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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
: c X f TU7rY EVENING, OCTOBTS 1, l0t CTTT w wa), UTS BOTtCKS. 02TT B"" "T' : J, Am- .V I. Marr i - v . aurtl . . . r . T OF xb ana.- it, I that tb O HI of u at h-Vi br, 1. . lr.4 - No. 1., tgr tbe ol iTfW. from the -, If h T ki th t of P ,.nd, i V t t""t A of Mt DF or" Of F ,.ua o( mama B teef to t eontb 11m of ff ccta atreet- In Ui BtaoCTr nrvvlaed by MUtr D V jwiuja bo. la, era, anon . .-i lot, Nrt of let d parcel of land, wnica n?e aneaially aad f DomIim, lo b u loJiow. jit: VTaX t a?dit;on tn Aibina block A lot 14, . Crabb, I 20; Mt la. AiUnt ud OC I AOOll.aN t AIMan block it. i w. tot i W, gu-e mm - n- I w: I . lot , J nrHrT B llott. f aad Wuium BMTV aaa Mo. tlB la. and MrF A, it rat Qnw it CokSia Wiaf 0. 43. U; totl. , Andrew Karwerth. i lfloL Ha." wuium r. aa1 lot T. Sauna A, Bell C. .ui i mn n, ae mmi. Anna tewlcn. m.ofc lot 1, tltto Outaf 4 ashler., rr.i tot l. Till quim re H. CwrjTI.N tot 11, Mary laefsX T H leatfc (I ( at L Oaorn 0. mlta. . let 11. Ttta Muawiuai Avasna mu m- W Ilium L. BaataiT.ffi aa. JW.a; lat B, Wlllla 8, iiliui fcaiU ou.Ui flukirt. aaaLia. hlax a. JT keW&aoa, IM.M: lot II, t T, VlUUat Cbrlatto aauia, itata. aVTT) laC t, AJCMa Mosl an. 07a; mc Ella DaHfc i I.M. BLOCK 2, M 11. Lark la Jotinaoa, W. Lauaak 102. Tl lot ft, Hur laurr DacKa. fiu.M; r.Ta: lot I, A. K.ian. aas.aO. tlOIMTU.1 . Abm-now to ATblaa 1IO0K a. lot 1. Ja BaraMkL Ua.Ul art & JaaWa aarabld. H.M. . COOK'S ADDITION la AlbiMBLCK 1. IOC a ahMi iMiirM u i. a ma aa laaa I7IM twtwaaa tba aaat Uaa tot . &rfe 14, Cook a idditfca, u4 I Itaa 100 t aaat a a4 pwaUal wltt the aaat ttaa a. B .0 MH 1. JIM . Ml W. I k, 847.01; lot A it ra U tot 9. itook. 41.01; wj, I MAPI RLQrR f Foruana, 4a, kelra at. r Ira4 fall, fiwi Naaiaa. AW. ' ac Mlaaiaiirri avanoa. aaa oaiwaea ia vrw WrfSrtt atraat J aortk tbaraot aaO para Hat Hawttt. tcaaal lHitrlet No. 1, 2f.a4. ,A COCK! AODIT10M to Albtaa BUKfC 14, lot ; Aonpajpa. ITT-TW lot a. Nala aatf Jamla 'Nalaea. aM.79. BLOCK It, lotr IT. Jamaa . W. Caafc. Ioa.1: lot la, JaaM W. Cook. 1TX.K8; lot 18, Jaawa W. Cook, U . Ii. El Urn lekatrand. V. lot li J w. Cook, IflS.W; lat Artkor T. WorUaan. Ct " Bohlaaa, floij 1 tot 4, OlaBck- 1 aaaa. bu.m m a, wta aa CLOCK 1. to 11. JasM 0. Jm t 10, Jimm 6. Ipnck, ULMi raft, fMat: lot li. Cayl . Bjli4 . Mtsr J- '. "J V. aalaar. ISa.H: k1 IS. QbpMaa tM (H; lot 10. loba Caartatroi. HMTl lot I, Jamaa Bortawlck. -: W , jntr lta M. Boot, Aftavo! ax , laai aaa aa -SbTs a tot t, dlta aju .5 WkTfe 3W8 Mi lot .'Ckarlaa H. Ma- prai' oaten Mor, ao LOCK fan rnrttt looa, BW.Mt fkipe M. 82 U aH la. tv.l. UCTO; lot 1. KU 0; lot U. SUaabata ami F li', t& t- ITlntUB, l.ITl t : Cat (I iota Batat. hptra W, !- ta. atlra rfoTtS. fat 4, K4war4 P. VrpB warf f. Mnrstar, KML tin vinHin I L' TTi art It, lot a. CaroilM j4 j. 7wBH$j. J71 fa. ares I L4dwla) Ha.Bi,m B wawia, 111 1m EWlt haiual Oaborna. iTI E& Ciifi Rift fiariaMr4T:ni W iV, Mar Blbat, I tk la lot t. BtUab M. aaa; wn If ' aU (r ' A ttataaaaat a( afirnitA Mtn Want tat Mg wtartd t tba Dock at at at Liana aa4 4aa lat DajaMa at ta afaa of tba City aaMrar. la uiwfnl maaav af tba foltad Itataa, ud U aot aid within lira &oaa tba 4a ta at tkla Bottca aacb praoaadtat will ha takaa tat tbaollMttaa of tba aaaaa aa ara arwvtAai 7 taa ehartar af tba aj of rortlaad. Taa abora nmti dart attar Ika ant tan 1 win aaar aa pwbllcitloa tbla Mtloa. SI108. S. U. Vivun, Aadltar Aadltor af tba Cttj T ( rortlaaCU rNtflui Orasca, Baptambar IT, 104. V0K XjaTKOTKaTXjra OaT KAJTB ATKVTB. , Bataw hi karat ft wait aV flaaaaJI Baa Clly af PortUod, Oroa, at a awatlnj; aald a taa Blat day ot aVpUMbar. 1004, daclarad tba aaaaataMat t to ardlnaeca Bo. 14,214, far tba tBiproraoMat at pokana aranaa rroai aalat 100 taat waat at tba waat Uoa af Grand arcana to taa waat art llaa of aaat Mlaataaatli atraat. la tba maaaar prorUM br ardlaauca Ho. it. HI, aack lot, part of lat and of tead .wblofa ara ipaclallj aad aaaaJl- arlr aaaafltad. it ba aa toltowa. fist A tract af and lylnc hafttaaa taa aom Nad M Bpokaua arcnaa nf a noa lot fatt aorrk tfaaraot aad paxaUal tharawli lad banraea - tba waal Baa af Oraad iraoaa aad 4 am A 100 faat waat tbaraot ihd taat araUal naara- wit Hk. Ftcd fWLLWOOD 1 . BH-Ot : ait 1. KIM a B, I Baal ta InTaf JSk.Ta; Bi.oriT"i; raatora' Aaaoaanon. ; .at; mc a, Baal Batata tanatorf . 4rfW. , Jot 1 . Kt4 fit ILOCK 14, t B. IT. i.: reft. B tra i, fn-u wi ira at I&701 lot Araraiaiu A Marlaa VuaB tad MarJfc .wSLaa.lT; (at 10, BUJak EL"r Altoa t: tot 4. Laard A. Back. Kil. tot lo. ai ward. 1L TnMtoM Mard, 4 A Brat. KB-tTt Kt a. tua 7 tae-wi lof s. ioba tT mini 6? tlhIai Ba ; WM of. 1T,: tot A ?ha wiumM ft btira at. av vr. bloce tot 10. Cbalu) Vardaarat, lqt 11, faaatt Mt ".MtLV M-. rttw. I li lat 4. Ida Oordoa. a. 04: art A All , i t' a1 4, Altoa a MIcbtaL 4, L. H AtartVi, t , D. aiUw, M.lkU.J8 9t;fct T.n B, M: lot t. B. B. Bobblaa. AM.T ' Hill olppto. AJ.4t, tot 1. BLOCK TA 1 a. M bat anaiDj! kak. IBM. atS ttl lot t. Crr. at Canalo-! ai. fan. ft; Jot A Carollat Oosaioa ' Avptonto. taATO.. . . . A ttat af U4 lrtoAT Bna 1 of Raakaaa aranaa lad T naakaaa aranat taat analh thrraaf aad Brattot I ttkarawttk, raad imM aad faraitol arwf bata-aaa tba waat ttaa af Orai ard Una 100 faat waat raaraaf . (kwnlth V1 A Marata. kiaa.BX. fll.l.woofV-RLOCK 1 at I, WLOUai BaaaV tri. fBIT; tot -T, WtlHaai laadatmal. ii JI 40: lot 1 Baal Batata laraatoaa' AaaorU- . Una. W3 28; tot t, Ral Batata lavaatotV AoHall a. BM 44. BLOCK 10. tot A T A. Wood, hrt r. t. a. wood, ot: i, 4f tot 1. tTA. 1 . ia, a. . 4 B. fcW.