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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
Y EVTXINO. OCTCT 1 1904. MWWT TO LA. P w Ths Jcarn-l Went Columns RATEfll QM tin, A Mr, , 6m VNk (7 iBewrUoB tRsBitw-. On month (Including Susm MUM), T&n . link. "1 '(! mI advartlBl lenta art PW.T8DI ) p.nnu, - an.. M--lr. VJBa.Btd' minURnos Hituatlona WuW" rti! minu ra pwbUaood m Una xW at char. - A4wtliwmi(i moot bo to T IP aalack boor tor th daJlp la IUM. and 1 O'clock Satartajr areola for tha Sunday toauoa. ,. Branch Office paoelved at regular main odnca rata at tha foflowto plaea and aant to Tha Journal in tlraa fog pubUoatlo to th nast toauai B. A. rrMtan. drusrlat, tM 4 Thurman BtroetB. Hoe Hill rhtrmacr, 414 OlUn A. "i.rmLl Itth W1 Uarahall afreets. -. B. B. Tack a, eonfaattonarr, .. WaahUftoa atraat. ooraar ltk B. f iVmat C. oraaMtetak front and Olbba atrwata. Cettaibrug Co. Plrat and Oml . Mraata. . . - . . Tuttla'a Pharmacy, M sdlearta- alppl a.vs. corner Bharar at Hie hots 1 Thompson. Ill Kaaaoll atraat. eornar Albhuti avenua. Jincka Drug Co., cor. Hawthorn and CI rand avwnu.. , J, A. Dick, tobacco. tU CroebT (aaat and ataal brftjra). B. F. Fulton.o onfecflonarp. ITS B. Burasld. eor. Union av. Ingram Buah. tobaoooalata, 191 : Oraad Tnua. J. & Worth, pharmaolat. Itl Bai rn ont atraat :.' noom t ' Brooklyn .Pharmacy, op. rwwoU and lCinraukia atraota. boyiob. IBflflOV BALK OP 1UL WATS. CaauMnctaa Monday, pMtmt, and coBtlnatnc each day during tb wart, Multaomsh Coustr will ull Its propwtjr km tofor acquired far delinquent tola to tba rlgtrit bidder. GT all addition " with tha letter 0 to Inclusive. ro)low)o ar. taa dfww fcc waleb tba pnffartr wiU ba arrtraa: Oiim ...... .IB.QO ti i ii i i as.fla' aoa ITabaaca .......... I-W " ianii'i Tlaw ... T.flO1 Tabor Babjkta .v., llTardal ....... 100 BIvmtIpW ...... 4 00 TaMcaioa Third BUKii .... FliM ... 9.0U r Roatwood ' RnatallTtn .ri-rr - Saota Roaa Park. tllwiwd Hira taritaaa. (Jnlpafslta Far... l.W wl3 racii-" Jlaalar ......... 100 fpttn t-00 JellWaa'a .imlA . 4.00 Park Whaatlaad v. 1 00 WUbarda ....... I.W Wlllaawtta AddV tlna .1.00 BuDriba Part too rDdlcata ...(-.t l-oo . Vawkarat rartl... i.oq Waodlawa 1M VroDartr H albtf adalUoM at aarraaaoartln. Srafdar at tba Cawatr Owrt, MaHaaaaah Caaotr. , . : CHATTEL MORTOa-OI BALR lfotlca la bara by atraa tkat br rtrtoa of tba Urma a : wuia Chattel wrtfaaa aivtad Zr iSTS lUabaTruM. 19 nw aroi DBwrnr Iha power 111 a.M as awftaaa . and . froat aow of tbe Bartf aaaa'a warbMa. N tbe Hty at Part laad. eta la af Orto. mr eaia, ana en ai pudiw . " VL klfbMt bldaw far eaaa. tba taltowbaf tor. N. 4 ftST. wltb truka. awl all part ther-unta WUmclna; ana Oaae wlad etartar, ffaV B.9BS. wltk ill parte tberaimta bJonlnf. lataadlac paffhaaara awr Inapaet aeld praf arty it iv ttma by ealltnf at tba U : Caae ThraablBi Marhfat company'; waraboaaa aforfMld. 3- L Caae Tkrhlt- Kacblaj Ce.. Syltlard Barttk, Oaaatal OoDaettea Ajaat. Portland, Or., frptember SB, laM.-fralad J proaoaata, fc rrtpllemt. iSST antlTll a'rtook. bo- October 11. lf. for tanker tor tka PhlHpplna ' fnmitloa fnraaikrd her. Halted tarree right to rJet or aeeeot any or ell pro . poeala,. ar any part tberaof. En r topee b ... tatnlnc nropoaala ebould ba eaarked: ' 'Pre pnaato tor lujnbfr for Phlllpvtaa UUaaa,'' and addreoaed to rpt. Jaaea M. Baker, Qr. Mr. KBLB WABTIP WiTl, VMI0N RUPL0TMBMT ' 00MPAKT. DVre ALL W.Wh. An Made of help fnrnlebed aa abort aatte free to employ ere; wark for aH cbueea. aula ar JeBBale. . . WANTRD RMMaeJMe aua a anaca office and dtatrlbntlna; depot tor a Urge aaaattfae 1 tnriog onmpany; eaUry. 91M per nwatb and ' aommleatone; applicant asoet fwnlek good ref erenrea and il.lm to 13,000 caaa. Addret Paetory, ltth and iohnaoa eta., Chicago. WAKTKD A traatwarthy man to menage a branch offlea for a large nenufartarlng con rtrn. aalary 1M.DA pe aacnth and eoaamle lona. Applicant mnut farntak goad refer ancea and fl.nft.M to ts.ioo.00 caab. Atiraai Manager, Bk W. Ittk at., Chicago. KILLKD AKB TJNBK1LLBD LABOR of feecrlMteaa. arompUy avatJlad, , PTea 1 M North leond atreat, aear Raraatde. J LOOKtKO tor wnrkl Many good poattloaa ara , aoneta ntly edwtifoi IB Jearnal "Help Wanted' evlnnaa. Toar ad. andar "altoa- none waateev av aa laaartaa jrea aw ehargo; I RATI a complete eattt for logging and clearing UrA and want a contract io da work of thu klad. , Addreta B. Rlgetow, Ragle . Creek, Or. WANTRD Saleamen; liberal pay weekly; per. manenti eataUlahed trada. ilrowa Brag, Co.. Roc heater. If. T. BAYS wonted to work la factory, pectfla Coaat Blecnit Coeapaay, Twelfth and Derla. WANTKD A arad real eetoto and lnaoraaea nuviw , sail mtm. mt mi ti n.