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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
"v. CN DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, SATUKAY EVENING.. OCTCirH L i::t mi '4 "SI' ) V 4 The Jilt' Qrsad ." Tor" ...TattdeTilla t.eadt eaat w jC....vnkrtita ,...Vu4rllUj O. T. U. will Bold Us annual kntl Tuesday. Ooto- bar t. at First Christ I ehttrch, at Park and Columbia Mrs. If. B. Ful- una, stats evang t, will load lbs II a. m. The opening exercises bornlDg wmIm porta of officers a fea fills with ra auperlatendante sf afternoon session York will load tha departmcnta. Mrs. Tiffany of derotlonala, whl be followed with the annual eddr of tha oounty preel Addltea. Election of dent, Mrs. Lao; OfBcsrs will oofiplete tha program. No avtnlnar oessW will ba held. Tha an nual medal csnteet will do hsl4 At a later dale. Seven ar entered, '' Tha following ere the now officers of ths Oregon branch of ths woman's, board of Missions of ths asst. bald la commo tion with too CoRrscattoBal Churches Elation; Wreeldeat, Mrs. D. B. Oray; al vtce-preeiaent, Mrs, M. V. Oatee; sacrotarir. Mrs. I". A htyree; for eign secretary. Mrs. George M Psrkar; secretary young peoples work, Mrs, W. D. Palmer; traaaursr, Mrs. O. Orlo Jsf fsrson; auditor, Mrs. A. I Cake. Ylce- Erestdsnte of local asaoolatlon fort ind. Mrs. F. B. Ooefc; Woat Wlllsmstts. Mrs. M. F.Farnham: Bast Willamette, Mrs. At le odd; mid-Columbia, Mrs. ft. -A. LawelL . ,v . ,. Tha aoenlo stssrnbost routs of tha world W that between Portland Bad Tha Dallas, Convulsions of natura hart sad tha saonotalna, canyons and gorges and glens of ths Columbia renowned throughout all Christendom Ths ataamsT Chartaa It Spencer leaves foot of WsBhtnston street, Portland, Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at f a. av for Tha Dallas and way landings, re turning on altarnats days. When eom las to Portland, boy tlokota to Tba Dellea, than, change to tha ateemer and anloy tha grenoenr of tha anpnrallaled glories al tha rirer. TsL Mala HI. ng a st rests. a At CM win e isr At ths United BvnngellctJ church, at St. Johns, eervlcee will bo hold torn or- ra, at n o'clock, and tomorrow evening, at ?:tt. In tha mornlns Hev. B, B. MeViokar, tha pastor, will spook on tha "Asesitstoa of Christ " In tba stStjIb thsrs will ba a IsctaTS an "Who Wanta a Saloon In St. JohnaP Sanday school will ba hold at 1 otolock in tha fora nooa. Junior K. U C B. wUl ba bald at 1:1 p. nv- and ssnlor X. I C. & tt .4:tt p. nv . . V ' Tha iarah Kara W. C t if . olaetad tha . follswlnc offlcars at a totting hold at , ihs horns of Mrs. M. W. PUlabury. M , East Taylor atraat: Proaldont. Mrs. A Moaldtnhauar; iet-prssldonU Mra. M. T M. Loi rscorVJtng aoerotary, Mrs, Ida . Xns!lsh; oorrsa ponding ssc rotary.. Mrs. ' B-E-Polton; delogatss to ths oounty eor. : vsntton, Mrs. M. A- Bradbury, Mrs. A. B. Day and Mrs. M- M. Loo. Dsltgats to , tha stat convention will ba alactad at ths nst rsgulsr jotting. -, . Two tnsmbsrs of tht Vatto board f i' pubtjo works. A I WhlUra, suporlw , ttndent of straota, aoword and parka, and rpboll of thVrrs dsns rtm ant ytstsr. . ' day. Anor visiting many oi us ongmw I Thtss man aUtsd that BaaUla 'ls gln- tha Osorgs H, Wllllama, tbsy aril I maka- thstr boat oa nearly Uka tba poruatM flrahoat as prastloabla. John Mltchalt proaldont f tha United Minoworkora, will bo Invited by tha local Ps