The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 03, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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. wrraoirr tuit
Althocgh Contractors Promised Atkinson School
for Today It Is Not
Two Wfceks
Ow m anndrea of this olty tiu
vniwiit uy building la which to attend
chool, although the term Began over
three witka ago. Ho Ion this im
poattto upon IM pftpilft ha
pavers wH vootlwM Js aet known. "
At the Atkinson school, tbo bulldln
ta far from being; eonpML While Um
contractors faithfully promised to law
it ready for occupancy by today, U
fated authoritatively that U will bo at
least two vwla aMit before tha ehllft
ta will a able to aasemble la tho aid
portion of the building and much lonirar
before the now rooms wll b roady for
occupancy. '
While these CM pupils' ara being
robbed of their schooling tha dtreetere
ara manifesting but Uttls Interest la
tha aoodJUoa of ejfolrs and tha eontroo
tore ara not exerting any unusual Sort
to rush tha work oa tha building, Al-'
though a penalty may ba Imposed apon
tha contractors for ovary day beyond
the time specified In tha contract for
ompietlng the building, they appareatly
have no fear that any attempt will ba
made ta oolleot tt.
Tha contractors promised ta have the
Ladd aobool ta good condition for the
reception of the pupils today but tho
heating apparatus was not finished and
Superintendent Rigler would not permit
tha enange to ba made. It was stated
thla morning- that tha c ban re from the
portable buildings to 4b mala school-
( Continued from Pace One.)
aide of the shop. A young fellow waa
standing at n post la front of Seorge
Xlaalow'a shop; tle old man walked up
and looked the bor over very carefully,
then turned and went up to tha shop,
leaned hla head Inside, and quicker than
.hat tutu ... . . . .
. "Before X bad time to advance more
.than a step or- two towards tha shop, the
old nil whirled around, put tha revolver
to. hla tight temple nd , fired. Ha fall
at full length on -the walk gad never
nnlversd after he feU.
"Running Into tha shop, I saw tha
wounded man gasping and meaning. He
waa bleeding profusely, and could hardly
speak above a whisper. All X under
stood htm to amy wan, lie shot nee
Wk'M ' ' . ..y,
Tmtlm'a mmtm Van .' '
Vm I Lentor. sister of Mrs. ttlsslew,
-Stated that Jealousy over business af
fairs caused the tragedv.
"lfy brother-in-law told 'me- that
tha old mart' would shake hla fist at
him," be weld. "They both had the
same kind of business, and my brother-
Thd &torThftt Sells thd Best
Let Of impress upon you that this is posltiYely the last week
. of a sale on these swell ready-made onder garments, which
are, without a single exception, the finest materials, tha best
xnade, and embrace every style. The woman who buys
these garments gets a swell one for less than coat of the
material This w positively our last week of selling this
underwear at such ridiculously low prices, and if you are
needing such wearables now is the opportune time to buy.
'At.ffttv.- V: t''r'; . ,' 'i
(, S2.65t.15c
tnrjrinc, . .. , :
. . S1.95to39c ,
; SlCSta 10c
" t ;i -
'' '. ' 2tc to KV
These garments are elegantly finished In laces, embroideries,"
, tucks, and are elegance in themselves. The style, finish and .
material are always a feature of these garments. . See thenv
Buy thenv Wear them. '- ' i N
- j WOMEN'S MOST FASfflONABLat , i '.
Specially Attractive in Prices This Week -Second Floor.
' :2Aav
oir&T wweMum mmr
Ready win . i are
"to Finish - It .
house will ot take plaoe before Wed
nesday. It is expected thai next Monday the
pupils of tha Atkinson school will ba
called together for work In the portablee
which ara at tha Ladd school.
lleanwbUe the salaries of the teachers
at the Atkinson have to ba paid. 1 hey
ara costing tha taxpayers IU.&I ft day
for which they receive no return. As
ready the loose met bods of the direc
tor have ooet tha taxpayera af thla aity
91.01 M In teachers' anlartaa for which
no returna have been received, wblle
hundreds) of school children are being
deprived of their education.
