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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
i J ' - ' ' of fi3 Editorial Pago Jonraai y X OREGON. t.,1 V 3 It E GO N D A I LY JO U R N A L PUBUSHKD BY JOURNAL . PUBLISHZNO Oa i (aewept Sunday) 4 Sunday H m Portland, Otwgon. M Tb JwmI MMk Peftfc OFFICIAL PAPfR OF THS CITY OF FOftTLAND ' AH SYS ON THB GARBAQE - v GRAB ..' . , jt'LD be large nttandenc at the mMt .e city council nest Wednesday aternoon at t when the report Um oommittee M pub--eferefioc to Um garbage- ordlnanoa will be a now understood that thtt matter has ally nursed tor the put elx anonths. The r who stand back of lb corporation which, rtm franchise arc now aomawhat generally include men wba hav had wtda experience rough political deals and who bar no, la ; either delicate r scrupulous la tha method nploye It M understood that they bad aa i than some of tha political powara and that ja of tha council itself had a weighty can t bm tha outcome-. Indaed thcra bar baao nimorn afloat for soma days tba ffct that vxjrs of tha council wara tlxsdH to send tha ding through at tha first meeting la Oetobar. i ouch as these have basa exceedingly blttar In elation of Tha Journal which they do not at sny has through Us attaohs upon tha garbage ced tha Inoat pramlslna; grafting scheme that aevelooed atnoo publle gumbltng want by tha rrbe- y who took a paaoU Im hand promptly at ft was "a good thla;M many of tbosa.who far ood things," without any regard to tha ants of thero, beategad tba Intaraatad onea with i good oold cash te b Wt la on the ground floor. 9 wnoa thing- had bean arranged and had It not i puLMiclty given It la Tba Journal an aril nance bean paasad at tha bast meeting, -e Jomrnal wants to tmprasa a poo tha publlo Is renort of tha committee raoommandinaL an In- iwremant of tha ordinance does not neces iii a the eoancfl will take no action on It next The way to be entirely aura that tha ordl tsd ia for a largo body of Intaraatad eltisen a ineettng and by than? presence make plain grab will be tolerated. . . . ( ., .,' IBLY A 8EA LEVEL CANAL ' 1.8 of tha Panama canal oofnmlaalon; wba bean making a peraonal Investigation of the m canal route, are aarkmaly debating the tiding eea-level canal, which pre posit loir la i with much favor in. and oatalde that body. to be no doubt -of tha practleabllUy of tha aly Important objection being1 tha Increased tmlealon at first favored a canal with a sum- et a bore the sua, provided with a sufficient fed" te Jift ahlpa over this summit. tTnder i cok was estimated si fleA.fee.aoa, while the -lerel canal hi eetlmated at tles.eoe,te. One on aana Jh eawsldeihlajnanajbut not e a vary formidable objection to a sea-level d of ana with many leeks. Tha former would table ships to peas through mora easily and t would much decrease the ufepenee of operat auuinlna; tha eaaei. Of eourse thb eommlatlen Ansa the plaa of tba canal without s further Uoa from oonareaa, which tt Is preaumed will be ng next year If tba coram leal on should unanl report oa a sea-lerel canal, such as tha Baas canal a also tha pian to dig this canal aa that tt win pta of SI feat of water, nwtead of M feet, as was i by tha French engineers. Tha flues oanel was le too shallow, and so others have been, and tha ton and congress are profiting by these mtakaa. iertcaa people not only want the canal (since they -uchred out of the Nicaragua canal), but they want r ana, the beat one that can be dug, and are willing T ta pay for It It begins te look now like a aaa-leval anal, and What delightful maney-maktng proposition tot eomc utflaantlal combination It ta. Presidencies, have turned on BENEFITS BUT COMPARATIVELY FEW. HB PREflBNT ThJUPP law, as a writer in the New Tnrfc wnrid BAinta aut. la not a general but a special law. Its schedules are made by those who are to be benefited by tt, at the expenee of othera.. These beneficiaries ar few as com pared with the many who are thua aompelled, with pa eompenamting -benefits, ta pay. them a fraction of their earnings. The laborer In manu factories la not protected la tha Meat, for considering the amount and quality of his work bio labor b cheaper than European labor. Protecting- worklagmea by tha tariff la wholly humbuggery. Tha farmer te not protected at -all. nor can he be, by tha tariff, but it taxes htm for the benefit of those who In no way reciprocate. It has been ascertained that there are about teeaef parsons engaged in gainful pursuits to this country who are benefited by protection, while about Sl.0e0.06e workers are not appro cltbhr benefited at all, but are taxed la this Indirect and seductive way for the, benefit of those protected, and anelr agents and tools to offloa. In bis life at. Thomas H. Benton, Theodora Roosevelt wrote: ''Political economists have pretty generally agreed that protection Is vtetoue In theory and harmful ta prac tice ;" and though be Ironically added, "but if tba ma jority of tha people ta Interest wish It, and tt affects only themselves, there fct no earthly reason why they should 'not be allowed te try the experiment to their hearts' con tent." ha w doubt agreed with the political economists until he waa converted, stood bis ejection aa vtoe-preaident. by tba big; beneficiaries af tha tariff and their attomeya Id oonareaa, Bamm'- ;::J: v ITALIAN EMIGRATION. ' ;? ! T NVEBTIOATIONi by Italian officiate show that In 1111. 