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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
THB OREGON1 DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, C TTOtr: 1 t ICZS "E3T-. WANT n to ra AGXES ! eawspawjasnwaj m mm mots wm is re- AB MTV tot moM VtMMivwV' Wash.,,- -Oct. 4. John E-err hu left his happy aoms sad nia father. Frank Egerer, is snsbls to e eertsla his wherceboeta. Such to the story told this norntas hy John's father to the oounty recorder and hi deputies when be gave the officials a ' wrlttee nolle not to Imm John licensee to wed .'. should ho apply for-sueh permission, 5 The objection lo Johnx marriage bMad on hla minority. he being only years of ee. The woman (hat figures . in the com la admitted to bo old enough to w4 without the oonaant ef her pa rents. AgoM Toy la-the womb ho le alleged to M deeply enamored with, and Egerer, Mia elder, states that aba la wot under S yaara of age, Th boys f athor same ail Oia way rraea rorMt drove. Or- to bead hia aon ? ,.m in Vumhivh. as It waa rumored that th boy and hla Intended be Id war headed for thle berg for th express purpose of being happily Joined to wed lock. Th father has undoubtedly sue eeeded aa far aa th parties getting 11 eonoos to Clark county la eonoerned, . ynleaa they ha v; secured th permit ander some other name. Th couple have ho tws- or thro days from their home at Forest Orove, and It to fearad by th boy's fathar that they may have went lawhra and ser ried Out their Intention. Th boy's fathar haa aent out warn lags to various ether towns advising county auditor that h refuses bto eosv- Two persons whs would bo bride and nyn rurialv dlaanaetnted todav in tecunni a marries license. i- names of tho two. th facts hav not " been dented by Auditor Burnum on th grounds of a promise to th contrary. Th applicants affected by tho re- fuaal tola morning were confronted with . serious 181 objection, unknown, how over, is themeelree. It to sllsged.- Th two applicant approached tho auditor at hla offlc this morning with a third person ready to ma a affidavit that thrs wars no legal objections to their msrrlsg. Ths third man in the esse waa willing to swear that than were no objections that ha knew of. On being; Informed a divorce granted, to Hhr party within th last sis months ' annatitutttd a . less! objection. ho promptly declined to mak th required affidavit. Only about a month had etonsed. It was admitted, also both , Dart I wr divorced from former . nextners. t. Th divorces wer obtained In Port-. v land. It was known to them mat tne ' lawa of Oregon pre van ted them from re- ' marrying within six months, but this ' was anally to bo evaded, they sup- posed, by crossing th Columbia, and getting tied as on la ths BvorgTSsn ' state. And rude was the awakening . whan they learned that th Wasblng - ton law not only recoa-niaed th Oro- ' gon law on this point, but also has s. similar taw of Its own. . Tho parttoa In this Instance wer ro- ' oamlsad bv JUoordor Buxriham as ac quaintances of sevarai years alnoS. They fa tied at first to roeognhw Mr. Burn ham. but after he mad hla Identity known they showed a meek willingness to aocapt aom fathorly advto on ths - subject of procunnsT marrtag llcanaea. . Th advlos that Mr. Burnhsm kindly . extended to them, it to not denied. showed them that ths better policy would b to go to their roapectlv home and wait until th prohibitory sis noaths bos alapoed from tho tlmo th divorce wer secured befor making an attempt to aoeur h llens In this or any other stats, not wishing to experi ence th unpleasantness of , a similar mm snsria ksraa to them. .' In a kind' manner another ess was v; cited whereby th Intended hrid and : groom were doeply Improssod. This cas had Its inception In ths courts of Clark county, and to familiarly known : aa ths Pine us as. Pincus secured a orvoree xrom is . wlf and fallrd tk rooolv th