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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
THE ORKOOM DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUI'lAY EVTNINO, C PIONEER'S FUNERAL I 1-:V-, -.v ; , 9 V if ... ', . '. . -. . AARON BBCX. TIN funeral of Aaroa Beck, tb nlo bht merchant of this eitr who died suddenly Sunday evening, will take place tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the residence., Arrangements for, the rv loee are nearly completed. - DtewMd came to this city from tht ut la IS 4, end engaged In the mer MuMla htialnass. At on time he i of Portland. He retired from bualnes tit ISM. Bine that tim h has km associated with many work of benevolence. . The obum of hie death la said to b paralysis, but this waa upertndoaad by worry ovor the death of fata wife, which ocourred a few ttenths ago. Mr. Sack had ftva son and four- daughter. Ho waa alao a great-grandfather, the great grendchlld being the eon of Mrs. Jess Newbauer of Ban Francisco. CATCHES PHEASANT IN CITY'S HEART SM Devey, aonptam of chemical r aomnanr N& 1. had Chlnaaa pheasant ' for dinner today. Th bird waa killed- on th corner, of Third and Fin at reel about o"olook thla morn In. But to bagging bia am Devey did not violet th city law, booauM ha did not flr a shot. Davay waa going horn whan h saw a bird flying an Pin street. Stopping to wateh It b saw th pheasant fly against th trolley wir and faU fluttering to th pavement. Rushing out to the street he quickly crabbed th Mrd and twisted Us nock. " Yesterday a notormaa an a City Suburban oar alao had a fln Chtttos pboasant for dinner, this bird having alao been killed within tha city limits without th help, aid or asslstsno of a firearm. U As th car was crossing th Morrison treat bridge th pheasant earn Bring down, Bealnv the oar and attempting to dodge It. it oraabad against th area of the bride 'and fall to th around. Quickly shutting . oft! the current, th motorman Jumper off. bis oar and plokad up tbo bird. LEADS CF GATHER if! XAJTB, BBARXX 1AVAB ABB BAB aVAT UIM Bim A m ilTUK AtlOsTAX A OOhTTBaTTIOR, VKOI . - ' (Jowael spiiwl Sarvfae.) ' ' Boston, Maasw Oct. A Th tntellect : and tha power of th Proteatant Bplsoa pai Church of the United States are i eonosntratad In Boston today. Ok ovary train disttnsutahod bishop,- active olerxyman, and taflnantlai layawa from ' all parts of th anion hava boon pourlns; lot th city, nUl even tha bout oor T rldora for one la their history might bo mistaken for th vestibules at ctrarohea, a numerous thereabout are ' men of priestly mien. At many of th arlstocraUo residences In tha Book Bay - dlstrlet bishops and elera;mma bar found splendid quarters. The handsome home of Mrs. "Jack" Gardner Is bat on of a large number that has been - placed at tha disposal of th rtaltlng bia hops and clericals. Th us of the palatial resldenca of Montgomery Seara ' by J. Plerpont Morgan and the us of th Hnad residence by Bishop Potter of , New Tork are among the number. The Archbishop of Canterbury la being en tertained as th guest of Mr. Morgan. At Emmanuel euurch this mornlna, , where th business sessions of th con vention win be held, a C r eat throng of churchmen were assembled. The gather ing was informal, the gentlemen vlelt- : lag: th meet leg place for th purpose of getting- their mall and obtaining la formation reiative to their quarter. Prominent among the bishop from V abroad who are here to attend th trleanlal are th Right Rev. Joha Mo Kim. bishop of Toklo; the Bight Key. B. X. Pvrgaaoa eoloredr biabop f Cap Palmaa, Liberia) the Rlglit Rev. - ' Charles H. Brent, . bishop of the ' Philippines j th Right Rev. Henry B. . Restarlek, bishop of the Hawaiian lal ; and; th Right Rev. James U. Van ' Buren, bishop of Porto Rlooi th Right Rev. Peter T. Rowe, blanop of Alaska, ' and the Right Rev. Luclen lie Kinsolvln, bishop of Southern BrasU. Xa addition to th Archbishop of - Canterbury th Church of fin gland has aa represents. tlves her the Right Rv. William Boyd