1.0I2JII Italians wara Uvlng abroad, to lit! the number was MM,, and ta l01,,4tt.14. showing a vary heavy emigration from that country ta M years, and tt may be assumed that tha number now approaches l.tOt.OOa. Of tha number abroad ta 1M1, M,0 wara scattered over Europe, ltt.evt were In Afrloa, 1. Ml Oca wara ta South America, and 74,H were ta North America, 7!t,0t of tbam ta tha United gtatea. - r-, - , Later statistics show that tha emigration to- thai eovn try has lately, far exceeded that to South and Central America, and that, the percentage remaining bore Is much greater. In IMS, 11,77 Italians came to the United States 17 par.oant Of them returning,' white aAAM wont to South and. Central America, and a far larger number re turned to Italy from those countries. In 1HS, 114.17 Italians oame to tha United Statea, IT per cant of them having returned, while about tO.OM went to tha Latla- 3 C Small Change "a pen picture or gasappi " 1 gaaater BeverMaa aara tha Democrats American countries, aiiff over pa.gpf warn ban rrem theia nava na need earttt yettey. Tna PMpubit- to their native land. The Italian law dpea not termlt an emigrant to depart directly from one foreign port to an other, except that Italians are permitted t sail from Havre to- Nee Torn. Italy, however, unlike Japan, en courages emigration, for this hi Ita only safety valve. Its territory and capital not being awffletent to seats la Its rapidly mcraasing papulation. .'r i ; - : In this country ail Italian are? easily self-awJtatnJng. They generally oontant themselves with bumble manoaJ emptoymant, and are exceedingly econemioal. They al ready oomprtte a oonslderahle fraction of tha population ta moat of ear cities, and bid fair to become a larger one, It would be well to make greater efforts to gat mora of their children Into bur public schools,, and, other wis en courage and aid thorn to become American citisens ta broader sons than many of them now are MR. ASTOR Or LONDON (Br Arthur KcBwen.) ' sea,M said Cot Ike Edgarton, the one mmlag maa, "that WlUuua Wal Aator af Zondoa Is with as again, ng tha teeth of hie former eoun n. bared t receive bin. It la Ce-te heart a the patriot te . iiow ualversally disliked AstOr caa forgtve blai for being rich, forgive him for preferring to Itva tend, but wa ean't forgive him ini up bur American clttsenshtp ucomIng -a British eubjeot. Wa - hun guilty of a kind of treason to rvvubllo of his birth In doing that X" puTsae the oelenel. addrea' .e whole oafe, "I have to adult boat's rather curious, too, eonsld t. I'm battiag that If a mass meet iould be called at Madison Squire m tomorrow eight, sot to areleome r, but to denounce him for ewear realty t King Edward, more thaa tna eathualaetla audleuaa would be vrallsad cltliens. men who them- vea have dona axactlr what be has- asfarred their loyalty from the land their birth to the land of their ados- '"here'e a dbTerenee," era ramrod Pro--ar Jenklaa of Penoaylvaiila. es," agreed Colonel Edgarton, tws ' d- vreneea The drat Is that republican v. a arnmeat ta aa eflvanoe oa monarch : and tha eecond la that our nat taed dtlsena left home because wasn't kind to them, and they 1 do better for themselves and their mn bare Tbey left nothing behind poverty and no proapeeta on tha e, wbereas Amartea piled rlchea T- Be be flguree as an lngrate g the oold shake to a country a so .gotid ta bIbl . , . ,f a bar headed tmetaeao man, wtil as a sane, eafe and conserva- sooortei of eetaMlehed lnetltu " continued tha colonel, "nobodr, aa. weuM ouspeot me of having oatby with so wild and vlelon a -iory as that of the Ingle tax, ttl tha same. If anything could m lean that war It would be tha -.4 this aanatlonallaad. Amerleaa t la Londoa and drawing rant on ' e a hundred in 11 1 ion dollar' worth of 1 estate In little aid Hew Tors, of It. gentlemen. There are thou- upon thousands of good Amerl native and naturalised, regularly g Wllllnm treldorf Aster af Bng-' t large eums for the privilege of llv ox dnlag bualneM oa Manhattan Whk-h he haa deserted as not be lt to hi artetecratic teste, li e tha t reee of toeentee landlerdlaal I Krd of." re le oeHalnly a basla of aatlea,' n-efeeaor Jenka. "la the popular 'le la favor of a man spending his ' where ha ntahea It." ta, praf eaoer. I am ans at sua that erejudloa to the full vertheieee, Waaw t reflect, I long aa I have to par rant r perww tea to eerupy a jtia planet oate which wa are all bora naked and penniless, I cant eaa that It makes much practical difference to me whether the fellow that geta It hangs out near ma or far away. Naturally, there's a sentimental satis faction In thinking that tha toll-taker la your country smb. and neighbor, so te speak, though you may never lay eyes on him. We're not to blame far desir ing that email and unsubstantial grat ification. Which Is why I aay that all tha swell hotels and reetauranta should have their dining rooms en tha ground noor and keep the curtains raised." "What oa earth has sueb sn Mea as that to do with absentee landlord lam T" demanded Professor Jenka, pusaled. "afoeh, air, much. Fancy yourself a tenant of the Aator estate high ap in one room, perhaps, and taking aa even ing walk la cold weather without an overcoat, te think oat the problem of how you are going te xeise tha money to pay the rant on tha first of tba month. Walt , air, the thought that William Waldorf, your landlord, te over In Lon don rolling la luxury, hobnobbing with' royalty and tha nobility, and with no right to your cola except the damp the law gives him on the earth you In habitthat thought. 