( iwai I . t- WANTaMV-firtght boy anovt IT, to Wra iwaa. ApplT P. C Itamp Worka. teAlder. ' . PRl'Q aaalatant wanted. W H. rare Jon mat. SkXf WABTlffb BdT.B 0B lBHAXB. tHOitg hatf-aoled tor P0e at Itoiukaayh'a. DniiB wBBSIVOB-r BAT. 1 flearaal peetal errtoa.r St. toula. Mo.. Oot. 1. Thl wag In dian Tarrlterp day at tha world'a fair and a tarta numbar of vlattora front that territory and alao from Oklahoma were praaant to aalabrata tba ocoaalon. Formal araarckaaa warn bald thla fora fMmn to tha Indian Tarrltory building;. Among- tha apeakara vara Qn. Plaaaant Porter, principal afalaf of tha Create In diana, and Gov. T. B. rargtiaon of Ok lahoma, Dvrlntr tha day thouaanda of cotton holla and amall brloka af aaphalt warn dfatrlbutad to Tl altera aa gouvanlra of tha Chlokaaaw nation. Danctog. hftaa Copaland'a dancing; claaaaa win meat haremftar In tha hall oa tha aaeond floor af tha Altaky htilldlnfL that oa tha ' . ' third proPlnej too gmall. Sha aan new , accommodata faw mora pupUa. Scott paacack flour la tha boat fancy 'iMfant ta tha aW . i aa -4 rOaTd. . 0 g are ' , gjmrA! -rAWwtv-dfajr-B. SITUATION we'4 by sang bt-rt r dm atailty id work la otno i yk- would buy totersot. SO. aara J nut. A TOUNO autn. ID yeara af age, af feed thing at boeaa. waata porter work la faxDliaga or general dry paede alei baMta. gaat'e M, aara ct Journal. OOOD farattwre aaleawaa waata paalltoa, wbaU- eale or reuii. on ine aw oj iraTomaj, yeara eipertaaa) aober aad gtoedf, 0 H, eare faaraaL WAKTBD Poalthm by young wait aa book' keeper, timekeeper ar rlerk; Will tee re Met; eaperlt oarna perloaaadi aUlla.b.wat.. altl POIITIOH wanted r ad writer; eradaata Page Darte Co.. Chkwg( partleoUra addroea panienwra aooreea ara B. C. Altmaa. . w. a., areaaam, ur ITUATIOK wanted, by agperleaeed toameter, capable of head ling two, four m ell horaea. Addreaa . a, PVet at., room 1A AJf BZPBHIBMCBO beokkcaaer aad ertce ayaa waata a paeaBon; eaa a rererencoa. Addreaa L ta, eare JoaraeL LDBRLT sua. able la da any Una taaide rork, aeairaa aowuoq ao waiwaw aa ee ran atoratar. & B. Tba JeawaaL TTUATIOlf wanted, by aa all-aaaamd Oaafeav rjonert taacoea, nna eaaea. eic Aoaraaa earn Week to T. 4W, ovaal efftoe. BITVATIOIf wanted hp yonng nana la grocery atore. ta Wra baelneaat beva bad aanm aa- peneBoa. v eu L WAKTTO Janitor work byelderly aaaa ei perleaeaA Phone Boat ifaal. ; OOOD aaeot aattnr waaM poeltlea. . H. ti, cam rrvATion wAirTR&-ntAxm. ' WAKTRD dewing by ei porta eced dianemaker; ternw reeaenaMe, Addreaa I B. eare Joaraal WANTFD Ry ralUbto wocmb. work of aar kind by tbe say. Aaoreea e. carw pwmi. AXX klada of male help faratobel aa ehaayt m North 100304 gt. Pbwaa Bad . MOUNT HOOD EMPTjOThOtHT AORIICT, far alab free toroaj BrLIARtJ HtXP. hbrmgar aVOolilne. 170 Barnalda. Bead 1TT. BOTKL help 0t aD klada fnrnlebed free to emaJoyara. Wee tern Rmptoymeat Baraaa, fidTblrd at. Pbena Mala 1A POR LADIES ONLY. PORTLAfTB Wemena Mmp fl Altoky, eor. M and M h"a mpioymaai waaav, gMa aat. PTONCRR RVPIATMRNT C. Ibor mbo torn help free to employore. t!6 Morrleoa. LP wanted and eappHed. maat tooB R. O. DRAKB. SHU WaaUagtoa at. Clayr4 WORK for men. mea fot work. H A y BBX'SO FT1 CM. Pi Worth So coal at WAJrTXD TO BXR. WANTRD S or 4 fnrelehed room for hooeo keoplitgi North Portland preferred. Ad Voce aayitoa. aw Twemy-mira. W AlTTBB--MXBTt. ' iptabi na iMTOfl turn ar ! adjacent coonuea on nouoar w uwk:, dnr eoanailaeloa: pedal terme to experienced KubAM- tk aU aiMtrn anoted: ealarc and aapeaaaa. T. 4. Boaauaoa, geaonu aa- WAlTTKaW4kKAA BRATS, WANTBTTJ Hare eaah ta bay T or S-raota awd. , era boose, wast aide: partleaiara muat be glrea. H "tl, B,t UmJkmmatamm ' WAJIEB MTaCTIIAamcnFR. WANTED Rrarybody'a wants -ndrarttaad h Joarnal Wont Colnmaa. They rellora yea of all aaorceeaary worry. Remember, tba cost bat le iloei f ararag-' worda awka a WANTRD l,00t njea to try tba beat aortae to the city at tba Monterey he coffee hoorj. M - Kortb Baeaad et.; pleaee don't aocaa all at once. 0. M. Aaderaoa. prop. WANTED kmpty atore for grocery; wonld pay eaan ror email atoca 11 cnoapi weas aioa preferred; giro partleaiara. T, AM, Tha onrnai. POR RBR BOORRRJXwrjirB BOjOBR. a. PRR WERE Largo, eleaa. foratebad houeekoeplng room, with oaa af Uandry. hath, . pbooe; a Wo cheap faralebed ootUgeo. 1. Laadlgaa. 1M beraaa. Pboaa Clay SOB OOINfl baaaekaaplagt Barea't fonad a plaea K Ural Try joaraal Want Coiamaai they'll lp yon find a ammher. of goad eoema, qniekly. MIC ulto of two froat reoma, farnlsked complete for heuaekeeplng; gas range,, all new and beat. Va roarth at. TWO PirRNlRURD hoaeokeeplag reeaaa- far pent. ParalaHed eompleta S a SMBtb. Vee addreaa O. to. cars oaraaL N SIXTH ST. Nicely faralabad booeekeoplng apartments: tight froat par lore aa Brat flonaf. O. Healy, Proprietor. Pt'RNllUBD hoenAeaptog roome and faratahed roooM. Bnaalra at U RoaeeU at. Ho ctalldraa. POR RENT Three large faratahed boaaokeeplng roome. IOM Boat Taylor, eor. Tbtrty-eereath. CLfFTON, SMH Ptret St., . OslawWs Salteg f W nor week .'