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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
. c i Z' "U r ' v i :y rr -1, ocTorlt 4, r - " . II. . r tWt -ms for Oregon of tha world-famous Bonnat at Cia's Silks ths kind grandma wots. . Portland's Quality ;' Shop Among the j- stock are Ran ret. Detroit Cook rrtre Opon an account. Ws shall b pWasad to oxtand you ' credit If worthy. Talk it over with our credit man Third Floor. Home Heaters on third floor. Car- Portland's Foremost Store City agents for the popular Gage, Bendel (English) and 0. W. ft K. Hats and Connelly Turbans. Oldest and leading mail order house on the coast If you can't shop personally, 'phone or write and your order win be filled carefully by an experienced shopper, at the advertised price. 8end for the new and beautifully illustrated house catalogue, mailed free to out-of-town folk upon application. .. . 'The ' ' , . . - pets on fottrth floor. v ; ; A CARMTVA1 OP MIGHTY FRICB-CTJTTllfa THROUGH ALL TM setosj STOCKS. Ptoitf end pert ef the seats Mwiieil do rather than mort the goods to tbs mw annex itow thia wnth, , Meanwhile, . nti your footwear bill. v- . VARIOUS GOOD SAVING IN SHOE. :r. ' -o:' . " .' Bona rniiMa' ede--and the best tn point of mam. etyle ana marker. FOR WOMEN'S STKBBT SROBS, WORTH $4.00. Worn en's Winter Shoes, for etreet wear, omt 1b boa oelf, relour enlf, pat , -'ent hid, patent leather and vUl kid. Blueher or Ball etyle, medium round teee regular $4. value; apeolal prloo, pair 0388 ' TBS FAMOUS -MPKSJSS SHOES FOR WOMEN FOR lite, Women's Dree Bhoee, Blueher or Ball, round toaa, Cabea heela, wait or X turn eolee. with medium round or square edge, mad of boa nlfr viol or patent kid, with patent or. etook tip, trtaa "mmpr" Shoe. regular prloe till; opeeial for oaa dar only, pair ............,...,.. .fja.SR 1 1 $ FOR WOMBiri M.M SHOES. fHM'i vtrllah Shra. paunt oit or riot kid Tampa, man vppara, roand . to aad auutary haala, aseaUaut ralaa, rsJar prleo MAOi apaelal : 1" . palf .. .mt0&0V' - ... .....'-; WOMEN'S t SHOES FOR - Oood Wtstar Show for woman, with haavy or Ugkt aolaa, pataiit Upa, mltl tarr kaal, la Sro-dlfforaai atjrl, isular f raluaat pooial.- ..w ....4.01M v $S.I FOR WOMEN'S IS.M AND SIM SHOSa , Waaaaa'e varr Sao ShOM of pataot kid. LmM haala, Boat pUM or rlppad toaa, matt kid or dll patent kid tapa. hand aavad. tvra aolaa, . raaular S.t and tt.00 fthoaa: apaolaL pair. i . . .R3.4B BOYS WINTER SHOES, haavy doahU aolaa, full round toaa, haavy . ham oalt upparar aood atibatantlal ahooa, built for aefaoal waar- ttUa Oanta'" aiaaa, U U 11, rapular l.7i opaolal, palr..,..SJl,88 Toatha oloaa. U to ft, Vagulor ll.fro: opooliO, pair ii.48 T Roya oisaa, t to 1)4. raaular U.M Miss ; 'V ; AT SraCTAL SPECIAL RATES TO Underwear "Comfort Continue Wednesday Via Knitwwar Aislsa First Floor Women's $1 Undergannents 09o Wsmoa'a whito swim rlbbad worotad Vaot aoda Fanta, nadlum wlrhta. boat dollar jarmonto ' In town; Wadnaaday apaelal at aaeh..... 604 Chlldran'a Swlaa rlbbad oottoa Voata and Fanta a aaaaooabia watsht. and aatra ralua at aaoh !. .BSd) ! v s :: Hosiery Stop Oft ; Womoaa Mack fall walght laiportod Uato Row lary. Ana aauao, with hlah apltoad haala, doublo aolaa. fun Balahad. Boat 0o Taluai apaolal " WMneaday ..;.88d ChlMraii'a blaek madtum wolgtit Boatary, with doubla knaaa and Anlahod foot, tio aad too valuaoi apaelal Wadnaaday at, pair tSd FOURTH ' Tho araat fall aaosrtmonU aro haro ta vaat array. Ftek up aa aaatora papor anywhara and yoa'U aota all tho boat otoroo aro toiltac of tho arat upartorlty of tao Oragoa product la blankot llaao. Wo Orca folk bora at homo at Ubmo da not appraelaU our production 'U prophot fa hlo own country, " ate. War not only tho boot of good, houoat OLD ORBOON BLANKET 8, but tho plcklno from tho oholoaat makoo of alt tho oaotora blankat tatlla. Evory ono mado oa honor from aalaetod otoefc by akUlad mahara: ovary ono moat paao a orlttaal OnuamaUoa baroro It laavan tho milL and amhi oa It paaaaa throuch aur rooatvlnajjoom, baforo tt oaa raaah tha atocka from which you aaloct. A wldo raaao In prlcao a Ma tho aaUotloai Whit. Blankata, R4.K0) to 888 poir, with alao ta-botwoaa sradoa, . . . Ia mottlod oolorlnca, pair .B3.8d to B.0O Sanitary ami atrror amy. - ' Plata sray to S6.00 poir -88.78 to 8T.B0 Vieoao brown . .-. 4.fiO to SS.OO " Fawa oomo, pair 88 d ST launanoa aad oomplat aaaortmaato of Sno Jaequard Robo Blaakato for ao aa Blum bar or Bath Robaa. INDIAN BLANKETS a matohloao wioty of thoaa for tho dent llrin room, oaay oornar, oouoh throw or any oftbo hundroda of uoao to which thoy oro pot, handoomo, rich aotormta. Tho vary eraam of thana atocka oaaao to thio atora thia ooaooov Chiidrao'o Crib Bunaota in fall vartaty. .. . - ' ' TiS Great Removal Sale c 8 , GOOD SHOES Bpaalal. pair air ''. 8a.T8 Petticoats Will Note This ' la tho Amu Stooad Floft.,1..'. '. tAdlaa Fatttooato of Blaek Maroarlad Faroaltna, daap flojioa with two oluatora of thrao atrlpo aaeh and two ruXflaa, roauiar $i.M valooi apa , aial at ..r Petticoats and Cushion Tops Pit ICES WEDNBSDAT BO OND FLOOR AND ANNEX. JUdlar halt FottlooaAo la plalm Maok, whtta, HM t blue, pink aad cardinal of aama oolora with i ; faney atiipaa, rafula prlao 1.00 raiaai apodal ot ..............d Coahiom Tapo of Sao taa art daaiaM With sraan , backo .topo atainpad and tinted in roao, vlolat - aad hoUy Aaoiaaa, ropulor 40a: apaelal at Ba4 . M..i8e S3 Ormnd Autumn Opening The World's Best Blankets FLOOR. Homestead Store":ijKM:: Homefitting Store WE'RE READY TO , DECK THE OCTOBER BRIBES AND FURNISH THE NEW HOMES WITH NEW MERCHANDISE OP THE RELIABLE, WORTHY SORT. PRICES NEVER MORE HERS THAN ELSEWHERE OFTENER LESS. If home-fitting be fai mind run thro this printed list. The price are mighty helpfuL Every worthy style and color and weave finds fullest expression now far our vast assortments. . Whether you follow the dictatee of popularity or axe fond of the charm of axcmslveiisai whatever your taste, you'll find amplest means for its gratification here. The all-pervading force of this great mercantile army of workers reaches everywhere. Every nook add cranny of three continents ia explored