da rated Trades Council to del Ivor an address in this city oast November. Tba noted labor loader will pass through portUnd on his way ta San Francisco to attend the meeting of tha American Fed eration of Labor, which meets November 14. It U thousht that tha Invitation af inf IWU wvui aim wt m vwsws. ' ,J 0111 on tht Improvement of Powell street has been commenced and the resi dents In this section of tha city are Jubi lant. Mtlwaukla avenue Is also having a largo amount of work dons on 'it from Hawthorne avenue ta Holgata street. Am nnn mm these lmnravarasnts art oont leted tha property-ownera' will try to nNuenoe tha oounoll to place A Ore en gine la their neighborhood. , ' M. D Mount, who earned distinction tn the aarly Indian warn tn this stats, has bean tlected commandsrln-chlof of tha Indian War Vsteranr aosoctanon. . nr. Mount has resided In this state tinea ' list, havlnr coma to Oregon from Ohio. - u wee erne of tha moat aromlntnlt tig- uree In making tha treaty with Chief ' win lam and Welter Jane were sr- rested by Mounted Officer Crate last flight for discharging firearms within tha alty limit They are tha first to he arrested for shooting pheasants " within tha 11 mite of tha elty. Tha men er taken Into custody at Twenty- 1 etsrith street and tha Sandy rood. They ; appeared in municipal court today, A Tha atrmoa st the United Bvangeltcal irhurch of St. Johns tomorrow will bs on ' THe A arena km of Christ.' In the oven- V in, there will ba A lOCtUTS OA "Who 'Wsnts a Saloon In St. Johns r Sunday school, it a. nv; Jr. K. I O. : P m.Tftr K.IC I, : p, a. B.-B. Mo Viewer, paator. . ' w miaachs Otllthan hi mi Oood Samaritan hoapltal reoovsrlng from tha effects of a dost of laudanum wnicn Bt A Bt B ' B A O III! llhltll Drs. Adix & Northrup h' OSTEOPATHIC ; PHYSICIANS 416 Dekum Building x EXAMINATIONS FREE ' 's tc-k iut t " ' Af a ouarrei - t hast 1 o tt for fcwr f to answtr ths messsge- bus threat ened to repast Ibe effort and was Stat to tk hospital. Tour shoes - T '' "I ' " .WUl bs '.,. Dona today; ' :.' At eoct - , t , UJ? . -; ; Need them. ' Ooodvcar Shaa repair Faatory. Yamhill near Oaa Cc's emoe. Free oaJl W4 dd Uvery aay reaaonablt distano. . Tad building committee of tha Lewis and Clark state commission, accom panied by President Oooda and Director of Works Hubar. sra visiting tha ex position grounds today to select a aits for tha lowing building, tha contract tor which was awarded last night. This prompt action means that dirt will be dying shortly. . Joseph Johnson. It years 'of age, died at Good Samaritan- hospital yssterday afUrnoon as s result at hi Juries ha sustained at a Iscging camp a year ago. His back was broken at tha time and ho has been confined In tha hoapltal alnet that time. Ha la not known is this elty sad has a relatives so far known. Tha choir-boys af St David's Episco pal church. East Portland, want to fa ced today on their annual ptcnlo. Tha expedition Was under the direction of Choirmaster Ooodricb. Tha lads went on an early car over the Oregon Water Power A Hallway company's lines, Wall laden with lunchrbaaketa. Communion servios win ba bald At ths Ml span Presbyterian, church tomorrow morning at 10 tit o'clock. Following1 thio thers will be a reception to the nsw members, Tha rally-day servioe for tha Sunday school will ba held tn tht av tar ing. , There will ba special music President Myers of ths Ovegon state commission has sent souvtnlr Lewis and Clark dollars to President Roosevelt nd nwbars of consTsas whs wars Instru mental In securing the Lwls and Clark appropriation. Mr. Myers also stjnt a ooJa ta WUUam Jennings Bryan. Jack Led ford and Mrs.' May Nelson wars arrested on reaching tha. city from Taooma last night on Information from that dty where they are wanted for larceny. They are accused sf having- taken four slot bills drawl nana u Taooma. . t..