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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVE NINO, OCTOEX l, IK I r :1 I. A t jj i . ..a AKAtM AT SAB M MAT BB UI X H. newson. local soneral manager of tho Portland A Asiatic Steamship comJiiajlnetA Mr. Oearln entirely ' 'dbt. has notified tho hoad office at Ban Francisco that another freighter U badly needed bore to load for Japan and China. Ho aloo iuiinM tho names of a couple of vessels that might bo secured for tho purpose. One of them Is tho A I roe, but tho othor ho doe not oaro to make pub Uo until it 1 learned ft to whothor or not she la available. ; If ono ean bo secured, aa additional steamer wUl bo aont to Portland Juet aa Quickly aa negotiations oan bo cloaod for her. Thoro la plenty of freight In eight ,to fit a vowel out having a carrying ca pacity of ,W toot. Tho Arabia will go out loadod to tho guards noxt Tuesday. 'and all tho apaco haa ben engaged on tho oriental Hner Araaonla, which la duo .to arrivo from tho far oaat oa Oo lo bar 29. -'" .: Inquiries for .spa or tin coming In "from all over tho country, and durlnc tho proooat month K'la pooalblo that tho .company could easily load two extra steamer If they woror to ho had at roaaonablo oharter sates. - For oomo la- . explicable rawM, bigger shipment of cot loo oro going to China and Japan thlo Fear than ovor before. But H la up- vpoaed to bo duo to tho war. Orders for flour are alao being received mor free ly. aW Oregon product ( 4tt kind p- . poor to bo In demand. Tho local representative of tho eom- pany tt that thoy aro going to oxort every of fort to tako earo of tho growing trade, and thoy aro oonfldont that thoy " will suooeed. If thoy ahould faU to get, additional tonnage, tho ox port bualneaa "which proporly belongs to Portland will bo transferred to Pugot aound. Tho .Shipment that cannot bo handled here wlU be oant to Seattle and Taooma ovor tho northern Paclfle to bo aont on steamers from thoee porta, , UTTUI BOATS BVIT. Ono of tho amalloM but. bualoot stoam hoat llaoa la tho state la that which la la - operation oa Klamath lake, bo .tween tho towns of aUamath Falia and Keao. - Two asollno launch 0 carry 'laa; both freight and pasaonors maae tho round trip twice a day. Baoh vowel has a carrying capacity of a trifle leoa than It tons, and for that reason they do not oomo under government Inapos- a H. Woodbury tho ownor of the lino, and. accompanied by hia wife, ho was a Portland visitor yesterday. Ono of tho boats la IS and tho ether SI foot 1 la length. Many passengers tako the Steamers for Keno and from there go by stage to Pokogano, tho nearest point oa tho Klamath Falls railooad, which , M 14 miles distant. Twenty-five mUes further on la situated the -town of Thrall, which la on the awla Una of tho Hoathem Pacific"" The Klamath Falls ran road la not provided with the best of aecommoda Uoaa,' saya Mr. Woodbury. "Ita soil ing stock oonslsta of ono box ear and two flat oars. Until there la bettor rail way traasportaioa saailltkes hi that aoo. tloa the oteamaoat huedaaaa, oa the. lake ' will not assume any very groat propor- Jasolraa Xesshe AMoad To AH tho T Uona. There la talk of a aew road being built, and If the matter ahould oomo to a head 1 will put an up-to-date ateata 7 boat on the lake for tho accommoda tion of the traveling 'public Aa the matter now atanda 1 would not bo Jua- ' tlfled In making such a move However, - the jlltUe launooea ra busy and doing wolf' i Ur fyaodbnTF reports that the prin cipal toplo of Interest down that way now la an Irrigation project which la - under consideration. He states that a private corporation la oontemplatlng , building a big canal to tap the principal agricultural section, hut the majority ' of tho residents do aot take very kindly to the proposition. Ho explains that thoy are strongly In- favor of the gov onment taking charge of tae enterprise, believing that much" bettor, resdlta '.j. ; would follow. - ' V . that ros Bdp Aaaa TO Oany from . - t- It Is reported that the Oermaii ship Anna waa chartered thlo morning' to load, barley