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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVKNINO, CC'TT"'". 1. T V -( C1TT BOTIOSB - BBTF, aWTfOBAV OTTT Bortma, rwwy ROTH! RA 4 1 r et m Mttrfk at :eitoA nuiwttihi tfc-aB the Mlb matter. For oa t e pr, I mt: Una mm. I a i nunom - Office Mala BOA Bi steam -huta SB. d a-eala Bpectol AdvartlalBg CT3 a K.7 atreet. lliw Xerh; WpW , " " ' - , .; i - ivMoiiniov batba . " ' hm by om. ' w naft? Seawoel. with InM, I paM-. " ""r JcurnaL 1 - J ffciltr ton ml. wltfc SamtA. A JO 1 D!ly jMfMl meatha v-J'-Ll' 2 9 e Daily Journal, with Sands. I atobOb. ! J Dully JowmL 8 meatha. .... .... 1 DHv Journal wllk Sunday. I D-lrr, -a Mk, 4Hw4 awaday M It- 1-d .TT? .. tn r Hi. as omeA daRvoreA Madey en- ..... ...., tWittr fNPML with Sunday. I a....T '' T ly JoonxL 1 year..., .... 2? leurnat With Sunday , sansfea I J" ' T tj lonruat, mouth. ...... f 2 D !t IrtnwL wtth Sunday. I . J f ti If Journal t iMtrbi AJ? T li Journal wltk Sunday. 1 aetata .. f r 1 Journal, 1 eaoeth day Journal, 1 'Nf ... f anmetoy taml. t amthe The Pi-Weakly 1 1 rh anoal-Weekly Journal 8 to 11 awe. ITMrateA SAB snerhet re- , Mk a year. , .......... Th WWy InmL rhe WHy louraal 10 nIum et , aeah Isao. mUlHi. toB omrae I ( -ta, 1 faa , 'XLTJiL' 1-L5 avM. ana aajatl to s uiMt ci:,iftt tflf. Pmrmw. Or. vuu m lovua but n rovn a Jbanui m tofeml aft a M i ihm: . . n ira ka aiapab MOM Maw "". OOLO. K.aalr Book O m Kw aaapanj. l ak.uartf kM tWMll.WillWl - Brofc. Wfil wma4 ttfat. toatfc. atead: OolaUk HO ttat TM. VUHH.Jahi W. Orabaal 0. A, WAffS Oaartral Itow imni. VtmJLAL IUTXVS. t! CbUtaW tMNH. wueh 1U aa i at tialcr'a vlMl at U a. bl aaeaf, M a. latanMnt ttm Fte aMrtry. WnM Mkaaa aa aa aaaatal tancaat far r -turn, Waaklafttaa ana J"0' w faT Mtalas In waatwa Waamlarteai ata- la Uta aorta racrac wiaa er -1hv Llfht aaoomulr baF t ( tirbnaaa. Itlv-oart. aaattara miBala I im iMte la aoatkaaaUra loaha. 1 sfftaa, vaaaara Moataaa a4 British Oa- b ta tha taotparaTBra aaa naaa iuiiiu. -r hirilratfena ara far eentlnma fair waa ta fhla dUtrlct with aught ahaatm pemnatara.' otawvattaaa Max. . Mia. S J 48 f tar fclty. Or.-. na, &ah "" MJB. T8 a .01 a - ; a n. x., a. 0 4 ' TJ as u j i TO .j i. M ' rsaa, lu ....... I, ttnl ttfk AMU n.faa am wm KaffaaMSfc. aa fcaal . naaiaa'a: Maa aaaaaa. da. taatoa. to. tt 01 n.i t ' B Cl , . Moat...,..,. , 1 -danca. Ori - -a!, MaBatt. .ta .ti : : B A rale. Cal..., M ' -m CWaaa. La M rfott, Ta.!. Baad. Waah. ia. Nab... , dnla. Pa. J sttstd. Or...,......., 1 atbarf. Or i raniata, Caa.., . .. Lo-la. Ma tt Loka. Utah.......... t a AJtOTiio, Tw 4 b rttnelaoft, Cal...... , i ta ra, N. M... t Wlrs M kana. Wart f j-rta, B. 0............. lla walla. Waaa...... 90 ' tshlaatoa. D. 0........ H j.naaiarra, Baa....H... GO .AoBta. Aria. E at C O. Btaya. PL and Btaal Iacam, tB faha a. iawam. PL and tfartta May BaV ibTina. at. it mM lAia WIlltUMi MtBb B4. to Mr. U.4 Mia. If , a of SI badolpk atraat: a aoau , Baptihur t Mr. and Ma Joan I. Bot nf ana in Hfaal atraat: a asm. BVptaajbar It, ta Mr. aad kfra. W. f. art rTltt Band atraat; a aaaKMac. COBIaBlOBB TtTBTilTaY aVptaajbar BO, MrnHta Drafgar of BM t wt atraati dlpbthcrU. ptreibT BO. Margarat B-aaUiy af TB rttat 'teJao. MrVi. W. Baotfe of BM BUray .a&-rt trpbato far. maBaaakw-a-aBBaaaBBmaaBm -sum " - aVptaaabat Bf. Charlaa Biataia. airad B9 y-sra. at 0. B. B 1. dock: raaae. rracuna af a, 1L Bnrtal at Loaa Fir aanwtary. b. "tit-t , Obcd Moaroe. acad BB yaw, at m BUI atraat: caaaa, ralnbr dlaaaa af Baart. BurUl at Maat Calrary taawtvrr. ppaanbr 2f. Chla Win a, ad 40 raara. at Booc-nd ttrat; caaaa. taaarcmkala af ma, Bartal at Lom fir eaaMtxrr. BrptMntw B. Mary Dindla, apd I yaar. at 440 VirahaU atrt; canaa, acddaotal drawa tnf. BiHal at Maat Calvary waMtary. friabr IT, Tbomaa A- Wood, aad Bf " frati, at ROS Bart Twenty -thtk atraat; caa. . rt?'r anflaa. Btruil t Crnmod 0b1tt. (UptaaUwr S, Jot a W. Woodward, acd TO ' yrara, at 104U Tklrtaanth atom: eaaaa, latara t ooUila. Barial at Taeoaoa, Waaa. . Oaanatatlaw aa Oracoa Cltf ear .Skarfa B nwrxxj: atodcra. aflaatirie, aoaspl tdalta. US I Hlr-a. Tll Ifta. tora t raruaa uamn tka. TB Bfward Balaua naVrtiktaa aampaay. fi aral dlrtara aad antkauaarr. BB) Xhlrd Straat. raaaa SOT. 7. . Plalay B Boa, faaml dlraHara aad aaibalaMtaL bava raaMawd ta tkalr aaw aatak- luhMaat. oraar Tklrd dad Madlam Bvtfc aaaaaa Ba, B. dark UAL BBTBTB TB-ajraTgBB. ' 9. A IMa at ai. to 0. B. Add! tan. fcd I. Mk S. Uoaat aatt Park fMat Vlr Btal Batati aaaapaay ta B. J, WtllUm. bj Bt aad f77bW B, KBt WW 4 (V ti Warrana aad wtra ta Mary L, S'aL M4 frat baliiali at 1M in a aa kataraaimaa doaaaaB aad xa-aaty. rra RlBS4ay to'' W. iw" hit 'K Kw B. A, B. Aaam addition to At jiaa ' A" Blaovid awi' wlfV to 'fii'trMi Tnj, Mi i flu fMt brctnalnf BB fat k t (i.trr-t1na at feaat AVkfaaatB ttt , I a aa awad to A r. BMtraa. 4 B, aaaak i, Bmklaad Bahta! iMaom ABM 99; t at m n 99 - n , 4 -as .; m - , 40 M bo ; a s , - aS " m V M , as ; B4 ao TB . 64 TB 41 as w v T4 ,- M M 44 8 4B .- " MABBlMUOafBXa. . au aad Barana Bfaaa, Ba. i a taaib Bl ta Mt. aad MM. MltAaal Ma- a iiaaa' a aaa. NEWS OF THE MINES DSEGCER INSTEAD OF BELT C0MK08 VftAVaUai nmovtuf nomom. A Poatlawalt dradsw of tba trpa coaa- Boa u California, la to Ba lnatailad on lha Ctmna Flat Dlaear around by Burco ai Barbldca, iaataad of an aoiajrvoB bolt oonvaror alavator Dlant, A. Burch. aaaabar of tkt firm, la aaafclna to Mt ootttraota In Bumptar for tba haullnf of 8a ta tona of nuuiblnary, which eovara tho naory Dlaoaa of tba plant, tb aon- tract to bo flnlabed durlnc tba month of Ootooor. At tba ammo Uma Mr. Burch la ndTartlalnar for blda for oxonvntllK n pit of l.tva oubto yardo at too alta of work, which 1U ao tha IsiUai aaola for tba boat. Tba paat oadaon tha firm xporlmont- ad with baitconvarora, and from tha aat tafaettoa of work dona, vmva tb Impraa rton,that thay would nlar tba plant. Mr. Buroh want to California, tnvaatl- ntod tha work don by tha Paathor rlvar dradcora. and eoneludod to put aueh n plant on hla proparOr. A drodsar waa bouvht In Idaho, and la to b daUv arod at Craao Flat thla yaar. If tha con tract oan ha asacutod by Siunptor ttaav at era. many of whom aro buay with or baullnn for tba ameltar. If tha plant dallvared tha fadldwlnjt month Mr. Buroh will hava It araotad thla wlntar, but If ha cmnnot cat It dallyarad at tha prop- arty now, ho wltt hava tha hulln dona arty In