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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
-tai; tctu - tut:day evening. October 4 ieo. CRT wwv-oj. 0TTT aTOw"w ,a CTTT BOTH) KB. nrf botzozs. CTTT BOTKIKX A Vt WC. q, DAT . riorotKo iMEMirtn job rxrxoTB. . BXBf OF UUW009 BTBXXT. Notice I hereby gireo tho th OmmcH af , the (II Bf Puritan DTOIKM id e ue , following dearribttd P"fty and M-ren aa - heln VMcUUf Bod pOeuUarly ' t.,.Atiut ilu jinnt ul OBDOelt lb namM and dreerlptloM thereof tor th hnprortint ' of Bellwood street, Bvm l IW .." " Bam aveutto to th WMt Um OS arena-, M provide by ordluauM N. 18.7.X t tne mm fmorrement awt b mad la rt.,n 'i- to the Couacll and ttlwl wttn tfaeAudiujr , . within IS day from tiM t f r. before th paeeag of toe ordlnaac Meoaelng , . tne eoet ac Mia improremeoi. ' ALB1NA BLOCK , weal 100 fart f tot 10. , German Evangelical Lutheran Chore, a-) V neat 20 feet ot tot 30. Uarioau .BruujaMcl '""T Lutheran CImrfn. BS1.B, tot 20. 5 Flore B. Mdrwtu, : l ki outh ' of tot 28. Benjamla f. BteveM, 40-20 "W" 100 fact af kit U. MlU a. twin, ","' ...a j- . l at wmiaaa Harreecbou. . 161.0T; Math 100 feet et tot SO. ak" fwibmee. MS.T; wt SO feet of tret of tot 10. C, SUiKtatft MMI J. yf n . f im fMt of lot IS. iamea it of 0 fit a ttanfM f wxith i v 100 fwt t lot U. n taat 3D fM if aonth 100 fact of lot 18, rh..k.u. TiAw 9ii.nA: aoatk 100 fact e( SIM M. BLOCK J5. lot W. H.rtlri alio" aoaU 100 fwf of tot f lot SO. Aloa BroId. "LiK fatt of lot 10. k&m Krtacar, flll.lU; 'oTfSt'of Ci U, Job. 4. Norda, t3L: outt 100 fMt of lot H.J. H. :Al-K it IB C V noiaiKi. vxu-ooi j;- bSt. Bum. atlM; at fwt of lot nortk "iS-t?1 aV&:fe 100 ft of lot ' . "v 100 foot of Vt t. Hrra . rw, lot ' U,W1 Whrt, BLOCK lft oat, aw.ii, nfrti-ic lit niUT.i: Dorta 100 taet of lot t. tcptaia nickwa, MO.WJ JfS??JS,ioo lot . Pate. A. Pter". i T fart OT n S. MITT rnc . . fc 10att "ftot 10. Cb.rU. afl lofjUp raoB, 1M l waat ftt .f lot M. kM IT. TVmiia Dobaoa. ; wjt ton 144 2S: Hl IB faat of aootb 100 fwat ma in h hjuih i L,,,. BruT I&1.M; Borth 100 feet r r-i.-k Bum- norm iiw ini F ; f . ."'"?!,?A'ir,a-..: feat of lot ' frt ff lot 18. Kdltk V Vlatt, S231fiC V J, WW. THOff. a ? - inffltBr f tba qtf WH, I.; : rwtUM, Ortvoa. Oetobac S. WH- MAMin innuin to nmoTx i xurr or i ; Hotloa to fcoj HTn that t i ftyU C CltT of Portlajad propiwo to V'fi" toViDfl dMcrlbad proportj and "7 '" ?'l?,? m balm -apoeUHT pMBl" V tbo aiMOBniiot oppoalta tba mmb V . UTVTatroitr fto tba oaat Una Boat 4 ; fttaeio5 rt to tba w-t ttM j4 Jt"t 4 ' TwanS-fourtB OUMfc M pWTUai W rolMJWi - Ko. U,m. . . .ES. "V.TrTn-dbV tba OHioctl Mtora t Saaaate of tba ordloaan MaMalMj tba Ooat V TIW?B,AWTtOIf- LtWf 2 - tend BLOCK 1, lot . OraaeoM Land Com- . lfa; lot i Patrh Karlk llt.16. v ttUNVs A DDI TIOW to Kaat "-ffc0? 10, tot , Elbort W. Coopar, 28.00i tot T. , nUrt W. Cooper. .Ti tot t. PJ fcart . Jiiom, , J. ft. cMt,-aO.Iii to fcBVfWONE-8 ADDITION to A Cltf Of f ot- "Bd block s. out tat of w , Ctm- ' eot Load Ompmj. IM.M: AaAtM of tba Cltj of Porttoai. ' Portland, Ore, Oetobar t, W. H VaOVOBXO ABSKMKXHT 1"0B IKFBOT , KDII Or BABT TWXBTT-BIXTB TKZXT. ' Motlc la berobr gln that tho Cooocll .f tba Tlty of rortlaad acopoaM to aaaoM tba lo deacrtbed propartr and owaar or owufra aTbalna oparfalljnlod lecoUarly l-ooaflted i tba aaioBBti a at oppMlta tbo nanM and daanip , Uooa thereof for the Improvement of J" : raaty-attb atraot from tba north Una of Mnlt lmmSt attt is tba aouth Jtaa ! JUlaajjttMU , w prorWed br ordinance Ha. U,M0 1 Asr oblacUoM to tba apportlonniemt fcaat tor aald ImaroTamant moat be wd In WWm to tba OoviicU and filed with tba Aadlto wlthta U danfroBi tba data of tba Brit pobllctUoa '. of tba ootlea. and Mid objectiooa will U heard and determined by the tWcll i before tta V Wtaf at the ordtomM aaoaaalw- tba coat of I. ?IBCT ADWT?ON TO BOUVADA PAJUt AD MTTOW, Portland, Oregon. B LOCK IT. lot ;V 1, Tba Tltto Cnarantea Trnat Oompany. fim.83; tot t, Tba Title OnarantM Truit Company. B.Tk; lot 10, Tba Title Onarantee ft T Truet Companjf. I1B; tot 88, Iho IJtle Ooar- MtM ATrwit Company. S3.1. BLOCK . : lot 1, Tba Tltto OuaraatM A Trait Company. - ill4.4s; lot 4 Tba Title Gnarantea ft Traat i Compiny. BM; tot , The Tltto Onaranta FTrut Oampanr, 0.m; tot B0. Tbo Tltto Guarantee A Truai Company, 1BB.. BLOCK ' h. tot 1, Tba Titla Ouarantoa ft Treat Ooav V paay. tlM.Wi lot t, Tba Tltto Baarantea ft ' Traat Company, fll.a; lot 10. Tba Tlt Uoar eotoo tompany, B1.04; lot to, Tba " Title OaarantM ft TrMt Com pin. tftT.BO. t. BLOCK 18, tot C Tba Tltto Qnaraatee ft : Trnat Onpau. iXW-TO: lot B, Tba Tltto OuarantM ft Trwt Company, tot , ' Tba Title Guarantee; ft Traat Oompan, fS.9S; tot B, The TIO" Ooarantao ft Trnat Oompany, . fti.jrV. BLtK'K IS, tot 10. The Tltto AnMAkl A Traat CnHMiv. I100.1T: lot 0. Tbo Title GnaranHe ft Trnat Company. SB. 41; f ..Vtot UL The Title Gnaraatne ft Trnat Com aanr, tr.aO; tot 11. Tbo Tltto Onaranto ft ' -; Trwt JompaJV, ft lata, JUXCK M, lot 10, V f Tbo Title Guarantee ft Trnat Oompany, i'T 0140. 10; tot 0. Tba THto Onaraate ft Treat 7 , f Oompany. fl 00; lot IB. Th T1U Gnarantn f.!J S'cSWaV p; tot iLJto Titto -, ' Goarantoa Triwi OenpaaV. BM.0S. Total, iV4 ; -PHOa CftETLITr, vi- 'iadra the City of Portland. Pbrttoad, Orcg-oo. October B, 1B04. B0VOBXD ABtXBBHZVB TOB rjOBOTB- um or ounroir btkiit. . ' ffottoO to Wrahr fire that the Owtocfl of fba City of Portland propooaa to mobm the fol lavlnir doarrlted proportj and owner or o woe re a batna apaelally find necttllarly t-eneAted In the amoonta aat oppoalta the nan- and dcw-rlp-tfnna ttarreot for the lapttTmmt of CUftna atirat, from tbo wot of Bliteontc (treat to tbo aaat Uno of Twenty -arcood atraot, M nrcTlded by ordlnanca No. W.7. Any objerttom to tho apporttonnwne of Mot for aald fmprernmtnt ntnat be mode In writing to tbo Council and filed with tba Andltnr within 18 daya from tho ate of tba Orat pub- E cation Of tbla notice, and aald objection will beard and determined by tbo OrattHl he for tbo aooaan of tbo ordlnaaM aaaaMlng tho eoat Of aard tmpTOoeaarBt. CARTER'S ADDITION to the fStf of rmU ; land BLOCK 07. lot 4, Joapln t ObtUlj. ja.; lot IVao CardwrU. fl3 88; tot , H. B. Utt, fc.0; lot SV H. B. UU. l1 TO. BLOC ; ollr lot 4, Uaabeth H Bmlth, 107.88; 4otTt. EUaabotb E. . Smith. M.4T; Vs wrth H lot C, Otorgla A. lfoftlngham. .T7 fonth lot YtV Bhorwv fap.Tf; lot S, LTt. Bhonrn. l SL liX:K47. let S, Ida ',. F Orayaon, 400": aonth 0 feet tot 1 Ida P. GranoV aAO TS. BLOCK 4S, tot C fannl r. Pajo. 8.147 50) aonth foot tot Pannto P. Pai. IW.lTj ao BO feat lot E Fannie r; Paca. $)7.TB: tot 4, Pannto P. Pmgo. taoS OI. a tract of iand lying hetfrcon nwtharn Una of ntfton atraot and a Um loo ftet northerly tborefroni and poraltol there with and between tbo WMt One of Twenty rat atreet and the aaat Um of Twanty-ooeond MihL mrllr MaviDM ft Trwt Company. M11.7B. BLOCK TO. tot 1, ITUUaaj K. mm. wn.iv: iov s, wniiam h. Rl.oSt Jot T. Brnoot Boaoe, tot f W. BoelMng. $1B0 08. BLOCK Tl. tot j. Ilea rrama. IIUI 10: tot B. B B.F1M m. rama, SK Bit tot 7. afargarot u. MfLmro, ll.4f; tot S, Mariarat B. hVChir, I0.BX BrXtCK TB, north 100 foot of Mat it of eaat 100 frit of north 100 foot. Agwa Crawford, OSS-SB; wmt TO feet Of north faat. BoWt Warrarh. StSO 41. BXOCK ft, tot Itili U Wnonwajrd, UTlOfli tot B, Bin I. Woodward, m m; tot T William H. La1d, tmeW. t4B.TR: lot 0, Willi am at. LadO. Fnatae. 