The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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; osr baom mam. ' -
lMtsry-enaklng was rnvr mora
perfect la etaape or color blend
1ns than the BMbroi Under
the direction of muttri Of thla
' art. It ataads alone a a world
production. In the gfMMdard and
lea Ti t arte! w ara die-
tl&ytng moat beautiful ooneep
ona. and to intending purehseerg
of anniversary or wedding gift
: they ara worthy of thought.
A.4C Feldenheimer
jOa Third and Washtagtoa, .
Officer to asm dartng tha lth year
af tha exlstsaee of tha Maaamaa war
elected laat night Tha mooting waa
, ha id ta tha olabroom la tha city hail.
Tha following woro alaetod: -Judge H.
H. Merthrup, Portland; president Fraa
ls W. Cuahtaaa of Tuscan. Dr. P. J.
Sweeney of Seattle, K. T. Paraona of Ban
Frsnolaeo, Mm John Cran of Portland,
vtoe-presldanto; C H. Sholea. recording
secretary; Will O. Steels, corresponding
aaerotarr; . A. Petal lo. ftnaaolal aaora
tary; Mlaa Oertrradet Metcalfe, historian;
K. C Broaaugh. traaeurert Mark crNelll.
executive oounell om yaar, Rrv. W. S.
Ollbart two yeare, mad Mlaa Kiln Mo
Biida throw yenra.
Qlfford Plnohot, chief foraatar. WaaT.
fngton. D. C, waa mado an honorary
nam bar, and Mary fSranoaa Hurth, W. S.
Indd. A. B. Voorhlee, Prod Manaoh and
Mr. Dreeeec war alaotad to honorary
xnemberealp. A resolution waa paaaad
regarding tha prevention of foraat fires.
five Persons Robbed Last
Night and a Score
iWitWn-a MontL-2
. I ' ". ; v :, - 7 '-' -
A bight of orlm to Portland, and tha
maulta: w
Klva mm held up and robbed.
Total amount of plunder Cash, H al;
two sold wiicho; part of plus of to
bacco. Detective Kerrigan aad Am work
all night.
John Sullivan' and Barman Smith ara
arraatad at 14 thla morning. Identified
aa tha highwayman by throo of tbalr
rlcttma at 14 o'clock and charged with
highway robbary la tha municipal oeurt
tt 11.
' John Bullrvaa and Herman Smith oo
eupy oolla la tha city Jail, bain
charged with highway robbary, aa tha
raault of what wee perhape tha hardaat
nlgbt of work Detective Karrlgan and
Snow vr performed. Plvo hold-ups
warn perpetrated. Tha altuatlon waa
desperate. Captain Moot eallad for tha
two ontoer. Thay laft thalr bada bur
rladly. cum ovar tha river from thalr
horaaa and ramalnad out on tha caaaa
until, at : o'clock, thay had landed
two man bahlnd tha bara. At 14
o'clock fdentlneatlon waa made by vic
Umi and at 11 o'clock Daputy rnatrict
Attornay Hanoy Olad tha lnformaUoaa
la tha manlclpal court.
Ah Sing, a Chlnaaa cook at tha
Ooldaa Waat hotal, and Valantlna Pah
ronbaob, rdOtnlng at tha Park hotal.
ldantlnad tha prlaonara aa tha man who
bald ham up during tha night and
robbad tham. A partly oonaumad plug
of tobacco, takan from Pabranbach, waa
found on Sullivan whan aaarchad at po
lice haadquartara, and thla aanrad to
atrongtban tha onaa acalnat tha pair;
Otbar artdanoa, tt la bald, wlU bo oaeurad
by Karrlgan and Snow aa aeon aa thay
raat aftar thalr hard nlght'a work.