Carpenter. Lord Bishop , of Rlpoa, and oa or two other members , '. Of th Anglican Elpisoopata. Th Andleaa Church of Canada la officially represented by the Right Rev, Charles V Hamilton, lord bishop of Ottawa; th V Right Rev. James Carmlchael, bishop X eoadJotoT of Montreal, and a numhsa of ', prom 1 Dedt priests and laymen. Talks with th prominent churehmon already bora indicate that th ooralng ' convention will be1 full of Interest and lmportaao. Among; tha Important topics , of business to be oonsldered and acted upon Is to report ef the commission , whloh was appointed thro years ago to consider th question, of changing the legal nam of th church, "Protestant ' Bplsrapai,' and to ask th opinion of ' th aloeeee. Th oaua1ss1on in a r--, port mad public last sprint decided aaralnst a change at this tiro. The agitation for a more .explicit and stricter canon oa the prohibition of marrlaa of divorced persona, except for on causa, will also be diagnosed at , length, and the advisability of greuplng- the dlooese of th oountry Into prov meea. with a arlmate at th head of .'. each province, will also be considered. . A proposed board of review, where ap peals from the diocesan courts may be heard, tha aaostloa of mreting sttu- , at Ion tn the Insular posaesslona and other Issue will also be takes up, At 11 o'oteotc tomorrow moraine th . openln service of th convent I en la to he held la Trinity chorea, at which the preacher will be Right Rev. will lam ' Croeewell Deone, D. Du bfshop of Albany, and on of th prominent leaders of th American church. Th AreahUbe f Canterbury Had been I vlted to pregch th first' sermon, but h declined. Th archbishop will preach m Trinity church, however, next Bun- day, and will probably address two or three missionary meetings during th week. Bishop Lawrence of this city will be th presiding officer over the business sessions of tha oonventlon. MARION COUNTY . : CIRCUIT I1IRI rtpeHal Dtafstes te The JeeraaL) Balem, Oct 4. Judge Oeorg H. Bur nett held an adjourned session of de partment No. 1 of the stats eircult court for Marion onty yeeterday, durinr whloh many docket entries war' made and two men sentenced to serve terms la tha penitentiary. Ratssn Vibae and Ed Oloen, Who tha evening of August It last war oaught red-handed la tha act of burglar ising tha second-hand store ef D. V, Jerman at No. lit Coraerclal street In this city, evidently realised that to offer a defence would be a waste of time, so when brought before Judge Burnett yes terday for arraignment both waived time, pleaded guilty to larceny from a store," the charge oontamad In th In formation filed against them by Dlstrlet Attorney J. H. McNary. and asked that seirtenoe be pronounced upon them at onoa. The Judge oompllsd with their wishes and ordered that both he eon fined In th penitentiary for a period of two years. The convicted men were st once taken to th prison by Sheriff Culver, - U. Manning', the young man taken into custody on August SI, circus day. and accused of picking th pockets of ESmer Kins, th latter being relieved of a purse containing S89, was also ar ralgned vpon ah information Bled against him by tha district attorney.'. He Is charged with the crime of larceny from th person, to which chary he entered a plea of not guilty. The accused man haa engaged Attorneys Carson, Adams si Cannon to defend his ease. Information have also been ' Bled acainat Fred Baker and R. C Oonklln, both being; charged with larceny from th person. Th defendants wer also arraigned U court yesterday; but took time to plead, and the court appointed Attorney John W. Reynolds to defend Baker and Joha A. Jeffrey fa to look after the Interests of Conklin. Th former Is accused of going through th pockets of Robert Norwood f this city on th evening f September IT, and th latter with relieving- a man of hi watch during state fair week. The case against Joseph wert,' the young man from Oervals who waa bound over to keep the pence by th Jus tice court of that precinct, waa dis missed by motion of District Attorney McNary.