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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
THT 0??M DATLY JOUSNAi;! POBTLANA SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1.' 1904. C.IB HID I); mm nccK ..Li HCGVER KlIilTl ttflCE- B FCj WXUB BABB 0 ABOtrt o Bpomi BABB VaTB ABB CRT AY BAmlT MOtTB k FOI is,?. BAotg mmm. ooaTarxAJrv . wta- trioA BO A POWT BAUU. . - v. -f - teaUl Dtotsem to The iwsrseM , Oiagon City. October i, A suit has toMta' rued W tagireuit eowrt hy Frta- cells McKhmt and Ulliaa Bell Sparks against Nancy Andmm (or a. piece of property valued at . and umim (or aaU of the lead and th tlmeet thereoe. Mm. Andareon, th defendant In the suit. Is seoood wife. . Her hus band, upon the- death of' hie firot wife, probated her will, which left the prop- ertjr Involved to the plaintiffs, and inter put In a claim against the aetata for l.0e. statins to the court that his wife : hwd pr seal sod to par hint that sum anon tfjodltton that he would merry her. In ' t.'M Interval he bad married tola preeenwf Wife, who hid ta the land when It ml a for sale. It L. Holraan. C. Bcbuebel, Roseos oat W. K. BleaeU and Tom P. Randall i-eamona- the migntjr Burners warn vs gone ta potnta la the wiuamewe Hey to be In readlnea to slaugbter tneee pheasants the first day of cue n season. The close season oas w- eased very Uttle hunting by local men. ho are Impatient to be among uw urn bring homo a big, string of biraa. . K. Gregory, who euoeeeded the late gmwtsll as the leading arower in Clackamas eoumr, ai i his farm, consisting of ts acres, to - , Walter T. Ward, for MO. " Ward ' comes from the east and It Is nod likely ' Y that he will continue raising teenies - K upoa th land, which wUl be devoted to general farm use. Gregory has bought the Newt Oreeme place near Graeme church for $ii.e. or M an acre. This farm ts a large one, containing l?t scree, but the Improvements are of Uttle velua .1 Rebekah lodge of Odd Fellows planned and successfully carried out a surprise on Oregon lodge No. J Thursday night. The ladles, to the number of about M. came to the ball where the membera of Oresoa lodge were holding a meeting and wore received and heartily wel corned by the noble grand. L4ak Wal dron. The noble grand of Rebekah , todae, Mra J, at Morris, delivered a brief address. The time -was paaaed - with whist. Mr. F. Br Sleight and lira. ' Palreiougb won th first prises, and tbs :. consolation prises went to Mr.- W. H. .Howell and Miss Ltssis Klemson. , The j evening was a very - enjoyable one, 4 more than lot membera of both cadges .' being p recent. V. 'The win of Knoeh gairvtn. promt ' aent eltlsen of hfarquam, this county. who recenUy died, was admitted to proi bate here yesterday- The , eetat con stats of atmcres or lead near Marque m. valued at tl.00. and personal property valued at 17. eoe, the bulk ef which is left to his wife. Bliss Sklrrla, whom he V appointed executrix of his will without bonds, and to his brother, H. L. Sklrvln. and to the children of Jacob Bttrvla, aa- f -other brother bow dec esaed. . Ask On ait Biium ' A petHton has been Bl IB th pro - pate court caking that the name of La . 'one Belle Rtnlngaon be changed to that of Loola Belle Yandla The Henlngoona recently adopted the child and now ask the ooart to release them and restore the J child Its original nama. James Dtokey of Molalla, a prominent .Bepubllcaa. la in town and wlU attend the Republican rally at Portland this evening at which Fairbanks will deliver Republican doctrine. Also a number of eta I warts from thla city wjll attend. The county court has appointed Ida sh.ii ft Wlllitta aiiarillen of ths ild parson and estate of Georgia Bvdyn " puiMD andT Lloyd Fuller. -She estate v oonslata of real and peraonal property la the stats