tha wlntar on anow roaoa nno than arwot tha drada-ar tn tha aprtnar. Crana FUt'a plaoar bad la from II to H faat daon, and baa boon thoroughly proapaotad by tha now ownora, who pur ehaaad allahtly mora than a yaar ao. Badroek to oald to bo wall adnptad to dradalna; and bouldara ara not a aartoua DIXIE MEADOWS IS "TESTING MILL ORES Kzpartmonta ara bolRaT oonduetad by tha man4-amant of tha DUM Moadow mtn. Orant county, preliminary to far wai innrBMaMiil o tba aalllioaT ptont. Miuurar R. C Raaaa want to DanTar aarly in tba aummar to pure ha aa a 19 tamp plant to tako tho plaoa of tho roll n.n u la aia. or tn aniDnlamant It In a maaauro, Tba axhauatlvo taata mada by tha maisacamont aaam to hadloat tnat sarhapa roll plant to boat adapted to SXxlm oroa, nd tho noad to larsar roll capacity rathar than ebanco In oruahlns davtoaa. At froBant tho Hto to provld ad with a. gyratory braakar, roll -Jaw broakar and two oat of cntrifusal roUa, aach awt balnc als-toeh faoa by St lnobaa diamatar. A HuntloBtOB mUl waa put balow tha flnlahlnaT ot baoama aona'rant that th rolls would not dalWar I. tttM nannanui von araoa nim tha plant waa atoaad tt aatmi to ba tha ranaral Impraaaioa tnat aruarswowDft w tho roll ompaolty la hll tha mlno noada, which mlcht ba aoeompltahad by addlna mora aata or parhapa VttfnM tha eoaraa Mt-haat-vrada minarai attar k lamvaw nm n-t KMabir. Thara la alao rumor of a roorgaBtoatlott of th Dlxlo Maad- wa oompany. which nan tna pan baan eompoaad antlraly of wall-to-do stockman, ranchara and m In ara of th Joan Day vallay. EQUITY IS A STEADY SHIPPER TO , SMELTER i. ' - .--?'- Th JDqntty Mlntn oompany, of which Rot. W. J. Hutbao to manaawr, to Btaad n ahlnnlna from lta Orant oounty prop- arty to th Bumptar mattar. Both eruda ora and eoneontratos ar bto dollrorod, nod th ontlra prodoet to hlh-Tda. Tha fflTO-atamp mill to kapt buay oon ataaUy, th or mlHod balnt haul ad about half a mil from tna mina w nm in ruiMnnt ta kalnar nroaaontad etaadny on both tho Oroaon and Colorado olauna of thla vroup, ana ina aprow. IB prOTUB tO BO aa oxoaiiam arwaavw. BLUE RIVER IS READY TO FURNISH EXHIBIT rBpaetol Daiaatok to Tha loaraal.) ctr not. 1. D. H. Weyant who la oollaetlnB Oraon mlnarala for th Lew la and Clark axpoaltlen, ,waa In Bu n yaatarday, on hla way from aouth mrm nMM tn Portland. Ha raporta that h mat with auooaaa In tha ooutharn OraaToa dlatrlcta Ha will bo back In Bu- ona naxt Thuraday, nt wntcn nw a maatlnsr of tba Commarclal club wlU ba odd and A eommlttao appolntad to catbar aa oxhlblt from tha Blua rtrar mlna. - 1ST A.0SS Idwla B. to&Ym ant ( Willi aia I Brliaudl. lot a, aiom i, BVmilaa Hnldrr to Crrlak aattlf, t MM tx(lnniac taa waat in " Ttctor Und coraaaay to Martha J, Me Culra, lata 4 and block 4: BI trr brflnBlna aaatbvaat aaraar U S, khxk 4, Bwcaa HHftata B. A. Browa and wlf to Mlaata B- Lorka, rrrnioa lata l ana a, aw ait. A.a .Atim B.BM kinnuT atDt.i'baxa aad wlfa to rhrto. aad T, block 11. rubdlrtaUa ftlrarrlaw aditt- tloa to Albtna "ti""i.V ' Tb Klaa aaM to L. D. Orladataff. , SOrlUOiaat 1nntH at patat ' fart auia oi nwnww " ... Twraty-Bfta and aaath ttaa Baarnay. atitrti a,aw Jim Hoar to waacy B. Ooolay, tot a, 10a. KtDnaoa aaciitoa - . . Annla S. Hugha to Joaapblea B. Trmm, lota I and 2, kaaea a, aaa imaca Flrat addition ..... . u . ... ...... v " AVnto Aadaraoa to 'oha D. Hw1ft, M IBM 4,000 V. ' aua J, mil K) puray aaantoa dat roar tnaaraaea aad akatrat to raal cauta from taa Tltla Oaaraatoa A Traat aaav aa ChaaUMr af Caaaaaaraa baUdla. . MBILBIBB rKAMXTB, ja a a aVBWVBnWBBBr BBBT 0. J. Minia, ftatory dwatttaa. Maraball, batwaaa Twnty-UUrd aad Twaat toartb atraata; aaat. BXOoa . Ifi.taaalar at). Mrs. Aaa 14, tain ta dweAiac aartiiiat aaraar af fifth aad Stork atrraii; mat, ITftO. kvptaaibar Bu, Mrs. OUaa Papaia. Btary aVfllinr. Oatoj araaaa aaar (Mom at, IBai- BaMamaar aw, w. at. mob, wn a Ihar. Mllwaakla Mim Boach aad Onto itnuT" iOt"f30'T HHtt B-atnry dwaftlnf. alaltnnmati bafwaaa EaM Twantr-ftrat aad Aaat Twstr-araad atraataj aaat. I2.S00. Haaar to. Q. 0. Bhaddtivar. taaahf to fwrllio, I'alca ara totwaaa aaatt aad BahV wood trata ana, 9100. Bntmaar B9. W. B. BfaaawC Batory dw.l- ara. a-awry awfi aaat, Ban nrc mai Aaiaay aaawaaa and Baa dkiamto mnaj am vajtv nut mm o ' tun MVirf mffli n ISO FOnER DRILLS FOLiU BELLE 10 BOUTAtBBJT oat nonarr nt xbtbt yiiBBBaTB VZTM woi - (Bpaetal Dtofatok to Tha fimaal Oranm Pau, Or., Oct J. A eonaldor abl adldtlon In oqulpmant ha rocantly baan mada at tha Ora con Balla mln. In tb FOroat Croak dlatrlct. Thla la on of tb proportlaa af th Naw York A Waatarn Mlnaa oompany, and ta balna- davalopad undar tha manasramant of Foatar A Ounnoll of Oranta Taaa. A naw eompraaaor has Juat boon lnatailad. and two Burlalffb drllla that raeantly ar- rlvod from Ban Franolaao ara now In op- a ration. Tho Immadlato work will ba xtanaloa of th two mala tunnola on tha proparty, aach of which has a laoatb of about 100 faat. Praaldant Robarta and Dlraotor Q. T. Tronhorna, Maw York mam bora f tha oompany. Who woro rooaptly bar on a rlalt of tnapaetlon, hava axproaoad thona oalvoa aa wall plaaaad with tha appaar- anoa of tho proparty, and any that a 10- atamp mill wUl bo orootod. In th naar ftttur If th praaant raluas oontlauo with a UtU furtbor darolopmanL JACKSONVILLE WILL BRING A BIG EXHIBIT If all mlnlnf dtotrtota of Cvogoa r apond ta tb call for or exhibit with th aama ha it In aaa manlfaatad In Blua Rlaor, Bohamto, Oranta Faaa and Jack atmvllla, th mlnaa and minora! build In of th Iwta and Clark oxpoattloa will oontaln tho flnaat ooll action of Orawon oroa r brouaTbt totatbar. D. R. Way ant baa juat bora to JksonTlll, ao oordlnB to hla raport to tha azpoattloa managamont, and found tho paopla thara aaar to aid In tn good work. A oom mltta oonalatlnB of C. C. Baahman, J. Ncftmaa. Dr. J. F. Raddy, Oaora BJ. Naubar, J. F. Millar and Patar Applasata of JaekaonrUlo, and Frank Ankany of tarllnc, H. KX Foatar of Foraat Croak. Bd. Fauoat of TJppar "Appla-ata and Waalay Insrraham of willow Bprtngn, waa apolntad to Bt th or ashlblt to- Bathar, which work will ba proaaoutad At one. All tnlDlna nropartlas and avanta oonoetod with tha mlnaral hnduatry of Jaekaonslllo or -vicinity wlU bo- ropro- acntad- la tha axhtblt that to to b brouaht la. TWO CARS OF MATTE ; SENT FROM TAKILMA . tBpactol Dtoaateh to Tba JaoraaL " Oranta Va. Or.. Of l.m Bi oAiMttlaw oi matto at tho Takllma omaltor to