-i, V . T. A a .."i. a, 40a a aaeuDPra aaiata, 47 Ban, f. Oohaa, 134.00: . aad VtoaTnla Vaa traaa Klltoa. tl; tot A. b7 ff- tt t ft"MTA rM Mt ri kt 4. Jr. , a- ' lat i. " B.. , 1 :V I i T, lrt i. H. U. DtU. r, B. Wotx t. Dtirkaa, fwM; M it 1 ia f lot Ba.fli; lot IT. lot 14, af-ai M. E -stt. a-o oil i lat la, Mlaa I M. B aaar. ..: UUjb M-lrbi r'"f" fc j. lot ' a- B6rk ao, tot 1, tt A. k ,0, v'4l; tot LVidT-r B 0. i.-S4i tot 14. Km A. la, Caarlaa aad A :nu r-c1?. wit tt Hi, -a JT'awita, kiliTwrt It. w Aaw-. a. .. tot IATi WK rtt.Mi Jut la, aUarlatta A. , --: Alt 14, "a A- t t. aft; tot T. A. B Hnrr-hrar. r. m.j4: tot it. t. a. V -f.J lT aaaa Ji Haa,T-a riaa A, Wafi-ola, WJi Ife, vama B. A. fcillwv. -; toi 14, I Mt a, BOM aV uatairooa. aa. ii an Itoaa M. OatawoadT a.T0i rla r A labarb JLaUwaf Co., at rlAt 1 way ta. SL Total A autaaaaat ft MoratoU M" 11 ""t itar4 Lb tba BocTat fi-U aa ad M bow r ta fajaWa at f 1 w ! t. Citj lawrar, to Uwfal awaai tj lMm CJU4 ItaUa, d 4 T taaaraa Tba tkaVa aaaaaaauot Wll aa iafft attar tart Ant "'J0! ratt M . ia aattoa. ruN, Aadltor af taa Ottf ai PortlaaaV tathal ttoacoa, Baptaartat BT, IBM. FOB TJCVBOTZBDOn! OF 1 TXKTK RBKBSt Kotlat to aarabr taat Bat Oataett at tba City of Portland, Oraava, at t laattwi bald ob tba Slat da of fteptaaabat, 104. daetorad tba aaaaaiEaaet pj ordl&aDca No. 14.214, for tba laqwaTamcBt of Taa Lb atraat from taa aortk Wi af Waaalactoa atraat ta tba aoatb Haa at iwot itiMt, la taa aunaar proTldad by atOl-V-nf la. 1.8 opon aacb toV part af tot and aaroat al toad, wbleb art aaaatally aad patal larl baaattad, to aa aa taltowa, vlai BTLAKD BLOCK BH. tot 4, Kalda 9. claaa. U 11.10: Mt a. MoMa, noaaaa. lU 20t tot S, Qartnda Haaa, H4a,06j tot m,n nuMir ict of toad lyl&i batwaaa tba waat Tntk- atraat and A Una 100 taat - tbaraot aad parallel tbarawltb aad batwaaa tba aoatb llaa ad Joba H. Coach aoaatioa Uad Claim aad t llaa aw taat aoatk tbaraof aixl palallat tbaraaitk. Pare H. Airta, A uact of bad triad batwaaa tba waat Haa aT Taatb iMd and a llaa laflfaatwaat blanoa atraat and tba tooth llaa of Joaa atCoach doaattoii land elalai, CaroHaa A. Trtjabto, llSl.Ot; COUCH'S ADDITION to tba dtf af Portland BLOCK 8T, tot S. StaU Ktoatatawa, Mj tot 4. Bopbia Kloaura I1S1.44. BMCK at, tot 1, BUaabath BVVOUaaa, tlM-Mi Vt 4, BUaabath B, O lo,"!- i, toT t, l4aT SltotB Batata, aalra at. 1 ft 44 1 tot Jtod mmw U OUaab Katata, bain at, l lj- xA ia E Walak Bauta. aatra of. StAUi tot A AM1 Dili In k. Marr Bn ar, a.awi !t L Baraard li 1UMat, an "! LOOK V Baa- ' oaaau, Pallloi Haartotu CabaU, FalUad X Ul.L a. a fvaaafar fc?ltteaJ, ilOB Mnraa SB: 1. Ladlat BU. EKUII, . win, V. ! tot 1ST, brt 1, awraarat w. whwi. t'"f1 TMafflSaSa W tYV MamMaraball atontr bawtjaf! 1, Joba Klatnaa, IBM. 11; lat 4, Joba Klaraa. W! l wlta Kidman. , ASOO.WJ Si T SohA Klarnaa. StlO-OS. BLOCK a, V T t7h-rlsr' t. i Jar. rSBPt A hfe"1 iVk aafisaa. BLOCK ftl tot L Sarli u.m.M-Jh.m r i iyshm. aU at. KHTUNtSLdCKIU. Jot A . BjrT L. tot A, PlrtT arar4lleal Baf artaad Contra -tiraal Church, IwHs: totrim Sajalll Baforawd ConrreiiUoj ta BM a4i Mt ft, WillUat rildaaf. AW.At; tot JO. Aanto T. Bwltaar. JllO TS; lat 11, B. r. Btola. tt604. ftTOH 8 ADDITION ta tba City at PorttoDd bjijmtk AA aoatb U taat af waat W.lT taat at black. B. .r. buib. Ait. TV; waat 00, IT faat of bkrtt. ai- aaat aawtb W not. Latab At afttrtaa,; BLOCK . tot A W. K. KubWlaaa. JlfAPl kit A. WUlUaa Man flli.10; aaat M, tot r.:J. Batata balai of. W0.44: T. Aom aaa w. aa awa,airo AwCK ta, lot a, Maria Kama. VBaraaM MeDyiaott, 11X.; ta T. atran, a i.av: wi 1, rara, S1M.ML block at, taat iftoouui iwaa.r wn aa aMiu nuiaa ana J nam ih tot A An&ili. Btotot and 1Mb LtM.rfi jhlta. BSO-M: tot A Aataal, BMiaa tad John bbaa, flMOtl lot T. Aatoat, Btolaa 1 3B. awn.. 01. a a. Tt. I li aoora tot 1 U irrtot It Antolna, Blali . BpaaMInf A PPTtA W Plalohet 44f BLOC 11. tot A Cntriea aJ.cfff..ayil lea B, ww. aa. irtot . rtr. e aj; an a. t. u. 11 v awinjr, Jamea Sober taoa. I M: lot 4. John Mt- ila, BM.n: tor J, Jna acwiiehWM. BLOtK lit, brt a.. inmi mssm .LOCK lit, brt a.. Minmoia anf meering 1 anna a 'fineeniar mMa t Ilaeerlnt lb oli Buitnear I na fCK 1 v. Mt X BOlnVbU fintoWloc worta, TAjat I1TA; etA Cotaaj- 114 . i iia-Tneatint WorhK i R t Bl lULatl lat S, uuanaa a. wiaon, niao.oai tot A Care: Caroline 1 ' Ia . a. . nabaa aad Preatoa W. OllMtla. atTO. LOCK 24t. tot A O. bL Sailth, 4144.41: tot a ank ai e ia. w a n w. aetk ',M nT' k,, fA li. nailth- ltA tT: rl.hl w' rt.Aisrw? rri- A rtate'aeat of rfeieaeld aannaiiwl aaa bean aartared la tba Dachet at Oty. Ltaaa .aad to bow dua and nayahla at tba one at taa city Tiaaaarar. ta lawrai eMaap at tba tniaea Statea. nA U ant bbU wltbla SO data troa Ih tba data of thto t(a aacb pmcaedlnat wilt be Uk-n far tba totuethea at the aaaaa aa ara p an ti 4 by tba ebartor of the CJty of Portia A Tba abora aaaeaemant win bear Irtefeat 10 deya attar tba Brat anMWtlaa of rhl; nottoa. A - at the City of PnrtMaA SwnlaaaV Oe-at. lilMntil . 1404. . B tot tar . WaJta. IV -a-l " tot IT. w. M. WrliBt, fa-Tii o ia, a. Caa. .V V FraabftaTlaa C rfc. I tl Wl flrrt rraabitariaa V OLataa, -ia. BLOCK fa, aaat to tot 11, LT UKawa oa. ta.7i aaat to tot IS, la JU CaMat, m Mt t Mar m waat BBU taat k M. Darta. Ml .41, ' f" iia. lot L. lrakaoMa V L Wtt Vt aaaa e. f&?M l & UolilVU. BLOCS iaa. aaat la black. Wlllatactta Btrai BtUal A t 4 art K tot K Ft tt A tadAi .f4T.BZ: wtat, tot 4. Lab baa. iiTioo: JoAaLahbri Lrt 1 A, tmltb, AM. 74; aaa f BE of tot Y A 1Mb 7 etna ran www. f1! j. S Rabea aaJ PmM T OflMtte. tSTOOt. !TM4TBALAn OS n w4T 'AYxmwA. " r flaaa that tba Crrtmatl at Kortiw to aa city at f ...4, u a a axuuf aaia oa tba tint ti-t at bar, 10 , oVlara4 tba aaaaattw -it by or- nca no. 14.2S4, for tha bnurovh-Bat of V. a arasna, froni tba anuth 11 of Albarta atraat to 100 faat aonth of tba a b Una of LawU Lora doaatlua land eULbL ta id Maaaar prorldad by ordlnaaea No. U.4T0, t- a aacb lot. part of lot and paroal af land, wh a an apalally and aacaMirlj baaa li d, to l aa followa. vta: WOODLA 7 BUCS ST. tot A Aaboal Dtottiet , No, CM.aT: wat 40 faet tot I. aaool Dto trta. 1. It. OS; tot. Scbaat Diatrlct No. 1. I) watt 40 faat tot A Bcbool uutriat M 1L It lTi tot IA Datid P. paoet Batata, Ara af, ttt.M; lot IK Cam ttaa A. Ctrato. &.M( waat 40 faat tot 14, Joba B. David. K it: waat 40 fact tot 1, Blohatd Deua. H.Ml tot It. Ol Ira a Whacler, tlA.4: tot IT. aUchard D. Domm, 40 tat tot It. John Daid7 tonsataa. AW.ati a at at toad 1lna hatwaaw tba aaat llaa af akta tTaana. 