The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1904, Image 3

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    t f
S" "DAY ' MOKXZXa, OCTOBER 'sty 1004.
I c
ULL L.-...( Lit la
Three Schools Are Still Unfurnished, and Klany
Pcpils Are Forced to Eraafn at Home
i - ' . Directors' Seta 'Apathetic . f
- -v --7. -(
t '
At U end of the third WMk Of tb
school tinn, thro of th ehoot build
ing axe atlU unfit (or ocupanoy by
,the children and It Is aot known wbo
1hr wlH b finished. , Suprtntndt
Frank Rlir and the teacher f Un
idl school ara losing aU faith In tha
promises of tba contractor and ta Su
pervising Architect Thomas Jonaa
Tim and again ta man hav prom
lad to hav Um building ready for oo
cupaney on a certain data, but whan
tb day arrived tha building war atlU
not ready. ' Another promla waa always
mdr, faowvr.
Karty tha pa at .week th contractors
and tha supervising arohlteot promised
to have th Ladd, Atkinson and Brook
lyn schools reedy for ooeupanoy by to
morrow. , Last night Superintendent
Rlgler said that tha beating plant at tha
La dd aoboot la not finished and ha posi
tively refuses to ordar th aaata to b
changed from tba portable room until
ha 1 satisfied that th room In th
main building ar to good condition.
Ha amid b would not attempt to tall
whan th change would b mad aw b
bad loat all eonfldene ta th prom tea
of tha architect and tba eontraetora,
At tha Atkinson school which It waa
promised should b ready for oooupency
by tomorrow. It will tak at least an
other week before th heating plant ta
completed. it waa reported yesterday
that the. old portion of tba Brooklyn
a chool would be ready for occupancy by
tomorrow bat Mr. Rlglerld that h
had not been informed that th pupil
weald meet In th mate building.
While thla ooadltlon of affairs exlat.
tha directors remain Mia and apparently
tak no Interest la th situation. At th
last meeting of th Board wbn H was
thought soma inquiry would be au
Into th cause of th delay, there were
only three af th f rr member of th
board present and they did not so much
aa dlsouss th situation, iney are max
la; no effort to oompal th oontraotora
to fulfill their agreementa. ,
Because of tha directors' attar took Of
(Xntereet in their business, 1,711 puplla
hav been robbed a on week's Instruc
tion SM of tw weeks' instruction, And
mora than BO of thre weeks' Instruc
tion. Besides this; ttf pupil have had
only half lnatracUon for one week. SiS
for two wim and IJ4 ror tare weexs.
It will be a hard matter for tha puplla
to talks up for' thla loat time and th
teachers and principal are worrying for
fear their puplla will aot make suow
lna; equal to that f other puplla at x-
amlnatloaa. 1
While th pupils are leering th aehoot-
Ing, tha taxpayers have to pay tha aal-
arle of thm teachers who are forced to
remain Idl. -Already aaiarle for i
employed teachers amounts to t.014.
and that um may be swelled to nearly
M.frO before all th schools ar fin
ished. . .
It waa aald last night that as eon aa
th children move from th portable
schools Into th main building of th,
Ladd aohool the children belonging to
the Atkinson school will be onllad to
gether la the portable room.
No mor will th soft -vole of Central
exclaim, "Good- moraine." Nvr again
may we listen to that melodious "Nun
bar. pleas " -
Th edict has ffon forth at tb offto
Of th !aetflQ State Telephow Tato-
. crmpb eompany that all thla must
T and th hn-tlrlsf oonfln them set ts
absolutely to basin. Therefor. If
R when you start to mak an ansjaesnnt
' 4hl morntnc yon receive ourt "Nam
br!" and no appertain aalntattoa from
t ba alrt at th other eod. remember ther
. la a raaaoa. -
- Th- company ha Installed an opr
ator whoa aot oooupntkm 1 to listen
to. what th airla amy to euetomer. to
radiator th tlm It take them to mak
a oonntotlon. and to report develop
ments, la on ootumn f a lara blank
sheet there la h apao In whloh to mark
th minute and seconds of each fflrt'a
"unnecessary eonveraatlon- durtns; f
day. Another column provldea for black
mark dato akaolnsam, and still another
will tell how much Urn she require to
answer a call aftasr th number drops.