admoni tion of the Judge granting th dlvoro -i regarding his . privileges of gottlng . married within six months, but dlsro 3 gardtng th deer of th court so far i mm th prohibitory ported waa oooeerned - went to Ban Pranelsco and was married to another woman of hto choice within 1 few gay thereafter. Matters went well with Plncua. it to said, for few preeks when wife number on mad edved a large "un ' W from his , relatives m Surops. He wss then served with a notice of an act Ion com- men ceo ay aia rormer wiie w wmt mmxam th decree of divorce. He waa unable tn return to Clarke county, or state of Wsshintftan to contest th act ton for fear of being Imprisoned for contempt of court and to nave the decree set , aside meant bigamy.- Hto- matter was : finally settled, however, by Pincus pey- Ing to hto first wife a good portion of the European wealth sent him. . i Two drvercee wer granted ' by the Judge sf toe superior oourt, A. U Miller. todayM 1 In th case sf P. W. Hilton sgalnet . Carrie K. Hilton, the husband as plsin- a tiff, appeared In person and by hla attor l key. H. W. Arnold, and th wife, ss de- , renasnt. appearea m pereosi ana or nr Sttomey. J. P. Stapleton. It la ' seldom that dlvoro case to contested In the ,' courts here, usually being ex -pert a. The contest, however, was mild end waa t- for the purpose of settling by decree l some minor ma tiers that th - parties failed to agree on beforehand. .. -' The grounds alleged by the husband for rights to secure a divorce was Ini n taM disposition and Incompatible tem perament. Th parties wer married In NEWBRO'S Herpicide The 0TisTa& remedy vhaa fcUto see 9m4r . GOlNOi . &QiN&ll GONE 111 H Wnt M. BsnliMi Wat TM lAOiM OBJECT ?Z ?Jl? & . . t .... D Hrplr1a Lsriea heeeeie eetsesleMW ever to a sasssy sd ?L?m'E2JZ . He refrexUec eaeUtr sad ,.1U frag- eae met Is rH sf sistajisUry eesiM m )t trori ilie ailcreblc growts Tn nitenaed to ay tee salr. Tb BMraeg H m)a. wm Aanervff. etepi falhag tolr awtejeaoi aw S selatv afewW, sartlea. U u4 gl-e It e 1lkea glees. STOrS ITVH- tori ess taat aewuemii eaeteelve ewaees I1 INfl INSTANTLT. , twllet.lspmfA eeUMiAffnal AV PXXBTSsT BAB SSTOPS. Clarke county. Washington, on May . lit 7, and lived together untu Jwy, There waa no property to be decided by the dlvoro decree and only one child, BoUle Irene, wbloh. with the flnal eos sent and willingness of tho father, waa given Into th oar and custody of the Biqther. nd th husband to pay U the eosta for both parti. The other oaae was that of Musette Leach against Lucas H. Issscb. This action was brought on ths ground of the wife having, ever since her marriage, had to earn nor own eupport. and! nee May I. ltM, of total abandonment; be sides which, during ths tlmo they lived together as husband and wlf. h was extremely cruel and abualve to bis wlf. Th trial was ex-part e, gad the plain tig was given her maiden name. Musette Hamilton.. The arttoft were maiTltln Vanoouvor sons fsw years since, and Mr. Leach was formerly principal of the public schools In Vancouver. . . . Pis PoOing Ptoses. " Tne oounty oonunlssloners for Clarke county met In regular session yesterday. Mostly preliminary business only wss transacted except th fixing of the vot ing or polling places In the several elec tion precincts In Clarke oounty, Wash ington, at th general election to b held In the county on November V which are as follows: Precinct No. 1. Alpine, school nous district No. 71; No. ft, Battle Ground. Maple Orove school house; No. t, Cata lapoodl. Pins drove school house, dis trict No. M; No. 4, Cedar Creak, school hHia in district No. 171 No, a, Che- latchte. Amboy school bouse; No. t, Co lumbia. MoMas tor's ban: c i. na Vanoouvor, Oeehegan's hail; no. . a- ton, Katon school nous; no. w, earn Prairie, Pern Pralrto school sous. l, Fourth Plain. Orange sail; no. . Fruit Valley, school house In district Nn T. No. 1ft. Harney. Harney