ataady now, two oarloada bavins baan ahlppad alraady and tba third la in prad aratlon. Tha matt aooumulatan in thla city until a oarload to on hand, whan it to aont to tb Taooma amaltor for ro- flnlna. ' All raporta from tho plant tfi- dieats vary Battofaetory auooaaa by th aaw manavar, B. W. Waltsr, and th taams haullap; ooka and matto ar bain a; auft-mantad. It to Bald that thara ara about SO four-mala taanu and algiit to It atngla taams omployed. Fraaldaiit C I Tutt to aUll at tha proparty, whara ha will tamatn until h changaa ma na na. AU raport from Takllma ar of tha moot osuMuraaind ardor. t GRANITE HILL ORE GOOD ON TWO LEVELS CJiirlil Maaateh to Taa aarnsL) Oranta Faaa, OrM -Oet. L Aa Impor tant atria to raport d from th Oranlt Hill. mln. At th IBB foot laval a body of ora, four and a half faat In width, has baan pponad on a drift Sam- plea of this or aro aald to hav Blvon asaay valuas ao hlrh a fSOt and up ward. A conaldorabla proportion of tho value ar In aulphurota, althourh aomo froa Bold to vlalbla. Th oai quality of or haa aia boom onoountarad oa tha tOO foot tovaL ' (Burial Maaateh to Th VaaraaL) Bugono, Or., .Oet, 1. A naw vela of or that protnlae to prove a mlnlna; dlatrlct that will rival tho two Lan ooomty eampa, Bluo River aad Bohamto, haa boon found In tha Cascade snoun- talna in tho vicinity of Diamond peak. It to In th mineral belt between the Blue Rlror and Bohamto district. Th discovery waa mada by W. AV Crabb, a miner from Prairie City. He ha uncov ered a lode to fact wide, and aamplaa of ora brotiBht down to Baa-one yester day hav th appears bob of bln7 hlh dVSMAY BVMFACM VZDxaT. . . (aaaetol fnaaaUB to Tee Joarwsl ) Oranta Paeo, Or. Oet. 1. O. U. Book la devaloplne; a lara;a lads la Sucker crock. Tha vain has a surface width of 1 feat and five ood aaaay val- k. It Is nn extenalon of what to termed thd Mother Lode, owned by PlatU Bon. and la In tha aama district and only a few mile distant from th Biicp bonanaa. , Frof owed Btaoh Oaanod BoobBl' Allen A lwtB' Beat Brand. XCFFZE.TE OrtRMSTTtiBt CLCrrrTftDIYlJ 1 " ' AFalatoaWB? 1 A. - FBOPOBAXA FOB Baalad aroaoMh aria be racarvad at tto afriM at Go Auditor of tha Cltr a( FartUnd 111 Vrldav. fetahar t. 104. aft S a'ctoak . av. nw tha aoar4raeoa ff a aawar to Vtoolal atraat fraw tba aaat Una of Walaat ilrnt ta tha aawvr to harloet aaaaaa aad Itswk atfat to taa aaanar crorldd br ardl- aanea No. 14. 23a, aabjt to tha proTtatoaa of at eaartar and araioasfaa ax tna Liiy Portland, sad taa aatumta af tha (Sty nglaaaT. m nia. msm Mat aa atrtotbr hi ar4nd hl.-ka wklrk will ba farnlabad aa aroucailaa at tha offtoa at tha Auditor of tha City af Portland. And aald aawar ajoat Va aaaaalatod oa or bafara 00 days trem tha data af tba alnlat af tha aaaUact by tha varuaa mama, " . . Na wnnvall a BiAl Will to Snlraa acrooipanM by a catttflad tbt pay bU to tba order of tka Major mt tha City af Portland, aartlflad by , reaponalbU bank for aa aawant fiul to to par aaat at Oha -ftrrUbrtriMet oaf and att bMo aavaby raaarvad. . Br ardar af th fcaahtlaa JBaard. TH0B. C. DBTLIB, Aadltor of tha City of Pntkiad. PartlaaC Oracoa, Oetobar 1. 1004. . TBOFOBSB OZAVBS OF BBAUB OF MOBB BTBKXT. WofiM to aarabr ctaaa that at Oka Haa af tha Oaantfl af tha uty w nrtuaa, vragon. bM aa tha 11 at ttay ar aoptaaiBar, xava. im id m u iwAiiitkaa waa aaotiiaa: HMolvaA That tha Ceaadl af OH City af hvtiui. IkiM. daana It axaadlaat and Ptopoaaa a caangs anp aaoauaa iaa mam of tha cantor Una of Bkldmora atraat at taa lataraarttoa of tha oaatar Una of OarSaM aa ua froa 1S4.S faa ta MA fast aaar tha fcaaa af ritr ara ran Tnat Asdttor af taa City of Portlaad ha sad ba to baraby dlraetad to, glva rorlca af tha aropoaad eaaaca of (rada aald atraat as pro rid ad aaalnat tha abava caaaaa of gvada air ba Bled la writlac with tha naoar atooad wlthto 3D days frost lbs data at tha Brat aahllentlon af thla aotlea. . ay araar ac taa - THOB. C DETLrrT, Aadltor at tba City af PortlsaA ywrttoad, Oraaaa. Baatoajhar 1004. T bOMFLITfOB ABB AfJOBFTABOS OF IB FBOTFMBBT OF B0BTBBUF BTBXBF. NoHaa la haraha ataaa that WIlHaBl C Biiwr ntw awiiwaa. kaa flUd to tba offtoa of tha mliiii rt aotlca that Bniyth A Howard Co., aoatrartara for tba toiprorasMat of Northrsa aWat. andar tha nrsTlaloaa at r.rMu Na. 11. TO, kav aoaaDWtad mid eret, from tha waat Una af Twenty-aaeood atraat to the aaat Baa at 1 nanij -wro. anaai. Bald aceeptanca will sa.aooaMaraa d taa BmcuHvb Board at 4 oclnek aa tba 7th day of Oetobar. lOosV sad abjac ttona .ta tba accapt- anaa af asM atraat. at any pan roraoi, ar ba filed to tba afrit af tha saaaraload St ay nam prior thereto. 1UI VXCUIITITa SK.AKIT. By THOB. 0. DBVL1W, -Aadltor af tba City of PerthuaA rarftoad, Oraaoa. Oetobar 1. IBM. OUB-IAHOB ABB AOOBFTABOB OF BS paiba to TAjnrxm obxbk axwxjl Matlaa la naranv alaan thaC Wllthun O. FJUott. Cltr Bnalnaar. haa fllad to tha affloa af tka amlaialaiinil aotlea that B. M. Mim. contractor for tba repairs to Tanaar Oraak ewer, a odor tha proTiitoo of aril I aaam Ha. la OTl. bu anatnUtaal aald aawar. - Bald aceaetaaca wUl ba eoaMdarad By tha BxacatlT Board at 4 o'clock on tha Tto day of Oetobar. 1S04, sad ohtoettons to tba accapt aaaa of aald aawar, ar any part thereof, mx ba Bled la tha offlca af tha anaavalnad si say uat prior tbarato. TUB BXBCTTTTTB BOABT. By THOB, 0. DBTUB. Aadltor af tha City of Portland. PortlaaA Oraaoa. Oetobar L IBOs. 00MFLBTX0B ABB AO0XFTABOS OF BKWBB IB BAR AT AAX ABB BAST FJOBT2BXAV4 Bottoa U harabr alvaa that Wllttsai C BUlott. Ctty Bnainaar, has fllad la th offlca of tha ajkaarstoned, aotlca that J. B. Blanunoas. eontrarttir fee tha eoaatrnctloa of a eewer la Raat Btark aad Kb at Thirtieth etreett, andar tha aroTtalam of Mdlaaaaa Bo. 14,100, ha aa ale ted aald aawar. Bald scaaptasca wffl ba MasHarit by tha BsacntlTa Board St d 'etock oa tb Tth day of Oetobar. 1M, aad aktoettons to th aeoapt aara of said aearar. or any past thereof, awy ha filed la tb offtoa af the amdawtonad at any now prior thereto. , TUB BXECt.TfTB BOABTt, ' j.; By THOB. C. DBTLI1. Aodltor of tha City of Portland, Portlaad, Oregea, Oetobar 1, 100. . 