Thla system ooma under th head of
rtannrtmant. awi a mir'm salar aa well
as her standtu with tb orporatloa de
pend, upon It
do b oararul. Dent blam tba oper
ator. .
y . ' .
K Italy
and awed ene-exed In war on a
. sjnsll semis In the vicinity of th Inman
i Poulilrb ogmwrnv mHI oarthn amst aid
ea " -Veetsrday afternoon with th result that
.the. seen from the land af tb amMala-h
.fy sun" cam off vlotorloae.
a doaan or mor Italian laborer wr
nama;od to ralslna th track of th Ore
gon Water Power eV Railway company
which passes near th mllL Several
awda wr at work loedine; freight
oars on the Southern Paetfl track which
crosses the Ores; on Water Power track
at this point. Th awedea desired to
run their freight oar across th Inter
section of the tracks but th Italians
would not consent to thla -
Oentle psrsueelv word from the
Swede proved of no avaU. Tb mor th
Bwda persisted, th mora th ,, sons
from Sunny Italy ttetd,
mm colou
- A
TlnsJly, wtthpUeoee exhauUd. th
Swede attempted to fore their way
aeaai-tba. traahai Th Italian Wet
them mora than half way. For a time
there waa a lively conflict, reeulrlns; la
th forces of- Sweden baatlnr a hasty
retreat, for they -had ho weapon thet
would oop with th picks and ebovels
in th hands of Italy's mem.
Their forced retreat did not dlaeon
oert them. While th Italians were r
joletna; over their victory th , Swede
were preparlnsj for a different method
of warfare. At tha mill they secured
th larts fir hoa and attached It to
a hydrant. When all wr ready they
turned on th water and deluded the
Italian. Tb son af Italy rushed
from their work and to Swede held
the fort until poUq ntrfraqulled
th disturbance. - - .
Baker aawamed th tut
'tonrs T
acement of the Mumbla theatra last
nlfht aa tb result of th contract de
scribed ! yesterday's Journal, whereby
th thoatr come under tne control of
th Northwarn Theatrical association,
with Calvin Hellee; at its head.
- Messrs. Cordray and Bussoll. eontrarr
to expectation a are not In th new deal,
althouch th most friendly relation ex
ist betweea them and th Northwestern
syndtoato They will nil th eontraet
they have with th Independent to play
Blanch Bates at vrdrey'e -theatre In
February , which waa mad before Stair
and Havlln formed their aremnt with
the biT theatrical association. And
now that th Columbia, th last of the
outsiders tn Portland, has passed Into
th soclatloa'a hand, th Independent
t -
Between Friends
a iasa or two of fnntniy food whf
kry is provocative of oordlalny and eu
joyabl converse. To be sure of liquor
excellence ee t ft that th be verm
. comes from our cellar, some one
I whUkles, wines, brandies, etc., to, ar
i her at-msjionabl pries for ema lota
Oct ur Adursa.
attraetmmi must of necessity osaas. so
far aa Portland 1 ooncerneoL
A nearly a can- be learned abo
hate authority, Mr. Baker has a ontraot
ahyned by Mr. Hellec. for th North
weetoru crowd, aivln: him tha manaaw
mat of th Columbia for a period of
nv yaara, and aooordlnd t those closely
oonrnd. th new house will not b
closed in all that time. Mr. Baker aleo
holds , eontraet, entered Into previous
to th new deal, under whte tb North
western peopl will rural aa th Baker
theatr with attractions for sv years.
