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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
c r i u x tv -Y rvv 1, OCTOBER V 1001 Hi i in i xoffMvrs Amnnam Mtreeem Orsae t or dr r'i ' . ', '. l Bow Columbia ., Ariadt !," Lyiie Mr .....'BafW . . "Btrn of ta. rwr" un of Coaa Hollow" "Mob. VaoVlll. Vll4T!lte .,..VUdTliU Veeaavtue v Oh ef the greatest excursions of the world a ride up or down the Columbia ' river. MtwtM Portland and The Dalles. Tha MtMt, (uuit and beet equipped ..steamer, thssCharlss BL Spsnosr, leavsa ' foot C Washington etreet every morning at T o'clock for Tha Halloa and way landing, returning an altarnata day. Peesengers bound for Portland ahould pure has tickets for Tha Dalian, chang ing thsrs to tha atoamar and come thence to this city by tha rlvar rout a Tha .scenery Is tha grandest In the world la not aurpaaaed on earth glo rious beyond compare. Mighty water falls, nilghty mountain, mighty vmoau- mania of rock, mishty canyona and mighty glens, togethar with baautlful landscapes and charming; dales, maka thla tha moat anehantlng rtda upon any watarg of tha globe. , Telephone Main Tha Portland Woman union bald Ma first masting for tha autumn aaaaoti yesterday afternoon, and dismissed tha -work completed by oemmlttasa during tha summar. A lot tor of condolenoe waa voted to Mrs. Henry Welnhard. Mem bership1 was granted to Mrs. w.Wynn Johnson and Miss Helen F. gpauldlng There wore present: Mrs. Martha Hoyt, Mrs. H. Olle. Mr a Ralph Prsger, Mrs. J. W. Cook. Mra. June McMillan Ordway, Mrs. W. J. Honeyman.' Mrs. Isvt Wblts. Mra. H. H. North run, Mra Mary Steers. Mra Henry L. Plttock, Mrs. Bltsabeth Hamilton, Mrs. Winiam MacMastar, Mrs. W. D. Palmar. Mrs.-Jacob Kamm. Mrs. Blla, Stearns. Mrs. M C. George, Mrs.. A. Brown. Mra. Anna, C reman. William C. Delta has baas appointed to a eerkahtp at the Portland post of fice. Vice Walter J. MoCommea, who re signed to go Into other business. Mar tin i. Wlgtoa has been appointed to tha carrier route on Front atraat between Ash street and Yamhill street. In ad dition to keeping tha poatofflce opes from 7:1 a, m. to t p. an,, and deliver Ing mall to the hotels at 11 o'clock p. m.. Postmaster Mint la keeping the stamp window a pea every weak night until t o'clock, and on Sunday mornings from It to 11 o'clock.. Tha department has authorised two hew clerks, Alfred Sk Staub and W. H. Burnett. , , , . The exhibition of painttag by Irv ' Ing Couee at the rooms of the Portland Art association In tha public library is attracting much attention and eloquent praise from local art' admirers. Mr. Couees' studies are particularly Inter acting to Oregon lana because- at the familiar aubjeeta ha has aboeeo, many of them being scenes among the Indians end on the sheep ranches of Oregon and Washington. He baa oaugfat tha colors of Oregon sky. forest and Plain. . and with wonderful skill reproduced onj oaavaa the scenes chosen for his work. The exhibit la opes every afternoon from S to I o'clock and Svary svonlng . frost ts s;M e'olook. .-f ,. Senator t. P. DolUver departed this morning for.Ogdan, accompanied by Frank C Baker, chairman of the Repub lican central oommittee, . who goes to eastern Oregon on political business. Many attentions ware shown him yester day, tha concluding function being . drive la which he was accompanied by Mayor Oaorga H. Williams, Senator J. H. Mitchell. H. M. Cake, Senator George McBrlde. Judge Alfred wears, Cyrus A. Dolph. John Mi Mali, J. N. William son. E. I Thompson, J. H. Thatcher and I A. McNary. .. M If you would ride ea the staunch est. tha most comfortable and oaf eat steam er ok the Columbia river see that yon go on tha Bailey Gstsert. Thla hand some steamer leaves Alder street wharf very Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m. for Tha Dalles and way. points, and If yon must Ue this trip sea that It la on the Bailey Gstsert. This steam sr can always be railed on for a speedy and a safe trip. Steamer Regulator, an other swift, staunch craft, leavea aams Phono Mais Mi. Tha rass inlnit W. J. Itodmar. who ta ' employed by Presiding Judge Oaorga of . tha stats circuit court, and who ap- n as ran in ine munioiDai court mur on . the charge of disorderly conduct, will probably not be prosecuted. Tha lad waa irom cusioay penaing mo good behavior. Bodmer stated that when no was piansu in ine pini-wiUB roim Officer Rob eon ordered him to move ' itearsa the front Ha could not hear the knocking bun to the other and. - v . . , . 