100 faat aaat tbaraof aad artllal Ibarawlth, aad batwaaa aoutb Una if Dakaai k'tnoa and t Una 100 faat north f and parallel wltk weat Haw af Atoawortb traatTl. C. AlnaWortb. I.TT4.4T: a tract of land tyta batwaaa aaat Uaa Unloa avanaa and a Uirt 100 taat aaat thereof aad par 111 tfaarawltf. aad batwaaa aauth Una of Alnaworth tract and t Una 100 taat north tbaraot aad aaraltoi ti rwita, rartiaot . mauway ; Mnapany, AIKSWOBTBT TKACT BLOCK B, wttt MO Atat tot A Pnak D. Palmar. MSO.OO: watt 100 feat lot a. Ancam Bonan. , . ft WOOOUWlt HBIOHTS BLOCK T. . Mt Barak A. Papa, lltnos; waat 10 faat tot rah Aa famm' ALOpi waat tefeat W0; JtrT'fcfah't PaiarJlS! wmI aKEEIRIDOla-BOCK Vtot 17001. fVaak Un Padrl. ftxot; waal tfaai lot IA H. hi. ndarwood. ll.JT; toi 1 K. V. L'adarwood. waat t tan mi id. mabsm n. atarr, ll.SO; tot S, Mannla N. Starr, i.tfti'waat 4 feat lot oha AUnbar and Oaaur Drayar, 10.51, t Joha Bpperly. fTl.ip: want" 4 it 11. Joaa Epter ly, n tat B. Preatoa. T,tt; treat 4 faat tot 11, B. Preatoa. ITAU; Weat 4 fa B. Meaefaa, Voi : tot T. WllUa nd jaeohaea, 75 It; waat 4 fai B. B. Meaefaa. II 01: tot T. WUUaM L. and hfand Jacob a. 75 It: waat 4 faat tot 10. BadM L. Vvmhi. 11 01: tot a. Sadto L. Probl. eil.aftl waat 4 taat tot t, Sadto U ProhL 1 00 AINBWOBTH TBA OT BLOCK I, aoatb H waat 100 Beat of tot A Harrt Howard, JIM It; north H waat 00 taat of tot 4, A. B. PMw er. tiOS. lfl ; waat 100 faat of prth SO faat Burton, 1 aoatb TASTt faat aTtaat 40 Kt of waat pd reet Mt a. uiara 4- wonoa, .SB; weat 10 taat of aaat 1M feat at tot A Portland Traat Oomnany, I10.S2. alovbriTalb UTIMION BLOCK t. 100 faat tot A Jaaiea BnraBaa. 1142 20: waat 100 faat tot A ranMB Barman, tl SO: waat - 100 faat tot 9, W liber Campbell, BM.10; tot A hLH. Cadp, BIK.SO: waat 10 faatjoi It, If. H. CadTr iittT; tot 1. Joha w7 and BalBa ObjoaiIbb, lld.H , BLOCK A tot A W. a. StlUwaU, tltAM: want 10 faat tot S. A. N. StelterwaiaTfO tl : tot A Ktoanor A. SlnpaoB.; lot A H array p. Cootoy, ia.Tl: waat SO teat tot 14, A. H. Btelfar- waM.aa.aBt m L m array r. coofoy, aizB.aa. BLOCK A tot A waat 10 taat lot aana n. urtmmona. Dram mood. tin. 48: A Sarah M. PrnmaMtjA 410.M: tot J, Matilda BIU - . CLOTEBDAttf TBACT BLOCK A ldn4 to tot St, WlUlaal Bitbtway, 4S4-W ti" dlTldad to tot St, fTlUlaa mthawrlt.M; andiTldaA to lot SA tBrnrMa H. raonanna. at: aadlridad tot Bt cuirlaa H. BD.01; watt iv taat mi aa, v. u- faat tot bi. dwell, 41.46; Waat 14 taat tot A a . Cad- wail, at alt lot A , Ja tntaa a. NieketL Ait.l 1 mi wiaaaiL iub.sbv riam.. tarlrk ft UajL, gl1 'at St tot I, NalUa'T. UrtnxJeU. biiauq. K L lot A Mar. B. Olaaoa. Iioa waat 10 laat bit A Kibi A Plrnuto. SS Waat 16 faat tot BA Herbart . K- Satefaw R; tot A Oaartea Oalaaa. I11ABT; WchfX fioddy. IBAaA tot S. 0 fc WAJT t CLOTBBDaLB AKKBX BLfJCK 1 aorth 40 faat Mt L bfarv Knox. ttt.M: bottb 40 feet tot A Ittry Kaoa.ll4.ii; aoatb. to t tot L AdatoS tt. aad LaulOA W, Ott. lt,at: atatb to feat tot X AdoipB w. ana P. Ott.t4A.Tl; waat SB 7alt, SSH.U& BLOCK t. tot fa K OrUAtha, ItAC ,wrat izi.ii tot X. jtoha Bpparbr. fly, A52 po; Wr U lavtV M.B01 tot A t I L C. Hl dratb. 4T.4t; tot t. Miry K. HllUrd, 4044; 1 traat af lead! b la batwaaa watt iU3 af TJnloa a ran tie aad ttaa 100 taat eaat thcraal! ana anreuei tnarawrta ana netween apau Una af Roeolewn and a Una 100 feat aoutb thereof aa annUal llianallb, AAals lAWA AKLBTA PABK--Aat iff fnoTM . BrrreTL tltS.M; tot leA flaartt Q. WrraD, .U kt 141. Oeae CLBlrrelL tlAtl: tot 140. Travel m. Oatea. tlABl! tot lat. ArMta Land OOMpany, 42ST4; tot lat Phoenix Land ComaaKy, f Tt lot 146, Lucy M. LI C tie. 84.14; lot lit, Ltiey M. tittle. SltAtli lot IM. ArlaU Land Company. 424. w: tot 143. Ptora B. Onrei reaj fM.U4: lot 144. Joe Dora tot 144. Jaa DoroaalaM. 41M.OA ailakl. BCHIOXALB BLOCK L art 1. U. aad Cbrln. Una Atatooa, SUt Si; lot S, AxeTH. Aietooa. tioa.4a; lat l, A. Kklaad. 801.48: Mt 4. Clareace M. DUtoy, STA4S: tot 4. Clan Moe fren.; tot A Maria L. Joaaa. IlOavai lot T. Maria L. Joaaa. tllfi.lB. LESH 8 ADDITION BLOCK 1, tot L WlTHa H. Leah, 44. 14; tot A Wllllaai BL LaaA, PiYdUONT PARK BLOCK t tot A miaa P. 1'iuauner, iioi.tTi Mt 4, caarlaa rj, woea- fock. 9118.40; tot 4. Prodarlck W, Toraler. llT.W; tot A Predarlek W. Toralar, llf.8t; tot T. Iredarlck W. Toreler, tAh.dtt; lot I. Predarlcfc W. Targler. 1114.58; tot t. Prad- arlck W. TeTfler, I1H0.T4; I: tot 10. rrederlch Torrier, uao.Ti; Pradarlck W. Tortjer, 40.08: wait 10 feetakx ll Frederick W. Jorg Ur. tt.BS: weat 10 faat tot IA Frederic W, Torgler. 1Z.M: waat 10 faat tot 14, Pradarlek W. Torilar. ti st; waat 10 real Mt it, rreoenc w. xorrkar, 4x07; weat 10 taat tot 14. Predarlfc W. Torrier. 12.34; weat 10 taat tot IT. Chartoa C Wood cock. tt.01; watt 10 faat tot 14, Joaaph P. Mewefaa, 4SBI. BLOCK t Ml. Cbartoa a Soodcock tSOt.M; tot X. Char lea C. Woodcock. 01 J4: tot A CharMa p. Woodcock, 418T.T4: weat 10 feat lot A Caarlaa C. Woodcock, 4ll.Nl waat 10 feet tot A Char lea C. Wood- weat laat Mt gaarMt u. SVKRLT BLOCK L tot 4 tanafael fnaa. Mt B. MttotaMnt Cum mr. Ineattaiaat Coaapanr. IIW.OS: a. inteata nnient Co meat Conipaay. tlM.10; tot A lTeataient Cowpaor, fiu.1T), tot d Ineeat flit Co rApa nr. tot A laraatmenc .niMnt. 