In our never ending search for tha latest, choicest examples of fashion and nowhere outside this store can such a broad, comprehensive idea be obtained of what every woman desires most of all to know at tha beginning of the new season. Mora than that, this truth la as apparent today aa ft has always been and as we mean .lt always ahall be for all time to coma. THIS HOUSE SELLS CHEAPER FOR EQUAL QUALITIES AND PROVIDES BETTER QUALITIES TO ITS PATRONAGE THAN ANY OTHER 8TORS ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE! ITEMS OF INTEREST TO WEDNESDAY BUYERS: r , - - . .' - snoo Bornord, la eharta oT tho Oraod SaJn of Praoo. forWand'o larpaot and foromoot womon'o oalaw appatol ahop--4aaTao oa Thoraday noxt for hot oooond trip tala aoaaon to Now Tork City, In tho lataraata of bar aaattoo, lilaa Barnard will maat whim tharO with tho raproaontatlvo atylo orbltora of rrla, London and our owa Amorloan faobion oaatar, and ohoooo, with than, mora of tho new aoaaoii'a eraatlona for tho woar of hor Ollaotolo to taao tho plaoa of thoaa aouo out to pleaaod woarora durlnf tho onormoua boolnoaa aeoofdod aa thua aarly In tho oaaaon. Tho oniarfomoBt of tho dopartmant la tho rary near futuro to doublo lta proaont otaa aad tho unprooedeatod domaad far tho atyiaaaOiorlao OLDS. WORTH AN KINO garmenta, makoo t)ta oaoond tnp lmperatlva at thia tlma. Any apaolal ordoro for any garment dee trad by our clientele and lotruatad to Mloa Bernard oaro will bo faithfully attended to- SuehoaoaU bo left with her before 4 p. m. of Wodnooday naat. , , .' , ChaUTTiinj: Autuinn Gowns and Frocks at Portland's Largest and Foremott . Women's Outer Apparel Shop - ' . WEDNESDAY THE LAST DAY OF THB GREAT OCTOBER SALS OF Rare Silks and New Fall Dress Fabrics The mleo of tho past two aya am been oaprooodontod la any October month la tho tore' hlatory for a oorro opondlng period. Our silk buyer, now la New York, la meeting with us chancao that only oomo to him who to en tho ground at tho Umo thoy offer. Every yard of SUk and Dram Stuff la tha offering la now, right from tho loom of tho makora. Thee value are unprecedented. They end tomorrow night. On special sale Wednesday. Tn very best Taffeta over offered, Wednesday only, at Sfj R'lr"'Vl"ir'par'y"pa'Nw. Rich SHIRT WAIST SUIT SILKS, for Wadnaaday, . In tho largest assort ment of now, style and eol oro ohowm hi the west. Sllka that have made thia tho Bilk Store of the Faotflo Coast in' fact, the larkaat west of Chicago. New Bengaltne ef feota, new Taffetaa In all atylee and color combinations. BpeolaJ for two daya only, per -vard 93c Regolar ll.TI par yard grade ta Rain proof Pabrtoe. U inches wide, in all the new manalah effeote, for eoau and ahlrtwalat suite: oolor are navyOi Speeial for Wednooday Only, l AQ per yard, - A' iwrythinf In ths line of houMfurnishinfts that the economical housekeeper wiU want Just owf and st prices that will loosen tht strinjrs of her shopping bag - now, No. t Wash Boiler, eopper bottom: Bpeclel price , .) Patent Mop Handtee; special prke, uth TO Tm Olloono, m-sok ame; apooml price, each lOe) Bound Trays, am and, U-ta. else; apodal prloe 04 Bomb Bruahea. t-la, Otao: opecml price. a earh B Bandy Kluaen Seta, ptooaoi opeeul prloe .