Unless a new understandlns 1 reached.
all of th r attraction eomlnc to th
lty auch attraotlona a "A Tei
Steer," Oorton's minstrels and "Sweat
Clover" wui b wn at tba Baker her
after, and th Yarquam will confine
itself to shows that ask l.l and over.
Mr. Baker waa asked ooncernlns th fu
ture policy of th Columbia. M re
plied: . ,
"I hav aaamlmd tb bosks sad And
th stock company a paylnc Investment.
With my wn exper lenoe knd that of
other associated with th company, I
bellev w aa select th plays that will
pleasethe new plays, and eoatlnu to
mak th investment profitable Until
there I a reverse there wlU oertalaly be
no ohans of policy." -, .
"And how about th personnel of th
OompaayT" Mr. Baker waa asked.
It will be my elm," he replied, "to
hav each department hi efficient haada.
no mat tar who I hurt." ... .
Ton wlU retain Mia Count la r
crcalalT.- She U immensely mh.
r-- ' , . ..
"And Mr. Ba am?" -
I aaw hi work to Th JUtf and con
sider it excellent. In fact without to
me over the Individual of th east, I
oonslder th stock company equal to any
know ef In any part of th sountry.
And tn savins; thla, I deslr to oen-rat-
ulato th man who broucht tosvthar thla
splendid organisation.- . . -
The Columbia represent an outlay
of te,M and I am droln to do alt la
my. power to brlns that money hack to
th ttrveator.
Then Mr. Blaswr retain his Interest
III the houser .
Tou will hav to a him' about that.'
Prom another aouro H was learned
that for hla retirement as the business
head of the house Mr. Blaster reoelv
ruiar rental, beside aa interest la
th armlnT of th Columbia.
V Eocri Excjnlou. -
Th Korthern Paemo win eeU apeelal
exenraloa ticket for th round trip t
St Loul and Chloacu u Oetober t, 4
, and a ticks ta win be rood for
tranapottatlea on th "North Coast
Limited" aa well as on either of their
other throueTh train. Thronrh sleepers
IU ba run t St Lou la This affords
an excellent opportunity for visit Ins; th
bid fair at St Louis and th old folk
at horn. Call at th ofrtc for full par
ticular, sieeplnjr oar reservations, etc.
A. D. Charlton, A. O. P. A. It Merri-
son St. Portland- Or.
at tn
Captain Tipton, master of th United
State snaa-boat CoL A. McKensle, who
oiled tn BC Paul on September 1. at the
advanced' a of Si yaara was wall and.
favorably known by many of the riveri
men of Portland. For mor than S
years h had been In th government
service, but h had been stsamboatina;
on th Mississippi, th Missouri and
Ohio fivers during tha paat half century.
Many of th local steamboatmen were
formerly associated with him when he
waa pry In- up and down th "Father of
waters- tn th aood old day After the
captain entered-tha overnment service.
David B. Ofdon, assistant United State
engineer, became acquainted with him
and waa on of hla warm personal
frtnda la giving an account of tha
aged pilot s death tb at Paul Pioneer
Pre says
. "With th death of Cantata Tipton.
or "Captain Davy,' aa he was affection
ately caHed bv every mam bar of hla
crew, ha pafcssd away th last survivor
of that oldl Mississippi river activity
which at on time was a distinctive
phase of American life. It was a pictur
esque Ufa. .th Ilk of which will never
b seen again on tba American continent.
"Caxrtaln Davy had been a pilot oa tb
Ohio. Mississippi and Missouri rivers
for M years. H waa th only man who
positively . knew th three monster
streams. He knew by nam every Island
In theee rlvsrs, and threar thousands
of them. He knew each channel a
though It war an open level road
for hla eyea, Instead of an Irregular
ditch submerged beneath muddy water.
