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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1904)
A . A 1 THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONTJAT EVENING, OCTOBER 'r4. r. LEf.'3TBY VGYACI3 AC5ETO OVER 17 AULLlOrVS i Doings in Sporting Line BROWNS WHITEWASH OAKLAND NINE HEAVY MEN FOR FOOTBALL ELEVENS BOXING, , BASEBALL AND HUNJIa CflMMtlS J. A. HOfvAN " 1 - 11 1 1 FLAYERS TO BE HEAVY AM FAST VOOTBAU OOAOmt aTBBVOB T to oommb WBMst . www. ' bfbbb wwam tba cm aooowr or . cxAjTAn say i boum-oov-T oox fob mmrawi Bra. ' Weight always desired commodity la football, la being sought after with nor than anxious eyes by th oosxbes thhi iMion. Sine tha mmm'i practice tfegaai all alone the line, th aooounte from the various colleges tan harped on the alae of tha candidates' avoirdu pois principally. One Princeton account told, with du solemnity, that "Captain Foulke's aim . la to get teem that combines weight with speed" It eitch waa not the aim of every football eaptaio. That two and -two make four to ne plainer than that speed with weight la better than speed alone. Kor, It may be added, lb the search for weight will any eoaeh sacrifice -speed for th mere aake o( pounds. ) Weight on the line thla yaar ts to be supplemented with weight behind the Itna aa much a la eonalatent with ape ad. The opinion of the expert la that hsvy men behind the Una are more neddo than Ust rer or tha year before, be-eeus- of what might ba called tha ir, nut nt th hack field attack. due to changes tn the playing rules. Tha legislation curtailing massing behind .k. iiu Mlta nremfum on Individual weight to amaah opposing line. There haa been no legislation aa yet forbidding one Individual from massing all the - welaht he can m hla person. Only the four backa are allowed behind the line on the offenes this year, eseept that rate line man may drop baas; provided 'be plays outs Ida the end. A pertinent Instance, of the desire to nt bis men behind the line waa the re port front New Haven that Tom Shevlln. Yale's raeh end, waa to be converted Into a fullback, 8 be vita la heavy, fast, aggreeetve, but la such a, good tnat . boavy men behind the Una muat be de alrabh) indeed If be la to ba moved. He la a powerful ground gainer, even from hla position In tha line, and his atrength tha serene mane n ovww i a win ha shifted to fullback. Only an urgent need would bring about the change, and tnat wun goon asawrm from wnteh to choose aa end to take hla place. Bis. heavy men la the Una and light backa furnlabed one of the most n.,Mrtui Mrldlrnn combinations that annrtMl nolaaklna the Tale team of 10J but since- light backa are to hav leaa ssstetanos from linemen Id - the way of compact grouping, thoy are now leaa la rsvor. With the Multnomah elevwn. Coach ' uuuin' Am ira la to havo faat men behind tha Una, and If they are heavy, ao much the bettar. - McMillan s argu maat la that a faat heavy man whan ha Seta under way la much harder to be mmwd than a llarht fast man. and gen- orally makes a few yarda where the lighter man would be otopped and proba bly forcad back for a leaa. Then, too. a fast heavy man can reach tha line with much more power wan a iignier man. Martin Fratt, Multnomah's rella- u for several Years, will ba on hand thla week for practice. Pratt makes a splendid lineman, both In of fsnoe and defence, and will be placed at one half, and Dolph played at tha other, with probably Coatee, or perhape a haa vwymen at full. Multnomah nead not Mr any back field on tho Pacific eoaet. Tha coaches realise tha-necessity of weight behind the Una. Another good man for a