school house; No. It. LaCenter. Hobert Kln-der-o hall; No. 1. Umna ICnrekn achoel house; No. It, Llnoola. L O, O. W. halt Bldgedeld; No. 1. Manor, nat woedB school house; No, 17, North Van couver, commissioner a wwi. houss; No. is, Pollock, noneer scnoot house; No. II. Preston. Bast mm -in .kaa! hauaai No. M. Salmon Creek. St. John s school bouse; No. IL WaahougaL Orange haUf-No. SS. West Vancouver, City hall (engine bouse) ; -No. 11, Whip ple Crock, school souse in. ne. 4K: No. St. Yaoolt, school houss to dis trict No. M. The dty councU held a, regular alna laat nlsrht but little BUSinea oompleted. A street Improvement dis trict was formes bob tne recommenu tlon given to the oars of the committee. In the matter of grading Eighteenth treat as estimate of costs waa made and the Improvement necessary was submitted end th city attorney was lo st rested to prepare an ordinance, mak ing as Improvement dlaUlet ordinance. Renewal of saloon license was granted to. Robert McLary and Pred Bows, pro prietor 4f Maple Leaf saloon. Larney A Klgglns were granted per mission to build on Fourth street, be tween Main and West B providing the Are ordinance was observed. The resignation of B. M. MeCllnle ss engineer of the are department was ac cepted. No successor waa appointed. The Democratic party In Clerks oounty opened Us campaign last night by' an address from ex-United State Senator George Turner at the Audi torium. There was s large attendance. His remarks were confined to aa attack on the attitude of the Republican party on ths railway commission Issue, and a vindication of hla own acts in turning from' ths Republican to other parties and finally Into the Democratic party. Th fight la politics w ana county irom now on to election will be vigorous. HOLY ROLLER WOMAN CREATES EXCITEMENT (special meaatek to h AerssL) Corvallls. Or Oct. 4-Ther wss a breese of excitement fc Csrvallto early Hiia saornlns when It beoam known that iir Levrla Hartley, a follower of A nestle Creffleld. had disappeared. Mrs Hartley baa been In the Bohemia mine with her husband daring the past few uiK( hut .recently returned to the hntn In thl City. About t o'clock this morning she left the house. and It waa surmised that aha had started for Salem. Word waa wired to Albany and a search started, but about II o'clock Mrs. Hartley returned to her noma, from whence, no one knows. It to stated that th Holy Rollers are la the habit of going Into secret places to pray, and It to not Improbable that Urm. Hartley was thus engaged during her absence from the house. Miss Sophia Hartley, the daughter, to in tne aayiusi st Seism, aa s result t urerneiaiam. The second pool of ehlttlm bark sold Is Alsss to now being delivered In Cor vaiile. Th pool consisted of 1 tons, 10 nf which went to sa Albany man at 11.11 hundred, and th rest to Wade Malen of Alsss for t.M. This sal eiaaaa nn moot of the peeled bark In the Alaea valley, although a few are aoldlng for s higher pries. SOUTHERN OREGON .11 NEED OF RAIN rnaMal tMsMteh to The leaf sal. Hoaaburc Or.. Oct. t. This county to missing ths early fall rains badly, the small storm tn September doing little good, ss th ground does not show the effect of It Is the least at the preeent time. If rain does not soon come there will be little fail grain own, but what to worn, the grass will not start, leav ing th settle without pasture, wnicn .in almost bankrupt th cattle owners. as thty have stood two bad winters la succession la which many catU per ished already. . Prom the Chicago News. Til east my bread upon th waters, aats the voun wife. - "Have you no feelings for ths poor fishr chuckled the brutal nusoano fisvs to. Tee Lees tor Biqlilli, s. p. nmmi IS REKITED ON (teecUl Dies tea to th fearsaL) "Oregoh City. OoC A specfcl meeG lng of th city council was held Is th council chamber last evening In con junction with ths cltlssns' committee