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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
V tCTCrTI 4.1 I 4)4d4 iJEVS OFTHELJxiES ewOS MM .. SEYEil EZMS IK -13 QAIE CC?FR B K. lUDWOIIllWi on op oanu& o TMW TOM O OOP SSS TRIP TO unou. : ' ' J 5.' V ; Stem Snow, secretary of the ,fetala company, but retarned from ' , Idaho and eastern Oregon, where ho . spent mm time with President Charles E. Ladd and Osnsral Mutpr O. W McDowell. Tba Landors amelter wan to pave been completed about tba lsst of tba precedta month, but the tnanaae inant does not ear to auk any atate .jnent regard Ids ooadlUona tbera until Jatar. -; White returning- kn Mr. Knew vte Itar Sumpter. where ha Inspected tba blaet furnace In use there, end had -.conference with the minutmNit. th iumpur plant recently received ' quantity of ora from tha Sevan Devil a proparllea. leased by . tba UM com pany.. tha vlelt Is presumed to. have baan la relation to this business. - R. H. KltinschmldX one of tha arlgl nal locators- of tha principal Sevan DevlW BronertUa. stated In Botsa the peat week that now development In tha district was bringing; to light soma of tha best ora aver mined there. Ha ., said that 17 Urns of ora mined from tha . Blue Jacket in Auut, under Mas to Col one! Dorse J. netted tba ! , 000. . Soma of this ore ran vary blb in copper, and had sold values. ',' The Queen. In tha Blue Jacket group, Is said to hare a magnificent face of "high-grade ore, the sboot bstas 1 feet wide at ooa point. A new property, known as ths Leck- - wood, owned by JL Barton and others, has let tons of ere on the dump that .' U aaid to be about tha best aver seen In the Seven Devils. Mr. Klslnachmidt was rn consultation with the Ladd of- j.flelals while tber were In tha samp. Kiel nechra kit brothers, who own tha i principal stock In the North American Mining; company,, bonded UM raacoon. South Peacock. Whit , Monument. Helena and Decora to tha Boston and . Sevan Devi la omoanv and took tba properties upon their reversion from -that bond. -They have dona litU work Slueev until tha stimulus" of tha Ladd ' mm pan it's operations cava a better mar ket. ( . ,- , - - , , SEEKS AID TO OPEN 'm BRIGGS RICH STRIKE V ladeak with nab spaslmana from tha Brian strlka oa Thompson creek, lit , southern Oregon. Lessee SL T. Staples ' has departed for the saat, where be will endeavor to float a company, ta proee- euta deeper work on tha propertr that has ' Attracted aa much attention of lata Mr. Staples baa devoted hi energies to driving- a deeper erosecut. aad ear that he-wH--noeeV esMvln .prosecuting: the work. . H expects to dlaposs of enough stock o enable Mm ' 4a da thm, Aa aa Incentive, ha takes ... with him several of the superb apeel- . mans that had the offset of meamerls Ina mlnlna man for a period. Ha Is ' said to have one plaoa of the lf-lnoh .'. miggvt, or slab, that was taken out by the original discoverers of tha prop- arty. , . .... V'. V '' IU In fa 11 la tasters Orecon and west ern Idaho has not been sufflolsnt yet to . raise the Snake river level materially, navigation . between Lewlston and Eureka awaits this evidence of winter. v The Mountain Oem will not ba rlaked an any regular trips over th rapids until water has become blgfcr. la the ' spring, when the new upper Snaka river ; dredasr ean operate there eaxelr. it will be put on tha course between Lswlston and Bureka, sspeolally wud ooose raplda. and tha ether II shoal places In t that strstoa. As the dredger Is - equipped for handling- the large, bould ers encountered, bleetlnc them to pleoea and removing' tha debrla. Its work next spring will doubtless