1 aay. la apt to rile you, and pat radical and revolutionary notions en the land question into your worried head. "But, sir." want oa the colonel. Tf in passing Martin's, say. you should see Will a in Waldorf sitting there not ss a mere visitor from, dear old England, but aa a good American and permanent real dent consuming hie lobster, hla bottle and tha fat' of tha land la general in ease and elegance. It would comfort you as you drew your bait tighter and rubbed the and af your blue noae te keep it from freeslng. - wouldn't It? "There,' you'd eay to yourself, as you stared In at his feast with hungry eyea, there's my landlord, and Tm helping te pay for that gorgeoue feed, not because he's really done anything for me, but becaua hla grandfather got here first and bought land asalnat tha coming of others, end held on to It while tha growth of tha community gave It all tha value It pea see eoe above what It had when there waa nobody here ascent tha Indians, who sold the whole Island for ll. There'a my blooming landlord wolfing tha beat tha market affords at my expense, fm proud of him. end grateful to him. for he's a fellow cltlsen- of mine. Thank God. he's no foreigner.' And, professor. If under, those elating circumstances you had a mouth organ about your threadbare clothes, I haven't a doubt you'd out with It and play tha liar gpaagleg Banner.' so that William Wal dorf might have music while he fed." "Indeed f should do nothing of the kind," pretest the Indignant Penasyl vanls educator. -, "Ob, yea yau would." Colonel Edgar ton calmly assured him. "or aometbing equally sensible and selfreepeetmg. If you had so mora guaiatlae thaa the vast majority of those wbotake It out of Aator with pea and tongue for being what he Is and don'f la the least know where to hit him. Why. confound you, Jenka. WUIlam Waldorf le simply aa In stitution. He's unearned laoramant pes- eonifled." n. actually believe, Bdgartoo," erted the Startled professor, "that you're no bettor thaa a single tamer at heart ed private ownership af "Thafe aonsenee. of eenree, retorted the colonel, dismissing tha tnjurloue charge with aa airy wave of his hand-v tha one showing the diamond ring "hut to coma back ta the point. Do you honestly think that If Aator made hla home hare Instead of IB Loudon It would tan a cant lees la rent for his New York tenants? . - "This," said Profeeeor Jenka, rising and seising hla hat, "this la msdnass. You will excuse me. I must eateh my train for Philadelphia, where tomorrow I give my regular weekly lecture oa political economy to the eeator eiaaa." FSAary a Ahwkip From the Mew York American, Peary a going after the North pule i ore. . lie will start la the summer of lftai. If Pearr does not hum oeme oa may beat- htm ta the race. Tin r."".'.'1" North Pole hi no longer far away. Aa Italian duke hold the record of farthest north. He reached the latitude of M degreee ta mtautee la Itti Naa sea reached M degresi 14 mutates. The Duke of Abrussl wa only about S07 miles from tha pota. If tha North Pole ware New York, tha Duke of Abrussl got as eloee as Washington Ctty. Sci ence la two year haa given Peary a great advantage. If Peary goes aa far north as Abrussl la a ship hs will be In a splendid position for a 1 00-mile desk Ha eaa take with him two automebllea. If tha ice la smooth he eaa make a dash In one of thaaa machines, followed by another bearln food and fuel. Tha trip over the S00 miles and back ehould net take loafer thaa four daya ' Solesoa this year will give Peary an other great vehicle af travel, The fly ing machine has already eeverad a dis tance Of le mllee. It le being so rapidly perfected that before next sum mer It should be equal te a Journey of 10 or 40 miles. Peary amy utilise tha airship when he reaches the limit of tha Journey of the sea ahip. ' gdenee will agala help Peary and will keep him from getting met. It will permit him at all tlmea to talk with tha arew on his ship. A wireless tele graph outfit aaa be installed on his ship Another outfit eaa be taken with the autemoMio party or with the airship arew. This will enable Peary ta hoop la touch with hta baaa What with tha auteateMte, the airship and the wireless telegraph, Peary shea Id cover tba 10 or 10 miles Overland or over frosea lea with little trouble. Thua tha progress of tnvaatlea wtll pea ta man the eaeret of the f rosea - Na Indian la thie eeeoad summer. Senator gpooner'a aileaoe la not af tba eloquent sort.. t - .