and wheat at Portland for llhe Vnlted Kingdom at I7g fa. Tne local exporters disclaim any knowledge of the matter, but It comes from rella ble authority that tho charter has been oirectod. If tho report la true It shows ' that the ahlpownera eomblno la stUl . meter of the rate situation, The Oermaa ship KmUle aompltted her gram cargo yoaterday afternoon and - anoved oat into tho stream this morn Jng," Bhe hao'M board 1,1 H tons of - barley and lA tone of wheat, which one . wlU carry to Europe Tho cargo la be ing dispatched by Kerr, Olfford A Co. The vessel will leave down for the mouth of the river tho first of the week. During her long atey In pert she only , .loot one man by deaerttoa. a record of which very few hipe oan beast. Nearly all the men have gone ashore ' from tho Wray CeeUe, the Bekasonl. - ' the Hartfleld and the Anna, and they I . mantles " v v V mmm -L are not TU VVXLSBACH3 ThiwX SaUjI U en the box : , of the GENUINE WELSBACIi 1ANTU Price 15, 20, 29,30we ma L I VTH A afcooakged by Ke mw Ml holding ML Am ob the county court Dncn tonblutlDB nel f-DMiea ana strangkrwrtp tor kiinMt two yeare after the remainder of too people bad elgnl fied the- deelee to vivo UotMl of tho tribe of Webster M inning, too Pacific B tales Tblepaeae Telegraph company has leftltne jnatolsl field ft ad uUnW ts e way! to IneluM tho Multnomak Dnr. Beglnting with tho well-known nrm of toaiaA Mallorr. Uhi Oearln. it hu wittfcut warnln or explanation tor either In the affairs of the firm or of the I bar. Mr. Oearla may "hava e," bat so far as the now tolophoae dtreetoryi Is oenoeraed ho alao "has Wont." fc - . ' Marina svloed Mr. Oearld orr tne raoe of the d fotory. the oompaay docuied to JNE HAMILTON '-:0 FOUND Daasd ifbm tho effects of a drug and wander! eg aimlessly about the street early this morning Jeanls Hamilton, a pretty brunette, was found by a polloa officer and looked up la tho central sta tion. She claimed when consciousness returned, that she went to dmner with a man whom she met mat night and after taking several drlnka, her memory be came dimmed. She did not, remember what happened nor where ho left hor. Bhe was found by tho officer at Second and Da via streets and waa unable to ex plain who aba waa or where ahe had -have only been In port but a few days. The Utter lost four men inat nigni ana no effort Is being put forth to capture them. But aa nearly all the saiiora ion a portion ex in air waaea owners Of the chips will aot lose any great amount of money fag reason oc tne desertions. The Wray Castle flalaheg oiseBarging bar-ballast at the Beaneld deck yester day afternoon and will begla taking an a grain cargo Monday morning. At 11 o'clock this morning too gmkasoni oc ean receiving a grata cargo. Both, of these vessels aro under charter to Bal four,. Outhrle A Co. to carry wheat to Europe, i. Two mare lumber sohooacra left up from tho mouth of tho river this morn ing la tow of the Oofclahama. They are the Taurus and the Annie Larson, and they are expected to arrive hue tonight. The aohooner Muriel wlU leave Jtoaonoo In few days for Portland. -She la com ing to James Ildlaw A Co. , With tho arrival of tho Taurus and Annie lAToea there will be seven lum bar carriers tat the harbor. Which will take out In the neighborhood of c.occ,- 0 feet of lumber. This la almost aa big an amount as wont down the coast during the month of September. Others are on the way bore and by tao time tne last of the month rolls around the prob abilities are there will have been shipped coastwise eleea to 'UtM.Ni feat of Oregon fir. The following is tho as set aanaoltsv of to seven achoonera .1 Taurus .'" ....V,..t. 760, toe Annie Leraen . . 0,000 Virginia .IbQ.QOO- Mlroac. l v. .-.f TTB.COT fcroscent-. 