Sullivan and Smith any thay ara from
Saattla, and thara 1 a aoaplelon that
thay asag know aomotMng of tha raoant
holdup of Dava Conway'a aalooa an
Maynard anranua In that city, wbon ona
man waa ahot daad and two othara aarl
oualy wound ad. Only ona arraat baa
boon mada by tha Saattla poltoa la oon
naotlon lth tha oaaa. It la probabla an
offloar from thara will aoma bara to
look ovar" tha prlaonara. t -
Datactlvaa Karrlgan and Snow. It la
baltavad, warv ablo to affaot tha oaptur
baeauaa thay did not wait nntu daylight
to bagin thalr work. It la thought that
had tbay don that tha man would hava
takan a train out of tha city and aa-
From Ah -Blag, wha waa bald up at
Savanth and Davla atraata about mid
night tha robbara got M eanta. Tbay
took aoraa tobaooo ha had, but raturnad
It to bun. Ha aald tha man word no
maaka and that tha big man potntad a
in iin wi. umiiw i n ,ndl ii
! :
NakM tnthifritttic
' - A Reduced Reproduction of the Graphophone.
The; Columbia Graphophone
v ' Caarantoed to b a Perfect TJking Machine "
The Cohunbia Phono grsph company guarantees this grapho
phone to be a perfect talking machine in fact tbey will allow
a credit of $6.00 on H toward the purchase of mnj other
machine that they make at any time within a year, the sub
scriber to have the full lise of the graphophone during that
The Journal's Extraordinary Offer
By special - arrangement with the Columbia Phonograph
company,' 128. Seventh street, The Journal is enabled to
make the following extraordinary offer: . -
4JoanulM Graphophone Agreement
awtad af
lOVllit PVB. OO Parflaad, Or. I
OmtWBM I kmkr Mdweriba far tbr Sallr aai Saaaa Vernal
mm rmt at tW rlr rate at OV w im aanaldwratina af wblr. and
1 fcrr7 PT fw a flnnpaa nlltllac at to th Brat tmr4. 7mt r to fuatah aw
nf1rlf tkw at tha aft f tb OnlamMa Pbaongriya mnMi Na. IM a-aa
vtraat, m ragnUr IT to Orapbovbooa (upon sir pajlnf tani 1 tor vraa rtrfa,
frtMB factory, parfcuic. ate.), far my aaalnafva am tsriag tta torn af tak taaaarlatloa.
It to aarrad farthar tbat I am aat eomilkd to ptirrfcaa n furUiar rrrorda rtala
tkti OrtakoDaaaa daring tb W af mj a.harlptlcn ; bat If at arr tlma and at ay
awn aplkm 1 da tmrehaaa to adAttbtval K-rora of tha CntuaiMa rtioenarraph Conpany
t tkah- aan aiMra. and BMaplrta UtM nhiaflpu , tht awablm tbaa ViraiM av
HMyitnnfWrtn aaa
lrmt TV OabuaMa PhaanfraE Oaaapaay Wftl tlVw a aradH m y nuvw
(WaniKia aaraia tn ittr of $& oo at in tlma darlag tha yaar la aaabaaga na
Uraptu) at thalr nlM, mo. im 8raaa atr.
fT PT-rta af aU Catara Maaraa m Uua aaauact, Sit niwaafara thay wara g
ravotvar at -him wbila tha otbar aaarchad
bint Thla atory la oorrobormtad bp
Pahranbaoh, who waa hald up at Ninth
and Ollaan atraata, and who kwt a gold
watch, oanta and part of a plug of to
bacco. O. Kato, a Japanaoo, waa hald up
at Couch and Davla, and alao ldantlnaa
tho prlaonara aa tha man who robbad
him af H oanta. Thay took from him
a paokaga of olgaratta papara which waa
found by ona of tha man.
John Sallblndor, laborar, who ra
oMaa at 4SK Davla at raat, and Wallaea
Humfray, a dookhand on tha ataamar
Oaaoada, wara alao vlotlma of tha hold
up, artlata, but hava not ldantlnad tha
man undar arraat aa thoaa who robbad.
hlnv Prom SallUndor tbay took a watch
and Id oanta and from Hum! ray thay
got IS.M.
