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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
f LICENSE SEEKERS i ARE IN HOT WATER Renewals Dtse Today and ; Argument , on "Box Ordinance" Temporary Restraining Order ..; , Is Not Scheduled Until October 10. iXt - Wblta awefeottfi? . unbounded fldetaos tat the sasult of the suit to re strain the nrtp-l euthorttl from n forolng th provisions of the erdiiiaao cutting out ealeoa team and boe U ratttunnu whart tuteauCanto ar void, ft umber of MitoiMwrn r roesrtlag to .methods savoring of the fog la order te make sure of having: their Umohi for HA coming year reawwsd. ' -A This is U day oa which ttoaaaee ar to be renewed, and to Uonn part ment of the city auditor offlo tea ben crowded all day with applicant for renewals. Presiding Jude George of the circuit court be lasus an rdr tomporerlly restraining the munteipal authorities from taklnaT action. Argument a to snaking the temporary order permanent will not ba heara until October I. tha meantime a number af the mora timid proprietor of Honor eetabllah menta ar taking every precaution aamlnat being turned lows IB Uialr appli cation for renewebv - In a fa Instances, whr pose war few In number and fltmitly constructed, they hava heen removed. Thl action wa taken la order to. tcid All MYSTERtOUS AT PERKINS HOTEL Deactlv and1 ntlr fore of "plain eloth" nwa of tha polio depart- tnent ar trying to unraval tha myatary t.. u.w.tx. th. rilunnearajMia of a 1,100 draft and 110 sold from th room of U W. Darlinf at th Parkin hotel laat nlaht. Tba robbary la puaallna: tb ntr foroa, 1 rJarllna; aooupta room 41 at tha bote! and I a prominent attorney lirlna; at Condom, Ollllam county. Ha reached th etty raaterxUy and aar ha had th abova iu 9 moMy la hi poaaoMloa. It waa takon after 10 p. aa. want to tola room at 1 o'clock Oil momma;, ha aay. and; dweovawd that tha nooT bad baaa atoleo, H had left It oonoaaled In om cloth to a; In th closet. He bad failed to depoalt It in bank durlna- th day and ne Elected to mm RECEIVER rci 1:2 warn kffj,if lOV. OS a)ATs . Ana b rnoia m faaaoaj . With HabUlttoa aTratotloa; mor than "1.,. he Waetarn 8ah Door com pany baa don into th hasd of a r oelver. On ptittoa of th Flrat Na tional bask of Fortlasd, to which th aoaapanr 1 Indebted ta th amount of about II 4,000. moludln; tntareet, N. B. Arer wa thta morniiuf apsotatod by Praaidlnff Juda Oaors ta th elmlt eourt to tea ehara of th eomoaayo affairs. K. B, HoParland, president of th Company, filed s document la whteh h admitted tha statement made In tha FINE ART PIANOS V:- i And How They Are Made 'V-y- ... A Display Worth Seeing; i -f - r - W will not ttompt a fuU dsorh ftloa. hut wlU Invite yoa to call and Tk mmmmt alanlav ot hi ah - arad pianos vr exhibited fat Portland. In Uta east -' front windows w have an anhlMt of tha famous Packard piano, ahowin a kltoa piano la whtoh avery part - that enter into Ito 000 Mtrttatmn. la afaown. whlla baa id it stand . beautiful solaaed plai The era ala a number of Vhrwa of th factory, showlnc th different taa tbrouah which th piano pass front th mill to th finished product Try towjvoaUsa; atudy. In th weat ronl window I ahowa an exact dopil- ato of th Knab Orand sold to Mrs. oo Bloch Bauer; next to this la an rnslr styl wprteat Knab. aa exaet ipUcat of th oa purchased by Preal- ,nt Rooawralt, and ald t be th flnaat talya la upright piano r brought t. pfaxt oomaav a pari hnrposltlon la styl Lsdwig; which ala took haat aoaors at th Paa-Amorloan .cpoaltion at frairalo; then foUew ssi t th flnaat style of ateoxa. Hardman. irlaebori Harrlnstoa and others, sad a tated befor th flnaat exhibit 01 showm bara, and wa would bo pleased to hava yos oall and xamlaa tbem. Aa Btha feature of our bulao Is wtall w h th flaest makaa th market produoea, our prices ar ueh that yoa nixht a well bar a fln plan a to y about as muah for a ohap on. If you ar uunaimi oz rayins piaao you will And upon tartlaatlon you mor for your avmey here than Mrt I. beaWas our- term are r liberal. Do at fU to 1 ::a & Gilbert-Ramaker 3, Company BalTmaMlimrWTniw aW SABM AJT OOS OwVMITV THE T 'f .1 1 ehaaees of filling to mow a renewal of tba licence. y. u Mot carina to commit thamaelves until tha outcome of tha case la tha alreult oourt, two or thrao alooBmen hava tam porarllr cloaad thalr places "for repair" Wttfc renewed licensee, it ta regarded M likely that tha "repAlrg" aecttted ia ah art order. - All auch subterfuge Will aTmll -joth tag wbaa H oomee to tha mariu or de merits of tha ordinance, rUmoostranos ar usually ft lad hater a Uoana la ro fused. Tha fact that a lloanaa haa bMQ renewed. It la at tad, will make o dlf faraito If tha ordlnanoa should b op held. Otharwl tha metfaoda followad will aT to aav feaan uaoaoaaaary- hUror 'WUltama atatad todar that alnoa to Aattar haa baea tahra into th oouru th altp author 1U, ft ra powr Hess. -W aaa a wothiaa.'' aid tha mayor. Wt wra praparad to - anforo tha or dlnanoa and tha emaf of polio haa b buaUr ansaad durtnf th paat tbra or four daya noUfylna; tha aaloon and raa Uurant man throughout iha city to 00m ply with tho ordlnaaaa, Aa matter a (and now w hav to a waft tha aaolawn of th oourt kf or (urUmr aotioa an aa tekn,M THEFT leav th momty with ttelrk'wt th Woaa. Harln road of namaroua hold- up that hava raoently oourrd In tha cltr. ha left tha money In hi room Uat nla-bt when baa ocoaiion so ou la th ity. - . r i Ob hm ratura h jt ono looked for th money, dlaoovered that It wa ton and lmmdlatly notified th lrk of hi loan, Tha polio war Informed thl moraine sad tha astir detective force ha bean detailed oa th eaaa. Pay ment of tho draft, which wa on th Flrat National bank of thla ltyf wa topped thl mornlnc, Tba hotel people beller that a ml take baa been mad either to th amount that wa lot or th place where th robbery oourrd. They declare that ft robbary In such a mmnnr w Impoaatble, oomplamt f th bank to ba tru. and oonasnted to a reoelverahlp. Th bank allege through Dolph, Mil iary, simou A Geartn. It atorneya. that May It, H loaned tha aompaay 11,- 0 a promlaaory not. aourd by thro noma bold by H. I Coffin which war transferred.. , August IV l4. 11.00 mora wa advanced on a not and laat September 11,000, All th note bear Interest at the rat of I per cent Th 00 rpo ration la re an tnoMTont oon- dltlos and unable to fulfill Its outstand ing ooatraeta. aooordlng to th eomplaint and th admlulon of President McPar land. In order that It creditors may not surfer oemplet loss th appoint ment of a reoelrer wa akd. In th order of oourt appointing Mr. Ayr receiver, he 1 lnetructed to make an Inventory of th aaaeta, ascertaining th 1 labilities, conduct tba business, and aa soon as convenient, fU a report In th circuit ourt. FORTRESS IN RUINS - ... ' (Contti id -from Pag On.)' and thus defeat a flank movement. Taken all together th new from Muk den I not of a startling nature and shows that only slight skirmishes be tween outposts have a yet oeurrad ( real gseelal Berries.) Chef 00, Oct. 1. A Junk, which left Port Arthur September ST, reporU heavy firing ther .for aevea days pre ceding her departure, and tha firing was stiu progroasiog when ta junk tart Tha Russian war then relying on Kouad mines, which were working fear I slaughtor ta tha Japan ass rank. ': (jraarsal ayerbl flarvtee.) " t, Petersburg, Oct. 1. A report from General aakharoff atates that th Jap anam) ar still pouring across th Tattsa rlvr at Benalchn, It mil northeast of. Llao Tang. Large numbers of Chinese bandit ar with th Japan a th Uao aid of the railroad. atBtda Karboa, (Joarsel gpeeieraerfW.) Algiers, Oct. 1. Th Russian volun teers cruisers Smolensk and Petersburg arrived off Algiers this morning. Th Smolensk 1 taking oa ooaL Tha Peters burg did not atop. A British erulaer 1 outside the harbor watching th Smo lensk. omoui, mmiAJV Jearaal flpeelal awvhsCT St. Petersburg, Cot -A. Tba that has been current for sots days that viceroy Alexleff would b recalled Is of- ftolally donlod, , . DOWIE MUST GIVE IP) BEQUEST OF $55,000 r'A' IJearaal Bseclal sarrteal , ' ' Chloago. Oct. Judas Tuthlll today dolded that John Alexander Dowle must gtvo up tll.O beoueatbed him by Prederlck Buttoa WhlU ba wag la Swa hospital where be flisd la IMS. Tb Judge held that Sutton wag of un sound mind when he mad th wiiL a 1 1 in. Siii 1 OdRRTR aTATZOaT A4AD7 AOftTTS. " ' - ' Mesrast aptetal awMaa.1 5 ' Wichita, Kan., Oct. I. Accompanied by three dlsoiplaa, Carrt Nation, tha hatchet-woman, a gala wont on a raid yesterday afternoon. Th women brok two xpeoeiv plat- gla In th Ma li on company warehouse and war en deavoring t destroy avsrytbtng In renoh when arrasud. They