4144.44; Mt A laeaataMBt Oomnaar. 112.1.80: tot 1. InveataMat Oomnany. flkimOXT BLOCK OO, tot A laentawat Ooea- nany.; Mt a, laraatBMat Oamnaaf, 41 04: tot A Inreatneeat CoMpaay. 410.04; tot I. Tneaataiant Ootnpay; krt A nant upnpaay,; krt a. apur. tiao.84; Mt fT Iteaal. ineaaraient LXimpaar, aMnt Onmnaar. ll lnTMtMent CoOtpau lent Com pa nr. UB).0B; A laraatmant Cumanay, ffrD.OS; tot A aa J. Belfoed. S 12.04: tot a. Biiaa 1. 1 una f. Bafford. 1108. A 4at,bt; tot A t S, lareatateat laotaMnt Com t A IareatBMat Coainany. 1 lat. 41: tot A tnaaat Cowuaor, enipany. aVa.Tfl; A1U.4; tot a. lanatMcht tot a, I a Taat men t S"; tot'i' hyewh A Inveatatont Oom. iBrettaMnt Blent Oompa iraataneat Coaapanr. A lnreatnaant Coa- 'kt alas.. InTaataaeat 0aa rAttnMnt Coaaaai daina. aBlAl'l tot K ftTtftBeBt Oaninant, rr.; tot t, InrettBieBt Camp. ay, ililM, t 1, lavaatmeat CoatMiry. fijs .40. BLOCK t't. .Adam. AW. flt; Mt W. H JD. tot A iBfeetmeflt Cow pan, 8111.44: tot t. nreatanrnt Compel. , lllLdl; Jof 4, Ineeat it caenMBj. Havu; mt ar. lareetmeat peay, WH O: tot 4, IanatfAeat Coauway. 44; lot 1. iBTeettWat Ooanpaar. tjfl.oi; kt A Ib Taat men t uoapar, 11211 m 1. Lnrrmaat tmnany, . 914.1 20. BLOCK 1, tot ma.aaiMCt, inveat- ant CoftiAany. 8110.40: tot A I ore lot at mpaay. ftd U; tot a, laeaatBMat Coajpanr. aO.ft; tot a. Inreetaseat Ooeapaay, 844.81 pt A laeaatmaat Coaipaaf, tlSOjl1) tot U eaatartnt Co at pa ar 1141.18. irT PABK BLOCK 4. to IA WllTMai Ellliuawnnh aad rrant M. Warraa. tiab.4l: tot IA William Klinnnawortb and Prank M. Werrra, tllT it: tot It. Wllllaai Kllllnae- wortb aad freak M. Warren, 17. 8T; lot U -lUlam KUUaaawortb and Prank ht. War ren. 11 36 : tot 10. William Kttllnawwortb tnd Prink M. Warrea, T W; lot A Wiiu rn BUUntawavtb and rrana M. warm, LOt.M: toT A William BUUInaaworth and Prank M. Warren. 11 30. St. BLOCK 10, tot 14, William Klltntrwortb and Prank War rea. tltT.2S: to IS. William KllU Inawwortb if: ! , Warrea. and Prank H Warrea, 4111 It; tot 1 lam KlIBirtWwaith and Frank M. , Warraa. tax TO; Mt 11. William KllUageworth and Prank M. Warraa, t4 tt: tot 10, William KlUlngawnrth and Frank hi. Warren, t-T.ll; let t. William Kllhaceimrth and Frank M-Warr-a. I1A9.1S: tot K WlllUm Kllllnaewartb and Prank M. Warrea. $144 W. BUM K 26, Mt IB, Wllnam Kllilnfawartb and Frank M Warrea, 1112 TB: Mt IT, William Klllln, wrth and Freak M. Warraa, (lit. WlUla KUUacawartb Aad Frank I; tot 14. M. Vaf- 1,; waat 40 faat tot T, Brbool Dia- No. 1,; toil, 4 Diatrlct No. 1, to 7, M.-t C 1 V $101 U; waat u taat tot 10, Mr a. ' n A Haaaa. i.H: want 40 taat tot lL C Ha L Clrcla. in no; h 10 faat tot A I h A. Po aa. Brw; waat I2.a0i waat 10 faat tot K Barah A. Podo. W4V arlaa K arluitKa. tlM.zi: north BL CharJaa M. OrlffllhM. SU M' wet BS north tot Abtttot EOS ELAWK BLOCK L 1 4T3.49: tot A fcBB SVm lLfJ. 1dreUi tl.a: to nenor nrren C Conpa 101 tot A A In mmm aaa wt. ta wint.M ruitmiaM aad i eilt. Warrea, I .i: tot 14, Auuaapwerth aad r h hi. Warrea. ft.!; tot WT Miillam Kill.-.'- ft aid Prank M- erairen. t(Ut.x; lot ia. r a r.iuinaaworn nd Prank M. Hvarrea, 1 ll;.tot U, W1U- M HUlinaawortk and rr a m. warraa,' i ui 3d: Mt io. WtMiam KuUatawarU aad Prank if. Warraa, 186.48. MA BUI. X BIO H LAND BLOCK tVMf. M T. Av and a C. Tnrner, 46.; ,tot A T. A. and u. u, Tnrnar, ana am, rorriaDq hiiwu ' t"" 4ABM.0A Tatai, St. A etateaaeat af arareaatd aaaaaeaaen baa baab - lm (ha IW-ba arf rats fiaM aad M BOW aaa and aayabu at tba aft pa of rbo City Traaaarar. la Uwfal maaar af taa Cnltad Statea. and If aot Mid within 80 dan trojat tba data or mm n!ea nca nrooaani ia wui aw nana at at atartdad bytba a! jtai of the Ctty jf The aboTe aaMiant win dat, tfjUf tba Scat to-' Ur.tkK : woaao. kar Inlaeaat M i. Aadhtov of the dtp at Portlaad. ; aSrttoaA 0veaa. Baatombar St, 1S0A - awaumv, . . ITattot to berehT aieaa tbat fad' Maaen af the atr of Pncaod, Urcrao, at a BMaUad.bald S4 tumedt'ar 4rxiiVa VtoflV aWlared 14.889, for i ULremant ar n.ri atrnat ma atraat 0pm tba aaat tn tba weat Una of Uaa. ag Mil wank ta atraat Ball .all Twant: lata atraat, ta taa manner nrorlded by ardlaanee a Na. 1AU1, apoa eel of toad, which aarA ML Dart of tot and parcal are ipenUliy tad . LAND, BIXX L tot A,, lajapol He ta. 1144. SS : lat A Leopold fUtA 418 Ml lot 14. J. & Brott 1(4.8T; 1o IA 5. B, Beott. fllAld; tot 14, 4. BaaJtWrth, Kta.Pij mi in. wna n. myare. um.ui 11. Albert Maarer, irt-B); tot V Albert nrar. 127 n. 2a BLOCK S, tot 8. eWW" c Master. AhOT.aS: tot 0. Andrew Mctuatar, 4. a, m a area rweiw. iib-h, i rH rlW 82NA09. HLOCK A Mt A Cbartoa Kacfaold. t2S4.S4t tot A Martto Mato, lot 4. William Swaee. M.Sft: J f. William Bneea, 2M ST. BLOCK t B) t Charlea KacbolA 827100; tot B, Chertoe Kae- . 172.48: Mt . John Kmna. nox-aa; m 'aha Kaaa, 1224 90. BLOCK A tot A Marka, 4raa.8; tot A T. W. Maraa, ; tot d, John Sleflar, IT0.S1; Mt f. Ptr . ODlta. 120B lA BLOCK A tot A ! Banana, wa A Lntrin F purer. 4 Looto Fearer, fwaaj la Paarar. tlBtlt: a traat tear batwaaa the north Mat of and a Una 100 feat north there- Oanllel tberewtth and batwaaa tba aaat Una1 of the O. 4) 0. B. K. Oo.'fjriabt af way nndtbe waat line of btocb 8. Smith 'a addition. Oraaaa A Calif oruM Beilroad aaa nany, 123t 0T7 BbtlTH S 8CmVmoif Arm APPITtOK TO JMiajfuat, 40 j? tot a, LmUa 'l. Laat, PEI KEB-S ADOITlOW TO BAXTX PORT LAND -r BIXKTK it. lat. L .Mia nle U Babtorrom. 421128; tot A Mlaato L. ftobtornan. 424.84: tot IA Winnie L, Babl troa, 4100.44; tot C Badnoo B. Ntooa, 1100.44; tot T, Hndana R. NeMna, S100.8T: tot 11, Lena Mayer. IT4. SI : tot IS. Lena Merer. fana.tT. BLOCK IS, tot 1. Mat Laeb. aaia aa k a mb twAaai tot A Onh B. Qeok aad Mary Cook aetata, af. 47.T: tot 1 Oeerge B- Ooeh and Cook eatate, heir of, iStl.OA BLOC (Bin, aaire and Mary LOCK If. kt 1. Fred FMbtor, tot a. Fred Ptahtor. $40.04; tot A loaeah. atoxh4,taB .88; I? 47 Patrick Praine; V . BUT IB. ILULB IO. at 1. 