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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, 45&TCSt- i- -t V l GOLD AND SILVER , DEMOCRATS' VIEWS Me Smith Gives Cleve v land Credit forthc X Cold Standard. 'Jr. T , , ! (taml BBeHsl in) " 1 - Charlotte, R X. Oct. 4-Tbe Avlwr nf Husks here was filled to overflowing - teat nixbl by Mi Interested audlenoe - which listened with rant attention to - ;" Hoke Smith of OMril secretary of stha interior under Graver Cleveland, - ipttk on the INUM at the nampslgiL - bo wM. In part: "The speech of Mr. koosevelt aoeept ; in Ut nomination for president waa , oneerretlve. It anight aim oat have : com from Xudr Farfcsr. The Jettsr ' of wweptanon was more UM the Tatifh rMar.' la the first instanoe, ba fol lowed his poller of vpean softly." In :' tha second inetaaoe, a was enrrytng 'ths lg a tick. "fn his -letter oT acceptance, Mr. ."' Koceereit acta tha pace for Republican ' laapwdeaoa la too shape of self -praise and aelf -assertion, claiming everything for himself and party, char tin any . . thing aamtnet his exponents which his - fancy suggests: Ha attacks tha Pesaocratle attitude - with raferanca to tha sold standard. Ha 'charges that the course of our party l. aa to the sold standard has been one of. expediency, and ha refers to tna alienee of our platform ea this subject. He .' was forsetful in this of his own dee laraUom to 1st, whan, speaking of tha Republican platform about to be adopt , ad, ba declared: "Refusal to be for free silver means "that the party Is resolutely against It. .'and the party must rest content with . this stata of affairs and spare the mi v norlty humiliation hy refraining from . denouncing, la many words, the free solnage of stiver.' He tenons the fact that only a few " years ago tha leaders of both parties, , ' with a. few exceptions, favored the free coinage of sllvar. The nutlntenanoe of the void standard should not he given as a credit to tha Republicans. -It be longs to -the admlnlstraUoa of Orover --' Cleveland. ' , "The attitude of the Republican party .and Its candidate for president tbreat- - ans tha peace and tranquility af a great ,' section of tha urflon, tha section known . as tbe sooth. This section was already confronted with a aerloue problem the . presence of eight million negroes, tha . large majority of srhom need direct loa In their dally walks of Ufa from their white neighbors. This daily aid Is re quired oa account of the superior quali ties of tha wbUa raea. Any effort to force equality will aacesssrlly injure- tha ' negroes, aa wall as disorganise tha re lations under which tha agricultural ' 'and ommerctal growth of tha south ' I ' must take pispri " "Tha harm wires nocompllshns by Roosevelt and the Republicans la seri ous. 'Tha south Is contributing a full ' part of tha commercial growth of the country. A blow against our section In . tares all sections. We should especially uk those interested ta southern tnvesl 1 ints to reflect upon this before they :. give approval to tha resent course of the Republics, pasty -nd It candidate ; SECRETARY WMPSON DECIDES TO RESIGN ;;:;. -t--'".v ' u J- W., Thompsott. secretary of the Ltwto and Clark Praternal Building assoetstioit, who la said to be the only obstacls to the way of tha ultimate sue . cess of tho organisation, haa decided to V f withdraw quietly. ' Ha same to thla do v talon at the meeting of the board of alractors of the organlsstloa bald Ust ; aight. . y - - . I All bo-ttW oaks of the oommlttaa Is ; that be be reimbursed for tha amount ha ' has personally - expend which he T claims ta bs about 10e. A committee I" conalstlng of John M. Mann, Max - Moerokead and Paul Pferdner waa ap- polatad ta confer with Mr. Thompson to " come to soma amicable agreement ra ' ssrdtng tha sum to bs allowed him. - The report of the