war bold without ' AAjrmn can 1 a) mmm. auay fThrain Maaaim Bspwtad whm Miaadow uiaiaifli t ; mmomn a Axozsaai. ; artttah Waraklya WaAsWaw amsmnsi OREGON DAILY : JOURNAi; POttTtAN. SATURDAY CLARK MAY GIVE MILLION DOLLARS . v, wouui m rma aatOWl AJTJ OOVZtB WM BaAVf OS SV MOMOSAnO oommtn av m ' (fearaat taectal arvsM.y ' 1 ' New York, pet It wa reported at th" naUooal Deraocratls keadcjuarUrs yesterday that Senator W. X Clark of 11 AM. so ta tha committee for campaign purpooe. H U said this asm was a personal gift from Senator Clark. From another soure It 1 Mid that Clark, after b had ailed on Jadg Parker at th Hotel Seville, said b would be responsible for th collection ma u mA hmt . tha AflmrnlllM Ul l,vuv4fni - was authorised to draw on him for any part of that sunt Senator Clark was aakd point DianK 11 u was true refused to disc use th report. it t. ri.u that Parker la a BTaat leader, inasmuch aa ha 1 bringing out mora ntbualasm ana neaiing more breaches than ha any other Democratic m nan vMra Ha returned to Rooemoat laat algbt after a rather trying visit here, wherein vry mlnuw waa aocupled In oafraoa with load- are and friend. Bona tor Clark had his eonrsrsatloo with Parkor in tha aftemoon. and pra dieted that the Democrats would carry linn tan a. Idaho. Colorado and Kva4a and possibly Utah. . M Parkers atuiuas is uai fldanoa, and h boar no alga of tmlm ..mmhiml hut aarrla himself n- Urely with his accustom pola. BOOgSTU jOBXTXOB. f ' 1 Jearssl aertal errleO - wa.. rwt i-JThm Ramib- I leans of Philadelphia propose to mak th mass meeting to be held la th Academy Of Musi - tonight under th auapteea of th Manufacturers' club th greatest political samonatrattoa wwn In thl city In svral -yeara. It wUl mark the formal opening eg xnm mepuo- oamnaln la Panna vl VSnla. Bn- ator Knox wlU be th erator of the 00 oaslon. It 1 expected that awnator vt vtii autllna Preeldent Roosevelt's alUtuda toward th trust and speak for th preeldent oa other matters wnwn hi position preveme nm aiefiueea BUUaVBIB IZaOUaaTmi wW n. AaL 1. Tba formal OPa- fng of th Republican campaign In Ohio took placo her today. Barly morning train brought marching lub and other vuiiam frnn GlnolnnatL Cleveland, To ledo. Columbus, Akron, Daytoa and other cities throughout the etat. Ta city waa elaborately decorated fop the 00 aiioi and mmm of band furnlabd nint Mf nusla. Th Beaker of th afternoon and evening include Secretary Taft, Senator foraker, oovemor itenrioK and aeverai other leadsra of aauoaai promlnanoe. - r f, - Jobraal avtel Ssrrlss.) ' imi M V Oct. Il Judaa Parhsr and members ef his family today at tended th marriage of hi ward, Mia K&thryn Lavwtoo, and Robert Llvln- ton, which took pio at wsst rarn. , CHALCRAFT ASSUMES CHARGE AT CHEMAWA X-yy " ' ", . t '' " - - (serial SwMtak a Toe JearssL) nr.. Oat. 1. K. Li. Chal- craft aasumcd the eupertntendenoy of the Chemawa Indian school thla morn ing, vice . T. W. potter resignou. xne property was Inroloed and found In good order. 1 Employs last evening presented re tlrlng Superintend eut Potter with a handaom geld watch. Assistant Super intendent Campbell made the presenta tion and Potter responded la aa appro prlato speech. - MISSIONARIES ARE - IN4IRAVE DANGER (Joeraal aptetal Bervtee.) VinniM net. lv Word has been H.iwHi Kara (hat taa fnllowlna Preo- byterten mlsslonarlea at Chang Te Fu, North Toan, China, are ia grave auiw of being killed during an antl-foretgu uprising that now seems Imminent: Rev. John Griffith, Rev. Percy L-eslle, Rev. X H. Bruce. Miss M. 1. Mcxntosa. Miss Jean Dowd, M. D- and Miss Mlna Pyk. HE1NZE A CANDIDATE FOR THE LEGISLATURE . (Vsaraal serial karris.) V Wnat. On. . 1. P. AUSUSt Helnse, the mllUonalre mine owner, who has been fish ting th Standard OH com pany, haa, for th first time, consented . ki.a a aaiwlldata for office, and thl morning accepted tho nomination for ta legislature oa ana iMmocrano th atutnraaA It the labor Pooullata. anti-trust Republican, and anU-trust Demoorata, . mUmTVMMWW VO QTOI TXOTOBXA. ' : iJearaal faselal serrlea) ' urtaalnea. Man. Oct. 1. A hsndsonre MMHMian o th msanorv of the late Queen Tletorla wag unveiled la Winnipeg today. Lieutenant-Governor Mac M Ulan presided over the ceremonies and th un veiling . waa porrormea oy jrrsmiec Robllo. : . -r - , . . WAT ooamnoroB nraiis. - a TW JaMaLI ' Ooldandala, Wash., Oct 1. Thl morning Conductor Wallace Olover of the C. R- N- Ry. had hi bead badly hurt at Lyl by a oar while awltehtng. H waa rendered ancon selou and ass beea taken to The Dalles. He I a popular man. It' EasterB Excinioot. Th Northern Paatfle win ssU speowl aBeurswa ticket for the round trip to St. Xouls and Chicago oa October t, 4 and I, and all tickets will be good for transportation on the "North. Coast Limited" a well a on either of their other through train. Through sleeper will be run to St. Louis, This affords an excellent opportunity for visiting the big fair at St Louis and th aid folks at home Call a tabs office for full par ticulars, sleeping ear reservations, etc A. D. Charlton, A. Ow P. A la Mrrl av St .Portland, Or- ' Peacock flour always give atlsfae atoa, and fc gaaraateii by yeut iiiim, PORTLAND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Will of Mrs. H. Anderson Probated Today Pro i vides for. One for Orphan Boys Will Be C; v i- Known as Levi Anderson Home. By th term of tha win of Mrs. Eta ma H. Anderson, filed yesterday, ta larger part of her astai. valued at about tti.ooa, la to b sold and tho pro ceeds devotsd to tb building and mala- tenaaea of an Industrial school for Orphan boys, to ba known a th Levi Anderson horn, la heoar of her s il husband. Th Roman Catholw arch bishop of thl diocese has been eolectad a trust of th residue of her eeata, after other bequeeU hav bean carried out, whoso duty aheil be to sea that tb ohool i built and piaoaa & props running basla, Charle K. Ladd and John T. Olhoa ar lected as executor of the will and rust sea relative to certain bequests, Th tea Lament waa executed Ausust It, 1101. the witnesses being Raleigh ' Btott and asorgo C Stout. To it t appended a oodloU under date Of May is, iros, wbloh wa witnessed by Attorneys W. I Bels and John T, MclCee. After arovldln for th etumwt 01 her debt and funeral expanse, for th erection of a proper monument over bar grave, Mra -Anderson auks th follow ing bequests: ' To Linda r. Butler of Nw Torn cny. a nieoe, $10,00t: Frank C, Robbtsa, foe- marly of San piego, CaL; in case of hi death previous to that of th tes tator tb amount to go to bia son, Oeorgo U Robblnsi Mary R, Roobln of thl olty, 10,001 Charlee P. Rob- bia.; Bishop ODaa, I0 th UNDERWRITERS HAKE GOOD THEIR THREAT autns op wmvmo ow BSTT BTBAJI tT.aSFfl QQK trO f ew Aoootrn ov eotrarexx.'S ao- noM tm aULBTxiri wmvmmm pom oij, Fir fnuraneo underwriters af thla dty ar carrying out thalr threat mad to the city oounbU two weeks ago and ar raising th rat of insurance oa all building la th vicinity of th Alaska dock. Thl action ha been taken be cause the council granted pnalalosj to lb Oregon Railroad Navigation oom pa ny to lay a four-lnok pipe irons tne Portland Gas company's plant la Flan ders street along tb water Hn of th wharf for a distance of 10 reel. At th Um tbe petition same before the street committee, W. R. Roberta, deputy city fir ' marshal and Inspector for th fir underwriters, cam before th oommjttee with th inti mation that If th petition, for laying tbe pip waa granted th underwriters would raise th rate of lnaurano on all th property la th vicinity of the wharf. He atatad that U was th plan of th 6. R. si N. to run oil barges te the wharf and also to supply vessels with OIL Thl would b a maaaoo to other property In ease of a fire. Tbe objection of the underwriter wa over looked and toe petition waa granted. Durlna tha oast week property own ers in th vicinity ef the Alaska dock hav received notification from the lnaurano underwriter that th rat will be raised. Thsr are several large propertlce In thla district, among which are the Willamette Boiler works, - men'a tnatltute and adjoining ' dooka. There I much dissatisfaction regarding the action taken by the council and a vivo reus protest 1 being planned. Tbe first protest waa filed la tne riry auditor's office today by W. A. Corbett, president of the Willamette Boiler works. He state that b be bn noti fied by ths Insurance underwrltsra that rate of Insurance on bia property la to be rawed because th dty council has aiantad MrmlsslOB to the O. R. N. to run a fuel pipe line along ueir mmfwyww from tne rmana uu ww. "Recently a great olamor wa raised." Said he, "arainat th alleged danger of th oast Bid plant of th