have th effect nt making- navigation for such a v ael as tha Mountain Oem - t Kuraka possible at any aeaso of tha year. Completion of the two-stamp mill manufactured In Aahland for tba At toe mine, near Oold Hill, Is reported. Tha oruehln plant hag coed eapaclty- for tha stamps used. A cyanide plant Is used for extracting gold and silver values fropi the pulp- HAPPIEST MAN IN UNCLE 5A!TS NAVY. t am the happiest maa ta Uncle lam's hsvy. I must have got the pllea from always sitting' on tha guns, for I have to gt on them to clean them, as I am flret alaas aun her' mats ta tha after turret. "I eould not do any work when I had the piles, my shipmates did H for ma, I eertalnly eras In a bad condition : today there Is no man aboard the ship In bet ter condition than I am. and I oan eer talnly thank Pyramid Pile Curs for the -world of food It has dons m. I used an many different msdlelnes and Bpont lots of money until I used this remedy; It Is tha oni? ons of the whols lot that did me any good. -The first boa nearly eursd ma, and t don't think I aver felt happier ta my life, that I thought I sot the real stuff at Inst. Ta meka ours of a curs I used a number of boxes, also tws boxes of Pyramid PMIa- and -as and ane-balf boxes of Pyramid Ointment, and I atlll have four boxes of Pyramid Pile Cars left, that I keep ta oaso I mast anyone that Is g sufferer of plies. I thank Pyramid Pile Curs a million tl Julius A. atoeeter. V. S. Flagship ears. The wonderful on res effected by this remedy are auhjeot for remark smong members of the medical profeeslon everywhere. A etttla book describing tha ssuass and euro of plies Is published bv the Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall. Mlnh.. and ws advise every sufferer to writs for It It m a Singular fact that ons out of every four suffers from this dlatreselns; somplslnt, and another pe culiar feature la that ft Is no reepeoter nf persons, attacking both those of high and of low degree, the laborer and the millionaire.' the scrubwoman and1 the lady -of faahton. We have pleasurs tn recommending Pyramid Plls Cure ta all such, as it possesses merit, end sines It In sold by all druaaista generally for thd low price of fifty osnto a package a nrnmnt and sneedy cure Is easily within tha r.. at eryona. r tnisrsiALLtD mow Unas tax mm xm ssx, wostb OOITHTT, stSAS OlMOI SOVVsV AJIT, WMJkWB Aim BOAsTTBM AJU M- xjrw xavus nr. tspertal Dtapatta) U The JesraaL) Med ford. Or., Oct. .-In the extreme northsra part af Dal Norte county, California, and does to the Oregon boundary line, heavy work la being dens on, the Monumental mine. . The trans' for of this propertr to tba San Fran cisco and Colorado people Interested tn tha copper belt is about complete. ao oordlng; ta tha statement of ens af tha owners, H. W. Jackson. With C B. Baker of Boston and J. I- Hamilton of Medford, Mr. Jackson bonded the Monu mental tu J. O. B. Ounn of Saa Fran olsoo snd T. Wain-Morgan Draper of th Waldo company. A payment has bean made, and Mr. Jackson stated while hare that another of t,e0, which is the last, waa to, bp mads before Sep tember ended. . A a teem hoist and larva eompreaaor have been Installed, nnablios; the man agement to proeeoute work with power drills. Boastsrs are -b!ng hauled to the mine, each with IN tons capacity. Something ilk a half a Hundred men are employed underground at tha mine and erecting buildings. Bunk and boarding- bouses, oottages and an of fice hare been put up, end tha mlns equipment is beta rushed as rapidly aa possible. All machinery and suppllea for tba mlns are hauled from Crescent City, on tha coast, whoss they are