7nha P. Belaaebar, tot A. 'oha RHaachar ara tt? W A rnni Aad An tenia Spltnlahl. 842. TBI Mt a. rraaa.eiB, m m tot BLOCK t. tot 1. Irmla Fearer. M Fenrer. 148.18: lot 8, Peter ted Inaa 00.M; Mt S, TBoanan Derrr. 8244 85. BLOCK 8. tot 1. O. H. An tSrS-, bi?-t a.reir.08T Mt A UnM atjanfTru;7 St f land lying httwajaj tba) aoatb MBe Of Kan Btreet ana Ura 100 feet fcmtl tiereot arm parallel tharnarlfh and batweea the aaat lot af tba 0. A O. aUttrnad tnany4rtit at war and the wwrt Uaa of btoek B.mltPt dltloK, rrrea-oa a nBtwaat auuirot ama hn nt fatfrt"? Aft 1M.1 Tt a irt n Ditiiinv AKfi AsnmoB to A3t POktLAKD BLOHK A lot 1ft Mat- Brat, ana IT til a: lrt A Carrta Mayar. tLlani1 anVl now due and payiBle tt the) ifltoa of the City Treaaarar. 1 lewfal moaor at tba Cnltad Statea. and If aaa na.ll arlthla BD den Itoa tba data af thto notice eat nroeaediuga wlU be taken aar taa MUf-raoa or taa aaata aa a by tba rhartar af tba City of Port Tba a bora aeeeeament win bear dayt attar tba ant pniifttoa ml Bar tba aoltorttoa of tba aatna aa era nrowoaa rmuu. Intaraat w tfala nottoa. TIIOI. a DBVLIN. Aadttnf nf tba City at PortUaaV PwfnaA fraaoa, September ST. 1004. 414IBSBIBT POB tSTPROtSMAIIT OP TBK WX8T SZSfl Of KAJT TWXBTX-TaX BTKKKT. Notion barebr Ttaw tbat tba Cownctl at tba city of Portia nd. Oreajoa. at a meeting bald tba Slat day of September, 1804, declared aeaaaanaat by ardlnaaea Ba. 14,224. for the tmaroeeateat 4f tba watt etda af Twenty tret atraat. troa 10 teat aorth af the couth lino of PoweU atreet to IS feat aoatb of the north llaa of Bono atraat, la tba Mannar Co elded by ordinance No. 11.474, apon aacb r mi td w and nareal of land, which an npeelallr and parallax ly baaadteA ta ba aa auiTtts'i'DDrnOlf ta Beet Partland Bine 4, loll Roe S. aanrala. 140.04; lot 8, Amelia Sleglar, AS. 40. Block d, tot A Malrla Gold- amltb, 1X2. U; Mt 7, Mra. r. c. Mccamey, IraaS; tot 8. O. B. Andaraaa, 49008; lat A llda kelnhoff. 483 &B; tot 10, AUda Melnhoff. 1U U. Block 8. Mt 8. Marr SlTeanea. 12 M. tot T. -Marr McCnltoaAb. 83184: tot 8. Joba ' ABB. OA: Mt 0. WUllam D. Caaawall. 112.44: tot 10. William SV Pit- loba WaaaaaMaaar. 82t.4a. Block it Mt a, Baean u, BHiuar. .ew.Mia T, C7 O llltooa, 4lO06i tott. 1. uoraar. aaaLaa; tot iv, . .a. .nm. . wik ta. .et u. at BArth at faet af tba aaat 100 teat, John X, Darin. $ftt.0: aaat of aaat 100 feat at aorth SO feet at aoatb 150 teat aaat of R. B., Inn Baaatna. 132.50; aaat aoatb 100 faat, Oeerge W. Blmpeoa, 897 TB. Total. STal.54. w A atataawnt of aforeaald aateaamant Bat be im la tba Ttaak at af Cltr Liana and hi aa aaa and aayabto at tba attca of the City TYaaanrar. la Uwfal BMaer at tba Cnltad Btatea, and tt aot paid within SO dan from tba date of tbla notice aacb proceedtnge wlU ba tahea for tba aollecttoa of tba eaoie aa an nrerlded or tba cbartar of tba City af Portland. Tba aboro aeereament will aaar Intaraat it day after tba tret pwblWtlaa af ttla .netMa. ' Andltor af the city at Portland. Pailtond. ttoacoA, Saptembar ST. 1SOA . FOR TSJMQTbWXBT OB STDXT VOKAJB ArSJCXT. Botlca la bereby iHrea that tba OoemrM of tba City at Portland. Oregnn. at a meetl ng bald aa tba Hat dar of Sentamber. 18U4. declared tba aeeeewtnant by ordlnanca No. 14.211. for tba ImnroreaMnt ai Maitaomaa atraat. rrom the aaat Una at Baat Twenty-foarth atraat ta the eait Tina of Eaat Twenty -eerantb atreet. IS the bananar pranoed by ordlnaara No. 13.941. apoa each tot, part af tot and parcel of toad. wbleb are. apedally aaa) naaallarly beaadted. (a ha sa toikiwa, eta: . PIKST ADDITION TO JtOIXADAT PARK AD- 17. tot 10, tba TttU Ootrantea A Traat aom- Trait So .90; tot V, Tba Ti IM tnaraatea Dnaay. UO.Tlf Bat f. Tba ia Title .'4wArt; let anm. Oaennten A Traat anaapaa, 48 Tba Title Oaanntaa A Traat evanuenr, tot A Tba Tltto Oaaraatee A Traat BSi" 4N3S tot A Tba Title, goaraatea A tommv, 4S0.10T tot A Taa Title iatea B Traat eomaaay, IKS. 14; tot A loarlatea Title Oaarantea m Trait comnaar. &3.41: tot A Tba Tula aaanntta Trnat at A 1 bib knx; PlKli tot T, Tba Tli la Oaanatea .iat AVrarHCir tat.tT. . BLOCK IA lat Toi title Guarantee fruit rannpaay. .141 tot 4. Tha fit la Ouarabtee a Trnat btajtnr. 171117; Vt Tba Title Guarantee u; i x. ana iiua unarantea Pay, fTf ti; ol ht Title net avmpany. 012. fcWcK rftna batweea aa aaaterly aa 1 met BpguT, Oaanntaa C all of lot tenataa af t9e aortb b4 , aoath llnea of MultaoaMh Waat. tba Title Cuati tat At Trnat aompani. MM BLOCK B, lot It. Tba Tltto Qnarantea A Trnat tottpaay. 84.88; tot It, Tba Tttla tiaaraataa A Truat com aany, 144. U; tot 14. Tba Tloa Qaara4ree A fraai oobwd. Ant 20; tot 11, Tba Title Onnraatoa Si Trtn ComaAbj, 10281: tot II. Tha 441 Oner tee A. Trnat com peay. 4t.T4j tot A Tba Title Goa rente Triiat company, tM.Tt; tot T, Tba Tltto Oaarantea A Trnat aMnnany. 854 Off; tot .' Tba Tltto Oaarantea A Truat annua nr, aav.rBi; , tot A The Tltto Oaanntee Trnat 00 nnny. aan 14: Mt 4. Taa Title On are n tea A Trnat twaapeay, StO.tSj Mt 8, Tba Title Oaaraatee A Trnat Company. 448.82; iSlaV.1 aaa wr , Tba Title Oaaraatee A Treat earn pan, ; tot 1. Tba TltM Ouarantoa m Traat aom piny. anr.BS. Total. 81.181 at. A otatemeat of aforeaald e aaaaa we at baa aaaa entered la tha Docket at Cltr Liana aad b) aow dae end Bar aba at tba artee af tba aty Treaearre, U ton nl PMavy af the Cut ted Statea, 10 dan from tha data of tbla BoHre aneb proceed! aaa will 'be tak far tba cnllectM af tha aame aa en prorlaed by the cbartar af tba City of Portland. Tba ahoTe aaaeaamant will bear Interaat 14 daa after tba tret aablWttoa af thia nottoa. . x. - i i tun. u. v1 i1- Andftnr of tba CBr of PvtlaaaL PertMAw Oraatm, Bagtemhm ST, old. ev Anna 482.89 Alnant Koula S71AI af and por nrwBOTKBarjr. ; or KAKB ATUHTB. Bottot to. hereby alraa tbat tkw Caaaefl af tba aty at Portia ad, Oreea. at meetln beld on tba Slet day af A vtemhar. 