoma ........ .0 t 0 1 0 t I Batteiiei and Leahy. i J Boston . i 'j? .tt to Nw Torfc . ........ ...AO ,' II Cleveland ......... .91 09 Chicago . j II PbUadelphla . 7T St. Louie 04 Detroit .......Ot Washington . f. . r. . .04 tt til r.c ta .tot 74 .too .004 " .ttt ' .4zt - -! ' 1 - v ' B. tt. PI- fiSoh;;:n"::fr;n:t:::!::i Tl BatterteaAltroek and Sullivan; Olb-. on and Crlger. , . , ..''T A Bt, s-saia. ' st i-outa. ....... New York I 0 uatteriee Moweil ana ausklaa: Ortb. Orlfllth and Klelnow. HSom. wiant'lat haa givan It aa Mti "Lf- u-iruiiv. .Haw ibpj m. 4iirm wum nis i m. , . hatua through. anto-hypnotum. At- from ua of th maila la enly a part of thought tt aecme aomawhat unneoeaaary th general scheme which haa been tor a man af Jeffrie' gigantic physical Inaugurated to rid tha poetofne depert power, homing alevernea and real fight- nwnt of a great number af alleged fake ing ability, to call mmllia t hi nonoy-gettlng propoaltlona. There have aid, I belUv thaTi. exaotly what Jeff- ZTm'fL it rlaa Ammm " . w k. United Btataa during th pact 10 ZZLZVl Bo dTtt daya that have fallen under tha baa. wo"- - Clerk ta tt local poatofflo are eup- "Jeffriaa hlznsnlf la .Ignorant of tha plied with a Hat of aamea awrked faot that ha doe tt. But Jeffrie s fraudulent." To thaa whoee name aot tha aaly fight who naea hypnotic appear an th list n mall can be de power in the rlag. Bob Fltsslmmona Hvevoa. Lettora and paokagaa ara re we much f hla anoos to tha same turned to tha erlglnal aendera aa aooa thing. aa they ara received. Th local llat haa "On off tha best lnstenoe af fhts th ,oUowlnf namaai Co-eperatlv Shoe fact I hav eVer mIhi wwTe maToh m!. PmWo between Pltoalm-on. and Oea Coaghiln 'Zt'VJLVmS: In PUladelphia a year age. 2nd J ",r(m0 BJrn Hoato Buyer with courage enough under ordinary ?. tooal raprntaUv f the clreuautaJMe. but of a Hssrvoua tarn- Frfrr1 htaroantU company f Boe- permant nrou m too; Foetal Inspector heard dubtoua "The day bafor tha fight X waa talk- of th ooaoera and atartod an tag with Fltmstomon nil uuwtora! The remit waa an order 1 never Saw totTtollow? aalTpitt trom "rttle at Washington that bath to grn lathe rlngT i WTB1 StoU watch him whan I get my eye en him mtwmmwnm a ?h?'U U - Plau'banst "Whan ffltammmona got Into th ring SjW ereateetng tha next night, after letting th big he payment of 0100 oash as aeon ae pay- Iriahm: ... - TZZ ii5 nanto af ti ll hav beea msde for 10 to th opposite oorner. stood itralght wk Other offer a eiaanond ring for up, and stared at Coughll. His ye ""J1 parmenta. were drawn to a blue point. Coughlln Tnf Fo-y af a long total looked back, without blinking. When wrangl over tas action of the asstotaat tha man ware aalled to th center af it1?r?TlB tnuA tha ring Fit, standing doe, till stared Tha Preferred Mercantile company of tsadily into CoughlU' eyes. By that Beaton. whrtlaivdsnt waa ra tlin th big fellow aeemau In a atate f"Tr- trT " of nervoue oollapee.- Hi anna dangled ofuad to reoognlae the right af tha de al hla aiaa. a-a wika. th. kaii k. partmeaa t atop Ita buaui and t waa helniasa to aafanA at-..!-. aeeklng an Injunction to proven th Th in tnat same partv l " a and seeming wnMend other aompanlea. In their ofnclal . ( ,1 oapaoKta aa aganto, but to their per " ..a . ami MmiBaUinM and hnalnsaa Let- r?lriem' lc"J ffellow thai b met In th ring. Vmpir M - .Tthaaa who nearly matched hi "SV Detroit Washington ......T t I0 I Battertea Jaeger and Drill i Pat tal and Klttrtdga. . , . Flrat CIvian d . . ... It BL B ..i..... a f a Philadelphia t I t 0 Batteriee He and Bamla: Coaklev and Koonan. , Second fimi n ' , ir L ?lvUnd . . -,.T 10 1 hlladelphta , t 4 t Batteries Barnard and BueJow: Ap pl agate and Noenaa. . re. .TOO .020 .tt .l2 .406 .ttt .181 .fOO real ii Tt 04 II v 00 VAVXOBAA NeW ToTbt . 