He knew every rapid in - tb oouraea of
th rlvsrs. Captain Davy nvr need
ed to employ a special pilot to fuld him
safely over th formidable Bock Island
-Davy cloaeat friend Id byfon day
hi faithful dog Toby, commonly
known a Toby Tip. Thla animal waa a
clever water spaniel, and up to the time
of hla death nine years ago was tb ob
ject ef th old man's greatest aoHdtude
and love. Toby always slept in tb can-
tain's ekbln, and always received his
food from th captain's own hands.
"Toby knew many tricks, and - tha
proudest moments f hm master's life
war when he gave particularly clever
exhibitions of hi dexterity. Whan h
misbehaved, a (loom a of great grief
wuld settle upon the othsrwls Jovial
countenance of th master, but pvr a
look of anger or rags. . - :
'This waa characteristic of the me1
a slant In phyulque, weighing more than
SO pound and being mor than six feet
tola, o waa denial, eaosroua, and pos
ses sad of mor than hi bar f loving
ktndneaa U waa frankness personified
and was at esse with himself whether
hobnobblna with senator or tell lag
whoiouled story , of some episode In
hla ptcturesQU life to hi subordinates.
TJavv waa a neiwonal friend, of MarB
Twain, Gen. A. McKensle, chief engineer
of th United States army; Gov. B, It-
Van Sent of Minnesota, another vutora
steam boatman, and many others.
"Captain Ttptoa neve admitted that
a was older than IS, but from hla wa
statement be voted Cor James K. Polk tn
1144, making him at Mast II when
, ia nursing over am exircis irwnra
earn upon a brand-new suit of elotnes
of expensive black material, th coat an
elegant frock. The suit evidently had
never been worn, for non of th cap
tain's frtnda had ver seen him wear a
suit like It It 1 thought by those who
found them that th old man, undoubt
edly had purchased them as a funeral
garb, having perhaps for se sew a sudden
and nalnlas ending to well-rounded
and remarkable life tn th midst of th
evedr-day actlvitlea and upon th old
river that h loved and knew so welt
; i - . IXOUS AMP WaTJSAw. y" '
Bused e .to Si Hna is Seat from
Including , th flour shipments thr
were sent from Portland and Fuget
Bound during the month of September
1.S1S.1SS bushel of wheat. Of tnia
amount l.ltt.SOf bushels wer shipped
from tn sound, th remainder of C71.49S
has beta from the Oregon methrepolls.
A statement prepared by tb merchants
exchange ahowa that In th Portland
shlnments there were-. barrel of
flour and 41,174 bushels of wheat whllaJ
leaving the .sound war 17S.S01 barrala of
flour and 147.171 bushel of wheat.
Tb big aercentag frn favor of the
sound is accounted for by the fact that
mor steamers are operating from ther
to the orient than from Portland. Ex
porters expiate that It la aleo to be born
in mind that th - figure hav been
gathered from all the various port on
Puget sound and pitted against those
which represent th business transacted
at thla on port In th earn line. By
taking th shipments from any on sin
gle port In th stat of Washington and
placing tbem alongelde of i Portland's
shipping transactions for tb month. H
I generally admitted that th former
would make a very poor shoeilng. It la
onually th ease that Portland' grain
and flour shipments ara greater than
thos of all th sound port combined.
When they fall below that mark, aa they
did thw last month, It la an exoeptlon to
th wanral rule, - Reducing flour to
wheat measure the following table
shows th amount of th shipments
mrpl from Portland and Puget aound
during th previou oereal seasons for
th paat seven year to Oetober 1:
' Bushel.