1 Word has been reoelved In this elty ' that Henry D. Masters of Klrby. Or., is -' mlsstng and that his friends and mem- T bars of his family are unable to and him. He left heme noma time ago fr - Hoqumm and from thence casta to Port- . land, where he stayed at the Qulmhy house. He wrote to his wlfs that ha bad bees robbed of all his money except. Ing (4 and that he was going out to Barton to secure work. After leaving ' l use. lira TTwumvu v um rni ml , InUrsstlneT them eel vea la tha search for hiss..- . . Tib timber cruiser now." M what Policeman Lea la singing since be waa transferred from the downtown beat, in cluding Washington and Morrison streets, between Fifth and the river. inn purrn put in wig wmiqi m pnmn t ' ' smB - -v . .'I , .' vV OSTEOPATHY Often cures dlaeaaea that are ' - supposed to be Incurable, Dr$e Adix & Northrup COrfSlTLTATIOlf FRJBB. Portland. It was said tfele morning thai the change waa made by Chief Hunt be cause of the many reports xiade by Lea of saloons that remained opes In his territory In violation of the 1 o'clock closing law. - JTha woard of lady managers of tha Pat ton Home mat yesterday afternoon for the annual election of trustees. The following were ohosenj Mayor Qeorgo H. Williams, flve years; Governor Qeorgo Bl Chamberlain four years; Anthony Nsppaoh. three years; Richard William, three years; Louta . Clarke, one year. Mrs. K. Fierce, the matron, reported 17 women, and four men at the home at p recent. Tha aooommodatlona are now taxed to their utmost capacity. The Oregon State Holiness association will opes Its meetings next Wednesday renins at the haU. Ho. I0SH Second atraat with Re. T. L. Bitot the Metho dist minister of Oregon City, In charge. The mission has Just finished furnishing the hall. Meetings will be held every evening throughout tha year. The ob ject of thla organisation ta to maka the church mere spiritual and all denomina tions are represented la the work. . Theodora Krusa, -a restaurant keeper, applied In tha circuit court yesterday through the law firm of Pises A Tint for as Injunofaon restraining Chief of Pol loo Hunt from arresting him for violation of tha bos ordinance. -' Dis crimination as regards dt Be rent classes of business man la charged. Hotels are said In the oomplaint ts be favored by the ordinance. . Property owners of this city are pre paring for tha winter season and con sequently the plumbing Inepectlng de partment of the dty la kept very busy. Besides the Inspections of plumbing In new buildings, sawerg and drains are be ing repaired and new connections made. Tha past month baa bees one of un usual activity. Plumbing Inspector T. J, Hulme's report Is sa follows: 'New buildings Inspected, tat; old buildings with new fixtures Inspected, S7; cess pools connected. ST; sewers connected. UTr notices served. So; number of licensed plumbers, IS; reports of de fective plumbing. 14; plumbing re modeled. ; number of visits for month. Iff I; total number of futures oosacoted. t ,., - Another elsss of barbers are being ex amined at M Alder street by the stats board of barber examiners. Yesterday U candidates ware given the taat and to day a like number will wield their re sors before the examiners ft haa been only a few weeks since to candidates were examined In tins dty. . 4. , , Hundreds of people ernes tha Ssllwood ferry ovary day. It la becoming very popular and within s short tints will hsve all the travel which it can accom modate. The ferry Is the connecting link between a driveway on both the east and wast sides of. the river. , . Rev. Ray palmer has Just closed s series -of successful meetings of two weeks In the First Baptist ehurob of Dayton, Wash. The church haa built up -aubetantlally during hie stay, and there were about 10 conversions, t Dr. Palmar will begin' special meetings In Astoria. October If, In which the Metho dists, Baptlets sad Presbyterians will units. ' t , - -. .