ommlttea wiU be i received at a meeting! of the executive : committee after a meeting of tha board t of dlrsctora on rhuraday avonlng. Maaa- while Mrs. iiod Kllen Connall wiU act - as aac rotary until Mr. Thompson's guo s censor Is appointed. nv. prssldant Werleln did not fores his resignation upon tha board laat night as be Intended. . Matters took a different turn from what he antlcrpatad. Ha will - eerv until the settlement of the entire difficulty on Thursday night whan ha i win ask tha boarg to elect a saw prasi- M'KIMEY LOSES IN " SUIT AGAINST BANK ': t?ndor aa order of the circuit doart . Horaos C McK inlay, a defendant In the ' land fraud caaaa now before the fsderaj r- court, must pay tha Bank af Browns V vtile t614.. aav attorney's f ee pf ffO. ' -J interest at Id per cent and costs of suit 1 t The ordwjr was signed by Arthur I V Fraasr. acting presiding Judge. The suit ; i of the bank on a not given by McKlnlr waa . beard. June SX. Tha defendant throwsh bin eon neat, derllned to submit aay avhmnos. It la stated to tha arder that fctcKMnley ahaU haw credit for $100 - paid am the note and Interest, up ta a apedfiad data, Tha court further holds that any l ether amounts prJd the bank by McKln ley were paid aw other sAonunta. Tha ; amount due, when credit la given for V 1H. ts tS14.e. PIMPLES I 'arfed atl kteas ef bleed mweJIei wbM fatlel Kiittoalnt lh ef bei ! fMminlln mm ST rrlrsde. I fl Bee ki 1 rl lh anrwlnj. Jlese le sere a aaan a HPSiaiM gawgvaaiwaiim A im bn'.k. Tha W 1M lamrei COO. e Mitle 4 tm n vbwt beak. bfrseq Ce., Oli is erPl.T. asj C-.atiLL TU KUJOI IOSS William Jennings Bryan : Tells of His Political 7Attitude,- BsortsJ DbiMim h Th Tmrml y ' Omaha Ooh 4. With no abatemant of his oM-Uma firs and magnetism, and with bis usual alnoarlty. William Jen alago Bryan opened tho XMnMoraUo oam palgn in this stato today, speak lag at Qretna ta - tha foraaoon and South Omaha last night la tha latter plaoa an Immense crowd enthusiastically cheered his efforts. . Tsa apsahar was oorapelled to atand utet for aa uaasual length of Umo un til the cheering which greeted his ap pearanee subaUled. He than had his au dMane for tha kindness -f the greeting aad at anoa lauached. Into hla speech. His remarka war prefaced by the following: "I need not tall yoh t wag delighted with tha nomination at SL Iula. X opposed the nomination of Parker be cause ha did no stand (or what wo had been fighting fur la Kebraaka for eight years.- - I stand today for every doctrine X have advocated. I have not recanted and have not withdrawn from rhera X stood. X have not changed aiy rwltlon. X belters these things whea stood be for you aa a oandidata, mb4 I belteva In tham today. . -We got a good platform. Tha plat form adopted at ftc Loula M bad only wnars it omits' ta stata tha narty'a aoal- tlon on two quaatlons on tha mosey ueatloa and the Income taa." Bryan said that avso thes features warn bad enough only through omlaaloa. He said that tbe eolnace Issue could not bo taken np at thla time, apparently, with any hope of remedying the situa tion, and that many evils were to be overcome baa Ida those affecting finance. "On em do but tbe beat," aald be, "and there la Work snough at hand with out approaching quaatlons ' on whlob there -is such divergence of oplnloa at this time. Not wan Deaaocracy oan re form all Ills at once." .Turning his attention to tha Repub lican platform, tha speaker took It up point by point and offered opposing- ar guments for nearly evary clause con tained therein. Bryan devoted much af hia speech to the requirements of pesos, referring to the apparent disposition of the Repub lican administration to assume a Ilka attitude rather than to p remote by example the friendliness of nation He aald the standing army at this tlmo ls much larger than naoassary. aad tbe free