By far tha moat nanaatioaal atraat oar
hold-op of tha throo waa that which
oocurrad tho night of Saptambar S, wbon
PolloamaJi Nalaoa waa ahot down.
Charlaa W. Walton, a young maa wall
known hara, la ehargad with tha orlma.
Tha offloar ehanoad to ba on tha oar
and wont feraveiy to- to qaptnro tha
highwayman. Ha raoatvad two buUata
from tha bandit' a ravoivar, ona of which
haarly ooat blm hla Ufa. Ha la atlll
la tho Good Samaritan hoapltaL But
for tha praaanoa of tha offloar on tho
oar at tha Uma of tha attamptad rob
Dary thara la no raaaon to ballava Wal
ton would aow bo bahlnd prlaon bara.
Tha first bold-un of too narlaa waa
parpatratad Auguat t, whan a Portland
Halghta oar waa attacked and tha am
ployaa robbad of about fid. Two man
did tha job. Probably tha aamn pair
commit tad tha aaoond oar hold-up, Au
guat a. Tha robbara la that lnatanoa aa-
ourad M from tha amployaa. Both
boM-upa wara promptly raportad ta tha
polloa. but aa arraata kava avar haan
Awta Party BUU Vp.
Kvan elUaana w lab log to taka auto-
moblla rtdaa hava not baaa Immuna from
highwayman. It waa on tha night of
Auguat I that a party la a "oar" waa
at op pod by two man on tha Baaa Una
road and. at revolver polnta, mada to
hand aver what caah tbay poaaaeaed.
A rope waa atretcfaed acroaa tha road,
which brought tha vahlela to a very
auddea atop. Had It baaa running at
a high rate of apaad thara might hava
bean fatalltlea.
Dr. Lea Sing Nom, 4 Chlnaaa phyel-
etaa, waa atruck down a week age tn
the darkneeo at fourth and Pine atraata.
Tha polloa ware called to tha aoane Im
mediately; Datactlraa hava baaa work
ing on tha oaaa over alnoa. It la i
eerted around haadquartara that tha man
who aaaallad tha inoffenalve Chinaman
la practically eafe from arraat.
' ' v.m?a Bffoit Made Baaa.
B. C Moraa, a well known bunlneee
man, waa lured from tha Irvlngton race
track Auguat t, and It alnoa dovalopad
that ha waa "doped" and robbad by aoma
ef the numerous thuge there, who ooaxad
him to drink. In thla aaaa Chief Hunt
did not oven detail a patrolman, and the
d apart meat took no lntereet whatever ta
toe oaaa. Auguat St Morae waa found
In a neighboring town, dased and help
leoa. He waa brought home and by oare
ful nuralng ta how able to ba out
On Auguat a. Mike Harrlgan and Tim
Rodgera were bald tip at Eleventh and
Couch atraata and relieved of SB. Far
dlnand Nalaon waa held up and robbed
of l and a check on Auguat 4. John
Lanoa waa hald up on tha eteal brlaga
and robbed of 9 lad on Auguat f. and
George Balllet waa bald up and robbed
of hia watch on Saptambar 1L ,
Haroea and herolnea hava become
known ta the public beeauae of the nu
meroua burglar! ea perpetrated alnca Au
guat 1. In many . lnatanoaa man and
woman, becoming aware that erlmlnaU
wara prowling about thalr realdeneae,
braved tho danger of being ruthleealy
ahot down In order to drive tbem out.
Several enraged elttnena fired at tn-
trudara. Ona man threw a burglar out
of hla houae by main etrength. and ona
woman put a man to flight bp beating,
blm with a hair brueh. , , , .
' OhOdreB ftbe Ttettma. .