- At tht T. W. C A. vtspsr servlea to morrow afternoon at 1:41 Mrs. C M. Wood will address ths meeting; Charles Hart, tht singing evangelist, wUl give special mucio, . Doctors ta Portland: Ton sra Invited to tba First Cwnsrragatwnal chavoh Sun day night to bear Dr. House's sermon on Ths Medical Profession." , -Wa-Hoo Tonic. Ths sreat Mood puri fier, nerve tonic and liver resulator. 1 Jast what yws need these days. .For earn ay all drusaiata. j : . -". ,-s- Portland Wlra A Iron Works art Sew located at Trenkman A CoVs on Fourth ar ' Flanders, Work turned - oat prompuyt ij. tt.-f. j. Steam sonar tnauraaes eovara aaatage to holler, property and for injuries. Campbell A Rodger. Ml Waahlngtea Chaw Den-Tal-Osm. hav pearly teeth and provant deoay. . For sals svery- Tfw-TSTSK5m floor, try Peacock oof graoer sella H. alary Inanraaoa. Maryland Cm Cosapaa j, 1 Wsahlngtoa, , Aaotkm sals of real property at aourt house. Sao pas Is. Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekva building; WELL KNOWN PIONEER . DIES OF PARALYSIS ;'.... ',' . - . -a i.i Portland test a highly respected pio neer In tha death of Matthew Brady, which occurred -at his residence on Twenty-fifth street at 1:4 o'clock this mo rains'. It was the result of a sec ond stroke af paralysis, which came on It days ago while ht was visiting st hie plaos fa Baa View. A week ago he waa brought to this city, but his ad vanced age, 7 years, precluded tht pos sibility of ths patient's recovery, Jte grew rapidly worse until tha end. Mr. Brady waa for store than 49 years a reeident of Portland. Until his re tirement from active business life It ysara ao he waa tn the contracting buelnesa. Ht built up an estate 6f oon atderabla value, hla most Important realty holdings being at Sixth and Stark streets and hla residence. He built ths second bouse in Sea View. The widow and one daughter, Mrs. O. A. Vest, are tht surviving members of tha family. Tha funeral will take place on Monday. No further details have been announced. -.. i ALLEN SHARON IS-;-' ? TAKEN TO COURT ". 1 i -i Allen Sharon, Id years of age. who ltvea in SunnyeMe, waa brought Into the municipal court this morning to receive a lecture from Judge Wilbur, who occu pied the bcoea la ths abeenoe of Judge Hogue. The lad was preying with an alrgun savsnTidays ago; and accidentally shot a little girl la the eye. The wound proved to be slight, and she has practi cally reoovsred. though for a time it was thought that she would lost her tight, The beyrat not arrested, bur bis fathtr brouht him Into court this morn ing for the purpose of Impressing him with the seriousness af the accident. The boy smashed P m f " the accident occurred.' - ,T VBBBOBAA. mark Tabor, one sf ths owners of tha Bad Boy mine. In eastern Oregon, has returned to his Portland home, follow ing; a tour of ths eeat ' En routs home he cams through the Sumpter district, where he said there was a large amount