20.f4V BLQf:K 74. lot t, A. C JtoardT t'0.80: tot t, Tera Ouoitoroea, M.Tt; tot 7, T'ra Onnitoroon, IO.Mi lot 1. A. I Beard, 8SmT4; rtaht of wi. Portland Ball , war Oompany, M-0O. Total, 04 737 71. ' Anitttor Of tho Oty of Portland, HrttAbA. fkm. Octooac , U0,. ' BBPOIALaV FOB BTBXTf trOBJL . Boatod nroMMla will bo reeotrad at Cho ofrica of tho Auditor of tho Osj of PortUnd. OuUI Friday, Octoner T, 10Oa, at O ctoek p. am., tor tbo Improvement of Powell a treat, from tba Mat line of U Iwaoblo atreot to tba II... t.t 1 at rwantr fl'lt ataMt. In tba aunnaw nrortdod by ocdlnanco Mo. 14, 100, unlect to tho provfvtow of tho charter and ordinance of the C& of Portland. ad tho MUoiato of tbO City BwglMM. 00 nio. ... Blda moat ha atrlctiy, la acoortlaooa with prlntod blanhn. Which will Be rnrnlahed on ppiUwtton at tbo pfftoo of tho Auditor of the City of Portland. And Mid !mproTnent muat be oomvlotvd on or before 120 daya frota tbo UU of tho algnlng of U oontraet by tho No proioaala or bide Wfll bo oonaldarad nntoM accompanied by a rertlflod eheck noy ablo to tba order of tbo Mayor of tba City ..f Portland, certified by a reanmmbto bek 'TbfVtritoct oaf ami gtt Mgo to hereby rcaorrod. - . Br alitor of tba BwetttlTO Board. ; ' Andltot of tbo City ot Portland. Port tand. Oregon, pctober i. lOOO. ; PBOPOOALS FOB STBEXT W0BK. eatod prepMBla will bo rwltjd at tba office uf the Auditor of th City of Portland, nnttl Friday, October T, 1004, Ota o'clock n. m., for utr Improvement of EmI Wuhlngton tr-t, from the aaat line of Kaat Thlrty-thlrd treat to tbo wat Una of Sunn raid Third addl tton. la the mannrr provided by ordinance No. 14,221. anbject ta the nioTlalona of tbo charter and ordlnanoea of tho City of Portland, and too eatlmato of tbo CUT Engineer, on Bit. ' . r.lda muat bo atiietiy in accord anco With prlntod btonke, which will be tumtahed on i plication at tbo office of tho Auditor of the City of Portland., And Mid Improvement moat bo eampletrd on or before, 00 daya from tbo date of tbo algaing of tho owatract by tba H8TJS2& - bt- Wilt W OOMlMOOd ntooo aocompanledhy n ejxtlflad ebeek pay able to the order of tbo atayoo of tho Cltr of Portland, certified by a reaponalbto bank for an aOtenat oqnal to 10 per coot of tfea Mdrroth.TB,riva uh : : ' - Andltot of tbo City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, October 1, 1004. , raOPOBKO ABBBMKBBT FOB DtPBOTB MJUfT OF OLAOKAMAS BTBXKT KoUco to berobr alron that tho OboncU of tho City of Portland propoaoa to aaaoM tbo follow ing doaerlbed property and owner or ownera aa bring apoclalty and peculiarly bonaflted In the amonnU Mt oppoalta tba namM and dcacrlptlou thereof for tho linprovameat .of Clachamaa atreet, from tho oaat Uno of Beat Twontr fomth atreet to tfcr weat UM of Tart Twonty elghtb a tree t, - M nrovldod br aadlnanoa. Mo. 13.S41. ' Any obtocttoM to tho apporttoomeait of foot for Mid iBiprovonMat moat be made la writing St the Conncll and died with tho Auditor within I dara from tbo date of tba Brat publication of thbi notice, and aaldrfbtocttoM will be heard and determined by tbo Council before, tho paa aago of tbo ordlaaaM Ma aa a tag tho oast ol aald Improvement. ' . FIRST ADDITIOB TO HOLLADAT PABK A TV dlitoa. Portland, Oregon BLOCK Si, oouin 100 fMt lot 10, Tbo Tltto OuarantM ft Tr Company. 8M.40; ftwth 100 toet tot 0. The Tltto OnarantM TrMtompany, S44.M: aovth 100 feet tot S, The'TUl Gnarantea ft Truat Company. 8M.40( aenth 100 foot tot f. The Title GuvaaMo ft Trnat 0opany, $37 00: aouth 100 feat tot 9, Tba Tltto 6uar Dtee ft Trnat Oompany. (TTM; aonth 100 fMt tot B, The TltU GuarantM ft Treat Com nonr. Moth lOO feat tot A TbO Tltto GuarantM ft Truat Company. fSt.BT: aouth 100 fMt tot S. Tbo Tltto OuarantM 4 Truat .Company, BU-OT; aonth WO feet lot 1 Tho Title OuarantM ft Truat Company. 9M.4J; aouth 100 feat tot 1. Tho Title OuarantM ft Truat CkManany, Jill 14. BLOCK 12, aouth 100 foot tot 10, Tho Tttlo OuarantM Truat Comnanr, 1110.44; aouth 100 feet tot f, Tbo Title Gnarantoo. ft Trnat Company, tM.OO; t uth 100 fMt tot 1. Tho Title GuarantM ft Truat Oompany. 00 IT; aouU 100 feat lot T. Tba Tltla OuarantM A Treat Company. 06f OH- aouth 100 fot tot 0, Tba Title Guar an tee ft Trnat Company. gM.10; aouth 1M fMt tot S. Tbo Title GuarantM ft Truat Com pany, $31,011 aowth 1O0 feat tot 4. Tho Tltto GuarantM ft Treat Company. 4-i aouth 100 feet lot B, Tbd Tltto OuarantM ft Trait Company. 141.07; mth 100 feat tot 2 Tba Tltla GuarantM ft Trnat Company. S4S.0O; aouth 100 fMt tot 1, Tbo Tltto OuarantM ft Truat Company. $40.T. ' BLOCK SO, lot 11. Tho Tltto GuarantM ft Truat Company, OS. M; lot IS, Tbo Tltto OnarantM ft) Trnat Company. 41.88;.tot It. Tbo Tltto- OuarantM ft Treat Company. 800. M; tot 14, Tba Tltto Onarantro ft TrMt Oompany. S43.0S; tot 18, ' The Title Guarantee ft Trnat Oompony. SW.OTt tot Id. Tbo Tltto Ouarantoo Trnat Oomoanr, 840 OT; lot IT,. The Tltto GuamntM ft Truat Oompany. MB-11; tot 10. The Title OnarantM ft Truat Compear. 933-S4; lot 10, .Tho Tltto Ouarantoo ftTraat Company, 8TT.B0; lot SO. Tbo Tltto OnarantM ft Treat Company, 811 1.80. BLOCK 10, lot 11. Tbo Title GneralVee ft Treat Compaay, 8114.21; tot UL Tho Tltla OwrantM A Treat Oom pany, 801 BT; lot IS. Tba Tltto Guarantee ft TrMt Company, S08.80; tot 4. Tbo Tltto Ouarastve ft Truat tVaapany.S08.04; tot 18. The Tltla Qua rant- ft Treat Company. SSS OU; tot 10. Tbo Tltto OnarantM ft Treat Company. f3T.l; tot IT, Tho Tltto GuarantM 8 Treat Oompany, 40 58; tot 18. Tba Tltto uarantM ft Truat Company, S4L0S; tot 18, Tho Title OuarantM A Treat Company, 841.01; tot SO, Tbo Tttlo Ouarantoa Trnii Ooanpany, S44.B. Total, S2.S48.07. , THOS. Gc fiivuifr ' Aodltar of tbo Cltr of Portland, Portland. Oregon, October S, 1004. - BBXIMBaUUI FOB BZVKB WOBJC BeaJrd aranoMla will bo received at the rfflco of tbo Auditor of tho City of Portland, until Friday. October T, 1004. at I e'etock u. m.. for tho coMttvctton of arwer In aat Aah atreet, from tbo Mat flw of Ooaoral Andoraon'a