The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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for m iiiiii rliatoa at
Poataca res anew eeptea! "i
Bag. P-per. 1 Mil: M M PSA. '
to 44 pagoe, eee.
Omre Mala SCO- 5
-Mam ma.
anaemiPTioii' batba l
1 Tmu Vy Oejrraor.
The haDy )nmi, l Mar 12
ts tviit lowui. wtth Poadar, 2
Tje Daily Joaraal. Wiethe
Dm Palre lonraaL wrth XuOl. 1 Wlt4s. J "
The Dallr loaraal. 1 esnntha. ... .. '-Jr
nae batrr JeorwaL with Pnndav.
Tne tValre, fay wwrk JHh-K nkaaSBp
lactnil' I ... , ....
vr;if, W wiei' ' Aitere, Bwadar j,
speed .,-"-?. .
ewaaaa be .
noire 7ne1, wtth Peaday. 1
Te natra Imtm), 1 tear
etae Palrr Itpnol. 1 nmA.
""H Mnmtay IwwmaL 1 w ...
th 4ada loarnal. oanntba ..-
TW tat-Weekly liwtil .
The Rnt1-tftlT JonrnaL to '?
eerb tow. KMnM, .
Tba wwetv rt. 1" !JS
tat m tarn. DMM fo . n
' fvparta, 1 ytr
R-MlttM BhonM W " TI
Kpri rfrn. ""
to 1 "jOTntMlfc"
' f. 'O. Tit, fricttet. M B ,
nu tin fotrmjrTmT s rovn.
tSX iVT--. w.
roropany. BIS fcT-ntifirti ttraM; . Wfm.
' Orrlat tr4i Ottr a HtMV
.frrw Tnitr rrrr lwrti Mn
OMAHAMlIltrA katal Bf . "t11
. AVOTI0S UUt T000W.
J. T. Wlhwn, inrtl-.
nnntui itottcb.
Pk. an-4 TT . ":ihL.-L.w.
. Fxnrtl fro f-lr fc-M-tt
VMnrHi; Olofew 6, t J !
" FrtnetBi-o ttpm vmmr rnyj-i ir
that iwtln raw am. w r 1 "TT,
piaira ana unui ' , r-
bAwn ar wrlly I,P"r1?- Vili.fcI
lake rmon aim hwiwim
.i thla district W-A.y. wia oookt
loaletit at or in mnnw.
I Mai UIh.
naat. i ,
TKttr City. Or i...,. W .- .j-'
CHrafn. IU My T,
rinrtiuMtt. oM., 51 H i , 2
Jnw, CI.... I S ' 2
Furfka, Cal.,...... M 2
rrrann. Cl.,... i.t" ; liB Z
priM. iiW..... - w ! - 2
IwJn-w- v J i 5
KMUiwIl. Host..... n !? , ' I
Lu AnRrlM. Cai..v..f,
CIoa, La.........
Kar tort. I. T
N(th BmI Vaafe
Oirahi. Nb. .
Hili-iVlplil. Pa....,...;
flftabnrK, Pi......-..."..
rt-iindT Or... .)
Snafhttra;. Or
ffierx-nto. CaJ...
fit. M
H Lk. TJUfc
turn Antftfit. T "
f Pranctom. CaJ
H PaaJ, Mm..,
BpnkaM, watt
Tnni. Wali... ........ 10
Victoria. B. C 4J
WalU Walla, Waatj TR
V. aabtirtoB. D. C 44
WlnnrVM'a. Hav
Ym, Art. '1 44
- 44
" 40
00VTA4X01T4 PK1A4X1.
ow4t t. rtaiw HUar. toy 44 virir
'' fen V lUlrh Eatm Mr oai OkV AM
, tVMwr 1. tn Mr. and Mrs. TMi TV dar-
M of M4 Ofaad iwnti a aanaTiit.
8ptob(r 19. U Mr. iM Mr. Jaaaa A.
uhrty f 704 OrrrUa amt: a ""a .
BoptemW g, ft. Mr. and Mra, Bff Stettfea
Srptmbar SI. to Mr. a ad Mra. PJoyd 7a Baas
ntaaBbfr 13, to Mr. and Mra. aaaaa B.
lUnku a rkMtM strait! a ana.
. Hrut-athwr 14. to Mr. a art Mra, Joha 4 tt
44T 1UM Mitfc a bob.,
aptiBbcr SL m Mr. ad Mra. CtarVa Mart
Ortor 1 ta Mr. and Mra. Cart Ommmb al 144
CafaUa atraat; a aoau
ta.oaaalr L fVarttai O. Mahaffa. c4 4
a.k. ta- - akslaH iBfkBiiaBB.
4ptanhar So. Mattlwir Urady. av4 TS
u.m at iaa rWatr.ftMtrtai atnatt; raaao.
nrobral aaaaurrkaaa. Burial at ft Kary'a
Oetobar 1. fftrtar M4am aaad tl nai. at
pt. Viarwat'a W-alui: --, typaold firm
aaarlal ai Uaw Fir nw-t-ry.
... " t
faaatirtaai m Oraanaj CMy tat Um. fjaai
ilaai rianttrlf. maanlrfa fsarani
-Alt; 434i rblMrMt. S4. T fat uta 4 a. a,
to 4 p. m. rarOaad Craaaataia aanrtatka.
raroaadl or. ,
TW ffM-rar4 ffoloMa UmWtaMac aaMaa
ft aaral dlr-rtan aaat aamaalaiara. 144 laird
Mraat. Paoaa 49T
. r. P. flaVp to. fa arret 4-iataaia a ad
Mkalaaata. baa rrnv.raa ta ra-w aaw ant
tiahaMnt. art Takrd a ad afaAaaa atraaia.