Peruana tha moat,ehameful tnatanee
In th long llat of burglarlaa waa where
three eh 1 14 ran two young glrle and
thalr brother wara frlghtaned ao badly,
by tha efforts of a man to gain an en
trance to thalr borne that they fled In
- UI i I J 1 !! JLU11-. f
Wc Are
ef tVvta tile, ataadard tawav Ptaaa and
rittlve, VltrlftMl Brlr-ka. at.. aa4 can
faratat aarthlaa la tbla line at "rort
nltaai" pHafa. Tow edvaataga every
Dr aa t eard and well wall yes
Diamond llrtek Co.
OfaM Ml aaaatB St., Pnrtlead. I
Yard laat Aakaay atraat.
terror and loft' their noma to ba robbed.
Thay did not return UU the following
night, remaining at tb home of a nelgh-
Bare Ave the Bmrgtnrlaa.
Tha daUUed list of burglarlaa 1st as
Auguat 4 B. Stanton! reeldenoe, ted
Rodney avenue, eotared and robbad
af lit and jewelry.
Auguat t, W. T. Parrya Maldence. fl
Second street robbed of 1M. Ha flan
dan' a grocery store, 1.M1 Corbet t. and
J. Knrath a meat markst 1.0H Oorbett
robbed of Ova oanta and t raapaot
Ively. Auguat a, Mrs. Roeanns'a raaldanoa,
S North Sixteenth, robbed of 111.
Auguat 11, H. T. Harrw rmllanoa.
Ill Baker, robbed of II.
Auguat 17, reeldenoe of ttra. at T.
Thompaon. 1 Tblrteettth, robbad ofl
II, Heffendan'a' grooary and Kumth'a
market again an tared) only merahandlaa
Auguat II, Tsaldanoaa of B. C CaJ lea
der. U Worth Seventeenth, and . Mr.
Baaeey, alii Flanders, entered and robbad
of 17. .
Auguat tit homo of W. 8. McMeeken,
0f BurnaUa, robbed of 141.
Auguat 27, burglar thrown bodOy from
homo of Qua Lowlt, 1st Clay street
August 19, blacksmith shop of HUger
A Hewitt 101 Salmon, entered and tala
phono box robbed.
September t apartments of Mrs, H.
Brlckaon entered; burglar driven out
with plucky woman with a hair brueh.
September t. homes of M. Halaman.
401 Stark, and P. D. Morrison, Blghtk
and Magnolia, entered; tb former house
robbed of 4I oaatd aBd tha lattar -of
II eanta.
-Saptambar t, TJama reeldenoe. Iff! Gar
others atreet, entered and three child
ren frightened from bom.
September 11, burglar enters rooms of
M. J. McNelney, over grooary store at
Waat avenue and Section Una road; la
board by family below and trapped; two
a bote fired at btm; ba escapee.
September, II, John Larson, 171 Borth-
wtek atraat called to hla door by
etranger, who held a plotol at Laraoers
face. Larepa ran. and tho would-be
robber went any. '
September 11 3ponr BaiUet fcelA up
near the comer of Vnlon avenue and
Bast Burnaldo atraata. Balllet'a gold
watch and chain wara takes.
- September Ii,. O. Saaeno, a Japanese
merchant, hold up near Ft rat and Bvar-
ett atreetg by two man and robbad af
Saptambar II. the D. P. Levri barber
aupply bouaa on First atreet robbed.
September It, J. & Barnett reported
that be waa robbed of IM on Sixth
September 17,'IxKrte Bager robbed of
IMI by two highwaymen near Twenty
fourth and Rooeevelt atraata; tb rob
bers first threw pepper in Bageva ayea.
Septamber XI, two highwaymen at
tempted to bold up Patrolman Thomas
Taylor. ' - -
September If; Caspar Publer, a farmer.
held up near comer of Seventh and Q1I-J
aan atreeto; hla pocket obang was
Ootober I.TA. H. Tanner, of 711 John-
eon atraat, held up and robbad of f 21 at
Nineteenth and Davta atraata. '
Ill 1 T
I .. . ,. "v.