-. Tour shoes . Win be Done today; At ones . . If you rf ' ,," ., .." : i .. Need thctt. ' " " '"r; Oosdyear Shoe repair Factory, To rah 111 near Oaa Co. 'a office. Free call sad de livery any reasonable distance. The lsdlss of Mlapaa Presbyterian ctiurch art. holding a ruramaga sals st MO Bast Morrison, street .la -4fas Weatherly building. . . -. We clean and press your clothes sad shine your shoes for il tt per moatb. Untqus tailoring Co, 147 Washingtoa. .Mais !, . . 1; . - Portland Wire Iron Works are sow located a. Treakman Si Cc's on Foes th near Flanders. Work turned . sat Promptly. ? '. . v..,; i..;..; Ws-Hos Ton ml The great blood puri fier, nerve tonio and liver regulator. Just what you naed these days. Far sals by ail druggists. : - Mrs. Charles H. Carter of Pendleton Is dangerously ill at St Vlnoent'a hospital. Her condition la saM to be critical.; , Chaw Den-Tsl-Ooss, hsva pearly teeth and prevent decay. For sals, every where. Mrs, Frank B. Hswk of Bugene s guest St the Imperial. w. t. Keougb of Baker City la at the Imperial. Mrs. Osorgs W. Lsrkls of Newbsrg. Or., la g guest st the Imperial. Mrs. A. H. Imus of Kaiama Is s guest at the Parkins Frank Templeton of Orangevllls, Idaho; is st the Perkins. ' C T. Farias of North Band IS at ths Perkins. . James IX Burns of Condom Is st the Perkins, . T nomas F. Wallace of Seattle Is ree ntered at tha Portland. Miss Jennie D. Miller sad Mrs. a W. Ijsrkln of Newburg are guests st the Imperial. Oaorga Cwsttsr of SUvertoa m at the Imperial. A. C Woodstock off Kugens is at tbs ImpetiaL Thomas McOulre of Baker City w st tbs Perkins. i SEATTLE TO HER IS OFF MAP ENTIRELY Bhs Is only four years old but her powers of discrimination are rare. A fsw days ago her papa obtained a business alt oat ion at Seattle and left for that elty. Mamma remained be hind with little daughter to superintend ths packing and shipping of household effects everything was finished sod ths seat morning mamma and baby wars ts Join papa la Seattle. Kneeling st her mamma s knee ts ssy her prayers, before retiring for the night the little one blessed all her friends and told them good-bya. She wss a boat to raise from bar knees when sa afterthought can sod bar to sink oaves more Into attitude of supplication. And. God.- she sdded. '1 guess I might aa well say good-bye to you, toe. We're going to Seattle tomorrow, sad y never see you again." - sig wen Fran tha Kansas City Independent Aa English manufacturer whs haa Just returned from a tour In Scotland kt relating an am u Ing Incident which oc curred during bis trip. la a remote village tn tbs lowlands he cams across sa Inhabitant of such venerable appea rases that As stopped to chat with him. "By ths way. what bj your muse" In quired ths traveler. "Robert Burns," was ths answer. "Deer me, that's a vary well known name." "Nss doot It Is. monl I've been blacksmith Is this village for sigh an M years." . in PORTLAND And It osme to pass at the dawn of the twentieth century two cousins lived. One they called Doyle and the other Hornung. And Doyle created a char acter, whom ha called Holme gherloek Holmes and hla popularity brought many pieces. Of silver. Now, Hornung saw this silver, but did sot feel It And lo! be .wrote the antithesis of his oouato'e hero and called htm "Raffles." Both characters were deserted In brutal fashion by their makers. Holmee was left falling over a precipice with one Morlartty and Raffles waa swimming hi mld-oeeea.