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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
Aw- TODAY'S MARGINS FIGURE IN THE HOP DEALS NOIfBT XS TBBT DVU. ,; -v, ; 'y ;.;: V Front lwt, Oct 1. TW friaelpal bbb Ivm f the fOCtUlid WhilWllB HW1 WW n eurhet ii nigkty. PoeJtry market wr dalL Kaatrro un koeo prices Omiirt butter afaDWlnar Hoc Man bat Mr to ewmlBg. , ThI and bogi witliiH dulL Rweet gwuteea getting toaepOf. Peecfcra are very dnlt Car California potatoes hW,t' ; Lacal pntatota wr dull. 1 Barkty snowing another advaaoe, mte market gain flraueaa. r ill ot earning so feat. t. a. burbot b nighty. The hop aurkot la flighty. The aaatora kt Ml eaeee believe that U has gone ur ' road their Mai sad IN not buying, rvlcae. fewy Mf. an taa Ugh eoeauerlag UM staadug of the offrs from the eaot. Taa dealer who Mid the klgheet prices an hew pulling irlr her pa aud will ba eees BO mot fur Una. Tha hloh nrued kara ta moot caaaa rer amt What wwald no called tboreogaiy tr-H Unite one. lnejac as tko full purefcaoo riot ha wt bora paid Ik km-era only paying r wr nuU Burgle to order to koU Urn otock aatu the. vmm ml nekr Marian. It to quit ' polhta that bobu e Um deala far taa higher rew4 kpa wlU aC ba eleeed ap, Ml that a natio "we taa rotor eoodttien of taa atutrl to erttto. Up to soon today tkar kad tova ao larva aalen of hope rmurtrt sod taa prreonitk.n la that ka dealer are " !. w.w until thr iM arklcti wur tk wUd la roln to Mow. 80m aalaa ara Mill ra MrtMl iraa) tka Bsc Mark ad lata ffrtoa , is Im ran a-anrral om. Tkara feas prac rirallr ban nlr tkra of lotf aalaa reporud w ttat ka-ur mmt tka fcara aalr ba aa- Maofbrr of 3Se or em la tba aurkaa. kW fary IBW, U aj, UU ava-a- V-mltr Marka la Tan ML Tka povltrr rtal iwaa iJCT "u tT w Mbnd. la ana eaawa. kWaar, tfcaa1 " whIA wra mla arooxkt tba Stiatad art era. Tkcr ara atw aooUuf a tmf laraa r aMa aad tka Markat kl rataar rfall hai turkrra whiek MEM tka) I U aat fla4 nark ac a ealL 0ao4 tat taeka Mtdwi to ba wasto aad arVaa to thto liaa ara vrrr mo4. A few aalea mt -arr 't hw ara reported at a4nraa allfkU www tb rkl. M tbraa ara aot teoerai. Xkatom ta Kan HmfM It the preaaat tlaw tha atorkat la kaarlly - - - arlta aaatan MM aaA tkla to tka aula - laa-oa wkr tfcera baa baa aa. adraaoa la tka quotattoa tka laeal pndact aer tba SBc anark. Darlac tba oaUa rak aawal eara . .J Am4ir,. mm ara daa. Beeainu a I torn freak atocka ara wf anull and Mat a t fcaalim to Ik tka amatarm TarlaUaa. OraaMatr Sataw aawwta Wnkaiil Thw i a allrht aMsakaaaa la tka toaa of th NRter narkot, tka nrtpta of tka katUr frado creaatorr abowlas ilu aa lnrraaaa. Am kcal Wetti