Standard OU company, other pianie were eompsiiea to place fuel oil plant neiow in city. Jt I marvelous that the earns gentleman (councilman) who eeoured these safe guards eoold commit euch an evident breach aa that now contemplated. Ha further states that oil has aeen handled for ever a year by tbe Portland Gaa company at their Flander street wharf with more than the unusual dla resard of ordinary precautions. Wooden barges hav also bn permitted to lay along th wharf and unload thalr car go of oil te a number of river boats. A fir la this vicinity, aooordlng to Mr. Corbett, would mak th location of a barge a menace to the entire .water front. OFFICERS HELPLESS, SEE FORGER ESCAPE (Jesraal Byeela! servlaa.) ' Philadelphia, Oct. L-A men whom fit polio said waa Alone 3, Whit man, th notorious forger, who eaoaped from detective on a Lak Short train near Dunkirk, H. T.. Thursday night, sailed for Liverpool thla srarning oa th steamer Nordland. Th poltoe say they had no warrant ta arrest htm, but bad abundant evidence that the man wa Whitman. ' L70LXES l KM ft mryeete suffered fraai wka rpj)U and Oklarrta of hm pnrcbMedebvi ef 0Met atwadlealwe rtlUd Dt MS. la if OaMaiata ktid wm nr tent ran MTn ate. Jdr or afstor ri pfl.a whaa itbowod blai tblrtj foes, an4 la aaothei iar raaafadartabont lb taata Uartb )ot a, upe warn thatbaS baa a tapUf at vital fir for Vaara, srl4 to Bed (bat X" ' -rrB 'jC'los. nm that had b ptaf my TnJora tb beat of baMa sua taaUiBoniei Chat. Baal rV r vB.TteDOwsa- , -d ThaOovls rctrastfrng PaUaaata aaa Saafl Ha OmA BTr lebea, ImIm ar 6 dp, tte. S. gW pM la balk. Th fanaln WMt taaasa WO. waaraateM a aar er reav aiaaar aaaa. atertteg Sssaedy CaChl wga ar rt.T. ea jaLULa KVtNO, OCTCrrH1 , TO HAVE MM Sitr of th Holy Kame ef em and Mary, ttO. the tntcreat to be used la oaring for the teatator'a burial plot la River View eemetery. and the exaee of Interest to b used for th society. It Is provided that enough realty shall b add to aatlaf y Umee lgaoleA , Th executor ar tcatructed, however, to permit Mary R. Bobbin to occupy Mrs. Anderson's resldenoe for on year after her death provided that she be living with the testator at th Um af th latter dasth - Th dlreotor ar further instructed to turn over all tb bouaehold effeols. furniture, clothing and other personal property of th testator to Mary M. Rob bin, which ah 1 to retain a her ewa property, to ba used or disposed, f a ah may see fit. Ia tha oodlell it to provided that S gores of land In Clackamas county ah 11 be given to Thorn C Anderaon of Portsmouth, &. s nephew of Levi An derson, and Augustus F. Butler of West- 80 rt. Coon., th husband ot Linda P. iutler. share and ehere alike. Thla land la known aa Parkplaoe, sod was form arty occupied by the Sieters of Our Lady ef Charity and Rafug as a Mary Magdalen home. If they ahould again bo occupying th structure at th Um of the testator's dath. ah gpselu ta oodicU to be void.. County Judge Webster made an order yaeterday afteraeon admitting the wlU to probate. Tbe total value of th es tate Is eeUmated to b i1,M CITY FATHERS ARE ;; TO BE HELD LIABLE ivmi oma xoxas aTftaTidH SUITS OWZaTSj 0 daUtSS STBwT.lmBsTCB WMM PXAXOR ABB BJUPUUT1IB "BOARB am aro ftiABaVB. .- . . , la an Important decision, being tne first under the new charter to deal with the cueatlon of damage suits arising out of ' Injuria duo to neglecting public works. Presiding Judge George, ha ther circuit court, held this morning uat such liability reate solely with th mem bers of th city council. la the action brought by Samuer Wag ner for damages in the amount of $1,00, Mayor William a, the city, th etty coun cil and th executive board were named aa defendants. Demurrers were filed by City Attorney McNary -on the ground that there had been an Improper joiooe of defendants. Th demurrer was u tatnad in th oass ox ta executive woare. and overruled la. the eas of tho mayor and the elty. - Waamer asserted that wnue anving g horse oa th bridge extending along Northrup atreet from Front street to Twelfth the animal' a hind feet went throuxb a Blank, and,- becoming fright- nod. It ram Into the bridge curbing and threw him out. resulting in aevere in- iuay. H was oonflned to hi hous for months. After leaving the house no wag unable to do much work for to days. Ma said that tbe brtdse was in a dan- Mpoua