0OATFIXTI0B ABB AOOZTTABOX OF BKWXE IB EABT MADTB0B BTAXTT. ,j Wottoa to barehv atrea that Wllnmm A Blllott. Otty ffntinaer. has filed ta tba office f th anderngned, aotlca tbat J. B. Biemmona. exjitraetnr for the eonatracttoB Of eewar In Bat Madtoaa Street, . snder the' pravtaloas of ordlaanoa No. 14.1T1, has completed aald aawar, frcaai 105 faat want .of waat Una of Beat Thirty- itk streot to a onaettoa with the aawar to at Thirty -elxtk street. Bald sceeptaso will ha considered by th BsacottT Board at 4 a'etoek on th Tth day f October, 1004, sod abjection to the aaeept aaea nf mid aawar, ar any part thereof, raay b filed la ' th offlcs of th aadandcmd at say tuna prior thereto. , TBI BXlflOimTB B0ARf ' f Br THOB. O. DsmJW. ' Aadltor f tb Cltr of Porftond. Oreaoa, Oetobar 1, 1004. oohmnroB ajto aockftabob of bbwzb BTBTBM Of BUUTBAaB FOBTXABB, Botto to hereby gieao tbat William C BlUatt, City B oai aaar. haa filed to tb offlca of tb enderatiaed, aotlca that Jacobean-Bad Oo., eontractora for th auue u nation of s aewar ayaum to Bontharn Portlaad, andar tb proTtolom of ordlaaao B 1AA70, asm plated wld eewer. Bald aceeptaaos win h e eat dread by On Bxecarlaa Board at 4 'cteck aa tha Tth day of October. 1004. sad b)ectloBS to tb eoeept saaa of aaid aawar, or say part thereof, may be filed la the offlca af tha aaa ir Kb it at say Bm prior thereto. ; THB IXBCT'TTTB B0ABB. ' ... By THOB. 0. DBTLT1V, ' Andltar f tb City of PorttoaA Barflsad. Ore,oo, October 1. 1004. OOBtFtZTIOB ABB AO0ZFTAVOS OF BXwih IB AAAT TATLOB ABB BABB TKZXTT BTBTK BTBKZTB, Botto Is hereby frrea that WIlBsm C Blllott, Cltr Bnciaaer. ba fllad la tba office of tb ajaoerslcned. aotW that I. B. Btoanaoa. eontrsctrc for tb ennetractloo f a ewer la Bant Taylor and Beat Thlrty-alath streete, anoar tba ptwrTelom f erdlaaaca B 14.04, haa eosBpletod aald aewar. Bald seeapuaes will a BiaaHiral by the Bierotlve Board at 4 'ctork aa tha Tth day of October, 1004, aad objection to th accept ance of aald wr. or any part thereof, may be fllad la th offlca af th adatbjnd at any tun prior thereto. TUB BXBCITfTB BO A ATI. w . .... By THOB. 0. DBTLTB. Aodltas f tba Otty of PattuaaV portlaad, Oreyos. Oetobar 1. 1004. O0MFLBTIOB ABB AOOXPTABCB OF DC rBovurxjrt OF tamkxlx, btbbbt. Notice 1 herehy siren that Wllllssi ft Elliott, City Wlneer, baa filed hi tha offlca of th ntoral(ned. notice that Warree Ooo rtractlo i f- contractor for the lnprneat of YamMU etreet. andar th proriatoM of ordinance No 14.007. hava completed Mid etreet, from th center lino of fleranfh atraat ta the center Itn f roartnth etreet. Bald cceDtane wW b coaoUerod by the Executive Board at 4 'ctock oa the Tth day of October. 1S04. aad objection- to th accept ance af aald street, or any part thereof, aaay he filed ta tba cfflc af th aadaralcaod at say tlm prior thereto. TAB BTCriTITB B0 A BO, Br THOB. O. DEVLIN. Aoaitor oi tb city or i rttasA Oreaoa. October 1. SB0A ooMFirnoB abb aocbftabob of nt- - FMTFJfBBT OF BtXTR BTBEBT. Not lea I herahy gtvaa tbat WllUasi . Bluett. Cltr Rnalnaar. kaa filed la the office of the andmbjned, aottc tbat tha Trinidad Asphalt Paving Ox, contrectors far the 1m peoremant mt Sixth StreeC nndar the prortotons uf erdluanc Na. 18 414, bare eoanpleUd aald etreet, from tb aorth Hna nf Merrtooa street to tb onth Hna f Royt etreet. Said acceptance will ba foaaldrred by tba Bicevtlve Beard St 4 o'clock aa the Ttk Oar f October, 1S04. and ohtoctlona to tb aecept anc nf raid etreet. or any part thereof, aaay be filed la tba nfflee ad th aodecitoned at any tUk prior thereto. . TU1 BXErt TTTB BOAftft. Br THOB. C. DEVLIN. Aodltor Oreaoa. editor nf tna City of I octoaar 1, iso. OOMFtBTIOB ABB ACOBPTABCB Of Ht yBOVBhTKBT OF BXZTB BTBKXT. Notice la hereby give that WIIHaSl fl. Blllatt, Cltr Nnainaar. ba filed to tb offlc nf the wSderstgned. aottc that Warrea Con etroctloa Co,, eontractora for tha Istproreaaent of Mitb atreet. anaar ma nrneieiona f ortt- nance N. M.41S. tore oampleted th north one half of tba tatereecUna f Irvlnf street. Said aecfptaee wUl b aaaldred by th BiecnMre Board st 4 " clock aa the Tth dar at October. 1004. sad bJctIoae to th accept - aaea of aald atraat. or any part thereof, mar be filed la the offlc ef the eederatoaad ar aay tlm prior thereto. TUB BXKCrTTTt BOARD. J . By THOB, C. DEVLIN, ' Aodltor of tha City of PortUsA Feruaad, Onpaa, October 1 ISO. FAOVOBAIJ FOB BTABBT WOBB. Be led aaopoaala will ba raeatrW at tb afflc of tb Aadltor ef the Ctty f PwtU-d, notll Friday, Oetobar T, leva, ec a e -a a, aa., far the Improveavant f Boat Bwroa,Ja treat, from SO feet west af th wat U. af Beat Third atraat to th eeet an oc arena areas, la the manner prarldad by erdtsaaaa No. 14,914. asbjact to the nrorUtona of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portlaad. and the esttoMle af the Ctty Batoaar. aa Ola. mdn nanat hn atrtotfer" la aai rlnfoJ klaBba. wfati-h wlU ha fnrnlahad an appllrattoe St tba affloa of the Aadltor of the City of Portland. And told ImprorenMnt amaf be eewleted os mt bafara SO eaya from the data af tba stojdaf of (ha a(ract by tb partMs mere to. No arooueah) ar bid Win I alee accompanied hy a certified check able to th order af th Mayor mi the af PnrtlanA. wtlfted br a recnenatbU ror sB asaoowt eoaat to SB mm mat of- th Th rurbt to retort aay sat B Mds to aereoy reearveo. . By erdar ad the Brecatlre THOB. 0. DBVUB. Aadltor of th City of I Perttoad. Oreoa. Oetobar I. ISO. OOhTPLZTIOB ABB A00BFTAB0B OF XM- PKOVXJtXBT OF BAST TWXLFTB BT MMka am arlewa that WIlhaBl O. Blllott. City Knglnear, ba filed ta the offtoa of tb undent nod. notice that Bniyth A Howard Co., coo tractor fur tha Unprorement of Baat Twelfth -street, andar the prortoton of erdlmac No. 1S.0TB, hare aooiptotod aald etreet. from tb eeatet Dn of Cole atreet to 10 fret north af the awth Una af FiiSarlaV street, Bald aeeaptoace will b anaaltaraf by tt Bnecutlre Board at 4 ' clock on tb Tt day mt fk-tafaar- lfitkL aa abtaetton M the BMIpt- anoa of aald atraat. or any part thereof, may ba filed la th office at the aaaarlad sr ay tlsn prtor thereto. , . TUB BXECl'TITB BOAftB. ' . By THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb 04 ty f Perttoad. PorttoadOreau. Octoaar a. not. OOMFUCTZOB ABB AtXSFTABOB OF XM FBOVKMKBT OF BOATBWICK BTBXBT. ' NorJaa la beeeb eieaa that WllUsm 0. Blllott, City Bnalaaar, ha fllad la th office af the snderelsned. notice that Millar A Bauer, ontomators foe the Improvement of Barthaieh aircet, andar tha prortalana af ardUanc No. ln.0Si; bar eampletod aald Street, frosi tba north lla mt Suntoa atraat to the eeatar ha of SeUtrood atreet, Bald aceeptanca wfO h naaHarai W the Bzecutlva Board at 4 c'clock a th TuVdey af Oetobar, IBM. aad objectloea to tn aompt aae of aaid atraat, ar any part thereof, amy be flW u th office af taa saSiratoaod at aay Unw prior thereto. . TUB BXECltTITB BOARD. . V Ry THOB. Q. DDVLII. . ' Aadltor t th City f Perttoad. Perttoad, Oreaoa. October 1. ISO. coMPXjrrxoB abb aockftabob ojt xm- ITaVBBT OF MVXTB0MAM BTBAATT NorJoa in hereby toa tbat WHUam ft Btllott, City Knslnear, has fllad la th affloa af tba nndoralanad. notice that M. D. Whit contractor for tb lH pro re meat af Mnltaoaiah atreet, andar the prorlalooa -of ordinance No. IS. Ml, has completed aald street, from the canter hn ef Ifnloa arena ta tho watt Una af nae Slrtb atreer- Sald acceptance wlU k llBSISariB SS taa Bxecatlrs Board St 4 oJcInck on tb Tth day of Oetobar. 