1 r... Joseph Buss ; . ...... .00 Total ; ; axcst rata wATBanunrf The steamship Crusader, which sailed from Portland with a cargo of lumber a trifle more than three weeks ago, arrived at Shanakal yesterday. Cant. Del Shaver. Of the oavec Transportation sine, loft thlo morning to spend a week oa his ranch, which la sit uated la the Mehalem valley. - Ton lent the steamer Aureltat wflt- sail for Baa Franc moo with a cargo of wheat and lumber The steamers Doe patch and Fulton, of tho California A Oregon Coast Steamship company's line, are on route to Portland from San Francisco, J. J. Byrne received a letter this morning from tho captain of the British ship AndorlnhA, who was preparing to sail from Newoaatle for Taltal. South America, with a cargo of oeaL The Andortnha was hi Portland last winter, and tho captaia said that ho still had some of the cuppllee which he purchased bora and the arc as good aa over. The English board of trade gavo him permis sion to take them oa hia present voyage. Commander Calkins, whose term of office aa Inspector of the Thirteenth lighthouse district expiree today, re porta that tho tender Heather left Juneau yesterday for Seattle Oa the war down the coast several stops wlU he made la the southeastern part of Alaska to leave auDPllea at the. various stations, and It Is probable that the vessel will aot reach the Puget sound metropolis Until the latter part of next week. Captain Hellncr, formerly' la oonunand of the Yankee of tho Atlantic oauadroa, wltl assume charge of the I coal liht- houao district, his predecessor having been promoted to a higher position.- Tho latter will be givoa a command with the A a la tic squadron. In about two weeks he will leave by way of San Franolaoo for Yokohama, where he- will report for d,uty to Roar-Admlral Yates Stir ling, oommancer at tne Aaiatto rieet. The captain has been In those waters before - He was with Dewey la battle of Manila bay. casus zs on os osd For some unaccountable reason the new government cable at tho mouth of the Columbia river is not working sat isfactorily, and la order to get reports from tho bar tho weather bureau has again -resorted to the telephonic yet em. An account of the unsatisfactory con dition of- the eeble haa been wired to the department at Washington, and It w SMDDosed that ' steps will fooa Be taken to tnvooticmte the matter. The oabic la tying on the river bottom fn a depth of about feet of watee and It Is hardly probable that It could have been damaged by any pasoiag vessel. ' Astoria, Ocl 1 Conditio of tho bar st I a, m.. obscured; wins, nonnwsct Weather, dense fog. Lft up at U a. a schooners Annie Larson and TouruA . t ' San Frandaeo, Oct 1. Arrived at 4:4 a. m., ateamer Columbia, from Portland, f sailed at I lt alght. steamer Despatch, for Portland. t Falmouth, Sept. dC. Arrrred, Ger man bark Hal. from Portland. - Rodondo, Sept M. Sailed, aehooaer Mahukona, tor Columbia river. Antwerp, Sept -Jf'l. tlg ahlo PrthomenCt for Portland. g.n FraTc-co. Oct 1-A1M last night, eteamor Fulton, for Portland. Astoria, Oct l steamer Boa anirsd dCwa U SjCOA . ..; . LEQALFRW work a transformation In tho ether throe members of the firm. It ham "grain attorneys. . In addition to botag alt-roonol lawyers, admittedly oompetaot to handle any class of civil or criminal oases, the mem ber! of the firm me specialties of cer tain branches. nator Simon has -the reputation of preparing as good a brief aa was over submitted to a Multnomah oourt. Mr. Dolph paya particular atten Uon to probate eases. Judge Mallorp has a penchant for damage cults. Prior t hia annihilation Mr. Oearla waa looked on as a criminal lawyer of aota. Peaoe to hi memory l But all this baa boom ehaagoa. Ono Is thrown out and the other three aro made ''grain attoraeya." Just what eon atltuteo a grain attorney haa not bean explained by the telephone company. WANDERING been. She was elegantly droased, bat talked in a rambling way. It waa Jealousy of the woman that eauoed Mrs, J. P. WAtto. we of an ex fl reman, to attempt to take the life of bar husband. White bad become enam oured of tho Hamilton woman and Is said to have aeaieoted his wife. She became angry and followed the pair through the masoa of the north end.