halfback position In Tom Rosa, but Rom prefers to play at guard, and his wishes era to be respected. Kirk ley. as left tackle, has bean show Ins up In great form (his season, and this doughty player will keep his op ponents very busy. Seeley. st right guard, makes a valuable man en that aide of tho Una. because fears were felt that It waa not ao strong as ft should be. Different men have been tried at right tackle almost every praettoa but the soschas have not as decided upon the candidal. The onda will ba well taken ears of If Dowllng. Jordan and Coatea keep up their good work. Dowl lng has never shown better' form. Coates has plenty of speed and should make a good end and could drop back to do tha panting. 0 far Jordan has shown up beat at quarterback. Hla paaalng hi accurate and swift and he helps tha runner along -considerably. Holmaa of tho H. M. A. team ahows up well at quarter, but tho coaches feel that ha Is not quite strong enough to withstand the hard play through which the eleven will go. Physically Jordan to perfect. Is fast on his feet, has plenty of grit and oan tackle effectively. In another year Holman should ba one of - the stars on the local gridiron. - There are a number of good sua try fog for poattlona and H Is likely that after tonight's practice their names will be given out aa members of the team. There are to be only four more practices before Multnomah meets the strong As toria eleven, and It will ba all that oan ba had before tho California trip. Me glnntng tonight practices will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday eve hlnga, and It la very Important thai . every man should get out. The latest reports from Astoria say that tha backers of tho Commercial club team are betting oven money that they will score on Mnttnomah.. While the local club men realise that they are up ' against hard gams, they are still of the opinion that they oan rrounoe tho As- . torlans, t - . .,'.... MOTHER AND. CHILD Scott's i Emulsion it Cod liver oil . made - almost at palatable as milk. ' It it easy and toothing -to the- weak stomach; it checks the ten dencies ot children toward thinnest. . Scott's " Emulsion '' gives strength to weak mothers be cause it creates healthy flesh and .new blood, r ' ' Nursing mothers will find a special value in Scott's Emulsion because it insures a flow of rich, nourishing milk for the baby. More and better than a medicine; Scott's Emulsion it a food. - WrU wed fM a asas fret aasa measM. ' OCrrX SjJWMK, 4t resd avast, Mes Yeta, PORTLAND DOGS GO " . TO SPOKANE FAIR W. B. PeehbetsW today shipped two of bis noted fos terriers to the Spokane benoh ahow that opens at too Waahlng toa etat fair Wednesday. Ths dogs ara Multnomah Boy and Norfolk . Mis take, two of tha beat fos terriers on the MULTNOMAH BOY. W. B, Techhelmer'a Prms Winning Tax Terrlsr. Pad Co ooaat. Mr, Feohhslmer expeeta to carry off a few ribbons st ths show. Frank Watklns will sand his famous bull terriers, - Champion Stiletto and Kew Market Baby. Grant Soott will eater his Japanese spaniel, Baggie. B. F. Willis will send two cocker spaniels. ChamDkm Portland KM and Metal ; NORFOLK MISTAKB. Prise Winning Fox Terrier from ths svcnnaicnor anumi. Saxon. T. B. Daniels will send hla pointer, Oregon Jessie. Frank Moors of Balem will enter his noted pointer, Woolton Bang. . H. a Bllger and Harry Hartness of Ths Dalles will send Port land Kid. tJr, and Ormaklrk Surprise respectively. All of tha suing from this section wrU be handled by C a Hall of Portland. . , - VAOmO OOAM aVBA4TB i. OLrjaa. feeeaia ..;... Los Aasstn ........ K,'ttl Oakland Ban rreaetem Portland ........... OjH .sit A IS .4TT .401 .181 f .1 J,1. Miminiuassiist . Mara am wreat SsMk. ' - SAtfttla. WaalL. OeL Taooma won the morning game at Tneoma on ac count of ths time limit ea using the gams to revert back ta ths eighth in ning after Seattle had scored twice In ths ninth. Taeotna also won tha after noon game In this elty, which was a pitchers' battle between Hughes and Keafa. Scores: ' TaMomalB.Tf?rr. 1-5 f t Mtta . to J I H Ratterlea Thomaa and Hoaan: C Hall and Blankenahln. Arternoon gams - n. n. mt. Seattle . . .."... f f 1 Taooma.. ..... I o I Rat i erles Hushes and Leahr: Keafa and Oraham, . , San Francisco, Oct. 9. Ths Seals trounced ths Angels In both games yes terday. In the morning they pounded Warren Hall all over ths lot, snd In the evening, with Newton sad Corbett op posing each other, Irwin men bunched hits on tho Beraphie southpaw, acorns: UamI wm K. H. K TjOB Angelas I 10 an Fra n 0 1 1 1 1 t 11 Batteries Hsll and Eager; Barker and O or ton. Afternoon gams ' w. m. m. Los Angelas ... 1 1 1 J t SanFran.; C I 0 1 Batteries Newton and Bplea; Corbett snd Oorton. Umpire McDonald. ;.,, Woa rlnaton . ...t'..S7 Won. Lost ,.I7 , - .,,11 i i M , . S4 . ! . F.C. ,ft .tot .7fi .aft .549 .48$ .4:1 . Nnw Tork . I Cleveland . rrhlrasro . . j ...SI PhUadelpnia ....7S St. ixuia . .... Hetrnlt .(1 Washington ... M At Ba. atswlg, . ' " ' - B. H. B. m.-Louis ....... a 4 Boston . . 1 I Batteries Petty and Sugdsni Toung and Crlger. -As OUsag ''. "' ' ; ' ' First aama ft. R B. Chicago . . .7 1 New Tork I Battertrs Whits and Sullivan; Pow ell and Klelnow. Second game B. H.B. Chicago ..t.........f I New York 4 IS I Bat tertea Walsh, White and Sulll ma; Putaaan and Modulra, ' DIAMOND GLISTEMNGS "nats Davis worked out on first during ths Oakland s' practice and the old boy waa there with the pepper. He rut up all kinds of entice around the cushion for a quartos of an hour, vastly smsslng tho fane. SchmMtty was wild snd failed to control hla fast ball, and ths locals, per Klrby Drennen, found htm opportunely. Klrby Drennen waa tha ons particular member of Dug's sggtegatlos who failed to be pussled by the Oakland pitchers Hla batting average for tho six games Is t417. , . r t . AaTTOBlA YBAJg. WOTS SABTXT.' " IJebraal Saertsl Beehe) ' jtstorls. Or., Oct. I. Tho CommerHal club football team defeated ths soldiers from Fort Stevens yesterday by the overwhelming score of to , . ; , ? BROWNS SIT IT OAKLAND'S TEAM JUMJW H10I" BOM WAS OUI " UanWI vox otrr twwxt o oaje- BABBV BA' FAN Portland. I; Oakland. . Hogg and SUoley: Schmidt Byrnes. The Portland Browns, through the medium of "Bill" Hogg, played lb the most superb and Improved fashion yes terday afternoon and succeeded la do fee ting ths strong Oakland sins by ths whitewash scora of I to m. It big day for "BUI" and his friends, snd Director Lyons felt so Jubilant .after the victory that he. took Mr. Dugdaia's arm and together they walked serosa tha diamond to the club house. It was a proud day for Mr Hogg, snd ha showed his appreciation for the crowd, ths glo rious weather, ths autumn tinted forests In ths dlstsnca, snd ths entire world Itself, by striking out one dosea of Fete Lohmsn's moat reliable batters. It was In ths fourth Inning that ths nev er- to-be- forgot ten feat of striking out Urea man. with the bases filled, Oo- ourrsd. Ths crowd forgot, tho losses of tho past six weeks when this trick wan accomplished and howled Itself Into a delirium of toy. It has been a long time sines the Browns had dons any thing so wonderful, so superb, so oaptl- vatlng. go brilliant - . inli la tba ninth lnnlnsr Mr. Hilt" Hogg struck out three mors men and ths multitude went boms happy. Drennen led off th tho first tnntng with a double sack drive to left field snd scored a moment la tor on Mo- Creedle a alngls to left The other run was also earned. Ran kle, the first man up In tho fourth. singled to neuter. Stanley smertflced snd Hogg fanned. Drennen cams up and cracked out another pretty hit to left. oa which Bunkls scored. Ths score; . . PORTLAND. AB.B-H.rO. A. Drennen. a. f. ....... 