1004, aad abjection t taa accept of said atraat. or say part thereof, amy filed to th office of tha waaantfae at ear ttom M-lor thereto. - TUB BXBCI'TTTB BOARD. By THOB. C. DEVUIf. Aadltor or tna City ox t Portland. Oregon, October 1.. 1804. 0OM7UTI0B ABB AOOXJTABOB OF XM- FBOTXMZBT OF FBABBXIB BTBXZT, MntVa la kerebr atrea that WllUam ft KfliLntt- nt Bnelnear. ban fllad hi tb offlOB mt tb anderaisDed, aotlc tbat M. J. Cooler, eontrnator far tb Improvaaaeat of Franklin etreet, andar the prorlalooa or aroaaaac . 1S.0SS. baa eoomteted aald atraat, from th waat Ma af Thirty eteend atreet to tha aaat has f Booby etreat. . . . Bald aacvDtanca wUl be caactderad hy the Kxecntle Board St e" clock a tha Tth my of Oetobar, 10O4. aad obJectloM to th accept, aaea of aald treat, or any part thereof, mr be fllad la th office af the swearatonad at ear Uma prior fkereto; , tub nxncmvai rmbd, - By THOB. a DBVLlW. ' Aadltor of tb City f rVnrthml. PertkwA. Oreaoa. October 1. 1004. O0MFLXTIOB ABB AOOXFTABOB OF XM- , PBOTBMBBT OF VB10B AvaaTTJBV WnHa a. harahv mrwrnm that WllUam C. BlUvtt, City Bnsinear, he a fUed hi the offjen of th anderalSTiea. nouo tmx raowac Johnata. coatractor for th lmuroramefit Union aeeaaa. andar tha aroTiswae oc orauaoo Na. 11 B7, hare cob pie tad aald atnwt, from th enath nee of Belmont atreet to the eeatar line of Baat Madtoon atreet. . aid acceptance win b esaaMmd by tha kuntrlTa Board nt 4 n'clock on th 7th dar of Oatober. 1004, and eajecUon to th aeaept- aare of aal atraat. ar anr Dart tsareor. may ha filed la tha office af th nndar tonod at SBy tup nrw thereto; . , nil ABii;i. rival bvjibv, n.TTjE.,.-,.. Br THOB. ft DBVLIW. Anditar of tba City of Porttoad, Perttoad. Oresoa, October U 10O4. O0MFLXTI0B ABB AO0BFTAB0B OF XM- FMTKMZBT OF BAXJIOB ATBBBT. KaHm m herehv el ran that WllUam C anitntr. Cltr Cnainaar. has fllad ta th offlca of tba anoerel(Qed. aotlc that Mlthw A Bener. ontraetora for the Improraenent of Saunoa street, andar tb nrovhdoM ef ordlaance No. it 7DA. hava ao mote ted aald Street, from th enter Haa af Beoaad atreet to the east Ba of Fifth arret. Bald aecrptaac tu a aaaaiaaras av ma VnenttTe Board at 4 o'clock OB th Tth day of October, 1004, sad object lorta U th accept ance ef eald atreet or any part thereof, amy ha fUrd hi tba offlc ef th aa 4 1 reigned at aay time prior thereto. Tata m v u;i n,a auinu By THOB. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltnr of th CKy of Porttaad. Oregon. October 1. 1004. 0OBFXJRT0B ABB AOOXFTABOB OF XM 1TOTBMXBT OF BAAT W AB CT-BSOOBB Nottoa to herehv attaa that Wllnaai C BlBntt. City Bnsinear, baa fllad fa tb ffto of th aaderslgnad, aotlc that Been I II Bros.. contractor for tha lawrorement of Kaat Twenty- aeoad strort, andar the pro na lone ar ordinance No. 14.007, have completed aald street, from the north ttaa f Dnna addlttoa to tha M Haa of Baat Brarnalde atreet. Bald ecorotanee win be eiaaisrras me Bxecnttv Board at 4 o'clock oa th Tth any of October. 1004. and ootocttoa to thd aceept anca af said atraat, or aay part thereof, amy be filed ta the offlc mt the eetorelgnad at 07 tun prior thereto. . TUB BXBCTTTTB BOARD. By THOB. 0. DEVLIN, ' ' ' " Aadltor of tba City of PorttoaA Portlaad, Oregon, Oetobar 1, 1004. OuAVLB'llOB ABB AOU API1 ABOB OF FBOvBMEBT OF BXJSAB BTBJCXT. Botlm la hereby itreo that Wllttam ft Blllott. Cltr Bnelnear. ba filed la th offlc of th atutorwlrned. aotlc that yralna A Keat- taa. tractorB for tn lmprorement er uuaaa aHrsHt andar tba arvrtoton af ordlaanca IS. 877, hare completed aald atraat. from th west nn ef Twenty second street to the east an nf TwMty-tMrd atreet. Bald acceptance will be toaalssrid br the Brecon ee Board at S a'clock oa th Tth day of October. 1004. aad objection to th accept ance of mid atraat. or say part thereof, may be filed hi tha office ef the aaderelgnad at IP Uma prior thereto. . . , THB BXECFTIVB BOARD. . , By THOB.C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tha City of PortlasA Prjrttond. Orngon, October 1. ISO. 00M7LXTtOV ABB AOCBFTABOB OF tat FBOTFJfZBT OF Nottoa I herobr that WllUam ft Blllott, City Kngl baa filed In the office af th anrtoralgned, notlc tbat Star Bead Oo,. contractor far the lmprorement of Tenth atreet. nndar tha nrovlelona of ordinance No. 11. A IS. hare completed aald atreet. from the center line of Btark etreet to the canter tin of Burnald atreet and from th center Hn of Iretng atreet I the eentet une r aiarsaau etreet. Bald aceeptanca wUl ba cenetdered by tha tacntle Beard at 4 e'clock. oa the Tth day of Oetobar, 1004, sad abtocttoas to tha ac eeptanca of aald etreet, or sy part thereof, ay ba filed In the office ef tha aaaanaii at aay tune prtnr inereto. Till RXNCI TlvB BOARD. NT THOB. 0. DEVLIN, Aadltor of th City of PertlaaA Port tend. Oreaoa, October V 1004. OBaTFLBTTOB abb AOOTPTABOS of tu FBOTKhTBBT OF . t WATXA t ABB BOOB BTBXATB. Nottos I hereby gteaa tht WIIHam ft Blllott. Otr Rngloeer, baa filed to tb ff1e of th aad reigned, aottc tbat Smyth A How ard Co.. contracMr for the Improrcmeiit ef Water and Hood streets, andar the provMnna Of ordinance No. 1H.TT7, bar enmpleted aald atraat. from th snath nn of Ctoy etrMt ta the center Una af Market atraat Bald ecoeptaaaa wlU ba Booatderel by the Bsectrtlrc Board at 4 a'clock oa tb Tib day of October. I0o4, and objection ta tb accept eaca of aald trrt. or any part thereof, saay be flUd ta th nffW ef the aadaralgaod at sal tlaaa prior thereta. TBB IXKCl'TTTB BOARD. ? By THOB. C. DEVLIN. H Aodltor of th City of PurttoaA FertUsA Bropaa, October 1, 1004. FOB XBTBATBAtBBT OF FtABDBBB BTBBXT. Nottoa Is ktbr given Unit tha CoanrtI af ran City of TorUtiML Oregon, at a meeUng kd aa the Hat day f A limber, lSt4, dclared th aaaaaa. pent by aroluiic No. 14,214. for tn UOiirTeHMnt ef Pleaders atraat, from tba neat line f Beoand aireet t th eeet Una ef Barents atraat, In the maoer pnirlded by ordtoanoa No, 10,044, a pan aach tot. part bf tot and parcel ef laaA wbich are apedallf sad necuUarly besafltad, to ha aa feUewe, lst COt'C 11 ADDITION to tb City of PrUanwr BLOCK M. lot I. Bcrltr Sari oca Bank at KB rranclaee, IBM.00; wt 4, Charlaa Thar e. Una tea, fas. 70: lot t. ChsrUs Tkarlow, trsatae, 43T.4; nodi Tided H lot A Ben Sell Ben Sell Solomoa Ug. fimso; andlTldad lot A uiraea atata, aair mi, LOO BB. tot 1. Oom-aa W. hiarataalL SSTS.M; sosth Bf feet tot 4. litora W. Marahan, SmVU: north Bl toot tot a, A aaHi. . aVH a. a. A om4B.