There ara X.71C pupils who hart been
without Instruction ana week, IM who
have bad to go without Instruction two
weeks and 451 tor the third and fourth
The pupils assembled at tha Brooklyn
school this morning for tha first time
alnoe tha Urn opened. Thla building
waa am being repaired nd additions
made. As In tha other oases, tha con
tractors failed to complete their work
according ta their agreements. The pupils
have been accomodated In portables
and In outside rooms and tha organisa
tion of tha school bag bee interfered
'work at tha Clinton Kelly school la
progressing very favorably after the as
forced vacation of six daya on account
of the beating plant not being com
pleted. Returna from thla school thla
morning show 417 puplla In attendance.
in-law, being tha younger. tras able to
do mora work than Qaudron. TAlaY X
think, la the cause of their troubles.
"Mr. Klselow waa highly educated,
having attended several of the beet unl-
Mr4tl. I SnulL He SOUld WlitS Bttd
apeak seven languages, being a student
of the French, uermen, iwuui ana
slan languages. He also knew thnee
other tongues. He had ft vary Urge
number of friends. X think he oame U
Anjarioa about 11 years age.-
- Wht Tlatto BoewrnU, ';
Mrs. Klselow. who resides at Meyea
teenth and Irvln streets, waa not told
u uriAHi Miura of hat husband's
wounds untU several houra after tha
Bk. mm mtmrtmA the haeottsJ.
hut tha Injured man waa on tha .operat
ing taDlf wnen sne "rrivu.
f be Kissiowa have a uttla daughter
about eight years old. 'The girl has
been 111 of heart trouble during tha paat
few months and the news of the serious
condition of nor father waft kept from
her. - " " ,
Coroner Ffaley Investigated ftft soon
as the affair waa reported. Ha will not
hold aa toQueat.
Oaudron was TT years of ag. Two
years ago hla dauatiter ended her Ufa
Kv mnMAm Hla wire la n met rated. Roti
he and hla victim ware born In a French
province. Klselow Is el yaara of ago.
Both men have, always boon highly re-
Good at the Lowest Pricef.?
m"TM mm mm 1 m m ' mi MM Ul
aroma xs vara oztt. :
EcgSBga ' n
He Receives Desperate
With Rath Osborne, in
ing Hoase aaims
- -. ' . ' '.' .- '
John Tlaua. a tailor, waft shot three
times by atutfa Osborne thla' afternoon
In the Plea canton rooming house, at No.
tln Third street. The wounded maa is
thought to bo fatally injured, ,
All three shots took effect. One pene
trated tha right breast and turned up
ward. Another lodged In tha right leg
juet below the knee, while the third
bullet struck him la (he right arm.
Tlmna and tha worn a a have been olooo
oempanmna for many months. - They
have bad frequent quarrels, tiota were
addicted to liquor and, aa 1ft stated, the
woman has been drunk.
When seen at her room after tno
shooting ahe was lntosloated, - -
Tha shooting occurred shortly arter
i t o'clock. They were together Id
mm ta mnt had been euarrellna. Tha
landlady etated that aha had heard them
scuffling about la the room. She heard
several anota and telephoned for the,
police. . . ' ' '
After nring- w turns anow, aum
Osborne ran out Into the hall and meet
ing another roomer in- the building aald:
"I've got him la there and want mm
to stay. Ha la trying to kick the door
down but I ftuess he'U aty for awhile
Tho woman waa in her nigntrooo,
which was beepeUered with blood. She
raced about the haU a few minutes, then
ran back Into tho room. Inalda things
looked as though a atom had atruog
u ttar. the bed elothes were tossed
about In pellmell order, whlU tho furni
ture waa scattered about. '
Whan Policeman Oolta en teres aar
room aha said: ' ' .
"Oh. get out of her please; t want
to put my clothes on."
