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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ,TU OAY EVENING, t TODAY'S I35.P DOZEN : EGGS HAVE ARRIVED AMMMADT ua-iuant tar moo ABB BX AT a BV&b K f the Portland wboieeale aurkeca today r. , Poultry aajotatloue down eaauv . .; . Mnrr hope - - I-nrge nfl eeuue drop Mrs NiMl egg Kmd grade toUoea telle ' ... ' Heater oH to cow Kaaternee rtlll baying nwur; WUOAt., ' IxkiI erNBHT butter dull. f. . t, rnuto market ceuilaue fe. , mcM wf dun . . ..; , t r r . Km' Eastern am Aw to." ' 'f Lett nfeat two mn rare of arrived u ui. at,, VI 1wnlvad BO far thl aoB J Thl ( kmiI tare more th war received "at ItalT tine a year Mi MJwlS thte yer eentetned ea M enoee of M douvn egga men. . " h U lal receipt of oeairrn far UU eennoa laS.OOS evens ox about doeou for Wn Inh.Wtaat of thta Vrjnm irolpM of local ex pa r T,1 wrnaaa nd prlc are "? " , -hiu tb baal atatara atarka Wra Trry aala al 348, Ula tbj ... ( Sao. Mm Saaa tail a TWrty Oaaaa. It saw traaaatraa tbal aavaral mm aalaa of hap wot Mda ap tba wlKr atardajr Str. TVt rra boagbt bp- WaJlar toaaa aa ... anUnn. Jnaaob Alebar. M balaa at Vi l-brta Klaiaaraaa of Aarara, balaa at Itorraa, aU balaa at ; P. J. trlra at SPr. Tba Blrtrtirt M waa boaefct "hr Banaaa utdwu ai auc Mart Markwt V Uia. "" Taakr'a bap ajarkat waa atra wWk ttM .laal atorka at-nit at 3Be wbrwrrr a grawar -iwonk. aUaaoae al tbf. bt aralir tbr ara bUdlnj. Tba avarkat la rat bee qolat aa la ,. aaaltluf wwa trm Ifofflaad. Waatbat m atMHiii ikiM tk Buc aura or balow .t.rf. srir klumikH ma tba attltaAa at h. Knii.iiBHB. If thpr bar tbara will ba an advaw-a. but baM tbay wt waat tba tor. -lnw vtMa ara axsavlrC TOt war aoaM ' Ulfca at Wtac affara aa4 rata tnaUj im ! a I Ban. J Tbra waa rraanl rt a abaal lJ ita an (mm ar ric aaaax. - rt la raUw waa canard bf tba m; baa -enaj M tb aaataara atawa. ' Tba atarkat far aeoa4 prada mbjb4 tfbtstta iMImi to ratbar alaw, valuta bring practlcallr SP, par uwlar tba prtca tba trat rlaaa pmaa. Thar la bat Util dlapaaltlM - aaoff tba bajrtag traaa M arrapt tbla claaa of ana. Barolpta of fraaft aatva lb tbla Market trim the low rtfur tadar waM apjlta bralr wlU aa chaapw U tba prtcaa. a MUr Bwjwat tUmr. - oaM aault lata f Panlanal foar ar aH balna an(4 far aaatara arcaaat, bat thara If . ni aifartilu la iMdtf a aorartaat aval .bar aa un Tba aaaa cwdltfcHi aatats to whaat aod bacra ar boMlaf off patU tbay ara aaaarad tbat tba atooka caa ba TfTad wlibla tba Kit PMnth ar aa. Japas, a wM . aa t hlaa. to albbUnc for Boar at a la aad aaiar .aaull aatoa aa reported. Tba fact ttat J a pa a Haa mot bnacbt rrrj baaYlly darrac tb paat aoath Made raaaa ao aarprtaa, bacanaa tbat eoastrp pOKaaard varr Wanip far ratara ra aulreKtaata bafora tba blabev fraUtbt rate aad tb additional Import ant war pa 'hM-allr tba aVr Biarbat fcl la poad I Prleaa aacbaacd todaj. iiaara Oata to Oaaaa to TarMaali TbfN to a tarp aapptp a oata to tb aaWrito wat aad aaat tbat Iba awalara tbar - art- aaaklnc ana aw 1 1 at aod ar abnat to ra ta Hat for tblp aacttoa ahlpptac wbaat tot tbrtr roantrr br aaodlnaT tow ear of nata. a very- oew wrinkle a tkto trad. Tb local amarhrt la rai toaar. P t totU Offaatota pf fiwit, - fruaTawf r affrrtaf la amaM lata bot tba Karfcat baa oat apnwa ap to aa? ax trat ' aa rat- Tbla rear tb praaea will ba placed pan a ie baato, while rear apo tb apea ina kin waa roaajd tke xe mmrm, pair for prwaai to tba amrtoaa alaaa abaw ' Blxaa . 1H S SO to 46 .ttlV da t o w os? f .a M to SO (U , .0 ,08 M) tat Ttt ,,,.t .r W la 'W.(-r....r..,...... .014 v .oii t .CO tj to 90 to 100.... .4 .. uo no . r.r.. .oui Laaal Ctoanry Itottor Palt. -Tbar la a atari of duUoeaa to feral rraa ary baiter and atocka ara abawtag a toodaacr to atraanltu aJlgbtlr. Tb raeelpta ar la f per. Frloa abaw bo cbanpe. Darlnt tba past few , dar tb ravetpto of aaatarm eraaiBerr bare braa varr large aad beta aold at raarb lower fg-area to dlapoard f wblto tb feeal atocka rvvala. Ocmatry ator 'butter arrival abaw a '- tuaag valaaia aad prteaa ara waabar. - - Aa Cfclafcaaa al Tea OaM,' 4 MM War tbaa 10c par pouad wa aakad far pay Bert of rblrbbo atong Froat atreat tola aaorntaa; and area af tbto tjrara tbar wa bat Httar daatawi. Turfcej-a rwaMaue to COM to Urge lata aad ar dull aad fewer. Soa dacha waald M a goad sal. Jaaaaaa Ara Vatr Ml Tadajr. Tbera waa aaetbar gtat of peaebaa Ptofaf tb raat todaj and artcea raogad aa low aa SOr aad aa hlgb as 00c Pease fair loaftleg Salwara are roadng to bat tba gtot af tb cbeap atocka. la having a bad offeoc ToaMtoa art duli, bat aorbaaged. i ' - Taal h BllgMlr Iawead. Tba raaarptg af aval tadar were autto ppian ad tba purfeat abowed a bettor toa wltb prleea a trida rarprovad. iarga vaal fta hard -to aeU at any Ogar. tow draapad Maab boa aPM I aad aold a trida bettor. . Veto Market la Salt Potato aoattaa tb foraw daUaaa with , raeelpta abnwlng bat a very am II Inrreaee. ' Trle-a ara abowlng aa ehanga bnt the toodeacv , af tb trade seene to cut . the California atacha out. Outoaa atroag aad uorhaaged. Twoar wbolaaato aatoUtlooa, aa tutoid. ara a taUaw WHEAT -Near end Oet Cleft, IB I larawr; vaiier. xc, BART Etead, pSS.00; roDed. fM-dOf - I AfrPr' prteo Mo. 1 arbJto, V.SB . eSTT N: grmjr. SlM OOflM 00. PIXIKR Eaatera Oregon: Paten ta. $d.Bt atrilgbu. .T5; valtor. dTnhaau, 4 no: 1'ie, J4 16. bt!IJJITT-rtB Bran. SIB Bp pep toai arld dflnea. 