1SM-S4 ......l.H.0t
1MS-4S M...4.SS,1SS
101-08 af 4.4fT,S4S
1900-01 ........... ...4,S74,7
18M-00 ....,......S,SSS.S40
lXSS'SS B . 4,0H.t 14
UST-SS ..........,..........1.041,741
I anything ever going to a dna with
th new steamer TelphonT That uea
tlon ta asked so many time a day along
th waterfront that (t has become monot
onous. But a often as It has been pro
pounded no on baa as yet succeeded In
giving a satisfactory answer to the
For tha beat part of a peer th Tele
phone ha - been anugly ensconced In a
oenn t in naseiiin a oca. uunng
all that time rumor hav cropped out
at the change of almost every mooa, that
she waa going to b placed apoa a cer
tain run. Tba Set was even named
when the event was t tak ptoa a Hat
of officers named for her and at n
time the prophet declared that they ac
tually saw clouds of snot leaning from
her mammoth smnkeetnrtt But when
y -I
HetXwrieal Pet-cotU
Brilliant aattna black or eotors
mads 1 with raffle, rachlng
and tucka, vartou atylo flounc
out full, perfect flttln--om
with yok.
w, , E J
i Seventh Street, between Morrison and Alder.
..... .. .... ',; ... : 7- : ' T
Third Day of Fall On
Whiter, orab, blue, pink and
black atyles to fit Hearty all
figures aim IS to S9. Tou will
hav u hurry for the. They'r
worth It too. ,
School Shoes
SiM 9 to 13 . IM
Sisea 13 to 3 ..$1.79
Sftset3&tp5fc . 2A9
No ator oarrlee butter Shoe rhaa
these ar to wear. They look wall,
too and fit th Beet Had of
highest grad Box Calf. Telmar
Kangaroo and Missouri Grain
oak-binned soles, sewed and nailed
uppers sewed with thre row
waxed silk thread and guaranteed
to net tip. Other good Item ta
Shoe -but this on 1 a prise.
T)MORROW enthuaHssrn wlU reign hers. New life, new
snergy will b felt siiks bjr cuatonwra and salespeople
f . -after a day of rest.' The two opening days of this sale
witnessed some terrific selling; a natural coiueuence of the
radical reductions and real money asTira; opportunities greet1
ing shcwjpersr at every tumBsxgaina too good to let alone f
8ome lines were closed out entirely; not. however hems that
had been advertised. We made sure there waa enough of an
article to go round before putting aimouncesftenta in the news-,
papera. There are bargains for all lor each and everyone t
' But bargains you may not have another chance at after this sale.
Pretty Shirtwdsts
Th dVpartrnent to full to overflowing with bright pretty, nw-ry1
aarmnta for arly fall, evening and street wear. It's to b another sea
son of light shad. In addition to our regular lino -taking Hi all
slse. from SS to 44 our buyer got for u a Itn of om four nundred
rJample Waist sise 14 and S4 nd only on garment of aaeh style,
Every color Is In th line and; nearly two hundred dlffrnt dlgn
Prlc) from to MS.0O. .-
Tolhorrowand Baturday w will glv unreatrtctsd mo4o of any Waist
Bp to S4 at.B3.X. ,
r r
v ; Chfldreif s presses
y Sixet 2 yeart id 12 Meet 50c up to $650 v
Tattle girl ar delighted whm ther bw th1 gathering of pretty little
frock doubly so when' their mamma buy them. X great wiany
mother oan mak dressc Ilk these, but not many do: takes too much
tiro and then, "loo, If expensive- much mor so than to buy them
her. They ar tn on and two-piec styles, rd. blu, brown, green
and xaUture trimmed In contrasting colore,
Sale of WWte Aprons
Another Itn of sampls bought from a prominent Kaatarn marrafao
turbr after his traveling aleemn had om pleted their trip. Almost
every tmagtaabl" styi of whit apron for woman or child om per
fectly plain, whll many othars ar quit labbrately trimmed. Mad
of muslin, cambric, long doth and Indian linen; om with embroidered
bib and shoulder traps. Prloe are for soma I than ooat of ma
tpriala. At4, S WA te oto. These wlU so eulokly, ,
Extra Spedal Misses Skirts
14 Sklrta for 9M. Mad hi red, blues, grays and fancy mixture.
'Wool skirts all six walato and aU lengths from kn to ankle, Th
-T'scUnt school kirta. , , . - . , i.