While Senator Jonathan P. Dolllver of
Iowa tarried today In Portland for ft
root, ho waft kept pretty buoy. Ho hi ft
very popular man, and his native abil
ity and stood humor attract to Mm many
even among "his friends, the enemy."
His vocal or gene were employed moat of
the dav In conversation with Portland
eltleana who called at tha hotel or ao-
oompanled him on ft visit to tho Iewla
and Clark fair grounds, where fee waa
taken during tha forenoon, vnoer ooaort
of President H, W. Ooode. Ho talked
freely, but ta ft tuttural tone. Hla nat
urally strong voiee la rapidly . regaining
lta strength. ' Ho wUl leave Portland to
night for tho aaat. over tho Oregon Rail,
road. Navigation company's linoa. "1
shall so to ogden," ho said, "and thore
Mialn the gVtlrbanka oartv. X have taken
a very vigorous part In tho speech mak
ing on the tour, and It must have been
apparent to every one within tho sound
of my Voice during the last raw save
that It waa muoh crippled. Tho pub
lished story attributing my stay here
to other causes la wholly untrue. Sena
tor Fairbanks la one of my closest
friends. X shall continue with hint
through tho campaign'
Those beet Informed believe, however,
that hla resumption of speech-making
with the Fairbanks spell-binders will ba
of short duration, and that after a few
speeches made either in Utah or Colo
rado ho will return oaetwerd, possibly
to lend his efforts to helo carry some
of the doubtful states.
"Tour Lewis and Clark fair embodies
fw rMt laments- eonaueet. and ro
manceof which tho most should bo
made In advertising It to the worm, ne
aald. "Around these are gathered soma
extremely Interesting literature. The
tnr At fneie and Clerk la told In many
1 -entertaining ways, and the enormous re
sults of their pioneering enterprise are
sufficient to attract tho attention of tho
world. I shall attend your fair neat
year. I am caHlng attention U It la
nearly ovary speech X make.
Senator Dolllver looks tha robust pic
ture of health. Ho saw much of Port
land during his brief stay. Ha waa ac
companied by sn-Senator afcBrtdo, H. W.
nAnu ri K. Hofer. P. C; Baker. Whit
ney 1 Boles. Oakar Hubor, Oeorgo Tay
lor, Judge C lei and. B. B. Beekman, W.
SL Coman and W. B. Ayer on hla expedi
tion to tha Lewla and Clark fair grounds
and ether points of lntoroot. He enjoyed
the day thoroughly, and la a eonvert to
Oregon's ell met le and soenls beauties.
At 1 o'clock ha waa ontortainoo at luaen
m th fnmmarclai dub br K If.
Cake, T. B. WUoox and other prominent
business men. - Another driving party at
t o'clock took aim ror a trip aooiu uw
city. - t
i i ii " 1
', v. . -'V : ,.''' ' ., y. .
Oaerlsl Detparcft te The fceresl.) 'J
alem. nr.. Oot. S. The auoremo
oourt'o October term waa begun today.
It opened by overruling motions and or
dering rehearing in the following oasest
State against Eggioeton; rirenieo s
Fund Insurance company against OC R.
V N. Co.; Thompson against Purdy:
Blaokbum against lawis, and pastern
Oregon Land company against Andrews.
(Continued from Pago One.)
nation muat be determined to achieve
auocess and te make tho necessary aae
rlfleeo. It la hoped wo may be abla to
secure greater economy with greater
efficiency m local admlnlatratlsn, and
ft meeting of the governors of provinces
W1U be held tomorrow." .
, t. ' .
"' ' $mn Seeelel tervief .) "
Rome. Oct. f A telegram from Che
foo aaaerta that Oeneral Stoessei haa
erdered all women and children In Port
Arthur, aaoopt tho nurses, to leave the
Port la order that food and water Stay
bo made to last longer.
it mm baya.