de livered by steamer from Ban Franolsco. The Monumental Is situated on Shelby creek, near th Q rants Pass-Crescent City gtsga- road. ' - WATER FOR PUCERS IS NOT FLOWING YET Placer aparaters efX southern Oregon. after gelttna ready for early fall work. bava been slightly d reappointed la re gard -to th volume of tha early water flow. The few days rata of two and three weeks ago did not bring- the main streams up materially, as a large amount of moisture was required to saturate tha unusuaHy dry ground, and rains wars not continuous. A, 1 B. Cousin, of the Oalllce Consolidated, was abls to put three or four giaata Jn com mission and believed when he departed for tha property that they would no kept busy. Few operators were abls to a tart up and await further rainfall. Most of tba southern Oregon plaosrs will not ba put la full oom mission until November, after which time tha flow of water svsrywaere is absmdanC . , B TAJbeV; Aeadranos "1b given that the Orana Bias -draseraaj purchased by Buroh Burbldgs for their property near Gran ite, Urant county, will be delivered this year ahd erected during; tha winter months, Bumptsr visitors In Portland today stated that A. W Bills had ae- eured the contract to haul tha Is to 0 tons of machlnsry. and ta excavate t.OOt eubla yards neoessary ta make tha pit for th boat. Mr. Buroh stated two ska a so that If tha srwoblnery for the boat nould bo delivered during- Oc tober the dredger would ba pom plated before tha time to oommsnos the spline run. Buildings for aeeommodatloa of the eonstruoUoa orsw have beea oom- pleted. f . . f . ;...v Aa unusually rich specimen af silver ora, the white metal be Ins la native form, has beea seen occasionally In the city during tha past weak. Its origin. owner of the claim where It was found and other Information waa lacking, un til yesterday whan positive information was had that It came from tha Santtam dlatrtct. Tha owners do not care to make any statement af their property for the present, either as to location or also of ore body. The specimen waa large pises and appeared to be quits tick. .... It will not ba possible this fan to oem- plots the tour and a half mils ditch be ing sonetruotea to oonvey l.sss Inches of wstsr from Reuben sreek, ta south ern Oregon, to tha Harris flat plaoer dlaainga. These are near tha mouth af Grave ersak, and when this additional supply of water has been brought .In. will prove Important producers of gbld dust Bffsettv work Is reported from tha mouth of the Umpaua river, where the river dredger Oregon baa beea employed. Erection of a dike to control the river current Is tha first work ta be finished, after whleh mors attention will be given to the channel proper. When this work Is completed the dredge manager will take the boat to Smith river and thane to Sluslaw. . 1 ' AJUSTS JTOM A Managsr Charles D. Crane, of ths Lucky Queen property, near Grants Paes, passed through th city Sunday and will return hers la a fsw days Mr. Crane says he Is arranging; to install th stomp mill provided for recently. STANDARDS OF CRAIN FIXED FOR THE YEAR The chamber of summered grain stand ard committee had completed tha flxing of grain atandarda for tha snsulng- year. It .was delayed by failure to receive samples of barley and oats. Tha com plete Hat of standsrdo aa decided upon la as follows: Walla Walla white, l; Walla Wala red. if; busstem, 11 Jtd Huastaa. No, U II; Bed Fife No, I, II: barley, bsywlng, 47 s barley, feed, 41; oats, eastern Waahlngton. IT. An unu sually strotur. demand for samples has come from the saat during! ths laat two weeks, owlsg ta tha heavy eastern buy In which