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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1904)
i r u rem a t t4Y ivrnvoV octobfr s; ir4. The DiSarwit Store Portlands ,.' Quality . ' Shop V -ev I J V City rnti for the popular Oat, Bender (EnyUah) and "0 W. ft Rata and Connelly Turbans. Oldest and leading mail onto how on the coast. If you can't shop personally, 'phooa or write and your ordar will be filled careiully by an txpariancod shopper, at th aavertised price. Send for tha new and beautifully illustrated bouse catalogue, mailed free to out-of-town folk upon application. Bote selling agents for Oregon of tha world-famoua Bonnet at Cla'a Sttks ' Open aa account We shall be pleased to 'extend 70a credit H worthy. Talk U OYer witli our credit iaaj--Third Floor. v -i ; Among the late additions to our stock are "Quick MeaT Cooking Rangea, Detroit Cook Stoves sad House Heaters on Third Floor. Carpeta Fourth Floor. ; .-' 'I -'' . tha kind grandma wore. V" '!' ' ' , u T i --0' if DECORATED FRENCH CHINA AT HALF PRICE. Oak Plate vale M.M: aeta! Mh 140 . Bread Titfi. value .: mini Y InuI Trars. valve till; epeoIaL each . S1.1S Bread Trey, value. M.TI; specUl. - Bread Traye! 'vaitN VtVVpataX a Broad Traya, value ll.M gpeeiaa. t si.ts Cracker an, value IB.M; special, ' Breed Tiara, value $.; special. aeh S1.40 each Sl.Bw Sugar and Cnm value $1.10; apodal Celery Traya, value SS.M; spscirJ. h ,...., vinoeoteie rote, value ( special, ceiery imm. woe eaoh - aeh Salad er rrutt Bowie, valma 11,11; ape. Chop Dishes, value K-Ml Speelal elal, eaoh .,Sw eaoh .. S1.B4) Salad er rrutt Bowie, value tl-ti; pe- Chop Dtobae. vetae sx.m spsaiai. . Ma eaoh BO - eaoh , IIJI Salad or Fralt Bowie, value IS. St; ape- Chop Dtabee, value M-M; special. tel. eaoh ai.l'' each fl.T salad or Fruit Bowie, value I. 10; epe- Chop Dtahea, value I4.M; apeolal. rial. each.. -S1.4w eaoh - ..9.S Cake Platen, value; sp MlaT. loo Creeja Tram value IS.M; apeeiel, eaoh geel -oaeh.... $1.00 Cake Flatee, value tl.M; speelal A very large aoen Hanoi of ... .n....f)0 erUete at half prion, SPECIAL RATES TO UNDERWEAR . - comfort; . - .,; , a Women's Dollar Undcr- ; v ;! Garments 69c -v'-' Tuesday Only yU Knitwear Aisles First ; WouMe white SwUe Blbvei Woreted Toote and Paota, UMdlum wetht Boat doUar saraiaota la towa -Tmioay epeetal t, oaeh... .Bd L Childrwe Swloa Kthhod Cotton Toote and paata, . a eeeoaahlo weteh. and.aatra value at. . , f...., SB . r. v'-r w., 'V Hosiery Stop-Offe Women's hlaek, stlt wetht tatportod SJate Reetom , Flue suaea, with hieh, epHoed hoola. doable oolea, ,' i" , full flniebed. boat oOe values epoeloi, v mAtnna , uoooar .... fuZTm! -- Children' bleek medium wefetit Cottoe Boelorr -Jrl.7ll7! m ' '" wltb ftouble knoee and fmlahed toot. See and UNnfUfWBAH . value: apatdat. Tneedey. at 18 Today's Special Values Oerman AppMeuea, n-bMh squaroe and ltsfi-tnek Ions aearfs, ta eoallopod or honwtltahod border. Battenburs and pretty openwork eeatora, 4 dif ferent atylee to aaleot rom reeular prloa too; epooial BBd Iafuto' Dmpore of ane Mrdaeye, They button aboat babr'u walat and are drawn around legs br tape; thev are oomfortablo and eanltarr. and obviate - the wt of ptne. reemhw prtoe to end tte. to sot them Introduced wo will noil thorn thla weak at one-half of regular prloee. . Baar Bibe of eolered white eUetetb bound with tape, resular lee; epoolel d The Small Wares Aisles Abound with' Bargain Nuggets tr- . ' v - 8aVA Bunch For Shoe Laces Worth 18c Boat srade bteolt Mohatr Shoe Laeoa for ta bunoh Value lie: apoelal, buaoh ,....f .ea Ic Basting Cotton for $ Spools 10fh - . Largo alee epoola Baattna Cottoe, Ke. 4 let yard opool Talae le; epe alal, I spool for... ... .....lOe) $1.00 Hair Brushes 75V " Lerse els Bala Braahoa, solid wood hack, eU pure brlstlee--Valuo apeolal, eaoe M, .......... T5 Doe? ror riair orusnes wortn toc Medlam eise Hair Braahoa, solid wood beak, all euro brlstlee Yalae Tlei ' Bpoolal, eaoh .BS .. 