-B mvAm wa g saiej, Bsaey. . puv ep. nam man TVenhemo. 'doAdSt tot A Merauvn Traakmsa. AS , BtCK td. tot 1,' Stephen Head Batau, belra at, S0OW.00; lot 4. Stopnea Uaad aatata, Deu or, saxw; aouth h an a. Carman Bavtaaa A Loaa Soelatv. SS1.1T: aortb m lot A B. T. jahneoa, B31.t7: tot A 0. P. vedder, S400.4A BUCK ST. tot I, Orego casket Conuaay, Suo.4S; tot 4, J. o. uiaea. iSAMi totsTBreyBMB A Bnmmwllla, MI .01; lot A Bravman A Bunuuarrllla. tSOO. 1A BLOCK 4a. lot 1. Aecurity Aarliat A Traat CompsvrBtS.S: U,i 4, Boeoxlty Baring m Traat Oompany,' BSX-0B; tot A Barnard L. Buna EatateT belre of. fSl.TT: tot A Bernard u. stos aetata, aaua at, SO. lot 1. Barnard L. Stone Batata, heirs of. Aitl.NO; Vat A Barnard L. Stone KaUta, belra et Wl.TT: tot A Ifary Phillip Estata, hairs of. S1SL0T; eadlrlded VI east 1-8 of tot A Dnndot Mortgage, Xruat A lareatsieat Com pany. Ltd., fcl.TB; undlrlded H aaat 1-1 af tot A, IBM DaLaabaiatt. 401.T0; aaat 1-8 af weat of tot J. Hlcbsrd Brown,; weet 14 bt 1 Raul C. Vatj, 81S1.U; south 100 reet ec rare Mom F. city ac rerxm. ahflS.SdT 001 CH S ADDITION to the Ctty af FerthueW BLOCK 00. aadlrtded A-1S aaat ST Ject of tot 1. William B. hUrahaU, 100.00; adtvldd S-U aat ,S7 feet ((ML Georee W. Mara ha 1L 11B1.1S; andlTldad 1 11 eeat ST faat of lot 1. Arthor MarahalL fSO.M: waet SB feet tot ,W. i. Bawklos, SiOS-TS; tot 4, Haary WemaM, low in; aorta M lot a, Jante i, aiarpny. b.m; aontm H tot A Dena Coaway, fia.m; toaa Marge n. nijuca i. Aatnlaa. BlaJaa and lohn Lshbe. m, wt a, aicaaru inrim whih. af. aortb U bt 1 Damlna Iforr. ' in.fS; south Va lot A Lodger Bolra, STSTO (ui a, aiwua. Plana ana jrmu mwuh, SMS.TB. BLOCK TS. tot 1. Henrietta, Mary r. ralllaa- and Baall Pa hell BS1S.1I: tot 4. Henrietta, Mary P. Falling and Bmlly Caoalt, iltt 03; lot A HenrtottoTMsry V. Pal Una and mil CabelL AS3.4S; tot A HenrWtuVMarr P. Palling aad Emily CaneiL S40T.10. BLOCK 14, tot A M. Bailer A Co., 2tSL44; north Vk tot 8. BL Seller dV Co.. S1S.0A; eooth to tot S. Hneh Plalda. S1A0S: lot S. Heart Weln- hard.lSa.lQ: tot f. Hanrr WetnharA S2nl.4f. suks as. wt a, oaary A411.U: tot K, Oaatava K. Mv heir eh MS. IS; tot A Oastav Batate, belra of. hftt.OT; let T, BLOCK B bl 1 Haarr W. Monaetes, K. inuranra unit, Oaatar K. Malrhard tot T. Charlaa Car di ne U and Oaat ktnlrhard Bntato. heirs of. A4aa.SS. BLOCK U. lot A Charlaa Hirtneea, O0.Ui tot A Charlaa Hartaeae, MLoS; tot A George Hartaaaa, SS3.8S; tot T, George Hartnaae, BLOCK BL wt A Michael Tracy. A-T1; tot A Michael Tracy, S41.4S' hit A hllchaal Trace. Ul.ASi tot T. Mlcbaat Tracy. AaSO Bt. BLOCK 41. tot A Portland Oaa Cesnpaoy, 1304. CT; 1st A Portland Oaa A Lvt 0. Potter EaUta. ha Ira of. S43S.4S; tot S. Levi C fetter Batate. heir A S01.N: tot A Laator Potter. S18L44: tot t. Charles M. Olaaa et ex., SBlVH. North 100 feet ef Park block R. City mt Portland, S868.0B. COUCH'S ADDITION to tb City of Portia Dd BLOCK SO, lot A Boaa A. Woodward. 95UB.S4; let I, Bophle Bandachoh, $161.10; tot A fs ctAe Coaat Aba tract Oaarantea A Traat Coav Knr. 8150. OS: tot T. Pad he Oaat Abalraat laraatoa A Traat Oampan. SA&O.S. BLOCK ex. lot a. yoaepblo Aryan, uoi.ub: let a, Ala W airhead S14D.SB: nndltlded 1-A -tot S. AAtoto Labbee. 0 SO: andlrlded 1-8 tot T. Aatoto Labbea. ira.T; nndlrlded 1-8 tot A nialaa Labhaa. 1AO St: nndlrlded 1-8 tot f. BlahM LabbM. SlSS.OS: aadl tided 1-8 tot A Joha Labbee. SSO.Ui undivided 1-8 tot f, John Labbee, lRi(3. BLOCK TI. tot A William M. Darta, S0U.51: tot A William at. Dnrla. A1B0.A0: east to tot A Pred Wlndeler, eo i . ei ; aant w ao , rrra nuwn c wast H tot s, oaa oneoot, weet -tot T. lohn Ortobel. 8223 4. TotaL msOATf. A atatemen of aforaauld amaaamaot baa bee entered ta th Docket of City Lies aad aj now On and payable at th faee ef tb City Trasarar, la Uwfol ntoney ef the United states, and If not nald within 80 dare from the Sato af thla BfltTca each oroeeedlna will he taken for th collection of th aame a ara prettdod hy tha charter of tho City of Portland. I Th a bore aaaeoament will hear Interact M days after She drat publication f thla aottos. ' ' Aadltor of tb City mt PortlasA PnrttoaA Oregon. September, TT, ISO. FBOFOBAXA FOB STAAZT WORJL aroaeaato wtQ ba reoMrod at offlca of fh Andltor of tb Cltr of Portland. until Friday. October T. 1004, at S a'clock a bb.. for taa lmurorement of PWell street. from th east Hn ef Mil wank! atraat to tb t tin of Baat Twenty-flrat street, m tb aaar provided by ordinance No. 14.100 aubject to the provulom of tb charter and ordinance of the City of PorttoaA aad tha aatlmata of aha Cltr Enrlneer. on file. Blda moat ba etrlctbr to accordance with printed blanks, wbich wUl ba farnlahcd oa appucsnoa at na owe ea ine onoiiar ox the City of Port land. And mid Improvement mast b completed oa er before ISO days from the date of the Btoatojt af the eaatraet by the aiartlaa ftifwrtn No aropoMls ar bMb wffl ho eoidvod nntom aocompanled by a certified check par able to tha m-der af tha Mayor of th City uf Portland, certified hv a roaaonelhto bank for na smooat equal to 10 Per eeat ef the "Ifberlh t b nhat any aad all bVto hi eeay riiarvaa By erdar ef the Nxecvtlve Board -, THOA ft DEVLIN, ' Avdttor of the City of PorttoaA fWlanA Oregoa, Oetobar L 1804. FBOFOBAXA FOB BTBBXT WORM. Bralai nracaaaha wlU be rocaiTad at the offlc of the Aadltor of th City Of Portland. uifl tiMif. Oetoaar T. ISO, nl B a'eiocK a. aa.. tor the taanuiammw af 'Bast Waahlnatoa atreet, from th aaat Hn of Baat Thirty-tnire atreet to the weat Una of Bansyalde Third addl- nm. in the ni anaar oroilded br ordinance No. 14.W. onhloct ta tb BfOTialona f tba charter and ordtaaaces of th City of Portland, aad