4 112 McCreedla. T. ...... I Marshall, L f. I Holland, lb. Rockenfleld. So. ..... S Beck, lb. 4 Runkle. B.B. I Stanley, . -... I Hogg, p. ... 1 J ! ! ? ! J ! I ii 1 It Totals . ... 1 OAKLAND. 17 I A&R-RFO. A.B. 1 ! : Deverssux. Sb. Byrnea, c, ....! 1 4 Bchmldt n. I f f 1 I araharaV. ! Moaklman ........ 1 4 Totals n 14 u Oraham batted for Schmidt ninth. la ths Mesklmaa batted for Franeka hi ths ninth. " BUNS AND HITS BT INNJNOB. 1 I'M I I T I I irtland . 1 9 J I IT SilH-:::::::li:UHi Oak 1 8TJMMAKT. Barned nmi -Portland. f. Bases on balls Off Hogg, I (Bchmldt. Strelb) Schmidt. 1 l Runkle. Stanler. McC McCres- die). .Struck out By Hogg. IS ( Dun- lea vy S, Byrnea 2, Franeka, Devereauz J, Schmidt Strelb, Ganley. Oraham, Moskl man); by Schmidt. I (Hogg 2). Sacri fice hits Marshall. Runkle, Hogg, Oan ler. Two-base hits Drennen. Oan ley. Three-bass hit RockenflehL Double Slays Franeka to Strelb; Devereaux to rrnea. Left on bases Portland, t; Oakland. IS. Hit by Ditcher Sclilafler S. Byrnea, Bockenfleld. Wild pitch- Hogg. Time or game one hour ana 44 minutes, umpire McCarthy. FAIRBANKS ATTENDS CHURCH AT ROSEBURG Ohwetal Btaaateh 4 The Yanraal.) ' Roseau rg, Or., Oct 9, A surpHss was given the people of this place yesterday by having Senator Fairbanks attend the services of the First Presbyterian church tn ths morning. Nothing was known of rMs purpose until a short Urns before ths arrival of ths vloe-presidential train, which arrived at M o'clock. The senator was greeted by a number of the most prominent Republicans who. In soma asses, were attended by their wives . '; ' fa OeUfeswJa, Bed Bluff, Cat., Oct. a Senator Fair banks rode Into California m a ear filled with Sowers, Presented to the candidate during his stay in Oregon Sunday after noon. He spoke at Red Bluff on Bepub- lloaa polloles to a fair crowd. , DETECTIVE HARTMAN - RETURNS A BENEDICT Headquartsrs Detective Lew Hsrtman returned from Spokane and other east ern Washington towns thla morning, but instead of bringing back a prisoner In shackles hs brought a wife. The mar riage took placs In Spokane. While traveling about Mr. Hart man combined business with pleasure. Among other places hs visited was the stats peni tentiary at Walla Walla. This he found not only Interesting, but very Instruc tive, as hs saw there many erlmlnsls from this section snd was able to learn Considerable that may be of assistance) to him In his work hare. ' The Brewer murder case, which was dropped when Mr. Hart man left for Spokane, will now be resumed and new evidence obtained. If possible. Other detectives have dons nothing with ths ' BOOKWIU BOAS BABtBB. ' ' fJeerast ReefUl San-tea. 1 ' Worcester. Maes., Oct. t. The third eongreeslonal Republican convention this morning nominated Rook well Hoar by acclamation. BLOOD poison hi the worn flan 11 ea artfe. ret tka aaalaet tn enre WHKN XiU KNOW WHAT TO no. Hear bare pirn stM. spot ea the ahls. aoraa la tha BMsm. Blears, falltag hair .Wee pelaa, tarrn. ass 4m'( know It Is HUMID rwmm, se W D SROWN. OSS Arb at , PIUVipUa. Psas., fer BHOWNI BIOOD CCBa. 43Wvper bottle; laate see BMntb. Unlit la Portland eelr fee Praak Nas, rwtkuw Betel PWaMaj. Osnler, r. f. '! , J Prancks. s, S. ,..,. 