Baa aAaaaa KX a.
C1uirVa P. Uttte and wtfa 4 H-aPp-
laat 93. Bteaat 11. aWalNarn
Pofllaa-f , 4 BW
H. . NnMa a4 wtfa to 0. . Atlaa.
lot 4, M 1. Baaa Lira addition .... S.M4
Ptat Ttr Laid 4aaiiar to Clltfr4
rf. Tfcar-. lot 14. Xt Wlaataa, Mack
14. P.'taf nm 444
AInra llaroM tn wllftiai I.' Millar, Wi
- an mmA 7 Maaifc f. Paala lar adatt-
ttna .'. 1 14
.Haatarta at. fArM ta W. W, Tnttna,
r inta II. . ml ttlork B. Klaa'a aaiPoaW
alMl!na .... 4J.440
K. Hmrt aiMt artfa ta H n Oaatar. Mai
4 and 10. klnk I. BdVnrtal-
J) L. ratify and Ka to Jamoa Brydaai
, at iL, kX 4. Mocft 14. 4Vatfc-4irat
T-rnc4 . . .
Ullll-m JT. Hill and wife ta Mary 4.
- Ni.-M-a. lot i. kWk 3, Midway AaM
adrtiti . - .
n'ri-itr laind rmaatiaav ta D. A. Ptalta.
W.t in. SbN-k 41. t olT-rmty Park W4
L. dla VM-u.aa tat Martkt M. TltV lota
1 and X tk-t ltd. Maa) aaxntma. I.tav
. la
ftjal arUa a aWavart Badlaa,
at Mid M MM
be Dal', Jnarnat. wtth WwMU", eaeoiaw. J iJ
Tie rtalte Jonrwat, montha. ..-vilLi; tan
Har- Dally XoernaL Wtth Pnnaler, J-J!
Dn Jmirw!. V anon-ha..,..,.....--. ' IS
TW n.nv JofjFMl. wlrti fender. 1 ' -S
. - tt .r-
M 44
4 v M
M 44 4)
t v 44 -
m n
'--., i
TH 44
MJ 'V ''V 9
Tl h M -
T . 10 . 4
44 t . 4
T M . 4
M - 44 M
TO ' : fto 4
Text of His Anti-Marriage
V"' Recommendation' Y
-Cost of Living.
trom th Now Tort HaraJal '
Amy asaJda And matrona art an(ry at
Major Oancrml Hanrr C. Garbia for
raooaaanandlaa; a mla that younaj offl
aora anuat ak paraalaalon of Um wmr
Vpartmant borora thay marry.
Ljlautamant Oonaral Adna PL Clmfraa).
who haa ba)n anarrUd a loiiaT tlmo. taaa
had lolaar batwaaa campaign In Cuba,
Chloa and tha Phlllpelaoa to eaaa to tha
eonduatoa (hat 4 ltatitanarM and hla
wlf will hava a hard tlmo to mak tha
and of 11,444 moat at tht and of tha
yaar, but ha aaya a law bp oonar-aai
wtU bt pocoaaary to aaaka ff toara aawk
tha aanetioai of tho war aapartmont bo
fora thay ara bound by tha poat chap-
Iain or othar altrsyatJMV b ft Jlfalonaj
Waahlauttoti la futt of ofneort who
asarrtad youns and who ara ajtod of Tt.
i Willi ;t ja-aaiain- maaianiia. I S"2 ;'.'' ''AWlf
Oanatml Dan 11 R Ruokaf. who antarad
tha rirat llnltad ffVataa dracoona In
1SST, aa a aaeond llautonant. to hala and
haarty at 41. and ha raJokoaO that bo an
tarad mat rf mony aarly. Hla daughter
ta Mra. Philip Bhartdaa, widow of ba
famoua aavairy laadar,
Hera la axactip what Oanaral Oorbta
wrota ta hla annual raportt . -
- "Marrlaaa f army fflcara who haw
mada no propor prorlaloa for aaaumlnt;
tho raaponalbtlltwa thorafor lo hurtful
both to tha array and ta tha offleera
thamaolroa. To thla broad aUtomont
thoro ara, of eeuraa, asoaptlona, aa th-ra
ara ta all broad atatamonta, but tha
canaral fact ramaina that our arm? la
"Tho pay of a oubaltor 4 aftcap to
baraly anouvh ,for hla proper a up port
and tha axpenae of Ma equlpmant and
uniform. If to thla la added tho Inev
itable axpenaaa attached to family.
It la not only probable, but almoet cer
tain, that when tho ofMoer etrlkea hie
balance at tho end of the year, ha will
be behind. ha haa no Income but hla
"That a bachelor offlear ta mora val
uable to tha aCT-rtoe- than a married off I
oor doea not follow, nor do I wlah to bo
Snderatood aa ao aartne, but tho mur
ed officer la leaa valuable If in marry
in ho haa not exeretaed that prudanc
which ahouldt fovera alt tranaaettnna In
life. Br thla I mean that ha ahoulJ by
' lota I and 4, Mar IB, PitraVw
Chrlaua Ckrletanaaa and . wife ta 0. A.
Jokneoe, let ft, block 1, Carta taaaam'a
aoriltton to Mf-nt Tneor
I'trdlnaial Ouiadorpk to J. I. aWtt, let
4, bloc t, lot A 4. black 1. Cola a ad
dition. Board at boejftal trnatae of olocaoa of
. r
Orrcta ft M. I. liarmKJ, tat . aapca
Cartar a
aooinoa ,......(,...-
Land raaapaar to U H. Ta ra
il. 14 and li klack K ParU.
lay. kta
BMith .