or tnaiana, ana os tae tow . of sbout tl.Wfl. 1 Mra Bruce C Curry is M Portland, . wbere she is th guest of her sister, Mr. Beaciist 1 Mra Wayne Howard and MfMrun - Huntley rstarned last evening from Ta gulna hay, where they have been eo- urnlng for the past month. OX awvrvii. nun, " wmmj wu w... mm1 hara antll after the WOddlnaT Of , y Mr. Gilbert L. Hedges to Miss Dorothy I Chase on next Monday afternoon. t lira. Ivan cnase ana two sons nmvea today from Del (ax, Waeh, oa a hrxaf alt with ramtlvea, - Mra O. A. Cheney la Visiting her , daughter, Mrs, Will Is 4 Johnson, at Day ton. , M. Walsh, a prominent eltlsen of MT . waukle, was In ths city yosUrday. , -.The Improvement of the Little daugh . ter of W. W. MastersoB Is reported. ' She was token to St. Vincent 'a- hospital , a few days ago to be operated upon for ppendlcltla, but the, operation was . found to be anneoeesary and the ehlid Is 1 recovering. S i George W. Blbee of the United Itatea : lan office Is able to he at his- ofAoe again, after-a severs tllnees, which 00 n- flnfd him to h bed for eeveral days. t READ ALL THIS "You Never Know the Moment : Wbenlhis Infonnation May. u Prove of Infinite Value ' '' .'; n la worth eouaklsrable to any eltl soa of Portland to know hew u he ( cured of painful, annoying and Itching ', plica Know, then, that Doan'a Ointment ; la a poaltlve remedy fori 1 BeNbmegof the akin, for olios, m.,": . appllcatton relives and soothes. One this teatlmony otV"161 V- - v, M. gulllvan. snUbyod .la s stroet depertment of lh?sVr. '.ri?if.. , Water street, at ill, says: Doan s Ointment la without any aweptlon, the beat preparation on earth for the purposes for which Ita use Is Indicated. , and from my own experience I know ' th?t iTdWall that la olalmad for it - For two years I was troubled with the , worst kind of Itching and Weeding Jiem v orrholds. 1 tried on rnsdy affer an . other, and even sent Beat for WnnwM mariidns and was treated by mt no relief until l v jearnea aooui V fCt- : cured a boa at the lu:Pf. Co.'a ator and ths or mm Z ne relief. suh 1 j??,"?!! iK S for two Tears I continued toe trees , STent for'two g three wwka when 1 ' waa completely awed, and ijar then -4 have been free from the toirnentln, atnictlon. Whenever "! hear any on complalnlrif of being MBoyed I with piles . f never faff to llJnIm11h,V 110 ' net cored. I would willingly give fr a boaratner. than tosu rr one night like I did before I Doans Olni- ; "foV sale ' by all JEEi M cents. Fostar-Mllburn.Co. Bufrslov ft. r t., sole asnte for tne u"" . Rememoer trie name DOaJTl-H take an guhsUiuto, Dteeetan The JeereeM r. Wash., Oct. 1. A. 4. Stal- Ible morning rtaMngoa hw ht-4 oyela from Orchards to Vancouver, and on aearliic the military reservation col lided with a man named Fendoss, coins; la the Ofvoslto direction. Pendose waa alee ou a bteyele and coins at a rapid peed. The accident occurred alone the bicycle path J oat northeast of the Van couver barracks reservation. penduee was thought at the time to he severely hurt In the oollleloa Pandose was struck behind the right ear with Stel- Lnshers bicycle. The force was sutfl- alent to Knock him apparently insensioie tor a few seconds. He same to blmeelfj however. In short order, and hie Injuries proved to be not serious, although Quite painful. The accident was due a great deal to the nc-observanoo9f the rule In pass ing, Stalnaker asserts he turned to his right ta order to pass the approaching bloyele. but that Fendoaa turned to bis left There was not much time t de al do la which way to turn, as the two men were near together before they oould see eaoh other, owing to the fog at the tune being very heavy at that paraoalar point. Brlv.