3B.oi abocU. eoaatrp. W-Hu ebea, fix no. 11 A t PYndnr ee prlro Tleantbr. WfUaaMttt ' oatler, raacf, tl4.OOCIU.00; ordinary, IJt.Ondj II. W; eaetern Oragiia. BIS OOkalAOO; aatied, S10.1001S.00; rtovrr. B.0nUL.0j grain. $llM aiLMi abeat. Sll.ondjll Bp. ' Xepe. Waal aaat Mlded. nor 1S04. for abotoa; lIT Bar - torleae- . WOOU rtoutlaal. Valtop. eaerae to ana die aa, , 110 tar: aa, ip,- aaatera Orogea. Udjld. M( Kgl'BKl .f ) Hheartag. lOCJSBe; abort wbeL - rf:ne; aaedluai areai. BodjiOcf lea weoi Um a M each. TALLOW -PrtoaP, pap to. 49at M. I an grvaee. S'. -.' CM ITT lit BARK pot to, barlag artoa. funra Dry bldaa. V 1 Id too aad aa. 4HIB par Ai drr kip. No. 1,4 to IB the. US--; drr calf. No. 1. Bader n tba, UUe; dry pelted bttlta and etaga. 1-t toe than drr pint : aalted bldea, eteor. aeaad. SO Iba or ever, TC"e; no to an Iba. Te: aoder H fna and ("i BOTc; atege and nlle. eaand. Be; kip. IB to SO tba, TWc: aeaad. IB to 14 tba. Be; ralf. aeajBd. aonVr 10 Iba. BUei reoa (an .aalted. tc per lb tea: rilte. le par to feaa; . boeor bide. aaHed, eaefc. BrWOl-rfHlrr. aneb. tl noei.M: eolto' hldea, ear. SBQnOet gnat afclaa, eoearaea. each. )0lal A agar a. Wttb r, woal Ou. eerm. SorttSl.dB. Battor, lap and Fauttrr. BtTTPB TAT eweet. SH: eoar. SBH Bl'lTFJROtj area IB err, beat. 1 HWX; , prewnd jtrada, Stot oaKlde faarr. XTUe; ardl ' norr. c: aaatera, ssvpe; etnra.Ua Ide, rTr.HB-c, i freak Oregqa, Sft; an aaadfed, S4c: toarern. treab Sac; eoi-ieato. SB. ciiKFJiK Kew -rail creen. terto lifeO Ut'v. 1 ' Amerlen. UVIRHhC. IlilTTPV Chhkeue. nixed. Ida per lb: bene, tw per It.: roeater. oH. Q par lb; Vnong, ine oer tb: erolfere. lor per lb: ner dncka. old. loe pep Ih; ymrm. tor per to: geeac. Se par to; trkj JAr per to; driaa. d, tte fer lb. rnrtta aad Taaetootou. POTATOKS Opaaea. MARKETS hirwt' viMT tar: ftoUfornta. SOdrSOe: li W,.tlTl nan eart: naiad. 11 .fiftU 106. ONIONS Local, ti.eS; VaiUuraift. gtrti PHKAH rBI'fna iwlM. fancy Oregon, TSe) 00 box; cheap grade., WttTSc baa: oraagae. t Valencia. -!Wa,Tff aar bo ; ba aaaaa, par a; lamoaa. etkolc. SS-TBaa w wr box-, raaey. nouAilM aar box; llo-a. baskaa, me tm 0t; WipW. 4 i0: ftnina. yr hot; pcacbra, ordlnarr, 5V b.Ji; Umcj. DrV par . bus; paan. 1 frapaa. 91i(018 P"" (Mvxnn. 0 tTV; OWcirAm. 12Si- P" -tb baakrt; 4u-lb haakrt. acte: vaivrurloaa. Oraaoa. Uc; raata kitL. II W'tfl.W is ontr: wNa. BO w.t ; backUbrrrlM. lor par lb: craWpp)a, TH prr lb: craaix-rrle. laral, IB. 00 pr bbi: Cap Uud. 10 prr DM: prarwa, ic par Ok VXJKTABLK Tiualpa. U. ear- nta. t.Ji i- T aarh; baara. I S par aarfc Orrfna radlan, IV par oabha. 0r.a"a. tl WidlS.00 t: lattara. bead, lac daa: greaa peppera, nlauc par baz; eelerj. Tot oer aoa: u? mat'iea, tw.-gon. -aue par box: pa ramp, iwaj tl.SS: araen ueaa. Or aar Ht, ararn oeJou. lXUe per del: fecal xrevo r-w.-'. 1 'it.Ifl ier aaek: pt pi a at. Z2U per b; Mrtbg 4: rucuaihera. Bor tier aaek: caullDnwer, ISO 0 par doa: trattar oeaaa. ; panapklaa.' m r ib: boraeradlab, inc pep kb: aprouU. dr. DB I ED FRT'ITV An Diva, aaaporated. TOfe par lb; aprtoor. aOIV par lb; aacha. H per lb Irae; paehea. HQ 18c per lb; pear Klbi praaea. Italian. IHA'He per lb I eh. IU4U oar lb: da. CaUforula black. SttflUe ivy lb: CaUforala wbttea. Bar lb: Diana, tutted car lot date, a Id, bam par ibi tarda. par i-ia box. raaarlaa. aTato. Xta. mrOAB dJach ba. ale Cube, gu 40; powdered. I SA: frntt araanlataA. M il: drv arraaaUted. beet arm aula ted, ; earn C. fdli; ldea C. KMi bhla. lue: U bhla. tec: boxe. 00c advaae on aaek baala. Vaa SOc ewt far aaab. rnrrKB Oroaa Uoaha.' flclfJet Java. faae. zow Java, good, sdbzdc; Java, oral nary MtiaOa: Coat Klra. timer UAvV: Ooata Blca, good. WfllHci Ooata Elca. ordlaarr. Ufllto per lb; parka a mrfea. HU.TV TV Ah An long, dtffaaaat it a daa. tr4Bet gaa powder. 320Mc- Bag 1 1 ah braakfaat. dlf faraat iradea. TsHOdda; apldarleg anaalored japaa. 9ta)oc! graea Japan ivarj aoarcai. au AJ-riaa Baton, 'to. to, da. laC 10a, flM: table, dalrr. 00a. ffHOail.OO; 100a. to 00; Inpnrted Uvarpnol. B0a. f10O18.00r 100. tU.o0Alp.00; Uto. I1S.BOQ14.M: extra floe, hie. Ja. to. He, 10a, 4.o0i bulk, U Iba. .: aara. ana. got. ALT I1na Mair - or ad. lfato. War 'tea. SB1O0O.M: tw jw ton. 09H 00: Liverpool lump roe, gio oOtTln W per toru W-IB roes, ol3lal.T0; lfma. dfl TaaM.m. I Abort pHroa applr to eafej of leap thas ar fete. Tar tola at apeelai arte aabtoet to u-tuarlaa. O R A I .t BAOaOaleutta. ld.naM.Ad oar 10ft ICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, 44: No- L ; New Ortoaaa head, lc; Adtoeft. aSa: Oenle. c. B K AMU eeaafl whrto. 8se; torg wblta. a a-oe; pin, ihc; baron, unu. Met li-an reda. Hke. IfUT peaaata. Tet tonbaa. PH par tb! raw. PtflOr aw lb: roaated. eocoaaata. Vd 0p per di: wetante. l.H-.et4e per Ibt ptw eat. 1AdiSHe per lb: hlckor nut. 10 par lb; eueatmt. aaatera. naille per lb: Bra all auto. IV par lb: Inert. Ilc eer lb: faoef peeaea. 