4 f l 4 DunLeavy, L t ...... v I f'f f 5 Schlaflav. Sh. it I 1 1 Kruger, o. f. ........ 4 S f HtreTb. lb. S 1 PHEASANT SCARCE ,: IPl CHEMAWA WOODS , fJesrsal ayeelal Servtea.1 Chsmaws,. Or.. Oct a, Although the ssssoa opened Saturday saornrng very few of tho numerous hunters who set riot at day break thism"rnlng broogtrt back any spoU. I Very fear phessants have bees seen, fewer shot. Those which have been seen are vary wild. This m duo to ths fast that tho farmers snd othsrs In 'this neighborhood have hunted the birds out of season. For the past two weeks shots have been heard beyond ths government land every morn ing. p vV-- It was not expected that there erould be a great many phesasnts In ths Im mediate vicinity of Chemawa oa ac count of the number of brush fires this year. Itv was never antlolpsted. how- eves, that they would be as scares as It now develops they are. Quail are more plentiful but very wild. It w thought that ths pheasants will bsoome mora plentiful In this neighborhood now there are no longer sny brush fires. Almost every evening large flocks of geese hav paasad ever ths school. Their general direction has been from east to wast ana tney nave prooaiMy neaaeo nr the lahee along tho Willamette. PRESIDENT LUCAS VISITS THIS CITY President W. H. Lseas of ths Fscifle National league arrived In this city Sat urday evening snd at present Is visiting his sister at Oswego. Mr. Lucas visit hlle not significant at this time, hss something to da with tho reorganisa tion of ths old Northwest league, it ta understood that Lucas and Dugdala have a scheme la common that thoy will try to work out What H la they will not dlvulss. but It haa been rumored that Lucas wants to get Portland bask In ths Faclns National league and bars Dusdale as manager. Any such scheme. according to the local backers, would be met with disfavor In this elty. Hat NOT COMB TO aUAXi, '"r (Jorraal sects! Berries.)' Spokane. Wash., Oct I. Manager Vo- Cloekey'a suit against ths Bo las bsssbsll club msy never oomo to trial. A report from tho Idaho oapltal .states that considerable sum hss already., been raised to wtna sat th debts of the elub. , .. - v, BUT TOMOBJLOW. Ths Oekfand team left for horns test evening, where they are ached uled for two weeks with the Ban FTanclseo team. Seattle cornea to Portland for a week's engagement with the locals, snd Charlie Shields Is scheduled to pttcn tnsnrsi game. Log Angeles goes to Taoosaa for six games with ths leaders. DOCTOR ASKS POLICE TO FIND HIS SISTER Believing that hla sister Is being hid den from him by deatgntngpOTSons-Dr. L L. Cols of Salem called at tho central police station this morning andV requested ths aid of ths police. Dr. Cole atated this morning that hla Mater. Mrs. Msy West sged CL left his home In Salem becsuae of a quarrel with Mrs. Cola, Yesterday he received a latter from Mra. West telling him that shs had obtained employment at HIH First street Portland. Hs cams this morning for tba durposo of taking her to Salem, and going to the address given was Informed by a woman that Mrs. West had been there, but had moved a block away. His informant volunteered to go with him and suddenly entering s stairway left him alone on ths street She returned hi a few moments snd told him that Mrs. West was not at ths place. In telling his story to th nolle Dr Cole said that be became susplelous of the woman and thought the police could find th missing sister aulekar thaa he OOUld. Asaistanes win be given Mm. . I - I - T- WOMAN WANDERS FOR HOURS IN NIGHT