.Jj,,..,,,,,,.,. roa RJorpjroRRiRRAO rooms. MI CELT fare (eked reoma. eritb aad wlthoat hoard, to all parts of tba etty, ebouM he adrertleed la Joarnal Waat Celamaa, hecenaa alee people ara tooklag far them, n far 1ft cants. BUU ALDRR, near Third at., alcely fornlabed and pleaaaat rooaia; new brick balldlng; new, up-io-onio mrnwainaei aa a ea.ew a raaki mnaleats, BOc to gi. Rod tied. RIVkRrtPI HOTEL MS Beet Oak. Po rail had and nnfarnbihed roome. single sad ea eulte; kHlng, 91 pee week aad aa. pboaa Scott THH DEXTER, No. 194 Twelfth St.. car. Washington; gtog onrnfortabto reoaaat mndera fonreeieacea. ON CAR LIN A prlrsta family, alcely fnrnUhed front moan. SB; eawlkr, ft. Inaaire 1040 Corhatt. r PLEASANT foraUbed raeen, ana or two goaUe maa; prlratc family. SB Eighteenth at. N. NICELY farnlaked room gar 1 entrance. to front at. aaar rant aeparato Ban. NEWLY fnralahed salct translaat Pewth St. Pboaa Red SMS. TWO faratehed front roome for tight hence keeping. 4D0 North Union. POB RENT oTOVSES, HOT'REd ara acarcat at least, tbe klad roa went, bat roa caa eaaa a let or oar rare ana naat. aa wen as mace worry, py eon- en itl og loarnsi Want columns ror wast r waat. Try tsem zi woros ror m eenm. RENTAL ageacy of J, I Weita aaaaaar. M Orand are., aaakaa g spedalty In rearing honees oa east side and teohlng after proa arty; charges raaaoaabkt. Pboaa Baet al. POR rent of oak. 11 1 Wtlllaaao seaaaa. Arooai boaae. all modo.a oonaUacea. Aapiy J aba Bala. Bit Stark at. Tel Mala TkAf POR Rg7T Hoaeoa, cattag and flato, I lira and up-to-date, rented free af cnerge. T. OcTarta X Bona, Ptret aad Tambnl ate. pnR RENT d-room heme aa hUlwry are., bet. Rkldmcro a ltd Preacott tto., prion $11. la qnlra 8T Eeet Slath at, JfoiU. POR RENT Desirable realeeace, , S re earn; lath, large yard, fmlt tracai ML Tabor tar tfaan Pboaa Beat SHOT. PCRNtgHRD bmaas tot rant. heme tot rent. SBS Bth a-, aaf. Madleoa; gaa, both, toleabame. tan PAii.iNo rr-Pec raat, I ryoeM la aaw ' RTtPLOTatXaTT AdPOTM. CLP ed all deaerlprloaa famlakad mwaallla. togging eompe, fartoriea. free to aanlojera. Alpine Hmpaanaeat Ageacy, near Morrlana. 16 Ptrat ei Pheoe kala ItlT. WANTRD Beery hmei. flat or room u the city ta ba oecaplod. A food way to find accaj peats ta br adwtTalai to Joarnal Want Culnaana. They reaebtba. kind af people yea want, tl worda far eeata. Bbcbubb othsiB Br ht boarding boBSM they doot lake, is and find a saitaUa plaea to Hrs. ' , Twtnt-0D 1 TUB arjRBJf A REAL ESTATE A BUSINESS CUANCB AGENCY. - " tss Waahtngtoa tt. . Oa tap rare ebenco to make maaif. A general stock af awccbaadlae, with hulld tngBla 00a of tba Uto towna moot be aoldi keaUh af owaar. UttU aaoner take It. A weU established Ua and coffee bnelaaea, pood booming town, good trade aad ine Joca Uoa. Only aaat 11 capital retired to got It A hre-wtre raateareat, muat be cold at aaoa; no better 'ocatloa to tba eity; good rua aad reeeoaabla raat. It la tha tking anv the right party. A loemlng-houce, St foaM( goad Bantiaa. Sbeap rnt; full of taaaats. Oood heaae aad 1st In Laurelwoedf Inpraead grenade. It won't take much mover to bay. A modora howaa wlU i tots ahcaf aad oa A goodfarm wltklb Id ml lee of tba altr: las acres; on of tha bast hoUtogja to tha rlclnlty. Per partlcalars Inamlia. W bars a aamber of good things a am Rat which ar of liitoreat ti tareaura. Wa waat rooaOng-baaaec, euros, eettaaee and data. Come Ost thea wUb as. a ar certain at good tenants. Tbe Rjreka leads tor prompt dee 11 age. Bet- 6 factory arsagementa caa ba made wltb an 1 all liaee. Call Monday. VK10X LAND CO.. a O. DeVers aad U L. Wetob. MM Haniimm SL, Roam LODOlWO-BOUSBr POB BALBL il-rcom howa ,,.,,, .ft, 1A0 l-room konaa , S.OO) p-roota hoosa 125 Id-room hoar IfdO 6 -room Sat . .....ft.,.. RM 6-room tat , EH t-room houa ..u....... dno S-room let Boo RO-rao-a honaa ., 1,060 t-ioom hooee , C Cash at Urn. We caa aalt yea. Call aad ace. EM Morrtaea St. WANT to "aell poar hastoemt Waat to brtoot tm anael N. arttw hnu.t than adverflBlng for what . roa waat to joaraai waat uiinmas. caota. Try IL U wards far WAKTBD Maa with $900 aad earrlsss to take an latsreet la good manufacrartng haatneea; aaoner folly secured; wages U0 par month. B W, care JearnaL POR SALE 43ood baolnoea chaaca; store bond ing and general morchandlae; postofflce to bulldtug. Addreaa " Postmaster,'' Bddyrins, Oregon. WANTED Partner with S1.S00 to rood auaa- factDting boslneee: aaonay folly aecared; 100 . par apoata gaaraaiae. a. aa, care ec jaarasi. nllWT lavont to tba dtr for the arte, to Ann alngle and doable boasekeeplag rftftsm, 144 rara. aa oaxa aaaaa vwutM aeui. 