104, de clared the 11 en aa moat br ardlnaaea No. 14,120. for tba ImnroTemaot at Orend araaoa from tba aortb Una of Belmaat aUeet to tba aorth Uaa of eaat Clay treat, la lat Bunnee ynriaea br ardlnana No. 11,440, kpon each tot. part of tot and parcel af UnA wblob an apecUlly and naeiiUarJy benadted. tn aa aa fulMwa. jU; BAST rMTlJtNIBLDCKTa&. waat ttf taat af tot 4. eokeab Borkhar4T fT W; aaat St Wat tot A T. K. Wiiilama Batata, bairn af. ll tot I. Joha MarataU, 84 10. M PAhK ADDITION TO JUST PORTLAND tlKlSA tot 1. fraMI W. Uojlbla. ni.ati tots. Daniel W. IloeUtlaer. 44a.iT; tot A dolph Kleallnc, IT4.40. BLOC awifa atiaau. e ' J BLOCB, lnm LoKkB. Ik man. ftdAl kt 2 Alfraa T B'nlkaua. tTR.aU. aUW-rh?)PNB PARKTJ-BLbcK 2SS. 1. Poetadler Broe , f Tt 40; tot S, Nanatadtar p vwa ,a Brua.. run., F4-47; art a, lw Bawiaorna naiaia. 4T4.4Ht Mt A Tha Bawthorna Bat tata, aio.ev; olaa. IT A 40 1 BLOCK ISO, Mt L Leu lea V. Bolee. tot t 8. Ca chart aa H. h. .; v. a worn. i a. v , OatborlM H. Beob, 17 4.?: Mt 4. Catherine K Beck, 4Tl 40. BLOCK IM. lot 1. Tba Rewtkoane BaUtet 178.40; tot A ThaH n- t borne ZaUta, 87A4T: Mt 8, Joaeam iteieen hoi tev., aiAva Tto Hiei Wtborae rae aWtata, 7A40; tot tata. 4T4.4TI tot ll . tTS.a.1 tot A Tat Tba Hawthavne Hawthorne BeUU Vawtborwa Batata. JTO.SA rXf'HBNS ADDITION TO BAST TOBVXMfp --BLOCK 41. let A hmmSk Hallar. 847.72; Mt t Jnaanh WalMr. 870.08: tot A BUubetb Hatara Batata, aatra at, 454 .TO; 1 H LaH Batata katea at. IM 70. aawa at, ona-iuj a BTLAND BLOCK wa, MT a, laam I t T. Maod O, Bndtoa. rA4S; tot A CharMa Wtbira Batata, balrt M. aiAaa: tot a. Charlea M. Wlbara; KataU. bel In of. BTt.40, BLOCK 04, tot B. Tbotnaa BMton, 1TJ 1.40; kt T. TVimaa HlekjnTTTAtt: tof AH ana beren. 478.40; north tot T, Marr K. heltkempct, 17.14; nootb fc tot , Aaten faeltkewper, l7.St: tot AT. Ctoaaat tad A. ft lJeTenrS74.48i lat . t t(e-t aai A- Ft. Da rare. ITS 40. BLOCK ba. Mt a. WtllUai M. Ladd. 1TB 40! tot T 'vSaU Ladd, tTt 48; tot A WUUam M. tot A William M. Ladd. Pota. rEPHENB ADDITION TO aUT POKTNO BLOCK SO, tot A A. 0. Due blight. fT.T4: !.l T, A, 0. Bo.hlla-bt, IT0.08; and tided 4 tot A Dateay sTToaa, tit W; and rlded 4 tot C Daleey B. poaa, llt.OOj wnd dad f tot A Rudolph Klaallnf, l M; and ded I tot A Bndolpb Kl11ng, flt.00; andlrlded iittt OneUT Bartmei. flOOjjaadfjldei 41 mV4 0uU Bwtau. 41AM. Tolai, tutemertt af afonaald aaeeaametrt has been e tared Ia the DocAet of aty Uaaa aad to now due and payable at the ofSra of the city Traaaarar. In lawfal money af tba Cnltad Statea. and If aot paid within 80 dan from tha data of tbla notice aacb proceeding Will ba takea for the collection af tha tame aa an prorlded by tba cbartar of tha City of Portland. Tba aaawe eeaeaai daa attar tba Srat oat will aaar tolerant 10 oV.pTr- lodttor of tha Ctlr of PortlanaV ragon. aeptembar ST. loot. .PertlaaA tSBISSBIST POR rMPBOTnthfKKT Of BAST : STOTTK STBKX2. Notiaa fs bareby rlraa that tba Chwnrtl af tba Cltr at Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held a tba Slat day af tVptamber, UXH. de flared tba aaaeaamant by ordlnanca No. 14,217, for the Improvement of Baat Tenth atreet, from tba north Uaa of PnlBag atreet to tha aoatb Una of Oniac atreet, la tha manner prorlded by ordinance lo. 18.507, apoa each tot, part of tot and parcal of toad, which are enatuily aad nacnllarly bepeoted. ta be aa follow a. tU: ho uth i ar i not6 nblock t. tot a Moor Bnckamaarar, 471.08; tot T. Molly Bocken- mrer" ST4.0B; Mt a, Moiiy a oca an merer, 4108.08; tot 4, Molly BMckManrer. 4144.80; ht 4, MoUy BncbaaaatyM, tllli tot A MoUy ftckaAmejTABIi tot MoAf wocaenmayer, anoo.w. LINCOLN PARK A ANN BX BLOCK SB, Weat 100 faat tot 1, eat tot 1. Joaenb Chaney. 12M 94. BLOCK 11. waat 100 faat Mt a, w. r. ana B. f. Kind. IISB.B.; waat 100 feet tot T. Mary B. Dartoa, tlOiaot weet 100 faat tot - 0, Taa Tltto Oaanntaa. A Traat Compeay, Ro.sQi went loo faat Mt a, . m. uopa, 0.44: weal 100 faat tot A loba M. Plt- tlnger, 887.84; want 100 faat tot A Joba M. waat 100 feet tot f, Mhanto L. tWney Batata. bira af tiftf US' weat 100 feet Mt S. Delia Shadlnarer. SI40.02: waat 104 teat tot A Delia Sbadlnirer. 8140.57; t 100 feat tot A Lores Be ward. 1127.111 weat 100 teat tot A J. ai. huaia. aiwi no. buam n, a, wri oo feet tot X ta M. Plana, I0. li weat 100 feet tot 1, L. M. Fierce. 41J4 M- BLOCK T, weat 100 faat tot A P. J. Tandem art, flat. Ml west 100 faat tot A P. I. TfBda hit. 4148 OS: weat 100 faet M A M- A . Motwaa. 488. W; watt 100 feet tot A A B. iPtortT IN11. 75 7t; -t 100 feet Ct . p. M. KoMd, IU 1.51; 'wait 108 Ant lat A B. Krrtali, 412.00, -- . -- B10HLAN D--BLOCK 14. tot A Haarp A Ttoa aell. 1 80.17; tot Benrp B. DenaaU. 8171.01; tot A Prank 0. Barnaa. 1184.42; tot I Prink C. B.rne. 418sTb8TJai A Ajwa J! Oarner. tln.34; tot l7 Aa J. Oaraat, NOKTa' T RTTWOTOB BLOCK A M4 ft Tba Tltto Guarantee A Truat rtoouMhr. fTt 80: tot 10. Tba Tltto Oatrantae A- Traat Con- OfTT t4; krt 11. Tha Tltto Ooaraatee A Ompanr. Slot TS; tot IA Tba Tltto Oaarantea A Traat Oomnany, 190.01 ; tot IA The Title Oaarantea A Trnat . CaanMflp. . UM an: Mt 14. The Tltto Soaraatee 1 Trait company. flat.Ot: tot IB, Tba Tltto Oaaf rartl 73; tot 12. a B. KlntT. 471.14; tot 11, ah J. Xln-ey. M0. 44; tot M. F. E an4 Mtltory. ll 15.95; tot IS. D. R. Bawktna, JI4 48; tot 14. D. B. Bawhiat, 4111.14. LOCK . tot S. William J. Bawklna, till. 02: tot' 10. Winiam J. Hawklna.; IW IV, wiiiiaae. niwuia, .ih.wi t 11. Maclea Batata Company. 414B.U: lot 12. Ctoment O. Jones, 4148.11; tot 11. C. B. Kins, 411)1.08; tot 14, Mra. T. B. Kennedy. ; tot IS, Arrld Leap. 1 1 04. 