ROBE While suffering from nervous prostra tton Miss Annie B. Kennedy left her bedroom and. attired tn her night robes. wandered about from I o'clock until 7 this morning. Shs than entered tho residence of friends at No. 44 Bast Seventh street snd was eared for antu returned to her home. Polios Captain Bailey was notified at headquarters by th distracted family of the absence of the young woman and every poltoemae on the second relief was Instructed ts watch closely for nr. it was feared that in her wanderings she might meet with Injury. , At 1 o'clock the sufferer reached Beat Seventh street and word was sent to her family. Ths police war alee notified. - Miss Kennedy has been clerking m a local department store and. It is said. overworked herself. It Is feared that ths exposure will hav bad results. A physi cian Is la attendance. . . . WEALTHY LUMBERMAN WEDS PORTLAND GIRL Miss Ma Idle Hlldebrand. daughter of Mrs. Augusts Hlldebrand, who conducts a millinery establishment la Morrison street and Jamas A. Soper, a wealthy young lumberman, were married Satur day. I knew an about my daughter mar riage," said Mrs. Hlldebrand this morn ing. "It la ridiculous to suppoes that there waa anything secret about It Thay were married right hers la ths elty of Portland and I knew that they were go ing to be. Tea. they went to Kalams. Mr. Soper had to go there on buslnaas and Mat die went along with him." Mr. Soper left this morning on a hu al as trip to St Louis. Hs desired to be married before leaving and so tha wsddlng took plaos oa Saturday. BBTBT BOBS BABY. - ' (Spai msaatdi te The JearaaL) 'Tseoma, Was.. Oct I. -C. M. Levey. ssnlatsnt to President Billot of the Northern Pselfls left today for St Paul, In response to a summons from hesd- qua rters. Owing to a recant atatemunt as to a settlement of the merger ess by which the Northern Pacific was to go to ths St Paul, Mr. Lsvay'a sudden call east caused quits a flutter la railroad circles her. . .. n , .... - BAYS. OUT BTiBBOB Lying la ths stream opposite the Ban- field dock is ths Oerman ship Nomls. which arrived IsKport yesterday after noon after an uneventful pesaage of 114 days from Hamburg. Ths vessel Is in eommsnd of Captain Hsaselman who re ports that light winds snd a succession of calms were experienced during the entire vpyeg. Whan a berth Is mads vacant for her shs will mors ta Co lombia dock No, I discharge a general cargo ef more than s.0o tons. It coo- stats principally of Iron snd firebrick. Th freight Is consigned to Meyer. Wil son A Co. A four-mas ted vassal waa sighted on tho outside of ths Columbia river bar this morning. Thors sr several ships fully due, among them being' the Britten ship Oweene. which sailed from New- caatle, N. at W.. on Auguat with a cargo of sosX As 40 days is ths average pes aage from the antipodes she is expected to put la aa appearanoa moat any time now. The British ship Glsucus is nearly a motith overdue from Hsmburgt having been out 144 days. She Is bringing a general cargo ooosigned to W. F. Fuller A Co. Nearly an th vessels which hav ar rived so far this season have mads long passages, particularly thoss somlng from Hamburg snd Antwerp. While no severs storms hav been snoountesjftd thoy have been mors or less delayed on aooosnt of baffling winds snd ealms. It has taken them all the way from 10 days to six works longer thaa Is usually re quired to make th trip. Th many arrivals la ths hsabor dur ing the past week hss given the lower part of tho waterfront a very buslness llk appearanoa. Down below the Al bion ferry, on both sides of the stream, there Is s long string of