appointed at. the maee meeting last Wednesday. A report wss made by the committee appointed by the cltlsens em bodying the , following recommenda tions: First That ths franchise be limited to II years. Second That gates and flagman be maintained nt the Congregational church and at Singer's hnlL Third That the underground subways nt Fourth and Seventh streets b 4t toast I feet high and SI foot wide and the city reeerve th right to construct sub ways to be at toast II feet overhead at such other places aa the city may need. Fourth That th subway at Third street be foot wide and If feet high Fifth That ths company maintain and keep dean all subway and light those at Pourth saw Seventh streets. Sixth That ths plans and apeclflos llons for improvement be Bads part of th ordinance. Seventh That ths ordinance declare that non-performance by th eoenpany to be grounds for forfeiture. Klghth A resolution was Introduced by Councilman Knapp and passed pro viding that th proposed ordinance be re vised before passing. Ninth That the grade) at Svnth street remain unchanged. . Tenth That the time for the begin ning and completion of the Improve ments be made definite. Eleventh That th subway st Third street be connected with the south end road ss ths grade herstof on . estab lished. - v sXatk sf P. O. nilisas K-Assessor BUI Williams left today for Troutdale to attend the funeral of hto brother, P. C Williams, whs died at that place on the Id of the month, after s lingering: Illness of s year and s half. He waa a native of Ohio, IS years age. and pioneer of 1MI. He leaves s wlfs and six children. The Interment will take place at Troutdale on Tues devy st two O'clock 1s ths sftsrnoos. Jobs L. Donner. through hto attorney. T. P. Cowing, has filed S suit In the circuit court asking that the bonds of wedlock between himself and Ctoxs a. Donner, his wife, be annulled. He alleges that they trre married at Sell- wood In 111, and that oereooant nas deserted him without cause. Hs asks for ths smstodp sf their little -year-a Pestsvosj cow wwssensi A netltlon was filed Is probate yes terday asking that th estate of Luclnda Deardorft be admitted to pro net, mi estate to valuod at about 11.10. W. aT Dlmlck has fUed suit and at tached a team of horse and wagon belonging to Charles Orlder. Dlmlck aiiana that he to the owner ox accounts amounting to about 170 due from Orlder, which were assignee: to- mm sy Oesrgs Toung and J. a. rnoe. A suit was filed In ths circuit oourt on Monday by Charles Kutemeyer and wlfs against W. B Toung and wlfs and K. C Tyler and wife. This to a suit to foreclose s mortgage of 11,10 given by defendants to plaintiffs In July tost year, and which to alleged to be now due. Th land covered Is situated about two miles from Oregon City. ftpeeUl nesateh to Th Jearssl.) Taeoma. Wash., Oct. It to definite ly announced that Bert W.-Collins, st present freight and passenger traveling event of th Canadian Pacific, la to suc ceed A. B. Colder, Canadian Pacific agent here. Mr. Collins was formerly or in Canadian Pacific office In Seattle. The appointment will Become effective Octo ber 1. . " (SpeeUl DUpetm to The Joaratl) Tacoma, Waslu, Oct. 4 Ths Taeoma smelter and th new Sperry flouring mill will us California oil as fuel as soon sa arrangements can be oompleted. The smelter company la now putting In a tank having a capacity of M.OOe. bar rels, and th Sperry mill on that wll hold ,0 barrels of the dl. , DESERTED BY HUSBAND; SEEKS QUICK DEATH (fipsnai Dateateh to The fcsrsal. Seattle, Wash., Oot 4. Because she believed her husband has deserted her. Mrs, Charles B Krouse gathered her babe tn her arms lst Sunday evening and hurtod herself in front of a passing street car. Quick action on tho port of ths nvotormaa saved both their live, an naasensers on th ear ft off and took th woman to her home, st ISIS Co- luanhla street- - - Sunday evening Mrs. Krouse