condition, bavins been nasi acted by th defendants, whom he claimed to be responsible therefor, a they knew of the condition of tb structure. uan man dt Malarkey and R. R. punlway. ap- naar as hie OOUneeL 'The law provMes, said Judge George, "that the executive board ahaU not Initiate improvements or pairs oa city property. Appropriation of money for such work must be made bv the oounalL The board can take aharae of aa tmpravemew or repair work after the council has appropriated tha money. According to the charter, th Initiatory move must b made by the council. The mayo and the city ar not WOULD FLOOD WEST WITH FOREIGN LABOR ' (Jeers! aaerlal urvfae.t f San Diego, Oct. X. United State Commissioner of Immigration Sargent la here today and says that hta forth-comlna- annual report will recommend that the government establish informa tion bureau at Kills Island and all Im portant porta ef entry for th purpose of Inducing Immigrants to come direct to th west. He will also recommend that the state eo-operate la furnishing liuratur showing th opportuaitle for employment to Immigrants, jr) CONFESSES FIRING : A DOZEN HOUSES ' (Joaraal Bpsttal arrlea,l 1 fnilcaaTO. Oct, 1 Braarlng of his achievement aa a firebug and asserting that ha had learned the "trade" from aa arson criminal now la th penitentiary, James Brain, aged IT, confessed In Jus tic Oberbardt's oourt today that ha had fired a dosea building on th west and northwest aid within tb past tow week. He was held la M.0O0 bond. BO AOTABOB IB? RATJT MM! -'-' " (Joaraal Sraslal aw ilea.) Chicago, 111., Oct. 1- Roads running east from Chicago have decided not to advance grain rates from Chicago to tha seaboard today, as had been previously' agreed upon. Tbe reason given for th declaloa not to mak th advene I that traffic aondltton at present do not war- raat tt. BtttWATXBS abb: (Jotraal seetel SerrKe.) Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 1. Former At- darman Weseenberg wa today fined StM for ol lolling bribe for a saloon lloeas. - BATBBBBB, (Jearasl Sseslel asrvlaa.) St Louis, Oct, 1, An extension of tt day haa bean grantad contestants ta the 1 100.00 alrshm oompatltlon at the world's fair by the executive committee. tJesvaal apsclal a-rvtea.) Pblllpsburg. 1. J Oof. 1. Tb mill of the' Union Sheet Iron company were destroyed' bv fire today, with a loss of WA. 5 ABATtDOrJS FmVATE FHACTICEi GIVE SE WCES FT.EE. Believing It His Duty toOod and Man to Help Al Who SUnd In Need - : . Treatment to the Strange Story M Woman Made Heart Beat Again In Her Body.wnen V v- " r Prepared for PANOPATKX PROFESSOn STARTLING STATEMENT NO DISEASE HE MAY Heale Hopeless t Invalids Incurable and Restores Life and Health to Those Qlven Up to Cures Patients In Their Miles Away as Easily as a Person Offers to- Heal Suffering Men ana Women Doctors and Nw Torh. Sept ' MpeoWl C5er reepondeaoe.) Dr. WlUlam Wallace Hadley, the eminent eclentlst and pro fessor of peaopatay aad pbyalactrioe of thla elty. ha announoed that he haa abandoned hla 1mm axa"Iuerativ pri vate practice and. will hraf tr glv hla services fro of charge for the treat ment and cure of ehronto ce of dis ease pronounced hopeless by phyalclana Ha Is quoted aa saying that , n fools : II his rblTsious duty to help the sick and afflioted Independent of any rawaro. This decision, amaaina; ia and aie of money-setting madness, I all th mor remarlwblewh one re member thla man' a frt . rcpuUon a a sclentinc wlsarl wlJRn,Pi2: enal auccaae In healing, when all othara falt Times without number be has taken man and woman sWoa up to by doctor and restored thm to life and health in so hort a tlm and to uch a marvelous manner that he has aroused wldeapread wonder and dmlra. tlaa amonar all clseseg of Peopi Who are aware of tne fact. if th facta . - satisfactory exptwaMcw has of Dr. Haflley' mysterlo") r disease of all- kind and bo far no Kaao arlvan hla apparent ability to 1 pverme own, nor of th mean bv which h ha mad th almost miraculous cures that stand to his credUa-proclaimlng him a ba-ler of haalr.rWe item J MtuTV. over human llf and th ill that at tack It not given to ordinary mortal. He euree In the fee ef suck apparent impoaslbl1ltla that no one could be blamed for thinking him poeseaaed of supernatural gifts, although he dis claims anything more than a knowledge of the secret