addition to tba newer la Kaat Twenty fourth itrwt, In the mtanar provided by ordinance Ho. 14.SB8, oabjeot to tba pro vmaaa of tbo charter and ordlaancM of tho Ulty of Portland, and tho eetlmata of tho Oty Biwinaw, on flto. Blda moat ho atrtottr la aoeordaaco with printed blaaha. which will be furolahed on appltoatloa at tho offtoo Ot tbo Auditor of tho Olty of Pntflaad. And aald aower muat bo completed on or before SO daya from the data or tbo atgnlaa; of tbo onatraot bp tho part toe thereto. - No tronoaato Of hM8 will bo oonatdero anlaao aceompantod by a certified check pa) able to tha order Of tho Mayor of Um Clt, OODBIUVIOU ty of Portland, certified by a rvenonalble bank for on amount eqi nal to M par. oaat of tho umnti in ulii til Tho right to ratoat aaf andl all hi da to Brrebr rrMrved, Br order of tU Bx-cutl ve JWrd THOS. O. DEVLIN, ' I " : Andl tor of tho City of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon. Oetobar 1, 1004, pOPOSAU FOB BTBXBT WOBX, eatod wMNib wfll bo rerwlved at 'tho offlco of fba AodltM of OM City of Portland. natll Friday. Oetobar t, looe. at g o'cioek p. m., tor tho Improve ment of Baat Moniaon atreet, from tbo aaat Uno or Kaat Thirty eight atreot to tbo went Um of Baat Thirty- ninth Otroer. w ua mannor pronuva 07 orai mm Mo. 14,123, Mblect to tho nrovtofoM of tb Charter and ' ordfnancM of tba City of KorttaDd. aad tbo MtUMta of tbo Cty Bnglnoor, 00 flto. . . . ' ... Blda mat we atnettr m aaeovanMa win arinted. blanka. which will bo faralabed . oa application at the office of tba Auditor of the City of Portland. And Mid tmprovoaicnt DHt be onmpietca oa or mtoto w aay n-om tha aatcni tbo algalaaT of Ua OM tract hf tbo "5ro"t nroooaato or blda will, ho ntaldrel unleM accompanied by a cwttflad rhecft m able to tho order of tho Mayor of tbo CI .A wMlaiuf Mrilfl tav a raaonnailiU ba for an amnont vqual to 10- par oaat aft tho 7rfrtrto,Mt 4W, .U tod. to hervby rcaerved. , y oraar ot taa sveeutiv Dnar..r- ' Avdltor of the aty of Porthtna. Portland, Origoo. October 1 1004. oosmjnrov abd 4oozrTAiroB or m- rBOTKMBBT OF BIZTX BTBKBT. ' Nnttoo la avronr glvoa that - William C BlUi tt. Cltv Knxlnow, baa filed to the offlo of the anderalgned. not toe that Werrvn Con struction On., conaracfnra ror tM improwmDt of SlitS atreot. under too provlaloM of ordl nanca Ha. 18.411. navo oomnleted tho north or half of tbo tatoraecttoa of Irving atTMt. Said aervptauM will bo coaeiaro or imt Bxrrtitiv- Board at 4 e'etock on tha Tth day of October. IM. and obtocttona U tbo accept ance of aaH afreet, or any part thereof, may bo fltod la tbo offlco of tha Bjaderalgaod at nap THllx,V'TtTB BOARD, , ; Bv THOB. OrDEVLlrt. Aaditoa of tbo Oltp of ForOaaaY Porttond, Oregon, Octobor 1. 1004. COBTPLXTTOV ABO ACCEPT ABX7K OF BEVEB IB BAST TATLOB ABB BAST TMIBTT J nrrs stbietb. v K taa lai - awvaai tia wKlba A. ElllotL Clta Cnaiaeor. haa tltod t tha fflco of tbo undrrtlgnvO, nottofi that t. B. BlemmoM. oontractrar foe tho conntrurt i-m or a Mwer m aat Taytor and Beat Thirty -ninth atreeta, under tba provtatoM of ot0mbbb Ho. 14.048, baa completed aald bowm. Bald acceptance will ho 1 Mai aa rod hf tho Stecnttve Board at 4 o'ctoch on the Tta day of October, lont. and oflttoM to tbo acoapt- anM or mm w-wor, av any port taer-or. may be filed la tba offlco or tbo uadaraignod- at oar time prior thereto. , TUB BEKCl TtTB BOA HO. J By THOB. C DB vIjIW, Andltor of tho City of Purtlamm Orogoa, Oatohag J, 1B04 , nrttoajt, FKOPOBAXS FOB STBJtBT WOB. Sealed ntooMato will bo MMtvod at tho office of the A" Jltor of tbo Ciy of Portland, p. as-. Cor U0 la orovvmMt of Baat Buruald treat, from 00 feet vwt of the went line of Baat Third atraot to tba Mat line of Grand !ta. ii.tU. euMcct to the provlaloM of tba charter and woi ianM ot taa t iiy or roriaasa. and jtho aattuato of tba Olty Engineer, on Hie. Blda muat ba orrtctly la oaaardnnM with printed blank, which Will bo fnrutahed oq application at the offtoo of tho Auditor of the PI a lnrtlaod And Mid ImDroVOStent muat bo onmaleted on or beforo at) daya fromJ the data ot tbo algnlng of tbo aaatract or too portto tbureto. No nmpueato or Man wttl be oaandderad vnleM accompanied by B cert 1 fled check pay able to tho order of tha Mayor or tao vitr nf Pnrtlanit rtl float bv a rMBOMlbto bank Tor an amount 4JUai to 10 for Mat Of tao "rirMtort avuiaamh ' Aadttor of tbo Olty nf fttluan t PrttoncX Oregon, October 1. 1004. OOMPLBTIOB AB7D AOGXPTABOB OS XM FAOTBJUarV OB BAST TWBLFM BV. 4 ImIm a awrabv Blvam that WllOam 'L nill..t rtrr Cna-lnoM. ban filed In the offlM of tho andaralrnad. notice that Smyth A Howard Co., oontractora for the Improrameot of Baat Twelfth atrvct, under the provtatou of ordlMOco No, 1A0TB. have Oompleted aald atreet. from tho center Una of Co to treat to 10 fret north ff (ho sort oaa n rreoanon Bald natoptnnM will ba OMadawiwd br tho Baoeutrvo Board at 4 o'clock oa tbo tth day of October, 1004, and objectloaa to tbo accept ance of Mid atiwet, or any part thereof, may bo filed lav tao office of the andenOgaod at any time prior thereto. ' . , . ITHB aXBCI'TITB BOABD.M t J-, By THOS. 0. DEVLllf. , - - Andltor of tbo City of Portlaaa Parttaad. Orogoa. October 1. 1004, OOMPLXnOK ABB AOOEPTAKCB 01 Dl- BBOYBMX1IT OF BOBTBWXOB STBJXT. Not too la horobr given toat William 1 O. Ullott. Cltr KnglUMr, baa fltod In tho office of tha andoretgncd. notice that Milter ft Bauar, contractor for tho lmprovemenf of Borthwick WMt,, nndar the ptovlotona of ordinance No. IS, IMS, hate completed Mid atreet, from tbo north Um of Stantoa atreot to tho ooator Una of BeUwood atrort . m Baku accept anM wiu n ijbhmhiiiii ww y Mttwa ILkard at d o'clock on tba Tth Say of October. Iu4. and objMttoM to tho accept ance of aald atreet. or any part thereof, may bo fltod la tbo offlcOi of tbo aadorslgnam at anp UaM prior tberetp- . IE EXBt 1 TIVB MAWBV ' " , By THOS. O. DEVLIB, , : Andltor of tho Olty of Portland. Portland, Oregon. October X 1004. 