saked her husband to take her out walking, tie re fused and told her to go ouL She dressed her babv and started ts church. When she returned home h found a not signed by her husband on the table charging her with all sorts of miscon ducts , snd informing her be wss going to San Francisco, never to see her again. Th woman was penniless and being la lit healths did not know what to no. Ah brooded over her trouble until shs says she was almost erasy OBPSWBSy BT OX9BJ fSaeeUl Ptomteh to The Jeer sett Aurora, Or.. Oct. 4. Osorge Hosteller. a prominent young rancher residing near Needr. was killed in as aeciocni on sis nlaoe. vesterday afternoon. He was op erating a hydraulic elder press wad was slon at the time of ths accident, so no one knows exactly how H happened, but H 1s thought that something got out of order unde meets the machine and tnst h crawled in to adjust It when s large pomace vat broke down and orushod him. oonf SITS A IA SaVajraB, ' Nsseritl Dtveatcft to The JeersaLp Ls Orsnde, Or., Oct. . The flsat tons of circuit oourt is being jteis in Orsnde the ths removal of ths county seat from Union to Ls Grande, In the Commercial club auditorium, SS the courthouse will not be completed for a few weeks. Several Important eases are ts b tried this week. ' Prom the Toledo Binds. ' If on sould SMnemher, when saked for advice, that his friend wants only confirmation of hto own Judgment, it would save stuck heaxtaco. - .... 'l OOMMTTTSS AfNUTII ST CBTa- OP OOOHCUTAV AJTP PsWRalT MM pobv ancBOBTTjr wuMmmom AFf CISTS PASTGS m cass YEAR ftUU POM PvMTAAsTm. : v.' h . .-. Jearal fieeelal Serrlee " Bu gene, -Or.. Oct. . After passing flt ting resolutions sf thanks to those whs have contributed to Its success th. Ore gon conference of th Methodist Kplsoo pal church, which has bees In session her for A weak, earns to a close tost night. Pastoral sppotntanenU for ths somlng year were announced as follows: West Portland district Presiding elder. Rev. W. B. Hollingshead; Amity, T. L. Jones; Astoria, W. 8. Grim; Bea verton, J. W. Kxen; Busna Vista, to be supplied by J. A. Meara; Clatskanto, J. W. Hawkins; Cornelius, R- & Wliklns; Corvallls, O. H. Feese; Dallas, James Moore; Dayton, R. K. Dunlap; DUley and Lafayette. W. & Holcomb; Kuoe chapel, to be supplied; Palls City. O. P. Round; Forest Orove, X P. Belknap; Hills bore, C U Hamilton; Independence, B.W. Mlayer; Knappa. to be supplied by W. H. Moys; Lincoln, B. Olttlns; Llnnton and Scappooee, to bo supplied; MoMlnnvllla. K. P. Zimmerman; Nehalem and Bay City, to be supplied; Newbsrg. Hiram Gould; North Yamhill, A. C Bracken bury; Philomath, to be suppHed. - Portland Chinees mission Chan Btng Kat; First ohuroh, P. B. Short and O. N. Dents ton; Grace church, to be supplied; north Portland, H. P. Atkinson. Rainier and St. Helena, to be supplied by J. O. Alford; Sesslde and Hammond, to be supplied by O. M. Thorp: Shertdsn. B. H. Bryant; BUets Indian mission, to be supplied by J. O. Stevens; Tillamook. C A. Stockwsll; Toledo, C. hi Bryan. H. J. Talbot, superintendent Utah mis sion: A. N. Fisher, secretary sf Japanese dty missions on the Pacific coast; O. L. Tufts, Anti-Saloon league agent. East Portland district r Presiding elder. Rev. U Rockwell. 41 Saat Eighth street. Portland; Albany, D. T. Summorvlll; Boring. David Wolfe; Bri dal Veil and Palmer, to be supplied by J. H. Wood; Brooke, Wilfred Smith: Brownsville, A, J. H oil In gs worth; Oanby, C. A. Housel; 'Clackamas and Oswego, W. B. Moore; Ores ham. M. U Harding ham; Halaey and Harrlsburg, J. H. Skldmore; Jefferson, B. C. Alford; Lob anon, Alfred Thompson; Marquam, P. S. Clemo; Mehama, to be supplied by P. C- Thompson; MontavUla, Andrew Mon roe: Mount Tabor, S. XL Memmlnger; Mullne and Clark, to be supplied by Walter Wiles; - Oregon City, J Henry Wood; Pleasant Horn and Roekwood. P. S. Pox; Portland Central, P. L. Toung; Centenary. W. H. Heppe,' dty