- Judge Parker appears to be a success aa a aarmonuwr. ' Only non-roalaonto of that city ' pro nounce It Saint Looey. c Don't become1 dtecouraged; there wtll he plenty of football . weather after while. . i . John U Suillvea haa sworn off agala. Must be trying to gat control of another vea ftoekefeller would-not turn up hla noae at a garbage contract like that Candidate Swallow is supposed to be greatly surprised at General Mllea" sup port of Parker. . September behaved vary' well: Octo her may furnish come variety la-the way of weather. The aanatora may make slats for legteletlve officers, but who will Insure tt against beiag broken? PPeeV a. ' Oewerel gtossaol -seems to regasd Port Arthur aa a pretty good winter resort; he will be kept warm there. 1 : . , "Always Maud up far your party," advises aa organ, go as to be ready to reach for the ate oouater. . . glace CorbhVo order became 1 public, a lot of girlo want to' marry officers juot to shew their opinion of hla. , Tba Wlsooasla "stalwarts- are mad s hornets whose house haa been destroyed at dtefflne for telling the truth. ..K Thar era yt same people who eaa enjoy fine autumn weather and other good thing without going aut to kill aomathlBg. v, - -j - V- Nobody win over And the Oregoeiaa oppoeing a big graft, unless tt hasn't been guaranteed a large percentage af the peseta. , j. ' , 1 The promoter- who could work that garbage graft through should be ahe to retire from business and take tba world easy thereafter. - 'Any foreign diplomatto flunkey aaa rua down aaa) saalm or -kUl aa many people aa be cheoeeav and we have to apologies to him gor so many people getting out of hla way. r The Populist leaders ta Oregon claim to think that their party will get li.te votes In Oregon. If they bring their vote up to that number minus tha laat naught they will do well. Oovernor Chairman Odell '' weade IHMM of Cartalyou, bill lis all be aaa raise himself, to save tha New York state Republican ticket. He la either really or affectedly soared. have a. fixed policy te tax the for the benefit of a compares' tlvely few, and to repay with big. usury oaaspaiga eeatrl buttons t the trusts. One dollar enough for a Law la and Cmrk dollar oola. A dollar la a dollar. and anything extra la tha Inflation of a fad. --.Albany Democrat, it la Albany; with - Ita paper taking coca narrow views, that Is the only Oregon towa of Importance not taking any active in terest In the development of Oregon. By celling the dollar coins for $1 each. which purchasers won't miss, tba fair caa obtain tlOO.oe more money to help make It a big success. But nobody la going to compel the Democrat maa to rata himself by spending' IS for a oouvanir dollar. LETTERS FROM THE PEOftj Portland, Sept. St. To tba kVlttor of The Journal. Senator Beverldga, aa re ported ta the dispatefcee of this morning, ta 'his apeeeta delivered oa the lath loot., at Indlanapolia, say: "The way ta keep tha gold standard out of danger pj to keep tt ta the hand of those who put It out of danger. Eighteen hundred and ninety-six was no mors a time for silence and hiding than lest wa a time for cowardice and eva sion. It was only a political struggle. but oa both sides It wsa a moral,, struggle. Oa both sides man who had for years trimmed and compromised threw aside expediency and spoke end acted oa prlnclplea. Waa O rover Cleve land silent? Did he, by hie vote, con done what he declared with hla voice would bo a crime T Were Senator Teller and the band of lifelong RepuMlcana who marched out of the St Louts con vention silent theuf Did they condone by their votes what their tongues pro claimed would be a arlmef Ware John M. Palmer and General Buckner and the boat of Oold Democrats silent then? Thousands of lifelong Bepublleana left their party; thouaande of lifelong Dea- ia it peasibis that rteaublioaae of prominence, leaders of the party, are driven to such miserable straits as thieT Had Judge Parker of the appelate court of Naw York la ISM, or any ether time while oa the bench, dot observed the 'isllaaos" which his position entailed upon him and had indulged ta partisan speeches, that would now be thrown at bim la term of righteous eoaaaman uoa. Judge Parker did exactly what he should have done In this regard and Mr. Beverldga and every one else knows It. Beverldga muat take the common people for fools that he can throw out auch ret aa argument to bowter Up a cauee with. Judge Parker resigned his high office when he might have held on to It, aa a means of avoiding any sacrifice of Judicial dignity and duty, so as to take active part In part teas polltloa. JAMES H. MURPHY. " '.' A WQxfAJT iiEJah Pram the Kansas City Journal. Queea Olaa af Qresoe m the only eromaa admiral In the world, having been appelated to that honor In the Russloa navy by the late csar. She la devoted to life on the sea. Oa a recent Inspection she made auch a thorough examination of the battleship aa to aasaas tha naval experte of her ooua- try aad win their admiration. She M the eldest daughter of a Rasshui grand duke an the nteee of Ibe kua csar. and sine her marriage te King Oeorge oho has dons much te anile the inter- eete of Russia and Oreere. She la the rounder, friend and patroneao of the Seamen's hoots, aad en certain days of each month visits the old sailors and talk ta then of life at aaa, from Everybodye Magaslne for October Thla financial guerilla wa J. Edward O'SuIllvaa Addlcka, votary of rotten finance, perpetual candidate for tha United Statee eenato, whaieaale debaach er of American eltlsenshlp and all-round corrupter af man-J. Edward O'Bulllvan Addlcka, a corporation political trlekater, who has done more to hold up American lawe. Amerleaa elective franchises and American corporations to the scorn of the civilised world than aay other man -of tbtnor eay previpna age.