of life, a peculiar under standing of the cause of dleeeae and death, and a complete grasp of their prevention and curs. In oae w,nf" physician. Burgeon and pyolallst abandon hope and are at their wtt end to know what to do. ha remains calm, confident and masterful, freeing the patient of pain and die alnjost aa aaaitv aa ha would remove a stain tram a place of cloth. - Naturally a moo eat. unaawumui mai. with a reputation for never claiming more than ha can do. he yet makes th startling statement that there is no dis ease h mat not cure, no case so bed but that he has absolute confidence In his ability to restore health and strength. Evidence that this la no more thaaVis moral truth la riven by on of hi patient, a Mra Hattl MoCulsr. of Baa PedroTcaL. who assarts that h revived the vital spark in her body when she was prepared for the Sjavo; that at the end of a long ales of Illness due a a annnKMtlnn of dlsaasaa her body felt lifeless and doctors said that the end had Mm, but UT. Haa lev maoe hor heart beat aaaln. And the blood flow through her veins once more, an warmth return to hr wasted body, flh naturally looks, upon her restoration to life and health- as passing understand ing, and calls Dr. Hadley e worker of mrraelee" that rtsal thoa of - th oroDht. Another instance era that of Mra ht Worth In arton of Egg turoer. H, j g woman who had been an in valid for twenty-live years, many. long monthe bedridden In hospital, and who incv abla and slven up to death by doctors Aha waa so com ole t el y prostrated 11 rom dlaeasa. oaln and weak news that she lnnkad ltka a eorosa end fett like one whsn Dr. Hadley commenced hi won derful method of treatment and res sued d indications of returning llf aotleed as er from tbe grave une 01 ins urm mighty force controlled by tni sclantiflo ao rearer permeated her ys- tern wa th udd ati raitirn ox nnrmu i then llttl or seen antmatlns gradually color re sale cneess, ana uiey niled out; the limbs rounara ano xna .k.T. vta 1 1 tn ondararo a trans- fnrmatlnn. until, before ths eye of the extremely Interested witneeees the wo man stood forth in all th beauty and nf athvaleal and mental health. Could doctor aad special lata bTblsmed for looking ?t ITrTkadley in amassment and rev rant awe f la it arTv wonder that be Is credited with superhuman power avo? .diea- whl evr it nam and nature? Prellminar tn annther case, that of Mr. B. C. Hal of SnowvUle. V tan doctor, .using drug, medicines and yromdto cure this hopeless Invalid suffering from a dlaeaae long aonaldcred Incurable. vl7-TiJtTa after another. Th man was on th yerr of death. A nlecs ofbon. nearly an Inch long, had bean cut from hlsrtull aAove tna y. His agvmlae were terrible end the doo tnra adviaad another operation a th K But Dr. awing or ttlng Into th man nM waa noi nwiMtrv ml If. nan unuw nw troatmant. and rcmarkabl aa It may a.m ta tKa faca of former failures. in ta the face of forrner vaiiurea man roe from hi bed and walked utTl life saved snd hlomUh ana math reetored most maryeloualy. Tat th n about t p north raato thess are only random Instances . THEY MAY ESTABLISH GARBAGE DEPARTMENT N Botloa taboo by th tty hoard of health this morning toward repairing tha furnaces at th garbage crematory. It la understood that a further actios will be attempted to Improve th aew dMlon ef tne pleat untu after the new year whoa fund will be aioveaed Wttk which to oonetruot a new mumm aad nbmiII aaa ala eat as. fast sew tao awaet wm hw owppuea ctrcuUtloa or in eiooo; II. atr.nrlll aiMlld ha the wasted frame: turned to th only chance of saving hla lift tnnk tha case, asld cu PiiYSiCL". J ) He Offers to Give Free Sick and Afflicted. SayeThle Wonder Work the Qrave of Pronounce Death by Doctors Own Homes Hundreds Though They Called In Drugs Cannot Cure. - - aaaa - - feuaAaag OdierO Hadley almost miracuioua www made the bonds of dlaeas faU aa If they ware broken chains. 