uss of the militia Is proving g .parlous manaoe ta laboring man. An his audlenoe waa largely eemposed of packing-bouse employes, this portion of htg speech was greeted with a great uproar. ' At oonslderable length he want into laboring conditions that now pre vail, showing the reasons for labor's un rest and ax pis in keg remedial measures thsrafor. , At the doag of hla address he held an Informal reception for nearly an hour, hundreds of ht bo tins' men In tha audi. anos Instating on eocotng forward to shakn hand a with him. . RUSSIANS ARE ; v it, ;.. nnrninrn - iKCrAKCU (Contlnoad from Page Oas4 tha Chinese government has received In formation that Japan la preparing to send oat two divisions against Vladi vostok besides forces te occupy north ern Korea. . The Russians, tt to aald, have sent 0 additional marines ta Vladivostok to aid to tha defense of that port . . (Jearaal special gerrles.) London. Oct 4-The Roma apondent of tha Kxchanga Telegraph wires that a niessags haa been received there from Chefoo asserting that a Rus sian warship recently ran tha blacksde at Port Arthur, escaping tha bombard ment from tha Japanese. Tha nasal's name la no1 "' (Jearaal special serrke.) - Olbraltar, Oct 4. Tha Russian cruiser Smolensk af the volunteer fleet passsd here today going west WltASXTOaTO. MAAlg."'( (Jearaal gsedal fcrrlee.) ' t Vladivostok. Oct 4. Thla town ' Is quiet and many families which Had Into the Interior early In the season are re turning. Navigation oa tha Amur closes thkt week. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE ' BY DRINKING ACID . r in .. VJ. j-r-.,. J,. j ' (SpetUl mssah ta As XearaaXl ' ' Colfai, Wash., Oct 4. Word has reached here of the attempted suicide of Carrie Dillingham, aged It. who la em ployed in a dance hall la a Coeur 'dAlsne mining camp. When aha was thrown over by tha man whom aha had lived with aha swallowed aarbolie acid gad tt la said cannot live. Her parents wera. wealthy farmers of this section and died some years ago, leaving $. to tho daughter whan she became of age. , POLICEMAN'S HOME X ' DAMAGED BY FIRE Firs la tho woodshed pf Policeman Cole's residence, No. Ml Fourteenth street did damage to the extant of H, M tt I o'clock thla morning. Tha srigia of tho lira Is unknown, . 7hemteal oampa&y Ns. I answered' tha alarm and while the horses were bring hitched to the apparatue one ef them stepped en Driver Andersen's foot and naarry cut off a too, Tha Are was quickly extinguished but the heat was suMoleatly Intent ta acorrh several adjoining buildings. Tha wood shed was destroyed and the roof of Po- 1 loam an Cote's house waa damaged. 3 ' On has Road. - - From the Chlcaan Tribune. "What are you doing nowf Tm a highwayman.' "Wha-a-a-tr TV Paving anntrgetof. juntthanema . Reported s mawa Xtadaa tha ' luiali ai Vast Artsma, - i Istthers, STRANGLED ' t - DeteettvM declare that a well drsnsad nan walked hastily Into Union station laat night, depoelted an ordinary tele scope grip behind k benoa, then bur ned outside, where ha met handsome young woman and the two took a ear uptown. At Hit last Bight R we dls oovorad that tho grip contained month-old male baby thai had evidently been strangled to death. Head Forter Richard P. Roots saw th grip veia. -tlaea during ina evening, but thought it bad been left there by passenger who waited for a train. Fi nally whea tha plaoa was being cleaned up after the departure of tho trains SNAPSHOT ARTISTS fHI ASSCCIATIIM EsT . OO Jfi w m J'UkM gstsTBffiaW FRMmATlOaT O VXvV Bxxxan o ja wmevmmm meeting of "Portland people who have been prominent to amateur photo grepblo work will bs held tomorrow evening at tha offloe of Frederick V. Hoi aaas, and an organisation wiU ba formed with tho purpose of federating with the American Federation of Photographio Societies, of which Curtis Bell of New