'toV B SALB-Stoch aeod grocertee; good trade) root! a boat u.twa: will traae far aoaaa Bad lot or ranea. xnc j earn at. WANTED To aeD sboa shap: good trade Bi-Tpr Se,.toW W. 8. Patbm, kjnn ClOAB sad aaafectlcaerr. with to cream sad Melng reoma. g first St-, Snath Port land. Bent, W. . POR SALB Beat drag baotasss la best town to state far aaU; will stand lareetlgetloa. W. SS, The Journal. A tlf AP Pavnltars, aH aew, tor T 1 Ua Conch et. Pboaa IbU MM POB RALB P T owaar Mnw to toar aad ask lao andcr celUratloa, Including T acree orch ard and IS la timothy: ft acree naael brash, seay to clean S good springs, creek, boaae sad barn, school nd eh urea aa ine place; mtlea south east from Oraama City, dackaaua seoaty; good piaak raaa. Apply 1SS Paartb at, agar POR S A LB PA RMR Improved farms tor sab) to atl parts g Or. ajna and WssUngton: payments made ta nit purchaser. Pre fall parttcalara as to rart- proprtlee apply to Wa. MacMsatar, SU Worcester bldg. POB SALB SO acres good Taller toad near Jonctloa City. Or.; price gJ.060, Addroea owner. B. P. Myers, JaacttoaCStr, Or. ORBOOR farms beat them ant And by answer ing th ads andar thlg beading yaa'U Bad eoBM fine caea. PERSOVAL. J. J. HI RSH HEI ME R Peoeloa sttoraop aad caaaaalor at law, EU Wsablngtaa sti pen stons obtalbed seder all acta or congrem for soldiers of tba 0111 war, Spanish -American war. war la the Philippines; nenaloa for soldiers' widows, aainOr chlidrea aad depea aaat relet!. BATS AND UICB ealchly exterminated; as cats, potooa r traps aoeded; loam the secret and keep them away foreror; eare; yet per fectly harmless, czcept to rodents; secret originally cost ft 00, bat we send It postpaid Rallrer or stamps tor SO cents. Addreaa .sec Willis. Box No, St. Saginaw. Or. MANLY viger roetorod ay Dr. Roberto H tree tinea t, Z avontbo, SO: seat seenrs: . Agents, Wosdard, Olarka CATHERINE S. JOHNSON, aew located to her amartars, SU sad MS Allsky bldg. Pacta 1 and scalp maaaag. manlcorlaa aad beJr drsmiag. . Pboaa BUck 1P0A "THE ROOK OP RATTJRB, "Rook f Ufa." "Mabel Gray," Wtory of a Store," "Masai" mtaJogocs free. A. Schmala, Z29 Plrst at YOOR preacrlptloM ara saor sccarntety and reasonably filed at Ryeaeirs Pharmacy, Elf Morrleoa st. betweaa TPlra bad Sawsad sta. PERSONAL Year bualneM ar profeeeiooal ard la Joarnal Want Colo mas will bring yea boataam; tl words tor IS cents. Try ii HIOHEST price paid for men's eeet -eat cloth ing aad shoes at T$H North Third, Pboas .Orssa 4JB. Orders promptly attended to. DETECTI T E8- All kinds af InforeMtto sscaredt snsMwiag a specialty: strictly eoanoannil Addrea D Id, cars Jsarnal. ALL dab sad combination cnbecriptloqo ta magaslnea readred at Jsass Bosh SHta. Ill Aider st WATCHES. dUnjottda, mey aayxeatst dlssaonds wiam. tt. n . una, oia ifeauaa. viajowo. ROOMS ABB BOAaay TRB LIN DELL. Aa Sattrely new family hotel, sttMcthrely & rated tor per tua sent sad tranaieat gaeets. arkot St., let. Third and Poarth. All oot aide rooms, wltk handsome modem furaleh Inm and SR ap-te'daU conraalescoai electric fight, gas. ssaltsry pramMog. porceUla bathe, heated tkraoghont hr steam. Eire ileal cal cine and eerrica. Aa elegant euteld moan with Srat-class board for two paeato, g4 per aaoatk. Pboaa Mala M41. CONDUCTING s rooanlag boamT Adrartlm tha fact la Joaraal fTM CMamaa aad fUl year BOARD srtfh raoma, weU toraosbed; modern sort eaten ce 1 table hoard. EU Thlrtoaath ct PDENIRHED rooms with beard, SMS par waek. Addrem TS4 Roosevelt st PTTRNTSHED rooms ssj hoard. M Water gt POB RRaTT 4TT0RER, PINH star roam a Yamhill at. SS par anoath. Apply Jaa. P. Sharkey, Tttl. Cham ber of Ooaaieerea. Tetopboae Mala IPS. booses pob aRJBTwraaiTVRa por rale POR SALB Paraltor S-ream cottage, ccmplets la every detelt with ar wltbont fftoaat eot tage for rest. Phone Raat IS. WA1TTSD eTOARTOAL. WANTED To SI .MS; gilt adga re jaarsafc real wtato aseatlty Bt B fATB. IP SOU) AT ONCB tl.nSA tan aaw S Cnam bSSHM! fan Ih MnA' 1 Mtfk Cmia car line. 8T8 burs a uew S-room collage: fall plBStb- mm; coacret baaemoat Sasho. 4 acroa Id. proved land T Uoese to street car, at a sacrifice. :, htoka M aa offer, OREGON LAUD CO., -SP Baet Wathiagtoa St. Pbaoa Baak Uli- A ROOM bone ea Pattern baaUvard, far Sl.SOO awdcrm lma lmscorc: meatn; a bargain; amr ion can so nna if wsiieoi u iiHprM, j frntt treee; all tor 48.000; 400 tost from car Hue. Call Fnadaya. Beett S711. After Saa- m; au imprcvaa; yeang say, amaff too. POB SALB broom, aaodora boom, with torn. S VMa. cor. fchtTwelftb and Beat Stark eta; this property mast be seea to to appreciated; will teUca easy terme; let as sbrw Ul boaae to yew. OaU at bam m I. U WeUs Oav, S4 Orand ara. WANTED To hear from real seta to dealers la timber lands aad mining proposltlosa la Borthwectsra sutea; view to co-operation sad prssactlon af bualocea tntereata. Addreaa D. 1, Pcrhsa, SIS Yamhill st. Portland, Or. BARGAINS f every doserlptloa ar coast aatly Bdvertleed la Joaraal Waat Osntmas. Prop arty cwaars will de well to advertia what they wlah to eell ta the eolamne. Sc a Us; f areraga worda make a Has. ' POR SALE 4-acre tracts aa 0. W. P. car Hoc; running rater, na soil; 90 pas sere; bona and S Seres, SSgSf year own tor ma; take mtscaaa m, get err at uauar lns. bee agent gt Srst beam snath. SNAP Tw aaw Colonial MsldeaaM, aaat Side, close ta. eae T and one S-room, full coacret baaemoat: mndera throughout: abm one T-room. tw-ty bouas cheap. Addrem owner, 49 Bast Seventeenth street POR SJXa T-room boos with two lata. eor. graded st; fruit treee; pries. I1.SO0. 