to aelllnf at anack blsbar prleaa tkaa avtatae atocka a Utm anptiir taa uttar a oaaatac weakacaa 111 tka farnMr. Thoro ara aatute haarlar rarlota of eonatrr atora btttUT ad tba Market la a akaaa artakar wtU m rta - w taa frpew. Voal aad Un OaaUaai ItoJtt. - fkaw-Ha Matleiaaa to rato im a- aad prtraa ara atlll at tka low point. Tka aupaflia roatardaji aftanooa. aad tkto BMratatf " Vwa not aa laraa. but tka oald.atoraa planta ara atlll ftltod np. Praaaad koas aaasuraa waaa art M artoaa aaoaaagm fka laravr aaiwHaa of fltraat aotataoa at eaaa toe tower vrlcm to aretatL " Tha trada la aat taklaa kobl of "swaeta'- aa wall aa la tor mar rearT d oar aaaa fern froai Caiiforala tkto muntm' ti y.utota Tarr ML KkH hot aatllnM kf tHas to Ik atoal aototo market. ktpto ara qnlto aaul) and prtoM ara aatlafactorr aeitaar to taa grvmr, th aWlara nor tka cownDler. A ear mt teaer aUaaa aaaM kt frofla CaUtoraU tkla aanmln to fill t Mvanateot ardor, meaa aracucaur tha aaoM wltfc dealara aot eartaf to bay. Tha onto, markat to Ora, ftt prieaa r practtall Id lowar today. Haaakoa Ara Tary ItoiX. Tkara to aa irrerabaadaaea of poaeko la tka ark today and all aorta of arfeaa ara ratta. A very laraa lanut waa 00M to tka kawkar tradr rhU aanilM aBd. ketoad aoawwaat to rHleoa tka aarplua. Thoro ara atlll koary atocka m kand. howovar. To mi toaa oontlnuo dull with prteeo aacbaacod. Orofoa aabbaga tm im (um. Mt arlooa raoMla atrou a. . nad. Orapea ark dalktr and la awat ato towor oa aramst C taa aaty kaary raedtoto troat oU aoareom. ffkutov aWwfaw Aaothar Adoaaoo. t- ad rolled barley to akaaHna aa draoeo of Ska par toa otor tha aautattoaa of yeatordar. tka aaarkat bela tow atrao ajd In MMha ara flrnrr Wld. Tko oota oiarket la alaa k r j-dlllj a u blab aa tM to roportoi aa botac poM by mi amih Thto orlrt. koworer. to B s- Mttoo aad k atorket ratoa at for Ho. 1 wkltaa, Taa kayaaarkot m aaiat tad ML ala-aB Hot OoaUa aW Faot. TW fflpta of froab aalaoa rlror ara oot oa Wrgo oa aoeoaat af tha lar kia ni aeleoa are SOtac mrtm -wrrj nraa. Tbw ara aa kick aow that It la aat Hkeiy that bar will aa aa oar 11 oinm Tadoy'a w aa fouowa: WHaUT New and Old Oak, U) lilaiilial. rIc-; raller. ac.- . . AHI,RY rood, 9391 rmOM, $M.m krow- 'ATo4wrora' PHto I wMtfc WM MJZ7 Wt: (trT. aao.UMO.-o.oo. . ri)llE- Ktrra Orffvn: Fa tea to. M-OO". ; ptralfbta. I.T; railey, Hl srahaH, ma. ah a irkaa 4tA alB WluI'Frlra Ht ) par teal -U- dllnra. 