York Citr la. tha president and F. O, Beach of Toronto is chaldnan 'of tha salon eoaBmlttae. Taa roruang socieir wUl start with IT numbers, aad with a prospect of this number being Increase to ! wlthrn a short time, . The America Federation consists of It cltlea to the United gtatas, and uia beat amateur photographio work from the members to these cities hi collected anaualty and mounted to ' aa exhibit which Is sent from city to city and placed oa exhibition. Tha first saloa exhibit to reach Portland will probably oome during next April, and tha Inten tion la to plaoa It oa exhibition to the rooms of the Portland Art association. If tha new building is finished by that time It will be' seen there. Tho salon ex hibit consists of about SM pictures. The collection of these pictures Will ba dona through a committee, of which Will H. Walker Is the resident member. The Pacific coast will be represented by from 404 to 1,040 photographs, and from these the art committee will eeieot those that are to go Into tho salon exhibit Tho name of tha Portland association la not et selected, but will probably be tha Portland Society of Photographio Art The Initial members will be: Will H. Walkar. Bdgar Ferross. Mrs. -Julia Hoff- man Henry Wagner. Paul Wessingsr, Alfred Tucker, George w. Hoiman. Henry Berger. Jr., Charles Bssay, William T. Woodward, T. A, Jaekson, F. A. Rout lodge, I 0. QUllland, D. W. Rosa, W. M. Ladd, sMgay K Prank, J. A, Horau W. a Haines, O. M. Flumtner, George W. Hort R B. Lam eon. Mrs. Sarah H. Ladd. LUy B. White, Maud' Alnsworth, SX M. Ash and Bertha Broyman. . BUSY SESSION AT trT.U.C0NVENTION ' ... 1 .' .,rVi- Reports of tha officers and the de partmental superintendents occupied the forenoon session of the annual conven tion of Multnomah county W. C T, U. today. Mrs. Lucia Faxon Additoa pro aided. The evangeltstm report, the mothers meetings, tha literature, Sun day school and flower reports gavg the Mt Hood circle tho bast showing. Tha state convention meets in the Cumber land Presbyterian church September it to II. snd efforts have been mads ta get tha full membership for. tha various cir cles to Increase the number of delegates to tho state meeting. Mrs. Additoa spoke of the plan for a scrapbook eomf petition at tha state meeting, when g prise will ba awarded tho circle having the best oollection of press notices. The president a statistical report showed U addressee made. W unions organised and ill loot a res planned for. Election of officers and county delegates followed hi tho afternoon. - DRIVER HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH ; O- ' . John Bingham earns within It mches of having his head severed from his body by a St Johns ear oa tho City 4b Suburban lino at Third and Pins streets tbla morning. Ho escaped with only cuts, la tha scalp because the motor- man managed to brlag tha car to a atop. Policeman Jones, who rushed to tha aeons whsn Bingham was knocked from his wagon and fell sudor the oar, re ported to Chief Hunt that all tha wit nessss hs Interviewed laid tho blame oa the motorman, but Clelroe Agent atal lory for tha oompany said as far as ha was able to learn Bingham suddenly wheeled his wagon In front of tha oar. and It was impossible to prevent tha accident Bingham drives for tho Wee tern Clay oompany. Three stiioneo were neces sary to close tna wounds, Jriis wagon was not badly injured. , OUTPOST FIGHT ON ' ; ; THE SHAKTIA RIYER (Journal srenal lervtaa.) " v Mukden, Oct 4. A .slight skirmish occurred a few mliea east of the bridge over tho Shaktla river. A company of Japanese came up and exchanged a raw shots with tha Russian sutposts aad then returned; carrying their killed and wsunded. : X- JersaI npsatal serriei.) - ; Waaalngton, Pa., Oct 4. Jamas Cal- laghan, colored, was hanged In the eoua tv mil at 14:le o'clock