141A per Nit alaaand. lSMtdt POT a. Meat. Ttoh aad Troftotea. - ntEffl MKATB laepected Beef, ttaera. per id; cow. fto per lb: muttoa. dn 4fl(Ve jw ttt: Umha, droaaad. Bve per to. na4an uri tw o-.. mt2I awe . 4Hftc per lb: pork, block. dOTc par ibi lurk- era, H" par a: nana, XHe per R: eowa, iuaj 4 He par Tb: anuttoa. dreaaed. 40 V pa; lb; reel, extra, TCvper lb; ordinary, IS tj or pec lb poor. 4 per lb: lanba. SUffBUe oer la. RAH I, BACOIT ETC. PVrtlaad aaekf laeal) bam. 10 tot 14 Iba, 14c per lb: 14 to lilt 14c par lb: (a to SO Iba, 14e per tb; cottaaa. 4 nr lb: breakfaat bacon. 14aifte aer Tb: pi en lea. lie per lb: regular abort clear, aa- amoaea. ioh per n: eiaoted. 11H per m: clear back. anenuked. lee oer lb: emobed. lie par lb; Uelan butt, 10 to .IS Iba. aoennked, a par rl etookad. Be par R: clear belUe. t Beed. 11H par ft; eatoked. If He par b; eaatern baaw, MM per lb; breakfaat Paeon. iw- per ib. . . , UN AL LAKD Kattl kMf. 10a. VTH per R: 8a, He per lb: sn-lb ttaa. loeie er ft: a team rendered, tfu. !Oie per lb; Be, IPUe per Ib: Sfn. rSir per to: rompoand tierce. dH par pi: ran, nt per n; noe, n par Tb. BAirxxn uk LARD 10a. 10et Ba, Wtl Me, CAinnrD tT.MOW rotBoVe rrror VPJ raTto. tl.R3: S ib telle, SS.H0: fancp l ib data, IS 00; i '.h faacv data. tl.M- fancv 1-Di ovala. fi TB; AUeha tall, pta. aoP0c;. rod. Bl.ftO: noadeal "Ik t h 11 CI fWl riH R cad.te par Ibi nnundera, to par to: aaMTwit. ar oer ID: eraua. il.V prr doa atriped baaa. 10A1SS par lb: eataM. Te par ik; aaitnoB. chlDook. to per T: taalbaadi, dr per lb: barring. Se per lb: eolea. dtf per B; etrlnpa. 10c per tb: abed. aVeaaed. r per lb; perra. aa par ra; abed me, per to bad. te per tb; Mack end. 8e par Ibt aftvar Bieit. r ner n: kr t era. imi: rreea taacaereJ. we: rravmap, pnr per dee: Bounder. Be par lb. OTPTERB flboalwater bar. per gaL t: par each. S4.00 net: Olraspta. per aaek. So.SB rLAM-Hrd abetl. par box. t2.00t raaar gl.TB per BOX. OjuI dlto. BOFB-Pnr Maadta. utfea; elaeaerd. Ui aal. lOUc. COAL OIL Pearl ap Antral Cue, tlt4 per gall water wblta. Ima bbhl 16c per gal. weoden ner salt baadlbrkt. lTOea. aaaaa nritac per rai. iroa auu lie per gai., LIKfiEBB OIL Pare raw, labbl Ml Per gal. eec me per gat: gedoloe kettle boiled, eaaee Sir ner aal. bbla BOe ner erel: aroood cake. ear tola B2&.0Q par ten, feaa than can 9SS.0S r toa. 0AB0LIWB dd deer, aaaaa He par aaL fraa noia par per gai; etove, eeaa Mfp pat aL Iron bhla I Be pee a) 7 BENIINB efegr kola lBUe per gat. t- a an ail, p PAINT OIL Raw. bbla ftHe per gat Be ner ail: boiled, eaaea 40e oar aax. TUBPENT3N11 la ranee A per gal. waa den bbla. Sir per gaV keoo bbla TP par gal. lo-to eaee lota B4V WTTTTR Ul D-Toa Ma TV ear to. totB 1 per tb, a leaa lobj Se par fa. -Preeeat baae at MXM. WIRB BATTJI Batofl Luaabar Prfeaa. Ooat. hwtoct Olear ";' V i,.1X . ; Par Per Par - " wrt kR. MIL aaogh. dtpaaaatona re ruler elaae txS to mil, S3 ft.. M 91B.BB H8.SB Bougb, dlBMBafeaa regular eleea to mif. 8A40 ft... BBS Iff.BB Se.SB BoBcb, dtneoBloaa regular - alia to U12. 4MB ft... 1140 kf.BB 1B.0B ongb, dtmenaloBa rgntoP lnea to llilS. BOdO ft. t. For earb additional t tacbea la width add , Per add aad fractional etea aawed add oot feaa tbaa - Per aawiag turtfeel grata Law IBS a ' ABB as ABB ad AOS to erix aoa Ad Oamajou rongh bearde, rega. lar elxaa to li la. wioa 11. aooarted to -9 ft. tvngtn B0 .11 B Board to to Ulckneoa, COLORADO FUEL TO ;v FIGHT U. S. 5TEEL Chora a Oct A la ordar t herd tta wort am ww nail trade front tba ncroar,hmoato of tto trade eaemy. the Dnlbal fttaton steal corpora ttea. tna Colorado Pael and Ira cnea pany to reported cutdtig prluea to tba talat non. Th Sxeol earpetrattoa ta to soaittua w carry aa tha war far aaaaa tune here an of 1a frothought la rnaWng aoea 90.00 to BB.W0 toon of nntohed anetortal to war rh a nana la Dan vox whlfe the frabyht from -Ghleaao wa 4Bo. lnxuand af, Tfe, too , ld nod preeawt nrbeduke. Once tb eurptoe f tha Amorlcaji Steal and Wire aeaapaay, the Steel eorporeUoa eobaldlary, which la eond or ting the war, ar xhaaated, tba Oetorada conrpajry will kav a decided advantage. It ana make and 011 Kntably wtr product I Ita territory ba th Steel eM-poratfen whoa the latter ta coatpellrd to pay the regular long baal freight on product aold In Colorado Pnel'a cotupKl tlre territory. , It la lugented that tha trade war between W "It eel corpora tin and the Cnlorad Pvet pad Iroa company will never ba allowed to nana beyond the ablrmtnb itage, ha cauaa tba nredoBilnatwia of Btnndnrd Oil Inter, eta ta each preclude the pnealMtlty of eltbnr bete permitted ta ner ferrety harm the ether. ALL LIVESTOCK WAS -? V VERY DULL TODAY Pnetland rafe Btoekrarda, Oct. A Bvary- thtaat In Rvantock waa dull today with the anutatlmui Jinrhanged. Tb recalpl Bf btit X0 fcoga and 2SB cattle. , The reeelpta eorototod cattle. , . . Official ruling prtcaa today tree tnt tie Beat eaetera Or nteeru, BJ.Tn4P Boo, beat valley alee re. Kg 7Ti ; medium atrera. 