-Gen. Constant Williams arrived la Vancouver yesterday oa an unofficial visit He was gives aa Impromptu re oepttoa at the Offloere' club- by the de partment post officials, after which he returned to Portland.' He. .returned to Vancouver barracks today and assumed command of the depaftment of the Co lumbia. His arrival was announced by an artillery aaluto of 11 guna - At ths post hall last night the offi cers of the post held their regular hop. There was a large attendance of offlcera and Invited guesta from Portland. Thla fc the aaoond of tbs serlea of dances held under the new oaomlifee. Muelo waa furnished by the nineteenth infantry oexiheefra- Th rector of St Luke's Episcopal church has returned from seaside and will conduct the usual morning services at and 11 o'cMok. and at 1:S o'clock in the evening. The subject of the imtoIm aarmoa Will he "Visions Of Faith," the evening topic being "Tbs Joy of the Angela- - At the Presbyterian hureh. Bar. O. -Be mum, pastor, there will be morning service at 11 o'clock, toplo "Warnings Against False Ideals," after which com munion service will ha held. At 7:10 o'clock In the evening "Religloua Chal lenge" wlH ha the topic. Christian En deavor aervioea at : o'clock la ths evening. . . ' At the Baptist church. Pastor B. Teat man will preach at 11 o'clock la the morning on 'The Cone training Power of th r.AM af Ohrlat." also at 7:1 o'clock la the evening, the theme being "Conse quences. " Bible school at is o cioca in the morning, and B. T. P. V. at ; In th evening. - ; - A LEWIS SOCIALISTS. NAME COUNTY TICKET . .' (tserlel Btasateh te The JArsel.) Chensils. Oct 1. Two years ago the BoclaUats of Lewis county eaat about 7 votes. This year it la expected that their vote will run close to 209, as many former extreme Popullats have refused to follow their party and support Parker. The result of this organised nova Is that a complete oounty ticket has bean nut In the field. ' A meeting held at gUver creek named th following socialist oounty ticket: . Senator, jullue Trass af Alpha 1 repre sentatives, George Sears of Mayfleld, Charlaa Johnson ef Clnsbar. W. H. Dor- land of Toledo treasurer, J. A. Baker of Cbehalla; auditor, Frank Fees of Cine bar; clerk, K. Bcasmer of lalkum: sher iff, J. O. Casts of Clnebar; asseesor, H. T. CliDDlnaer of Chehalls; commissioner first' district Jasper Rogndtreo of Cen tral la: second dlstrlot 'John James of Curtis; surveyor. B. T. Hunting of Bllver creek; ooroaer. Dr. B. B. rreeman or To ledo. 'The places of oounty superintend ent and attorney were left to the county central oommHtee to flit B, F. Jones of Aloha la chairman of the county central committee and Frank Faee of Clnebet. secretary- . . . , PIONEER OP 1847 DIES AT H1LLSB0RO 1 Hlllaboro, Or.. Oct 1. John Landess of this plane died yesterdsy and was Interred In the Farmlngton cemetery today at 10 o'clock. He was born la Kentucky January IS, 1S2S, and cam to Oregon with hla parents la 1S47, and has lived In Washington, oounty since that date, with the exception of one year Which he spent In California. He was married; to Mlga Dlaa Ingram la 1M1. Th totlewtaf are ths names of the children born of th marriatre: Grant Landeee, Hlllsboro; Buhama Prosser. Farming-ton; Blmer Landess,. deceased; Rena gtohl. Hoqulm. Wash.; Btta Waeh Inaton. ataappoose. Or.: Olrtha Larsen, Hlllsboro. and Mamie Landess. at home. Ho had been a member of the Hllls boro Christian church for the last 17 years, and the funeral waa under the auspices of hla homo enurcn. BIG ENROLLMENT AT a CORVALLIS SCHOOLS - (gaectal Dhaateb b the feeraat) - Oorvallls. Or.. Oct 1. There is an enrollment at the CorvalHs pabllo school up to the present date of 449 pupils. against 41t laet year. - A Is rye number who will eventually enter have not yet been enrolled. There are tof students enroIlM st tbs Oregon Agricultural