this morning for tham arder tost February of Moss Ray, also colored. Callaghan suspected Ray of intlmaoy with his wifa, who la a white lOVSObT XhJa, : . , (; (Jearael Speehil serrlee.) r U Berlin. Oct e. The aged king af Sax ony, who has been 111 for a fortnight past. Is sgsto hi 4 aerione condition. His weakness la accentuated by suffocation and fits of soughing which prarsnt sleep. ' ; AfcTTrtr n mocrs rsujrxvs. - ' Jearasl sperlal servlet.) Chicago, Oct 4 Tho dlaoowry was made at today's annual meeting of the Chicago A Alton railway that W. H. Moore and J. H. Moors are In control, thus oonflrmlng the re pert of the sals af. Urn Alton to. the Rock island Interests, BABE S ' LEFT IN BTKTION ml It waa- still than, ha flAejdva to open n. , After maklna hid ghastly And ha re ported It to police headquarters. Tha body Is now at the morgue aad the In vestigation dlaeloaed a number of marks on the child's throat It hi believed that It was strangled U death. , Detectives who are Working; oa the ease today declare that thaw have d la cove red that a young- man and woman .took thg grip to the station and left It mere, vaey are axui u ins wiy ncers say, hut practically no clue ta their Identity has been dissevered ex cept the description. SELf 'DEFENSE TO c BE WOMAN'S FLEA ZOCOf JOJ PIaRTlMh FOR' am A ST, 'mosgTCd i 1 i While John Tlmm lay on a eot at tt Vlneant's hospital, fighting for his Ufa. Ruth Osborn, who yesterday A red three bullets' Into his body, was arraigned this morning ta tho municipal court ane was charged with, assault with in tent to kllL Through Attorney A. Wal ter Wolfs, she asksd for time to plead and requested that shs ba given a prelim inary hearing. The data for trial was aet for asxt Thursday. , Pendiag tha result of the Injuries In flicted by tha bullets that took effect la TlmaVs -body, tho woman. m hold with out bonds at tha city. Jell. J. J. Swift of Tho XMllea. Ox,, who was arrested aa a witness to the affair, wad released oh tl.eOO bail. , Ttmm's condition m aarlous. It is doubtful If hs can survive his grounds. His physician doss not express muoh hope. The nurses at the hospital aald this morning that the victim spent a bad night "2 waa vary unfortunate, paid Swift, who was the only witness to tha shoot Ins; other than the woman herself. "I Intended returning to The Dalles on tho ;le train yesterday morning, hut missed It by flve minutes. That la how I hap pened to be in the room when Tlmm walked to and attacked Mia Osbora with n knife.- , Aa published yesterday, Tlmm and Miss Osborn had been keeping oompany and It waa thstr intention, they said, to marry- Rut because of Jealousy oa tho part-of Tlmm, they had trouble. He is said to have attacked tha woman with a knife, when aha seised bar .revolver and fired point blank at him, ARTHUR ISELIN TO V MARRY MISS JAY :..''.- '- From tha New York Amerioaa. Arthur Iselln,- sometime ooastabls of New RoohaUe, la certainly to ba con gratulated. CoL and Mrs. William Jay have formally consented to .the an nouncement that their charmingly or iginal daughtsr, JCleaoor, known, to the girls of hsr set by tho endearing name of "Mopay" beoauss of the perennial dis order of her wavy brown hair la en gaged to ba married to tha son and heir of William B. Isella. She is a famous ooaea-drtver, . f Young Iselm Is n capital Bailor. He has a speedy half-rater, tho Hope, and MISS hXBAHOR JAY AND KJCR FXNAjCa ARTHUR ISRUN. his father Is the owner of the creek yacht xcmerald; and. he ! a splendid poio-piaycr .