missions, J. J. Walter; Patton, Asa Bleteh: Sell wood. C. A. Lewis; Sunny- side, T. B. Pord; St. Johns, to be sup- nlled br C H. Camnbell; Trinity, Har old O'Berg; University Park. D, A. Was ters; Vancouver-Avenue, W. T. .Kerr; Woodiaws, & H. Dowart; Woodstock, c B. Cllne; nalem. First ohuroh, W. H. Sel look;' Leslie ehurch, W. S. Gordon; Shedds. D. L. Fields: SUverton. B. B. Look hart; Turner. C M. CrandallE Viola. J. j. patten: Woodburn, D. H. Leech. John Parsons, superintendent Alaska mission: L. HL Pederson, missionary In Alaska; W. R. Drew, professor lh Wil lamette nnrrerslty. member of " First church. Salem, quarterly conference; C A. Dawson, professor tn Willamette uni versity, member of First ehurch, Balsm, quarterly ooaferenee. ' Bugen Dletiict Presld lng elder. Rev. M. a Wire: Althouse snd Waldo, to be supplied by A. P. Buebe; AshUnd, J. T. Abbott; Canyon villa, B. A. Brlatol; Cen tral Point, to be supplied by O. L. Bur bank: Coburg. W. H. Meyers; Coqulll and Bandon, J. L. Beatty; Cottage Orove, P. L Moore; Cottage Oroj clr- oult. to be supplied; Creswell, J. l Stafford; Drain, M. T. Wire; Elkton, to be supplied by Amos DahllR; Eugene. B. P. . Rowland; Fort Klamath,. W. B. Pepper: Gardiner, C O. Beckman; Grants Pass. J. M. McDougall; Jacksonville, to be supplied by A. J. Armstrong; Junc tion City, to be supplied by W. M. Ere klne; Klamath Palls, to be supplied by M. C. Starr; Klamath Indies mission, J. M. Bweney: Lakeview, Sanford Snyder; Marahfield, C T. MoPbersoni Medford, P. C Black well; Monroe, L. C. Zimmer man; Myrtle Point, N. J. Harblt; Pais ley. W. B. P. Brows; Roseburg, O. H. Bennett; Springfield, J. C. Gregory; Ten Mile, W. P. Rogers; Wendllng. to be supplied; Wilbur, S. V. Warren; Wilder vllle and Merlin. L- D. Mahone; L D. Driver, lecturer In Willamette univer sity, member of Eugene quarterly eoa ference; A, S MuUlgan, missionary to Nevada. ' , ' MONTANA KNIGHTS . . CHOOSE OFFICERS lematal DUeateS to Tee leermL) Helena, Monc Oot 4. Th Knights Templar ooenraandery of Montana lot- ed the following ofHcere st Its annual meetings Is this dty, wbloh dosed tost Sight! Right eminent commander, Francis D. Jones, Helena; deputy, Era 11 H. Rdnlsch, Butte: generalissimo, J. B. Laggatt. Butte: senior warden. Daniel A. McCaw Livingston; Junior warden, P. B. Moss, Billings; treasurer, H. M. Parchen, Hel ena: recorder, Oorndlus Hedges. Helena nrelate. Rev. Prank B. Lewis, Boseman The Royal Arch Masoalo chapter to In session today. FAMOUS THEATRE.TO BE SOLD BY SHERIFF ISBerlal Dhmteb to The Jerssl.) Bell Ins ham. Waah., Oat, 4. Thl af ternoon, in th superior oourt. motion. will be made to foreclos the mortgage on Jacob Book's theatre and hotel in this olty. This to after several postpone ments mod to give Mr. Beck a chano to raise th money to satisfy clsingt. It It said no further time will be sough by the receiver or by Mr. Beck. Holders of amchanlcs' liens aggregat ing 121.00. and W. B. Geffrey, holder of a second mortgage for ISO.ooe. aah Judg ment. B. C Graves, holder sf th first mortgage, snd other creditors claiming IT, 001, will appear In the action. Beck'a theatre Is pn of th largest en th coast, having cost llli.eo. -, v -, .i - ..fc. CAJUrA2. SF MSSIOQ. (ieraal eeertsl Berrte.r Mexico City. Oct. 4. Among all clasee consMrrabl Interest to mani fested In th general conference of th Catholto ehurch authorities of Mexico which began Its sessions today In the city of M oralis. Ths conference to the first of Its kind tn many years and tt haa revived the' report that th church tn Mexico la te be honored by th crea tion ef a cardinal. Th two churchmen who are prominently mentioned for this prospective honor are Archbishop Sllva of Mureila sod Archbishop OlUow . sf osssosT vomrmmamvm op mtbio- ooumi uowmmLurmnmn w. m. bxst arnvr! omumom cost- Maxposr iiaxm nsn-ASTsTVAft , OVBM AJnrVAA SSBIUS APPOHTIUS htsyi TO ra