- Finally she overtook him and opened fire with a revolver. He waa removed to Oood Samaritan hospital, but ha since rooovorcd. The woman has. never been prosecuted. . TESEC21ZE SUITES 4JMV 1000 FAB OF BAsf FBAH TSOBBBVJjsj B AmrjT MX- (Syeewl bkeatss m fas tarsal.) SeatUe. WaalL, Oct X. Whiskey erased Indiana are tarrerialiig the west- era part af Sea laaa'leUhd, and sails for help from the outside hava been made by the frightened whites, -. No protectloa a the little sett! em en ta along the shores of the Island facing Vancouver Island la available and out tagea aad violence an moeaao tartly ex pected. There are about f the redskins and their squaws returning front the hop fields. For the most part they be long In British Columbia. Thoy arrived on the Island loaded down with whiskey and many lugs of It for future consump tion. ' Where they got the liquor will be a matter for later taveatlgatloa. The day they arrived the aaanoo bo ras. Their yells, as m a drunken frenay they raoed up and down the chorea of the -Island, drove several of the women of the nolawborhocoV lata hysteria and some of them had to bo taken a way As thoy prolonged their stay tho tu mult Increased until. It Is stated by F. K. Hubbs, a pioneer of Boaoh Barber, who haa uat returned from the scene, they are bordering oa anarchy. Captain Tester sf the revenue cotter Orant has -been caked to oca that tho redskins aro deprived of their whiskey and forced to cross the Chnadtaa border, where they belong. . , SENATOR DOLLIYER -: COMPELLED TO RETIRE , , . . ' " i put. Contlnued from Page One,) dreds from ths neighboring towns and prominent Republicans from aU parts of the cute will bo present. The dtatlngulahed visitors aro ex pected to reach Portland la their special train at : o'clock this afternoon. They are accompanied by Senator Charles W. Fulton, wba Joined thorn at Seattle, aad the party will be enot upon their arrival by ths- following recep tion committee: Senator John K, Mitchell, ehairmani Oeorga H: Williams, mayor of Portland; Senator Charles W. Fulton, Btnger Her mann, repreeontattve from First dis trict; John N. Williamson, representative from Second dletrict; Whitney I Boise, chairman Multnomah county Republican committee; Walter Ia Toose, ' chairman first congressional committee; Par rich I Willis, chairman seoond oongreaalonal committee; W. B, Ayer, delegate na tional convention; H W. Ooode, p reel dent Lewie and Chirk exposition; Harry M. Cake, president Commercial olub. Senator Fairbanks and Senator Dol Nver wlU be escorted la earrlaa-ee to the armory. The party le expected to reach tho armory about 1:10 and the apeaking la scheduled to begla at I celook. Sen ator John H. Mltohell will aot as chair man of the meeting and will Introduce Senators Fairbanks and DoUlver, who wlU be the only speakers. - Upon the platform will be seated the too vice-president! of tho meeting, many of the leading clergy of this city and county, the Republican state ecntral committee and the Republican members of tho next legislature. Chairman Frank Baker of the state central committee urges -upon all who are to hava seats upon tho platform that they come early oo aa to be In their seats before the visiting senators arrive. The doors of tho armory will be opened at T o'clock. Sixty uniformed ushers onder the direc tion of MaJ. Charles B MoDonel! will bo la charge of the seating arrangements. No tickets of admlBstoa are required and there will be no reserved seats except those act aside for people from out of towa Senator Fairbanks and Senator Deli ver were originally expected to re main In Portland until 4 o'clock tomor row afternoon, but a dispatch received today by Chairman Frank Baker from tho chairman of tho Republican etate central committee of California states that It will be neeeeeery for the sens to re to leave here early tomorrow morning, m order to keep their engsgemont to speak in San Francisco Monda even ing. Their special train will probably leave Portland about 4 o'clock tomor row morning. The hotels are practically ifled today by Republican politicians who have come In from ail pei-f of the stats to attend the Fairbanks meeting. Tho Imperial has become heedjuartrs for out-of-town people, the lobby being Sited with parti sans discussing tho