oollege. something like 10 mors thaa aa the same date last year. The campus at O. A. C. te thickly dotted with equsdo of men every morn ing now, being put through the paces by corporals before the companies can be formed for military Benetton. Thla year there will he Ave companies, which is more thaa ha ever before boa In the sohooL - FOB gAPAB. Taooma. Wash--'Oct 1. Arthsf B Brace, an Bngllah resident f Tokla. Is In Taooma offering to buy horses for the aJpanase army. He asks for several thousand animals suitable for ths serv- k-e. and ex pacta to ho folly supplied on the Bound and la OregoA. He wlU go to Portland when he flnlahes sera, (sSakal ' VaneoiA aaka. vm Special te The Journal ) Albany. Oct 1. Tbe open season for Mongolian pheasant Hunting this morn ing filled Linn- county with hunters from all parts of the state and the crack of the shotguns has been heard In every part of the county, since daylight today. the hunters meeting with the very beet of eaoeess, for ths birds are plentiful end good bogs are being secured. About e Portland busters cams np last night. and a baggage ear filled with blrd-doge ts set on the sMlng here. Teems began to leave this elty for the coun try districts bearing hunters at an early hour this morning, and there Is scarcely a part of the oounty that haaaot been shot over by theV sportsmen of Port land and Albany today. Baps Oat Of Behcet senger station here all day long nave attracted considerable attention during the past few days. Some of the boys peddle apples at bain time, but most of them have nothing to employ them and steps will he taken to aee if they cannot be sent to scbooL About the railroad yards they are constantly in danger front passing trains and anginas. Petitions signed by about tod Vetera of Linn aouaty were yesterday after- hnoon fUed In the of r toe of the oouaty clerk, asking that the guestlon as to th prohibition of ths sale of Intoxi cants in Linn oounty - be submitted to the voters at the election In November local option petitions. County Clerk B. , Payner at once began the exam I na tion of the Hats and a comparison of the names with those of the regletration books to see whether fhe signatures were those of duly registered voters. His first examination of tbs first two aheets showed several names that could not be certified to as correct One of them was that of a man who Sj resists red as a resident of Foster, Lbut on the petition ho gave his reai- dence In this city. As he holds a claim la Foster that has not yet keen patented, this may amuse him trouble In that con nection. Another waa that of a man whose signature ' waa written on the regietratloa books hi a trembling hand, while on the petition the name appears written la a free, bold hand, and the name Is spelled different than It appears oa the regietratloa books. The signa ture thua not appearing regular, the name will not be certified to as cor rect . - WILL BE aDJIICED GUILTY OF CONTEMPT - Special Dlsfetrk te The earaat. 1 Seattle. Wash.. Oct 1. Judys Bell, on fhe bench yeeterday afternoon, declared that any person granted a divorce In this county "containing th statutory provision that neither party to the -action shall marry within six months and who married before that time would be adjudged la contempt of court provld ing the smm . waa brought to bis at tention. The matter oaroe Bp la an application of Mra. Gtlpa trick, granted a divorce last October, to be given ths oustody of her child by -her divorced husband, Bart, Dorfer. Attorneys for Dorter caked that the woman he adjudged In contempt as she had married Oil pa trick In Victoria before the lapss o4 the statutory time. v There are In this stats thousands of divorced persons who have re-married In Portland. Vancouver or Victoria be for