af good work In progress. F. J. Caaroy. of Nampa, Ida.. Is at the Perkins. Mr. Conroy la operating at present In tha Thunder mountain district and ether parts of Idaho, and was for a period developing properties near lump Members of ths First United ntK teal church, Baet Sherman and Tenth streets, are expecting the arrival of their hew pastor, Rv. T. R Smith, of Akron, O, some urns ntt week. rt ,. Suoday Rond TiiF Rates h Ibe ; o. w. p. TwetTty-fvs eentl to Oregon City and Canemah park. M tents to Wh; etnts to any point tairond, nJt" Setacada. TKhats must be pttrchaaed at the omce Firat and Alder and Grand and Hawthorns avenuee. i '. - Mk Dssnsd AIM A Lswla' BeswBrsaA ASIOC 4 - Vl IS REVEALED Continued front Fags One.). give Willamette aatveraity It per sent of ths year's duos. It per cent ta awper aasjuetes and to ratala tha balaaos for amergancy work. Concerning the untvtralty, President Smith of ths board af trusteea ears that all aoseunte are straight and that tha as porta found ao abartags. ,y i 1 VtstotwAps BsjSmnwA ' Aside from the university crisis and its attendant asasstlonal features; the moot lmportarit bualnaos of yeamrday waa tha erganislng of the Laymen's Methodist union of the Oregon annual conference. It started with 14 mem bora and hopes to snrel every Methodist In the oeaferoa a, which means a total of more than t.ett. Its purpose la to meet each year with-the annual confer ence, to assist In the work of the church in tta proper, sphere and to promote re ligion. Drv Oereoa Boral. B. Las Paget and other prominent laymen from Portland) district, with Senator H. A. Booth or Bugens, and many others, wart present to help organise. Dr. Royal was elected temporary chairman and the business proceeded antU permanent omce re were elected and a constitution and by-lay adopted. Senator Booth Is president for the ensuing- year. Vice-presidents were alactad as follows: For Portland-district, B. Dee Paceti- for Salem district. Jacob Ogle; for Eugene district. S. B, Sackstt, and for Grants Pass diet riot, H. B- OUtle. O. F. Johnson sf Portland Is secretary, and Senator C. W. Notting ham of Portland, treasurer. Dr. Boral is chairman af tba msmbtrsblp eenj Bilttee. ' Perhaps tha most Important Item sf business transected by tha laymen's so ciety was to protest asminst tha summa tion sf the Fourth district and eonee auent aboUaarnent of the office at pre siding elder for the district' They want Bishop Spellmsyer. presiding; not to changs the boundariea. for they think it would be a stop backward. It la behaved that the actloa sf the laymen will havs. great weight with tha bishop, and many are strongly of the opinion that be will not touch ths dis tricts, sut that be will 1st them remain as they are. rrom the very start K la admitted by all ehurebmen, ministers Included, tha tba layman's organisation la going to furnish some hot oom petition for the annual conferences of ths future, This la amply demonstrated by Its action the first 6y af Its birth. It grilled fths sreaehers for alleged neaiect of Wil lamette university. , passed resolutions relative to the district boundaries, la ar Wiliamstta uatveratty ofacfals management at present, m favor of the deaconnaas gMvameai and other as la or Hems fBMnsak. Plans to move the old kietorie Meth odist church from Oregon City to ths Lewis and Clark grounds for the fair ware given la charge of