- - "i. Edward O'Sulllvan Addlcka waa born in Philadelphia In Itti. and waa In tha 'lea plodding along the ordinary un eventful path af a seller of flour to tha people of that elty which sines the death of William Pane holds the record for the hlgbeat and densest percentage of sleep per capita of aay Engl Is -apeak tag ooas munity. . Ia the 'Its two things happened that changed the whole course of J. Edward OSulltvaa Addloka Ufa Some one In vented water-gas and "let In" Addlcks en the Invention: and the Philadelphia branch of the "Standard Oil," repre sented by Widener, El kino and Dolan, "trustified" the gaj oempahlee of the elty of Chicago, which enable Addloka to "hold up" the trustification" until Dolan and his aseoclatae paid htm the sum of tlfrt.Oa for the Instrument with which he had done the holding up, ls. eaa worth of etook of one of the neces sary Chicago eotapanlea. The huw of compensation, which geta In Its deadly work on all the prettiest plans of man. has decreed that what goes up muat come deem when it ceases going up. It haa a shrewd trick of grafting sorrows on our Joys, and of handicapping suasasa with discomfiting ooadltlona. The favorite of fortune whose feat have faleaf la pleasant places. Booaer or later stubs hie toe. Addlcka' flret 'made dollars" certainly came easy a easy, indeed, that those who watched hla early career saarvelled at his success, but nowhere oa Ood's footstool ia there today a more terrible Illustration af the iaevltahle workings of the law of oompenaaUoa than the pres ent status of J. Edward O Sullivan Ad dicks. The thief whose flret exoaretou bit a way rarer' a pocket hi rewarded wltk the equivalent of daya and nlgbta of boaeet labor will surely be eonvlaoed thereafter of the superiority of theft over toll as a means of m oner-set tina. So tt is with the manufacturer of "made dollara. After hla first coup he feraakeo forever the oold arithmetic of commerce for the rule of gueae, dream, hope and I will. which constitute the mathematlea of high finance. Addlcka first "mad dol lara" came with such magical ease that there awoke4a his slumbering substitute for a osul a disgust for thoee arosaie pureulte at which one could never, try how one might, make more than rour by tba addition of two and tare. He probably argued to himself: wny should I work In the flour business when I know a war af getting overnight more than I can make out of flour la a lifetime? If people are ao almpls la guarding their savings that I caa by a trick take away from them eaermoua wealth without the Slightest-denser to my own -oafety or my profit, even if detected, why should X no devote my rife te ouch healthful and profitable oo- oupatlon-r The logic of the prwpoeltloa waa cnsiv4naiaa. Accepting ita conclu sions. J. Edward VBulHVaa Addlcka Of Philadelphia embarked oa hie career. Soon afterward ha discovered gaa la Boston, ' This wa lll tiet." BUIppsd wRh hi "mad ollarB" for osnttaL hi Impres- olvs name, sublime effrontery and a pedl- erea free from anything Buggestrvs oa his naw purpose of life, the ex-flour merchant "lit" into our everytntng-ng- u red-out-ahead-end- every-promlae-made-taken -at-par town of Boston. Te appro, elate the lights and shadows of thie event, one muat know Boston and. at the -same thua. Addlcka. Every country boy will remember Tom Hood's poem be- fnlng: remember, . 1 remember, ' the house where I was- bora. With the little lattice window where the a ua came peeping ta at morn. and' eaa recall mllklng-tlme In July or Auauat whan, elttlnw on a rau-rence surrounding the barn-yard, ha watched the plgeona ontoping up grain, the old hen scratching up worms for the chicks, the ducks and the drakes and the geeaa and the ganders proudly Waddling back and forth, among and around the fluffy duekltnge and peelings, and the bull pup aouad asleep by tha side of the tortoise shell oat. Probably he will thlbk of some particular mUklng-ttmu when the calm, contented eerenity of the barn-yard waa auddenly disturbed by the unexpected dee oent la the mtdet of a neighboring peacock, who, apparently unoensoloue o the consternation proaueea oy bis entry, proceeded proudly to spread hla daasltng plumage to oenvlnoe everyone , from Uncle Cy. o the mllklng-stool, and mild-eyed Bess, dowa ta the white fan tailed dove, that be waa It Conjure up the picture the peacock at mllklng-tune in the farm-yard; thus Addlcks came te Beaton. It is far from my Intention ta Identify the bucolic background I have drawn with the Hub of the Universe. Boston, up to that time, bad bees singularly free from the mushroom variety of mil lionaire which had sprung up over night