12a For Kirk'a Juvenile Toilet Soap. Kirk's Juvenile Toilet SoawLarse ale nakee Value ITo; enastal : -eaoh vs...... 1S aOa) For Fine SOk Medium 8Ue Sponges Worth Sac. , . h 40c Bonte Hair Tonic For 29t1. r7 Crowe Aaabellee and Qatalna Katr Tonka, o-ee. botUe raluo teo; epeetal, botUe . . 16e Writing Tablets 9a. , ; Bhctra larae else ruled Ink Writing- Tablota, pocket Talue lea; epe - elei, eaoh Bdt . J 10c Writing Tablets 6a. - , Bated ink Writing Tablota, not ls Yarae Itef speetnl. eah.... 15a For Stag Handle Pocket Knife., Bore large alae etas handle Fooket Kntrea, 1 blade 'Value ivaj special, each ......... . m.. ltttf - 45d For Pocket Knives Worth 75c Fa tent preee eprteg eelfoaonlas Pooket Kalvon, I blade i Value Tee; epe eUl, each . ,.4a . eld For Cube Toilet Pins Worth 6c y - V - . Large alaa eubee Jet Reeded ToUot Fme, eaeerted ataam, let hue ta eube Vela dot iienil, eaoh.M....... ........ .......'.dd) ' : V . , White Nainsook Drees Shields, Odorless. ' r . Sis Me 1 value lie: eeeeia pair.. ,.;......... IReY Slsa No. a, value Uo; apeclal. pair r. 19d Sis No. 4. value ITo; apeetal, pair. , SO Sim Ka t, value IM; upooial. pair. .................... .SB 15e For Box of Hom Hair Pins. . v Shell eelor Here BalraFlne. 1 doeou te bos. medium alae. ta Plata, ertmped or square tope Value tea boni opookO, box , lSo The Town is Filled With i "Cowboys" v ' ; (. ' A "Catchy" Convention t; y it i 'v iirLLtNicitr salons arooKO flook. : y. -. I s Not the real, live, broncho-bnatlng, whooping fellows but their reprooonta Uvea end their presence is fel handsome felt. Thee Cowbora" of ,' our are wonderfully attractive to tha fair sea they've boeoeia, In fact, a , vorttabl fad. We're epeaklng. of eouree of the Jaanty Cowboy Hats we've sold so taany of. Of oourso, you've noted their aiiaiifti ee the elty stroetn Mew tooiTOVATuosday---wo'r going to plaoe Juat lie en sale as a special lnduooment for you ta VMit the departtnent, at aa under prtoe. The regular SS.M Cowboy Hate, eomplete wtth leather bones and trlm- mlnaa, apeolal for the day enly, at.... ...... ..........,,....., , Leather .Hatbands 25c to 50c A Quartette of. Winners THAT RUN TODAY ' FTRST FLOOR. - ; , f StunMnc Bfsbene, 4. I and fnehoa wide, seme fancy print wraps, TJroadon effeeta aome plaid, eoeao dotted, earn Maok and white atrip. Thee aaake beeuttful af facta for nock and baft ether in oombmaUone of red and green, brown and eoqu de roc he, and blue and brown are espoetally awoll for pillow ruffle oil are worth from Me to to a yard today they go oa . sale at, yard ............,.... . aTMe Annual October Homefitters' and Hotel ; Men's Sale Opens Today- 'T1 OM THREE FLOOR. : LINENS A4d TOWELS Firtt Floor. CHINA, ROGERS SILVERWARE AND HOUSEKEEPERS' rf ' " -' f r f ITTENSILSTbird Floor, v BED COMFORTS, 6EWINO MACHINES. CARPETS AND DRAPERIES Fourth Floor. ' Fins Satin Finish Table Damask at 63d Richardson's satin , ; finish Table Damask, very fine, full bleached and ltf yards - wide.. On sale today at the special price of, yard. 63d) 63d For Unbleached Table Damask Richardson's heavy un . - bleached Table Damask, the kind that wears longest and best, IH yards wide. Special price for today only, yard. . . . .'