American Lady Corsets
Comet Qoodnes mean wmfort, graoef ul "outllnea, lone servie. Ta
American Lady Corset la found Corset goodn ,ln th highest, truest
en. They hav. all good points characteristic 'of any and alt other '
brand besides having many x eel lent features belonging exclusively to
America Lady Corseta. Thla store has hundreds of stanch patron .
won first by our Corset. A maxim with some store to: "Plea a
woman with a Corset and ah to your friend.- Whether a rro maxim
or not, vi know when we sell a woman a pair of American Lady Cor to
that we hav mad a permanent customer for Corset, at any rata,
W guarantee them abaotutofy. If not aattofaetory. w refund purchaa
prlo f tt fl.KO and 9 A bap for ovary form. .
Fall and Winter Underwear
purest Wool Vt and Drawer for Ladle soft fin and smooth -light
gray color, silk tape, pearl button, form ntting-ruch aa sold ta
om store for Sl-44 her at SI ,
Fleeced Cotton, medium weight ribbed xcllnt valu at See now, per
garment S5d.
Union Suits buttoned across cheat, eream - or gray-Hibbad wool
worth IS for th opanlng sal. SlJlft. , . I
If I' Union Suits mixture of wool and cotton ribbed for ejtfldreo
from to 14 years. Priced according to sis a&4 SS S9.
ChUdrun's Vasts end Pants or Draw sis gjei, fld lwd l&4t Md.
V Hack and Torkish Towels '
mr Huctt Towels, ammd, good freight worth Me a pair at, toch,
l2Sw. ..
lxt4 Huck Towels, hemmed, white with , rod strip soroa ends--
worth ISo at 10. x ,
lSe Turkish Towels, bleached, fringed od, 'lBxS at 10,
S4xSS Unbleached Turkish Bath Towla, vry tors and havy worth
to at SSdU . . .... . t v. v M . X '
Lace Curtains
35c to $4.98
. This will be a busy sect to tomor
row. Delighted buyers of Frldajr
and- Saturday wlU tell their friends
and they wlU oousa Any hoa'
keeper with a Lac Curtain need
positively cannot afford to mlaa
thla vent At Sa.lf ther ara
beautiful Nottingham Curtain ef
rich design and excellent make
eel ling ordinarily at SS.,
and S4.4.
r . Girlsf Coats
Slxec from 3 yean to BfgRe4octim for Opctafas
We've nearly fifteen hundred dollars worth too man- coats to start
thw season with. It'a our own fault though, because we told th buyer
to "send us lot of girl' coats." And they did. . So now w'U tak our
mdlcin and sell them at a los. . t
Every styls to her from th little abort ooat of Kersey at ). to
, th PMk Mohair In whit t 0.60 and on up to the young ladle
long Tourist Coats, with belt made just Ilk grown women wear. On
fourth off will b given on all Olrla Coats sold betweea tomorrow
morning and Saturday night October 14. Unlined Coats In -Misses
alae -rough and smooth goods - red. blue, brown, tan castor, green
and Oxford; broadcloth, melton and mannish suiting. Price. $t.7S
now SS. 48. So now S6.4O. 910 now TO. etc
Children' Paney Slderdown Coats worth IS at S1.34. .
. , Savings, on Babies' Goods o
. Bom yeat a great niany wother say they krre to mak their sables
clothe. No doubt. Nobody blame thm. It's n admlrabl char-
' acterlstle of maternity; and yet mother, hav you th Um? Doe tt
pay? Prom tb economy point of view it certainly doe not Const de
th mateiiahV cost, the tlm consumed, the work and worry, and ne
woman oan mak babies clothe at th prlc ahe oan buy them her.
--J Th dainty little garments ar manufactured under th most perfect
sanitary condition possible; large, light airy workroom In a Michigan
city, whev hygiene to th predominant principle. Garments designed
by artists then mad of finest material with infinite car but at a
minimum ooat. W will gladly show ladles through thto splendid as
sortment of Infants goods whether a purchaa to Intended or not
; Dresses long or short from to fpft ach beautifully embroidered.