00B7LETI0B ABB AOGXFTABOB OF IM- Fbotzmebtt or mbxtbomax btbbbt. Kottoa to hereby given that 1 ft. KUtott, City Bnainoor, baa fltodto the of floe of tbo nnderalgo-d, notice that M. D. White, eantrartor for tbo Improvement of Multnomah atreet- onder the provlaloM of ordlnanca No. 18.081. haa oatnptotod Mid atreot, from tho center Uno of Union AVOuae to tba WMt Una of East 81 tth atTMt. . . ... . Bald aocvptaooe win no oaoaiderod b tho BaocnUva Board at 4 o'clock on tho Tth day of October, 10O4, and obtocttona to the accept ance of MIS atreet, or any part thereof, may bo filed la tbo offlM of tba underelfaod at any ttow prior thvrrto. , TMB BXBCT TITB BOABD. Ti'V By THOB. C. D1VLIW ' ' Andltor of tbe.CSty of rurtJoam. . rtattoal Oregon. October U 1004. OOBTPLXTIOB ABB AOOXPTAJrOB OF XM , BtWTBMXBT Of FBAJrXUB BTBKBV. HottoO to hereby gtvon that WlBni ft Elliott, dry Bnglnoor. baa filed ta the offlco ot tho andoretgoed, notice that M. Jt Oontoy. contractor for tbo Unprovameut of FrankUn treat, andor the Mvutono or ordlaanoa- Mo. 18.0M, baa eompleted eald atraot, from tbo weatllno of Thirty aiwad atreot to tba oaat Uno of Rugby atrMt , . Said aocentasM wiU bo iibbHiimII bv the Exacn tire Board at 4 o'clock oa tbo Tth day ot October, 1004. and obtoetlonu to the accept anco of aald atreot. or any part thereof, may bo filed la tta offlco of tha andenlgaa at nag ttont prior thereta, , . . . THE BXECPTItB BOAKO, i Z- By THOS. C. DBVL1JT, Auditor of tha City of PortlaaA. Porrtond. Oregpa. October U 1004. O0MPLETI0B ABB AOOBKABOB OF X PAOTXMXaTT OF BWOI ATBBTVB. M4a. ttv Mven that Wllnam ff. BlHntt- dtv Rnalocer. baa filed la the offtM of tbo anderalgncd, Wtlce that PauMt ft lobnaton. con tr art ore for tho Improvoment of Untoa areoua. nndar tho provlaloM of ordinance Mo7lS.OS7, navo completed aard atreet, from too nouth lino of Belmont atreet to tag OMtor 11 r - mm " atnu Said acceptance win be wooideved br too Bxrrutlvo Board at 4 o'ctoch oa tho Tth .day of October. IO04, and obtoctloM to tho accept ance of Mid atrMt. or any part thereof, may ho filed la tho offlco of tba andertlgaed at any, tlaw prior tsereto. . . TUB EXECrTTVB BOARD. : .JZK - By THOS. C. DEVLIB. ' ' ' - Andltor of tbo aty of PurwAaA, Portland, Oregon, Oetobar 1, 1004. COMPLETTOhT ABB ACCEPT AJICX OF a rBOTBBIBBT OT SALMOB tTBBBT, ' Bottea to hereby glvoa that William C. BlBott: Cltr Bnglnoor. has fltod la tbo offtoo of tho underelgoed. notice that MlUar ft Bauer, contractor tor tha improvement of Salmon atreet, andor tbo provtalono of ordinance No. 18.700. hare completed Mid atreet, from tbo center Baa of Second atreot to tbo aaat Baa of Fifth stret. Said aocrptaiMO win ho oeajoidered br tho Bsrcurlre Bna-d at I o'clock on tbo Tth day of October, 1004. and ob)eettoon to tho accept ance of Mid atraot. or any part thereof, may bo fltod la tha offlco of tha naderelgned at tar ttaat Prior there to. , : By THOS. 0. DEVLIW. Andltor of tbo Cltr nf PorttondL .Orogoa. October 1. 1004 OOKFUTIOB ABB AOfTBPTABOB Of XM PBOVEarEBT 0T BAST TWE3TTT4EO0BD BTBXBT. ot too to horohr Slvoa that Wllrtom C Bltlott, Cltr Bngineor. bM filed to tha office of tba node reigned, nottca that Bechlll Broa., contrictora for the tmnrevonent of Baat TVenty aecoad otrort, nndar tho provlaloM of ordinance ifo. 14.007. bore completed aald atrMt, from tho north Ha of Dnun'a Bddtttoa to tho north Una of Baat Buraalde atreet. paid acceptance wilt be innaHreed b th BaeeuMv Board at 4 o'clock on tho Tth day of October. 1004. and object Iom to too accept ance of aald etrcet. or any part thereof, amy be filed ta tho offlco ef tbo aadaratgaed ot any. Umo prtor thereto. - TT TUB BXBCTTITB BOARD. 4 - - Awdttor of tbo Cltr of PMrtlamS. Portland, Oregon. Oetobar 1, 1004. OOMPLET10B ABB AOOBPTABCB 0T HI . lBOTSatKBT 0T BUBAB STBEXT. Bottoo to horobr ' given that Wlltltai C. Elliott. City Bnainoor, haa fltod to tbo office of tha underaigned. aorlca that Pretney ft Keat lag. oontrectors for tbe Improvement of Qlieao atreet, andor the nrovirlona of ordinance No. 1S.RTT, bare tmnptoted Mid atreot. from th wret Hne of Twenty -eeread atreot to tho oaat tin of Twenty-third atreet. Bald aeeentar'C wttt ho Meandered of th RUrcnttvo Board at 4 o'clock M tho Tth day of October. 1004. and Object lone to tho accept gneo of Mid atreet. or any -port thereof, paay be filed la tbo eftico of tha anbiYlfaMat any Oaa on or thereto. TUB BXECi'TTTB BOABB. ) ,';- ' f . .f. T By THOS. C. DEVLIB. 4 f ' ' " Auditor ef tbo Cltj of Porttoad. ' Portland. Oregon. Octobev 1. IO04. OOatFLSTIOB ABB ACCEPT ABOB OF ZB FBATXMXBT OT TBBTH BTBBBT. Kottoa la beretir glrea that Wtlltant O. Blltott. Cltr Knaluoor, boo fltod la the offlco of tbo andorelgned, ootir that Star Band Co.. oMitrartara for the Improvement of Tenth atreet, under tbe provlaloM ot ordinance Ha. 11,010. hare completed Mid atreet, from tha center line of Stark atreet to the renter 11m of Burnald atreet and freta tbo centre Mm of Irving atraot to tbo center Um of Ma rata II atreet. Bald acceptance will bo conaldcred by tho Kt ecu tire Board at 4 o'clock. tho Tth day of October. 0M, aad objeettoM to the ac ceptanc of Mid atreot. or any Bort thereof, may ba fltod In tho fftoa of tho aadereigaed at any ttai prior thereto. , , THB KXE TTIVB BOARTI, ? -- , . By THOS, O. DEVLlrf. " Andltnr of tho aty of Ptnttonat . Porrtond; Oregon, October 1, 1004.' , fjottnrriov abb aoobftabob or tm- FB0TBMBBT 0T WATX , ABB S00B ' BTBBSTB. - - Hottoo to hereby given that Wllltom 0. Blltott, Cltr Knrlneer. haa filed la the office of tbo amdorelgned, notice that Smyth ft How ard 0.. anntr actor for tbe Improvement of Water and Hood atreeta, undo the provtotone of ordtnanc No. 1X.77T, bar a completed Mid atreot. from tba outn Uno of Ctojr atreet t toe ceatar 11m of Market atreet. Bald aecoptanM will ba con at dared fee? the Rvecutlvo Board at 4 o'clock oa tho Tth day of October, 10O4, and objection to tbo accept a boo af Mid atreet. or any part thereof, may be filed la tha offtoo ef tha Banralgnii at nap tlmo jflr thereto. y ., . vuai Man 1 iiti autav, Br THOS. C. DEVLIW. " Anyitinr of tba city of Por I. lNrftoan; P11 goat, oetonao l 1000. tOP01XD ABSXSSMXVT FOB XXPBOTB MZBT OF BALMOB BTBXBT. BotlM to hereby given that' tha Council of the City of Porttond prepoMO to mmm tbo fallowing deocrlbod property and owner ar awoera ag belug apacially and peculiarly bene fited in tbo amouuta Mt oppoalta too midm and deacripUoua thereof far tbe Improvement of naltuon atreot. from the woat Una of Front atreet to tha Mat Ua ot Fifth treat.. 00 aro- vMa ay oroinanoe Ka. 15.TIH. Any obJvctioM to tba apiurttonmat of oaat fot ontd improvaaient muat M made la writing to Ua Council and fltod With tbo Auditor within IS dayo from th data of the flrat publication of tbla nottoe. and mm objection Will bo board and determined by tho Council evjore cm pamage or tba oral tba eoat af aald lmnrovaaaeat. PORTLAND -BLOCK S, undivided 1-8 aaat 0B foot lot 4, J. A. M larky, fl.; ua dlvldod t-S Mat Of foot tot 4. P. B- Holntoa. flu0Ji unTld3 1-8 Mt fret toi 4. Bmma Holuun7loB.Mf vwt 86 feet of tot 4. Or.aun Furniture Manufacturing Com pany, IIOTTTOl tot S, Orogoa purnltnr Man afactnrtng C)ompany, fdO.Ctl: tot 0. Oregon Parni tore ManufartwUig Oompany. Stw.M; lot S. John A. DevUa, "-10- BLOCK 12, MatB8 fret tot 4. A. Orao Bob, 8410-T4; weat IS fMt tot 4. Mar I. Woodward, 52.18; wret 4 loot ot aorta H ML Mary Woodward. Sl.dO; wret IB foot of aonth tot A Mary J. Woodward. 