.63a 60 eK Hemstitched Squares for 39e Fancy drawawork and i . hemstitched squares, size 30x30 inches; regular 60c values. Special, each i. .....39dt 58e For Hemstitched Squares Worth Mc-Hem stitched squaraa . with fancy drawn work, sice 86x86 inches; value 85c. Spe , cial for today, each............... ............ , 6Sd i LINEN HUCK TOWELS. 28 For Linen Huck Towels Worth 0c--Hemmed Linen Hack Towels, all white, with fancy jacquard borders, 82x48 inches, soft and heavy j regular 40c value. Special for, today, i each ., 28et BedspreadsColored Bedspreads, fringed, plain and cut corners, all colors and full size; value $2.25. Special for today, each ...... v........... ......w.............fl.T5 ; same as above, but smaller rvalue $8.00 Special, each . .f 1 J58 .-.e SLOT 1.69 il.os si.oa SPECIAL SALE O, W. k K. SEvy8 BROS. 1847 SILVERWARE. Teaspoons, plain patterns, set of special. .... i. i I... ........ Teaspooaa, fancy pattern, set of apeclal .. ueeaert npooos. piaia puterna, aec or ( speeiar. ..,......... ..... ...v.... I Desaert spoons, faney patterns, set of f; special. ....... ........ .......... Tablespoon, plain patterns, et of ; apeclal , ....., ..........,.. Tahlespoona, plain patterns, set of f: peclal,.. ......''... ......-eS.14 sugar Shell, fancy patterns; special, each . ..... M, ,...... , .S5e Butter Knife, faney patternsf special, each 404 Berry Bpoona. fancy pattern; special, each .......................... .0 Oravy Bpooaa. fanoy patterns: apeclal, each ,,..........k , Child's Bet, fanoy pat tarns; special, set I pieces.... A 5 AS Rogers BroaUverwar at apeclal gale price. oxoepUng kntvM, the pries of whloh le regulated by the factory. , rt '' , HELPFUL PRICKS FOR HfYHSEldETtPltPR " --r -" 4 EvervthlnaT In tha Una Fit tiAMaAfiarniahlviffo Olio' -eh amwiAmlia1 lAMAlrAMA w.'tl ' DOW. SJld St nnrM that will InnuM tt mrlnm r4 h ahnttnini -Me. S Was Better, eeppey bottom: speotel prloe SS Patent Mop UamUsei opeelal prloa, ' sanh .....m.. ........ ... d) Qothoapmei special pr'dM!i. Tm OUoaae. 4s -ami. alee; epeolal price, each g.Od Bound Trays. mtsod. ll-ta, etas; special prloa d)d Scrub Bruabee, e-aa, am; Bpoolal prloe, each .....8d Bandy KUahea Seta. I ptoooa; apeolal Prtoe - ld Tin Puna, It-el sise; epeetal prloe. aoh ltd) Oalvaalaod Palla, le-gL ales; apeolal rtoo. eaea sgd) Tie Saaoepana, S-et etaei gpeelal prtoe, eaoh. ...,, ...... .gOd) Tie CoUnders; special prloe, . aaeh ...10d Shiteuatou Broom er Duster Handle; epeolal prloe b Claw Ksinhotsi. epoolel prloe, . sse Qraetta Iran Ptddraa? Pane lul! ' speelal prloe 194 i . Oranlte Iroa Teakvttlee, S-et.; spo. alal prloe, each ajS)d Orrantte Irea PvrpaBtaa, lt-in.; speelal prloe, eaoh ,...Ald Oranlte tree aeneepana, epeetal prtoe. eaoh ...............1TV Coat er Bat Hooks; apeelel prtee, Ta . - - SPECIAL 8ALE W. 4 K. SEWlNO MACHINES FOURTH FLOOR, v , fall oewtae M at hand; tt' eastoet done ea aa Olds, Wertmaa df Kins Maefalne, High arm. ball bearing, drop head aanhlno, with golden oak eabiaec Guaranteed IS year. Same maohln chat a looal agenoy asks you te pay $ , for; epeetal hero , f 4 , avian .Same aa above, exoept ta boa top style, with I drawers, the SM sesaev maohlnoi sneelol Iiqac Same as above la drawers, box top. oak eabtnet, the aeeney machine; special ..S21.0O Credit to eepoaslble parties If eeelrea. See the credit -Third floor. Special Sale Oriental Rugs Continues This Week. 5 ' 'yvVA GREAT 8PECIAL SALE OF DECORATED