a committee to day, and special services .rs to be sr- lAnew plan ta divide and have oast .ka wee Portland districts, the Wlllsm stts river- dividing, and one southern. district, slfmlaatlng the rounn. is nit Amr the eonsMeratlen of Bishop Spall- mortr. This afternoon the anniversary of ths Sunday school union waa oo eerved. Tonight the Anti-saloon league n.. Tufts of Portland ap taking. Tomorrow the Methodists will SU the GOOD PROGRAM AT-"" Y. M. C, A. GATHERING Am eneoialtv attractive prosTtm hat boon arranged for the men's meeting? at the Young- Men's Christian sssocUtlon tomorrow afUrnoon at s:l o'clock. Dr. Edgar P. Hill will give an sAdress an The Bible Today." A musical program will ba rendered by the Lakme Ladles' quartet, consist ing of Mrs. Dearborn Sohwah, Srst so prano; Miss Btnei wie.-, "Tr"" prano; Miss Marian Staekpole, firat alto; w.. w a fruahona. second alto, and Mra. Warren B. Thomas, director. The quartet will ain "By Babylon'e Wayaa, by Leidllnger. and "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," by . B. rown, wa - n,..nnn Will Sins -Just for Today." The drop-la Bible elans wUl reeume Ita seseteo at 4 46. and tha fellowship lunah will bo served for is costs at tits. NEBRASKA LAUNCHING TO TAKE PLACE OCT. 7 The builders of tba . batUsahlp Na- braaka evidently harbor no superatltlticn in relation to numbers or days of the week. They have flied upon Friday, October 7. at IS mlautss past t oVlock, rnr the launch I na of the ship. Engraved Invitations have been received In Port i.n froea the Moraa Bros, company, the Seattle ship builders. Ths ship will be christened by Miss Mary N. Mickey, daughter of the governor of Nebraska, whose official party ta expected to pass through Portland October sn route to Seattle. " ' ' , JAPANESE STOWAWAY CAUGHT ON ARABIA rl lidded down tk cargo, a Japanese stowaway was found on the steamship Arabia a few. minutes after she had left the dock at Yoko hama for Portland. The subject of the mikado was placed on an old Chinees junk wklck happened along and aent ashore. It la said that hla discovery would probably net have been made until the steamer reached thla side of the Pacific had not the Jap got crowded In between the freight and began to cry for help. Whan found the life had almost bees crushed out at him. In tha suit of Green C Love to have a cod toil of the wtir of the late Lewis Love declared invalid by the courts, C. M. Plggott has been retained as eeuoetl for the plaintiff hi addition to the law firm of Carey A Maya. Attorney Pig goti has corns Into eonstderable prom inence recently on account of taking op a number of eases from pbiwnthroptt motives snd bidding- fair to carry them through with ultimata suooete for bis al tents. . Polloa Of fleer Ole Neleoa, who was wounded by "Babe' Walton, the youth ful bandit, who attempted too holdup of a street ear, la recovering gradually at hla home. While be tn improving, he hi by no means well and will bs unable to reeume hla work for several weeks. .. At Caaenalk Park Snaky. Music and dancing- at ths pavlltea. Twenty-dive eonta round trip with oars trery M Inutes, , IVV EEST 1.1 Tlx OD B TMAT BSO MM BBS? BOW BS 'Arthur D. Mos. publisher of tha Hood Hlver Qlacler, believes tbsre will ho a million bones of spplas produosd la Hood River valley la lrSs. Admitting- a likelihood that when the output reaches this extent there will be