la such numbers la New York and Philadelphia. Proudly defiant of pro duct so alien to all her tradition, bar citisens would have sworn that ao votary of modern high finance could ex let over one curfew toll within her portals. Por Boston had hir own financial eminence, and It waa of a character ta keeping with those chill ooadltlona of cones rvnttem and rectitude appropriate la the me tropolla of the New England oonsclsnoo. Shs had her stock exchange, her nu merous great corporations, her scores of single and mulU-mUiioaalree, and It waa her boast that her capital had played the greateat legitimate part hi tha coon try's growth. - She hod fur nished a urge percentage of tha money whioh had created our vast western railway system; she had found and made tha superb copper mines of Michigan and Montana, an in all parte of tha land branches of her stsrdy institutions wara vitally assisting the miracle of Ameri ca's development Notwithstanding that these wide-flung enterprises Imply of commercial puah end audacity, Boston, at the time Addlcka discovered gas there, waa one of tha most trusting wealth Investmg communities la tha world. She bad her aimple rules of business conduct which years of uaaga had con secrated Into all-powerful precedent, but her brokers and eapltallata, however, fearful of all things quick or tricky, had never prevloualy figured aa eendtdatea for what In western parlance are dea ler thed as "come-one. - Tha "system" ha alt kinds of vo taries. About J. Edward O'Sulllvan Ad dlcka there la nothing that remotely suggests co-workers of the types of Mr. Roger and William Rockefeller. A description that left him In any part a duplicate of either would do him aad there a grievous wrong. Henry , H. Rogers and William Rockefeller have two sides, their social side and their buslneaa aide. Socially they are good men; in buslneaa they work evil. J. Ed ward O Sullivan Addlcks 10 a bad maa socially, la bualneea, la every, way. ' i ,'"' ' ' ' ' , Vu. (am. -h.s ta need advisedly mjw m. "haa saaaV ia that lias a kui Ani iar ha la a counterfeit, x counterfeit haa all the aDcear-noee of reality, and I yet devem x w ewp , anA wlrtnaa. So with Addle. It la easy to find men who w 4 declare by alt that si enored that Hfbry U. Rogers Is one f the best ff ta k. HAu thauah ss many nre will mm aarneatlr proclaim him ta fiend i-nuta. About Addlcks. among thoee who- kaew the am Ik are la but one opinion. I have yet tojmeeft the. aaan. woman or child who would aay aught of Addlcka, after a month's ae- aualatsnee. other tnao. - uvea sawn tloa htm! He le the limit." Aad It 1 aid wltk tha eatm of dispassionate con viction, aa one might speak of a otuffed tiger la dime museum juagt. Hera wa nave a man without a heart without a souL and. I believe; abso lutely without eonsclenosthe kind of a maa who even .hta aaeoelatee feel la likely to brlna la after their deathe auear Mils aaalnet their estates as an offset for what he owes them (the type of -man whose promise le Just aa good as bis bond, and wboss aoaa m so, near bls promise aa to make It absolutely Immaterial to him Which you take. He Is rather a eurlou piece of mec baniem than a humaa being. Exhibited la the sideshow of one of the greatest slrcuaao some yea re ago was a etrange create re which, for lack of a better name. Its owner and the nubile dubbed "A What Ia Itr This freak had the semblance of humanity, and ret was not human. Ail its functions and fsellags revereed the normal. Tickle it and tt would cry bitterly: ptneb or torture It aad It would grin rapturously; when starved tt re pelled food, and whoa overfed It waa ravenous for snore. It bsd beeurt -beats but no heart. The public gave tt up. Tba public would long ago have glvee up J. Edward O'SuIllvaa Addlcks if he would have lot th During the Addlcka go campaign Hn Roatoa one of hla lieutenants demanded a large amount of money, whioh he claimed Addlcka waa withholding from him. aa hta ehare of the deal. Addleae refuaad to pay. , His friends aad aaeo elatee urged him to oettle. While yet refusing, he agreed t meet this maa at one of the lea lna hotels la the pres ence of counsel and lieutenants. Tha confab waa a hot one. but Addlcka aur prlsed all by hat absolute fearlessness la the face of a aavage attack, whioh culminated la the maa who claimed ha area being eheated producing a document signed by eertala Massachusetts legis lators, wherein they receipted for the bribe money Addlcks had paid for their voice, aad threatenlag that t would be laid beforp the grand Jury the fol lowing day. AU present .jMit ueouecr and acoueed were dumfouaded at the situation and In ooneort Begged Addlcks to hush the matter up by paying what waa elalmed: "Gentlemen.' said this great financier, "my honor,- my bual neea and my peraonal. honor, haauheea assailed, aad rather than submit ta tht outrage I would dial I aow ask you all to bear witness thai under no elr ctroumstanees will I pay to thie maa a a ingle dollar r ,Aa he ladigneaUy left the meet lag. ' . While his sc onset aad aaaoamtsa were appalled at what might, ho the outcome, they admired hi manly pluck, And naked themaelvae If they had not. after all. bean