1 oban sad the mlssrabU victims of appbig Illness law troag ana 4 men and woman. Naturally th armouncemetit thai man ef such a wonderful ablUty to b. a man who probably he had more tlenu than any other doctor la t) olty, wlllbereafter giva services horn treatment free to all who f the most sensational and far-res1 in Ma amaata. atnoa rt anves evsrr threughout tn oountry. tho poor well th rich, an qul opportunlty Ka ntirarf h avalllna thamaelveO X ti of thla world-lambu aotuUat, And a ths more rmarsDi anu xorxunar view of ths undoubted fact that th. no dlseasa b may not cure. nnm tha raata aa a tated. tatarartaar waa aauaht wll 1. wi aMu. m II ill an n avann d wita ut. xio ' lug which tbe great pathologist sld fatal Taa. rour inrormanon -.ia oorrwc formatfcm and I am WlUins W repeac ana ji the autemeats that 1 hav maaet an luat aa -ready to cur parai heart disss se or .other organic wet neas, deafness, consumption ; a Brlghf dlasase. cancer, tumor, a drug tHItner habit, r ay of th di eaaee usually pronounced Incurable, i I am to our rheumatism, stomach trf bis, blood disorder, catarrh or d other III that human flesh I hlr teJ oan banish pain, renew th vital ana, restore strength to organs broken a by dtseas. age or aocldant, and m asalth and happlneea take th pUoew ineas and sorrow,' 1 "Then you must hav; mad sof sow and wonderful dlscovsry. d known to medical science r , " "I have. I hav discovered U Of Ttf. 1 new know anu un derstand the cauae of disease Jiow la may b prevented and ourd. J lhaaa miracle of hMllaC arof due to this discovery r , I Tee. ? have discarded the, waelesF drugs and medtolnea commonly prb scribed by physician and use a yd tem of treatment that T as much i parlor to mocern meaica pr the sun is to a candle. No modern medical practice si 1 to a candle Now that W hav perfected It after Ions fear of nracttca ano expenmeni nna m a hav tbe power to cure my patient without their oomlng to me or my going e tham. But you ere m du are miacasen in osu- Ins thee eurea intracie.- 'miracle.' At least thy are not miracles m nm -ama w as those apoken of In the Bible The deanoastrats the areet power over dis ease that haa been given to ma to use for my fellow men. 'It la said that you have abandoned tout nrivate practice sna win nevoie WO"Ves. that kt true. Bat I Intend on curing any one who la 111 of an) ease they may have, Just aa loru lory ma" am able. Rich or poor now difference In my accepting petleit have beoome oonvinced that a 1 tlan It la my duty to tne ureal tf rho arava iv m thl power to us it halo the sick snd afflicted, wher td. where ar wj to eomnV thav may b. whoever they whatever th ir elrcumstane any one need la order to com my services to to say that h or any in the arasv ef the da a aemon, aiseaaa la 111 from any b cured ha attar ailriraaalnar tmon, dlseaaa j th iat anv ana Who la I and who wanta to be cured la tn write ma a lett Ham Wsllaoe Hadley, M. Had ley, avenue. D.. 101IP, Madison avenue, Mew Torh; I Ing me the dlseaee they suffer from at their prtncipar ymptma, ago mum a and X am ready and anxtoua to pel them and tend tham oourss of htu Uaatment absolutely free of charg- D you really mean that any "on any 'one u to b. who Is sick can writ to you anrafl. without aavtns rou any m moaeyri 'Exactly. . x mean juat taau iat. Anr onaf ny T am not a mllll Uonalre and I appreciate the aatnanaa It will mean to me to d thia hut T wnuld not have alven t m : hev private pre ot Ice If X waa not financial, able to give freely ef my. servic i aO n of all who stand In need of It And way. It . I not a qu eetton ox a of m oner of my duty to n umanity as I see ttut how about thos at a distant. can you cur them toof , "I have already told yew that 61s tance makes no difference I can oure those thousand of mil away ust an 1 quickly and Just as auraly a thoa 7 who call at my office. And I ij dairy anxious to re tnooa casee w1 both doctor doctors and i druge have fat I do not ear what other men n. say or what the- hav failed to or why, I do not car how rto' chronic or Ion: standing the di mav ba. Indeed. I prefer thee bx lea ease since they unity to dsmonatrs hat ther is no ai cur," . by ths etty aethontte I not yet fcne- The council amy propose aom plan haadls the garbage question whiles mayor statoa that th legislature ir be asked to aasiat la providing ftr with which a new tootnelntf pu may ba built Tne mayor is m nvor-ox piaciag oiar UMnni ana uumjwwiuvu w bw wt der a separate department of the elt government. Thl department may bo instituted through action of th council or It may b brought about through a special, mm OT nw aiaia KwiaiKiaira amending the elty charter and providing tat that th latter plan seem to va annama Rv me sn 1 beyond dp' ass I my 1 ; r ry-. i