a decline from present prices, hs says tha profits will stlU bo ample to oatlsfy the orohardisis, for then their orchards wlU ba la full bearing and many of Uam producing: 1 boxes to the trek, "Alt trees that are aow being" planted la tha Hood River valley are Bpltssn berg and Yellow Ntwtowna," says Mr. Moo. '"Thss varieties are beyond a doubt the best marketable apples and shippers. Thsrs sre now S.Ota acres of applea In Hood Rtvar valley. And there are te.eee acres of orchard land still un cleared. Uncleared orchard land tan ba bought for from $19 to lite par acre, and cleared land oaa bo had at flit to SSOt, Bearing orchards can be bought at from ISM to par acre." Mr. Mot la a Sooth Dakota, Me came to Oregon about a year ago, and is well satisfied with hla new location. Ht waa in the elty yesterday oa business oonaected with big aewepaper ht Mood River. Thla Is pot a lasy man' country." hs as id referring to tha opportunities for fruit culture In Hood River valley. 'Orchards must be worked and oared for constantly. Tha man who soooasda la he who works all the time. The Hood river apple Is bringing the highest price aver known for apples. The entire crop of four-tier Spltstnberga soM thla year at SI. Id Pr bos, and the Newtowne at II. TS per box. Tha Ave-tter apples brought II U and H U per box. "These applea grow la their perfec tion in only three plaoes in tha world the Hood River valley, the Rogue River valley and la a very limited area In Weat Virginia. They get their color, also and keeping qualities from certain elements In the soil snd climate. The soil is a volcanic ash. and the oool nights are a factor in eattlng tha apple and giving It solidity. They will keep It months in an ordinary oellar, and they can be shipped around tha world with out Injury." Mr. Moo says there are orchards In Hood River valley that actually yield Sl.tttf per sere. Ten-year-old trees in ths best orchards are bringing It boxes to tha trot, and these sell at the prices above named. There being from U let trees sn an acre of ground, accord ing to the varying opinions at the plant ers. It may- anally be aeon that thtss orchards are veritable Cold mines. "Tba hay conditions sre changing In Hood River valley." says Mr. Moa. "Many farmers who had mors' straw berries than they could conveniently handle, plowed up the planta and put ta clover. There wars about lt,t0 tone raised this year. Moat of the farmers cleared ttt nor acre on this clover hay. The acreage Is belntT increased. They have never yet raised enough hay for innni annaumntlott. As soon as there IS an eveeas thla hay culture will. I think. lead to more dairying In the valley, and laUthWJLTTHl tm m food thins; for the coun try, in re in a ocarcny ww THIRD CHICAGO WIRE INSTALLED BY POSTAL Ths Postal Telegraph company today concluded the installation of Its third wire between Portland and Chicago. The wire runs from thla city over tht right of way of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company to Spokane, from there via ths MlUan cut-oft of the North ern Pacific through the Coeur dAlene mining country to Missoula and from Missoula over a oounty road to Butte. The wire from this point follows the Una of the old Montana Union to Salt Lake, where It etrlkes tht Postal com pany's line to Denver and eastward over the Ualon Paelne to Omaha. It runs with the Chicago A Nortk-Western from Omaha ts Chicago. Ths new line will considerably shorten the wire connections between Portland and Chicago. Other wires to ths eaat operated by the Postal are to San Fran otsoo and eastward via the Santa Fe railway, and the northern route via the Canadian Pacific l John Annand, Portland manager of the Postal Telegraph, leaves Monday bight accompanied by his wife, for an ex tensive trip through the eaat The trip will occupy two months or more. Mr. Annand hag not Been hla people la the east tor 11 years. 