2 !W: eowa, S3 no; tmlla. fl TB; tara, M . Hngo B-t heavy. n OB; block, Pl.M; Clilni fta, 440iB.OO; atorhor aad faedetu, 98 UBtJ A2n. Hheep Beat grain-fed wetbeva ant aktob. ASbtjXr; aOxed ehaes, 82.XtpSJA . STOCKS ISREGtLAR AT SHALL CECUM kom or raa un waa fcurx.Y - POWaf n m mi to bat AMM TO-HVS. VAVah unuv - - .ai,. a. an. New York. Oct. A Tbe a lock Market waa n-rr fcrregular todny, abowhng a nwll poellna ic to greater pert ox in imt ana a emrgea vanca to eon at the Uaooroartaantal railroada auu connectloae, parucularlr tb uncago. Jell wnakea A St. Paul, which advanced with great rapidity all day aa ate tee at tbat tbto road would no in control or tb Hartbero Puclnc when the Nortbera Seeurttlea Compear waa ftnallr dlnaelvad. Tradlog wae vnry hevr , and tba aratimeai wae muea at in cine. Todar'a nfdclal ataak near bot: . ' . Bid. Anna u. lnn.. a. nkl. Etooktjo Rapid lVanatt Canadian Patlfaa, coat .... Chi.. MtL A BtT Paid .... Ooferndo Paal a. Iron, aea Erie, COB 8314 Iinaota Oeatrel 140V Loularltle, Naahvtlle 12, lletropoluteu Trarttoa Ok.. 121 S i Manhattan Efevaled 154, yiaaourl Purine ppq Near Yark Central ;...1S01 Norfolk A Western, aoea -. TA , X. Y.. OaL A Wat S4U Poaaarlveala Ballwar 1S3H 1X3 P. O .U C. 0.... 108 lOlnS Proaeed Steel Oar, coat SB Beading, corn . , to m Rep. Iron A BteeL aean li Rock bland, ena ... Su V SOU Southern Paclta BTZ tl rpnaeaae roai iroa - Bto Cnioa PaetSc. eoai 101 104 United Statae Steel Oh., coat. lttS 1 I'nited Siete Steel Co.. ptd ffl TBU Waetera la feat Telaarapb BiS - Biff Wnbaab, pfd ....TT " 424 41i Mo aay today. S per eeat. mam raAiraiaoo snarM eiooxa. fta. Praneieea. Oat. oKotoUeM; Thuopak, toon tan Belmont Midway ait.'Nataara Tonopab, Kevada Tonopab. Gold laoaatobj Tpnonah. Ixteauuon Jumbo - ajr raAaanoo local erooma, ' JJ rrueieiii. Oak, d.- Una! eunaka, n:aP oLoatifo. Baa Praadeeo duw dj uiaat Powder Hewallea Cnamatctol Hrnobea Bngar Hutchlooon Sugar Makewell Buaar .... OaoBOe Sugar - ruui nngnr raekeee' Aeaeetottoa . inirfuf .rjr LOdrpoa mra . - Tatodcal. Oct. d. AanavHen Tntkraa - f ryr and gawemny Improved to artoa on tb TODAT! m.EBBTTOB. Tb Portland etonrtnar haanto wmh m..'.- Clearlng ...f .BBTB.mrl.lel Balancae. ..... 8S,TSB.BT EXPECT WIRES WILL - WORK SMOOTHLY NOW d axpootod that nil th prirnu tala 4 eraph oiarkot wlraa will ba work d Ina; tomorrow, aa groat gmngn) of d Bien mn now andaaod In maJOri d ropntra wroucht br tbd Xlooda 4 la Colorado ajad Artsona. ':- 4 OXXOAAO WTU. OLOtX. " 1 ' Chleaaa, Oct. A Baturda. Ortonap S, wttl be Chicago ar World' fair dar and hi a public holiday. Tba board af trade will ba atoaed. SHERIFF WORD IS avvsoasiTi. Fondlna tha daetolon of tb etnratt oourt In th bono one, wtlleh oam bo for It topnorrow, hoatllltle nrninat th emblra have boon temporarily uo pondod by Bharid! Word. Thla la owing ta tha natur of th arwument which will ba mad by Attorney Ed Mendnrt hall, raprnUna Peter Grant and Nata Solomon, wha ary cbaaTod with vlolat ina th law. Attorney lfondanhall will -eontand that whon th Joglalntur adopted' tb laat cbartar of th oltjof Portland th city wafrla abaolui authority a r gnrda prooadara rlatlv te violation of th dumbllnff lawa. If th oourt should hold tbla to b so, Sharin Word would have no furtbor ground for tn terfarlnt. ' . Loading; attorneys xpraod th Opin ion thla morolna; that tha oourt, la view of prwvlous doclalona la this and other atnten, will not so bold. In such oao Sheriff Word will renew his aflorts to obtain search warrant, without wbfeb h Is not author I aod to braak Into places whra h boiievoa th law la beloa: vio latod. ' Th codoa dh) not allow tha distrlot attorney to lay Informations bofor a JuBtlc of tb paaoo. If a ehargj la mad under oath and th vldnc sub wTHted aooma sumctont to warrant th belief that a erim has boon com rai rt ad, and that a conviction can b secured, it is made obligatory ojt tha rustic by th statute t luaue a warrant of art-eat Tb sams Is trud in tha oas of a saaroh warrant. . Slnos John Mannlna; has ban dletrlot attorney h has mada It th euntoaa to take oomplst eharr of th flllng of In formations in justloa eapurts, and ha hlmaolf hat aa a oourt la his offtca to dactd whthr or not warrants should Issua This la th reason why so much criticism has baaa paanad on hia. ro fuaal to procure search warraats for Hherlff Word. . Etoputy IHstrlat Attor ny Adams did, 'In point of act, procurs thrs anarch warrants for ahartft Word to on tor Chin rambling; houses. Us holds then thrs warrants yet. - If the kotio canoe ar dortdad In favor of tha atata , . Hhorllf Word has bB d vised Is uraua on of thro Aaulgaautod Oeppcr On. . Svf. Atcbla., coal .....A.,.., Sdtt Atchlaon. pfd '.. t., .. Anierlcaa ioaar. eoal ...1SSU V ...... ostf isj3 ...... ji ...... ST I. ToniBeJi nMStog Ofeatna B1A ...Jim ::::::::::x:::::::: l.SB . , TO -TO v.. US ' ' Bid. Ail. 1 to oo i ::::::::: .81; :::::::: B-' 153 sou at 16 U .. lag ISTH WAITING DECISION aamWOAJae&T fcUnWBBiaJ OarenaU TTOn AAlAXafaT axnmv.wn xryx, m ooitbjt BMraai jasiabi Obttt mam ob ataa bjot Aimm A Doten Eggs for Each Resident of Portland Have Already Come from the East More Hop Sale at 80 Cent .Local Butter Is Dull TBp QUARTERS LOSMniAYSmi OePnoar orasra abown, Wataxa a ia U OajaTT VT-aVATTaW H Okunr at n Taff---OAT llOWat. xoaari wbteat bluazt. Do ...U.1SM 91.1SU Sl.lSti d - J. e (BpooUl Dtepatcb.) -1 OUcaaO. Ana. 4. Tba klk nrUaa aan bwHu la tna wbaat market are