80. 20; Mat feet of north U lot S. Annie llewald, M Wtoaaad and Kato Strode. 828.70; eaat feet ol aamth U lot 8, Wiley B. Alton, SW Ol; Met 10 fret ot lot A Mary 7. Wood ward, 17.01; WMt SB foot of tot a, William Praaler and BllMbeth Corbatt Eat to, hair of. 800.08; Mat 10 toot of tot 8, Mary J. Woodward, 40.14; WMt 08 fMt of lot I, Tbomaa M. Blcbardaoa. 8417. OA BLOCK SS. audi tided U tot 4. JoMpb N. Dolph Batata, heir of, snT.48; ndlvldod U lot 8. Joapb rfAM VE, fill ,) WUBUVBWBB1B "BA gva, an, Mww-au Dolph BaUta. heir of, 810.77; andlvldcd lot 4, Crua tot 8. Crraa tot 4, Cyrea A. Dotph, fil7.S; andlvldcd Doipa, aisn; nnoiviaea tot A J. T. A&poreoB, 12M.M; nndi vldrd II tot S. j. rTAWeraoa. UM; lot S. Mari ft oorgMoea, SL74; totS, Tboaua M. Bicfaardnon. 44M.SO BLOCbT 02. tot t 'Oeorg TTMrare. 800.24, aootb M, Jot Eliubeth aad Oaear B. Helnta. 880.87; undivided U north U tot S, KllHbeth and Oecar E, HalnU. flTVW; undivided M, morxh U tot T Arthur K. Helnta. $17. OS: tot j, ' OMra T, Myora,; Mt S, Ooorge T. Myere, f480.9. BLOCK SO. tot 4. Ida M. Oittrch,; tot 8, Btcto J. MorrUoa, 71.08; tot 0. Berabard L. Stem Batata, helra of, STlqi; tot 0, Bernhard L. Stone Bout, hetra of, 8407.11. BLOCK S. tot 1, Robert Patton Eaute, heir of. 8480.10: tot 1 Bob art Patton Batata, hair of, JdO.M; lot T. pantol Binkel. 870.20; tot Daniel Klnkel, iaOl.ST. BLOCK 11, tot lr Am Harker Ba tata, hetra ef. S44J6.0S; lot S. P. C. Smith eitato. belre of, 870.70; Moth SOU fMt l 7. P. a lmJtb EeUte, heir ot.lw.T8; north UH fMt tot T, Henry W-lnbard, 118.01; tot , Hanrr Weluhard, 1407.81. BLOCK S. tot 1. Gorman Soring ft Loan Society, Sah.ftOi tot S. Mary Butb Hawklne. 067.14; Jot 7. . W. and V. Cook, S70 S4; tot 8, Bocntity Savlaga ft Treat Oompany. S401.ST. BLOCK M, north U of block, Cltt Of Portland, 81.130.S0. BLOCK BS. lot 1, Multnomah County, SBQ1.B2; tot 2. Mult nomah County, fn.OS; tot T, Multnomah County. ITl.Mi tot 0, MuKnoawh Oouaty, 004.A, ToUl. 81 1.1 5. 80, t , 'tf THOS. O. DBTLIB, " ' Andltor of tbo Olty of Portmud. - Porttoad. Oregon. October 4 1004- rxoFosxD tmtwmnm fob xmtbotb- BTBM OF BOBBXT ATBBBaV ' BotlM to herebv gtveo that the Council of th city af Portland prvpoMO to bmm tha following dMcrtbed property and owner or avian a being apacially and peculiarly bene fited In tb amount not oppoalta tbo namoa and dMwipttonH thereof far th lntprovemont of- BodMy aveM. from tha" aorta Um ot Knott atraot to tbo aouth Una of Mocrt atreet, m provided by ordinance No. 11.TB2. Any oMecUorta t the apportionment of ccat for Mid improvement muat h mad ta wrltlng to tba Ouancll and fltod with tha Auditor arlthln IS daya treat tbo da to of the flrat publication of tbla notice.' and aald objeettoM Will b board and determined by the Council before th paaeag of tbe ordinance jmimI ag tbe coat of aald Improvement. ALB1 K A B LOCK 27, aaat 100 foot mt lot 14, Mary Pluipa Montgomery, 8101.21; at 100 feet of tot IB, Mary Pbelp Montgotnery, SS SS; eaat 100 fMt af tot 10, Mary Pfaelpa rmtgomery. 800,87. BLOCK BS, oast 100 fMt of tot U. William Waachar, 800-60; eaat 100 ft of tot 13. William Waacber, MSB; Mat 100 feat of tot IS, WUUam Waacber, 81 00. 17 1 oaat 00 feet of tot 14. Stella TL Plttengor, 80S.T2; nouth S feet of Mat SO foot of tot 18, Stella B. Plttoager, 80 04' north 42 feet of eaat SO feet of tot la, Bagen M. Or area, 054.00 wret SO teet af tot 14. Mary Q. Mullet. 8167; watt 20 feet Of lot 18. Mary O. Mailer, 82.44; ut 100 foot of tot 10. Oonrn B. and B. B. Jamceon. 806.78. BLOCK 20. aaat B fret of lot l Paul Weaving, 81.72; tot 14. Mar- Crito r. Tomiinaoo. gnxoi; Math ciu t of tot IB, John Brngger E tat, belre of, BAM: north T.OO feet of tot 16. Pi rat Oer- man M. E. Church, 0.0O; tot Id, Flint Ger- man M. E. Chares. gru.Ba; mt IT, Mary Toomey, 80.41: tot IS, Mary Toomey, S4B.S8; tot 10. Nora McKonna, 8310; enat 8 fMt of tot 111, . Emily Strahan, 11.24; out S foot of lot 46, Henry V. Hoagre. fi n; woat H of tot 40, Charto Ollroy, 14.08; wart H of tot 47. Cbarlca Ollror. N.ll; weet Ifc of lot 40, CbarlM OUrey, 14.17; oaat af tot, 40, Samual Ilea. 841.00;, Mft 4 of tot 47, Samuel Hon,' 841.40; eaat H of tot 4. gnnuel Bom. S41.S0. BLOCK 10, WMt 100 feet of tot 20. S. C. Dyer. S40.B3: weat 100 feet of tot 38, S. 0. Dyer. 16 SI; weat 100 feat of tot St, 8. 0. Dyer, $40.10. BLOCK 16, weat 100 tot of tot 1. Elton Cbm. 140.04: WMt 100 fMt of tot 1, Ellen Cane, S4S 0O; WMt 100 feet if tot 1, Ellen CM. S47.08; weat 100 fMt of tot SO, John J. D. Edgarton, tM.OO; WMt 100 feet of lot 2B. John J. D. :dcerton, 848.08; waat 100 fret of tot Si, BLOCK 1A weat fMt P tot A lam B, Moatgumerr Batata, heir of, SI TS; tot S. Han Toaorea, 110.12; tot 1. Hbm Ttmeoea. 211010; tot SO, Bwadlah Lutheran BvanavtlMl ImimI Chnrch, S124.1S; tot 20, Joha V. Skana. 218 90; wret B feet of tot SB, C. A. and H. Cartoon. SI. 80: weat B fret of tot M, Hannah B., Claud I.. Clyde J. ScofflM, .22; tot SS. B. WetergtMa, 218.50; tot 11, Audttdr of the City of Portland.. Portland. Or ego. Oetobar i. 1004. QTIITIJrrXOB ABB AOOBFTABOB OT SBWTB IB BAST ST ABB ABD BAST TBZBTZBTB STBXBTS. Kottoa la hereby give that WlPlam C Blltott, City Engineer, ha fltod to tbe offtce of the nndoratgned. notice that J. B. Slemmoo. eontrncto for toe ennntruetlon of 0 uwer la Knot Stark and Bet Thirtieth atreeta, under the provtolont ot -rdUmnc No. 14,101, hag aa pleted Mid wer. . Sold accept dm trttl bo re dared br the Bxocotlre Board at 4 o'clock on thai Tth day of October. 1004, aad objeettoM to tbo accept anc of mM Bower, or any part thereof, may be filed la th office of th naderelgned. at aar tlaw prior thereto. . . TUB BXBCimTB BOARD. , a thou n nitvt.. Auditor Oregon, udltor of th atr of PortlnhA Octobot 1. 1004. FBOPOSKD AAdEOCMnTT FOB mFBOTB- MX3TT OF VBIOB ATX No He I hereby glean that tbo Oowncfl of the City of Porltond propoeea to aaare tbe follow. Ing dMrrlbed property and owner or owner m being tpedallr and 8cnHrly beoeOtad 1 th a moon U net oepnotto the name aad deocrtp floM thereof for tha Improvement ot Cnlon arenu. from tho center Um of plvtolou atreet tM th aMtb Una of Iron atreet. m provided by ordinance No. lS.BrMt' Any objMttons to taa apporoonmeni or cent for Mid ImprovemenS mil be nude In writing to ta Council and Sled with th Auditor within IB dare from tho data of tbe flrat publication of thl notlre, and Mid oMeettoM will be heard and determined by tbo Council before tbea Mg f to erdtnanM BMamlng tb root of Mid tmDroremebt. KERB'S ADDTTTOir to Baat Portland BLOCK B. tot T. Wllltom 0. Brawn, fll.22; tot 7, Wllftoai a Brown. S2B.20; lot 0, WlUtom 0. Brown, 140.87: tot B. WUUam C. Brown, aI. BIXMK O. tot a. Fred S. Morrla, 20.41 1 lot T. Pred S. Mnrvta. 