-IS v , SPECIAL SALE O.W.ftR SEWING MACHINES FOURTH FLOOR. Fan sewing to at hand; It' taawet done On aa Olaa. Wortmaa Kins Machine. Blgh arm, ball bearing, drop head , maehino, with golden oak cabinet Ouaraateed le year. Samo ataebino that a local asenoy aoko yea to pay 0 for; apeotal her ..... , f .v Same ao above, except m hoa top atyte, with I drew era. the $ agency maahme: special f I t amo ao above m t drewora, hex top, oak cabinet, the 141 ageney machine; opoelel ..ei.W Credit to rooponalblo porttao U desued. See the eredK maa Third floor. Spacisl Ssis wTitntsi Rugs Contiimss This Week. B - - m-'-m mm m -ma - -w . ..----.y- . PERSONAL WB-VB TAZLOPJEO SUITS TO St7l BVBRT POBTLAKD WOKAM. . woto had parUeular modal nad thia autumn for aherVwojotod women, : model tor woman who wear raaular aiaaa, and oooroa of oinala B owelty Suit for people who want aomothlac difforoat from ovorybody olo. Ramombor. ao hald-oror oulta or mado-ovor frock horo to palm off aa now, and no oxacterated faahiona that will bo denied by raohioa or tho aoaaan ooek orowa thrloo or real wtator oomo. Mora than era thia oen eon aoaa tala houe merit tho UU of " v .PORTLAND'S STYLE STORE" i Tho ereot SaloM of Draae aro a dollffht to aM womea who ara lorar of -tho beautiful in dreoa. Never baforo la tha hlatory of our bualnooo hoa oar ahowlna; of now, authoritative faahiona boon a largo and complete aa now. The buelnoa ha rown ao faat that wa'ro enabled to carry ovoa larpar atoak than ever before a broader raaao of style la ovary apparel Una. With tha growth of tho bualnaoa ha oomo a growth bt tho atrongth and power of our organisation rooultlng la bettor and mor oaraful planning and tb development to blgh dagrao of the art of originality la itvlea. Thua wa have eo-opratd with tho loading garment manufacturer of two continent, and have produced a large number of exelualv atylee that oaa only bo aooa bar. Tho grand Salons of Drooa present what wa may truth rally and atronalr assart la a nearly perfect example of what la pooslbl la -ELEGANCE IN DRESS MODERATELY PRICED leaq ruble eapootatton will bo moro than mot la tho apiondld aeUoetloa oaW . SUPSRB TAILOB-V A DB COSTUM ES AND STTLISH WALKING SUITS, ; BEAUTIFUL NETS' STYLES IN BVKNINO AND DfNNRft OOWNa IMPORTED ANnmHERICAN COATS AND WRAPS AND RICH FURS. " DAINTY SILK WAIBTS AND SBPARATB WAT.KINO SKIRTS. - ; , THEATRE AND OPERA WRAPS A BPECIALTT. ' SXOLUSIVB STYLES IN TUB NEW SILK UNDERSKIRTS IN WALK- , INO LENGTHS. ' ' - Chlldron' "Pater Thompoon tntormodiato Jaekot ad Skirt Sntt. hj aga from 10 to 1 years. Tha Jargaat Una on tho ooaet of these salts. ' Bxeluslvo a gents for thl entire Motion of country for Mile. Sehrodra Opera Cloaks, downs, ate. Thl famoua New York arbiter of faahloa oo flneo hot mahaa absolutely to thio atoro la oil tho West, The Biggest line of Raincoats b Portland, $10 to $50 la a Thlabw Portland's Largoot Oarmont Stora, Arbiter of Fatal an and .. Fair