71; lot ia, award. 41 14. to. BLOCK A tot T. i B. Heltor. 414S.T51 tot aVMary B. Aiorea N,.rlaa parte, f 138 05; tot 8, Ghariaa a. HaiMr. fal.Ui tot 10, William 4. Hawkins. 174.48: kt ll! D? R Hawkins, 4107.48; tot IX O. H. Beltor. I12B.K2. . . . IiniTL AND -BLOCK IT, tot t, J. B. Carnea. 116114: tot A 14. Oanaa, 414 00;, let , . Au Undaar,; lot 10. J. A. Ltnd nFS9!b;Tot. 11. Marritt Llndeay. S1A1; tt ft. btarrltt liadaa, 404.7. Total, fhaVF ifawal r tum-M af araraaaldj aaaeeament tat b-aa entered to. tba Docket af Clty Uena ud b now due and aarable at tba ofoca or ma cii at tba office of tbe City Treaaaree. ta UwTnl ay af tba United Btaree, and U net paid tthla 80 dan from tba data of tbla aotfoa aacb arncaedlnga will he tah-a tha aollactlaa af tha aame aa an ntwrldad by tha charter af tba at of Portland. Tba bore amaaataiht will bear latereat 10 fart attor tba laat paMlcettoa af tbla nottoa. . i . TH08. C. DBVLIN. Aofltot Of the City at rortaad romaaa. wegoa, mtymow an. inve, KK-BBBIOB OF KAATT IBAJIfLUK STBKKT. Wharaae. tba ftoaacfl af tba Cltp at Pari land, aeendng It expedlaat td anea, lay oat, wldea and catabUah an eatraelun af Kant TweatWth atreet. In the City of port Uad, from tba aoatb Una af WrUMa etreef to u aorth Una at CUntoa atraat. aalS Rant Twentieth etreet to be 80 faet la width aad to correapeod with Ki Twentieth atreet aa told eat ta Aaet'a hddttloe to Beat PertUnd, (Ud aa tha 8th day of Jaly, 1804. direct tha City Engineer la nrrey tba naaae aad to mark tha baandartes inereoi, ans I naaan a piai oa wnwm L"'l ad a written ranort containing a nil berfeet deecrlrtlen of aacb troi paea atreet and kmndarlaa tbcreof. and at tha Bjarttoa af each ML tract or MM af eltber to b !, aad tba Cltr Snti rnf. plat aa4Teepott. arcattiated for aaeh Btreet naet baring made Bach aorrey. nil aaS aiad aneb nlat aad reeort la tha ettct of tba Auditor of tba City at Portia nd aa tat JH day of laly. 1004. tad aald report harlnf rhaaa aAnnted br ordlnanca Na. 14. ITA On titled; "Aa ordtoaaca adopting taa report at ntr tuinatr ta tba mat tar af tha BCOOerd Talng. la r las oat, wldeatnfl aad eeteblUtlns Baat TwenUetb trael. la taa City af Port land. 80 feet In width, la Ita preaent owaraa. from tba aoatb Una af DlrMtoa atraat to taa north Una of Clint atreet. Knw. tharafnra- alt narieas TatotoeMd ara bereby ntlaed Ihnt tba Connrlt of tha .Cltr of lortUnd ha appniatvd H. J. aotrav, t. aeinj and W. F White rlewen to view aald aro poBed er tenataa of eatd atraat and make an eetl raata a Ka tuM!i aad aa taa aaa acceetoned hy tha opening, taring eat and eetahllahlna of tba aame. In accordance With tba barter of tba City of Portland, aald etewen to meet t the once at tha A boh or ar taa cur or rtMBd aa tba 13th day af October. Itua, at the boar at M a'ctocft ia tba tat aaaaa at aald The man. seal apenlnf. wtdaaresT, torlns tat nl aatablfaktns at Baat Tweatlern atraat to tn faat to width and la mars aaalsamrly haaadid aad d'CTlbed aa tollowe: hvalBalaf at a point ta the aonth Una af THTtatoa etreet at the aorta waat enrnar of bMck U hi ee dew land, mnnlng tbenr weBreb oa tha aonth Una af ITiotoa etreet ta feet; aalat: these another! and parallel w the net Bna af KaM Twentieth "at as laid out. ta Ika north Haa af C.ljS a the ore eaaterty atoaa tha berth line af ( atreet faat ta tbe aa loa Twentieth atreet: thane i aaat Ba of Baat Twasuem ... . aa - - MkWT lfinn k airVBlMK BA Mt A M. V iuVnTT7toV-.b.?u: Ife liirK aa ka A Jaaanh Paanat. IT8.40; MC Kit linger im.ii; want iwi mat ax a. anrna . KlnaayT 415AS8: waat 10 feat tot X Barah . klaaey.4isi.ft BLOCK A weat inn Mt A Ttartor Weatarlond. 1112 06: ante Trnat unnaar. UNCOLR PARK A ft N ft X BLOCK SA tot M, Martha S. Bt.lger, I230.4S. BLOCK 80, tot A Loraa Seward. 4131 10; tot 10. Lorea toward. tlOA.OJ: tot 11. Clara B. King. cart to tha eeec ttaa af WiBBaa TZm alambA toatm. aaa and aafabllehlng of Aaat TwenUrth atraat win include and aev-eeeltate tha appropriation t nV Ua aan af tba anUowtas daseruoa ffAraam or trarta mt MaeVt All of Intl. Meet 1. latba8 adrttttoa, aaav talntng' A400 toaara feet. . I ' Alao BU Of lot B. BIuCI I. asmaa a awnaa, aaautalna S.000 aqnare feet. Alao all at Mt 1. Biwei a. anwalnlns A 4O0 eooare feet. Alao BU mt tot B. block 8, talalna 1 BOA arraara (eat. Alao aH that part af tot A add! Uoa, Irtnc eaaterty af tb Una af Baat TwasOatb i'u- AUtbat part at tot T. atoaw t fceab. mtVX A to Sfaf Wttmdk TahVa adAtttoa. rwiua'ti tra'Un Atoa an Out aart af hrt T. btoA a Laava a addltiaa. lyiu neteriy at the arofwadT wwterir II na of Baat TwaaUath atreeL cpnUiains taa nan faet. ' ' " 1 Til aaraaaa ataJmmaa SaMaasa ar fBHab at tba aaproisUttoa of the property, abon axatlud a an iaaa tkaranf 4a tba ins SM their cWmt lot neb iawr- wuh De Aadltor ef the ClU ft Portland beren taa ixrn &y a? OcMaar, IV Ua tlm Ml till 4 tor tba ateeaog A raw ibwec By araar at tM OoaaciL Tiiuaj. a dbm" BdlbnT af tba City of PorthrSa, ISrtAaA -n. Beptembea at, iwia. PmddMSALS POR SrtrKK WORK. SeaMd Braaaaato win b recaired at the afftc at fbe Andltor i tba City ot Portland. aaUl Fridnt Oetober T. 1804, at S o etock 6 a, far tba -trncttoa of a newer in eltodt iraaaa, from tha aaaand bawd la M Unda areaoe to tha newer la Johanna atraat at Twenty fifth atreet, lu the manaar prorlded br ordlnanca No. 14.227. anoject to the pra. TUloas of tba cbartar aad ordlnaacss af tba Cltr f PortUn. aad an aatuaato at na vav ntlUar aa la. iSldS mnat ha atrtetlp la aooordanca arttb nHml hlanka. arttl-K will ba fnmlBhad om aupUcatiaa at tha office af tba Auditor of the City at Portland. Aad aald arwat moat ba aomrtoted on or before 40 day from the data of tba eWnf ff ab toatraet br the par tMt thereto. Na aeau.ieah aw hide will nmleaa accMMed hi t aartlflad ehavk aay .e iwtia.,3 -ptiriaS br a raaawnalbto ' ba -r or tn ma. yor of tba City ressooalbto hank t a fne an amoont eaual to li Bar aaat af tba eaual to U, Mt aaat af tba ntoat aay aad tll ata. to aTtBte prt)aaa Tna ngni right to i bocear reaet-rad. - aa ea.aaaetaa Bnars. , TBOS. 0. MVLfB. , Aadltar of tb city i ParrtoBd, Oregon. Octobar 1. 