ShanghaC Oct. I. A Raaslaa warship,
supposed to be the Bayao la reported as
anchored off Outslase laland, m Haa
ehau bay. Two tug hftvft gone ta bring
bar far ShsngHnl. .
. . . I.
Wound Daring Quarrel
Third street Koom-
Hf Attacked Eat y
; 'flvi,;, v.-'-, ,
la hot own defense, Ruth Osborne
stated that aha was In her room talking
to another man when Ttnua rushed Into
the apartment armed wUn a large knlio.
Jumping aside, she seised a revolver
and ahot te self -defense, aha says that
Tfmm haa - iaa been Insanely
Jealous of nor. , r
Tlmm waa found by tha policeman ly
ing oa hla back and blood was flowing
In ft crimson stream from hia breast.
Ho waa groaning la pain and for ft
time waa unable to speak.
Securing help, the policeman earrtod
him Into a not her room and a surgeon
was summoned. It waa found that all
three shots whlob tha woman had fired
had taken eHeoU but tha only serious
wound waft caused by tha bullet which
entered tho breast. Tho TlOtltn'ft cloth
ing was powder-burned.
-We had been quarreling. aald Tlmm.
-Tha woman and X have been friends for
a long time. , We had boon ftjuok to
gether." . ' , ...
"I am going to die," he eaolalmed.
-Lei ma alone, X am olns 1
want to die. ; ' .
He would slvo no reason why tha
woman shot him, neither would ho say
whether any other man was Implicated
la the quarrel.
Tlmm was taken to the Gooff Samari
tan hospital -
Tha only relative tha wounded an
has In this city Is a daughter named
Mra. Chariot Holmea, who roeldea at
Monte villa.
T. J. Smith was tho maa Hi tho room
with Ruth Osborne whoa Tlmm entered
and attacked tho woman. To tho polloe
Smith corroborated tha woman ei ele
ment as to Us shooting betas done la
Mayor WUHams Will attempt to oolvo
tho difficulties oaoountorod hi on forcing
tho box ordinance which has been at
tacked in tho oourtft by tho saloon
keepers and reetaurant msav Ha will
introduce a new ordinance which will
amend tha old ordinance yet which. If
passed, will brine about tho . ammo re
sults as desired by those who started
tho movement for tho elimination af
bcnies from all restaurants and resorts in
this olty.
The proposed ordlnanoe follows:
"An ordlnanoe to amend ordlnanoe Ho.
l4,2t, wntltted 'Aft ordlnanoe regulating
tho aala of liquors. In bar rooms, aa
looTi and restaurants, and prohibiting
hoxaa, booths, stalls and private rooms,
alcovea and other rootne or apartments
lit connection with .bar rooms, saloona
and restaurants. 7 : ,
"Tho, oity. of Portland does ordain as
foUows: Section X. That section 1
of ordinance Ho. 14, entitled 'An
ordinance regulattng tho sals of liquors
in bar rooms, saloons and restaurants.
and prohibiting boxes, booths, atalla
and prlvat rooms, alcoves ana oiner
rooms or apartments te connection with
bar rooms, saloons and reetaurante,"
bo and tho Same Is hereby amended so
aa to read as follows:
"section 1. No person engaged- In
selling spirituous, malt or fermented
liquors or wines in quantities' Jess than
one quart In any saloon, bar room or
restaurant In the elty of Portland ahall
sell any liquors of wines to be delivered
or used, or that shall bo delivered or
used In any atsovo, booth, box, side
room, back room or other apartment,
unless such alcove, booth, box, Bids
room, back room or other apartment la
open and exposed to public view from
the saloon, bar room or restaurant with
which R Is connected. Nor shall such
.-Inns k MAm nr rMtiimnt or 1 an V
room or apartment connected therewith
have any outside private entrance or
any such entrance with signs) signifying
that such entrance la for any particular
class of persons, but all outside en
trances shall bo public and from some
street In the cty. Provided, that this
section shaU apply to all reetaurante
la the otty. but shall not apply to hotels
conducted as soon in good faith, or to
tho Commercial, Arlington or conaoroia
clubs or other elube of like character,
and provided, further, that thla section
shall not apply to a room having a floor
space of more than one hundred and
sixty- lo) square feet connected with
such saloon, bar room or restaurant;
and provided, further, that said room
shall not contain any furniture exosptlng
chairs and tables and there ahall bo no
lock or other fastening upon tho door
of said room.