12ft. aO; aharu, aomaary, fauii. oawp. alley, faory. WL 'ii00f m 00: eaatera OreaoD. I15.00U 18.00: tolrad. - tlP.Mil2.uO: clover. (10011.00; traik, (ll.W 110l ekeat til OrvU.W. i Hoaa. Waal aad BMaa. . nnpaWlMi, W tor ofcotoai Mm WOOT KoailBaL lief, ooarao to aiitlato. ITQISr; tna. lc; oaatora Oropoa. Udfloc. BUKBPSKINS ttearus- "a)20 ahort W00L raj-tor; awdtoai wan tooe? kMC woi t i -- ..... ammwrt nion bbaxbS am oim in tmuLiiiui !! sb mUTAlTiniOIIfllUBI BiT ABB BBPOBTBB VOBAT T TALLOW--PHaaa, pat a. dit Bo. al Braaee. 2tft2'4r- . -iiit-ritf BAtX4i! ac to. hoylai wfea. HlDRM-bry kldra. Wa. T toa .and ap. 1aualta aae lb: drO kla. Wo. L I t II lba. 1SV.C! dry lf. No. 1. aader k lba. lllie; drr ultei holla aad ataya. 1-S Waa tkaa dry ?!ntl Mltod Lldea, atoar. aotad, 0 !ba or over. m: rt to Ika. r; aadoy M IN and nwi. tTTc: alaB aad balM, aoaad. e; kip. u to M lba. 7 Vic I aoand. J to 14 lba, k: - calf, aovad. tndar 10 lba. H; trpea fna- . toltad. Ic per lb lota; eolto. 1 par IP leoa; ioree bldea. Bailed, oarto, 1 J1.T(; drr. aark. 1 onai.BO: ealli kldoa. ear. tB50t pnat akioa. ooonaoa, each. 1oUl Aacora. with ' ; pool oa. oah. av aii m. toattar. leva aad IWtry. , UTTTfR rT twaet WVfco: ooar, PHe. bH'TTKR- -Cltr aToamerr. beat. nuBinat t.. toeoant rradt. ! aollda faary, tTVke; ardV ' parr, SV: oaatora. S2oc; atora.UtlToa. pVina X: 1 rah Oreoa, tori oa- : mti4, 3or; aaatoro. freak. Mo; aacoada, ftta. -y f ' 1 1 E KHK Kow Pall Team, twla, 11 pVixT'irleke'oa. anliad. lOrilftHe par B: keaa, IV par to; raoatera. oM, atfe par lb; . T'troc, U We per to; brotlera. Itr per tt: f" ! hrera, tl f! dartw.olA 1t per fi; T"- ' k loar, to par Ik; torkoya, lac . pet o; drwMed. 17c per Ik. rratto aad TopatoUaa. ' PrTATOF nraow. II 0O) 1 par rwtl rnrora' artr-a, Pitc; OtUforala. BBi owoeta,, awe eot. oM(7vH loitl, l.a; CaBtorato, W-T; 1 Bar IK. fHplV Vr Ik. rftCMH rHrfTApotoa. fanry Oropao. Ta0 Ilia rtieop prarlea. Wra box, oeaafra. tot TkleVlH. tJHM.Tf pet hoi; ha- aaa oa per to; lemnoa. caatoo, axTSB ol tier 01: fain, as Miws lot oor bnt: uaea. t-tteaa, doe par MO: aloeanfloa. alula e)iw r-r hoi: oearkaa. ardlnatr. aowNtr hot . . ; - i rtHR nmaoH daily tournau SaaMMBBBaBBBBBBBB FLOODS DOWN THE PRIVATE MARKET WIRE d San lrnuiolarA Oetv t. Th 4 ah torlvaAA market wlroa alona; th d ajoatA Iw paw.aoatlinaa 4owa. mm a raauit 01 tn nooaa inura- d )y venlng. Ropalr maa oat 4 d) boo Pant to tha pcojmv 1 ar a pal. fl.dABl.lf per box: Oropoa. tM T5c rOoa-"Tda. 1 2 V fl pr 4-lh h.katl 1Mb kaaket, ; omtoraaloaa. orofoo. aoc; oaaDi- rota. 11 9Ji r Back: beeta. 