HAVILAND CHINA. ' The new annex is almost ready for us, and not wishing to move any more of our finest china than we are positively obliged to when we change from the old section to the new, we have out special reduced prices on our entire line of Decorated French China. ' , . Thousands of choice articles, including our new fall imoortations of onen-stock Dinner Sets will be on sale. This is an opportunity not to be alighted by enterprising Jiousekeepers, who will, we have no doubt, make the most of such good fortune. Below we mention a few of the aoecud barnina , . . V. and handles four sty lei to ae- - lect from. the special bargains: M-pleoe Ptnaer Bets, value ttl.lvt epoelel SSO.OB lr-pieee Dinner Seta, value izt.46; opeoau B3fS.a llB-pleoe Dmner Sou, value .; apeclal SS1.SO ii7-pteo manor aeta, value 4.o; apoeial .te-ptoe Dteaer Beta, vane III. 71; speelal 96.SO ta.piaoo Dianor Beta, vain ta.TS; epeolal SSe.SO Ill-place Dtp or Sate, value; apeclal S0.S llT-pieoe Ptne or Sote, value us : . special ew.fe e-pfoee Dinner Sate, value tit ; Peclal f S.SO IM-pieo Dlnaer Seta, value lii.oo: Pedal geO.SO SlS-pieee Dinner Seta, value; peetel MS. TO llT-pieoe Dinner Seta, value ITrtt; ' - eee.40 Choice of .three different lines ' The above are gold stippled at above prices. : 'on every piece and gold knobs ' Full gold trimmings on every piece and gold knobs and handles four different styles. -100-piecs Decorated French China Dinner Sets-FouVstyles to select from, gold handles. Extra special , 918.95 A ROUSING HALF-WEEK SALE OF Silks -and Dress Stuffs Opens Today - J- , ' ' T ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. .. :. ' . , Twill pay you to stock up liberally tomorrow or at least before Wednesday's closing time on these choice Silks and Dress Fabrics that have come to us through fortunate chance. "Tie no ordinary aale we invite yon to these Silks and Dress Goods that you may desire for gowna, costumes and -frocks are placed at prices wholly inadequate to the values offered. We shall plaoe en spesUI sale the gTOateet bargain m dependable Black Taffeta, purchaaed by our Mr. King, now ta Kow Tork, ever offered bp any Portland house tT-tneh all pure Silks, In every new finish from the soft chif fon te the muob-eought-for rustling allka There are exactly It yarda In the lot, and, while we bare adrr tisod a two day sale, there la a doubt whether they will last that long. So If you want allk for a blank taffeta owe, ooat, waist er a drop skirt, come early Tuesday and et Uie very boat II. SI Taffeta ever offered, ... for eaye, "if they test that HQ time,' at, per yard, only, .U7V Begular 11.71 per yard UI-Weat SJne lleh Venetians, excellent vein at our regular low prtoe, full Color assort ment of reaa, royal a, aavya, hrowna, tana, wsidas. euaot and arnya. for atreot suits, Jaokota and anparate akirta If thing tm more down te dale and durahU. Begular 11.71 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY." New Black Drees Fabrlce for Tuee- Regular tl.ll per yard New, nidi f 04 wW.!!dr W. Jortt,n Bhlratwalst Suit Sllke. for Tuee. Mohairs. New Silk and Wool Crepe de a. maA wdnaad. m ta i. Parte, PopHn de Chene. PruneJlaa. Cre- !1 mmZUJTUl' m-lTlZ pone. Mohatr Ottomans. Bngllsh and . asiiiuaiit of aow etyiae and ool- rroneh Venetians. Sicilian! Bread- mhwm " wmt- " " clothe. Cart tea la fact, a grand as sortment of Now Black Dreae Stuffs unequal In any atom la the city at the , regular prloa, IS. per yard. . sr.?:..: ?..:.. $1.95 Stegular 11 te AU-Weot rraneb Vene tians aad