outlook for Repub licanism this fall and framing ap polit ical deals of various kind a Among those at tho Imperial are Cow greeeman J. N. Williamson of the Seo ond district Congressmen Btnger Her mann of tho First dletrict Repreaenta ttve J.'S. Cooper of Polk and Lincoln counties. Represents live W. I. Vhwter of jjMasofi so amy, Regiatrar of the Jwaad am nOB BOB FZBXSS 4MB B SaHBM UNIVERSAL Thm Umivnai Stomm Fmmlfy Is . tkm Urgmt to fA world - I 4 ;f or Dladdop discaso not boyen d tt:o Kcl bf niodlcfnbeK W : ': msrp ikd::ei curev ; strengtheiis the uriiiaiy orgians, builds, up the - kidneys and invig V orates the whole : system, "'J:-ZX& it is ci)Anti-TEra WO SIZS 0o and 100 'It " Offloe S. a Swachhamer of Union, aa Renresenuttve John M- Bhalley of Bu gene, ex-Senator A. C Marstera af Rose burg. J. 1 Hammeroley of Odd HU1 and lie Uoorehead of Pendleton. The Perkins la housing S- U Meoro head of Jackaoa City, Dr. Cbarlea Hlnae of Forest Grove, J. at Bugle of Aahland aad John B. Havlland of Batrede. Many others whose anxiety to see Fairbanks brought them from long dis tances are scattered over the towa e t?A t f.AM not. l. Ths Fairbanks ane elal left her at T:l o'clock this morn ing for a day'a tour la the state, stops win k ntaria at Olvnnla. Centralis. Cho- halis and Napavlns la the morning, and mt wrininebL Castle Rock. Kelso and ICa- lama In the afternoon. The trata la due to reach Portland lata today. ... n.,.,1 Bervtea.1 Chicago, 11L, Oct. L For the purpose Of provldlag eeureea off study ana prac tical training In social and philanthropic work, the University of Chicago today opened at the Fine Arts huUdlng a aew department to be called the institute ee Social Sclonoe and Arts. Prof. Graham Taylor ta the director. Ths department has beea formed to moot the demand for trained men and women ta charitable and reformatory Institutions, la organ ised movements for elvlo betterments, la social settlements, la tho Institutional work of churches, and ta home and for eign mission work. - y 1 : 1 World's Filr f xcnrsrOi. -- Ha to you been to tho world's fair? If aot, another opportunity will be gives you oa October t. 4 and I. as apeelal low rat excursion tickets will be sold on those dates for the round trip to St. Ixmls aad other eastern potnta , The Northern Paclflo run three big trane eoatlnoaml train daily and through sleepers will be operated to St. Louis. Call on or write A. D. Charlton, I6K Morrison St oorner Third, Portland, Or, for full particular. ... I I.. 1 I" 1 , ' ' , FIAS VOVm BaVAT. (SpecUt Weeateb e Ts eernel) Taooma. Wash.. Oct. l.Qrlffln hfan fleld, a sailor, was picked up In front of the Standard saloon ta aa uncon scious condition thla morning. Ho w now In the hospital, but M unable to Ml anything that will give a clue aa to the oauso of his condition. The polio are Inveet laa ting and feat that K Is a case Grip Pains T avnuld ha uttarlv lmooeslble to Im agine anything more dletreeelng than La unppe pains. innr r muayij acrlnabla and areva to be composed of all the mleerr aeneatlona known. Tet they can be relieved,, and WO. a very snort time, by taking , . , Dr. Miles' " Antl-Panis. Pills the greateet rmeiy mi earth for patns of any kind. Their soothing Influence upon the nerve la felt throughout the entire eye tern. .... 1 JiBd La Ortpp pain all ever me, an X was In auoh duitreaa I thought I could aot endure It I thought of Dr Miles' Antl-Faln P(J1. and after taking t doaea the pain disappeared, and I alept peacefully. My brother haa a swelling on his neek, and uea them, as they ease the pain, and leave no bad effects like quieting powders." ' ADKLlA LANS, Portage, Mlea. If they fall to help, your drugglet wlU refund your aeoney on drat package. , U gowa SI oentA it ever sold la butt. Colo's Hot Dhst ' The scenfort of gwttlag wp tat tho morning and dressing m a warm room Is ana at the agree able featuree la the poaeesaloa of a Cole's Original Hot Blast Store. The fire la aevev out In this stove, -an tap asema can- ha ksplpsmv all alght and tor- three or fwar aaewaaaoh aeoraiag .with the fuel put la