11.28 Bar Pack Oreyoa rad itanea, ioc par aoa. cbikhw. wa' I1.HV03. RO2.00 cwt; lettocd, bead. ISa doa: preea eri, dOOBoo per box; celery. Too par doa: to mo, Orepon. lofJCoc f rr pov; part nlpo. T5cO m rroen peaa, fc par a tarn oolona. prppen, na I 1.9A1 aroen peoa. kr itui par doa: local rrooa mm. 1 ck: ota pitar, int pw o. " i Mra. fine per Back: cauliflower, TDfJ 4r: corusibera. fine per Ao per doa; kuttor bra no. met pumpkUa, le Ik- kunillili 1(W h Ih KICD FRITITS Apttlea, oraporatM, TBPt par Ik; aprlcota. tHQi par a; aaca. Ha par b Iom; aoacaaa. por i poaA- per lb; pnaeo. Itallaa, J4H P" rroach. IHHe per lb; fta Cailforata ba aaaoLL wlk' fTalirnrota wbltoa. oor oor toi Mtcli lb; Ptama. plttod par : date, paliaa. tWc par Ihl wrda, 1.M par U- koa. rioorlaa. Soto, Ska. frioorlOB, Soto, H7QAR Roofe baoto Cabo aa aOi aowoacad. BO U. frnll mniilirtd. M IS: drr I ry araaaiaiea. CT k F.ihliiU BB OA: oitro 0. coldoo C. 9M; bblo. 10c: H bMa. Ifleihoraa, Soe adraaco ob aaok baala. toot S&o port te oaah. IP dara; BMple, HCJltt par Ik. . .. HOSET H416. V. OorriR Orooa Mocha. tlBc: Jara. faaey. Pn:!2r; Jara, pood, WOVc: ardtoary uaaoe: Ooata Rlro. faacr. l)c; Oaato Blej. pood, ldQloct Coata Bica. ordinary, UdJUf oerlb; Daobaao rftaav-14.tl4.TlC TKAB onjona, aiiroron ariooo. wowfi o- powdcr. 320; Ropllab brosktait. an- roront aradea. lZHatOoc: opiaoriM, aaaa"? Japoa. 9tQ5c; (roaa Japaa (vary pearoa), MB dna nue Ih. MALT Klna Ralao. fa. la, 4a. la. 16a. It.M; tabto. dairy. Ma. pBOOOii o"; IM. BO (Ml. latpnrted UrOrpooL SU.BOMlft.0n; 234a, AOa. t1ft.0A41d.00t lflfla. .Boat 16.00; 234a. IIS, BOA 14. SO; oxtra flno. MU. Pa. to. Ho. 10B. ooik. S20 Ika, 14.00; aarka, BOa, V-- . ALT Ooarao Half tromnd. 100a. por toa. PB 9ne H; PA per ton. B 4BBT.O0: Llrarpool Itirp rock. 1 18.501 1 -W per too; 10-lk poaft. (A bore priooa apply to aakB af toaa thaa oar lota. Car lata at apodal artoaa aahjaet to dartaattoaa. OBAIN BAOS-Oalratta. RMtt for 100. RICE Imperial lapoa. Mo. 1. 5c: No. 1 4Hc; NewOrleaM bead. dKOdlfcat Adjacft, !ZVX: .P41H.I torg. whlta. t t-oe; ptok. 4Uc; bayoa. ie; Ubmo, 4e; Meilean roda.' i14, NUT-Poaata. Tet TaBAoa. H par Ih: raw. POlOe per lb; roaoted. cocoa oa to. Rf Plte per : walnut. lUtllUr per lb; pitto aota. 10di2He par Ih; hlrkory Btita. 10c par Ih; rheotaata. eastern. S01o ner lb: Bra ill onta. Ifle aae th- attwefa IBMlNa nee- Ih: flBCT poeaaa, IdBKe per X almonda. UOlfto par K Boata. Flab aad lSorloioBB. PRKSH NK A TP I Bopected Roof , atoara. nlbt ow, KOftHr par lb; amttoa. dcoPktd. Be per lb: lira ha, dreeooa, Bflde por to. I RMH TTOBt BTTOet BOOl. BBBOIB, 4Uiw boo Th: aark hlnrfc. dUotTtt ner lb: nark on, H par Ih; bnlla. SHe por lb; cawa. 1MB 4H por lk: ainttoe. droaied, 4BBe par lb; veil. ilra. CHATTc per lb; ordinary, pe por lb; poor, ftfloe per lb: Jamba. Bl4tSHe par lb. HrlAam. RACONVan-C. Portland packl lorklV bama. 10 to 14 lba. 14o per lb: M to Id lba. 14c por lk; IH to f lba, 14o per lb; oottoao. PHe par lb: braokfaot hocoa, 140J19 poo Ibt pi on Ira, lie por lb; raamlar ahort ctoara. a nwked, lOlic per Rtl amokod.. 