10 US. BLOCK C, tot t, H retort B. McEweu. 13T.1S1 tot X Char la Gregory, 1M.4B; tot a Ana Kerr. "i i"1 W MlthaH. S70.14. LOCK F. lot 1, Charto H. Chance. 20 22: t X Fre4 S. Moriia. 12R.M; Or ego Water ' Power ft Baltway CMMnr'l tract, right af .anr.XM.S7. Total, 8477. oi. t 4 THUS. C. DETUrf. f Andltor of the Cltr of Porttond. Porttond. Oregon. October 8. loot v norosALs rox btbxxt wobjc. Sealed prepMala will be fretted at the office ef the Auditor of tho City of Porttond. Mill Friday, Oetobar T. 1004, at S o'clock n, m.. for th Improvement of Boat TMrty elghth atreot, from tbo aouth tin of Bare Um read to tbo north Una of Baat TunhiU a treat, hi tb manner provided br erOtnaoco No. 14.222. Mhiect to lb nrvltona of tb charter and ordlnancM t th City of Porttoad, and tho agtimato of tbo City tnglnee, oa flto. HMa mnet be atrtotly la aexordanre with printed blank, which Will ho turn I abed on application at th ofrto of th Auditor of tb City of Portland- And Mid Imnrevetnent moat b eompleted on er before 00 day from tb data of tb algntog at tho owtraot hf tho aortic thereto. Tim arepnaato at Man wfll bo conaldared mte accompanied by a Certified ebrck nay abla to the order of tha Mayor of tb city of porttond. certified hp 0 reaponalbto hank far an mount eaal to Ml par eont of the M?.'rihT?rt aaf and aJ Mda hi . Andltor of tbo City nf Porttoad. ' Portland, Orvgoa, Oetobar 1, IB04. . FBOFOSXB AftBSBSnTXB BOB TMTBOTX MXBTT OF TAMXTLZ. STBEXT. Notlo M hereby give that tb Oounrtl of th City of Portlaud propoeea to aM lb fcUow Ing daarrlbed property and owner or wwra M being apMlaU and peculiarly benefited In ta aaiountB Mt eppuelta tb namM and deoerlp tlooa tbareot for tb Improvement of TambHI Btrt, from tho weat Uno of Pearth atreet to tho eaat like of Sixteenth Uet, a nrovldad kg ordinance No. If.UOT. Any objeettoM to tb apiMntbJiionraf ef coot far Mid fm prove men t muat be mad In writing t tbe Oouocll and died wltb tbe Auditor within IB day from tb dat f th tret publtoatton of this notice, and Mid objection wlU be beard and determined by tho Oouocll before tb paa aag of the Mdtoaaoa Moaaotag th wot at Mid Improvement. FORTltA N DBIOOKT tt, to 4, Tcang Mm' Chrtottan Aaaodatton, SSHS.llt tot I, Zuung Men'a CbrlatUn Aanoctotkia, 064.71; an divided 1-1 ot tot A John UiaXtat. bdr of. 47.00; undivided 1-2 of lot B, John Green BaUto, belr of. 104.78; undlvtdad 12 uf tot a, Pavld P. Tbompaoa kntoto, belre f. 847 06; undivMad 1-1 of tot 6. David P. Tbompaoo EaUt. belre of, 2144-71; an divided 1-1 of lot 4 Barman C. Leonard. 47.00; undivided 1 A of tot 6, Herman C I'ouu- . nrd. 104.78, BIK'K 172. tot A Tnlied StatM OovernmcBt, 17.08; lot 8, United Btatea Ovrernmeut, 2l fT; tot Tolled StatM Government, 168.40; tot a. United StatM Oovarnmeot. 1634.68. BLOCK 170. tot 4, Portland Hotel Company, 8528.88 ; w 2, Port tond Uutel Coioaany, 100.80; tot 0, Portland Botol Company, 64.71; tot B, Portland Hotel Company. 6HS OfeT BLOCK 211. tot 4, turn W. Barag, ISOATT; tot X Dor W. Savage. 60,10; tot OT NaUl Hanebaw, 120.71; aaat U tot 8, Joba P. Sharkey, 208.88; WMt H tot S. Jama W. Boatty: '82S1.0S. PAHlE BLOCat 4, tot X Freaton W. Oillettt, "0-7 north to tot . Thome Harvey Bennett, 02.02 ooath H tot ft. JMto U MacabMd. PO H TT. ANIV B LOCK SIX 1st A Chartoa P. Btwert, 048.40: north 8 foot tot X CorMlln F. Bockwell. 1100.81: outb 0 fret lot A Charto P. Ellwert, 811 1H; north 40 fMt tot Itiph Goodman, 138. M; Mat W of aonth fret tot 0. Anna (emtn, 10.86; WMt H Jf eouth 10 feet tot X Byron L. Wood worth. 10.08; east H tot B, Ann Cbetnln, A2H2.14; Weat M lot lb Byroa L. Woodawortb, I2fi2.01. BLOCbT 201. eoat 02 1-1 feet tot 4, Amanda W. Raad Batata, belre af. 1114.11: Mat 08 1-i feet of aor-tb 14 feet lot S, Amanda W. Bred Eatate. belr ot. 130 15; weat SO XI feet tot 4, Samuel A. and El II C. Brown, 813.00; want 81 IS feet ot aaat 0B fret oi north feet of aouth 14 fret ot tot X Bemud A. and El Ha C Brawn, S0.M; weat SO 2-1 feet ot aonth S feet tot 8. Samuel A. and BUI C. Brown. 80.60: north 42 fret Of weat B fMt lot X Henrv W. Corbett Batata helra of, 87. W; north SO fMt of eaat 00 fret lot S, Henry W. Corbett BWtato. belr of, 110.21; north 42 feet of tot X Cat her In Morrow, 117.00; Mutb I fret Of Mt 40 fret tot 0. Samuel A. and Bill O. Brown, 10.71): Mat 48 feet of M B. Samuel A and Bill C Brown, 270.64; couth feet of weat OA fMt of tot 0, John A. Brown. 11.03; weet 60 feet of lot 8, John A. Brown, 267.02. BLOCK 2fM. tot , Robert Brady, 0400.40; tot 2, Robert Brady, 141.01 1 tot X John Foott. '. 102.70 oaat K lot I, Sarah Waldmaa. 8266.3T; weat tt tot S. Aaron Beck et us., 264.44. SOf'TH BLOCK H. tot 4, Pavld Thorn peon Eatate, hetre of, Bfl.40: nouth SO fret tot X David Thompon Eatate, hetra . of. 800.44 : north SU fMt lot 8, Stopfaaw Mead Eatate. helra ol, B0S.Z8; north SO iMt lot 0, atepnen Mead Shut, btia ac of, I60.M: fMt tot r; ' Mat SO of tot B. . Mat 10 feet of aoatb so X David p. Thorn DMn. 110.07 fret of onth - io teat of David P. ThompMa, 00.00; weat an feet of ai:th SO' faet tot 0, Herman Htrebbarg. 806.61: wret SO feet tot S. Herman Hireci berg, 1807.48. SOUTH H BUKIK K. tot X Cbaa. Bwoenay, 4g0.20; tot 2. Ctaaa. Sweeney, SlSB.TSr lot X ObM.- Sweeney. SIOA.fti: tot X Ghao. IfNMf,) 0610.10. BLOCK 810, tot 4 & - J. Beed. truate; 161 TOO; lotA 0. I. Reed. true tec. 108.04; tot S, Lea W. Slttoo, 11.41; tot 0, Sa W. Blttoa. 8481.88. BLOCK 21 T, . tot 4, Samuel J. Barber. 811.78; tot S. Samuel j7 Barber, M 08: eaat 4 tot S, Theodore B. wiicos.; Mat h tot 0 Theodore B. Wllcor, 8KH.BS; weat 0V Duncan Ferguson, S2O.T0I WMt to Duncan Fere neon. 8306.84. PO R TLA ND 31LOCK 00, tot 1 Marp B. TL 170 91; tot 2. Mary B. Tret 64.20: totT, Henrietta B. &d Mary P. Pairing and Emily - Cabell. 810. TO; lot X Henrietta B and Mary F. Falling and Emily CabIL400.08. BLOCK TT1. tot 1, Henry W. Cocbett Katato. blr ef 400.08: tot 2, Hanrr W. Corbett Eatate, belr of, 8140.40; tot 7. Henry W. Corbet Eat t to, heir of, 100.01; lot X Haary W. . Corbatt Eaute, belr of. 852T.T8. BLOCK JBO, tot 1, AtMwcrth Company, 61.70: tol . AlMworih Comnanr. 810O.B0: tot T. Aln worth Company. 84.20; lot X - Ataaworth fcriJ Boclety, 102.77; tot X Unitarian clety, 50.10; tot T. Henry W. Corbett Tntate. heir of. 1111.46: tot X Haarv W. Corbett KaUte. helra of. 8ot2. PARK BLOCK S, lot 1, Anetta Cottar, 8271 18; lot 4. Uaai C. Well. 8M7.T1. PORTLAND BLOCK 210. tot 1. Bwlt B, t am anal 1479.70: lot S. Rrewell It tnkann. 122.00; tot T. A Baa B. ConnelL 2100 42; lot a. Ana b. conn 11. gnn.w. pulk-k son, ,tot 1, W X Ladd Batate, belr of. 621.40; tot X W. X Ladd Eatate. belre of. Tl 00.78; tot f, W. X Ladd Batata, belr of. 141.14: lot S. W. X Ladd Eitat. belr ef. A-W1.TT. BLOCJC 260. tot 1. tree W. Oaoh. 616.90; lot X Jadmo W. Cook. 2141.08; out tot 1 B. Congto. 