tho stove tho night before. Too should aot be without ono, , Odd eI!owf Temple ;'Flft and Alder, t sslb K3 icnssa it WQODARD, CLARKE A CO, B smjijniiipnTwrm """ ; rr- r i ajB Tba Kind Tfm Hata Alwut la ate) go wTer 80 ysArs. All C0OBiCftTfelm iBiitAtloiis And JburtHbt-food " ATS M ExpiBat8 thAa trlfl with And cneUncr the heAlth f btBAtB Mid VH0dlB-fSS9mimo SganllsC ExpanSmBl What la CASTORIA Is S hARlOesfl smtwrfttartdJ flMP CaartOF Ofl fmie, Props And tootta BrntpSe Is Is Ptsaaanti 1 ymtmins saoiths? Opiums Karpmm Bo Btlbsr MAreoikB awaosteaee. Its Aw Is Its fthwaatee. U dAtroTS Wwrmwl ahnd Allays FeTerishnesSe U enra ptairhas Bad Wtmdl CoUo. It reUerss Testhlny Troobkm. enrss Conatlpstiosa svBd inAtoleDtvjr. I saalmllAtaB tho Food, leajakrtas tha) sHosmwoh aad BowaIa, Mag heatthy And BAStuAi Talis Children Insr Th Uothwrs JTrisBde , GENUINE CASTORIA -WAYS Beu. thm In Use For The Kind YouHaie Always Bought "DIDNT HURT A BIT" 15 WHAT THEY SAY BY OUR We are esaMet at at teeth at and abenlutslr u A. t. . WIA ftsr erreote. feeele Is celtcete heal ' ea a re no fer. ea ear awlko ef tins to raattlvelf 2i asd skm palaleee. afnte eWaattseM W ear mstta , titrtti . Jtely 1 A hul Wa iV win Cvt sala. Oar IT jeer' ezyerlesee tm elite wort eeablee m te It reer steeth .- eofor1blr. Tee beet the ebeepeet . ta the enX W save feeUaga ee weU as yea. WISE BRO&, ; DENTISTS S9I I1I FAIl.rNO ffLPO. Open evening till Comer THIRD AND WASHIMOTOM STA - FOLLOW THB Aad yoer h n. ! " ti '3. . sVeUafiiairw Tlnmmrm, Bdgmd TooU, CutUry, Bail'B9arimM Weuhmrw, fo , ' E3I Htui IfwM mi Irifwl tRk fawet hftaf Nm A. H. Thwrnas, Mp. WMa Crtwt Caal C., Buffalo, 0.,wTttst I hsv beea siTUctsd wMh ktdaay sad bladdar troabm for rcara, pasa bt graval or stone with gxerodatiag salaa. Other medicines only y relief. Afiar taking POLEY'8 KIDNEY CURB bw rasott was . aarprtolng. A lev d'oeea startad tho brkk dust, 11kg a sfofMS, ato and now 1 hava so paio serosa my kidasys and I feat Ilk a aow bub, FOLfiT'S KIDNEY CURB Sag dona ma 1, W0 wort gwos. : " " Othwf UmUy Cu Umpm Willi It - - : r TWw.Cdrttr, of Agbboro, N.C., had Kidney TtmMs gaal semsoaasal FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB gffactad a parfact car, sad ind LAUE-DAVIS DRUG Boqarmte 9mA wblcm lass) fas fcwe the tifnamr ? And bas pAwinAd tmder bis pm onlsaBBrviaBn SJlVOB ttStnfsmwTJW Allow bo wXIa to 4wBeiT3roa la tajik, aUgiiatiiM of Over 30 Year. " . . v. METHOD to cvwaet ba eae on Mtttac. soataveiy wlttwat rats er Ml o Pemie la aelleete and artdm Work wav w. a. tmdays from t Fnoo klaln to ta. OS. PLAQ TO THE WORLD'S FAIR ' See that your ticket read Yl , . , . . , . . W A D A S H R. R. 't so laaial at aaaaa antrsan to tths .'si .r.&p.,i4(s. If elan'- Is next To r a, r -" Tho Mot h -At f"ooi ' la ooo that ywa Wu ' If warmth, you do roro A eioatiy beat and t -The Hot Blast from Comjao . WUl make it warm for you, tf yew want a sure alr-ttpM, ' To keep all aiaht the hre, . The) Hot BUet from Chicago la ap to you? desire. If yow want aomeeMug neat. . . Complete la every part. The Hot Blast from Chicago la tho-Mo e yeiheaxV-.--- Zf paw want asi anreun4 stove . The stseplese ana to run, . Tho Hot Blast from Chicago Is by all odd the one. i Phone Main 1382 CO. SAx Or, W. Norton. Davf. IN A WEE mSskTSeeame ' eV'SaeaJ ' etoJT krr HT.rTfl oT tareat troeMe. care forever, la U CO BTRICTUAK, wusoat eyaratts W pats. n & r4os ekflm, vessM of orif g -- rx- We eaa inMete Sm aexBal UpSa-eaw We Out (tfTfcoti In Wed wTraeeaatae ems fet evaey ease we W welled tree to sett wra It yne easaet aa alaaa. a mulefnts la Sn BBtabUefee las. Dr.W.NortoaCivtsSC Tan BF Stevsl. W. B. Oem hbrS a rm wm MincrclSprietr BAS ToVVhomIlMayCoficra-- toasa to th above aarhiao aa take treatment for a? yea. was almtbH4 ft witn tne nest ei eoiaii. m found, and suffer tig for a feSol.; ie not prats them M etbere Uat aro t -w wJ , -g trial. Aeapeck. - - - Boor IM. OsaUMoroMe V , - en red of The. ... a. wvHoaa oa; a " and attdir a ' ' almlla exmiplaiwt. Tae ti isaji ef awtthrta ere if ' p-4-Slb-ft Kjr3"i bits a resetaneeta aiatoa, end w