has taken Oregon and Waah lngton wheat to Chicago, Duluth and St. Louis by ths tralnload. Tha committee found th grain about an a par with past years Two new wheats. Bed Bus lan and Red471fe. were added to ths list, ssd Wlllametes oats wees dropped because of las limited amount produced. si2Ar:A:!Ar;'3 siiAiiAiiArrs siianaiiah's tt siianaiia:;'3 Vc-:r5 Ci Pctticcrts We have s swell line of the very best Black Taffeta-Silk Petticoats, made round, walk " Ing- lenpth, with 12-inch graduated accor deon plaited flounce, with ruffle, also dust ruffle.' These skirts are a bargain at some stores at $5.95 who claim them as $10, $11 r and fla skirts. Our price, while they last $4.39 A beautiful Une ef Black Silk -Taffeta Potti coat, with, A 4-inch sweep, deep ruffled . flounce, unfinished top; worth and 5 sold for $5.00, Our price..... v...$3.&5 Lhck Sateen Skirts VT First class material Near Silk, with accordeon . pleat 5 inches deep, with six rows ot stitch--jnff around bottom. K A treat, birgain . at .., v...f.,....,.60d Wcnsen's Cravenettes We art oho wi tip; swell line of these gar- meats everyone new and the height of fash ion. We have them from $18,50 to . as tow as. ....s?9.50 Rev Fall r.lerchuntlise At Prices ExtraordiasrOy Low Great shipments of fall and .winter merchandise art being i , received dairy. Ths many cases and bales are- opened, the con- . - tfmtskfwshod w ths markinf room and then; serene and brighar are placed on our counters and shelves and in our show cases. Every show case, window glass, shelf, counter, ledge, carpet and bit of floor has felt the energetic touch of cleanliness ana order. Our salespeople have caught ths spirit of ths new season with hs bracing autumn air and fascinating novelties in things to wear. The initial showing of new fall goods makes this a week of intense intsrest to thrifty buyers. Every department con tributes to the splendid saving opportunities. . No .tamsness to ; thess bargains. Ths power and exceptional resources of this store were never better illustrated than in this advertisement, ' Every price is the lowest that can be quoted for trustworthy . qualities and is positively lower than you will find anywhere else in the city. ; . . . , E&IGHTEST NXW STYLES FOR EARLY FALL Isy&sZS Fell t-s a li New Fall Waist, in French and pressed Flan nelettes made with tucks and pleats, trim med with velvet and stitching new an4 v strictly stylish. Prices from $2.50 to ' as little. as......... t. ...... ..fl.CO A swell line of Albatross, with pleated front . and- stitchiogv in all .the delicate ,- shades .....fl.05 A better line and better quality of Albatross . trimmed with small rows of huct snd inser t tion Bertha effect a real swell waist, in all the. new shades......... ........ ?2.d5 Chilcren's Coats Last year's styles short length in blues, reds and grays, Oxfords, well made, trim . med in braid, and are worth , double our ' prices asked. Your choice of several " ' lots, f4.&Of f3.50f f 2.75.. ......f 15 Oxsr Success i$ Not by Accident Ws have bean successful sseaoaa we gara tha poople fair sad hoasst traafanL ' Tou cam fast sssured that whea you purohass hers yoa arm gjat value rseelved tar your money, oourteoua treatsasat And prompt servloa. ; .f- ,v- n What is the Vales of Your Mossy? It depends whoUy mpoa srhsre a ts ssp ended what yoa get te aahaaa far It. Choose your stara oasefully. There to Ml dlfferenos fea tha sjuaJltlss of sooas that may look tha same at first cfcuwa. A Remarkable Sale of Corsets lit Is universally admitted that this is the department wherein may be found the most varied assortment of fashionable and dependable Corsets for women. Many of the world's most celebrated makes are confined to us for this vicinity, and our prices are always lower than elsewhere for strictly reliable Corsets. The great business of this section enables us to give you at all times a new, fresh snd otherwise ipost desirable stock to choose from. The qualities are superb, the trimmings exquisite, and they will fit faultlessly , Here are a few of our popular makes t .