canning Jntavy hlp ente to atarhet. and tbto to tna cauoa af tba dargar racelpta. Tbar la a aarplsa. to race thara tl not enough wbaat ouuuiaf to aupply th dMBuod Cruai , th aillfera, aad evorjtkHag that ccaees to aoea dlaponed of. TV market today In tna local pit opened an art otic ally anchaaaoA Deconabor. bow- ever waa at a ccat higher at Bl.lStt, tba opanlag figure. There waa a anaaJl lucre in tb buih raellDg early bat the later new waa bearUh and prlet want dewa aooa after. December etoeed it II ITU. bid. loani oa at tat a cant ftvai tb and of Monday aooxton, Tna Mar eatloa bad a fewer a nam In a- nC U.14U and cloeed at SL1S bid, d feaa for tba day X U a coot, and a net low etna yeetordej an af a cent. - (torn htornot Mlghor, Tbar waa battor feeliag to odm aa coaat of the baa) condition of tba weather la tba earn belt, dfecomber had a varr auud epeDlog at 0144 coat and to ached ' tba high ruini an 014. -rne low mark waa mean at 144 crato. Deceatber oorn cloned at BlU cento, a not gela alnoe yeaterday off 4 a a cant. Mar Cora at Ita epeolng figure. 48 cento, waa tba aaanr aa the clone ml yester day. The be Utah roaorta brouatht aboat a xreat deal af burlnn and the netao amrtv reecbad 40 aoara aa tba high point. Hay cortt cleaed at bid. a drag atoa rvatmiay a ctona ai oil reni. The oata market wag aJabof pad arovtotoaa enerally tower. Tb ofTkrUl toaraatoi ..j ..-..i- Wbaat law. Ctoaa. Dm.. ,..9 I.I1U 1.12U-$ LllSB Ma a.aa t.n , u4ab Tlec... 5 Biw, .SI 5 Mar...., ' e8 -8 Onto Dee..... -til Mi 3ft .Via 3!5 Mi Pec 11 SO Jam.... MM 11 SB AAB0 W.WT - j .I BT IS. 4S 18 4T 1A4B May 1AB0 VBoatoa Vheaa. ' " (Sportal Dfe patch to Tha Journal.! Waob... Oct. A Wueat Staona active, though! earn a aged,. Bfeteat, and r.. - ' - ,, v ric; xtub WHEAT. IS DULL ft -, THE 'FRISCO MARKET frutatoked by Ororbaak, Starr a Ooaka On.) aa rrnocieeo, . Oct. A Battoa B Co. n a kav bad a varr dutt market In wheat to day, i Trading ana bean af a acatptng euar- actar. Wa boar tbar era Mde In the market for Breoch acadunt with Hmlta aa about king baala. There memo to ba a better demand pn May than par Tieoeaiber Wheat. It feoka bow ae If the Dec tuber aellera would find plenty to Uk tnatr dellvarlee whoa that time oomaa. It to thought aotae Prenck boon a her bought December wheat en ae to ehlp the wheat 1b that month. Tber to nothing In eight to Indtoate nay weakneaa ta the market. in tne other Band tear t apnea, ta fir aa emaraaoBnent. Bartar la Ban but Ofaa and H m fair UO- BHDd. Today nfnetal nSB a. pa, aarkt: Wheap . -"1 Open. - - High. -. Ivu. ' Cleoa. Barlafw Bnrfeaw V .1 Dot...,. LUH 1.UH 1H a, nil Orata Market. Uvurpaoi. Oct A Otosai Wheat PaeaaV bor. Ul tower. ' , . Cora Daceenbl :0wd. Turpi Oiuto Btarandj Par. Oct. A-Cfeaa: vrw Toaa cottom mabjcet. aw Terfc, Oct. A Oettoa stotAtlBar j ' . v.' aid. Aak. w. ft at n an ........ .,. .a.ew p.ew UvaraonL Oct. 4. Cot tea fa tun ar 14 to It point lew today. ' Bourse to mandamua tha Jostle of the peae ta Jssu ssarelt warrants, to noc ore thorn directly from th ofroult court or to so ahead and break Into sfiy place where he beltovea th law Is being violated. In th lattar connection h has b n Informed that In th event of dam suits H would be practically lm nosalbls ta impanel a jury that would award damage to coxnplaJaanta. , UNCLE FIGHTING V ; TO SECURE NEPHEW Owing; to tna lleed rfanl af W. T. Oardner, superlntondent of tha Boys' an4 Otrlaf Aid society, to yield posses sion of Frederick Knaigm. seed 14 yaara, his uptcl, William In. alaTh, prooured a writ of babsaa1 oorpus la th circuit oourt this BBornlne . through - Attorney a. .a pacus. Tba writ ts made returnable before Ar thur I. rrassr,- th acting prpakllng Jadaw, at S o'clock tomorrow afternoon. At that time Superintendent Qardnr Will ba required te take th boy Into oourt and explain by-what authority he rofuno to permit his unol to have his ountoAic, ... r . It Is rscltsd Ht tb petition that In 181 H. B, Robertson Was appointed aTunrdlnji af the boy, and owing; to con dition than obtaJnlns avt him. Into th custody of Superintendent Gardner. In May, 101, Robertson reelgmod as guardian and William L. Cnalgn waa ap pointed guardian on Robert aoa rooom monaodton. Sines June . 1B0I. th date whan guardlanehlp papsra war Issued to Bnslgn, so hs asserts, he. has boon trying to obtain his nphw's eustody, - Aooordlng to th petit loo, Buperlntend ent Oardper has not only refused to lot tha guardtoJi take th boy but wdll not tcU whsr ha la being kept at th ras- ant Um - A mooting of the Columbia Rtvor Tie association vena hold last Mght for the purpose of lectlrar a suoaeeeor to Willis B. Potter, who realgned tb position of treasurer and manager of the associa tion. His resignation was sent la at tb last meeting a month ago. H. jr. Pulfer was elected to succeed him and will bo- gla his now duties at one. Mr. Potter is now ongagod In business aa a tambor Munufacturor p agent. - - , V DiKtii ScM. rVofesaop Ratorfd crass operief last night and will continue Monday and Thursday event n as for sla month. Gen tlemen ladle It. A Hon hall, Soo- oad and Oak. 