Flannel, Petticoat Bedford Cord and Cashmere Coats of finest Quality.
-S.XTRA SPECIAL About a hundred little Caps and Bonnets China
silk, wool. etc. -oil warmly lined priced from 4 80 to 7 So opening
' ami, .' .., . ,,.f, ,. . .
Ladies' Wrappers
, F1annlrtt Wrappers si up to 44-enty of th large one black
and white, grey, red, blue, pink, and nearly all colors, tn neat figure
. Wrapper that are cut full and, perfect fitting. Have flounc and ruf
flee separate waist Immg. and ar trbnmd with fancy braid S1 Jiff
,and SI. 4 8.
About (0 Percale Wrappers sine S4 and M worth up to UH wlU
bo sold during thto sal at 6o4 each.
Some Great Bargains in Bedding ;
. Our buyer fairly "owned things" for awhll down Bast when they be
gan bargaining for Comforters, blanket and various other lines of
bedding, -for a big order for supplying half a hundred store doesn't
show up vry day. Manufaeturer mad astounding offers, granting
unheard-of prlo concession. They were after our western gold, but
the buyer of ours ar shrewd men and understand their business.
They closed deals with th mills that stand first tn -the procession of
reliability, not with th cheap fellows, and now we'v a showing of bed
covering w'r proud of. And th price 2 No stor tn Portland oan
touch us,
r$e for tl Cotsen sUedkot
White, gray or tan, with striped
borders of bhio and red. 4t alas. .
far $l.fS mk Mar
Pull doubts-bed slse; white, ton r
gray; . striped borders; a thick.
. fleecy cotton blanket very soft but
firm, and not heavy to handl.
$. for Blaakets wwtnto
Purest California and Oregon wool,
specially lected for finenea and
flrmases; not sold anywhere for
toss than ST., but tn most store
Priced at $S.. Her at )Va
far t2M Comfcwtor
SllkoHns-oovared, figured on on
side plain oa th tbr. all ool
ra filled with eoft potto.
' 111 a. i , 4
On of th finest Comforters on tha
market, sanitary Southdown, cot
ton covered with best quality sat
in, firmly stitched In through and
through, at SS.laV th beet bar.
gala ever offered.
IIJOrssMrta U .
Pur whit Marseille pattern,
good weight no dressing, hssnmiil
ready for use, fuU slsa
-. 39efar SOe SahtoSs ;
Tom hemmed and UwaadV awed
muslla. Tlx. .
e far Caaes ts Maeoh
k i-hich ham. 4S or 4xlt, amd from
tegular plllow-alip m sal in.
!oo far 22 Tksdssj. -
Bxtra heavy weight fancy stripes
or blu and white, atanoard good.
th rreat day am thw teamr ti
rest fully rocllaed m her snag retreat
and aald from the Ion sentry who
toed guard over her, not a human be
ing crossed th threshold to dlsturh tne
aleeptng beauty. And there ah lie
Blumbartnar and dreaming, near th seat
bank of th winding river. 1
Per hap Captain Cochran, one of bar
principal ownera, 1 th only person in
Portland who know what ta to be don
with th steamer Telephone, and when
It come to talking upon that subject hi
Hp ar sealed. He has long sine re
frained from denying all th rumor set
float concerning th .future I of the
boat Those who hav been giving ths
matter their serious considers ttoo during
th past few days, have arrived at the
conclusion that th steamer ta going to
be allowed to reeaatn In luxuriant idle
ness until th Lewi and Clark fair to
ushered In. and then ahe will be operated
aa an excursion eraft Th Telephone to
easily on of the handsomest boats tn
local water. She has never been tried
for speed, but tt to th general belief
ajuong ompetnt' mariner that tt will
be easy for her to travel IS miles an
hour. Captain Cochran says he weura
n very much disappointed if ah should
fall to show hr heel to any eraft ply
ing th WlllaaMtts or Columbia rivers.