- But the -public wanted mora of the great detective and the pollened thief. Anon, the authors thought up other things for them to do, and they were resurrected. , Did you aver bear of a passionless Romeo T No But an actor, Kyrle Bel lew, has forced down our dramatic thorax and made ua like It, tooa lovable thief. Portland eat and ap plauded until Its hands wars sera a char aeler who declares bluntly that society is founded on theft and whs lives by steeling Jewels tn drawing rooms It was Portland's Brat view of Batlsw In "Raffles, ths Amateur Cracksman." ane a fashionable audience was present The stsr made bis appearance Is a dress suit the first time la 14 years that b has worn owsllow-tsll or Tuxedo and in leas than three minutes ths house knew be wss a criminal. What did that mat ter Hs wss handsome, be was polished. All the women la the oast were to love with bust why not the audience The deeper he got Into trouble, the more they loved him. Kach time hs outwitted ths keen detective everybody waa better pleased. Thief though hs was, ths sleuth wss the only parson In ths cast, male ar female, who ..wanted to ass Raffles arrested. Rather an oddity, isn't It? This play Is founded upon tbs theft of Lady Mel rose's diamonds, which wss one of Homung's very Jrest sketches. It is so cleverly constructed that to tall every thing shout it hers would hs an injus tice to those who were not st ths Mar quam last night Tbs drams Is full of climaxes, all of s subdued Datura, and has tha cleverest finals that tha arsis of s playwright ever oenestved. Ton must sea It to understand. No reason able person will be mean enough to tell It to yon. In one scans there Is not s sound for fully four minutes. It re quires srt to bring that about success ful It. , Mr. Bellow has lost no whit of his former grace and. spirit The symmetri cal charm of hla art. la no leas captivat Ing and H shows ts splendid advantage la bis nswsst success. Though Bis nair la almost white, ths smooth, sun- browned fsoe of this prince among metl nee idols proclaims him still a young mas. even . If. ha Isn't His magnetism la all that It wss IS years ago. Hla voice Is music - R. la. Holland Is with Mr. Bsllsw. What would "Raffles- be without blm? He Is one of the admiamble actors of the American stage and tn this P' vir tually duplicates his great performance of Redwood, the detective. Is "Jim ths Penmsn." It Is ths asms sort of a rola and Mr. Holland awakened fond memories when ha walked en last even ing In the asms make-up. Ha ta tha Ideal opposite to Bellaw, a detective who can bold his -awn la tbs hat tie ex wus Tbs supporting company is as near tbs original aa any that New Ysrk sends on tha road, There is not a weaa spot in tha cast Mr. McCormack gives a csnttal oresen tattoo of ths. low-browed burglar, one of BsCee consplratora, uH Ur. Connor . Is convincing . as "Bunny. who lovos amis. , Clara Blaa dlck's Gwendolyn wss notable for lta sincerity. Her dlfiksult feat of crying Utrouah an entire scene is sxoeptienauy well dons. Beverly 8 1 tares vea gives a inland Id Imoersonatlon of ths jealous Mrs. Widsl and Miss Bersnger makes a clever bit of Maria A dlgninea xmoy Melrose ts HstUe Russell, .a sis tar, by ths wsv. of Ada Rshsn. Ths scenic production, of course, lo up to ths Bellow standard. It will be long weeks before Portland forgets tbs visit of the amstsur cracssman RACB WHITNBT. STABwsTS fsUf "In ths new apectsculsr snd romsntlc drams. "Saiammbo. In which Frederick Wnta and Kaihrva Kidder will appear at the Marquam Grand theatre nasi Thursday, Friday and saturoay n ignis, fWAttar f and B. With ft SDSCWl priOS .tM Satuiviav- local ntayKoers will of s certainty find a superlative contrast to ths conventional styis or tneatncai entertslnmsnt Mr. Words will appear u.ik ik hArhrta eftiaf. and Mlaa Kidder ss Saiammbo, priestess ts tbs Moos Goddess, ths hers ana noroins ax Plsabert'a msstsrpleoe upon which ths play is founded. Ijim naaaion.' heroism snd trsgsdy bra ths chords which are played upon in the drama. That tne piay yiems oppor tunltv tnr alaborats scenic effects snd striking costumes goes without saying and Managers Wageahsla snd Kemper srs said to have provided a gorgeous scenic spectacle whlcn ranks with "Ben Uur " -I.' Ailon" and other famous mod ern productions. Ths dramatic action Is followed tnrougnout oy a mpsioai ac companiment composed by