-.7" a,'. i '..' -i- ARMORSIDE "Elongo HipH Win Not Break Down on the Sides. Made of coutiUe, three-bone) sateen covered strips, full bone bust, medium length, cluster hook for hose sup porters, trimmed with rich' Valenciennes iace, satin . oow and drawing ribbon, Venus back. This model covers a wide range of figures; colors, white, drab and black; sizes, l& to 30. Price. .......f 1.00 The R. (SaV C. Corset - The best double bust gore, straight front, -extra long ; waist, trimmed; colors,. drab and black; worth ; $1.50, V Our price, . ...fl.00 Never Rust Corset Lace trimmed, fine couti He, -steel bone, warranted not to rust ; colors, white and gray ; worth $1.60. Our price...... f 1.00 F. P. Corsets Made of best quality Alexandria cloth, medium four-hook model, deep hip, stitched vertically at bottom, a reduce ' ing feature. Vslencennies lace, (rimmed at top with a- satin drawing ribbon and bow; sizes, ,18 to 30; colors, white and drab. Price, fl.00 per pair. Also made in batiste. a .-, . . ' . ." Extra Good Corsets Straight- front made of steel bone, short and medium , lengths, lace trimmed ; colors, gray, white, and black i worth 75c add $1.00. Our. price .......... 60f , WITH HOSat SUPPORTERS . . ... I a I - A good straignt xront, hi gray ana wnue wnn nose rALKXT supporters; worth 76c and $1.00. ..Our price....... 60s? Oi'-tM Superb Gathering of Women's The Genius of the Man Tailor Is Strikingly Apparent tn ; This Department On Second Floor. ... Elegant but inexpensive ia the thought which ocenrav to the observer of the well selected lines In this depart ment comprising the latest ideas embodied in choice and desirable materials. No matter where you go or what you may pay more graceful, more original and finer tailored work cannot be found in any city. While- the ' price1 is a very important factor in the selection of gar ments, there are other elements deserving consideration; quality, fit, material woikmaiiship and style are pre f eminently Important. : In choosing from our Seeortment you have the' assurance of absolute perfection in all these ' mings-our name imprinted upon a garment grosranteea . -. this. Comparison pieces our apparel high above the aorta usually sold at similar prices. That fact has been prove nr ' to tiKmsands of Portland women, and we can prove it to you n you will take the time to call. Suits from 912.50, flS.OO. 4 J 17.50. S18.0O, $20.00, ' 22.50, 25.00 and f30. ' Swell Tourist Coats Blue,, brown and black cheviots and serges.' Taney mixtures and mannish material styles. .Tourist Cost, iaunty Norfolk Jacket, the new blouse and 82-inch coat, in loose and (light fitting, smartly trimmed with-silk braids,- velvets Persian bands, solid color cloths and fancy buttons. Skirts, walking and dress lengths. The New Tourist Coats at S9.50, flO, f 12.50, a? 15, f!7.DO tr fZU.UU. 4 Woiaenfs llew Coats Heavy and medium weights, all-wool Scotch and English . mixtures, plain or pleated back belted. The new pouch or man-tailored sleeves with turn-back cuffs, trimmed ; with pipings, bands and fancy buttons. A dozen " models specially priced for this week's selling. - Our prices range from.. v... ........ f8.50 to f25 1 ffo" y NXW DRESS GOODS . Xew Crepe As Alhatrosa. la all ths new wanted shsdeaf yard ......see Wool Walattasa, la all Colors and alack; rard .... .......... -nee M-fach All-Wool Ainatraas, , for waietnga ana even in wear, , yard 48d Fa nor and plain, la srsai nd white Brill lent I nee. 4S raenes Ms..e It-Inch All-WosJ Slelllana, new shadag In browns, tana, grays, reds and sleeks; jard ftOd S4-tnok BToadolotha, In black, snd oo4- ors; ll.M quail tjr for Frldar and Satardsr only, par jarS ai.00 NEW TALL HOSORY ladles' flesea Rlbasd Top Hose, man ia r iSoi special ...aOd Three for ......v ..4...SOd Ladles' Black Wool Hose, t . Special ....lM Ladles' Batra Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose, special . .wV. S8d ChtMrsn-s lal and Sal Ribbed Cseh mera Hoes, slses S ta .t..M4 Boys' Iron-CUd Haas, regular Sfto; special ....iv...ld Children's Batra Heavy xl Ribbed Hose, specUl SHXZT1NCS. MUSUNS M'kMb Bleaebed afaalln. yard....d SS-lnch Unbleached Sasstln yard 4 Bleached Sheet ln. sulUble for doable bed; good, heavy cloth, fully Si Inches wide; yard ; CUKTAINS AHO CUKTASN GOODS TS Csrtalna- pair.v.....,t.....48e Si.SS kind. pair... ......06 l.M kind. pair.......... 8s lt.S kind. pair...... ..fSd Se-tneb Cream Sarin, Tvs kind. yard,. 4H4 M-lnok Wnita Scrlaa, So kind, yard Sd M-lnch NottUighsaa. ast white. ISo kind 10 4d-lnoli Scrim, ersaas ground, ta yel low, blue, red and green stripes, lfte kind; yard fd tl-lnen Swiss, la Sets and stripes, lfto kind .s) MEN'S UNDERWEAR Stan's Wool Merrno Soaks, worth Stet special. S pairs far ............ BBg) Men's double-far Mackintoshes. In navy hi us and black Bl.SO Oente' and Ladlea Umbrslku, gloria covers; Il.M and t.7S - -values ....U.ajl.SS Men's All-Wool TJnderwesr. la brows, tan and aatursl gray; wortb l.0 and I1.SS; spselal. .S6d Mea's bins nannel Shirts, alngle or double breaat .....,....,...$1.00 Boys two-pleos School Suits, agas t to is years fi.ea Man's Wool Olovas, piala and fsnoy solors t...S6d Bays Sweaters plain and ; fancy stripes reduced to .4Sd linens; napkins, .., TOWELS lee Bleached Cotton Dsmaak. St Inches wide, good for hotel or kitchen use; yard ..-19d 4&e Loom Damask, IS Inches wide. for ,....BSd bl.e BlaaobsdT Tabid Psmsik, 'A Inches wide es 11. ft Napklna, blsacbsd Napkins. 19 Inehsa sSd fits Napkins, all para linen, good slas ...fJ.-0 TOWELS Huek Towela slss llxll, perfectly ab sorbent, suitable for hotels, hem stitched with red border; es dosen only at, each ...9d Huck Tewela good linen oottoa gals ed warp slss Ms St. too ktad each 14 Turkish Towels, well mads, asually large, S0a4 Inobea; tnstsad of Sea each lSHd Cotton Toweling, fast salved gee, neat red borders, yard ...I.... .6d ZMapsr, 14, M and It Inches aids sani tary diaper eottoa, sold for lso. IS Ha yard, now, yard ... Td " BED SPREADS Il.M Bad Spreads, fuU slaa, for ...8d 11.64 Bed Sarsada, good gUb ' erochet BSd $S.M Spreads these are sxtra Isrgs slss, pure whits MareeUlee patterns, good weight aad pood value for; our pries .......4... BLANKETS Blankets white, tan and fray, ls-4; pair OS I1.TS Blankets B1.1S Taa. gray and whits fleeos Blanket a, ful slss for double bed fl.TS Wool Blankets, 14.11 pair a pure whits Oregon Wool Blanket, alt wool, aaually sold for -; our price S4.18 Blankets, irsft. Instead of S4.M white, doable-bed slss Wool Blankets, with Just enough oottoa la them ta keep from shrinking; I.M Blankets, . to salt at They are extra large slss. splendid values, pars, warm lambs' wool, ba rauee tha colors la ths borders are not suite perfect Tha running; af tha aolors doesn't hart their value ana bit yoa don't buy blankets