"Bee. t. That section I of said ordi
nance No. lt.Ot bo and tho eame 1
hereby repealed.
"In, t. Any person convicted of
violating any of tho provisions of this
ordlnanoe ahall be punished by a fins
of not to -exceed 9100 or by Imprison
ment at thoielty Jail not to exceed thirty
days, or by both such fins and Impris
onment hi tho discretion of tha court.
"Seo 4. All ordinances and porta of
ordnlanoes IS ooaf Hot herewith, are here
by repealed.'
A tfteecM PUsstm 0 Tat Journal.)
Taeoma. Oct I. Klek WUliama, a Se
attle pitcher, loft hero this morning for
Portland, where ho win pltoh ts morrow
against Ougdale's men.
'. sAiHerece peeol wHe
and OLYCO SOftS novo dene Isr a
celebnted Joaroauel m area Weafc.
MmI a(aatfia Ul to varrtad e
"jfc n-u4,)tm ft., i.r. '
res trlsl bottles ef Rfsteaaosja snd
enetare. TbmptvrwfatkMMkte harm-
Im. vt nucsrrsl snalclde. M by ad-
iag pbrskisaB. Ad ky Afsf hiim.
oa- Pimm a New Terlb
awjw-eweislJwolesi sjsil ml uw sliiai
'Sbecial Prices tor Popular Needs
goods srs dependable, our drugs sre iresh. and vouTI slwsy ssts money and time at
Household brucs PoputefTolIet Articles
our store.
Pura. Frcah and DeDendable.
Absorbent Cotton, pound rolls.e,..28 ,
Dickenson's Witch Hazel, p.nt.,,...17) ,
.'Baking Soda, English, pound,... .,,..5 :
Powdered Borax, Mule Team,
; Powdered Sugar Milk, pound
'.Soap Bark, tckage.
Jklixed Bird Seed, pound. i
) Carbolic Acid,, quarter pouna
, ?wiHlit Pnwrlera. box..
Wej Guarantee the Purity of
; j: " the Latest and
Antiseptic Aromatic, recommended by the 1
dental profession, box......... ...,20f
.Toilet Paper V
To You at Less Than Wholesale Prices.
i , Spoolai Psr Doa
"NERO," T-ounce rolt......e...M..29
SANITAS, 9-ounce ron............4e
"400," 1,000 sheets.f. ....w,..67dt
"WOOD LARK," 1,000 sheets,. ,...,.89
"PILOT," squares, 500 sheeU. ....40t
"DELTA" squares, 900 sheets ...73s
KLONDIKE, sauares. 1.000 sheets, i. .89e
Aseptic, extra fine, 1,000 sheets,,. . . .f 13
The Famous uakvkl wmrung spray
' Vaginal Syringe; regular $3.50, special
price....";.... w.3.9d
l.-TuUar't Globe Spray, special.... $3.43
Wm tak Cmmm4Cn.M9-9 mt
. f -. j
"San dead, burled no see Sad asm In;
Saai Chinaman's friend."
And so It Is. Mover In tho history of
Portland wan there an officer who exer
cised Ottoh control over Chinatown aa
tha lata Captain Of Detectives Samuel
Slmraona, whoso body was laid, In the
Brave at Multnomah eemetery yester
day. Great was the honor paid tho vet'
oran, whose beat years were spent In the
service of tho olty. The Odd fellows'
lodge and the polled department con
ducted tbo funeral. Impressive wore
tho oaresnonles, be fitting In ovary ro
speet, and testifying; to tho high; es
teem in which he waa held by all. ,
Pallbearers were Detectives H. H
Hawley, Joe Day. Daniel Welner, Frank
Snow, John Kerrigan and ClerH Archie
Leonard, and honorary pallbearers were
selected from the Odd Frtlowe lodge.