140A PROPOAALS FOB AXWX WOKK. aeatod atopesato wlU ba iwratred at taa rtflc af tha Aodltar of the City at Pnrtlan MAUI Friday, October T. ltOi. at 4 a'cMck a. m.. for fba coaatrnctton af a aawar la taat sAB T etreet. from tba aaat Hn Oeneral Anoeraon b junin w m . . : rlatoaa of tb cbartar aad wdlaaaeaa tb City of roruans, aa wa aruaaaaa ea aaa waae biflnaar, oa file. -. . .. r.iin. at tha offloa af tba Aadltor af tfie City of Portland. t Aa4 M aw moat ba completed oa ar Wfon SO daya fxom tha data of tha algmUMj af tba aaatradt BP the perxiae mewo. M -- No pro poena 4f " MaB wtn a IB ami an I anleea annmpaalaa by 4 flertlfted jbe KL ahM to tba order of tb Mayor af tba City of PartUaA nctlfled by -tU for aa aawvat nal to 14 par aaat at tb .rtrhrtonton hereby reeatrad, V..'. . l-.. Br ardor ac ton-wm.BR-- Andttcr af tbe aty of f uttoal eMi. Oetobar , 1S0VT , 4toj4ias fHt Oily . - Double-Track KaalWaV MWawfJ tm Missouri River 0 Tht ChkasPortlarul SpecLa!, th BMst tuxurkKaS trsss in tno worw. Prawfnf-roorn tletpiDg cars, dioinf car, buffet smoking and lionr oaf (barber and bath. Leas than flirctt (Lays Portland to Qucago. Two ThroughTralns to ChteaM siw an-rato4.4lip Ha tba Oregoo R. R. St Nit. Ca, C. P. X. R. aad Chkas 4t Mortb-Wainra Ry. M Chkago from Portland and potato ia Otwajwa, aaa Santera Waahlngtoa. Dalle- eacortlona ta PnTlmaa towrlat atoaplna; can from Portland taronnjB a Cbkasw arlekwat caa)Off. B BITCHIB. eel am. paa, et Market Btreet, 1 . an Tblrd tlfeet. Baa vaajeciaco. Cat- wot IrVLTIMORl 4V OHIO IL R. ALL JMADtS VTA VHt njH I 1 i l i i a a IM Wrl Bt. lPssaaa fats e-a TranaBoritl rtdtrttdkl aB 6 TrtUrtdB Ddhily PAST TIME TO titBrtVAVaj, pt. IATTI DUUTTBl jl. l. i-uitfTs iu r. t - th-ouKti tha --. si, Tr full , ate, oval oa ... blaat t, Uawa'b Wat Aa O. 8ABKBB, 4a.CV- Oeast, tMaeral Aaaat, BJ aW - I a4B C. A W. -w. wn. na i "BBaaaBBSr Tblrd tlteet, I aBBBBOW' , ITtASWOAa, I I V V v ' - II 4T V - I Pwnt I as i fi f law II I r Vam. t U I bVI 0T' - cm. wtlbaif aaJaeVtjari a taWhp artaBBBW8i w7talm?4tort wMnl lnBBrBt Ins ran tally ta Oambv Chtse-o, tanmanat tudrtat ahMhat deity to Knaaaa City; thranaTb rnllmaa tarhrt a awes; can tWrreoev nliy maaaetedl wraaiy to Cwle-e. W.imaladl ebBBT aan leMb anal ta tba ttoat tbtfy. VBtOB BdtPOT. CBnCAtW.PB TLAM "OPBCtAU Fat She kaet rib aBwnt SdBh. N-P. nUaript taaaht Cheat jTAleaa t-nm.ab. SrtB a. bl OaUp. Waittv and i potato. ATLANTIC? BXPR Far tba Baat Ma Bast! Ingtea. OCKAB ABD BTTTX SCYJlVf por sab franctsco A SL Oa. W. Oct. A U, SA. f. A OoMmbia-. Oct, a, is, ss.' Cwlamlia Una Birlaiat FOB ASTORIA and war notnta. eataectln with ntmr. for IlWne and North Beach, atr. Baa- oa p. at. Dally. Saaaap Satnrday :0vava. eajo. Aan-at. aoca Id 00 a. Tali05TarRaata. POB DAYTON. OrecoeJ Ctty aad Taaultl Sirerl T'OtA BL I'SOaV an. Bmata, ttra. Both and rally. Daiay. atodoc. Aah-at. dock. (Water aormlttias.1 awsta Bin Aeat. FOR LBWISTON, Ida., and way join, from Biparla. Weah,, atmra. SpoAan mllAWhU., Dally. .. P.J T1CKXT 0FFICB. Third tad WaablBAtaB. Into . psoas Mala T1A B ABTSTfO B. fJO. ' Kraa, Nagaeakl and thansaal, takms t x NOT. XL Fog MgM 8841 Ma JAMBS EASTrhL SOUTH XsaraA I fTBTOB IMBPOTi Aattraa, OTBBiANTJ BXPB trains. Tor Ba lean. B barg, ABhtond, Sacra-t atenaa, OgAan. San TraH eiaco, tUxktna, Los As-1 galea, Kt Paa. Bear OH Art p. bh. A m. laaas 4nd toernind train ar Waevr daily areeart I anti toals tor Sta. ta. tVBB. Bronarrine S p 1 1 8 ttj BeiA WeasXaj all a troa. Albany taa" 4rtSB,m. nectn at Wa . 4 Sasr.M TrSt A to. Oorrallla pnne U4:B0 p.m. Bheridaa paaaa. . T,. ltotart Fewt at t. araaa SbaaL Loan Portland ialto t '.Oswesa t :t a. avf 12 ao, im, t . a at, a a ao. ia ia a. arrfa Pwrtlaad dr- 38. :1A . 8 J 1:10 a. to. uaiiy (axi 80. 10;2O. lf:4S A to eet Bandar) 4 24, T .at aapt aMasavy. aa. p. Bk Snnday only. W t A. nv Leam from anm 4r rt fts baDat and ar--atodlata potnto AnUr (eat waadap) 40 B. an. Axrln Fwrtlanfl 1D3D p. to. Tba IndepeacWa-bTi am itoto naarates dallr to MeaaMatb A soctlns with aastbern Pa HO at rultaa and lntaawdnca. . Pint-clan fan fmea PerfMa4 to aa Bond -dan bartV 4B.8K Tlecan tn Baatern aolnto and I Janaa, China, uoooaua ana Aaetnaa. City Ticket Offtn eeener "Tblrd nmt WansV tagtoa ttreeta. Phaaa AUsi Til. c. w. innviB. W. Bb WBUJIt CKy Ticket Agent. Oea. Pnaa. A" TIME CARD TRAINS POICTUaAlSDll UNION BBPOT. : tsowd IsjattoA for Taaoma. Beatu SnSla. an. -' . ' ' "i ;- Mhtw. alia, a. raB)a.a. ; tw.Bhi OlrmaU. uemm and Orapa , anrnet , AJ uiuil, riil, aaa ntT Tork, Bostoa and aaAntoj ait ana anninaaw. i Twin -Oty BnrM..4art Taraena, BealOe, Bp. bene. BeMns, tt. Pial. Mlnnsapoua New Torh. all notnta UrafSkto Bontbaeat. ..- s. -a ' ' T tij CltytSt. Lonto Special, for Tacvma, Seattto, ra-au nntea. aitlltiaa fCaimr, Omaba, Kanaas 3tt, St. Lonto tad AIL olnta Bast aat SaaM 144 A at. Aamtotarrt Oansnl aeeoyer AawbS. -Mi MerrleeaV. oor. TblrA PartMad. Or. Astoria h. Columbia ' River Railroad Co. laTA t CWTON BBPOT. aUTiraa, 88)1 Daily. IW Maraan. aerator.! DaiW. ClatahanM, Weet por :o4a. CUftoa. Astoria, wa aM eaatn. flaeoL BamJ - end. Pert StarefiaJ Oearhnrt Part. aV.alda. AataeU aaa fcllf. rrtwBab Dally. 4hM S Aatorta aprestv .CP m. P a-4 P. A., A a a. Pnrw apt rial AdMst. at. Pboa - 1 4) a to t ,a,1 ?hta.a BbBp, rwatr. From ' ' 4-w. to. lot . i i 40 a. to. AAaat Da 11. 1:00 S.PA. ag. Sat, Dally. I at r y Metnr V A . J. . raaTa nV aw--- raiiaA al 'I