for look A mill sent as M pairs. Pay SO. 06 instead of Il.M. COMFORTS ; Il.M Comforts, Mo a full else, good, desirable patterns, ta dark aolors, Il.M kind .............BS Il.M Comforts, 11. Ill M Soasa sllko llns covered -a good diss, purs whtts filling; 3.M kind ..........Sl.lfi Cotnfortars filled with sweat, dean oottoa, covered with osteon, la very bright colore. They are aorotl stitch ad or knotted to prevent tha flllins; from rum ping; and so attractive In appearance that they look for all the world Ilka dowa comforter; gTest bis SPECIALS IN PILLOWS la all staaa Xrom BSd Floss Pillows, S5f vp. Peather PUlows, Ifcxli, TM - kind Peather Pillows. 11x31. Il.M kind v....... i..Sd FALL UNDERWEAR r roa wostBnr in OBrifiBsmsT, ' Boys Extra Heavy Pleeoa XJnsS Shirts and Drawers, all sums. , . .SSd Boys Camel ahalr Shirta and Drawers. regular fcOo; spactsl .......... .SSa) Children's Ribbed Fleeos Lined Veeta and Drawera, all slses .- S5d Children s Fleeos Lined sUbbad Sleep. tng Oarraeata, all sums SAd Ladles' Flssoa Lined Ribbed Vests snd Pants 18d Ladles' Fleece Lined Ribbed Union Sulfa sera and grey; special. . . .44 Ladles' White Ribbed Wool Caelta - Union Suits, regular Il.M; special j ..Sl.OO ChUdren's Plesos TUasd Ribbed Union Suits, special a Boys' Heavy Ribbed fleece Llsed Union Suits, all slses BO Misses' Pleeoa Lined Ribbed Oaelta Union Suits SO Ladles Striped Oattap Flannel Skirt Patterns with orsonst sdsja. light and dark colors 96 Ladles' Bhttra Heavy Fancy Strtped ' Outing Flannel Skirts with scalloped flounce, regular ?Sp; special BOd Ladles' Striped Outrng nannel Oowns, awde with double yoke sad trimmed with braid 4d LmssmsBmsBSsmsxjm IM,I rn -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmamSMm H I S HI waasama STEAMBOAT AGENT S PULPIT ORATOR Tn rasp ones to a pressing? Invitation. William Baker, aaslstaat agent at tba Coo oh -street dock; want ta SpokajM Boa- day ta fin the pulpit ta ana at ska churches In that city. Although only .about IS years Of ags, Mr. Baker has been preaching' tha gospel at latsrvals during; ths past eta or seven years. Hd served ail through taa Fall- Ippma campaign with tha Orecoa volun teers, and upon his return entered tha ministry. Not being able a acres with his ooneTragatwai upon severs! sscleal asttcal questions, ha retired sad accept ed his present position with tha Oray Stssmshlp company. , Baker w said to ba sn orator sf mors than srdiaary ability. But as baa stows greatly Intsrssted la tha transportation business, and K is said ta ba vary prob able that ha will remain In that sailing. While at tha dock ba baa bad many and varied eapsrtenosa. Ha baa palled a number sf drowning- maa out af taa river, and enjoys tha dtatlnctlsa af kill In tba only rattlesnake that waa aver killed la Portland. slits. waaamftTf -1 eW-rl roes- avu m rsu -h. rmrrr ifP SON ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS HIS FATHER Unless blood-peteoalDg ar srher eom plloatlens develop It Id believed that H. F. Brlcksvn af Btna. Clarke county, Waahlngton, who waa accidentally shot by hie so a, will recover from the effect e of tha wound. He was taken to Goad 8a mar I tea hospital yesterday. Krtckeoa waa at his home Sunday while his H-year-o(d eon, I -e, we cleaning a lavua la prev""" a hunting trip. Ths you as; maa found aa old .ll-callhrs revolver la a eloet and was looklngT at II whea hie fainer approached. V Thrnklnp the weapon was not tewi-d hs Isughlngly raised It In ths dire of bis father and snanped te tr Ths man fell ta ths lr ..fl a fc In his breast The mas was re- snd taken to yceteruv- At i staled ti-1v t lsas unexprnwO ,