106 Chicago . , . tt - Cincinnati . . It . Pittsburg ... ...,.... 70 St. LOUl ,, 7 1 Brooklynv. ft ' Boston . . .... 1... t . Philadelphia 4! At tffaw Tern, ' , a it a Battertee-Nlchol and ' Butler; Mat- uewton ana uowerman. irmntra miin wm a s ,:-.a Flrat game It E. Pittsburg , . ....,,. 'B 1 Philadelphia s. , I f I Batteriea- Leever and Pbalpe; Dg- In tha hfojavn deert I have aeen a Loarrying eat or th oraer. ; tookrabbtt confronted at doee rang by 0TOmr oaprtmnt annua d ratUeenake. sUnd in that same parW I only to tha vartou agsota of tht lyaed way, atarlng to move ant of ran. " Touna norhatf haA rha mih aonai oorreepoodenoe and bualnee tot th little I tor on oiner unjecca. swery pteoa ox Xfni f ma aaar a ta tnaa moan ae rawrnaa rly matched him in tn aonaar. Mreaath and skill mow to th scratch! Tha government with nmaniaa that -m nmurMi Tor. auch a eouraa waa anoaaaary. betf alwaya Bit in hla oorner and ound that thee ageuta war eonduot tarea bumm tha rinw ae hta una-iw 1 1 Ing hnalnaa nndar their wn name and before the fight, toot aa Pltoslmmons thoub they had no conaeotlen with doe. He did that whan ha fought Mo- tn ajiagaa xranauisn eonwraxion. Oovern the flrat tttno, and ha did tt again te California. Tarry never oould . pf tpj. tk. f-j Vaelpnlsy, Aah aamlnat Touna? Oorttatf .nth tha lU l-X CCIUnr. -aoolneaa and skill that h aaerelaedi M. Oaorga Loweneon. of th Chicago against ether men la hi elamv . I Clothing Co.. 00-71-71 Third street, be- "Wtren Jeffrto fousrht Oua Buhlln In tween Oak and Fine, tart yaataraay for California ha took tha Akronlte'e nerve I an eastern trip. Whav b Will vtsit an away from him aa completely that Ou the principal ettlae, incidentally visiting forgot all of hla fichtlnx craft and waa tha world fair at at Lena on tn ro- anabla to put a fraction of hi atranath turn trip. Tha axtonalva and fast grow- into tha Mowa ha atruck. Hla eye tag buelnee of tha Chicago make U nonnsA frma hat hsaA. aaA ha liwUud necssssry that Mr. Lowonson pend a 11k a man In a trance. Oua went great deal of hla time hi th principal thrmih ha notimi at flatttinar. hue waarlnai ajmarel aantera or tna united hla muaclea wsr Xlabby and powerless Sttoa,,ln order to keep a ataady Jtow of aa a naralvtan'a. i arooaa una uw our " am utamm -Munroe was even mora aitaataA by While a big atoch la alwaya on hand. It Jeff glass than Buhlln. The giant nnturally desirable to kn It re sat ta hi oorner. atarlng aoroe the plenlehd with th neweet etylee. After Hag at hi rival. Munroe had aoma to tranaaeting nis eaauro nwea r. tha fta-ii mmmi M nhL mm I Lowsnaon expect to return to Portland . h. m..a kh . -1 bv Thanluiglvlag. Tha traveler take th atal VIim aalHaai fl nllnMiia with him several hundred pounds of through th ropes ha stepped up to tewla and Clark fair advertising mat-fee- Joffrtea. hi eyee surlng. moving tar. which he will distribute among tha anaamoeaaun Ilka tha rahnuT that an. big wholaaala heuae af New Tork and nmachM tha rattlaanaka. BOfltOB. Tt Isn't few that paralysn a fighting man nsrv and make him fall an easT victim to a man h oould flaht on I From th CleveUnd Plata Dealer. van terms. No boxer fear a blow, ba-1 Senator Jo Blackburn of Kentuoky a oeus every boxer kaowe that ft blow I a gentleman af tha aid aohaol, and hla doesn't hurt to any extent. Jnat a oourteey to womea la never fall lag. NIGHT SCHOOL BchnkeAi'ate Business College 'AWaaaaM ;i anew fudtobU than kytamhg a aaaaaa wtSh a. ' -. i- , -. i Wiflinag'.S hen pm waab 9 tuj ,,..d hevma pm eraab r.rtamVi'.!.H haem pwa weak ttimciu urn m OAS AtTB NIGHT ML I k I ww v w m SOME H0NKEY1 KNOW MOW . TBAM OTHER MONKCTS ; thai OLOBB WATER-PROOF PAIN11 i IS THH BEST PAINT MADE. A guar- 1 a tee goe with avary package, . Aaa art ,' PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO.,. , TEETH Boston Painless Dentists th dentlt In Portland having tha lata bo tanical DISCOVERT ta annlv tn tha fCROWNINO TEETH WTTHOtTT PAXii. and gnaranteed fur IBM TEARS. SCHOOL jg affleuia aa,-. that I WofMaoy t WtMJnwdoy Friddy accessary, aa It weaK' I Irfofith . . a 9 0.00 3 Months - r a . . 