There wore many beautiful floral pieoes,
one in the form of a star, from the po
lios department. From tbo ball the
proceaalon led by the uniformed police,
marched to tho Madison-street bridge.
From there tho polloe and members af
tha Odd Fell ewe todav lelsi ned.
(Contlnaed from Paso One.)
up next Wednesday, will contend that
all the gambling acts an wbloh the In
formation is baaed were repealed by tho
legislature when It passed the last city
oharter. Aooordlng to hie contention,
the city haa complete yarlsdtotloft of all
offenses relative .to gambling. '
Tho trial of 1 gamblers, arrested at
Jack Blaster1 First street reaort. waa
held thlo moraine before Juetloe Held.
Deputy District Attorney Adams ap
peared for tho prooecutlon and Spencer
at Davis for tha defence. The oases
wore taken under advisement. -.. . , .
. , VBstajr sa QMAMTmnm. .
(seeelal IHesaen to The fearaeLI '
' Taooasa, Wash., Oot. . The steamer
Tea an has been chartered by tho Uoo
ton Steamship dompany to ply. to- tho
. 1 11
: anwawawawnwsssseaeae
; ? ' r . At
Lyon's Tooth
Epsey's Cream
? Hind's Honey
package.. Be r
..S3d '., ,
...7e -
-7 ;
... . ... . -v .
Our Drugs.
Tooth ,;:f
Soap ;.;:' K
' A Toota't
I -Welch's Grape
. V
J Right from Your Kitchen Store
fuU Uatu v POPVLS
Annthpr FYnpndvp Prpmiiini '
':: This week The Journal announces thst -with every cash -want
ad. for next Sunday's Journal it will give away absolute
free, a half pound package ot j .v-. :.r-.Vx ' v -: :r.'
r ; - t 1- aTw S I ' m v -
, Another Peerless Ctosset ft Devers Product.
m v.- -. ' . m a w.
rtPVT.nM Mi,
GOOD Tea is a household necessity end here you are. Tea
" Tiwn w"y onif with paid wants ada. for.i. ;; , .
U aUtavTvvritv-Oiiw Words for 13c''-"X-;"7;;
A fow hours rest in a busy campaign
was gained at the Portland hotel today
by ft pnrty of Democrats from Wash
ington. Senator Oeorgo Turner, eaa
didato for governor; Oeorgo Mudgett.
candidate for state treasurer; Co I. U. P.
Taramer, special oorreapoadont for the
Spolceaman-IUview. ' They were Joined
here this afternoon by Col. 3. J. Ander
son of Taooma. and ' tho entire party
wont OS aa electric oar to Vancouver,
where the big Pemooratlo rally of the
campaign there will be held tonight.
(fearaal Special avrrlee.
funeral servleos of George Frlsbto Hoar
began this afternoon with prayers la his
lata home, 14 Oak avenue. The prayers
wore- send noted by Row Rush V- -Ship-pen
and wore followed by the services
of the Ch ureft of Unity-A eulogy was
pronounced by Rev. Edward Everett
Hale. Only members of tho family and
immediate and aloee friends of tho de
Qenaed wars present at the Hoar homo.
A largo delegation of prominent men
of Washlnfttoa and tho stats were pres
ent Tho olty Is draped la mourning.
A arena
There was a bis sensation la Lses
vtllo, Ind., whoa W. M. Brown of that
place, who waft expected to die. bad
hla Mfe aaved by Dr. King's Maw Dls
oovory for Consumption. He writes:
"I endured insufferable agonleo from
Asthma, but your New Discovery gave
ma immediate relief and soon thereafter
effected a complete cure. Similar cures
of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis
and Orlp are numerous. It's the peer
lees remedy for all throat and lung
troubles. Prloo loo and f 1.0s. 0aarsn
tsed by Red Cross Pharmacy, corner
Htxth and Oak streets, aa tan way m
(a toatofltoft)
Unusual Prices. ,"- .