14 lots near Tabor eve.. go each. S lota at Wood lawn, near ear Una, SlOS each, lnontre at MO Going st. Highland. POR SALR Oor. Grand av. M Palling at, d room aew booaa. lot SOalOO. price 11,400: half cash, rest ea 4 par cent la tercet. Call on chief cook, KrasaTGrlU Boom, reacts a Stark sta. . POR BALE d-reom boaee, t tots. TM Best TMrty-seeood atreet on block from ear Una: bath and concret basement: fruit trees snd berry aad earraat buahm la yard Iacjalra at pW . POR RA-LE Good noma and 1 acr toad. I . blocks from car Mae: 4-room toaaeiatl kinds fruit and nsrrtes in arm&aanoe hi aeon ear, get eft Btnart's, inoalre at stora. K. Brtoer. rrB RAim Wl UttU cMckaa ranch, with - boaae snd water, onj Be car Mb. 10 down snd glO par month. Raoatre Ourd booaa aartk f sUtloa, Lonrarweed. 0. L. Brabslor. s nrann tMwaarruntWT. ' L ouuu inTEviaavT. land near Aleee, amatl boom and Improvements. Price 4400. Ad I. Parker, Salem, Or. ISO asms af . barn, ether ta. (4.000 S boaae. furniture and groand: east 90.000; If mlaatss wait from ceart haasai rents wfil pay for property ta S yeas. J. tndlgaa. Ot Shermaa. YRRT central 100x100, Bast Eighth aad Mo, rieoa sts far 91.400; snltsble tor factory, wareheaaa 4r Store; apply earner,. SS4 Poarth street. CALL Banday at Til Orwra St. S blocks north ' Monta villa car line and leek at a cony, modern, 5-room cottage. If yea wapi to boy. f-ROOK eottage. No. 884 Cerbett st, wltb tns arehard; let 80x100 feet; rent SIS pat aaoatk, taoulr Prank asbsasy, 88 Corbett at BTTST be soM Immediately, a eoraMr lot with modera Bstory building, 1 blocks soath fair aroMAde. Ingolre 4S4 Larrsba st MODERN torn foil let; full brick, bamnoent: s Mindanao f trait ana nowars or su auaa? 4 bargain. SSS Orand av., North, kinds H S-ROOM HODB8, plastered thiewabooV. far ule; three tots, fruit trees. Price, fUDO. Addrem N. St. car JearnaL POR RALB 9800 vrlU bay a new ho and let SO1SS8. oa WllUmetta boulevard. I nasi r 1180 Winaaastto boaWvard. 9BS0 BABY TERMS, aaw, aeat 4-room cortege: pantrr. bathroom; fcard Salah, etc. Call 4S4 and Bast Taylor. WS BTTLB hone eel easy tot h ah lit U laaalmd. bldg. mthly pafSMuts; SIS Commercial EIGHT tots st Woodlawa, d blocks from cart cheap. See Barber, car of Alfa A Lewis. POB SALR-mTSfTBlXASrZOVR. POR SALB Any ameant af apse ta Joarnal Want Columna for 8 cento a line; f average WOT' nuke a Hoe: acversl laaimaaa of an adinnsamaat aeaally saaks a sale. That's so. too. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. . , writing. Ta boh tor. Mil Bearing, ugnr mrnrn Ageacy SS Stoat st. Pboaa Red 1881. BILLIARD AND POOL table Bar mag at tor TBBaVffsSrmA'LEB OOtXaPIDhTB OR, 48 Third St. Partlaad. POR SA LB Bonn tl fat toned smrighl alaae, need for short time, bat meet eell. if yea waat this bargain addrem A Tt, JoumaL TWO milch aswa far aale ebeap: one fresh, both String milk. Call at eoutheaSt ear. Bast Nineteenth aad PaeUe Ms. BNGT.IBB bull paps, solid yellow; 1 auto. ST.00; femaUs, SbT 481 Mshalam svav. Sell- PAR RHBLTTNG. ooantero er fOc wark can Mettoa. ta aarpaator, SSS OUsaa, Mala ITSf. A SNAP Raw faratrare of d room beam tor eala, 940. RM Coach Bt Main S4M. roa SALB RIORSES AVB OARRIAOER, I RUT. asn. rent er eachanga hecbaa, wagoas. bcarglea, rabber-tlre raaa bouts, barneas, mma 1dT eatftts: livery la eoamecttoa, Pboee biata ills. Red Treat BUhJea, 14th, lngtoa. off Wssh- POR aUU-Oa hay rMIng Pooy vllt ' OalTat SOS Washington.. Pboas UTRRTOCK la slwars dlapaeed of vary anlckly when sdvsrtlaed Is Joorssl Waat Columna. The rate la Si worda far IS seats. Xrr GOOD riding or driving horse, weight too Iba with or wlthoat baggy, cheap. 300 Chapman. LOS9 ABB POUBB. DON'T be a Isserl B a wtaaor, by advertising la Joarnal Want Ootoans; tbey pa the Bearcat way to saceiis. El wards far IS canto. POUND Lady's pars. Setnroay. September 10, as aau botmb eae. iMajoira eeoaa 1848. ; POEEST aBBBTSCBTw. - ' ?ombtr1wbr prx.ved. aarestrlcted, read far tanmedlat use: bweet prices. R. P. A PV B. Riley, toi Cba tabor f Oommorss. - POP EST reeerve, approved, Santa Pe, eu hand, ready far lemnon; also soldiers nettooal land warrasts snd Stosm gsrto. MsRlaala A Sea, S3T Palling bldg. PLAT POR REJTT PBRRrTURl POB SALS. 988 BrTS faraltar ef Aroem Set food aV40 per Banc IB. 1 an ei 1 atecoaa et POB BXBT-PLATS. riR RBXT roralehed Set: a to hiaiiknpiag ram, laaairs la isirmis st. - , . rsa sua aitr Httla consolation for yon, Words for Fifteen Cents. 1 ASPHALT PAPIBS. THE Trinidad Aaphalt Pat) Off! gbd Werceetar blk. 0. af Pmrtmnd. AVE0R1T ECrrS, Goodrich A Goodrich, architects! Wm. 1 rich, eenealtleg engineer. T4 Sta. - AROaTJTECTR. Goodrich A Goodrich, architects; Was. W. OsssV run, cones mag engineer. t inn. ATTOBVBTR, ANDRRW L. OHREEM 88, ST Washington bklg., geasral law buslnessi papam drawa; tlttos sMauned. Phone Mala IMOV PACIPTO Coaat Law A Collection Agency Portland sfftos, TOP Ohambor af Oemsaerea. SHEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS. AttracTO. 410-31 Marqnam bldg. BOAT BVlXIKrjrB, JOHN HTDE Boats built ta order sad Ssr Sate. Oor. aaat xanum saa water a. anaBaag -1 . " . " . . 