0. W. P. Sunday Trolley Service, To Bataoada ovary two hours with trailers, from T:l a. ta. to T:Sff p, m. Last sar from Bstacada T: p. . To Oregon CMy. with trailers, every Q minutes, from T:ts a. m. SILVERWARE There's aotMng that makes a more acceptable present, snd nothing etas oults aw aseful to give, f In this advertisement wo call yonr attention to one of the finest and largest linos In the Faetfte Northwaet. It ton tains some handsoms places and Is exoluetvs oa well. , ANWRICHT- 293nORRlSON-ST FREE. FMOTOCBAPH COUPON TMt admikeswst snd ti es atuiaa the bftMtr t eee-kalf doses latest ttyl. owl w Miir, er Sloes aulas rat ef SMenta). raKlnet photasripba M erewst0- st as ftmiln ea or bfnr Octeber 10, ItOi. Pear SBUars wltseet MNtaa. BOsBTOPo JBTUCMO Opea Osaay St. at. w a. at. tuu Merrl sss. Bear erMga, J. W. WlU. Mgr. HOME INDUST 71 L Reid . 9 and 11 North Oakland vs. Portland V RECREATION PARK ' V; i TOHOP.BOV aXTKBJIOOB, -' sans oauxo as diet eexsoBV , (Oetobepr 3) Smdias daya, sausd St Snaaay. Saei aklMsoa, iss. Colu'mbla Tbeavtr CBAO. W. T0K, Asaittaat Haaasvr, 14 and Wssfelaftoa- Pbons Mais lit. nx.yiow . mf9 MimayiNna AS - Ths sasarb OahnsMa, Stock Centsaap ta Bam "THE JILT" : rrless iV. v, ISe; estlre ganery . lis H.iiu&ilbi mmA mi ntin caUarv. lOe. Tlrt ereca sees tt Oova Uartla'a, ttt asd Wash Incus, frwa 10 a. . te t . Pseae Mats llorAt theatre tree T a, m, te M p. ak Phms CORDRAYfS THEATRE OOAOBAT A kCsakLI Haasgait. . (Waablagtoa Street) srtams s Uert Popslar. Taestrs.ta Mattsea srlim assns, tte: anile? as (sa. seatai, ive. Rlgfit prism, lOe, S9e, Pw and Me. . TOHHJHT, LAST PIRPOkllANOS OP "MILLS OF CJHJFOMMt" Best at sll reral plays. - Seat oeefc. alar ties Sssdar BMthws, i Mr. cbariM n. (iiaaars .Tom TOSK OOBPAMT j in -A Mommme mf Cqom UoUmm starnng nsraday Bmsmf, ' "Grmmdfmthf'9 Cloo "Firat Uaw eo any stage." Karqaim GraiMI Theatre famSSfc Pases Mam ess. TOrnoajT UiST rwSFOSMASOB SF The Stg CUscse snsnsh Msswsl Osmety, aSAN TOY" reslac prices- JUnrtr near, ft, p. at, SaV , $10. II. Tea. Oallarr, Its, He. Beses legea, 1U0. Marqnani Grind Theatre w ali. W" Ttamt strata. Winning Montsr. Ortoher 9, The awnnaniabea snaiua arar. Bar. FTBIOI MUIW. And spleadld orlslnal cast. la an isw ted sramatle stady hi ertaSiiligj. "RAFFLES. Scats haw SelUag. The besw et ashw ssedarina. CMnssdaa ptrrcrsuime rroia m. San dan featiiMKina 1 ta 10:10 Its 4 ,.' Set l s Oh any las aerrarsMeeaa Ooa f te UiS Mt la the theatre, to eeets. til ruswtrsT iiottwo womi rrui itu vkunrrxB ix fobtlavb rs HAVJlfS XHOVIABM IAVSB AX TKB ARCADE THBATRB BBS TBS OTBXB wBSA AOTS. . Shews, 1 as :! T It lt:ts. Ad auerioa t ear ees We. - CUNNING, THE GREAT IS ASTOUNDING TIIOTJSAirpS WITH BDJ HYSTBBIOUS AKD kUBrpxoira J il-bbba kiss . raBrOBatAMCBB AV - THE LYRIC rSTRwataiwes I B te t.PJj T-tt M U:N p nv. It rrata as higher. . . BBS TVS VDVDtirn UBS-VBBS, WOBXB'B SnXATEST BAXABOEBB, TB . osMnnroTioM wm BiaH-LASi . TAODBTILLB, AT THE STAR shews, t td la 4:Mt 1M It It ta, Gcseral admlsalea M amtti laaansd bsa emta. Si easts. OOMCSBT BALL- BLASIBB OBBOBwT BTBBT MMBTB. 