Prloo Makora, ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. NEW BLACK DRESS FAB RICS for Wednesday, New Turkish Mohair. New Silk and Wool Crepe do parts, Pop Ha do Chens, Prunellas, Cro pon. Mohair Ottomans, English and French Venotmno. aicHmna. read lot ha, Carltas-4n foot, a arand aa- oortmont of Mew Black Dree Stuffo aneoual ia any otore m tho etty at tho. regular price. I1M per yard. A . A Special for Wednesday oniy,e M nor yard,...,..... COLORED ' DRESS OOODB Special for Wednesday Prleetfey 4-lnch RAINPROOF CRAVENETTB. In a 'full assortment ef oalora. In Venetians Herringbone and Tweed effects, regu lar t.0 and tt.W gooda A. tf A Special for Wednesday only.: 1Q , par yard. -' ) ? HELPFUt PRICES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. - -v- ? Tia Paua: la-at. atoor aaooml orico. each It4 Oalvanlaod Palla. IP-aL Oiae; apeolal prtee. eaen ld Tin Sauospana. t-at alas; oposmt ' . Prt. each '.?... ,.1Q Tin coianderoi spec mm pnee, ' ......-...iied) Bxtanslon Broeai or Dudtrr Hondlea; saeelal nrlce 12a Claw Hateheu: speeial arlee, each B8o WEDNESDAY Regular ll.TI par yard All-Woet Bng llsh Venetian, easel lent value at our regular lew prloe. full oolor assort ment of red rorala navya, browns, tana resaaaa, eadet and grave, for street , salts, jackets and e spare to klrta. Nothloa w i more down to data and durable. Regulas ILTf per yd.; apeoml for Wed nee-CI 70 day only, per yojd.........VSad egumr fl.M Ail-Wool Venotlooo. tn ler a above, tt Inehea nA Mo, Speeial for Wednesday . Qx ily. per yard... only. Regolar All -Wool French veno ttena and Camelehair Eibeiino Suit ings, 'splendid weight for tailored gult: color oro moleskin, browne. tana, reds, navy and Ox ford. Speeial for $1.19 weanesany ontr, per ra.. Oranlto Iron PuddtDW Pans. lot.t pedal prtee 11 Granite Iron Teakettlea. t-at. ape- - oiei prtoa oaoh OB OranitO Iron Pteplate. 10-ln.j opeehU prtcs. each ...&le Oranlto Iran Sanoepane. t-ot.; opwotal prtee. each ......... ...... ....ifg) Coot or Mat Hooka: op ml prtee. oaeh ..V Qwthoapln; apaelal price. The Fashionable c Feather Hat - FOR B4.B8 INSTBAD OF II, WKDNESDAT ONLT. ' SECOND FLOOR SALONS. Thoaa superb eraatlona org net by any means new In derivation, thovgh they ant apUndldly new ta make and trimming. The newest of tho new. However, the aeweet thing about thoaa wanted, foaming1 Hat to tho prloo, B4.BS). When you osamlno them and note that oaeh one to mode strongly and substantially each feather SEWED, not stuck on. Shapes aro the popular eloee-fitting turbano trimmed to the left with a Jaunty pompoa or owl head. In blaek, white, blaek and white, grey and white, etc The beet lit value you an bus glee. Wednesday only, how ever, ohoooo for Sd.f)R. Linen Huck Towels SSd FOR LINEN HUOeT. TOWELS i WORTH 40 Hemmed Lined Mttok Towel, all white, with faney Jaequard Borders, otao lla . ta tachea, soft and heavy, regular t . eoe value apooml far Wednesday. each Me) BBDaPRBADS Oelered Bed op reaoa. fringed, plain and eat oernera, all oolora and full Mae. value It.M) opaolal for wednso- day, oaeh l.TS Same ao above, but aawller, vaiu It.Mt opeeial, each Special SsJt of Rort Brof r 1S47 Silvfwar) Teaspooo aeala patterao got of 1 1 pedal ffajd Teaepoond, faaey parUrna, oat of ; apaelal 1.0T Dessert Spoon, fanoy patterna. t ofti Opeclal .......... ...