1 "n t r - ,rwi BARSZMS AMD UaRTERniR. ORROON ROUND WW BEE 00 U4 St. raoni uraat uii. OAPBS, THR OPTICS, M4 WaahJngtoa st. Mala 171. rtcBsn vigsaaam OATR KRATR. JSt Btoth St. A Saa la am eerved st Sll hoar. CARPET fAEABTirB. Ws eleaa pear oarpetooa OieSoac wrtheal meviuej wv nm dust Phaakt Clay SU 9w a free Sim nam. Hoa. , OKIROPOXrY AWD MARICVRIEA. WM. DBYENY and BnTHLLB DRTBNY. th nty srienttSc cfalropodlats, parlors room 80S Drew bldg., 10 Second Bt Pboaa Mala 1801. This totbs lews-hatred gentleman. B B tbe sua yea ar woaing ror. mBBaaaamaBaBBBBmaBaBBammmmmmrmmmmmi 0X0 ARB ABB T0BA0OO, ESB ERG-0 U N8T OIGAR 00, BWrttohm of ' "T1 , . PINB eraABB. Porttsad. 0LATATOTAirT ABB PALROST. MADAMS aard ra JOHNSTON Clalrvoyast, petaatot er; 1 give facu ralUble andlm- anetant on 1 n affati c real lua. fOc. 188 Poarth st fJBARODAA, GET hardwood ehareosJ Biad eceraselv cbareoal sad-lrntia st tba AsMrlcaa Biahles, Proat and Jffaraaa( ovary sack atrtoUy nrsr-osss. OXMEBT OOhTTRAOTORA HAWKINS A CO. Reeidenoe, 90S gaealh at. l pDOB STOK ecrlptloaa: anteed. jm,Oi. mil .C aH work spsstsltyt week guar- CHAR, B. CARTER A 00. , (formerly Carter A BID 1 cement contractor. 474 Taggart, Pnem - Bast 1ST4. All work guamateed. 00 AL ABB WOOD. OR RAT WESTERN GOAL CO 441 Hoy, aer mi., b.uui hiaM " a. N AS) KB, nail, ao.uu, aaaan in jau aga. IT 00- OasUaT Oat. M SO; wbotoasls prices; free dellwyi full wetghtoi musxs- reryi f Pheaa uoa gaaraatevd. Mala 848. WESTERN PEED A PURL CO 184 Berth fifth st, dealers ra nomeeuc ana steam coal, bUcksmJtb esal, huesalaad aaka. Pbmkm msib IOIB. ALRINA PC EL CO., Railroad ct sod Afttns av,, asar terry; slab and htock wood, dry ana green, ruuue aan mm. HOOTER A CONWAY. BIS Water St. th pUm for good 4-feet, av m Bawwaea, t raeaw msib sova. STEEL BRIDGR WOOD YARD Wood tad SoaL Office. 119 Holladay a vena. Pueo B. 484. PIONEER PTJEL CO., meoved from foot rtooa to fast Mala at Pboaa Mala 188 a B YRLIN, Sret-clem weed sad aaalt efftos SB Alb ins are., aear ferry. Dry sUbweod. OBBOON PTJEL CO.; all kinds of coal aad Morrison, mono mam a. OOXJOSSIOB MttCVAVTS. BTRRD1NG A PARRRLL, predn and coaamto Bloa BMrcbaats. 148 Proat at Psttlsad. Of. rnow atia 110. ' OARPEkTTERS ASTB BVOJICBS, A. J, AUTHORS snd H. B WOOD, earpesters aad builders: repairing and JobMag; store and office Siturm bout Shop BB fctemhta. Pboa Clay 1801. PANNING A iRMSTEpNG Cerpentors aad bonders: repairing aad Jobbing: riaassaMe rates. Shsp aw. Paartb aad Ostoasbto. UBS. A. M. DEB bonding and r3cdUag; store 9i tarm 8 specialty. SM Pint at Phewe Clay O. W onanON. ennDtsrs. shalrlna. ham aad repaired. ROB Pcartb, CUy 1T4. IP TOO waat a earpeeter can Gllssa st Pboa Mala 1TST. eter call gas Menem, CROCKERY ABB SUSaTWABS, Of HOI, Wl ALB orockery sadglao Hegels A Co.. 100 to 108 Pffth, lasewar. Praet, cor. Stark st DAVCTJTS. MRS. GRANT'S adult and Chlldaaa'a elaeaea. Academy t Maslc. Morrison St.. cor. Sscond. BOB ABB BORSB MOdPTTAX. DR. B J. CARNEY, D. T. A, veterinary ear peon, removed to SSS OUsaa St., hat Poarth sod PI ft eta. DECORATORS. BRNRY BEROER ISO Plrst St. J wallpaper. Ingralm. Upeetries, sppliaa frlsms. iBtey lor decora ting. aEcmsamomBm lrYSINw AND OLEAR1NR. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DTBINO Works; practical hatter to coaaectloiu feather boas and plume cleaned and curled t aa ex pert Sll Poarth. Phone Cky 104. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED Si per month. unlaws TBUorisg w., w sssisaT tea Bt B. W. TFRNEB, prafessfoaal dyr and stoeae. SOS Jeftereoa af Phone Mala SB it. LADIES sad chlMrea's yarmeats, slth skirts, wslats ssd wrappers mad toordsr. 1SS Eleventh st Tele pboa Mala S11T. R8. McKIBRHK. sctlattc making. 441 Morrteoq at. PRATBRRAA IBwVBAMOB. ORDRR OP WASH I N OTON Poresaoat frater- El society f aorthwvet; pro t acta the liv g. J. L. MltcbelL vnprem ecrtary, ill and 818 Maronsm bMg.. Partlaad, Or. Tato- sjob MaJIsdaJ. mnfi. iy immmmmmmr BLRSTRIOAL WORRA, NORTH W EST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 80S Stark et.. rSartlsad; 0. C far PBRO H. STRONG, PIN AN CI AL AORAT. Maaey to less. N eean eav I am to a posltloa to saa Be tm .a ,t Mam Mb imprsve real estate or bw nuit oag au,poaae; say amount; Seaderate Interest. Ws sp prov loan from plan and ad vane awmey ss batldlag progreesss. Opttoa la repay meat after one year. . PAAD M, STRONG, Ptaaattol Ageat log Second st, aear iter. THI STA IlAW CO. Any salaried employ, wage-earam. e a Month. H-Moot. ween, wn.oo Repey ta m lu u er ao as r S3.M 08.00 Repay to M I 4.08 m p 35 CT il.48 116.00 Ro pay to OB 9 4.00 as &00 l-0U Hooia. U-Mootb. Week tt SALARY LOANS Tea ma borrow moeay from a oa year ssisry ar is acme Bar ea a w moo tba, in any smooat from IB to 9100; lowest rat of lntoreet; no watt, ae da isy; all BWgvMattons a re strictly priests and moiWlentlal: paj meets anapaaaed UJM191 glekneas, ThTemmt La OV. tot Ora soalaa pldg. SALARY LOANS av aalsrlsd perMa bavins a stsady posltloa with ispentblc torn caa eiB moaey m u easy pay n.'