1st tl BUBJISUHn GEO. BtACK " PUCLIC ACtClJl-TANT u. Stawaj frtrtir, mrSathMtifias. Batstt WttS. , " asealal ant reneeKal Aseiia. " BASEBALL PA TRONIZE If yon want a good A hoe, buythe R. "w.shec are cheap at any price, i and workmanship ; gu&z Ask your merchant for tl: they can't supply your want us. Our line of Loggers'. Ci Miners and ; Workingmen's are uiicaccucu. '1 . - Our Motto: Qood Hertsche Gc SHOE KANUrACTURERS J.;'' First Street , Portland, O: NIGHT SCHOOL Bchnkc-WalKcr Business College BMptd mi) fLwm ma. i tm m Fwm OAW. NIGHT SCHOOL MonoViy, WedoeoY. Friiday I Month e .$ 6.00 ' 3 Moaths s . . 13.00 6 Months s . 1 43.00 l . anwmnmamrmrmmmm Holmes Business College YsMbMH smn DsvCwtjl SU. ABTB) WASBABBVOB Bstablltbod ta lite. Open all ths year. Ware or class Distinction. Thousands of graduates in positions; opportnnltlee eonstantly ooourring. It pays te attend or school Catalogue, apetlaaena, ata. A.F. Hill Military Academy srlvate heardlng aad St atasaai trauuag. tarr alerlpllM, ealtage prepari nnm Hat, av an an aaaiiirMi t any was. FALL TEBal BOW OPBH. CUT THIS OUT Aad smU Is Br. 3. W, BUI. KPJ SilHary Asadaaar, Portland. Or. . hers, wheat 1 eaat la sasd Is t I cave srtmary emeeL Teew aces PUae. aaad aw art- asd tt Vlae'ttimtraMii seMsipttm mtskgas st (Hane. ....... fAadrsH) MONEY Spent for stlf-lmprortment la a perms-, nent and paying Investment One dollar par week pays large dividends. fkl afTOOTOSAABl IBB TITS TB, . sa sxzvsi Fheae, Bod 1TSB. . OBC GON CONSERVATOKT OF MUSIC B0BOOT. OF BnraiO. hMiatr-S eln-ettsa BiAgalra aad red.mlr cnaraee. Tha dasartmenti era aaaar aalert lnatrwtnra. who havt Svetd IMr llrna te their tsrtmiar t ana ate st 3 if gradeetet, het TFACHtn la err 1 the ward. trn the rear 'meed. St aanaa qdVna J ad pert .at afar Wi.hlutes asd tevenls. Boanllng eats f"lke asd. Twelfth. Tor pr.e- Ktaa & eat'losae "MftM la WU AValr BI-BbtrAaUB. rwtlasa. m . Ton teas at Isajim yeeor ttms aneos msBtahly tlaan by taAtnsj a soosaa wrsk mv BSkesabsnA S bowsb bob voeli Byyewvlttaa f d hosjiB per weak eeaeanwnip . ,.4 hoars bop week IhrBmnlrom ....H hewrs perwosk i i a a ' i-- AT Honest Values' 1 Boston P!z!3 1 Known the world ewer, p dentists to Portland harlr tanloal DIflCOVE, T to Sums for KXT RAC-H V ROWNINO TE.TbQ and guaranteed for TnUf 1 SUrar FllUagB I... 0old FUllngs . . Fall Set Teeth knot S ftes eld Orevns .............. ?lfR TTuS'SB oue'y LBS8 METHODS. LOW I OOOD WORK DOrtK BT f In each department. NO.C the offlee. All work dons K br BPBCZALIBTS of loss 9 rfenca, Give us a eall, a: 3 y. we-ds Just as we adrertlao. Boston Dental V awlKlt.TMO TAJLOft. 3)1 WABIOTOW ' STftEET City Brevcr Bottled Beer a Spac' BOBTXaeJtlX OBBOOBA TXE don't claim to t all the bejt print done in Portland, but fetour share and PRlf . T RIGHT, : : i We waaU br pmmw ar r ' ' i m T Metropolitan Pfj. fVftntrTS 147 Front Sw Phopjg Mais 1 3 36 NOM KIN Chinese Restsu::: ISS IiiiiI sepset Qua it Ahftsn, Delloloes Chinese poodle soup. perb shop auey. Delieatelr r -viands of all deaortptiona. Cleax shea pest place in Chinatown. boxes for parties. Tables Inlaia -shells and flowers. Handsomely ae, chairs all Imported. . . L..3. 1 t TEE Bmmmraamoa . 4 -