ths laps of the six months and re turned here to Itva believing they have cheated the law. Mra Oilpatrlok has been cited to ap pear In court October 7 to ahow causa why shs shall not bo adjudged In con tempt, 1 SMALL HOP GROWERS " . WILL POOL HOLDINGS fgnertal Dhpeteb te The Jeerael.) Independence, Or.. Oct 1. The hop market IS very firm hers and but few amies are being mnda -A movement hsa been started to form a pool of a large part of the crop and thus offer the same ra one bulk. Ths pool plan is tak Ihg Ilka wildfire and many have already aooepted the proposition. It will unt doubtedly consist of from t,00 to 1,000 balea of choice small holdings. Borne have not yet finished baling and will not sell until all are baled, though to oants Has been offered them ta taa bin te he baled as soon .as possible. Contracts at IS oento for five years have been offered growers here, but have not been" accepted. Warehouses era filled full and SI wagon leads of hops arc arriving dally to be stored. Everything available Is being used to house the crop. PZBBOB PmOatXBinOB fgseeUI Mapatea te The JeeraeM Tacoma, Waeh., Oct I. The Prohibi tion party ra Pierce county met In Ta ooma and plsoed a full ticket In the field. In part It Is as follows: Judge of superior court No nomination. Sheriff H. I Bobbins, Taooma. Au ditor O. H. Christof feraen, Tacoma. T rosea rer B H. Perry, Puyallup. County attorney No nomination. Clerk Boy B. Parcel, Tacoma. Assessor J. M. Smith, Buckley. Surveyor y. j. Langdon, Sumner. Superintendent of schools H. L Karshner, Taooma, Cot- oner Prv M. L. Moon, Taooma. (special fnspateh te the Jearael.) " Spokane, Waeh., Oct 1. The A, M. Fox oompany baa just finished the larg est sawmill la ths Inland Empire. It has been In process of const ruction for nearly a year, and will make its first out of logs next Monday. The capacity of the mill will he about 136.000 feet In Id houra and will furnlah employ ment to HI men. The lumber, yard, aaw and planing mills and boom privi leges of ths oompany oover an area of 47 ' .(P'wfflt manetes t The Jfcenwl.) JA Grande. -Or., Oct. 1. Breed Har rte, who resides at Nlbloy, 1C miles out of La Orande and who waa running a thresher la his fields, waa found dead yeeterday near the machine. His death was rauaM rrom heart aieeae. Yhti ruaaA'mYCWNj Jssmw, ! P" TLA Harness . V . STUDEBAKER BROS; GO., Northwv mm CHARGED v WITH ASSAULT JOBaT : BOBS .TXBw wrrm bbabt - spssUI Olasatah ts Tbs Jearesl. -'- Eugene, Or, Oct 1. John Oreen, aa old resident of tbe Lake creek country, near Deadwood poetofaoe, la the west em end of the-aounty. ts In "the county jail hers charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. He waa bourn) over In the sum of 1600 by the justloa of the peace In Lake creek precinct Oreen owns a homestead st the mouth of Middle creek, wblch flows Into Lake creek. Bd Bryand, Dtek Pope and John Pope eaoh . have homesteads above Green's and It Is neceessry to peas through the letter's plsoe to reach thelra Recently the county court S ranted a petition to construct a road lrouah Green' place, -although strong ly objected to y him. . When Bryand and the Pope boys began tbe construc tion of ths road Tuesday Oreen in a great rage got his gun and pointing It at the men, ordered them off his prcm- Boy Badly Matured. ' Warnle Inroan, the 10 -year-old son of Charles Inman, of Elmlra, was perhaps fatally Injured Wednesday evening. He waa riding a horse In a field when the animal stumbled and threw the boy off. The horse stepped on tbe boy's head badly mashing his skull. He was still alive yesterday, but very little hope la entertained for his recovery. Physicians from Eugene are attending ths boy. The Springfield News, a weekly paper, has just bees sold to Mr. Bebee of For est Grove, who