Journal Orvla
ThU week Ukuai Marigold Caylom
And S good - one, too. Mot the- kind
Uiat earn ba bought and given away
without txpenee a good and a bad
thing don't mis waU. The Journal want
eolumna are the good thing and tha tee.
muat harmonise. Toe beverage la a
Cloaeet a Dover prodoot, no further
worda neod be written on tb quality.
That flnn'a name la connected with qual
ity In all their producta. The tea somes
tn half pound Mckagee tn'the following
flavora: . Caylon, Kngllah Breakfast
Oolong, Toung Hyaon, Basket Fired Ja
pan, Pan Fired Japan Sun Dried Japan
and Ounpowder. -
If yoa ve any apodal flavor ltd yours
for the asking.
With avry paid want ad for hast
Sunday Journal tha advert leer will re
ceive a package of tea absolutely free
but remember only with want ads for
the Sunday paper. You know th
21 worda for II eenta.
(Jftarnal Pyertal Sarvla.
St tula. Mo., Oct 4. Th national
convention la eeeelon bars of th United
Daughters of tha Confederacy, repre
aentlng all of the southern atetea, la a
nouble gathering. There are aevarel
hundred-, delagatea,- rvpresentlng tha
wealth, Intelligence and artatocracy of
the eluth, Today waa devotr j largely
to tWf reception of the-vlaltord and th
com plat ton of the program for tb regu
lar saaaionav .
1..,. , ...-. . if V.
Senator Oeorge Turner, and tha speak
ers aooompanylog him In hla campaign
of southern WaabJngtOn, "including
Oeorge , Mudgett candidate for auue
traaaurar. held a largely attended Demo
cratic rally at Vancouver laat aigb,l and
aaturned by way of Portland.
Senator Turner, although ellgmly tor
disposed for th last thro daya, la In
good bamlth and vole, and la making a
a iron and affective campaign, whlok
has thus far covered th eastern portion
of th state. ' Ha apeak at Tacoma on
the Ith, Pupallup on th 4th. and Seattle
on th 19 th. "Th praapegd for tha
Demooratle atata ticket la most flatter
ing, he aald, replying to question con
cerning tha progreas of tb campaign.
."If tha election ware to be held to
morrow I feel aatlefled that the Demo
crat would carry It and W have a
raaaon to expect any change, of senti
ment to the oontrary between now and
election day. Tha Republicans two
yeara ago, premising to anaot a law for
a railway oommlaaion, oarrled th atata
by a oonalderable majority, tha Demo
crata making no oonteeC Tb change of
feeling among th people today la oauaed
by tha Republican fail are to carry out
their platform pledge for railway
oommlaaion. Tha people ara disap
pointed, and dlaguatad at the extent to
which th Republican machine la dom
inated by the railway corporations."
Th aaaatofa uttoranoa waa alow and
deliberate,, but it waa evident V1 be
ahared th peoples warmth of feeling
upon tho aubject for at this point ho
aroee from an aaay ahalr la which bin
large figure had been enjoying a grate
ful ret and paced th floor. . T
"Tb Republican defease of the
charges mad have so far constated
chiefly of abuse of myself. A few days
ago Mr. Meada. tha RapubHoan eandt
date, admitted in a speech that thay had
betrayed their truat two ysara ago In
falling to enact thalr railway commie-,
eloa, plank into law. and aald In affect
that thla year -they omitted th plank
because they feared tbey would be
forced to betray th people again. Ws
nav been having aom magnlfleant
met Inge larger than any held alnoa
I '-''ft1.. -i m J
Don't Claim
-V't -
To have onsef the best asaonmenta of strictly
new and catch patterns to be found tn Port
land. The patterns we show are not found in
grerf shop, they are exclusive with this par
ticular shop,' If you want shirt satisiaction
Xrn: f - r.'i
ua about H.
-4 ';' '-h''
naaaaaaBraMaBaaw f
,; y' r , iy -
Clothiers Hatters Flirriishers
. .. 'I- .,
C W. Mott general laxmlgratSoa agent
of th Borthsrn Paoltw railway, la in
the city, .