Henry K. urtiv which Includes sruelo for ths overture and entre-aota. Seats srs sow selling. ' - , '" ' BUM MVUf OOltXjTSX Ralph Stuart Portland's populsr fa vorite. In "By Right of Sword," comes to tha Msrquam Grand three sights, and Wednesday matinee, beginning Mon day, October 9, with a aucossa which astonished and delighted. New Tort .dur ing Its metropolitan sngagement Star and play made an Instanomooua hit. Your Tired Unless you have them attended ta, will sommenos to give you genuine trouble. , They may stand Inattention snd strain for many days, but when they do give out your wall will bs: b, why dtda'l I take ths Urns to bavs them treated r ' Let ws land Few oar ski la remedying your eye . tronbla Examinations free. . A'NWRIGHT- 293n0RRlS0N-ST THEATRES all ths more brilliant because tha p ent theatrical season has aeea the re verse with most stars and most plays "Br Right of Sword" Is, however, a vital piece of play-wrKing Instinct with Ufa. rull of action and founded on human na ture. Its parsons are human being and not mors stage puppets. Such a piece carefully presented In the sdequats man ner afforded by Mr. Stuart and hie oompsny was bound to oommand success In a season of failures, "By Right of Sword" to beautifully and elaborately staged, the full equip ment being brought here In order to pre sent the place with tha same care as la New York City, floats on eels Friday. October 1. Regular Marquam prices will prevail with a popular Wednesday nausea. , VOssBlfl UA At STAB. Packed houses greeted the newcomers In ths vaudeville line at tha Star thea tre yesterday and gava the many turns on tbs bill s royal welcome. The top llnera. ths three Forrest, are worthy of the premier position on tha bill. Their acrobatic work Is marvelous. The Kramers put on a most novel singing and dancing turn. The younger member of the teem to Irresistibly funny as a "tough girt" Ball and Da It on are knockabout ooaaedlana. who are exceed ingly rough with each sther, much to the delight of the spectators, who laugh uproariously at their German dialect Jokes. Clifford BakaU Is "quite Bngliah, you know." While his puns srs far fetched and tiresome, bs ts a Clever alslght-of-hand artist and hla . turn takes Tha Downey slaters srs little mites, but possess remarkably sweet voices, which they use to advantage. Will C. Hoyt sings the Illustrated song, "Take Ma Back to My Lou is Una Home, ' In hla usual good style, and the moving pictures -sr interesting. ' No mors entertaining fares haa been produced to Portland In a long time than "Nlobe. running this week st ths Columbia theatre. It Is good for ths blues If one wants refined wit brilliant dialogue, plenty of good toughs, an Interesting and sur prising play, ths Columbia la ths plscs to find an evening of snslloyed pleas are. Miss Counties, sa "Niobe," brings Into the play a' welcome element of poetry that to charming. It la the ground work on which the play to made possible. Mr. Dills takes ths chlsf comedy pert ss ths old Insurance com pany president who Is In charge of ths status, snd Mr. Bowles has a delightful rola In ths rich, dreaming owner and art collector. All the company combine to make the play a rattling success. It runs sl ths week with ths usual Satur day afternoon performance. Tbs Jupiter trio, which consists of two sots little soubrettes snd an Irish song, snd dance artist, to ths chief at traction thla week at ths Lyric theatre. Ths work of this trio makes an excel lent curtain-raiser, as It puts ths audi ence in s good humor Immediately, - Ths Carters, in their musical skit srs exceedingly clever, their banjo playing betng of a very high order. Dava Sam uels, in his Hebrew character, songs snd dances, brought down ths house. One of-ths best ventriloquists which has been seen ta this dty this season, appears with bis dummies and amuses ths audience for a quarter of aa sour with his clever .work. . -- The moving pictures srs unusually In teresting. They Illustrate an engage ment between ths Japanese snd Rus slsn force In hich the former sapture A battery f tbs enemy's. BIJOU'S While the pictures of the great 81 o essa disaster in New York are gruesome to the extreme they took well with the sudlenceo st ths Bijou theatre yester day. The horrors of ths calamity are faithfully pictured. Bowers snd Mass are clever dancers, but ths opening portion of their set could bs greatly Improved upon. Hattte Wad Mack'a impersonation of the old Irish woman Is S fsithful one snd her singing caught tha crowds. Smith snd Brown srs two very clever colored men and their alng tng and dancing samed for thros round after sound of applause.