Frostilla ; . ; . ;;;; ;.rs;. .cv. 14d
Mennen's Talcum ......13
White'a Tooth Powder. ....,.,.. ..llft)
Bsy Rum, half pints f . . 14d
Rosewater, half plnU; ...14
Pure Liquors
For family and medicinal use. We guar
antee every article we aelL : r , Qusrts.
Walker's (Canadian Oub... ...,$1.05
' McBrayer'a Cedarbrook (bottled in
bond) .a .Mfc. .91.1S ;
Fisher's Rye ...... .i...,
Dewar's Specisl Scotch.v.. -..$1.15
Muskingum Valley $1.10
rM TahinM nUnrl. . ... ..1.:. v.. 35e
Juice (pints 3cj....". .43..
Martell g-btar Brandy.......
Lenoirs Cognac. ...............(.e..$40;
.California Port and Sherry. ....... -25V
Crystal Rock, Rye and Tolu. ......... 65e
nimtltlrt Wfitr
rtnost znade. Used by U. S. ov-
Over 71, ouo soia.: wonaer.
ful Invention.
Beats niters. ' Placed
kltrlien atove It purines tho
it water, removes every Impur
ity. FOrnlanea deiioioua, pure, a is- '
tilled water. Saves Uvea and doctor;
bills. Prevents deadly typhoid and
other fevers and summer aicknssa. .
Only safe water for babies, children. r
.Invalids, etc. Curss disease. Cus
tomers delighted. -Ouaranteed , as
represented or your money refund ea. 1
Shipped promptly to any addreea.
uooaiet rree.
Solid Copper, regular $7.60. ;. Special. 6.33
Slock Tin, reguUr $0.00. Special. .f 4.75
nw,-. m n liiiiiuiii r
Severs Product. ri '5.; '4 x. hi
rAti at
..V, V..
Aaron- Beck, a rotldent of Oregon
shies 1811. died at o'clock this mom-
lag at tho ago of 7T years. Bo oanM
by tho way of tha lsthmua, and afts .
remalnlae In Salem and other oltles fog
several years Anally settled in Port
land In ltfll. He was one of the aaoad
highly respected pioneers 1ft tho olty.'
Tho oauee of death was paralysis. &
Three years ago, when Mrs. Bech died, -the
shook was too groat for him. Ha '
waa first stricken than. Tha malady did ;
not. however, affect hint to tho extent
that he was unable to walk. Aa late
aa yesterday ho waa up and. around and
la usual spliita. '
Mr. Beck was Botd In Wrscheld, Ba
varia, July S. 187. Ha eame to Amor
lea as a young man and upon hla ar 1
rival la Portland opened a clothing (
store at Ma Ul First street, which ;
old-timer will remenflJer. Hs retired t
from business with a comfortable for- fl
tune In Ills. Hs waa ohairman of tho'
building oommlttee of the Temple Beth
Israel and privately manifested a great -tatereet
la ail ebarltiea. -
Mr. Beck la survived by Bins children. -sight
grandonlldren and one great-grand,
child. The tfunerml will . take place a'
the family residence. Ho, If Seventh
street at It ft. ny Wednesday. C -
.... J : j v,;k
The sflleers at Vancouver harrsefcs are
greatly axltated over tho mysterious; ,
dleappearanoa of Francis K. Boons, see- -ond
lieutenant In tho Nineteenth in
fantry, who was last seen on Friday
evening oa tho ferryboat bound tor
Portland. His comrades have not tho
slightest Idea of tho man's whereabouts.
While hla accounts with the government
are ta regular order. It Is whispered
that financial difficulties of another na
ture had something to do with his sud -dan
departure. It la also reported that.,
tha lieutenant reenUy had some psr
ftonal UouMa At the neat, . , -