15.00 6 Months 4 o 25.00 HKK. m a g!by and Dooln. Becono gam Pittsburg . . Batteries Pbeirtv snd Fhalna; Out. bo and Daoln. l mplr--Ximmer. . First game - B.H-B. Clnctnnau .;..-.. Si 1 Brooklyn . . f 1 Battanee" narpar and calt; j ano oeraen. Second gam- Cincinnati Brookli-n . . 4 1 1 Bat t tries Feina- feng fltras. rmnin and Bitter. LmpTree 0Day and Ma ran. . . r-'-- lilt a... jM.S ...10 Caleaga Boston . . I Bat i -riea wieker and Klmg; N ota. .Fuhey and Need ham. Kmati. BL it. m 14 I 10 Ich- ;mpire BROWfiS AND SEATTLE MEET THIS WEEK Nam fberg and Fbtt handed thetr reteaeea at Portland ye- teraayi They wars tot aw to mak mom far th wawaatnera, but luat whether ptayera af th eellbr t Hoar and Hat- land are aa Improvement vr tha anea dlsmtased remalae is b aeon. Th rhna at thle end mt the ltn dont think an. Tab It tha whole aaa n th rough Iberg baa pitched good ball end Nadeea ha si way anna well when the Brow an flayed biro Bas Fransisca BuitoUa Th Partland and Beattl ball ntnea begla a week' angagomaat thl after noon at Keereattoa park, and th fan era wondertng whether r not th S4 wuahaa wltt tsjiM th trick of two week's ago, and tokd tha entire lie. If auch a thing ehwald batmen there would be a dee etas-a aver local baaa- han eiretea, hd for tha aaka af gloom. It t to bo hoped that the Portland Brown will get busy tha wash and give tha fane th fana wha hav anpworted a toll -end team for tw yaara- wtanlng aertoa. If th new loeal elnb i aa atreng as tfenagsr Dugdala dalne, tot th vtetarta aoma. Throw away ea en and plap ban. aa eravyhodp l tired lMtnlng to th hcedoe stertea. The fana ara not enpeetod to go for the met of th aaa an tost Sunday vtotory. Alton Lowia hard bio we or gtvn and taken ia daily I Owing to this faot ba recently bad old training aa In th actual fight. I coffee served with his urea klpst vry Tt may taka a better hypnotist tal morning for two ween. beat Jeff after alt, tnatond of a bigger I Ha waa making a trip fate tha non talna tn the eastern part or tn mate and made bin Mopping place a farm house : BhUTT TWB 'SBBOT u at t remote point xrom tna otty. ub - - Ith dar of hla arrtval ha waa rather How ta thl for dope? Ton oan figure tote tor dinner and the lady of the houa that Brttt haa a chance t defeat Jeff.- epotoglsed for the eoftea, which at that riea. and It tm don ta thl way: Choyn- tlm waa lukewarm. "Oh, do not mind tt In the least madam." aald Senator Bleexourn. "I many prefer my eoflae nolo, yon knew," ski fought a I-round draw with Jeff, and; Walcott beat Choynskl in six rouade, being ta tarn beaten by Kkf Lavlgn tn It rounda and Lavlgn lea to Frank Brae; McOovorn won from I dtoat af A Brae, and lost tn two rounda to Young prem tha Sprtogflsld Bapnbltcan. v Corbett. a it remain a faot that the The latost from Tibet 1 that the oonqaeror-af Young Oorbett. James Sd- British have mad th Tibetan nay ward Brttt, la the ecly living human T.iee.eeo runeea for aot even inn the door wao aaa a onaan ta wauop tna Mg Ml- promptly when they knocked. Ordlna- t" gnaaa that 1 tha arralght Om boned Jama today when hi atton-Uiat that tt haa not been at war with tlo wan aalled to It. 1 amy figure to Tibet. It waa aaly making g frtondly have a to beat Jeff, but ma nan I n ' my that l wen t try. Tney any I am conoelteoV but not conceited enough to thing, ana Whip him.. y BO0t BaSOwT AVBBBffBBBVafBS v ' ftasreel Sfiraml ttovlee.1 Westmtnster. B. a, Oct. 4. Many dog f high degra am benched at the how which opened today under the