Camera Hair Xlbellne Suit ings, splendid weight Urn tailored suit; ool ore ere moleskin, brewne, tana rede, navy and Ox- . dA forda. Special for two CI 1Q day eeiy. per yard... .?lel7 Begular II Tl per yard grade ta Kate, proof Pahrlaa, IS Inches wide, la all the aow maaalah effects, far eoeto aad ablrtwalst aulta; eeiore are aevyev hrowna oilves aad Oxford, t per yard; special for twe 'f 7Q Speotel fey twe daye enly. faQ wide. Bpeclal far two 4ajre QXr days only, par yard. .,.,.... PieafT pr yard .,..,....e?V, enly. par yard "Oiy nave med thla the SHk Store of the Paelfle Coast In fast, tha laraeet wast f Chicago, New Bengalloe of foete. new Taffeta m ell styles and color eomblnattona. Speelal . forwe days enly, par - Colored - Drese Oooda, apeolal - for Tuesday and Wednesday Priest, ley ot-lneh Rainproof Cravenetto. la a full aosortmat of oalora. la Venottene, Herringbone and Tweed effeeta, reaju- ur ii. e one . sooee. Bpoolal for twe daye amy. per yard.. , Jtegular I in All-Weal Veaeitene, ta colore ee above, 44 loch Our stock of infant and children's wear waa Dearer so com rlete as now. They all have a atyle of their own, nothing old, ut all new and up-to-date. Considering the cost of the garments, we should clothe every child in Portland ; there's plenty of room In all of them for baby to grow in, yet they fit. Infanta Slip and Chrteteatna Kobsg from .BO te giS-vO Infants' white Bklrtg from. ............ ....... ....... .86 to S4.60 Ufante Plannel Skirt from ., 3ftd to S3. SO Infante Ptnalna BUnkeU from , SS to S3.00 Infanta knit or eloth Baequee from....... ... ..;.eSg to B3.O0 Infants anil Bestoe from................ jg to il.SO Infanta long er short Goata from.. e-BS to gSO.OO Infanta VeUe from. -SOe to SlVd Infante Boaaeta from. .,...., . ...... ... ... .... SSd to SIS. SO J4'' Bibs from '....... ge) to 80e Infante Shirts from .., .. g5e to ei.SEo Infanta wool Baada..,..,...,....,...,.., ,r,.,.p.,..(3fe to T5e Infants Diapers from .,.....,.,..... S5 to TS Infants Shawl from...... M 5 to S3. SO Infaau' trimmed Baakote and Hampere. ........ . M-ftO la SS.OO Infanta untiimmed Baakote and Hampere .....eOe to BIO.OO Infanta MOcoaslne from , .'...25 to 50a aafaate Shoes from,....,.,.M..f gftd to StSd Ws are showing a large aaexrtroent of Infanta' French hand made garments- - , ( --. Infants' Trench hand-made Slips SS. 35 to gSO-OO Infante' proneh hand-made Bklrte , S3.00 to S7.B0 Infants' rreaeh hand-made Bibs, from it. TB to S3.50 Infante French hand-mad Benaeta i... ,...,. ia.SO to 84.80 Infants' French hanaVsaade Pillow Blipa ........$4.00 to $4.60 Chic and Dainty Veils and "Kerchiefs .FIRST 7fuOOK . - . ' -C Am Immense assortment of eU the new est creations Mr Veil end Veiling. Beautiful, novel affect that Include chiffon hat drapes, with chenille and embroidered dot la all the seaaoa'a latest eolorlngs. Som very swell lace . designs ust earn ta on Saturday. A veil Jauntily arranged help a lot te Slv the hat an air of aewnoa and etrtneeo. Look through, the veltlngn to. day. Very swell veils. aBe and SS The aow Circular Velio with large gealloped border giro a stunning affect to one's millinery SS.BO and S3 BMadeeme now plain and Sgurod Dross Net received Saturday by express. In . slack, white and all the newest eolorlngs, yard eOd to ST. BO A very beautiful lino at Champagne Voile de Chine for the October brlde'a Bowna, soft, clinging, rich ;aad haadsoma fabrtoo; lace and apangled robea a surgoou array largest line on the coast ....... eS.eO te gaSB TODAY'S HANDKERCHIEF 8 FECIAL. A let of BllghUy soiled aad mussed HandkerchUfa, some faney. aome plalat . would make the. ahUdraa splendid school Mandkerehlefa, regular lluto: pedal, each t. , .....,..... gg Best Man's Shop in Town is Here ' -V .