Ortnbtr" t, Mra. Bha L. Woodward repair
to dwelling eoataaeet roraer at. JMrd aad
baraian atraata; aoat, 4400.
Octobrr 4. Mra. C. D. Barry, fepatra to aot-taa-a.
nkrrr. batwaaa McMIUia aad Baiaay
oTSiaf. Catt A 1etL t-atary awIUaa.
Kally krtawv Maple .aad Baal BUteeafb
etrrrta; reat. 43.BO0.
Orlobar 4. Cat a Pewalt. aarttan, Baet Madl
ana batarMMj Baat Twaxtlatk aad Beat Tweatf-ai-oa4
atraata; eaat, W.ouO.
Orlobar 4. Cat powalL ttary ajraltlat,
Potilar. brtwtea Hawtborae aad Kally atraatt;
owl fSW .
Ortobor I. . P. Allra. tatnry ewatHna,
TMrtBtb batwaaa Mala aaa- Jatbraea etreeui
nrtobrV 4, rati 4 Pwrl, dwalllaf. Beat
Mala katwaMt Eaat Twntitk aad Baat Twaaty
ajrotid atraaia: eaat. 41 .600.
OrtaWr S. W. L. Molar, dwatlraa. nawtbnraa
araua aatw-ea Baat Firtaaatb aad Baat torn-U-antb
atrwu; eaat, M, 500.
(Mohar J. C. 4 Qlbaon, Vara, aartkaaat ear
ear Eaat Taath aad Baat Aaay atraaia; eaat.
n iaai fwrba ffaraaall. aHaaatMaa to
Iwana, aarthwaat aaraar Tktrd aad SareUJ
atrawta: eaat, llOa. . .
ArtiHMT 4. atdaey Maartk. f atory dwatllne,
WrldUr. batwaaa Baat Twrfitj trai aad Beat
Twantr aacoad. atraata; eaat. 44-Ono.
OrhAat H. O. Kealaatoa. euttaf. Baet Taarfe
beteaea Daraam aad Bhtgta atraataj aoat, 4404.
0t roar taemaaea aad aaanreoai teo-raa)
eatate rrM the TUm onaraataa a Treat
ttMObat Of
' I linn i... 1
aoma meana, before aaaumlna; tha re
epoaalbUlttea of head of a family, ao
arrant bt pecuniary affair that tha
worry and anxiety over poeetble deficit
ahall not divert hla energlee and aa
pacitlaa from hut military dutlea.
"In my experience a adjutant general
of tha army and department eommander
there hava been vary many Inataneaa
that hava come -to my attention where
offleera of tha btgheat character and at
tainment hava become Involved finan
cially on account of then- famlllea. not
through extra vaganee nor bad luanaga-
ment neceaanrllr, but from abanluto na-
oeaaltp. and I have alwava haaltated.
and -usually refrained, from applying
any punitive moaauraa, knowing that
thea officer almply oattld pot help
"I am firmly of tha opinion that bo
officer ahould enter the marriage re
lation without first getting the author
ity of tha war department, and that aa
a nooeaary condition thereto ha bould
make it elear that hla income after mar
riage will be sufficient to support him
self and family, and, above ail. If ha la
to live on hla pay he ahould atat on
honor that ha I free from debt Start
ing m oven ha haa a nghtrng chance, but
vtartlng In debt he undertakee a well
nigh bopeleae teak. Particularly will
this prove true If ha has frequent
change of atat lone, when all tha ax
penaaa of travel of hla family hava
to be met by tho officer himself."
Acting Becrartaj-y Oliver of tb war
department said?
"Thla l a aueatlon which I would say
waa none of tho war department's busl
neee. An officer baa a light to marry
If ha oaalraa; the war department haa
no authority t deny him that privilege.
Leaialatlon by oongreae would be neo
eaaary to put any aueh policy la farce.
and I think It la aaf ta say no one
wilt ever advocate It tn tha eapltot.
I would Ilka to see any on tell m
not to marry If X waa an army offloar
and desired to do ao."
Senator Proctor of Vermont, former
aecretary of war, said:
1 hava never understood that affairs
of tha heart aotild be regulated by any
army edict. , Marriage hava alwaya
taken plaoe In tha army, and I auppoae
they will continue. Certainly I know of
no disposition among regtslatora for the
army bp curtail the Inclination off young
offleera ta marry.
Xt la Interesting bo observe Just what
a young man entering tha array from
West Point or from civll Ufa receive
for serving hi country. If ho ta In
tha Infantry ha will reoelva 11,400 a
year, or 1114.44 a month. If as la
mounted he will gat 41.404 A year. At
tha and of each five pear period of par.
vie aa a aaeond lieutenant be get aa
noreaae of 4144 a rear.
A first lieutenant, a amounted, gata
f 1.404 a year;, a captain, 11.400; a ma
Jor. 14.440; a lieutenant colonel, 44,444;
a colonel, 94,444; a brigadier general.
M.lftOt major general 97,104; a lieu
tenet general, 911.404. Up to tha grade
of aokmet there are inoraeee for long
evlty of service, .
It haa never been easy la the AmerV
o4B or any otbat annx far two ta live
on ft Ilea tenant's pay. la Germany
girl who la willing to marry an army
officer must ahow sufficient "dor ts
enabls the couple. In connection with the
offloar' pay, to live according to the
atandard of hi rank. In the American
army It a customary for enlist ad men
to aak parmiealOB of their offloar to
marry. Uauaily they are discouraged,
for the pap of aa enlisted man la far
toe email for even a try at matrimony.