---. Mlaa Jay Is quits' Tmmg. Shs praa tlcally mads hsr debut in February, 1441, under tha careful eye of Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont. In a ball of oriental splen dor at Sherry, and Mr, Iselln la 14 yearn old. Yet ha la a young man af poise, and he waa only SI when he es corted Conauelo, Duo has of Marlborough, across tha ocean on hsr visit her In Utos. He Is aulta rich withal. He to a millionaire In his own right Hs Is nephew of C. Oliver Iselln t Ms mother, who was Miss Alice Rogers Jones, m very rich, and hta father is n member of the well-known banking firm In waloh Arthur holds a responsible position. As te the Jay family, every one -knows, of course, that not only does Miss Eleanor know that her grand rather was the late John Jay, but- she else known thai she fa a direct deevendaat of tha great chief Justtte. Ths wedding will take plana In December, and will surely be sae of tbs fT eat midwinter, functions - ., I I' I i : .2 5 Reason s There are "many reasoriewhy you should Dlanos Of coursi vaii ntit i manner of 'fatry tolss to dlaoouraai tmi Mia "Unklna 'rounA" BJlOWlnS Wl that If you ones get a war from thm you may buy elsewhere. Their anxt ty should make you all wm mors osier, mined to InvssUgats our pUnos aid nrHr-aa Time luVmmU accented. We carry only tha bettor trades of Instru mentsones ws know to be good awl all are thoroughly guaranteed. We are pleased to show them to all. Whether to- lending to purchase sr not. Soule Bros. Piano Co. srs and Vft atee risen St, Oor. W. Fnrft. PLOTTERS ATTEMPT to umimi BOJOI FttAORa OR RAXLWAT VmAOX A BAfBJ FOB IJesrsal tpeetal Ssrvhwv) Berlin.- Oct . 4. Reports are entreat hers that . the oner's recent Journey through Russia waa one loag race for Ufa. Hla visit to Odessa wag short ened for fear of assassination. Tha polios of Odessa claim to "ham discovered four plots to tans his life. One of tha Plots against tha eaar suited in the placing of a bomb on tha railway llns near Barenwloo, Poland. Tha bomb waa dtaoovered and the would-be assassins arrested. Tbe polios refuse to divulge tha aa ture of tha other plots And are ntU working oa tha cases. It la declared that tha anarch rat aol onisa of Kuropa are taking advantage of tha war diversion to promote greater efforts than ever for the destruction. not only of tha eaar, but the heads of many, bureaus aa well.- Not even tha Ufa of the ocarina, who la famous for her sympathy with tha masses, 4s safe. Berlin poltce are showing tha 'most unprecedented vlgilanoa to their meas ures for the protection of tho emperor, which leads to the belief that th plot la a widespread one that haa been un earthed In part and caused terror "In tha minds af tha detsctlveg and secret serv ice man. .. .- . .r IRRIGATION CONGRESS . TO BE. INVITED HERE Portland and the etate of Oregon win be largely represented at tho 11th annual session. of tho National Irriga tion ssnaroas to be bald at SI Paso, Texas, on October li. It, IT and l. The delegation will make an effort to ssoure the oonventtoa of ItOf for Port land. This-deoMlea wan reached at a meeting hold yesterday afternoon at tha Commercial dub rooms by si M. Bran nlok. A. H. Zevers and A. King Wil son, president treasurer and secretary respectively of the Oregon Irrigation as sociation, and Tom Richardson, maaagar of ths Commercial club. These men drew ap a formal letter to A. W. Oifford, secretary af the X81 Paso entertainment committee, msklng ths above announce ment Jresldent Brannlck aad his asso ciates aay: "It la the present Intention of tha commercial bodlse of Portland to invite tha next session of tho National Irriga tion congress to most In Uia city. Be ginning Juno 1 and ending October XI, tbe Lewis and Clark exposition and Oriental fair win make Portland a gala etty. There will be displayed here a greater showing of the products which coma from irrigation than was over presented before. While this exposition will east to ax need ti.004.00s ws are convinced that the greatest lesson it will teach wUl ba irrigation and Its re sults." ' ' EIGHT NEW LICENSES GRANTED APPLICANTS Eight nsw liquor tlesnsss wars granted yesterday by tha liquor license commit tee, as follows, Kwong Fong, M Seo ond street; Lake Brie Wine A Cordial company, 404 Washington street; Gio vanni Ardessl; S40 Second street; Mor ris A Lee bo. Front and Jefferson streets; P. a Simpson, lit Washington street; R. HoehtmatO, t!4 Davis street; I and V. Rlcharda. Davie atreeti Star hay A Warner, lift Seventh strsst N. The following transfers of lie en see wars madet J. F. Fltsslmmons trans ferred to James Douglas. 