the aetlmat of th Ctty Bngtooar, on am. Rid avast ha atncuy la accoroa nc win arintad bUnka. which will ha farnlabed oa a roll cation at the office af the Andltor of the City of Perttoad. And mid Improvement mast be umiiliti 1 oa er before SO day from the date ef the etoaia ef the eaatraet hy tha part lea thereto. Ne proposals mt Mds win be cooaldered nlaaa aooompaaled by a certified check par able to tb order of th Mayor of th City of Portland, certified hy a roBetbto bank far an sawon eoaal to 1 Per oast as the MfHrtrXMrtot say sad att Mds ht hereby reaartoA By erdar ec ta RMmn noer. - THOA C. DEVLIN. Andltor of th City of 1 PnrttoaA Oregoa, October l, 1004. FBOFOBAXA FOB STAXZT WORK. Seated aroooeele will he rocatted st the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, antll Friday, October T, ISO, at 8 o'clock n. m.. for the ImororMnent of Baat Thirty. eighth atreet. from th toath ttaa ef Baas Una road to tb aorta nn or seat xamaiu street. Is th BMBBrT provided by erdlsaBo No. 14,222. wabtoct to th proviatoas of tha charter and ordinance of tha Cltr nrtmao. aaa tee Mv. ea file. estimate of the City Bngl Blda nmt he stiicUy la accordance with printed blank, which will be farnlcbed on appUcattoa at the offtoa f th Auditor ef the Cltr ef Portland, And aald taa pro re moot moat be completed o or before 00 day from tb date of tb atgntoc of the sootaet by the aartto thereto. No jropoaela or Mds wftl be eooeldcred an lea aceompa Med by a aertjfled check pay. able to th order f fa Mayor of the City nf Portland, certified by a riaponalbb) bank for an amoont enual to Ml Bar oaat mt the WTb?ffrtoMrtom amy end all Mds si sWoVeibj rtflaVafsTwwMi, By ardor ad the recativ mera. , THOB. C.. DEVLIN, ' Andltar of the City of PorttoaA PortntB, oregoo, tjetobrr 1. isoa. -FBOOOAAXJI FOB STBEBT WORK. Sealed twosoaaw win ho received at th office ef tb Auditor of the City of Portland. until Friday, October T. 1004. at S a'clock p. B., for ta Impru vaunt f Baat Mnrrlaoa atreet, from tha aaat tin ef Eat Thirty eighth etreet to th weat Haa of Baat Thirty alntb atreet la the manner provided by ordl nanc No. 14,838, subject to th iworlatoos of tbe charter and crdlnaaeos or tbe City ot PorttoaA and the estimate ef th OMy anglaaw. ea flto. Bids armt bt atrWtly hi aaooraanc with printed blsnka. Which wUl ba farnlahcd en appUcattoa St the offlca of the Auditor of the City ef Portlaad. And mid Improvement meat bo romp le ted oa er before SO daya from th data of the algal; f tb contract hp the perttoe thereto. No nmenoal or Me win be - cooaldered Snleue accompentod by a esrtlfted aheck par able to tb order or tn Mayor or rae hit of Portland, certified by a rposlbM bank for an aaenont enual to It Per cent of the gyvegar pronoeal. The rlcht to retoet aay sad aB. Mds la hereby reaerved. By ardor ef tbe Btecanm rtoer. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of PortlaaA PartmaA Oragoa. oetooer A XSOA rwt OF rXVBMAB A .T. Notice to aareby glren tbat at th meeting mt th Council of tla Ctty of portSiad, ,fon, h Id on the Hot day of Sentrayer, 1004, tb following raaohitlon waa ad)tted; KeeolvaA That tte Connrll of the City of Portlaad, Orefott, dcenai tt aznedleat and pepoaea to ln?jrovo Thurmaa atreet from the weat line of Hthr street to th aaat Una of refer Oolld douatloa toad elaUa, to tb fad. towing maar. to-wlti Plrat By grading th atreet fsU width with tM Intersection to the grade ea by th City Engineer. deeaod By eaaatraatla arttAatoi ttom atdo wallte. Third Bt t met meting wooden eyoaawarks.' Pourth By Uylng terra otta drain pip hi nccordaoc' with the City Ragtoear'a plaoa, svclflctton and aatlBMtes. Plfth By laying wooden rtdewalba la aecord asce with the Ctty Bngl near 'a nlaaa, apaelSm. tlcna and aattmatee. "txth Br wiMtiuctraw-rrbhlat to aoeeedaaxiio -with the City Baglneor'a nlao. aperlaoattona and eatlmatea. Baventb fir brinatng th mrfac ef the etreet full width frith full tojarsscttom to grade with macadam. ' Bald ImsratemanV to n mad ta accord. anea with the charter and ordinance of th City af Portland and the plana, apedflcattons and eatlmatea of tbe City Euaineer Mad la the offlc of th Auditor ef tb City of Port land e the 80th day of September, 10n4. la. oVeedi "City Bnginaor'a plana and apeclflca- tions rev to improvcnwnt or TBnrmaa atreet from th weat line of Rugby atreet to tb weet tine Peter Oulld'a donation land claim, and tn eatlmatea af tba work to he dm sad tha HnkahU 1.1,1 m tluunT the probable total coat thereof. Toe coat nf said Imnroveroeatf to he aa- aa araaided br tba Cltr Charter Bona i FalOlOBBB IMFRO' the Broperty apadally heaeflted thereby and which la hereby declared t ba all. the lata, parte af lota and parcela of hind lying be tween a Nn 100 feet northaaatarty from and parallel with the northeeaterlr line af Thar- , man atreet and a Una 100 feat eoafh westerly fiom and parallel with th aaathwoatarly Hoc of.-, Thurman atreet sad between the westerly II n I , of Rngby atreet and lta aitenetoa northarly la Ibi prenent coo roe. and tha weaterly ttaa f tt Peter Guild don tto land claim. Th Baglneer'e aetlmat of tb firnbtbl total coat for the Improvement af said Thar men Street to S4.SP0.00. The shoe ImnrBTesmat I to be atoaaed aS m- Imacadaai tmoroBet and aball to Baalntalaed nr the city for period nf Sve year: prorlded, that th WBera of a majority of tb property be nested by eald tmpraremant av aay por- r tlnp thereof, shall not petition for a new ef dlfferei.t Impranaaaat be tor the expire ttoa at '' mch period. Th olana. apeitSntlona sad antlowto ef the fttr Eulneer for tha Imororement of aald Tt.nrsnan atreet ar berebr adonted. Beaoieed. That th Audita ef th City of Portland ha and a m hereby directed to tire notice of the proooaad Improvement of said atreet aa prorlrtod by th Clty'Charter. Kemeoa trance aga'.nat the above lmprorement . aur b Sled ta writing with th nadernyned within AD data from tb data of tha Brat . wMtoattoa of Oils nottoa. , ' , By aroar at the Conndl. THOi. ft BRTT.TIf. Attnltor nf th City of Portland. PertlaaA Oreaoa, September tA 1B04. . FOB BXTXBA10B OF XtAWBOB Netlc It Saraby ala Uat th daaasament nadr by ordinance No. 14. ITS, ea tit lad: "Aa ordlnanc adopting th report of the viewer la the matter of tb proponed opaalna, widen ing, laying out and eotabllahlug of Deweoa atraat from the aaat line of Vtk atreet to the eooth Una of Columbia Park, making aa aeeeesmest