The officer, however, has as power or
authority to;prevnt the marriage. It la
atlpulated by law that men who. have
served in the rank with honor for two
years may. If unmarried, compete for
promotion to a commie loo.
To the general increase la the aoat af
Itvtng aad to the tncreaaed number of
nf atatlaat lit trOOOS are BOW
wllaul tn anaka la attributed the fH-
ure of nontenant's pay Itfa-M (tr
today aa It did 14 yeare ago.
Aat mm mm tha women Of OOVerBOr'a
Island are concerned, thay declare that
the poat la an expcneive place to nv
in on account ef the proximity of New
Vork end tha exDeoee Inetdeot la aasin-
taiahmg ft social poenieo, -
t. H: Dolan. who recently submitted
Ms resignation aa a police offloar la tote
city, haa requested that no act loo be
Ukan In regard to bla raaiarmtion, and
that be b given ft hearing on the
charges that were -made by O fleer
Sloan. He prefers a trial to resignation,
ha aaya. and will be able to disprove tna
charges that have been mad adpatnst
Sloan la saM to have) reported that ha
saw Dolan In a saloon drinking la 00m-?
pany with woman. Sloan explained that
Officer Hemeworth told him he aaw Do
lan under those elroum stances. Officer
Dolan baa ft written denial ef the state
ment by Hemeworth. Hla frtenda be
lieve that he will hava no difficulty la
dlaprovlng the char gee. It Is said In po
lice circle that Sloan's report waa
"whispered one, and that la not coun
tenanced by either Captain Bailey or
Captain Grltsmuoher.
An Injustice waa cone poiea wnaw 11
was stated that charges of bigamy had
been made against blm. Another Dolan,
a private detective, le said to be the man
who la accused of having more wan ana
ifa, - .
FollowlnaT la the teoert of transac
tion at the customs bouse. Port of
Portland,- for the no onto ox nepievoar,
aa issued thla morning:'
Vessels entered from foreign porta, 4;
yeas! cleared for fore'lgn porta. 9; vee
eels entered from domeetio porta, 91;
vessels cleared, for domestic ports, 14;
entries of merchandise for duty, 74; en
tries of merchandise free W duty, 11;
entries for warehouse, 4; entries for ex
port to adjacent British provinces, 1;
entries for rewarahouae, 1; entries from
warehouse for consumption. -91; entries
for immediate transportation without
appraisement, tl; total, number of en
tries ef all kinds, 144; entries for, con
sumption liquidated. 124; entries tor
warehouse liquidated, S; certificates of
enrollment granted, 1; licensee for coast-
Ing trade granted, 9: lice nee to veeeele
under 14 tons granted. 9; total number
of documents to veaaels laauad, 1; value
og ex port a, oomeatic, siai.yia, .
Receipt from all aourcea; y
Duties on imports ........ .$4T,4M.M
Pine. penaltUa. and forfait-
urea 4.49
MlsceiuneouA , ouartoma rK ;
eelpta ... ...'...........a S9 .44
Storage, tobor and cartage .' 44.44
Official feea ... ' IT. 44
ToUI ... ... 94M44.19
la refusing to grant O. f. Ekroth a
new trial on the charge or aaaaaitlng
11 -year-old Lisal Lehmar, Circuit Judge
Sears this morning took oooaslon to
censor the prisoner severely, eie de
clared that ha oordlally concurred la
the verdict of the jury.
Ekroth'a lo th famous case which
had ao much to do with tha candidacy
of Sanderson Reed for dlatrlot attorney
St the recent election, Hs bad' the
courts aoat Attorney W. T. Vaughn
from the defense, which led to charges
and counter charges and Anally to the
ailing of an affidavit ta which Reed
waa accused of breaking fait, with Ua
client and with the court.
After reviewing the history of the
ease Judge Seara used the following
"I hava examined all tha different
questions brought before the court on a
motion for ft new trial of thla ease,
and hava reached aha conclusion that
there is ao ground whatever for Inter
ference by the court with this verdict.
I paid careful attention to the evidence
as rendered at both trials and eordlelly
ooncur In the verdict of the Jury. The
motion will be denied aad the defendant
will be remanded into the Custody of the
abertnV' ,
. IJeanml Burial sarrlea.)
Bt Peteraburg, OcL 4. Kurokra army
to again located. Hla force hava aot
appreciably ohanged position. Nodsu
still occupies the Yental hills. Oku la
to the west of the railroad. Oyama is
reported to be with the Fourth army
brigade, which to In strength. Many
Japanese ara appearing la the big cen
ters in the north of China, and have be
gun the agitation which. It to feared,
will precipitate disorders.
The emperor haa postponed for sev
eral days his trip to RevaL where ha
Intended to bid farewell to the BsJtle
fleet Oeneral Orippenberg, who la to
command the Second Manchuria army,
will be received by the emperor tomor
row. ,y. ....'
' Miss Rosa Kennedy and her family Is
grieving today because, while the young
woman waa temporarily demented yea
tcrday, she took ft pair of scissor gad
clipped her beautiful t re aaa a.
Mla Kennedy has long been afflicted
with narrow prostration, and frequently
suffers to such aa extent that ah loeee
her mind for a period. Such waa the
ease yeeterday morning when h left
her home at o'clock and wandered
about until taken la at f by friends and
oared for until returned to her home.