. ni pisa, wiu eit publicity er delay; all bualoeas treated stria U mnadentUL NORTHWEST, WAN t-u., an AUngtaa bldg, city.. ..LOANS ON 1HK EASY PAYMENT PLAN.., . Ts Salaried People. Strictly CoaSdeatlal. Office boura., ku varw inix r.n. Pbeae EU, Room Tl, The Dehorn bldS- B. w. ssr. TMrd aad WasaUgton sis. MONEY TO LOAN sn real, pacoooal and snl- mortgsges; aoim bought C. W. Pallet. XU viniciii miK. rnon sura iao. BIOHLY reepectable pUe wher- todies aad gents saa borrow money en aaamoooe lewaby. CoIUtorsl Lose Bank, SOS Wash ington St. Telepboa Rise Tl. SES The Dona-Uwren Os. real estate aad gnaaclai agents; nwney to leaa a mortgage secoritlm st low rites la mm laam 9KW to flO.OOO. 14&H Pvst st MORTOAGA LOANS Improved and farm . property et lowest current rates: nuiioing .toeaa. Inatallment Isasm WBa. MsaMsataa'. Sll Worcester bldg. MONEY loaned en planes, furniture and ether chattel securities! all bud usee strictly pri vate. NORTHWEST LOAM CO 4S1 Abtag- taa Mag., city. HONEY TO LOAN to Targe er smstl smooats ou bom secorltT: low eel rstss. . wuuam at. stock, SOT Palling bldg. MONRY ADVANCED salarlsd people, teamstsra, ate.. orithoeA urarltr : aaer MraMBta: larg- eet boeiaom hi 48 prlacipei AUee, Talmaa. ass sningieai vase. I Aht prepared to boy good notes secured on any sua er real estste jr op " togtoa. H. B Noble, SIS Commercial blk. CHATTEL loam la aaneuato ranging, from t to SO. 000: foomlmr boaaes a soecisity. new Bra Leaa A Trust Co., SOS Ablngto bldg. MONRY to toaa la soma ef SB.08 s4,s a sll kinds ef secnritlee; strictly eon naeamat. 800 Ooauaerelal blk. Pboaa Mam Jew. MONRY TO LOAN sa Improves or noimprove city property, la sum to salt. Psrrtoh, Wat- E 1 . fclBS A Co., RW Aids st mi MB a 1 aaC aataa aa fwndtnr. BiaaOS: any ascarlty notes purchsasd. Bastera Lean mea, 4ia men ay uog. MONRY TO LOAM en Clacks ma scanty leads. B. P. aad P. B. RUey, SOS Chamber af Om. W8 hat a party wishing ts. araMAto- prtvats anssa. am mosawn oto. Bsasa PWRMITVRX P AOTOBXBS. PVRNrrURR manufactnrinc and special orders. 1 BBvaeany S rarutar rectory, a?u stom OREGON Parnltar Manafactarlaf Oompaay Msnofaetarsr ad farnltare far tbe ttadeTMS Plrst st SROCERA WADHAM8 A CO., wholesale greeera, gmaa factarors sad limaalml m marraaat. Peorih and Oak at. ' ALLEN LEWIS. wmmtosleB aad pre 4a as BMg. ckaata. Proat aad Davis sta., Portland, Or. LANG A CO., Plrst Bad Antony ate. Ajurwoos txooas. BA WOOD So. strictly ap to ds I sTeomia mil csi ana Becoming poruiar. See Tlmms, EOWAitns A CO., SOS greet St BATS CXXAMTSK ': BASTS RN Hat Mannfactering eompaar. aaat Plrst, asar day; hats dyed. eUajied. blnefted. ma ever u Mieet sty lea ear. apssisiiyt rasa am asm. rVB BOAS, TJtTJIAM mBIOR. HYLB A SCHUMACHER, Moota villa. Or., far riers ana mates cartos; ror boas su pnos; Be re aiooey y b" ""."jJjmbmmi bttmaw maxb' boizj. J. J. BOBG. maafr. home a bab reUa. 4SB B. 8th. Phone Eeet Etll. Stora, SM Motrtom at MOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. Assericea ptoa; 9A 98 pec dap. BBLTEDERR; Boropeaa ptoa; 4fh aad Aider son, ZBBTrBABTOB. ISA AO t. WHITS, Sr Is la. as Bl. SSS Dekom JAA. McL WOOD, employers' liability and la- aiviouai accioeat sorety swam sa an Pboaa 4T. SOS McKay bMg. B. r. Ba RTBLS COMPANY, ar Insaraae. 448 Sherhmfc bldg. Oragea Phons Clay 584. PIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A C.. Etl aaeriocB aiog. rBea maia iso. ARTHUR WILSON. Sr bldg. Phon Mala 1008, raoB woaaa. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Baal Deer, maeo- factarers ar manse, mtoiog. togaing aaa saw mill machlaery; prompt sttentloa to repall work. Phone EsstSB, Hawthorne eve., A Bad. anrsroAL, BONGS "Ob, BodeHa. I'd Like to Steel Ye," "Undo th Anheoeer Bosch." "My Alamo Love," 'Th Tenderfoot." "In th Volley of Kentucky," "Always la lb Way,' and 80 'av.r yast sa good, with a hsndsom souvenir tf th world's fair. sL for Ten Onts. silver. Bud today. KlonetxTg Bros loaith, and Jsckssa Sts., Bloat City, Is. THE MUSIC SCHOOL OF PORTLAND; Illus trated catalogs -a rr all departmenl. Ad drem P. 0. Sob SO&. PIANO, arena, theory eat Long, gtudio 4 Toaray Mdg.; amathly re cltaEa. Mala 1170. VIOLIN, amndnHn, cornet, clarinet and all string Bad wind iBBtruments. Pref. Bdwtb A. Smith. Mala 4T08. SIS Twstfth st . MR. AND MRS. a A. WEBBER. tanJo. Bund, lln. guitar instroctloa. Msln SMS. ITS W. Park. snrsio BEAins. PtSHBR MU8I0 CO., 180 Third st. Victor tott ing machines; repairing. Red 843. OVERALLS. ROM or THB BOAD O VERA LB sad mcchsa tcs' eVtfhlng: anion made. Neetdter Brsa saafactarera, Portland, Or. PLITbtaERA, rONNERRRRO " A 11ADRM : ACHER." Bsultary piambeta, 84 Poarth at Both POX A Co., eaaltary ptambeva. SSI Scoad bet Mala and Salmon. Oregoa Pbon Mala 8001. PA7RTTVA ABB PAPtt-BAaBlBB. BRICK RON NELSON, pal at lag. aVceratlng. pepsr-hanglnB, SOtVfe Rnasell st: workotaa et lp aad material goareateed. Pbaoa taloa 8881. P. B. STTPTOB, Madteoa Bt. to" jais.iiima.-B painter and Mawrbaasaf, t end of brldg. ISO eupprasB I CL1PFII BSOBtb'S v or Bl B, C. Wt't'f, tofrtngeteut c PLAT lb 4V THR OR ROOM PLATirG WOR . 