of tba bene flu and da mages sal forth la mid report.'" approved August 18, 1004. has bom entered aaralnat the aeveral owner of and aaraona bitereatcd In the land i oereta eeecrtbed a sciag aevarally Uable there, for. la th Itochot ef Cltr Uena. which aald aaaraamaata are aiiW due aad parable at tha -fnee uf tbe City Treasurer, U United States KM sad sflvar sola, and sale paid bar ora ' tohar T. 10O4, the nam Will become da tin. Sat sad aach proceeding will ha taken fog solteettoa of tb mm a are provided -bp rnarter er ta mty ac rortiaus, aald aatess strata being aa foUawa, to-wit: MO U WOOD BLOCK 107. tot 1A Bva ahidgoa, 84.00: tot 1ft. Bva Bridges. S8.00; tot 1A CUraace C. Smith, $., lot 17. Clarence a BmlU, 88 00; lot IS. AHde At Clark. SS.0O lot lb, Anns A Cmrfc. S.OO; tot SO. Jalla A, Rrtgga, 83.00; tot 81. Jul Ik A Brtggs, SAOOi tot PA Edward Bchenrar, 88 00; tot S8. Theador lrto, 88.00: tot it, Tbeoaor Irto, 88.00; tot JA I nlreraity park U. K. Churck. Traateee of. 8800; tot SB, University Park' M. A Chore. Traateee ef. 88.00. BLOCK II A tot T, Oeorge L. rtovmrndTto OO: lot A lary. A Tonaar. 88 00; lot p, Bntoaaln A Sharer, 88.00; tot 10, Beojaada A Snaver, 88.00: tot 11. L. T. - SAim: hat IS. L. T. harmood. 88. 0O. tmiTBRstrr pabk block is, tot tu Cells 1 Proeoetel. axoo; tot SB, Marl a, tabaaa. ffAOOt tot n. Mart A Lahann, 82.50: Vt 14. TJajTeralty Load Co., 2.00l tot SB, University Land Co., 50: tot 88, W. A Peddleord. SLOO; tot 84. W. J. reddl , eord. 81.80: lot AA W. J. Paddtrord. 82.SO, ' SJMITHBON LAND COMPANY'S ADDITION to Baat Portland BLOCK A tot A Prank Staan, Sl.SB; tot 10. Banna Cartoedef, 81.38; bt 11, Hann Cr Under. $1.10; lot 1A Prank Staoh, il.S; tot 1A iamea A Gray, 81.10 : tot 1A . N. Burwelt, 11 88; 1st 15, A A, Waiting. tl.S; tot 1A Jamm A. Gray, fl.tot tot IT, Anna A Vuorhlaa. 1 .80: tot 1 A Bug Brock, 81. ; tot IS, Bugva Brock. 3at lot SO. Anna A Vourhtos.Tl.3S: tot B, Anna B. Voorble.; tot B. Bugene Brock, . .; tot St. Auguat L'awTler, 11. ; tot M, L. nonbora, tT ; Jot 88. Matilda Jeffer- Sl-SB; lot BA J- B. Bcott, 81.86; tot 27, , lot SB, Joha W. Gray. 1-B; lot SO. JToha W. Orar, Sl.QOi lot SO, Amanda Out try, 81.00. BLOCK S. tot A Una H. Bwlng, St.aa: tot 10, Virginia A, Uahtead, AI M; lot 11, A B. Tucker, M JS: tot ll, Una H. Bwtug. SI M; tot 1A tt. It. Tucter, 81. 80; tot 14, Barak I. Orar, 81.M; tot 18, Barak J. Oray, Sl.SB; tot IS, O. A Tucker. 81.30; tot 17, La ara M. Bel ton, 81.80: tot 1A Llllle M. McClnre, 19. Ultto H. McClura, SI-80; tot SB, W. Braeken. 81.80: tot 81. Tho. L. Rot. heirs. Sl.SB; tot 83, Mary M Maunlng, 812S lot ZS. nlondlna Manning. gl.i lot 84, TnosTL. Bay, heirs, 1.2h; tot 30, Meltto M. Parrmentar. pl.BS; 1st AA Sarah X . (May. 1.; tot ST. Sarah J. Oray, Sl.tS; tot 3ft, eiu M. Psratentr, 11.30. All that tract ef land lying between th aaaterly aide line ef Newman atreet la saM Bmlthaoa Land CeaBpaay's add! ttoa to Bast Portlaad and tba waat Una ef Columbia Park la mid City of Portland, and between th mid eouthedy Ha nf aald prop need Da waaa street end a line parallel therewith and 100 feet southerly taor frees, Joha MockTidO.TS. Total. 1 100-7 A luua c onvLjn, Aadltor of tha City of PortlaaA StorttoaA uregva, awpumaer an. 1S04. ABSBBSMrBT FOB llTFBOvTJtBBT OF. WT. Matto to awrehr etve that the fJoaarrl af fa City of Portland. Oregoa. st a meeting held oa the Mat day of September. 1804. declared th aaeeaameut ay ordlnanc No. 14,218, for th Improvement at Wrsaat Street, from tho eest Una of lntoa arcane t tba waat line of Bait Sereoth Street, la th ausnnof pfovtaed by ordinance N. 13.8T4, upon eack tot, part af tot and parcel of land, wbich ar specially aad peculiarly Deneoiea, to n m miiowa, vis: DAVIS nlUnUHU WAX U, I, Wt 11 J Joha 8308.88; tot 14, John Kan. S3S.TS; lot 16 iokU Aaoe, S13.SS; tot 10. Joha Kan. 11 AM i tot S, B. R. Hulro. 828. tot 16. . R, Holme. ASP.M: .tot 11, Dcwltt Clint oa , and Nora Belle, 80. 40: lot U, Dewttt CUn toa and Hera Bella, (204.1 A BLOCK S, kt SA P. W. Powell. S2T3 30; Jot 14, P. W. Powell, S4S.0S; tot IS, Lou la Lvlagr, ST.13t lot 1A LouU Levtagrr. 827.13; hit S. Irene . BtlllweU. 1X4.40; tot 10. Irene tlllwell, 824 40; let 11. Iron StlUwelL ABT.SOt tot 1A Irene Btlllwet, 8200.34. BLOCK 1. -tot IA School XMatrtet No. 1, $380.83: tot l). School Dlatrlct No. j, 8M.l1 1 lot 10, School Dta trlet No, V, d&Sa: lot A Schaol Dlatrlct No. , I. 8SA38; a tract of land lying betweea th Borth Ba of Wygsnt etreet and a Une 100 feet rth thereof and parallel therewith and between tn eeat lta mt block 1, Da Tla , Highland, and aha weat lias of Beat Seventh . etreet If extended northerly ta Its preaeBt eeuree. School Dlatrlct No. A. 8210.88. HIGHLAND BLOCK 1. tot t Henry Dasstsa, SB04.00; lot A N. BaamuaeeB, SST.op; tot II. Rualce M. LomedCB. 8n8.l; tot ll Busies M- Lnmadea, SS43.7B. BLOCK A tot 1, Ella. , bath Uaherwood, 8884.08; lot t, Ella bath Uah orwood, 86 4:lot ll, Alto McKaaalr, SM.Mt let IS, Alloa McKensia. 8314. TO. BLOCK 8, . tot L Percy Paget A 4a ma, 838,80; lot A. . Percy Paget Adams, 844). 84: tot 11, Percy -Paget AKma. flS.IBi tot It, Percy Paget ; Adam. 2.04. Total. 84.018.40. A atateaeent of aforeeald aaeiaamant haa baa entered la tbe Docket ef City Lie pa and Bow duo sod payable at tha efsce of the City Treeaurer. la lawful aaoaey of th TJnltod Stat, and It sot paid within SO dar from th date this notice mch proceedings will be tab be takra a scetiiid i no. for tba collection of tha aama sa ar br th charter of th att of Portia r Th above naeeacment will hoar Intercet ft days after the Brat pnblleattoa of thla aottoe, THOB. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor of tha City af PortlaaA PortUoA Oregon, September 37. 1004. FBOFOAALB FOB BTrTLDIBO FABRY , aUTBIBaA, tod pcopamis will be reeetved at th of tb Aadltor af the City ef Portland fflo untU Saturday. October 1. 10O4, at 8:90 for bonding landings rot ths ferry "Lionel A Webater,M In aceordaee with pUne and apeclBratlona prepared by Fred A. ft a Ills, and mm flle at lie offlc, 48 H accoad trat. N prnoosal will be conaldered a nlaaa ac com pa nld by a cert t ftd check payable to the order of Oeorg B. WUllama. Mayor of th aty of Portland, ecual to 10 par oaat af th aa grec at antooat af th bid" The right to retort any and aB M4S to By order of the Rrvcnrtve Board. THUS. C. DRTI.IN. Aedltar ef the rity of PnrimaA INrfHaA wroaoa. autBaaar K 4 1 t