will take charts ef the plant at once. J. F. Woods, who has published tbe paper for tbe Mat two years, will purchase the Washington County News at Forest Grow and re move to that plaea Beat week. Serpptag Apples. The Allen Canning Bvaperatlng oompany of this elty Is now busy ship ping a largo quantity of apples to ths eastern marketa. Moret ban .00 boxes have already seen received at the can nery and they are being shipped aa fast as cars can be secured. The apples are of the King. Spltsenberg and Baldwin varieties and are remarkably free from worms. The crop In Lane -oounty thle year is large one and the quality Is better thaa ever before. . . win Biaami BrUllag. ' Lost night compenlee A and C First separata battalion. O. M. O., af thla city, were formally Inspected by Major To pan. The companies have not drilled any glnoe the encampment at American lake In July, but beginning with next week regular weekly drUle will be re sumed. ootnrr wajtt ' (Bseetal DtsaawA ta The JeeraaVl ' Salem. Or.. Ot 1. Paul F. Pulaski, usually known ta Portland as Count Pulsakl. and who was sent up a few moaths ago from Portland for larceny to serve a three years' sentence in the penitentiary, yeeterday filed appli cation with th governor for a pardon. The metier Is still without aoUou, oa th part ef the executive. it. (fteeetal instate ts The Jeerael.) - Seattle. Oct t Ten thousand pounda of cured ham. token from the sunken steamer Topeka. In Sesttle har bor, and being re-cured for shipment to Alaska, has bees seised by the' Seattle meat laspectet and MOdemned, . 330-336 EAST MORRISON STREET . PORTLAND, OREGON . BANKRUPTCY FACES NAUTICAL SCHOOL PBBPABATOBT BOXOOB OF gaBAT serial lervlee.) : ' '"' Providence. B. L. Oct 1. Three cred itors of the National Preparatory school have filed a petition In bankruptcy asalnst the Institution In the United States district court. The affaire of the school bad previously been placed by the stats supreme court In charge of a receiver, but all parties Interested are ordered to appear before the federal court on October f to ahow cause why the school should not bo declared bank rupt Ths petitioners are L. C Mande vllle of Carroll ton, Oa. one of the patrons of ths school, and Howard H Rice and Walter F. Buck, two of the membera of the faculty. No' statement of aaaeta and liabilities baa been is sued. , Ths National Preparatory school waa Incorporated a year ago and numbered among Its patrons prominent people all over the United States and la Hawaii. Parents of 210 boys paid a total of $2i0,0QS for the first season's course, which was to begin September IK, With a cruise to last ntns months and take the cadets to ths Hebrldee, Keil, Borne and around the world, giving them th benefit of study, discipline and actual experience aa ssomea. The scheme had practical features so valuable and at tractive that tbe patrons advanced the money without question. The orlg insl plsa was that the school should build its awn ship, hut this oould not be dona in time for tbs initial aeason's cruise, and the United States transport Pennsylvania was chartered, to call on the 16th ot last month. Financial trou bles prevented the sailing of the ves sel. Among the cadets jrero Jacob O Kamm, 11-year-old eon of Jacob Kahim of Portland, and Carl Cadwell, a' grand son of Mrs. C Burkhardt of thla city. Mr. Kamm baa received a telegram from the authorities of the school, say ing: "School abandoned. Boys are oared for, awaiting your lnatmctlona" Mr. Kamm ta In communication with a friend la Hartford, who will go to Providence and arrange for the future oourss to be taken by his son. , - - T A Great Business totalization. Portland baa a slothing store that Is one of the most' modem and beet equipped m all the west or on the coast. 