"What doe Portland most needT" fe
was aaKM. s
-raotoriaa, payroua and rural popn-
nuioa to aupport then,- h replied.
I Ilka Oregon," ho went -on. "th
tat has a good reputation; but tt must
have mora rural population before any
opnatderabte advance can a mada,' Tha
laewla and Clark fair next yaar Is going
to aeip a groat aeai toward that and, I
have been aurprlaed to find th alnosrs
good will that exiata In all neighboring
miiee and atstea toward th Poruand am
position. " '
Mr. Mott has f.OM aatabllabad lmml
gratloH agents ta hla department dls
trlbntod throughout th various states
aa far eaat as Pennsylvania. Tbey
soatter a . vast amount of advertlalug
for tho fair. Through tb Influence of
A. D. Charlton of Portland much extra
advertising work nan been don by this
bureau. On Mr. Motfa etafC are three
man wbo do nothing but go from schoot
booee to achoolhousa, with atareoptloon
outAta, entertaining with vlewa and lao
turee on th Pacific north waat and tha
atata whteh th Northern Pacific rail
way traverses.
"Ton oan catch a maa la twa wtya
through his aye and his stomach,'
aaya Mr. Mott "Show htm tb vlewa of
the oountry, and tho fruits It produces.
That la why tho fair will be a great auo
oesa. Whan tha vlaltor and homeaoeker
baa looked at all of it, ha' can then go
out and lavaatlgats any particular Una
la which be la Interested. "
Mr. Mott makes periodical trip-,
about thro each year all over the linee
of tb Northers Paclflo. and keep hla
large fore of mam at work on new Meaa
for exploiting tb territory la a way
to Indue Immigration, , Ha expect
large rerralta next year. f
L 1
Allen and Lwl Best Brand.
. .(-.
noimes toai&ice to
, -y ' t i ... i", "V"
:;; y. -
- ' ." ,-; .
Carbon Hill
It wtu pay you to nave your fuel delivered before the
bad weather starts in. , Let us send you a sample of our coat
We guarantee the weight and quality of every load we
send out
Joawph Simon has many time steed
on the floor of th Ualted Stats annate
and has engineered many a political
ooup, hut a appeared ye tarda y la a
new and most latere ting role. In
honor of .naming a baby girl, torn spent
the aftamooa searching furniture store
for th bast and moat beautiful car
riage in Portland. H found It
. gome Urn ago senator mmoa put
upon th niarkat a large tract af land
. (Jasraal Sparta! tervleM
New Tors, Oct 4. A -School of
Philanthropy was pnad fa thla dtp
today. Its object being to teach the
rational anolleatlon of charity. The
course of lnatruetion outlined call for
on tTnevsast aide anal named It "Vernon.
Am ens th purchaaara was David La
Cure, a mall carrier, and when a llttl
baby earn to hla bom eeveraj daya ago
Senator Simon asked peruilaalon to name,
the UtU ona. Tha father waa willing
and tha baby became "Vernon" 1 Curav
T abow hla appreciation of being per- -mttted
to name th flrauborn, Senator
Simon apent th afternoon In search of
tha baby carriage, Uttie Vemoa waa
give) a swell equipage.
, . I T
th atudy of municipal reform aeflvltlaa, '
aoelal - satUamamt work. Immigration,
racial trait . lo th population . and
kindred , ,
,"' -V.'- ap B ' - -" -Whether
might eaakea right or pot,
tha weak uaually get laft.
, ' This week The journa announces that with every cash V
want ad. for next Sunday's Journal it will give away absolutely ,
free, a half pound package of , :-v5W 'VV-Ci ;
nn i i i t m 1
4 W
s ' Another, Peerless Clcssct ft Devers Product
: Vi 7' i.iv2;;-;
GOOt) Tea Is a hmischold necessity and here you are,.. Tea
given away only with paid wants ads, for
i -.
- 0