vessels moored, st thp various docks, while a number are anchored out te th stream.' Thar are an even dosea of grsia carrtera tn port and eeven' lumbar d rougher, besides an oriental liner, a sossUog steamer and several steam schooners, - Ag BsbslH asm Agate ta On nor th steam schooner Fulton of ths California A Oregon Coast Steam ship ompany's fleet la bound for Port land, after having been off th run for slmost six months. . While going down ths coast from Portland last spring with s cargo of lumber the Fulton went on tho beach ta southern Oregon during a storm and was badly damaged. All her lumber cargo had tff be thrown over board, and 1 waa nearly two months before the vassal wss put In fit con dition to hs towed to th Bay City. Upon her arrival shs wss taken out on the ways for repairs snd haa been In the hands of ship ssrpsntora almost aver sine that date. - Ths local agent states that th Fulton has boon practically rebuilt end. hi fact Is almost a brand new veassL Shs has been supplied with a complete new hull snd her house and upper works hav been greatly altered. Shs will stop at Shorter Core .today of tomorrow and take on A shipment of - tan bark for this port She is eapeoted ts arrive here the latter part of th woes. Ths steamer Despatch and tho. Aber deen ot the sam 11ns are slap en route up th coast Ths latter left San Fran olsos this morning and will soma di rect without making any port of entry calls. On tha return trip shs will take out a sargo of lumbar. Two grain veeeele sr leaded and Just as soon as a few business matters are attended ts they will leave down for the , ST. MOSS stbw nans. ; . aaafeaaanaausn- Tw Oasgias OoatplsOs Toiay nest Other - Sates AS Ste BsaAasV BOYS' AND YOUNG MEN'S Sup ! -:- Ws srs fivino; v ' , changing prices: . ,--'(' ' OUR : ' --J la particularly attrscdve to that clau v ' .looking for new novelties in stylish, swagger effects.4. 1 V,-' ) : ; ; . r . AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT for such trade we are giving. V ' i Jy.; ' . 1 .: for every ,dollar invested hsre in a Young Man's Suit or Overcoat, 1 ; one chance on a ., f r-: ' 7, " 1 v ' ' 'r - 1 Fine . Drawing Will r ' i , 85-87 THIRD STREET x t . V f. ' A. II Writs fer lateraMUee ess asctlas ear eeaaataaUoa eaauU sad stterred dtvlsaad PERFECTION IN ; SXA01 T. SOOTT. S. K Ot-hVll-lsVlS 0KAKBBB 0T OOMaTXAOS sea. ' Ths Oerman shin Km II la hss dn board 41.441 bushels of barley snd M0 bushels of wheat, which she will carry to the United Kingdom. Ths cargo la being dispatched by Kerr. Otfford A Co. Th vessel ta lying la ths etream. Ths work of loading the French bark Brlseux has, also been completed, and she will sail for tho same destination. Ths ex porters are the Northwestern Warehouse company. Quick dispatch will be given a num ber of other grain carriers, which are under charter to load. Th Carnarvon Bay shifted this morning from .the Greenwich dock to th elevator, where shs will begin receiving cargo at once. The Wrer Castle hss been lined and at an early hour today was moved over to ths Oceania dock to take on s cargo of wheat ' Th work of getting other vessels in shape for loading is rapioiy progressing, and during the next week It is very probable that ths ootwara win b fully as Mg as th to ward -bound fleet All ths docks ara well supplied with grain, and there will be no delay In get ting the ships ready for the sea on ac count of a ahortage of wheat, as was frequently the case during some of the preceding seasons. 