$J..)S) Dessert Spoon, faaoy patUma. t of opeeial 91.99 Tahlespoona, plain, pattera. set of ; opeeial tableopoona. plaia patterna, set of l special .,1 $9.14 . Sugar Shell, fanoy pottorno; speciaL ecoh S)6V ( Butter Ksife, faaoy pattermo; pe- lel 40. Sorry Spoon, faney pattern: ape- emL oaoh Od Oravy Spoonai faaey patteraa: ape olal. oaeh ,.......6Sd Child's Seta, faaoy pottoraoi opecui, est S piece' .......05 AH Roger Bree. otlverwaro at apeolal prlcea. excepting knlvee, tho prloe of whloh m regulated by tho faotory, - Great Autumn Opening Today of Hesvier Bed Cov eringt 4th Floor Warm Bed Comfort, with whrte, fleecy cotton flliinaa end hand- oomo aotkolino oover- Inta B1.9B to 99.A4 Light and fluffy Comforters, sued with real downaliao, soft and warm, ollkollno cov- wred to Baal eiderdown filled Comforto. with oorer ef beat Freneh Settn that will hold tho down, proof egetnet shedding B.ftO to fit) The same with rich, handsome Hk covering. eoch.fl8.T5 to BBS Biggost lino of aew bed and bed ding w OK. . ' A GREAT SPECIAL SAL OF Decorated Haviland China TW ew la slmeat veadv fer na, and not wtehtag te move any Of our finest ehtae than we oro poottlvely obliged to when wo ehango from tho old eeutuia o tho new, wo hove pot opeeial redueed prlcse oa our entire line of Deoorated Freneh China. . Thousande of ohotoe arttelea, tnofudtnt oar aow fan tmpertattono ef ope rtock Dinner Seta will be on aale. Thia m aa eppertuoitr not to bo oligbtsd by Mterprfcflns houeekeepera, who, will, we have no doubt, make tho owes ef ouoh good fortaaa. Below wo nMntlon a few of tho opiil buaum: o-pteco Dinner Swka value !.!; ' Fan oM trtmrnmaw on every piece special 990.09 loo-pfece Dtaeew Seta, relae tit.45; opeeial 998.99 'lll-pfecd Dtnaor Bete, Value .; pectaJ fSl.BO llT-pieeo Dtnner Seta, valae I4.0; apeeml 989.9w Chofoe of three ilffbroat Uaoa at above piioaa. -piece rManwf Seta, velne ltt li apeolal -8B.9w 100-piee Dhmer Seta, oJo ii.i special 84O.S0 llt-piere Dtnaor Seta, vaJaa; opoelel .949.79 llT-pieeo Dinner Beta, value; special 999.40 DECORATED FRENCH Crocker Jam, value ft. ft; opeeial, ' sack 91.40 Sugar aad Creeme, value It.M; special each .91.19 Chocolate Peta. value t.M pscieK each ...91.49 Salad or Pratt Bowie, vara tl.ti; ope- cul each ....9Bd) Salad or Fruit Bowka, value; ape- eleL oaeh 9wd Salad or Frutt Bowie, value t.t; ape- oiai. aaoh -....9&.19 Salad or Fratt Bowla, vahae ttl ; a- eleL ooek hi. f u4 value ti lt; apeeWu. If . valoe ll.Mi apeetol. .n f " F AneRtthePansCsrJ In 1M, fa reaponeo to aa laaulry from Congroaa. Admiral Chart PL Da via, U. a N reported that "there doe not enlet tn tb Ubrarie of tho world tho mean of determining oven approximately the moot prao Usable route for a 'ohip oaoal aoroeo the AaMrtean laUMnua.', and yet la 104 the eenal ttaelf I aado way. Ver ily, 'the world do