44 Third street; Chris Simpson to William A Smith, M Third street; Wolra A Bat tle to settle ljuthe, tM Water street; L and V. Rlohards to J, F. Frualeon, 4T North Sixth street; H. S. Fins dt Co, to Aubry Soarr, Ml Alder strsst , ( i , I . . sWOllfaUT SXO. - , ' ':: - ' Rsevlal Dlepeteh ta Tbe Joeraal.) " Asotin, Wash Oct 4. Pour-yesr-4ld Mauds Farrish drsppsd revolver. The weapon waa stflscharged, ths bullet en tering ths child's body under the left arm, penetrating- the liver ami lung, shs may recover ' Dizzy Spells That dlnty spell IS an Important mas sage from the heart ptea ror neip. if this message receives no attentti nthare Mm: Bh oft nana of breath. CI nltktlon. weak nr fainting ape us, smotn- erlng or choking sensations, paina around tha .heart. In a Me or shoulders, and so on, until It receives the neces sary help, or is eotnpelled U giva up stop. - . Ton may furnish tha sM wtth Dr.Milesj'HestrtCur whleh euros heart dlseaat m every ntaga. Kvery day we read of sudden deaths from heart disease, yet It la a fact that the heart had been pleading rnr help. and a-ava ud ths strusxls only whan It had exhausted the last spark of vlta Ity and they call tt sudden. "Tor mora than six years I Was trou bled with my hart. I would have diiay pella, than dlffioulty hi breathing, ehnk Ing sensations, my heart would flutter, become painful. I could ant breathe lying down. J oomraenced taking tr. Kllfts' Heart Cure, and In ft few weeks X was entirely cured.'- M l n ll l n m unmn'n, 1 1 v im, aiina. I Mooax Bftdk tt flrdt Um taAlghsJ MINN IB C JOHNSON, Olivia, hi Inn. Whyr; see What we have in wm line oi and organs before purchasing. k. Other dealers wUl J try tout i the Idee end will tell TOU all IN THE ZENITH OF BROWN TAG S 35,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING, FURNISHING OODS, SHOES, etc, actually being sold at reductions that srs unpRfnjIskd outs ids of this stors,, ; , t In ' Sat't. last, ' thh) tj t sarthV Rwa we, the uee geidsB Hi in af she X mill H ef M. S a, Wesnnem, lnH sad Ml Font stnwW BansM Ataaler sTeihras. ST S. Vayls. seasal Pi as Pmli Zlsg, tst X. sVteexts. Vest FtVs Prises fed grin A S4 S Xhwty trvtt LUqrt Bs In, est eeveami Onrlua Oeek, at? X. Mmnaaai WUUe SXAnXXT SOBTRRVtb ST last Tayuw, '.Fust Frlsa. Stmeiriewi Plehud, ganti dish - OUR GREAT ; -V: - ' . MID-WEEK SPECIAL For' Men' $15.00 and $1.50 Suits. All-wool, hsnd-Uilored $9.45 throutrhou isrhout. hsnd-mtde buttonholes, in all .the new snd staid -colors, single breasted sacks, in casstmeres and worsted. . EXTRA SPECIAL A few odd Frock Coats and Vests, worth $13.50, in English and French clay wor sted, cheviots and unfinished worsted. ; While they last great bargain , v $2.50 Bach THE MAIN CLOTHIflG AND An onrg stop within tan steps af oar TRACK QUESTION IS j TO BE SETTLED SOON Dlffloultles axlstrng hetween the Fort land Railway oompany and taa residents along Ford street, over the manner In which ths oompany -la putting m Its Portland Heights traek Along this thor oughfare Is In ft fair way of hslng amioably settled. Tha property-owners entered a iwmonetranee against tha man ner in which the oompany Is building It track, stating to tha dty authorities that tha work waa not being none In acoord anoe with speetfloatlona. Bxperta who have looked kite the matter stats that tha road w vary substantially aniu and that tha work la