rntetaaswTn tastr eaot-t mstee of his courage an principle, an the middle of the asms eight, tha maa with the deeueaent was surprised by a telegram raadlwfi rMeet ma at Jersey City tomorrow aura with paper? keep absolutely eaeret.'' Neat day In Jersey they met, and Addlcks simply said: There la the full amount 1 Oive mo the Benton county will eend to th Lewta aad Clear fair a hasel 'Vuah' M feet long, ft laches In diameter aad U feet from the putt to the first limb. Countless staoks of hay are ta be seen In the Missouri Plat section, oa th east " aide of Powder river, a section that only grew Neebruah a season or two ago. The biggest black bear known af .te ' western Oregon for years, that haa ter rorised a portloa of Lane county weal Lof Cottage Grove for stx yea re, ha been . I killed by Curtis Veateb af that town. Prisoners m the Pendleton jell esse- plained of rata and petltioaed for oata, L Boys brought oats, and while they were being passed la one prisoner dodged otl t and eaeaped. Ho didn't like oats, either. 'A Pendleton man who be bean aerbr for sis weeks says there haa bees improvement there la that time than) la Covington. Jnd.. whore he vtotted, la fte four and one-half year he had Pecan Journal: If the State of 6 gon had but a hundred mea like Hen Rahp and A. H. Dave re, aha would bounding ahead at a rate that force a lackrabut to move to one to keep from beiag rua ever. Two drunken young Indiana attempt to assault a young girl and stolb a do she had, but her eersams brought hot before she waa seriously .Injured, and ana of the Indiana waa captured. It 1 rather surprising that he waa eafsly eoaveyed to Jail. Mitchell Sentinel! Last Prnky night oa tha headwater of West Branch, about 1 miles from Mitchell; a band of, sheep was fired lata that belonged to' Thomas ntaaerald. and about t head of them were killed, bosidea quite g amtiber being wounded. - ' . . Per renting a eduma to the local-op-tlonlato la the late campaign, The Dalle Chronicle loot all the oalooa bustaeea and now a locai-optlon subscriber aaa ordered hla aaner dlaeoatinuod because once more a ealedn "ad." appeared la thef Chronicle. - The poor newepapar maa ie ap against eomtwhlag, whatever ha dooa. At th time Addloka "lit- In Boston she numbered among her proudest pee ssssleoa several extremely rich gaa boev pantee, and they were owned by her "beet peopla" To do buslneaa wltk Bos ton's "best people" Is no easy task, and up to the advent of Addlcka, to do buar nans with her 'tjeet people" without do ing It through others of bar facet peo ple' who could Absolutely vouch for you waa aa unheard-of thing. The mannur In which the ex-flour marchant of Phil adelphia managed to slip by tha barriers and Into the heart, of our blue-blooded oltedel constituted the most unparalleled example of audacity I know about. Tha campaign of arrangement for the lighting" of .Addlcka In Boa ton was more elaborate, more astute and expen sive than waa ever erganlaad for the ex ploitation of prima doana or great pianist. For mentbe an advance agent had been preparing tha way for hie chiefs arrival la a blase of glory. There was talk In the papero and among the financiers about the wonderful water gas process which enormoualy enhanced the proflta of gaa making, and which rumor was always linked wltk the name of the briUleat Philadelphia gaa king, for oe the press had already dubbed him. A wonder and magic Immensely provoe sttvo of curiosity ware woven about the Identity of thie J. Mdwerd O'Sulllvan Addlcka. whs, hr was said, might be persuaded to come to Boston to work mervele with the etooka that had been la the family long before the present generation could remember. The ad vanoe agent in oautloua preliminary in terviews with gas stock holders and bankers, gathering Information, dropped hint as to the arlstrocratio CVBulllvau connection and the privilege it would be for BoatoD to entertain so distin guished a gentleman aa his chief. When It was sure that the great man was feaHy coning the agent Bought the advice of Boston's beat tat selecting quarters for him, la the Tudor, a beau tiful family hotel adjoining the Somer set club on Beaoon Hill, magnificent suite of apartments waa taken, and though the great manBould remain in Bostoa but a brief space, the furniture, tha hangings, and even the earpeta were all e banged for him. . It wee a winter- dap whan Addloka "lit" In Boa too, aad elroumatanoso bad arieea, the suave agent told various of Boston's best whom be 1 bad nonsuited. that would make his chiefs stay much briefer thaa either had anticipated. So when tha great man arrives at the club Just before dinner, quite a group of Im portant people wara oongregated there. So well had tha estate advance aa-ent done hta work that a little dinner waa arranged oa the spot and Addleka made sack rapid progress with these reecrved and conservative Boat on tans that, by tha time ooffee waa served, the eoaveraetlon had got to the stage where It came nat ural for him to eend tha waiter to the coat room for hla bunch of gas papera. The emissary returned brlngina the fur overcoat with which Addlcka always en veloped nimseif tn chilly weather. Ad dloka searched