move.' Title atora will give to worn Portland aehool the large working model of tho canal now on exhibition la ono of lta largo ehow window a,- The oohool will ohoeea by popular vote of the people a vote with every ltd' purchase. ho vettns to efoao at p. m. on Wedneoday. No vember tt, the award to bo made on the result of vote at that time W list only the name of the first tt Mhoola la the. con test. ... . STANDINO AT P. M. YESTERDAY St Mary. Academy......... ti.ttt High .... tl.U4 HarrlOOaV. ll.fftt Atkinson.. ll.ltt Portland Academy , 1I.71T Wt 11 lama-A venue . . U.tll Park.... 14.27 Failing , . , Bunnysld,,. t.OSf Highland .. . t,74 Chapman . . , .. 1.520 Central T.Ttt Clinton Kelly ,,, 7.411 HolUday , . . t.lH Brooklyn..., .............. , 1.17 . Total votoa ..j..i.'.;.....t,l Bargains in Laces FIRST FLOOR. Laces and Lace Ban da. some black ChantlUy . edges and gal loons, ecru and ' cream - oriental laeee. net tow edgea, Ten Is a band ta Parle ecru and white, and of fine wide white Valsnelen ne edgee and bands. Aa as sortment of all that le lovely hi laocs. They are -raemlarlv artesO at lee to II I a yard. Speeial prtoao for Wedns-n yard, l, tg. 90e and 9B. ; ' Aimual October Homefit tert and Hotel Men's Sale Continuee Wednesday : LINENS AND TOWELS en First Floor. . CHINA, ROGERS SILVERWARE and HOUSEKEEPERS' UTENSILS Third Floor. BSD COMFORTS, BEWTNO MA CHINES, CARPETS AND DRAP ERIES Fourth, Floor. FINE SATIN FINISH TABLE DAKABK AT 6S Rlehardoon SB tin finish Table Damask, very Ana full bleached and 1 yard wide, on oale today at the opeclal prloe of, yard 4S4 Me) FOR UNBLEACHED TABLE . DAMASK Richardson's heavy unbleached Table Damask, the kind that wear hmeeot and beet, 1 yarda wide; opeeial prloo, yord .... foe HEM STITCHED SQUARES FOR 80 Fancy drawn work and hemstitched equeree, sis tog t lneheev reaulwr tte value; spe eial. oaeh 99o) Hi FOR HEMBTITCHBD . SQUARES WORTH tto-Hom-- otltehod aqoareo with fancy drawn work, sum taxes Inches; value - Me; opeeial for Wednesday. and gold knobe aad hendla foar dif ferent otylea to-pieco Innaer Seta, value 19171; t, opeeml ., 999.99 loe-pteoe Dlnnor Soto, value 144.75; opeeial 936.99 llt-pteoe Duaaor Soea. Yotae I&1.15; poelal 940-98 '117-pieoa Dlimee Seto, vain aartoi - opeeial 9 ft O. TO - The above aro sold . stippled en Ovary pteoe aad geld hnobo and handles- door atylee to select from, ioe-pfteee Deoorated Freneh China . Dinner Sate Four atylee to ealeet from. Sold hondleoj extra ope . seal .n..ut9'999 CHINA AT HALF PRICE, f; ' . Cake Pmaae, veJue fJ.Mi apuHl aaeh TT77........ 91.S9 , Bread Tram vamo LWl apidal each 99) ' Breed Traya, value M ; apeoml. ' each 91.19 , Broad Traya, value ts.Ti apooiaL each 91.98 - Bread Traya. value tt-tl; opeehU. each 91.99 . Bread Traya, value M to; special. .t- each 9T.T8 Bread Traya, volow M.M; epeolsl each....i 91.99 Celery Treye. value M ; pai. each ......... M 9119 Celery Traya, value M tli apoeial. each .9199 Chop Dtaheo. value t,i apeolal eack Mf Chop Dtshea. valoe l.oi apoet eaeh Chop Dlehea, value It-td; w Chop Dtehee. v-e . a lee e " ar