111. TO; Mat tot X ton H. Oonrl. S242.04: weat U tot T. Marr Ann Lambert. 006.40: tot 8. tfarr Ana Lambert. 22&4.M. NOBTH H BLOCK O Lot 1, Jame nld. 8610.48; tot X Jim r iviuB aiDii Do; rii 1 a iiitr w taitaxi, im,v, tot S. tamre F1ld. S411.BT. NORTH H BLOCK L Lot 1. Phoebe M. Dekuto. S6S8.01; tot X WUUam B. McBao and Clara and Blva nnmaaott. 2188.46; lot T. natua M. trowbrldr. 100.01; lot X Jnatna M. Strow brldae. 621.11. BLOCK 000 Lot 1. Margaret B, Smith. 832X02; tot B, Margarat S. Smith, i 107.22; totT. Margaret B. Smith, 136. 76; t X Margaret B. Smith, 401.01. BLOCK IX tot 1, Macleav Batate Company. 477.01: tt X Maetoav Eetate Oompany. 11X70; lot IMaclMV Eetate Oonpanr. 851.601 lot X eclejT Batata Compaay. (174.80. Total, 28,017.10. ' thos. a nm.m, ' Andltor of he Cltr of PortlaaA. Porttoad, Oregon. Oetobar A 1004. rvame 1 m. mvm rirPBOTB aTJorr or btbxtbobubi ffotle tt hereby gtveo that tb Council at tbe City of Porttond propose to a avow th fol lowing dMcribed property end owner or owner M being porta Uy and peculiarly bene! ted In th smounta Mt opposite th name and do acrlptlon thereof for th Improvement of Multnomah atreet. from the eaat Um of Eaat Flrat atreot to tho WMt Ho of Eaat Sixth atreet. m provided by ordiMDc No. 11,081. Any oblertli'M to tb apportionment of coat far Mid improve meet meat be made In writing to th Conncll and Sled with th Auditor within IB day from tb dat mt th Brat pubUtotloa f thl notice, and Mid object lone will be beard and determined by the Council before tba pan Mg ef the ordlMMo bbmbHhS ha o of anld Improvement. HOLLADATB ADDITION to Boat Portland BIOCK BX let 4, Daniel B. Buck a nan, 8.22; tot S. Daotol B. BacbanaB, Bo.4fl; to X Flntoy Morlaon. S0.T4; tot B, Flntor Mor rieon. 11.00. BLOCK OS, WMt U tot 4. Georg A. Coin no, M-Tt; weet ft tot X Oeorg A. Collin, SAW: eaat lot d, Bmma A. Arcbambean, ag.lS; eat tot S. Fnma A. Arcbambean, 1.00; lot 6, Rttfua Maltorr. 0.73; tot B. Bufua MaUory. 11.00. BLOCK 00. tot A Peter Wagner, 0.00; tot X Peter Wagnee. 063; weat H tot 0, OMvo Tlrgtnln Hawk, 83 71; weot tot t Ollv Virginia Hawk. 4 60; Mat to tot A Ptr Carsten. 84. 03; Mat H tot 6. Peter Ce ra te na, 6 40. BLOCK Tl. tot A Oregon Real Eetat Company. 00.19; tot X Oregon Bal Batata Company, 21.60; tot S, Oregon Beat Eetat Company, 121 M; tot S, Oregon RmI EaUt Company. 20.00. BLOCK 74. tot X n. Baal atateVe rVlRIMflV. gl.flB: ant X Oregon Real Batata Company, 106: tot X BllMbeth a. Tuttto, 1.06; let ft, EllmMtb O. Tuttto. 1.0X BLOCK 87. lot 1. M. (liwa Joha iuu am no. i-a H Dllaen On 4B: tnt 7 itB. Walt. 3.80: tot X John H. WaH. At mitu'W avi La tan. Vtrevman. liaoM; tot A A.H Brevman. XT; tot t. A. H Bveymao. SO TB; tot X A. H. Brer ttBB, 126.88. BIXK A 06, tot 1. Bmma J. Arcbambean, 0.00; tot X Emm J. Archam twaa. 0.61; tot T, Louis NIcolaL 17.40; tot KTUmk Nleotel. 124.7X BIKK f2, tot 1. later of Charity of Provldenc of St. vln rent'a Hospital 20.00; tot 1 Water of Charity of Providence ot St. VInreat'a Ho- CUL 2X40; tot T. Mary 0. Kaasa, 21.12: t A Nancy B. njunderUnd, 20.34 BLOCK TA tot 1, Orngoa Real Eetat eTwrnpanr. il.OB; lot A Oregon Rent Eetat Compaay. 1.00 tot ft Oregon Beal Eat at Company. 1.06; tot S, Oregon Real Eatate Company, 1.0B; Portland Railway Company right of way, N 20; City ft ftobnrnun Ballwar Coat. W" THOn. K'e, 'Auditor wT th CTty of Portland. Portia 4 Oregon. October X 10OA OOBTFLXTIOB ABB AOCTPTAJrCB 0T SXWXB IB EAST MADISOB BTBBBT, NaTwo tt berenr itven that Wnmam C. Jlltott, City Bneineer, bae tiled la the office the tmderelgued, notice that J. B. SlemmoM. S.ntrartnr tor tbe Moatructton t a eeww I at Mdtooa atreet, under tbe prevtolona ot ordluur No. 14,171. baa completed Mid eewer, frnn ion feet WMt of weat tin of Eaat Thirty stub atreet to n rennectfca with tbe Mwer hi Eaat Tblrty-eiith otrret. geld aoeeptanc wlU b MMldered by ' th Biecntlv Board at 4 e'elncfc ea tbe Tth (tor ef October, 1W4, and nbjectkma to the accept anCe nf eatd aewev, m any Mft thereof, may be (lied to the efflc ot tho nude rlg nod at sny tlmo prior thereto, TUB BriXi T1TB BOARD, By THOB. 0. D 'T 4 ' Auditor ef tbe Olty r iviTftoaA, i Farttoad, 0raoa, Oatobac J Uma PBOrOSXB XBrPBOTXbtraTT OT, TVOBJKAB BTUn. Kbtto la barby glren that at tha aortag of tho Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held on tbo list day of September, '1004. the following toMtuttoa waa adopted: Rreolved, That tha Council f th Otp Of ran land. Oreroa. deem It expedient and popoae to tn-prov Thuranta etreet from th wret Um of Kugny atreet to th went Im of r.ter Oulld doMtton toad tolm. ta. tb fee tow log manner, to-wit: Ptret By grading th Okreet fan width with fell loUreecttoao to tba gtada M gtva by tbo City Engineer. SMoaZ-Bi llBBtoaathml OTtUalol Ohto- walka. Third Be eeMtreettng wwodea wuMwarta. Fourth y toying terra eetta drain pip la amordonre with the Olty Kaglaa' atom ai-crlnrattoM and eat trnat a. Plftb By toying wooden aidowalko t aeeeew bco with tbe Cltr Baglaaar'a plaaw, pedim lajj end allinalee -- . . - -. SUtb By tonatructtng artbbiag ha acWdanM with tb Clt EuekMac'a ntona. aaartaaattoM and eel I ma tee. Seventh By brtnaing tbe anrfaee of the atreet full width with fall totorMcttoa to frad with aucadnaa. Said Improvement to b ma la ceeo- anc with th charter aad ordiMnev ef th ntr of Portland and the plan, epeciaoatton ana! MtlnMtaa ef the Cltr Engineer Sled ta tbe oMm of the Auditor of the Cltr of Port land oa the Both dar of September. 1004. ln- oc-faed: "City Engtneer'a plan and apeciSc- Hn fa th lmnrovmat of Thar man atreet from tb WMt Une of Bngby Urewt to lb weal Uno of Peter Guild' (to not to land claim, and tha eat 1 ma tea of tb work to ho doo and the probable total coat thereof.1 . The coat of aald to Drove tnMt to h -MMd M provided or the Cltr Charter apnp tb pmpwiy apeeUllr hnfltd thereby end which to hereby declared to be air tb Iota, narta of In fa anal nareela of land tvlrut bo- twee g Him 100 fwet norfbeaaterly from and parallel with tho nortbeaaterlr One of Thuv nti atreet and a Kse 10f faet MUtbWMterly horn and parallel with tha southwesterly Mm of Thnrmnn atreet and between the wretetiy line or Engby atreet and Ita aitenahwi nor tear iy m IU pt event ouree. and the weatorly Ua M tha Peter Guild donation land claim, Th Bmrlneer'a eaMmat of the Mhhto total mat for the rmrwvmot of Mid Tburmnn atreet to S,om.oo. Th above imorovenMst a In M eueeen a macadam Improvement and fhaD be maintained ny tbe city ror a per 100 or ore yearer proviaea, that th owner of a majority ol tha property benefited he aatd Imnrovement M aa noT- ttou thereof, aha II not petition tor a new or dlffvrei.t lmprevedtent hetor th axptrattoa f Mch period. . Tha ntoM. aBwelnnttoM and ettnuto af tb nty Engineer for tb improremnt Of Mid n.nrmea atreet ,are herebv. adopted. Reaolvad That tbo Andtroe nf the CTtv Of Portland be and h to hereby directed to give noflre of the proponed ttoorovement f Oald atreet m provided by the City , Charter. Bfmona trance aga'art th above Im prove mewt mar b died In writing with tha nnderelgned within SO day from th dato tat th arat puMlcarton f thl a notice. B araa af th CoanHl. . m mmi iM Afldlter of the Cltr of PnrtlaaC. 