1 v . , A at oris. Oct Arrived at- S and left up at IS a m steamer Bedoado, from Baa Francisco. Outside at s. m a four-masted bark. loaded. - Astoria. Oct 1 aMd at a. wl.1 steamer Aurella, for Baa Francisco. -Arrived at :4s p. m., French bark Cambronna, from Cardiff. Astoria. Oct Condition of ths oar st a. m smooth; wind, north, light westherreloudy. . . YUBBmOVltOBIS fJOBBBSBS : . ,. 'p'. , T (Jearaal Seeelal sevvtee.) Bt Lou la. Oct 4. Leading medical men not only of America but of Europe as welt are attending tha American In ternational Congress on Tubercuioele which opened In Bt Louie today. Ths mlons will sontlnus three days and will hs devoted to the dlsousslon of ths latest methods ef curing snd preventing ths spread of th "white plague." 111 I t , -T Mrs. tcononlcaity Inclines' Housewife If yvd read yeeterdsy'B paper thor oughly some thins you always should yen were probably lot area tea ia the O. M. Cc's advertisement. A fall open ing sals la now te progress at thla store snd ths firm Is sfferlng bargains, .. ss they said In ths ed.. "too good' to let alone." Today marked ths third of the ssls's progreaa and ths store this morning presented a scans that attests the keen recognition of bargains, analys ing ths word for all ft Impllaa. Port land housewives will do well to shop st the Ol M, Co. purchasing there means a saving, and especially ao during thla Bale. It Is an opportunity not to be slighted. Only ons remedy in III at onca aton ltchl ths world that tchlness of ths skin In sny part of tha body. Doan'a Olat ment At any drug store, 14 cents. tlothing enor swsw wxtxhec, slrguns, footbaJls, pocket knives, punching bags or boxing gkrvss with tvery Boy's Suit or bvercoat. We sell none but reliable garments at never- av - ; j $2.50 to :t - i" f Y01NG MEN'S DEPARTMENT Ifammerless Shotgun Take Place on the Night Before One Door North of the ' .. , ... t , i IIFB IN8URANCB BABBT B SOOTT. A. B - v StM.. BTLAB, OB. HENRY WE l HARD - Froprtetss sf tb City Brewery Oamslsta ; BrewesT 4m. aa Mertaweee. Bottted Beer m Specialty PORTLAND. OBBOOX, BARK ARRIVES FROM SHANGHAI bvxoxos ass on Oil OS BTOMAOBt Speelal betas WA m Tba JosraaL) Tletorla, B. C, Oot A The four masted British bark Crown of Oermany. Capt R. DavMsoa, has arrived hers It days from 8 hang ha 1. Shs hss 'been oa the reinsured Hat at five per osat fos two weeks.' Calms for the first month snd storms for ths last part account for her lata arrival. On September 4. tb first gale etroek her, oaxrylng three top sails away. Had they rTot gone the sap tain believes the vessel would hav turned over. Sb had several ether blows similar to It bat stripped sails fog the succeeding ones. O. September 14 sn apprentloe tS years of ags named Medley sommltte4 suwld by Jumping down tb hatchway S4 rest, braajang nls neck. Ha Imd at tempted- to cut hi throat before and wss being watched a ths-time, but shovod his attendant ssld and killed himself. Ha belonged te London, England. SaUsaaker Henry Evans, sged 44, died as sea f oanoar of the atomaoa. . ' 1.1 I - II.MI . . 4 v TOTB OK BABOOAT OUBS'lIOB. . (Seeelal Dlaaetek t Ta sawrsatk Roulton, Or, Oct S. Ths eowat oommlsaionera tn aa adjourned aensloa considorsd a petition of 184 names, to suomit tn 'Question of 'waioon'or no saloon In Columbia county, and ordered an election for November 4, tb dar of ths presidential eleotloa. Rainier nrs- dnot will slso vote oa th eueettoa aa a precinct -- 1 j 11 hi ST A m . I. W. Baal burg, manager of Praawra department store in San FraaoJsos, is te Portland on a business trip. football pants, -,- ' v-, BBrrTAX MTrAVstAJrrBB OBOWV OF " Ticmmiaw-on ': mum wmautb W OAB $7 f 'i . - - , Thanksgiving. v. -f V Chamber of Commerce ' . ... I J ' 7