'Phono Weal 71s. . . llIuS LEAD j SIX VESSELS III mmmMAMt rotm Oormnny ' la vary nmeh to ndaneo aiooa too wuiarfroot. lBaJu41na; tb orl antai iindr ArnDta tna re ara lour Taaaoia ka Dart flvlnar the Owmtii flaat. Th nailing vaaaola ara tb J&mUta. tha Amut and tin Nomla. It la vary iMom tbatt auch a la raw float from (hat eouatry te 1b th harbor at tha earn tlra. Whaa aahorw th aklppora ara uaistlly togrotlwr. and aitboudb thay oao taiA sood JEiagllnb. they apeak In th laa grunge of UJr mother toQerua almoat ax dual vol y. Whll Oorn any ia wall iwprotd tha BrtUah ara atlll In th load, having; glx voaaolo la port They ar tha Duot frlaahlr. th Rutbwall, th Wray On a- tie, tha KaAnoonl, tha UartnaLd an4 tha Carnarvon May. But whoa It oatn te oOnnnlDc their rDnarkn atrtotly to their awn langrua th Itaocbmia dtooouDt by tar all other. vw tboin andoratand any other lMffuaT, Tber ar thro Fraaeh ah I pa in port, aad la order t oloa a buarav trannuwtMra with any ox tb ofBoora on hpuat nooaaaarlly b fa paaMloa t ooavora with tnaaa ka rrooch. N On tb rout Hat thsr ara 14 Brtt- lah v!, nv Oarmaoa, ala-ht rranch- mea and on Italian. . It la aeldom tbat pblp from any other Buiwpan nation ar aent hr. Thara 1 oooekaionauly Norwaarlaja vleltor la th harbor, but uaunily not oftonar tham anoa yaar. Of lata year thara have bona aa Rua slaa oallara. Japan or any other Astatic oountry aarar eond aa arc hunt pB bar. Sv)nnaSTa?iTTM , Oawnj of Taylor, Toung A Co- local agents for the rUmbturg-Amarioaa line of at on mora. reoaJvod a cablegram from Hamburg this morning stating that Chief O'flcor Mentalnthln will go out in oommand af th Arabia .this trip In plaos of Captain Babla, Th latter la suffering from a sever attack of Inflammatory rheuma ttsm, and requested to be granted a lay off, Tb captain's wife Is with htm. bat they are undecided as to whether or not they will remain fat Portland until tha Arabia's return. They may dooloA to msk a vtalt ta tha old oountryv Tha Arabia will clear tbie aftevawoa at tha custom hoaas, bat aha will not eatl watll tomorrow morning. Th prln olpal Items af freight on asr nxanlfeat will be eottoa, flour anal lumbet. Tha local repiwsanUUvss of the company ara expecting ta be notified almost any day that an additional steamer will be sent her to load for th orient. Enough freight la being offered to fill an ordlat nry siad carrier Immediately. . Loeal fJnlted Bin toa ancln f apant 0 day yatraay mnkind a aurvay of that part of tha- Harbor lytna botwaon th Morrlaoa and Madlaon at root bridfroa to aaoortnln th true depth of tbv ohan- rnol and th dapth of wator'on aaek aide of tl Tb tug-boat Lincoln was, aaad froa whtah to conduct operatlona. .Ait raault of tblr uvatlawton tha mugx noora rooort th ohaanal to B m tb tamth of water ta auytomrjiodat aar of depth of water ta aocammodat any of th hipa that ar likely o eoma to Portland. A number of vary shoal pvaoe war found aa each aid of th Tb stirvar was mad at th request of a number of shipper who had bean led to ewJiova that tha river .wu filling up with sand and gravsl at several polnU between th bridges. . It is th Bret time that government soundings had been taken In that partloular local ity alnoa 1904. Th Liaoola loft down tha river thla morning for Qrlmm island, 44 mile below Portland, whore ah will be aasd to make a survey af ar. tv Another wrndjammar arrived la at th mouth of tb livor at 4 o'clock ytrdayj afternoon. As prod Ic tad by a number of the local waterfront mm. when first reported on th outside, she proved to be the British ship oweea. - The vessel cam from Newcastle, N. a W., with a cargo of eoal after. a imarkeur fast neag of 4 days. It was learned this morning thai about 1,400 tons of the ear go will ba dis charged at Astoria before the snip cornea up to Portland. Th remainder of the coal will ba discharged at tha now bunkers. Th Oweena m a sister Mrtp of tb Muakoka la which Captain Crowe af the local Arm of Andereun A Crow awns heavy pntarssA dh is of 1.884 tons net Teglstar and buiongs to Kenny, Ma lum Co. of . London, This Is tbs first trip ah ever made to tha Columbia river. . ' In tow of th Harvest Queea Hha Preach bark Csjnbrona Haft up from th mouth of the liver this mornina. sx,d Is expected To reach port tonight. Mho Is bringing- a general cargo from Cardiff, Which la consigned to J, Moors A Co, . a no . ii .. V - AaaOBTO TBTJJ T4fanon ;' anununPnwniupnuBn W. C. Clevsrdrm, local representative for M. C Hsrrlson A Co- wiU leave la a day or two for Chicago, where ba ex pects to remain during th greater part of th winter. He will be sucoseded bars by R, Hooper of New York,' formerly manager for ths suxdrwrltlng ft rat of Johnson HI suino, t Cant Junes B haver I of th Brieve Tranaportntton tins waa glvsa a surptisai party Sunday night at his rssldsno. IBS Cherry street, In honor of his birth day annivsrsary. - A new std is being built to th pilot houa on th stsamsr No Wonder. Ths schoonar Taurus moved from th stream to th PorUnad mill yosterday morning, i - .aoauuaat ' AJrOaT na-WATaUBntrar. - Local Inspsetors avraurda and Puller Inspected, the li vsr stsamsr N. R. lesng yestsrday afternoon. Th vessel belongs to th Willamette Pulp A Papar com sny of Orsgoa CMy.. MOTBB. ' ! ; AStorla, Oct' A Arrived dowfc At t and soiled ad 9:14 s rs,, at earner George W. PBder for gen Praaclsoo. Lsft up si 7:8 a. nu Vtemoh bark Cnrnbrorina Ban rrnjwleoo, Oct. 4.