- Bwart was accused of threat ening to kill hla sweetheart. Th following additional docket' a- trtee wer also made by Judge Brunett during th day's session: Bopbronla Jessup against Hermann W. Barr and others; ejectmant and damages; oontlnued to January term. But of Oregon against Harry Hatha way; criminal action; continued to Janu ary tern W. H. Byrd- against Joseph Lajlaj ac tion for money; settled. gel em Brewing association against O. Klura; Sot ion for money; default of Judgment. Capital . National bank of Balem against Arthur Farrow; action .for money; settled, . . - ' M. 1. Adam against T. f. Webb: na tion for money; default and Judgment.. Harry B Cola age I net Arthur Farrow; actios for money; default and Judgment with order to sell attached property. Williams Manufacturing company against Jerom J. Shores; actios for money; plaintiff takes voluntary non suit. Appolenla Oehlea and Others against John Mc Kinney ; appeal from Justice court; demurrer to complaint srgued. John Hughe against BUa Jones; as tlon for money; settled. ' ( Coblents A tevy against Cochran Bros. svnOrmatlMU sal eonflrmca, y V- ; v : l''"-h:; - One Thousand to be Sold by January First m : ..i a s uuitJ irr T TDSW BT1C1CT, BANfiSS riavat ahinned Ana maniuscuHaiB h uis vvNiwewu v" - - frr u j h mm ewlar ehM inn hmna in tha rtv. Wl to uj it, ana wi suw ssutni nw wfaicb m ax vUling to mU oa bcttT termB, tnan any prioBB, persons buying to us with Irhttractions to sell 1.000 of their stOvws by January t. W propoM can ahow mora stvles in ran, cook stoves and hoaters, of a better qiutlity dealer on the coast. Our plan to hurry the sales is this: FIRST To the first 60 '-!- r A $35.00 taiPSE STEEL RANGE GET SAME F0.T 029.OQ t lfl.00 off the lowest nrke Ais celebrated ranse haa evereen sold for.; After 00. If von want a ran save $6.00 by beine one of the first fifty. ?.,' i'-.K-yj: ,;'v ;- , u-t" '-' 8ECOND We propose to GIVE AWAY Absolutely Free ' . St'-'- '('.- ' i I n i r- r- ECLIPSE PRIZE HEATERS Valued at $8.50. to the Area persons guessing nearest to the number of Eclipse Steel Ranges we sell from October 1, 1901, to January f, 1905. Everybody J m i k.i.. M . r-Mii i iie atvra inn vonsrer vour nisrss norwiinnanauis uua ivuwiuwh 'w mw muww vwmww coin Kuwaa imv wv vuw w w --- - -m ' . n prises to be given away, we wiU still sell Ranges $UOO DOWN; A1ND $IaOO A WEEK. . gIHf8 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK v BB:'K' ' 1 ' ' ' !CS r ri Mm We pat ft ap on payment f IT. ready for aa tn yoar bom. Th Best Store en Kvery Point lb th Worlda rang that has stood th test of Urn and la without an equal la tnterlor oon atruetloa, baking Qualities, absolute re liability and beauty of appearanoa, Be It work. Guaranteed for M years. Ws take your old stove la exchange and allow full value, f , . ,. v v:"- v ECLIPSE ; , STEEL THB RANGE ,- r. : - .- worth $33 that you can buy for 93.91 UNTIL flflY ARE SOLO Then they cost you Not one cent less 1fw? 52S2H NOVEL ECLIPSE A new Oak Btov In five stssa of original design and attractive appearanoe. The con struction Is the latest and is suohas to make ths stove durable as well a efficient and convenient for use. Inside caet ring pro tects Joint at base of steel body and pre vent buckling. Tight - fitting base and ash - pit door. Quick-acting eorew-draft, lever turnkeys. Heavy steel body, fab sled urn, top ring, name plate, foot rail and turnkeys. Foot rails self-mounting. $10.00 Hagaatn for Hard Coat. M.N. 6 ay you to se a sample of the NOVSJ UPSB before buying yoar Stoves. Every One a Good One ' No trouble to Keep Warm It You Use the ECLIPSE HEATING -STOVES J AIRTIGHT HEATER Ko. 11 Air tight. It a Kod Stove, mad Of t Buss Ian Steel and is steel-lined, wi sell , f '- .