BsTT- w. m. soumsvjiB runm srnAm nisisuois vmm oovs- L LtfuEY is disk: iiew 11, SLS POB BACK (Baeetal Msmtek to The esrasL Albany. Or Oct 4. County Superta- tendent W. L. Jackson yesterday after noon made ths semi-annual distribution of money to ths schools of Linn oounty. apportioning IH.711." to the several districts. There was 4 roc sun uia trlot from the county fund, snd 11.41 for sack on lid enumerated ia tne oounty, to snr. wsra, -The Methodists of this city will to night tender a reception to itev. ana Mkb. M. a Wire. Dr. wire, wno. nas bees pastor of the church in tats city, kaa bean annolnted Dree Id tax elder of the Eugene district. In which Albany la located, snd It to sxpeoted that as will locate is fflugons. . . - Aged Weanas XMes. Mrs. VI H. Caldwell, wife of s promi nent farmer living three miles from this city, died St S o'clock this morning after an Illness of three meotns, agou 41 years. She leaves s busbana ana i children. Three of nor enuareu sr dead, ah having been the mother of II. She wss a native ox unie, ana wn to Oregon In th early day. Shs wss a member of the Baptist ohuroh. The hotel at Detroit at ths east snd of the CAB. railroad haa boss burned, en tall log a loss aggregating sooui Il.e0e, It was the only eating noun la the nlaoe. leaving ths w1 without a place of entertainment or strangers. Ths loss Is nearly ooverao oy iwunnm Anrei Himea. secretary of the Ore gon Historical society, and ens of the best Informed men In the stats on tne hiatorv of th northwest and es pecially Oregon, stopped off to thto dty eeterday afternoon on hla way horn from Jacksonville, wnere ne apen past week looking up some oata n eon-: nectton with his work. While here be wlU Tlslt MU ton Haw. tn urn sewer to locate tn Linn oounty and secure from him some datn regarding ths early days of the Willamette valley. He had la hto possession n rare coin, a b place of the "Beaver" coinage, minted by the provisional government of Ore gon, before ever taiixonua awe i lajnous slugs. Ths dies from which ths Beaver money was oolned, toads of old wagon Urea that had crossed the plains la the early '40s. are still preserved la the of fice of ths secretary ei tie. Hlmes said that on bto preeent trip he bad finally secured absolute proof ss to who had led ths first wagon trsln from Oregon to California, when gold was discovered In that stats Captain Thomas McKay waa at the head of ths first expedition that ten urego sur ths golden stats. AW (Joerael skirts! srrto. vaiifaa. M. B.. Oct 4. Admiral Besunoust. Admiral 'Douglas sueoeseor as commander of tne untisn ,ki. .tinn ia sua to arrive awnwrew. He will assums oommano at once a Admiral Douglaa will leave ths latter part of the week for Mngiano. SO DECEPTIVE Many INhrUausd PaopH Fall to Reslli ths Seriotjstrsss. Backache Is so deceptive. It comes snd goes keeps JOS ess- lng- in the cans, tnes ours iw Klne times out of ton It somes from the kldnevs. That's why Dosn'k Kidney run snr Curs every kidney IU from pAosmens to diabetes. i . Hers A 'Portland esse to prove it: Mrs. D. Murphy, widow, who lives st Itft Proa street eays: -ysara ago, wnew living in Kansas, I wad greatly troubled with kidney complaint 'At that tuns I waa, I might say, perfectly neipioss ror months, but In time It wore away as mysteriously ss It cams , It did not bother me again until tost fall. When there waa every symptom of Its return, and knowing what I bad suffered for merly, I began to look around for some thing to check It end on looking over th paper I noticed Doss's Kidney PHI hlghy recommended, so I procured them st the Leue-Dsvto Drug Co's store, cor ner Of Yamhill snd Third streets, and took them ns directed. It only re quired a few days' treatment to ward off the attack. Sines then I have recom mended Dosn's Ktdnsy Pill to num ber of tor friends.' Per sals by all dealers. Pries II oents. Foeter-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. K. T . sols agents for the United States. Rem em her th asms DO AN and take no other. ' YOU PLAY AND WE PAY Novel Pmm to Introduce a . fine Piano, y Prompt Pur chasers Get the Benefit. Every purchaser of s Story Clark piano In th first three carloads received by Eiler Piano House lsto get It at dletara1 wholesale or I ce. This Is S sav ing to you of a clean $1M snd svan more on some siyies. Music Lessons Free . Purchasers of the pianos slso rs oelve music leeeons for sis months by any teacher or school they may select t ahanlulelv no cost to them. We ar to foot th bill and th Story dt CUrk Company pay us. Text Books for Nothing Instruction books that may be re quired are also to be furnished by us ratla at exnens of the Story A Clark Company, th purchasers of ths piano to mas taeir own seieciion. And a Christmas Present - To make this ths most remarkable In troductory offer on record, the Story dt Clark Company baa also generously an nntmrad that ft vtll at Christmas time present vry on of th purchasers of piano put of thee first three oars with s handsome cabinet. W would Ilk to explain this fully to you. Won t you com in ana examine the friagnlflnent display of Story A Clark Instruments which we are now making? The tilers easy payment plan obtains for every Story A Clark piano as well as all our others, and every one la fully gtisranleed. Order filled by malL Eller Piano House, 1.1 Washington street, somsc Park,. '. r - ' " T" " l .J I Cr ' . I IV- slo&Uing Ihe Food and Retfula ttag teSttawte oxalBowela of ness Md rtest.ContaUts reUter Otaum,Mothuni fwrrtaeral Apcrfecl Refneby rorComHrnv RontSour Sronwh.Dianiioes Vbrms jCoiTvutokMis .Feveriah- lsTAmeWjU)aOySsaaTO . lsc&ssuto Snjnsawrs of ' .: XEW YDBK. 'Awe 1 . . nwstw 1wMMnlBitoks'w)it ". nTio.Hk, ' U UeSeae ee lae Imw; leesa it Ammi -Irk m Am ike aasMS tsev save, bet 1 nan an 5 -U to neat seen tertiectlee to w eie eayexy. 'ket't ike set te nw tsaeeeea aaekv weeks e aeatto Warn dw es la eaestr wlaaMems saese wasf ute Seae4 ef m ribe," by WassM trots. Ceey. sSswaeyCelkweWetsly. rvl Twlaiie. to St U'43 end nsturn -. kssiailtok(iissi) torn ' y ;- -i-x '.it 'vV-'f. .' ' ' Tbs Rock Itlasd 8Ttem oStn twarootci ;is At Worids Fair Ckr t St, rsol- Mbncipolw, and through Scenic Coiorsdo, No changs of can, Ofdea m St. ham and St Paul to St Usnt, .-f- -V.;. .J rat Oltosnss. . A. fX. VeDswaxav Omml Aa 1st 3rd Street, ear. Aktor Scisst ' ' PsrtauAOrs. THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON , starteoJ riomt Zl RATES ARE CORRECTLY BASED ' Good IhsarsUsce Furnished toaMen and Women Who , . v Can Pass Required Exsuninau'ons. ' f ALL WHO ARE UNDtR THE AGIJ Of " SIXTY CAN JOIN . If jroa wsnt tbs best ftnternsl trwursnce In ths world, bp westicsts ths pusos of Tbs Order of WsshirMXtoo; for full psx ticulsrs, parnphlets, eta, sxtdress, girins: yoar age, J- MITCH ELLi Supreme SeusUfy, : V-' a V"''' - 613 Msrqosm Bldg., Prirtlsrid Ore. ! THE TROY POPULAR LAUNDRY j Ten thousand patrons attest the superb work and perfect ssrrlos that ' have made this laundry a success. - T X BOwSB Of ITS sUStlsltWltB lBATirBSSr NO CHBhtlCAIjB. WBBAT X Z STARCH. OUR HOMKV-F1L.TBRXD WATER FOR WASHING. , ALL LOSSES MADB GOOD HERB. irsntT bxpb omoii I Troy . Laundry ; Company i f " ' mAfnronVe'l. WATBB SrBaTf, SABV SZSB,' " T I e ts famtlMS ss And yesr kasJp aO Special rates made hath sslaiMskmssl k tnd hstefc, Th3 Kind Yea K:va v r-. Bears the . t Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years lake rnw H. , .let I Ha PArtlnnn . AsssHcse Mee S3 Per Osy sm4 Uffrt sjsuiouAsrrm ron yovtum mBBCIsL TmA StagU SesUesjes. A tnodsre A tt Sunsaa m Ul ' W If: lit I JlrAV 1 I 1 VIA tlx in s n II . rnrfii di i i ill r 7 X. W3 ie " FOLLOW THB FLAG TO THB .WORLD'S FAIR , See that your ticket reads via ,,; , WABASH R. R. . tatristl at maw entrance to tne C CL4WS,T. U r.AJL, IA,alla WAV