-aJ1ed at 11:0 a, rl, steamer Columbia fer Portland. Astoria, Oct, i Arrived at 4:14 p. nV. British bark OweeneS from Nswcastls, Australia. - Astoria, Ost. 4. Condition of 'th bapl at 8 a m.. smooth: wind nsrthr- light; an 1 i 1 t 9Qm OAWo2-f. - a Iespa g Wassa BgiBBBB BMdgws aToaaA ' J BO mm tm ert.. 1 Hah bb Fib bs 1 from BTewnsWe, -i- - T. k N Pbwb, , ' ovciuSUCi;, cTArrj ur eooice co. ' Mean par Chleadjo Board of Trad. anvnniea ddunx apootima abtb affainHL 11 Third atraot, ntoHAy 99 a itwonr COBtlnttoaa Markote by Private Wlr. Wulck Sorvlc. RKFKREXCBH -4Jk6A ex TUtoa, bankara and United Otatua National Bank of Portland. , s.t':::::i's victi:j , X:& AT DSFiTAL piafiauiiuaT at piaaTBTA. Shortly after it o'clock last night Pierre Bergs-Ktaslow, who was shot yesterday by Adolph Oaadront who then oommitpe aulcia. died at Good aamarl- taa hoepltal. Ha never regaJned con- scaouanesB after ha waa , tensst to tu hospital. - r Bsrgs-Klsslow waa bora hi ths prov ince of lCharkoff, Ruaals, II years ago. His Ufa waa svsattuL Though pos sessed of s classical education that is rarely equaled, be waa by natur a me chanic and devoted hia Urn alnoa oons lng to Portland to mschaatosj occupa tions. . - He waa of renteta PTuoeh axtraotloa oa hia mother1! side, but was In evsry sense a Russian. Ha was th aoa of a prosperous farmar la southern Rauuua. When th war with Turkey occurred in 1S77 tha father with his two son, in cluding Pierre, war donsorlpted by ths iid pwi iawi gvrai uuianar" a a uupn both sons were made oommlssloasd of daara and has toned to th front At th since of Plevna, tha umbrella meader who loot hia Ufa in Portland yssterday, wow bsrolo distinction and for his bravery In that oampalgB re ceived personal oommendaAlon at the hands of taeiosar. Hs waa wounded la attempting td save the life of his father. It waa September 7. 187T, that th Russians laid slog to Plevna, which was Invested by Turkish troops. Wlth 76.04 Infantry and 40,00 savairy us camr's army stormed ths heights of th olty and "almost suoossdod la .gaining a oommandlng posUtoa. They were re pulsed, however, and lost 14 men. Pop 141 day th assailants oontmued th slega before they finally invested the town. .During that Urns they lost 44,40 msa, whu th defenders lost ,- , , v It waa durlnaT tm of th fiercest oa- alaughu that Ptorr Beiwe-Klsnlow saw his father with a small number of soV dlera urroanded by an overwhelming fores of Turks. Ho autokly rallied his demoralised ooanmand aad started to th ue. Hs saw his father butchered with ths whol number that was sur rounded. He hlmsslf was wounded in ths leg and waa eonflnad Id tb fcogpttai for six montha as result. - During ths early par? of ths oam- palgn tha Turka poured thousands of troop Into southsra - Russia. They oernptotely overran the southern prev IncssrdvaataUng farma and murdertn; peasants. Th Serge-kUaalow .farm waa among thosa tbat wore pillaged. The homo that had been In th family for gansratloas waa burned to tha ground. Ail ether property was confiscated. . At the ronchieleo of th hoaUUUea th imjiecial gonrerrdhant made aa at tempt to , reeomperoae tb family for Ihelr loss. They war paid In peoer swney f or ths destruction of tbolr prop erty. Bo depredatad waa tb paper money in value during ths ananolal cri sis that followed th war that Marge Klaalow seined tha money in ths pres ence of an imperial envoy and burned it Until ha waa 14 years of ags arg Ktsslow attended a military school in St. Petersburg. Than ho went Mo tb university at Moscow, whsr ho received sji excellent class leal edusatlonv He was a Bnastar snany languages. Prom Mosoow he wont- to Paris and studied engineering. Fifteea ysars ags he cam to AiDsrloa. Hs lived for 1 years In th east, then moved to Portland. Unable to seoure suitable opportunities for applying ilia sducatton he devoted bis attention to the occupation to whloh he had always been Inclined. -Hs bad auvny mends la tha city and was' swnerally roognlssd as a tana of great ability. IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE , , 0F MIDWAY GATHERS r r,t. r -;T v.., -v. ( A mttng of th Midwajr Impnrrex ment league was held last night at ths -office of the crematorium, where future meetlnga of th leagu whll -ha held. Omoore war lotd, as foil owe, to serve during ths ensuing year: C A. Talk. presldsnt; Oscar Downing, Tleprsso- dent; Q. I Raymond, secretary, and JU H. Adams, treasurer, ' Reports of various committees Were submitted. Che Improvement ommlt- tee reported tha th county had ap proprUted sum neoeneary for- placing 844 yard t of broken rock ta MUwaakis avenue and tbat th work SB now be- thelrool oornmltte rwportsd that an additional teacher had been seettred and that II pupils wore In attendance. oomparod with 17 in former years. Th people of Midway ar said to ba highly pleassd wttb school eondltkms la that suburb. Excellent work Is owing aoa It la said. . .. . . Prom th Chicago Tribune, r London Aooordlng to an Interview withe Professor