being done properly A petition has been etreulated among tha property-owners who at first objected N. C& S. Weinstein nssssssssssssssssssssssssssssswsssssssssss; WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY? irS WORTH $50 TO KNOW The WnrchV Sag, wiea wan ef me itet la is eekw mppleaMat ef The k ni wSa u tart te eleaever aw eiatter are raldea te the aeltin ef the nrwblaa. The oaeetles auutt ef bat eae nrrMt eaewer. ror the lartvet namlier ef oorrert er nearly sarrect saswen the Journal effen P80 ta srlaaa la be dlatrismwd Mi folic wet 1. rrw tbe srwrtet auauMr ef esrreet anrwera, fl0.M. .;. .H,.tlO. 40 . X rat the srt lergeet snwbr ef enrret ascwere, tts no..,..,,....,.., , , E yr the thtr4 Iviwt susjier ef eorrret aaewera. s. 56. ,,,,,..., M ' 4 Pfie the roarth lergret ssnker ef correet tDiwen. tt.00. ... ,T. U tM i ft rr the ton seit brfeet samlwra ef earreet esewen, 1.B each. -..... IB .00 A for the tea sext urxMt nntart ef eorwrt nnseate, taa., 10.00 ' f, Twt the eleven nasi largest ssmsani ef cert answers, soa est..,.. 1. 00 Oct 4 ' t . tTs. thf Oeupon Onty. ,J K fio. 31 f taa -woaoLBStfo BDiToat -''iT yj'ii'l,:Jfl mm luimif jormifAU TcmruLxrti, ottwooiL The anewer to the aweetlsn aaked glna Ssotioft ef the sf SUXDAT, ,.' . -,v i . - h -, ' .? 'f. ' -i . . ,.; .' ' ' 1 - ' ' 1 HT-' r ; .'.n pM,a' t ' tee' , ' . K .A -' ' " & 1 " w ' eeeee 'avv i '- .i- , gnn1ittMMtilil,,MtiiltiliinHiIMlkiHMiM Street and MoMhmwmBa0rm9''''' . ''-"',.' : .- '.;,?'-'..' Town nr C.a..a4f ..tiB.M ,J .Stata. 9r4Vf . 'ttyr0 RULES Otf THE CONTEST eat me- iton am ana me ttJrHl getersay, Oetoew A TV gins you eight wilt aspter la The laaaay Jeernel er oetoeer eekM. The iNwtr la te be written ea ike ef the rla wk dan Mtowtnx. Bach month COrpnMf end ea the Uet der af the niTCi tha The eaeaeaa far Oeteher an areewMtatr HQ TWO t, Tk Jooroa 1, For t Una. Or. gnu eeapem in mi um nw ths jowb- x T io a. el. or ths nino pax uw uihhi wui ss sswMsa w waaiag z werda ef Ortobw en tea. . . , X If tee or Store foreoae want the hUrtaWt sinner sf cerreft nnM the ftwt prim wttl ba alrided aswsg than, la suailat ma sjs ether prism win as suausrij . m SlvldaA TUB lUHg JfUMBM. If rm are ellp4ag eNpeaa 4elly nn nnre mae one aasy sfThe Inerael yoe wmt aoAoet Men t m tha sMnth la e pa rate envehtDa, ftUBta need sot write the Mine answer ea eft aeopon. Yea writ a mtltm aeaver f arvrr my, est haattMSas, TBS LAXUBST VDMBSS Of OOBABCT AHawBnd hill. e asjateye si The ftwrnl, m Aeetaet X aeeae thSf eastaSla WBt EXCITEMENT OUR SALE ... QzzzCzz Cc if net mas Soar xrxa, double and CHICAGO SHOE STOKES (WORsWTAMxuU : Trangf ar to all parts at eHy. door. tt the manner fa whiefa tha rand kt being hnttt ta waive their objections and all hut three of tham have signed It It is dnJ -a) red by tha oompany and ins ettjr au- taortuea to secure ths names o all the h residents, an there will ba as poaslbinty of a suit being brought by any one to keep from paying; the aesiasmsnt for ' .1.1.1 1 Work on tha Portland Heights road ht I being held np for thla reason. The eem pany m Tory anxious to hare tha diffi culty settled at an early data In order that they may esmpiete tha work before the heavy rains begin. . . . t . (gMtal .Xnapstm w The leeraaLl Wallace), Idaho, Oct, 4. Amateur roV j seeured from the till of Laland'a aaloon laet 'night and ver- , looked aa much In essh. party frem oa, wheat aovesnins ere ra aaadtr Josraal, aastrwa oa oaeirlAs everr anewsi. Taa Dltana ena SemBtle 40.44 sf tha Wogglewht in tha Magn . tEPTBhlBU tt, h-r. mnv w W fsssd Ity m He yesrml esiarsi h eBeww me esMttoe wfeleh X, Bees suaoar a wa eaaenaa is smsee ortated oa that 4J tr.4 oe eek beslna a new eonteet. "AVg TIT a sMmth n wsbered. .antntat sliwd eae inunnii in an RnrwAin mtUT nswn at an asndem fasilly tj aUawnt a 9 "--, -ass, ' i'-i J h : n r. i