41 lngtoa at. Pboaa HITS. PoUaajas. sad Uccjuerlng. PAJsTTS, OILS ABB djIASS. P. B. BEACH CO-Ptoussr Pa I at Co,. s tbe nest things Bason m psism are r building Bvstertals: wiaoow auae si g. a specialty. 188 Plrst Bt Phoas Mars i 1. J. W. P. PULLER A CO, -hteaafsctotars Plooeer Lead, PboenU Paint. Kepsnns: a gaara fUed rnrea Ivea wltb rsry gaua. as gauani eaaamiaw sr no. BA8MCB8RN A 00. Jobtcrs, paJaui efl. .fftoaB, aab and doors. ISO first at. raUTIBB. RUnHONG A CO. Pi oot sad Stsrb StSu arias. log. umoararDiaa. - ' ' - sunpnea: work don in tlsse; aaaat aossatoto printing efneo hi th waat Msla 10. A-NDFRSON A DUNTWaY COMPANY. BriaMng. lltnograohlBg. bstab km racaa saans n. 804 Alder et. a ROOPTRw. ALL ktads f roofarepalred aadtahntil j. nrreii. aim. BOPB. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO-Corec snd Northrop eta., rertmaa. wr. RtTBTER ETARtPS. - .Ua wnava OS lUar St ill no; raanw paBO, trade checks: send for mtelogasv RAPEB LARGEST stock ta city: THoWd wachi laiibmto ITb. Davis. 88 Third st. .-TMaaM wimmbbt SWRAYTNS AVB WAUTSWAaWlWB. 1 WANT to hid on year vlm rtng f ,rcotodeks, ware boo aee. atorse, balls, mill, factoftosi a d all other nmuar wwi mum tm w paints la sotu rssoscto better tbaa br . with tbe spray PsiKJnAXS:l Sara f espertcac Adrdam M kUst Waan gtoa. Pbone yntoa 0888. B W. Morgan. wa a Tiwa ataal whlsewashisg. Mats, bans, oocus, aa. Co Call up Scott B34, w wOl fiard glv yea figures ) J "fT ssolfns spraylag and h MnHaomah seoaty. ST hUrwaakto St. Portland. Or. BCTi-T" 1 iigmmamammmmmmmmmmmi STOBASB ABB TBABBPEB. -J BAFRR atsaea ana nnuan bbovw, bmbob raedV for" shipping aodpped: aHsrsk . guaranteed: larr. hasory brick. jBrsmMof warebouee for Storaga. OfatoUS PW4 Si. u nrssM Vhanm btaln B4T. O, O, PICK. efScs SS Ptret at, swea Stork and Oak sts.; pheoe : pUnoi isad fa- aV tnre aaoved and packed for shipping; et - and Clay sta. ntywOASBS ABB 1TX1TOB8, SHOWCASES of every deecriprtoa; bsak. bar and atore to tares made to ardor. The beta m a ami m ... YIPBWBITIBA. toST'TTPEWRITER HBrJABTaatBW AH SUppiiaa lor iu aaecaioee. " Standard machines 986 and vp to 9108, "'r D yoa want s stenographer or ryptotf wa have Ret of goodspolkaam. , Pboas Black StTi. (TN DEB WOOD VISIBLE TTPRWRITER, at SB Proat Bt, pboa Bed 1841. TBABbTRB ABB UtrUBB. TAB HORN TRANSFER CO. ' smiiiiim. oiano aaorin. foraltors mv for ehtpplng, evprem sad bagai Stos dtp dellvarlee give careful attention. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Bath, pbon Msla 48. Hesvy hsnllng snd atorag. POST BPBCUL DBLIvTCRT N. Btols Waea-Ingtonst- r0 iaaTn aammmmmmmnma " TOW IX SUPPLY CI.P-AN TOWELS DAILY Ossab. Iruak. see, per moata. iswwa aw.- towss smmysy w mi La ana vwicii. wimm -m WAXXPAPBB. wniflm WiT.r.PiPss m 14.188 St. bet Ysmblll and Taylor. Portlaod. SBABXBAAt CBOIJBUTTTTJIM SiJWBS4fla, TT3AArr. Utofoat Allowed oa Time and Bo rings Dommfm Acts aa Trustee for Batata. Drafts aad 1st tars ef credit e vail Ms hi aB V mt th world. d. P. ADAMS ......w..Piaaldial L. A. LEWIS. Plrst Ttca-Prw it A. L MILLS Bee osd Vie-Pre 4 R. 0. JUBITR.' Seeriuury I add m arxTow. svajtrsbml L (Eatabllehed la U&4.) Colloctloaa made at all points en faiuishto terms. Latter ef credit Iseasd svailaMe la Barop and all points la the United Sta see. Sight Exchange and Taaarapblc Transfers boU oa New York, WaaaUnstoB. Chlcagm, St Louis, Den vac, Omaha, Rsa Pi tarts SB SadU llnntaao an Brtllah Oabnsbta. -' Eicbang sold oa London, Pitto, Prsnhfort Bona Riaaf, X Hoaeluta. 1 iBrznm nrTA-PatB SATIOBTAX. SORT R WEST COIL THIRD AlfD 0 STS Tiaamiihl a Oeneral Rankin Bbanamnb DRAFTS IRS L' ED . AraBBbto ta all dtlm of tbe United Sta aaa gaS Samps, Hong Kong ssd htaalto. OOUXOTI0B1 BADE OB PAVOBABLB TERMS. FrvsMeat., ..........J. tt AINSWORTW Vice Prmfdaat. y . 5 Casbltr . , 4, W. SCJ'" Aaelstaoi Cashier. ............. A. M- WRJwnT raUBB BATXOMAl. UBTal r af PoTtOaA d. Op. fee(gaated Depository sod Flnasalal . IB UBMWj outaab w, , PrmmmB.a, ..--JtJQtM Csabler . . , , V. . . J W. EEWK ? E Amtstsat Ca abler W. ft Jftt-I Second Aasistant Caabtor BP. STRVSNS Letters af credit waned aval labia to Bare and the Easter States. Sight Baefasng and Telscrspbla Jftef sold .a New Turk. Bwtoa.CBlcsg, St Louis. St. Paul, Omabs, Saa Francis aad principal potnta to the Northwest snd time bill drawa to same to awtt m London. Paris. Berlin, rtsajfort-oa-tae Main. HoZg Kong. Yokohama. Ocoeobsgea. Chraitlanla7 StockbnUa, St. Patoimmk. ia eow. ttirich, Honolato. CeOectloec suae oa favonhto torass. OBTBOBJ B BAB inutWOXBOO BAJTH, Obassbm. af SBUSstm sTaudlsah Stark Strseto. Head Offlc. OM Breed itreet J . This bank traoascts a tesetal ; baafclng tosi asee. makes Iosbs, dlecounta bltle and to. letters of credit svsllabla for traralers sad ft ' the perch lee of mercnaaauss is auy any world. Deals la foreign, ai.d gemeerls toteram geld saT OieAl aim. MBBMPXABTB' BATPOWAB Bt, PORTLAJiD. AAEwvJ. I FRANE WATSON M-t . W. HOTT. B. w. n"i 1 . . . ... OEOROR W. HOTT Tie see eve Drafts aad av to 1 Caltortfaae Of --