"According to thla paper," remarked
Mra. OabMeton, "the average person'
vocabulary to only 9.104 words."
"Considering the number ef times yotj
use your entire vocabulary dally,'" re
joined Mr. Oabbleton, "I'm surprised that
you haven' Lw or It out tons M -
EVT "1,
bt mwm
a rraVAJra stoat.
fBpaelel Cam
ef The liiayaal 1
. New -Tar k. Sept, IB, .Jamaa. Farley,
who waa employed by August Melraoat
to smash the threatened dtrlke on th
"L" Maid, bus ct-ctttC offices In the Hol
land building, at No. 1444 Broadway, aa
a professional etrlke-breaker. Th af gn
on the door announces only th "Farley
Detective Agency," but Farley admits
that the bulk .of bia businssa will be
strike-breaking. , "
'1 have never toat a atrtka, and I bare
broken mere than 14 during tho past
three years." Is the boast of this man.
"1 etudied the matter for many yeare
before I entered into the work of run
ning roads In aplte of the fiats of unions,
and It now question of system."
With hla magnificent country place
at Plattsburg, N. Y-. bis string ef trot
ting boraea, a retdnc the finest In the
town and an Income from hla Invested
wealth more than auffletent for bis
needs and thay are by no means small
"Jim" Farley la not risking hi Mm
nowadays for nothing. In nine years
he haa aiade a fortune figured mall up
lin ala pAavoeey and- Ail-of H raga from
Hla charge for breaJrJag ft strike ara
enormoua. Thay would nvake even an
overpaid lawyer gasp. But "Jim" Far-
lay to th only man in tha world who bag
at hla beck and call an army of experi
enced atrlke-break ra men who come
to him, when be gives the word, from
every section of the country. Hla
ganiaatlon la an extraordinary' one, aad
Farley to an extraordinary man.
Farley has bean pursued by lynahtag
mob, - has been shot at hundreds of
times, has been la scores or rouga-aneV
tumble flghta, has been showered with
stones and vclwba, but there len t A oar
an hla face.
Farley looks lVke ft pioopeioua bank
dark or bueineae man. He grasses wsii,
almost fashionably. He baa the brie.
clean-cut look of the well-to-do northern
New Yorker, and ha pako like
Tankea, The one striking; eharacter
Index of th man la hla eye. Anybody
who haa met the western "man -hi Her"
would recognise ta Farley the qualities
ef determination and daring- Hia eyes
are a peculiar light-blue, mingled With
gray. Urge, elear and steady.
Farley to over six feet tn height.
weighs 14 pounds and ta ao hard and
muscular that he looks thin. Hs -has
been bald all over the top of hto bead
ever since bia twenties. He to leea than
4A aid. '
1 have about II men on my regular
payroll- detectives who are able to take
up any kind of work, from running ft
oar to ferreting Out any kind 01 a,-m ro
te rv." aald Farley In a reoent interview.
"At the same time I have a Hat of about
44,404 names of men who have at times
worked for me or who have been exam
ined and been found competent. I nave
organised ft regular commissary staff
and am prepared even tot-furnlah be mars
for the men employed to work during
strike times. I figure on one barber for
every 94 men. (nod cooks aad waiter In
"It waa aa accident. In ft way. that
mada me take up the bnainee of break
Ing strikes. During the ear strike In
Brooklyn In 1494 1 waa employed as
a sort of foreman Over a small number
of non-union men. That was the first
time X ever had anything to do with
fighting a strike. The excitement
pleased me, and when the atrtka waa
broken 1ft of the men who had gone
with me on ears through the crowds
aebed me to take their nam and ad
dressee and call upon them again the
next time X was mixed up ta a atrlke.
Thla request showed; me that there are
a large number of men alwaya ready
to go a long ways simply to ant Into
a fight,
"Soon after that there waa ft ear
atrlke In Philadelphia, and I went there.
X remembered the 14 Brooklyn man, and
ant for them. To my eurprlse. every
one of them came on to Philadelphia and
helped break that strike. - I really start
ed strlko-bieaklng with aa army Of IS
"Sines then my records show over
94.444 mn have worked with me at
strike-breaking In the last nine years.
A great many of these men, of course,
have married and settled down aad now
lead quiet Uvea. They are out of the
trika-breaklng bnelneaa.
"I do not -quit understand anrself
what Induces men - if . travel hundreds
and te aoato eases thousands; 44 .miles
";.-a ct fcloitla W::h a
VeiL .
ducatBd lo Occult Scfoace
:. In Egypt India -
$10.00 Coirijdete (H I
Ltf RtMfJin for ; I
AT M. 9414 MOBBIBOW 001. fTTTB
ef eaammUHaBa, aot a .wawte
net aa suataka mada. A call
win nanaM id a aaoai nnnim mi m
Cifaad w aaaaa aaa k as as Mla eoeata.
Vaar Tnrk BnraU aarai "WoeM Vfee
Badeh Beratqee and Ana Bv. Fay mm
and tka raanert af the pabUe and have
aa enrdlatly iveerrad bp Amarteeaa."
aaaa swaiqa aaa a r"" v--"
friends anywaar tkaa aba baa th" city
tndar. Tkla fact aloe la a trlhete te bar
Blab Sad wiaalDg paraaaBty.alatrasj.
VkJaan ara batter I BU BSaUaSMS. tbasaS
t year pewar. J. J. K. ,
K . ye bad aaowa xas in aay an ya
1 sot have told ava Skara aorraetly.
LaJtafBeT eftL .
If I rani A tall avsma abowt Veer SB
erata. weakt, foe tbay bar smo am aappf.