auspice af th Nsw Westminster Ouu club and ta conjunction with tha annual provincial exhibition. The moat notable ksnneto of Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and other el tie aa tha coast am repr- JOT IN IEKEAYE8ENT. p-Vtf ffiTaT, B,aC Bu. Thar hav beea everal burial from Helnma'a BawtBranA i undertohtng parlor wlthta tha pant few daya which hav meet cer tainly mingled toy with tha aorrow of tha bereaved. Tha bodice a buried ww thone af mimbir of the Uaion Pay ment System, f which Warter J. Hot man, Oecretary f th Ddward Holman Undsrtshlag isauuaay. te th enanager. Membera af tha rgaalaaUon are char gad: Bttwasn 1 and 0 yearn 10 eentn per month. 0 and IS rear. 1 onto. It and tt year. II centa, tt and 00 year, t cents, and 0 and TO years, 10 eeata per month, and when death an ew bodice of mem bar, wmoar pear am given burtola Jo wbtoh tt would a charged, trom 0 to J year, tl, and vr it yearn, ttt. Ia tha funeral which have taken piece thee condition bav be lerrtid at t th letter, the graalest ear belag tahaa) that nethlag should ba omitted that w)uld hav beea lad need worn th rvki paid for by those order Huy burtal of the deoassaA Th wonder to that vry ettiea af Partland la not a member of thl a mi si i aad worthy laatitatton. SOLE AGENT rOR THE 1 CELEBRATED DUNLAP HAT lsOaaaSiri Thorn am -Seha f bata. wt na of them ara mt Ah mm feather aa -i , THE R0BS0N The beet ha that Ojaor at for tt tA ROBINSON CO. W Wirssieiii toct Nrtlsi LLjJ j Holmes Business College " . ytoilml Omw tBrYwBt, SttV, . I HOC Open all th Private or si a toanrnotton. of gradaatoa ta positional opportualtlas natanuy oeurilng. It pay to attend Cntotogaa, A., tllll Mllltiry Acadcny iwbaasb, anxaom, Ik artvemhmrdtogMg Ow wry emnpiiae, muse prassre- lea. nan C a or a samltlas c aav u OPBH. CUT THIS OUT smU W Br. f. W. Bill. BBt ina '' n-xaiBd. n. 1 tov ... toys, wham 1 want amd t r earn ara mi bm srleas sad teran; ah Bmshuant It ft I a U 1 HI PRIVATE i rtvaaat mty to l aasr W AntnnSr KarxAatD, We Are Open ' For fan etylea, with a fan Hna f loth, th best n tha PaaiSa We SUITS ALL STLX UMBO FOB ; 2S.OO '. ( -' and am Ladtoa ewa gwod nana aa for til. W alee make afetrta whotoaato aad retail. any p S A. LIPPMAN gave Finings iaw&w-aaatwi.r:":r-i old Orowna t-votait i UEe B METHODS. LOW PRICES A D OOOD WORK DONS BT BPECIALlL ra in eacn aapartmenL NO ITUDIfT't tn th office. All work done PAINLBaMLf or BfaKJi a u oxa or long years' nenca. uiv us a can, ana you wo do Just a we advartlaa. KDO will Snd Boston Dental Pariors TLSCARl Mineral Springs ToWbomhMayCotor-- f same ta tha above anrlag n AnrS) to take traatmant for mr area. I a a a vara mvera attack af catarrh af t: yea, waa. almost blind after tmutt. a wita tne past speeiausts thai eoui m and offering for nine yearn. I found. FAMOUSroSCAN STmoA far k aotnralaa Own too hlahlr. Ihoaa t a ther that jmaJfliatod w0 gtv Beees tat. mwSk mt raummattomf Twtcaa MJLmTml$pilAgCar, C. GEE WO Tb fJfwBt Chlaiss Pbcssf I anad great ba rn ase hi aiadotf tl are are a watt lraowa thronahoug the Untted taua and beoawse e s p people am than it - f Selrv? asvtag OPERATIONS . Ha tmato ana ami au diaai with knwa to m .tor. .STORES 1 n-aml 293 INrrlsflw weatfe euioea' and through the ua remediea. Thle ram i action mt vt too d powerful C htaaaa herb, raota. a, barks and vegeta. that amantrretp i ta uw af t tbAMbnrvw ou deator kaowg th etkm mt vr 000 dlftrent lyuedtof that be mm encoeeafully need la different uaraate to eum eaiarrn. aat:ma. tang Ireubtoa, rhenmaMem. aer vcuanea. sfemaah.. Jlver. kMneva, fe male trouble and TI prtvata die sees. Hundreds of tortlmonlala Cbaigm modarata. CaTI and sae bra. ant ut mt blank aad eirenJaa. laatorT. THE C 0EB W0 OUNESB MEDICINE Ca ttt Alder r a HENRY WEI.NHAKD City Brewery , . . . t A ,, "i .