'TIs The Chicago, at Noa It, 71 and 71 Third street known ss "the big store in the middle of tho block. During the past summer many thousands of dollars have been expended in enlarging and beastlfylng thla store. The general store system Is thoroughly op to date, and Ita capacity one of the greateet west of Denver. Th exterior of this big store is on glsrp of light immense horse ebees having over Jot-candle-power. Th Interior lighting la tbe handaomest and most extensive In the oity. Business at The Cblcaao has been phenomenal. Buying In large lots for cash and celling floe grades of men's and boys' clothing, bats, shoes and furnish ings lowsr thsn other stores la tho rea son Ths Chlcsgo bj Portland's greateet store. There Is no deception or coloring of facta For 14 years tbs reputation of this firm has stood untaratehed by any unfair methods Mr. George Lo wen eon of the firm leaves for New York on Mon day, where he goes to secure ths choicest poods for tho holiday trade. Notwith otandlna the fart that The Oh lease hae a corps of buyer in the largo cities o the eaat. Mr. Lowenoon mskes this trip four times s year to keep In touch with ail that's new and good for tbs big store. bbs to strra oabbys naxa TBAJHP BBA BXPBBTBBOB. WASHINGTON COUNTY ASSESSMENT ROLL - (Saeelal Meaetefe ts Tee Joeraa.) Rtlleboro, Or.. Oct 1. Tbe assessment roll for Washington oounty has just been completed by Assessor Oeorga H WUoox for tho fear lee. It shows . K10 acres of tillsbls land, valued at Sl.t4S.14l. and 11.841 acres of aon tl I table lend, valued at ll.ttt.S2t. The total valuation of all asseeeabls prop erty In the county is $(.131,129, an in crease of t77S.eM more than Is at year. BBOPS BBAB. (special Dteaetea e The JesraatV Boaeburgr Or.. Oct ' 1 Alios Derrin ger, e G. a. R. veteran. yesterday dropped deed at tho Soldiers borne near this elty while walking. He was 7f years of age. During the Civil war Derringer served as a member of oom pany A, First regiment Washington In fantry, - . - - . - - (Special TMeaafe ta The JeasseL) Taooma, Waeh., Oct 1.--A special dis patch from Vancouver, B. C, announces ROBERTINE THE QUEEN OF Fluid Face Powders '.. Impacts that Youthful ' Velvety Complexion to v .ths Fscs and Skin. ACTtfESSES DEMAND IT. SOCIETY LADIES CAN'T LIVE . . WITHOUT IT. PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND IT. , Ma4cmFk VVbtosjedCrtaav Off SJtUt Br ALL DBJfLBMJ BLUMAUER-FRANK DHUC CO. 143-146 FOURTH STREET THE ORDER Of WASIIIK&TC:; STARTED RIQHT RATES ARE CORRECTLY CASED GcclInsTirance Finished to Men and Women VT Can Pass Required ExaminationB. ALL WHO ARE UNDER 'THE AGE Of SIXTY CTJ J 1 If you win t ths beat 1tbsttis1 Bvoraacs In th) w ' sBtJgste ths plBDS oCTh Ordsr of Wawh-nftori; t r t tkxlars, pgjnphletm, stc AArtM. tirtaf yomr a- I L. MTTCHFTT. - the arrest, in that elty, of of Taooma, on a charge of preferred by ft A. Alley, ai Alley is la the shipping an business, and aaya Coop money paid to hm slgnment Of hemp. Cooper charge of Alley's buslneae. lattsra absence from Tecon. (spMlel Dispatch ts The Je Forest Orove, Or Oct. L Bddlo and Charlie Smith of oounty were brought before J and fined fit each for stem bushels of wheat a sack of sack of oats, valued at t7.Be, j mm P. Van Bandera, who If German settlement northeast . These two young men who are 1 than If yeera, old refused to reason for the theft rspMHl Dispatch te Tee Jearea' Chehalls. Oct. 1. There he three hop sales at Chehalls this w at tH cents. Better than la has been offered; for one other the market to strong at tf cet- . crop la short about can fourth I Chehalla district, but the ejaallty oellent - -j ARIST0, Self-Toninc Matt THE LATEST Hf Photographic Paper Boautmal TantoCtatAed aH ' sod Water Bath. WE ARE AGENTS FOR EASTMAN KODAK CO.