Mr lever aaaa seek nreagk peer pew sr.
Qara W.
ova tort wtll vaxs nt tottb .
Stem aaewe, sates, tarts and ewraa, talk
wbo Is troe r falea t Joe. wbadi rod
abouM marry and when. Bmdab hralnv
Ulht ye tbe maaaa af year frVnde. eae
nuae r rftakt. and hew te gala year heart's
desire; re fart, all ye wlab te know la taM
yea plainly .and correctly, ta your perfect
Htiafactle. Tf aot. yon bare aetkfng to
pay, far eatiefai-tlon fa rnarantrog to all.
, - wodam arxmaiuox ,
rnpj i beach ny ALL
II "telSntfWa t"et tUil TwrtgBnffffMw tC
aad bring It with yea. Hoars. M a. si. to
4 a, aajaeaya Uetadaa. Ontoe prlvatatp
291) Morrison n Corner Rftfi
Fiasr af
tli'l1 1 MOUUSSt
Nottee ta baavby give that Wlittaai 'fL
rtUott City Rn1nar, kas filed to the efflc
af the eadaralcn-d. aotlee that C M. Blnar.
eon tractor for the repair ts Tanaer Craab
nawar, andar th prerMoe of erdlnaaaa Xo,
te-OTl, baa Poeapiated aald adwer.
SaM aeeaptaact will be taaet ftareg er fee
BxeratlTe Board at 4 o'clock ea the ttk day
ef Oetobar, li4, aad objections to the eeeyr
aae of aald aawer, ar any pert thereof, stay
be filed la tba office ef the eaaaraiaaa at
say ttoM prior tbaratn.
' . . - a. THD4. 41. DXVL1X.
- ' Aedltrar of the aty ef I
Pert! Orasoah Oetobar 1, 1404.
Nnnea la hereby glee . that Wtrhaai 0.
BlUott, aty Bmaieear. baa filed hi the efftea
of tba BBdaralsned. aotlee may Jarobaaa-Baaa
rW. anntra-toaw ftar the oortitroetla of a
sewer arataat ta aMtbara JarilaBd, wider ta
artrTiatona of erdlaeae V. 14.4T0, bare -Batted
as 14 aawer
bald accaptaaea' wU be r eel rl arid b the
Bxaeauae Bnara at e-eioea ea ue t amy
of October. 104. sad ebjectloaa to the aocapt
m nt aald aaww. ar an Bart maraef. bmt
ha filed la tb nfftaa of th Badirsigssd t
asp om prior thereto.
ArnUter ef the Ctty of PsrtTeaA
rarflid. Oraeo. Octebar 1. 1P04.
gHMBggBPP'y 11 1 ""P i"aaaanaasi
to take a Job that to of only abort dura
tion, and which plaoe them In danger
of lowing their lives. It certainly to not
the pay. It Is true that tbay get trans
portation, their living expenses during
the atrtka, and good waerea. Soma par
ticularly good ma X pay 91 to 110 a
day, other get much amallee wages.
Moot of my men are young fallewa, tha
aaarana aaw aaalatat about 9L
"very time ft new proposition like
this one on in atennaiian u ooos up
T ara RaM Mt tee Ar aaa na aan wbo
served with me before, X don't take
any man now unless as is voucnea lor
by.onewf my old men who baa stood
the test During the first years that I
did bualneee I was badly fooled by some
of the men I employed. - Th unions
tried te work some of tbetr moat des
perate members bits my crowd, and
the people did a tot of damage, When
f aan than nat mm a ear thav would run
down wagons and destroy all the prop
erty tnay oouia, so nec ine cot pany
arAMia Kava tm air haavr datnaawa.
They also acted aa agitator with my
men ana tnea to max traitors or insn.
In time I learned all of their tricks, and
tk Ann't hAthaae ma.
It la peculiar how the aptrtt ef ad-i
venture ominatee a iox or man. a nave
a talamm trnmm Ban PranfllanM Blarwsd
by 41 of my men whom X took out there
last spring when a strike was tnreatenea
an iha nipfaM rraarla. That atrlke savver
took place. After the unlona made their
peace the citisens' siiianoa or nan rran
alaoo wanted some ef my men to remain
there as a check upon the union man,
and X have oonaented. These 41 men
haa lua talearranhed that -thV Will
give up their Joba there and pay half
of their own expense to New York if
X will make them part or the striks-
- -' fftroa aaara. Othav m have
Ulegra pried from Texas and other dis
tant points that they .will tome."
Mr. Farley said that la 1904 he was
employed on 11 strike or threatened
strike, 14 ef which never materialised,
but a In the eaee ef the Manhattan
trouble he had hia force on hand and
waa ready Ho take charge of the eltua-
tina iha tnatatit strike via dectorod.
Ha taavalarl hack a fad . forth frtMa th
Atlantic to the Pacific, and from tb tar
northern etatee to tba gulf.
"Wallace. Ida., Oct . B, P. Pott, who
flreeeed th plain In 14B9, died yeeterday
after having a leg ftmputateA He was
born la 1441 lo Prnsylvanla. He earn
west and settled in Oregon and later
went to Idaho, where he engagedjn min
ing and later held the oflloc of Juatlo of
the peace and postmaster.
t i
ajr-T wonOBA
m.. - -.1 ml ana'
Mnd. mrnlag It aitaadtoat te epaa, la out,
w -a and ratahliab aa eaieaal.ia ef IUM
Tnantleth atraet. U the City of Portland, rn-ca
fae arwtk Una ef PtTiaia atreat to tka north '
line of CUolo atreat. eat xaei !""
atraet te be o foe t la width end
wiU Baat Twaatlath atraet aa laid out la
Auaa'a addition ta Baat PurtUnA did oo tba .
th day of July. 104. dlraat tb Hty flneet
to aartay the aaaM aad to swa the bovnaarta .
thereof, and te Make plat of aaeh artT.
and a written repurt coat a In In ,a rati eod .