-. v $3.50 CYCLONE ECLIPSE om ion 00 at, ooxb cm us grra, gfvT suit. Th Mot Blast feature la tbts stove makes great economy In fuel. Soft coal, whloh con tains about Is per cent In Eases and soot that Is lost In th ordinary direct draft heat-fne- etovel. Is entirely conaumed In tha Cr- otone Bollps Hot Blast -Heavy eteel body, One one sratipse not meet. - neevr mw wjuii is piece, closely hand-riveted, making tight Joints and perfectly air-tight, making good Si Btsaew seed Ss pot and shafclag grata substantial tciipse Heating J Stove j Thli Stovo Is J - A Stove without aa ual far beating purposes. Now th tlm ta bur stovst and m doing so don't forget that It's aot how sheap. bat how good. Ths Boli pee la th Finest Hoatar la th world, air tight, outer body cold-rolled steel, lined with heavy eastlron. top sad bottom. Warranted for flv years. A real gem of a tov3 worth tlt-Ov, Oar sal price .....,.,.....,......$8.50 CHOICE AND EXCLISIVE PR0DICTI0NS 0E FALL CARPETS AND RIGS K ARC HERE FOR YOUR CHOOSING AT ENTICING INTRODUCTORY PRICES -;: ;r; .-yf; Y--m rb rati Carvat and Xrapery Season of iMt we aamtr our patron that w fully appraclat th anquallfltd Meognltlon fashionahl rt rfAr.V1?t itOTSc Bt1l 'Jlf. "tT1" '1'" I. vTSTSfoetl and RiTaTln the oUjTwe certainly merit this honor and are prepared this season to emphasise this fact mere forcibly than vr. INDIVIDUALITY IB THB PREDOMINATING lM. !t?bi rtt r o V? TH II BT UNltTNO NEW BTTLBB PKOPLB WANT BOMKTHINO DIFFBBBNT, OUT OF THB ORDINARY. It ! thr1ety.Iulvanea and originality of the style Ideas ri,.; t.ri-t the neool of fashloa today. OUR BTYLBB FOR FALL ARB MORS) EXCLUSIVE THAN EVER, THUS AFTORDIXQ A BBLdDuriun thai twnu f abbvuu x ??iilllOH S pledg? ourrlosat he lower en similar gnalltleg than can possibly be obtained elsewhere. These facts are plain to all wtohw takn the pains to tnvstlgta . As an extra In TTSL 121 i te visit us thla wesh, ana lneidentslly get aoqnalated with ths high character of Us nsw good, weptional opportunities era offered for selecting th new Carpets and Rugs, each centlv for youw ZlV'J l?ZT7tt mmuml till bVV hlahla asafltabla day cor rou. and it wlU bring us th largest crowds that avar congregated la these popular sections. Remember, each and every prlos quoted 1 distinctly spclal te this week's sea inn. Carpets, yard )9.t0 Savon ier Oarpetlng, satr el- iiy, jam Hartford Anatestar, grade, yard Saxony Axmineter, W II ten Wool had. mm Ton-Wire Tspeetrjr. par yrd..$i.l CARPETS Azmmatar high Lxmlnstar, per yard. .-SI. 50 fool Velvets, par yard.Bl.60 1 seels, per yard .fl6S B hiss Ha ear Bali a Asatrr yard ..B1.M Fallsad Tapestry, per yard 66d Bstra Quality AU-Weel Iagrala Carpet, yard .Oa Ingrains, eatra duality, per yd. . .SJOf Iagrala. half wool, twa-ply, per yard TM Union Ingrain, wool and eattoa, yard SO Oraaite Ingrain, par yard MAILORDERS Received here are fiven prompt afr. tention. We pay an freight within a radius of 100 miles. Goods packed and crated with care., We extend credit to outside parties, too. If you can't cell, write us.- i ;' MATTINQS Ban am a, closely woven, whit " 'T with Insertions; sewed, laid and lined!, par yard ....... r......B0 Japanese, whit linen warp, laid. ,854 Japan, fancy colors, linen warp 85 Chinese, fancy colors, with lneer- : tlong, , . , 5d Chinese, extra heavy and durable, straw warp, for BO Iflxed Pattern, Chines ..,...,..15 NEW RUQS Blgelow.rallt prto ...... ...94S.0 Aamlnatar, ..Hartford, txlJ; price.... fsa.oo Aamlnster, fall; prto. ...... $81.00 Body Brussels, taltj prto.. .BSa.wO Body Bruaasla, fxllt prto. , .fao.Ow Bxtra Wilton Vslvot, lilt: prto aao.oo Velvet, txllt arte ..........986.00 Boabury Ruga, txll; prlos. . fBB.OO BMttle'g Brussels Bugs, txl prlc... 91S.50 PYo - Brassels Ruga, SalS; price. $10.80 Art Squares, Ingrain, a U-wool filling, tall; prlos 99.00 Art Squares, half wooL 9x11; prto.. 77....; , 97.30 Uatoa Art arss, tali; arte. 56,00 IIGEVIRTZI&S MS Corner Yamhill and First Streets "OEVTJRTZ 8ELL8 JT FOR LESS." Bear Our Terms in Mind so m Buy 1S Worth of Oeadd: fse bbS) wane Buya II Worth f Ooods. l.OO Buys $10 Worth of Ooods. 51.60 Buys MS Worth af Oeoda 99.0O BBS WBBK Buy 4 Worth of Goods. 99.60 m wbbx Buy S Worth of Ooods. SPEOAL TERMS for Larger Bills .1 i i x