Owtoin stohto Affnetod
. Mi warn and Win Vat Sell .
Owing to a saver attack of rheu
matism It to very probable thet,CaptaIn
Bahle will not go out In eommand of the
Ara htm when she sails for th orient
Tuesday but the first officer win as
sume charge of her Instead. Tb cap
tain was badly afflicted with the malady
all th way ever frdm Yokohama, and at
times tt was almost impossible for him
to' attend to hla duties. Hla wife ar
rived a few days ago from Oerraany, and
according to preeent arrangements, they
will remain, ta Portland until . the
steamer returns en her next trip. They
are now stopping at th Imperial hotel.
Tn work of discharging the Inward
cargo from the Arabia waa completed
resurday afternoon and thto moralng
she will move vr to th AIMna Seek to
begin loading for th outward voyage.
It I th Intention to give her quick dis
patch, and tf all gee well it to believed
that ahe will be ready to an far the far
east Tuesday afternoon. Ther will be
no stop mad In the loading operations
on account of Sunday, . , ,
A now wheel has been' befit for the
steamer Pomona, and It will be placed In
position today. Each of th bucket ef
the wheel has been covered with Iron
plates to prevent tt from wearing out se
quickly by coming ta oentaot with th
gravel oa the bottom of the river. Here
tofore the bucket not provided with
plates hav been seeustored to wearing
out after being la us hut a short tlm.
With 4 SI ton of wheat In her hold
and Sed,M feet of lumber on deck the
steamer Aurella sails last night for Sea
lanctseo. Th grain waa supplied by
Baifoun. oiithrto A 00.
C. M. Walker, purser w tb steamer
Lufilae, returned yesterday afternoon
from Collin' - Hot Springe, wher he
spent a two weeks vacation.
Astoria, Oct. t. Lft Up st 11 a. nv
Schooner Annl Larsea and Taurus
Arrived down at lt:is p. av steamer
B. i
Left up at S:I4 p. m Oarman bark
Arrived at S:S and left bp at LIS
a. m. Steamer George W. Elder from
San Francisco. '
Sailed at S sv av Stssmsr Beai for
Baa Francisco.
Condition of th bar at p. av. ob
scured; wind, northwest; weather, foggy.
San Frnnctso, Oct 1. Arrived at
4:4 a. aa. Stearaer Columbia. . from
Portland. -
Sailed teat lght SteamaiB Despatch
and Fulton, for Portland,
Falmouth. Sept. so. Arrived Qer-
man berk Nal. from Portland.
Redonde, Sept SO. Sell' S
Mahubon. for Columbia r
Antwerp. Sept. to
ship Pythemeaa. for Peru
SS. X. P. Witt
F sr ess!
at tts at ens
extract Dfssi see
elttlBe. inldnlf
abeplnteiy'- wltbeet pale er sal
eitrscttnc ta BeeiUveuT safe aad ss
aiirir hidisi.
ftet ef facts. People Is a!icat sealtb
save se faer. ss ear BMtked et
aaeomte cleanness
set sals. Ovr IT years' esprriesc la
work easbles ea to St yaar steeth
JoniforthlT. The seat ts the eaeapeat
ta the sad. We tore trttae as weS
' wisb bros;
jeS-llf PAILINO BLTXJ. Open evenings
snvw. a wanv
Sundays from I to In
Phoo Mala SO It,
f' 1 ee that your ttekat reads via
SSg9 wtl b lissisatm
ROSS C CLWC. P. C r.-dt.. Us tegtks. Cal
PAm Af mi $4tS Pkmm Mmt !4fS
German Publishing Co.
tot Sfn St.
viA tt A I t Lkud -
Th wagon W'
Lff Russell e
te wee -
o h. r.
T-'itle -
m t