Crfact daecrlptloa ef each propoee scraet an
andartea thereof, and af tha aortloe at ,
each lot. tract or part ef either to Be as
prooruted for each atraet, aad the City aw
aa hart ay bmAb eaeh aeevey. plat aad report
and 4led each stat and report la tha enaoa ef
tka Auditor of tha City ef Portland ea the
tad oar of July, It, and aald repoU haelag
boaa adopted by or l nance He. 14.1T4. eatltlad:
"A e. .Bcf aaDvUng the. report
City Buioear la the matter ef the propoee
apaalaa. laying eat Widening and aatabuabln
oT Baal Twrntlarh atraet. la tha City af Port- -
Und. 40 feat la width. la Ita preeeni ear",
from the aootb line of Mvtalea aUeat to tb
Berth Una of CUatoa Straat.
No, tbarafera, all pereon fataraatad St
baavby aetlBed that She Coanctl ef the City of '
TnrtUad hia appoiatad H. J. Itoriar, J. Kelly
aad W
pneed exteaatea ef eatd atreat and make aa eatU
mala at the baeedta and tonuses ocraajonad
by the oaoalaa. larlnf oat and eatabuahlns ef
tie eaaw. In aceordaa with the charter '
ef the aty ef Part Und. aald alewara to aatt ..
at the ofaea of the A editor or tee rvtw mm
Portland ea the th day ef October. 1P&4. at '
th. hear af Ml 'akek la tb tataaeaa el all
Tbfe proponed opening, wide nine. kylBg eet '
aad MUbllahlog oT aat Twantiatk atreet hi 40
feat la width and ta aware partiealarlr hoaadad
and deecrtbad a Aew: M ' '
ralrtnlna at point m tb amia nwe av ,
Dieiaaoa atreet at UM nertawent waau ,
btoek L MedowUn4. raanlng tbeace waaterly ,
a the aeath Una ef Dlrlakaa atreat 40 feet t ...
a poiat; theeee eoatbarly aad parauei wii
the aaat Una of Baat Twentieth atreat a Bow
laid oat a. ran north Una of CUntO tratl .
tbaaea eeaterly skang tb aortb Una ef CUnOaa 1
atraet 40 feet to the eeaterly lis ef Baat
TweBtteth street; thence northerly along the ,
aaat Una a Kaat TwantUtk atraet a BOW laid .
oat ta the amxh Uaa f Dteialea street bt lb
place ef betlnnlBg. . ,
The profoaad opealBg, wldeatfig. toytog sat
aad eatabtlahlnc of Baat TweetlaTh atreat wftl
tnelade aad aieaeeltate the appropriation te pas-
Ue am ef the ttoUowiag nenssa sareaai as -
tracta ef lead:
All ef lot 1. Meek 1. Leaks' sSarna. ea . .
talnlag 4.404 sqaara feat. . . ..... - . .
a -ii -m l.. a kLw - maattaaa
eeetalainar I ooo aenare fefc .'
'Alee afl ef lot iTblock t. LeabVa idntttia. " 1
cm t a let mi a.aoo eoaare reel, .
Alao all of kx IT block 1 XaWb adaBtaaa.
eeatalnlD l.soo aaaare feat. v
Alao aD that part er kit X. aieex t, ueaen- -addition,
lying easterly ef the proposed waa tor ly ,
Use ef Baet Twee tint sweet. Costa lain 144
squat feet.
Aiao an tan pert or tat t, bsdc j, iaawf
addltaea, lying eeaterly of the propoaod waa tor Ir
Ona ef Beat TweaUetb atreei acalaJalag 141
aaaare feet
Aim all ef tot & Meek ft. beano's addtttoe.
nat eaaterly of ttw lareseead westerly un
ef Bast Twantietb street, aeataielag 144 ssbar
Abie an that ndrt ef let T. btoe X. won
addltle. lying aaatarly ef the prapoaed westerly
Hne of Bast TweaUath atraet. wlalalBg 144
aqaare feet.
AU paveom etaiaiiag easwavs .ay raaeva ea
the aooroorUtkan of the property a bora da-
ecrlbed. er any part theresf. hi the propeead
rolng, widening, lay ln eat and . aatabtlahlng
aald atreet are beraby aprcUlly aetldad te
tie their rlatma for each damayee with th
Aodllcr or the City ef Portland earore tae in
day ef Oetobar, 1404. the time aptwUted tat
the BMetiiaj of the vWwar. tbareia, .
By eraay ef see tea run. .
Aadltet f tba City ef PortUaA
Oregoa, BeetoBAar 44. rSo.
Saaaad preaeaaM wtu .be racatvea er ra
office of the Aedlter ef the City eC PertUad.