'PnrtinndJ OregM. Beptamhar SX 1004. . PROPOSALS FOB BXWXB WOXK. SMtod nroaoMto wttl no aecetved at' tbe sfflo ef fbo Auditor oftb Oltr of Portland, ontll Pridae. October T. 1004. at f e'etock p. m., for the nmstrarttou of a sewer la Mermda nvoeno, from tbo oecond head la,Me HtuIm i?htm tn the ewar ta JohMon atreet at Twenty-fifth atreet. lu tbe man oar provided by ordlnaDCe No. 14.227, eubject to tb pro vis! one of tho charter and ordtMaroa of tho City of Portland, and th ontlawto af th Ctty brlaawe. an flto. Rliti annat . b ftwrtothr ha eenrdane Wttb printed btonha. Which will- be turnlabad oa application at the office of tha Auditor of tbe City of ' Porttoad. And oald otwar iraot be eomptoted on a before 40 day from tb dat of th alanine of tba eon tract br the nirMia thereto. No nroDoenl or Md - will 00 COMldcred witlaaw neraannnnled bv a eerttfted Check sr able to th Mder ef th Mayor af th Cltr nf Pnetlaiul. certified be i reeoonalble bank for an amonnt eoual to IO per oaf af the aggregate propoMi. Th ngnt to kaaah 1 mw aag. retort oar oa all bin to By order of fbo JSjrt-, - THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' AodWor of t Cltr of Portland, Oregon. October 1. 1004 Double-Track Missouri River Th ChicaPordsnd Spedsl, (fie moot hixunous train in tho world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking aad torarr cat (barber and bath). Less than BiTM days Portland to Chicago . . ' ThroughTrains Chicago ft North-Wutora Ry. Chicago from Portland and points la Orogoa im ahetera Waahlogtea. Daily ancurnoo in Putlmaa rowrfat ; Jeplngcra(rom ronUnd thraaflB ' to Cbkago without ebanga. B.XU.ITCH11, ,XaBEX. .TfltW -ff?B?SV , n Market kreet, J ) T.lrd toreat, aihukaKiaco,CAAfltuaaxOaav TaottoB 1SB Third: m, - 9mt ta 3. TroxnaBoontlnorntaat ' . .. I'ralnai Domlly . FAST TIM B TO BPOKANB. BT. PAITU DITI.UTH. yllM APor.fn, run Ana ai AuL POINTB JXAST. r--" ' eoUn;h tha Canr-nrf (ir A. for f"Il 0 etc.. Call OH or a. '.'Vh mi ,v Chicago JbAITIMORX tV CHIP R. R T o .lf a.UUI -gVgBOAatjtV lifcllm AKoUMICNTACSnC 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Tbrongh PuTlmaa ataadatA and atari atoao Ing care dally to Omaha, Cbtoajto. SpofeaMl tourtot Bleeping Mr dfly to Karaaa Cltyi through Pullman toaiiet atoeplng ear (pereen ally condnetedt weekly to Chicago. Beettahat chalr am (Mta Ire) to th Eaat Sally. UNION DEPOT. Arrive, " CBICAOO-POBTLABD PBC1AL. Far th Eaat via Baa lag ten. :71a. 8 18 a. Sk Dally. BPOKANB FLTBB. For Raataru WaahlngJ toa. wall wall, Lcw lato, (oen dAleee and Great Brtharai StUS.! Saxfliw Dally. Dollf, - Z point. . ATLANTIC XZPRRSB. For th Eaat via Buat- 8:10 mat. I T:tSoSa tngtoa. Dally. IDuUy. . maviwn. ' , FOB BAB FRABCTBDO XX Oao. W. jOet. XlA BX IFraai All Deck. SBB lOgvBI VVOoTuntam llrer ttJ&Z FOB ABTORIA ami war 8:00 p. m. point, connecting with Dally. Ahoat - etmr. ne Una. V.-jai BMa.a. Nortk Beach, atr. Bu- Saturday Mlq, Aah-t, deck. 1 10:00 p. m, TamhuTTrrer BoWt. fob rtATTnif rwaJ 1 11 M B:M0l to. City nad Yamhill River TKM a. Ba. CelUr. nrc, atr, mat and odoe. Aabt. rtnch Dllr. in. SaoMmp LSaadar (Water normtttlns.t FOB LEWIBTOW id.. "rPo4uto from a-Tat. V nolle. . Spokan gnd Lewletoe- tea, maar. TICZBT OFFICB. Third aad Wnnhlaftoav Tato MnaA3rS) ft ABZATIO a&fr9, 'For Tohehama ami Hong Kong. eaUmg Krn. Maga-okl and Snaacbai. taktoc freight via roe eec ting at earner for ManllaThrt Ar thur and Ttarflenatnk- iBn 1 7 . S. X ABAOONIA. Oct. SO: X R. NTTMAMTTa! Nov. St. For fre.ght nnd farther aMitouhua applr -to i j . TAm to lauaM a. -.. s TeletOnm Main BOX (ton Atoafta Btonh. EAST via. , iSOUTH Lmv. TJNION DEPOT. Arrrvua. nvuai.a Kn nTPm train, tor Satoaa. Bom , s men to, OgdeaTtna FraJfjj ag. -SiStsVSk. cwn, pwi, M" eun a-alee El pain. J!ev UN r . r. -jl i lean ana ine am. Hamu team nert at Wodbura OKI IX caava uaaiuf with train tor MtlT:i Bb 1la Brovreo-ifto, BpriagH OetoV WMdMaa; ) lilinia. Alhene ne aorta at Wondbara with Mt. Angel and 8U to tooaL 7:80 a. at. rweallkm i Bo . at Bberldaa peaeenger. a;an a. m it m Ttonamt BlvtolM. Depot Poet of Jffreoa Street. Leave Porttond dally for Oaweg T OO . ..( 12 60, IM, 8:30. 8:20. B:26. 10, 10:10 0. W, Dally MCent Sunder), 8 JO. 0:80, 0:26. a. a.i 4:00, u:so p. m. aunany oair. a.-oa a. aa. Retatralng from Oawega, errtv Portland dally 8:10 . m.; 168. S:OB. 4:18. :IB. I S, S ol, 11:10 a. to. Dally eicent Sunday) 0 28, T f l. 0:80. 10:20. 11:46 a. m. Eicept Monday, UiSB 0. m. Ounnay only, in on a. m. Lmvm from mbm depot for DHa and In tore mediate polnto daily (except Sunder) 4;00 n to. Arrive Portland 10:20 p. to. Th independence -Monmouth btotoT Lto eperatM dally to Monmouth and Alrlto. cna MCtlng with Southern Pacific nnaar'0 ttaanB at Delia and Independence. nret-ciaae rare imm roriwnn ve ntiimre and Sea Pranetoeo 820, berth SO; OMnnfl to0 tare 818, Meond-clM berth 1 0o. jape, caiM, nonorai ana Auairaua. t uy i if aev umre comer nwa nnei ITO StTn'oBB."" ""w'.Tk COMAN. " Ctty Ticket Agent. Own. Paa. An, TIME CARD trains;: PORTLaUVDt TJBIOB DEPOT. Pngat Sound Umlted. - Timi. Haettle Doparto. tdSa.80. . ( v '... 2 00 p.m. Arvtvax BISSB.BV Olvmnta. South . Bend and Oray ' Marhac North Camot-UnntoX for Tacetna. Beettle. Butt. St. Paul. MI- ...MH. (Hi tea en. New Torh. BMton and point aat inn ootneeat. ' Twin-City Evpreaa. for TacooH, Seattle. Spo kane. Helena, St. real, MIoaMpolto . Chicago. New YTrk. Bretoa and all polnto Baat aad uttiaeat UtaS.Sh. TiSOfLlto Punt Bound - Km: Oty-St. L-obi Special, for Tare ma. Seattle. SoobaM. Butt. Bllllnga. 21u.v rfenaa Ka ICanaaa asoa. av aty, St. Louto and alt polnto Boot end atoath- AB tratoa dally neaot a Sowfh hrnach. A. D. CHABLTON. 7 Aaawtaat 0 ami Fnger AgeaX - 2BI Morrison at,, ear. TbirA Parttond. OX Astoria U Columbia y. River Railroad Co. tTNIOB DEPOT. s a. ax Dallp. For MayaarXBarator. CTataksnto. Wtprt. Daibr. uJia. to. Clifton. Aatoeto, WiH rentoa, Plavat, Haaa-f i t A9S.IS. mood. Feet Bteven. Gear hart Park. 6 a aide. Aatorta oaA Bee. ., Btavaoa anJbjb ' T:ABa.0A Balto. . 9. C 4. O. t. d P. A.. AM. & A. mtWIBT. Comamrfltol Agent, bw et. Phn Main 0u. aerw eto I m a 1 a) tt tJM rkhr Ntna, t M V -