- - Tins- Welch to s contortionist of mors than ordinary ability. Ha tied himself Into a thou sand and one different knots and ssoh and every one of them brought out a big tough. Altogether Jhe bill to well worth eelns. . "-ew y CASTS SZU AT ASOABS. The bill thla week at the Arcade thes trs to one guaranteed to maka anybody forgot bis ar her troubles. Ruasell snd O'Nsll. la their comedy skit will drive sway all sorrows snd bring tears of laughter to the eyes. They are Irre sistible. Their Jokes srs nsw snd clever snd their songs srs catchy. Tha female member . of tbs duo , to bewitch Ingly pretty. Great Burdock, tn hla sllgbt-of-hand performance, is mystifying. Hla palm ing to exceedingly clever. Mansfield and Harvey, the song snd dsnos art l eta and Bmma O'Neal, the female baritone, are entertaining. The) moving pictures. which Ulustrsto the work of a llfe-eav- tng crew la set! on, srs Interesting. Almost every ens who to Interested hi thrilling stories has read Sir A. Conaa Doyle's "The Sign of the Four." A very clever dramatisation of ths adventures of Sherlock Holmes Is being presented this week st ths Baker theatre by sa ex cellent company. True S. Jsmss, ss Sherlock Holmes, has evidently hit the hsuthor's Idea of thla famous detective. If ens wanta to be thrilled, sad at tha asms time be thoroughly amused, visit the Baker this week There Is s mati nee Saturday, of this famous Sherlock Holmes play. OOOsT sTOXtOW "Romanes of Coon Hollow" to making good at Cord ray's this week It to by no mesas a dap-trap melodrama- It ta natural and pastoral to Its characters, with a strong dramatic plot The com edy Is nsst and refined. Ths scents af fects are msgnlfleent Ths s peels 1 ties srs ths beet that have appeared to tbs bouse this season. From MAP. M: Msreei Provost th- well known French novelist to fond of telling tbs following story: -Whenever I see an Bngliah bishop." asys M- Provost. "I laugh a little to my self, for ths good man's stately pres ence reminds me of a mishap that once befell ma I entertained a certain bishop tost year at dinner. My butler, an elderly man, bad brought Jn from s friend's house aa Inexperienced tod to help him la ths dining roost, snd It seems thst this lad during ths laying of ths cloth annoyed the butler beyond endurance with questions as ts his du ties. " How shall t nolo ths plates r "Do I serve the dleheo on tha right or on tha toft side of the guestar Must ths bishop bs served first sr sseondr "So hs eon tinned rn terminably, sad fit tost ths an pat I ent butler said: " 'All you will need to do will be to - - Reid 9 and 11 North. Just a i IH US TELL YOU SOME- THING ABOUT OUR . v $2.50 v SHOES FOR HEN AND WOMEN $2.50 Yrue merit in every PAIR, either Vid Kid, Bob , Calf, or Velonr Celt to every shape, toe style and width. Philadelphia "Shoe Store 11 N. THIRD ST. Bet Ankeny and Burneide Sta, CUTLERY EVEBY-BLACEVARRANTE) GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ; f W Hag. tbssswemU. . ; Oeasrel FreMlee. IsTfetlrettess. satata Wars. semi sad Periodical Aaalta. stand behind tbs blsbsp's ebslr. snd. whenever his lordship puts down his glass, yea mast daarti over gist wtps his mouth with a napkin.' "That, aa tha butler expected, silenced his assistant. But the young man ac tually took tha butler's Ironical remark for a serious order. Aa soon ss dinner begaa bs eta t toned himself behind ths blohop. waited until hla lordship bad drunk and put down his gtsss, sad then. ss deliberately ss