BBtll Prlday, October T, isoa. at e'caocs
1., for Ota eoeattretiea ef a sewer la
icelai atreet fresa the east Haa ef Wale at
atreet te the aawer la Bfterloek a ranee and
Bock street, la the BMenor pmrtdad bv wrdl
nance Be. 14.tX. sebject the prorlaloa of .
the ebartar and erdinaaceav ef the aty ef
Port tan, sad tba eatiamta ef Oaf aty SsglBier,
an file.
ntda arest be rtrv-tiy la aeeraaa wna
printed bUafca, wmeh wltl be rarnlabed ea -appUoatto
at tba efflc ef the Auditor of
tba City of PortUod. And mid eewer
anaat 1 ftilae't ea er before 40 day frost,
tba data of tha etewbag af tba eeatraat bf the
Vta Brovaabi er Mda win be Maatasrad ..
an Waa acranpanid by a eertlflad cbork pay
able to the order eaf tbd Mayor of the Ctta t
f PertUnd, rorttfle by a rpaaaotielbla bank
ftar aa aaanwat erwaal 14V par east f . the
H.rTr-reW ... end .B bid. t
THOg. C DBVLIH. . 1 ; -
Aedlter of the aty of rerttonA ' .
rartkat Oragea. Oetobar L 04. 7, )
."" ' MOBS BTAEB jr "
-M t ika riH mt BnaHaaa1 J. - -
held a tb 41 st day e Beptonber. 1404, the
following reenlettea waa adoeted: , .
Reaoleei, Toat taa umiBCii cr we uvy anj
PbrtlaeC OaWea, eaenaa It erpadtewt end
IT a. .mmtm aa.a aatahllali tka arana
of the eeatet lie ef BkldaMre street at tha
tataraactlea or tee eeoror una mm wnrnr-n a
na fraai 144.4 feet 4 144A fart tb
SuveATnTtnto Aedtter ef fa CMp of
fortUn4 be and be M barrhy ereHed to area
rottee ef the proprawd ahance ef ara da at
aald street aa praetdad by the etty ebarter,
.Mri Miai ahaaa aSinnaia a
grade aaar be 41ed la writing with the BBOer
iurned wit bra 10 daya from the 4ato ef tb Aet
aajMieatM ex tate eoiiro.
S, era- at the C-anHV .
Aadrkar ef the Ctty ef PortlaaA '
;v XaURUwl " .
Staled liiniii'Va will be recateed at rbe
afar af tba Aadttnr ef the aty ef PartUnd
nttl Batnrday. October 1. lsO. at Iwfc 01.
far building Ja radio for tb ferry 'Leel
B. Wbeter,r la acer4aaee with patm aad
opart fire t too prepared by fred A- Pallia,
aad ea 4le at hia afOca. 4"H bar 4 rrreet.
Mo propoaal win be ennaidered anJraa aw
eanpaaledby eertlBed check payabla to the
order of Oewrge R. WUlUwa. Mayor ef the Ct't
of PartUnd. aqmal to 10 yf east af tb eg.
aperate a aaowa t of tb bla.
fha right to rarjeat aay aad all btfe A bsreby
' Aodltor ef tha aty ef PortlaaA
PerflaaA Oragea. Beptember M. 144.
rtotiea to berehy etra that Wltltax C.
tniiott. Ctty Bnginaar, ha fll-d ta tba efflcs
of the anyireelrnM. entice that the Trlaldad
Aapbatt Pavbic On., oaatrartore far tha Int.
rowveit ef 41xm atreet. anoar tba protisieris
of ordinance Ne. 14 414. bare compl-ted aald
atreet. from tea eerth line of Morrlao atraet
to the eonth Use ef Hoyt Street.
Paid acreptanoe will be cooaldered Tap the
Bieenrle Beard at 4 'c local oa the Tth day
of October, 1404. and eb.Jectioa to the accept
ance of aald atreet. or any part thereof, naay
be filed la the tfftoe ef tie aurfsrslgpsd at
naay tfftM prior thereto, i , i ,
-TUB BXirrTrvs BOA BO. . s,
. - By THOa. C. DBTLIW.
' '- A omor of the aty of PertleA
Pnttarad, Oreava, October 1. 140.
rtottoa I her-by gljea that WIIHaBi i ft
BIHott. City Bnnlnaer, has filed to the offle
af the aBdjeratgaed. entice that Warrea 0on
tracHon i f., wnrrartcra tb tmiHaiecnt
of Yamhill Street .naadar tba pentialone of
ardlnaace We. iaarr. aim cnwpiai- aai
atreet. froai tb center One ef ger-nth street -to
the etatee line ef Poartaenth street.
getfl ceeptence will he rrwalderad bv the
ga-rntlr Board St d n'e oa the Ttk day
ef October, 1P4. and ebjecttoaa to the secant-a
aace or aald atreet. er any part thereof, nay
be filed la th office ef tba aaeattgae4 at
ao tlBW prW thm-atn. i
Aedtto of the aty of PortlaaA ,
PerriaaA Oregoa. October 1. 104.
Tlot1ahi -herewy glrea that Wttnaai It.
Bltlett. Cltf Brsler, baa Hied ta tba office
of the nnderaifond. notice that aniyth
Baward Co , coatractor for tb inTaraTnt
of Kortbrea etroet. Badar the pronatom yf
rrdlnaaca Na 1I.T94. bora completed eatd
atreat. frnta the west Brat of Twapty-ear4
ctrnrt bt the eaat Hne of TvetAy-thlrd atraet.
Bald acceptance wID be onoatucred by tb
Sxnentlv Board St 4 e'elncb oa the Tth day
f Oetobar, 1004. and objections te the aeeept.
aaca of said atreet. er any part thereof, naay
I- filed Is the office f tba aaaaralgacd at
aay UM prtoa thrratA. ... ,,
Py thos. r. nsvLi". .
ndltnf ef the aty of PartUaA ,
tawwaw it ava . ,
- 'A
- -J
. t'.
it '