tha pocketa, aad, appar ently to hie surprise, discovered that tbey did act contain the required docu ments, but where they should have bean he found a email bale of l.0-doUar government aonda. that ene of tha party as id afterward contained at leaat 10 certifies tee. "How careless of my aae retery." oald Addicka, nonchalantly re Placing the packet m tha oochet and motioning the waller to take th garaeeut oaca e in mi naa - After dinner. Addlcks at eme wM down to buslneaa" j "oentlemen, my pro test IS sample be II la feasible aad Or u.itAi, j! 4 About, efcmaa Rogue river farmer and dairymen have Oiled their silos for winter use, mostly with sornataika, bat mere . bet i be : 1 weuis Haw eoaeervatlva, for I will tow eh nothing but - oaneervatrve enterprises. Gentle- men, you have three great gaa aem , panlea supplying this great elty with light the Bostoa, Roxbury aad South -Boa too. They are worth at tha present ; time about f t,e,ee. , I am going te buy them and spend three or four . millions mors for a new oompany, and r, then ooneoiidate them all and turn them from coal into water-gap- oompanioo, ' selling gaa to your -people at less thaa ,)' they now pay, and thua make lot of money for you and for myself What do ' ; you sayr , . .--v. a la the i , v gath- I careful, , V ' Thla waa certainly quick action. ton'e beat waa breathless for a minute. I Then oomeone said: "Thl la a weighty proposition, Mr. Addlcka. 1 think our solicitors should pass on It first before we go further, gad thoftr sf tor their lay g- vea ligations are finished, why. we will consult with our families, who own the . stock, and, .If they all agree, perhaps wa shall be able to decide on a proper baalp ' ort which ta dispose of our holdings-" Addloka genius waa equal to the ocea siao. "I regret gentlemen, any eeem . lag baste, but thie le the situation! I am going to invest It or I millions, or perhaps Sft or te, tn elty gaa properties, and as the project will require quite a . bit of financing, I have got te round It up at once, la tiros to , ollp over to London to lay It before my aaeootatoo, . and tnamlng of the great Bnglleh lord ' of finance), "whom, you, gentlemen, are probably wall acquainted with. I think - you wui. after you nave given ine mat ter a little thought agree with me that It would bo a mlefortune to postpone converting thoee magnificent , Boston plant ro the water-gas system until after other eltlep I have la mind are " reconstructed. You see we caa turn ; over but one city at a time, th sustem bain now and competent engineer and bulldara few." The painful thought took aha pa mind of the distinguished Uttl Monte Crist might actually Blip outl. lt of their towa without- llshteaing anjrf H of that goidea lead.. f V Just what 1 your Mea, Mr. Addlcks. of how thla glgaatle piece of bueinoesrC: could be doncT" one asked. ' . T "Simple, simple" the great .Colonel Sellers of eye-water fame never looked more cool and unconcerned whoa calling attention to the facta. "lwft.OO, of people, two eyea each, a bottle of my patent eye-wash for each at 11 a bottle. aad eye-waoh made at a aet eoat of a dime a barrel" "simple, aimple; you name your price, 1 pay It aad the thing ta 0000.' "But, Mr. Addloka. do you know wo value our gaa properties very .high? Take the Boston, for Instances the par value af each shore le u and we den t believe you oould buy tt at less thar- than eight or nin hundred dollars" this from one of the prominent heldera. "Of course, of eourse: I am act buy- Ung gaa com panlea that are not well thought af by their p recent owners," re turned Addlcks. "1 think you under estimate the value af the Beaton pony's Stock When you ay Mo. Of course, aa a conservative bualneea mad I wleh to buy oa reasonably aa pooaible. aa aa I know what the future of your oompany will be under the water-gas change, I eonaider tl.oo a share aheap and if you say so, will take It all now majority, minority aad all at that price." - This waa strong talk. In spite of eonditiooa, 'Boston' best began ta get fidgety. Yea," went on the Monte Crieto from Philadelphia, "1 11 do better than that On second thought I will give you 11. toe a share. Think It over and wa ll have another sit-down tomorrow." It took Addlckghnnit a few day to trade, i for at eaWittlng the staging waa more entieing said tne eau from his assOc iotas ta London more Insistent Minor difficulties were aaagnifl costly waved away. A number of scions of Boeton's beat families had good paying position in the different oompaalea. What would Mr. Addlcka d with, these people? V "Simple, simple," he replied; "double th time of contract and the salary; na favor te them or you; good mea are very hard to get you know." . - - Addlcks got what he oeme ta Boston for the Boston, Roxbury and South Bostoa Oaa companies. Hs did what ha said ho would, built a new oaa, th Bay State of Maaaachusstta, and turned them all Into the Bay State of Dela ware, and th Bay Stat af Delaware . turned them out oa the public ta the fatent of the form of j bond aad stock, and Add lex to see his own language, "cleaned up around , 7.0o,ee," and turned ta new field, field for his peculiar geaiua. - ( - f ' IT