bis nsrveusneoe would permit, bs opened out a mrge nspkta snd wiped ths dignified eld gentleman's mouth. Imagine my horror?" A Tmoagktfnl Bf. sf. Austin of Winchester. Int. knew what ts ds In ths hour of need. His wlfs -bad euoh aa unuaual ease of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of snd tried Dr. King's New Life Pills snd she got relief st ansa and waa finally eured. Only Sfce. IF you have been unsuccessful in securing a solid working shoe, try the R CBp Jfo shoe rr trade mark: on every pair. Pay a little more and get something good, We are makers of serviceable shoes, the kind that contain Custom Oak sole leather bottoms and Asbestos Calf upper leather, the king of leathers for durability. GSk Hertsche Go. ' SHOE MANUFACTURERS 1 ' !A First Street BASEBALL Seattle :: .v vs. .- t Portland RECREATION PARK October 5. 6. 6. 9 - . - - .fcssiss ways Tkaraday sad Friday. Si SMsslar Ssm p. ss. COLUMBIA THEATRE Uth and WsaUagtea. Psesa Hals 1A all this vwt; with auttsee fctarsay, Iks esserk CbhtatMs Stop Coatees m NIOBEH atry Paatlos's Pare Candy. Prices Ui, t5c, ooe; retire rlT. lse. Hatlnfe 15 era Kt: estlre sbIImt. 10e. Ticket efflre eyes at Sinn Hartla's. ath ana W bins-ton, I. oat- 10 t. m. te T p. si. racae Mais no. At ttMatre from 1 p. m. 10 s. a. Psoas Sit. Marquam Grand Theatre v pL. Tbara., m.. set. algkts. Ort. , T, S. ISM. aewlal-prlc mat. Bat.. PrederMl Ward, .ad K.thrrs Klodar ta the aseetssskw reauwtk MgALAMBO" BVenlBff prUS goor, wrept ket rnwa. tljor Uat S rows. 1; balcony, tret t row.. l: weoad t rews, Tac; laat rows, SOr; MtWrrr. 8se and 99c; boim and loses. 910. BMvlal Sat, mat. prtM Paraatt. 1; parea.t rtrclf. TV; salrear, Sret I row. T6e; smocmI 9 rows, toe; laat a row. sOc; gallsry. ate sad bse. tests are sew selltag. ' Marqaam Grand Theatre w sL"Sfc Tealyat asS Snmmw alabt. e cteas, Laat two prrforauiiiOM. Tbe tattnculasrS Knsllas artsr, MR. KYKL13 bHLUEW Bapsarted by Mr. a. hi. BoIIomI sad SM erlgt aai new vori raac. ia "BArTlXg. THS AJtATTOa outmasTJi.H rYlcM, SS. tl-BO; takflosy. ft, Tae; gallsry. ISr, bop. Cordray's Theatre Owdmy Masasers. Pertlasers Pbadly Two Plan Tiki Wets Bern I Tbe taat aoS amtorrew Dlfbl. (Viarlaa B. CSUaaaa'a Beat mats are stay. A Romance of Ceon Hellew" There.. Prt., Bat. Mat asd aunt, sew SreaM. avat tuse ea any stage, Grand father's ClockM Wight jniem. Iop. tr. BOe; afMU)l remrfig eau. MatlnM orwea. SV ta aar sort ef the aeseei cbimfts, mpectai Maw, loc Tha R1VFD THPltDF as. L. Bmru.Sk IHUIiSii afaimaaa twegas Tbmtie (a. tan Lamas. aUb this waaat. Man ft as eaTtmsY, A great eacsaas ' "The Sien of the Four" Bar A Oman Parle's wettOrfsl story e4 tbs asTestarae e saertocs tieuaMe. . leasts as saertoffe Moll .Bakn yrleas preralL THB STAR THBATRB flla Taaalia tn the rx yosi cuyroKD XUU. . , BZIX 4B "A' TOM. THX KkaJU S. DOWlflT S TXBB . Wlli O. HOTT. ' r. psoncToacora. hews t 4:10 a. m., T ao te le as a. m. Mc; i wanes sss aests, Bw. The Arcade Theatre... tbs SilglBrt ffajaOy Vi.laHUe Tkis Wash Ttrw ajrATBtramcat. : ftvasKix avd o nu. . .111 ootxjT ' nra siosoopa. tm ts 4 as p. .. t:js ta urn p. m. A: toe t. aay east. If L . 3 Sim mi a- . . C if m 4S a a , w a. w. 1 . Mt st aa 4 i Portland, Oregon I' Umbrellas - Rs-ovsred 'i- i 75c and up v , Too savs the oost . sf a nsw frams. , and handle by ' rs-eovsrlng ths sld W; nmbrsilav . : -A " Our special " Water-proof . ' Olsrta Silk.-' '' ri"--; . . wears ilka Iron. Leare frames , this week snd ,. sail for tbess , -wbea.H rains. -v- ' 4 We do repatirmg - ALLESINA fJirw Fi FINE PBINTING AND BINDING WEITING AND DESIGNING OP ADVERTISING F.W.BALTESiCOXPm Tint sad Oak Birsstg Mail 169 A GREAT BAROAIN S Aomas on oar line: bfgh and atgtitiy; bouse, bars and nne enerry orcnam; ' will divide In arre tracts, with daeir ,abla building sltss. DAVIDSON, WARD A CO. I....' aw la T-- n m ass f e ea , all p Aa. sak-M w ".d ss J re. ln n. . a fa TWaMTT-yiTg canrrs a isi ' w. AsTTnsysnrTm The sUyrio Thseitre COMPLETE PBESS ' gtema at eedeHUa BawaSwssa. ' e tr - v- B I m 'I T Pt tm is" 1 a m. " i OSWOBBT M' I : j