BUI Metehnlkoff of ths Pasteur institute, which appear Ib th October number of th Pall Mall If aga- alns, th nearest approach to th elixir of life is sour milk. Any one desiring to attain a rip old sgs is recommended by Professor Metehnlkoff to follow tha example of the Bulgarians, who ar noted for thelrloyigvlty, and who con eurne large quantities of this oheap and o mmon or mam nmxm easily obtained beverage. Sour milk, states M. Mstchnlkoff, oontalrtB- a large bacillus, remark uhla for th great quantity of isotlo acid It Is capabiW of producing. ' This micro bs does not exist' normally in the eh u man body, and can Be Intro duced with great benefit to the health, as It preys OB th hundreds of thousands of microbe whloh Infest th large ,ln tsstlns. ' It bad been noted that there Is a great similarity between old ng and disease. Ths study of certain dlsaasss has proved ths ther ta n difference between the mechanism of sent I atro phy and that of atrophy cussed by the mlcrobs oa th person. In fact, on th approach ot old eg, a veritable battle fs waged in th hnwr most parte of ths body. t " Research is thwrofor being prosecuted to dlsoover som msaas of strsngth ntng th vital elements of ths body on the one hand and to weaken tha ag grwaarv tendency of th harmful mi crobe on th other. Whon tht end ha torn attained, PrdTessor Metehnl koff hopes to be able to prolong Ufa oorastAuffabls' beyond th present aver age, . ' . . . i .. ,r- ... I . . BuUdioc Portland, Or. ooaaszpwxoaT aDaiwoa COMMISSION . ca("i'"'");i Room I Opsmser of Commero, OrouneT moor. " Brokan to ' GrlivPmlJoiu. Stock and Bonds large , Mmto-Wto We Chars a nwxerrylag R. K. aaVLDRTV. Manaowr . , tEsUbllshsd lm.T V 1 drromnd Taoos. crsrAPcxBm of eosirafsnem, Dr. W. Norton DavU. ... INAvWEEK Wa treat am a aafnni nM nrfaern. aaat :J VSUV f9 mTOOK emftfJeTBe. BeOCSB C ahroafe dlneaene of to, nbo blood, etoeanch. -1 heart, Hvar, kidney aod throat troubfea. We oar STPintiJB (wltboot ' toevoury) to atny cured lorovor, la BO to no daya. Wa raeaoe ffraioTuaa, without namaw w sal, ia li We afno ntML ran email aa? aatf aSnaUL ' huaaedlatety. W en rnptore th eaxnal vlgoa i of any men eedrr SO by maasB'sf Ipael hwp ' We Cart Ikmorrhoea in a Week ; The aottor af thto hnatrtuto are aH raaulas - - C do tea. havu had toany year) axperlanao - a boos know la Portland for Jl yaar. i, have ropuutlon to am In tain, and win ander take an pane an lea, eertala ear sns he. eV fort ad. tike or ehara no fee. f bob He Hon tor cuafldenttaL rnatrectlve BOOK P01 toaltod free ta phi In wrapper. . ir you eaanox cau at ornee. toa Blank. . Baan Of g to B asd f to . holtomys. fc to IS, .th toadtng anoefanoto ts the Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. sn Vsw arswal. " BKmwaaAjrie, on wee nr. n t?ICE ccrnz, eaani lBf""fIBaMr 'km aS Bwl auufVI IksnpOJ lej lUmmmvhPmHS MFtiari OmMSituf OCSnaKLirS )POmM9, OMOON.V ETtry Uessa tola lit a I abouM know. . atom tan aammi MARVn Wanrwaf groy -Mori Oopvanlei nuusn Aak year a ,.atjeB If be mnnoi nppiy I nikVKL, aooept no other, but eand ataxoo for Uloatrated book eanlni. It fall TW.riirula.ra and direct valuableto ladiea. M1RVU tin IB Bldkp. Bow kerto. i Pop Sal By wrubmubswrj. rrcnmurui ai rha stAtoxrw-- a ta rich OITaT VOTXTJXbV ; pmoFOSALa roa rxa uub. . Sealed propoaafe will be received by ths Water Board of tba Olty of Portland, Oregon, until S p. a.. October IB, ISO, fa faTn ah Inf er Pnr t la a A Ongon, elKfaty tboueana too.ono) pnuada ot pig lead; Ip.ooO pound to be fur-' ainhed on or bafor Hovamher 1 aad the re mainder on or bafora Tfecembnr 1, 104. AH ay he fureaohn UnaneataUky ur aouraanx pr- Bidder sjunt etat foe prfe per hanakud pound delivered t.e.b. oar; Portland, Oregon. With each bid moat be depoeltad a aurtlaod check for 1110. payable to tb wdnv of the Auditor of the Olty of Portland. Oregon, and hmda accentable to tb Mayor of the eitr Will be reanlred of the acceeaful bidder. The right to reeervad by hha WadBf Boscd n aWt env ao all Ude. Prrnneal moat be eorloaed t as Snvstone. aea led and xaarked "Prbpoaata for Pig Lead, and addreeaed to the nnoxrelgnod.. By order of the Water Board, ritA.ikT, wiii, i Portland, Oregoa. Or to her 4, rBANK t. Dorms. sBirtstsadist. 1P04. BUSINESS MAN TO WED YOUNG SOCIETY WOMAN Wllltara BalHa, a member of th larg Import ins house of Ben A Ballls, sn- Baged In ths ooffe. toa and Bp Is buel neas at No. t4 Pront etreet, is to wed Mlas Berth B. Belcher. A lloans wss lanued this morning by County Clerk Fields. Th ags of Mr. Ballls m given aa IS. and that of his prospective bride as II rears. Mr. Ballls Is an old reel dant of Portland, and his fatur wife Is tooeompitshsd young woman, wU Iknowa in social circles , ., ., w smBar . jprtto'fsf eauun V -h ; ttt- Mf Convenient, r Sf "ag anniMMiiiiiii. a i m. MEN AND WOMEle df VUmKU-y I D Big for anoa rami J fetfeiaasaXJ dlnenarge4nSaaaeaeMona, M BJ trrltntiaua ar UloaraMoas I af J" of meeoue Btaantoanae. I f laaajantoae atgloaa, and not aatrto 1 fJMETMSCBIBwCB, gnat ar polaooeua. 1 VlMHiiii fl toeAdBTntouunssSa, CTproVTto, . ,P M tl-BB. or8hotfl8B.TB. ar w rfeniar ou imeeaB. - i.-il ' i r. ,4 .-A JL v-i'-v-- .v r