--1 - STBST FLOOR. ' '. Fullest stocks of all that's newest in toggery for the men-folk who are particular in dress. No need to pay men's-store prices when the same "fixin's" are here for less. The fall lines are in, ready for generous choosing., You can save a lot; Mr. Man, by 'doing your trading here. . ' TJNDmtWBAK CHANOB to due. Chaage back for your puree If you 11 select here; te dtetlnet styles In the samou Btaley UnderwearY every faerie and ran tnelmeedi all aaler Unoa, ai.SB to B4.B0 sarnMnfrUaorsarmonu order, A full line of the original Dr. Dot met TUnee Mesh Underwear. . The famous Oermaa Btuttgarter Unset wear for maa bait oa twe eentteeete BOd and up. ; . v .t , v. - A TRIPLET OF SPECIAL VALUES THAT MUST ' - ; - INTEREST.' w ... : ' -V Men's tOc Hose For Two Pairs For 25a. ' ' A line of Mob's Box hi natural and black. Bhteelieat euality and the very v best grade sold at the prtee (ft pair; epeetal for Tueeday' celling, I palra foe ..,..,,......4 SB . ? - Mssi. $IM Golf Shirts For 7eVvr-' .l',.'Uv A soed line Of Maa dhrtf Shirt a reeelved only this weik and an the new. pieaaiag patterns a of the best ll.M bargains m the market; apeolal for Ti ueseey emy. eaea ........ "Men's lSc Handkerchiefs S For 25e. A limited lino of Men's Handkerchtefa, made of Tte) broMerod Initial (not aU InlUala left). Tueeday. I handkcroblef a for Japanett with silk em- Regular price 13 fee; epeolal for ee GREAT RKMOViL Sale of New STARTS HERE OllOeS TODAY fl.83 For Women's $3.00 Shoes First Floor. , Women Dreae Sheea, hi awe weights of leather, heavy er light soles, good round toes, military heels;, your ebotce ef five good sty lee: regular aloes; special for Tuesday enly, pair... 0 ei.BS POYS AND CHILDREN? SHOES. ; ? , Boys' Shoes, made of box calf, double soles, full round toes. heavy, plump uppers; best shoemaking possible, nd are made to stand the wear '. " . ? . r v ,--. . ..' , . Slees 11 to II. special prtee.,....,. Sl.dS Slsee 114 to I, apeetal prloe.. ... St.SS Sloes t4 to SH. sporlal prtee v S1.7S ChiMron Bhoee of boa ealf vnui double ealee ami round tees, made te ar amSagpT Sleeo la w 11, valoo Sf.tSt eeeehrk oatr....l....i...rJir:aitgf Slavs ll e &, value tie; apeolal, pair ........................ ..S1.4S , . The Pingrse $4-00 Shoes For Women. : Fen groe-Made Frotecttea Street Shoe, heavy eolee, fall round . toea, Bruchor out, mUltary heela, matt top, fine vetour oalt or vli hid upper, patent er stock tips, military er Cuban hods, straight er awing taats; a gweU shoe ami wall worth the arte we ash for It, pair Pingree "Gloria" f3.50 Shoe For Women. Theoe Shoe oeme la bos oaM. vol cur ealC vtol kid dad pa mat cell, matt tops. heavy or medium woit soles, full round or foot-shape teas ti different stylen te esteot from; the famous Gloria Bhooa. prtoe, pair..... ....gSd) : 92.72 For Women's $3.M Shoes. - . The well -known "aTHapruee" Shoes, made of boat er veteur calf, patent enlf. Blue her er plain ball er welt aolee, military er Cohan bee I a. eomo in ten hetoo etrte. all very now; regular tl.M shoos; speHal. pair. .:.,. f 4 ' Bargains in Lccc3 ' 1 FIRST FIOOB. Leeee and Lace Benda, emne black ChantMiy odaue and roam Ortentat laeoa, not top ode-ea. V- h k white, and of fine, wtdo, white VaJoaetc sort stent f I I t te teuy In leeee. 1 ll.M S . i e SOT today, . - , "na, e