11U por lk: clear back a. nnamokad, 10c par A; amoked. lie per lb: Union bntU. 10 to II lha. anamnkod, Be per lb: invoked, pa par lot cloar kelUoa. n annked. .HHo per T: apjokod. lIHe por th; oaatora hama, 14 par lk; kiaakfaal kaoaa. lac ner th. LOCAL LARD Kettle toaf. la. PtMe por lb: Ba. lie aor lb: fin to tin, lntte por lb: toa 01 pondered, im, lOWc per lb; Ba. lVe par In: ftfla. i4e per to: enmpoand tJereea. dH par li tana, 4e per lb: BOe. 9t par R. RA8TIRM LARD 10a. 10; 6. Nk miANirWD R A Lain Oofranta ttror 1-R talto, tl W; tatU. ajpfl; fancy l ib litB. : U-'.b fBBcr data, fi 2fl: fancy 1-Ik oai. 9 TB: Atoaka talta. ptafe. NM; rod. fl.BP; Boattoal 3o. tall. 12.00. riRlf Rork and. Te pay Ih; ftotHtera, Be por R; kallkat. 1c ner Rt craba, 1.3S par doa; atrlped kaoa. in ft 11 Ho par lb; catlah. Tc par l: aalmoa. oMnaok. c por lb: otooRtaada, Or nor lb: borrlop. 5 per ft; anion, to por lb: trlrapa, 10e per lb; chad. Or owed, por lb; perch, to per lb; ahd roa, par ; roo bad. c per lb: Mark and. Rt par lb: atloor melt. Tier Ih; lobetera, ISHc: froah maekeroL Be; rrawfUh, per doa; Bounder. Be par lb. OTRTERR flhoal water bay, per pal. ft B? par aaeh. 4 00 pot: Olyvtpla. por oack. fi.aB; n.AMP Hard aaan, por box. b.qo; otoBBK Bl.Ta par hoc Vaiato. Oaal OOa, Rto. '1 - ROPR Fneo Maaila. UHo RUaL 10H COAL OIL Poart or Aatral Caaaa. IS Ho par water we I to. Irnn obu Iflc par pal. woodoa par yai; headiitht. ith afc oaioa 23 Ue pec pal woo hbla ITe per rat LINBERD OIL Pura raw. la bbto bb par pal. raaaa dSc par ami; oil: aeBUBa kettia hollod. cobob mm KettM nnlleO, Be per pal. bbla OOo per gal; (ronnd cake, car toto iio-OP par bob. toM tkaa can (20.00 APOLlKaV-Ap too, easaa fae por pal. Iroa onto av per pai: atora, 00808 Mtfci par gai. Iron bbht lie wor pal. RKKZlNE-&e, aaaaM Bk) fat fat, atoa bbto lBUo per aar PAINT OIL Raw. bbto Me por pat OBPM PAe ner aat: nnllod. caaea 40a aor aat. TURPENTINE la caaea V par pal. woodoa Mi la. Kir per pal. Iron bbto TP par fal, lO-U mmmm Infa B4 ru m-mt. WHITR LRAd Ton tota Tt(e jar fa. MR-B lata TWc nor n. leos tool Be nor nor n. lew tobi Be nor n. W1RI SAILR Frooont koao at (14E. Onto. Satoot Cloor Por Per Por un. m rt. KfL Boagh.' dltoaaaioBd roonlar loa fat to lli 12, S3 ft.. R.M 9M.IR 2d.0B Ronak, dlnenaloBB ronlay alufl to 12(12. I4-4P n. .. 1T. R4.00 Nth. dlmeiMoonfl reanlar alora to mi2. 42-4B ft.., 11.R0 M-ap-'tAOP Rrmrb. d I men a km a romlar atoea to llll, BO40 il... MVP M.9 mm Far aacb additional toekoa la wldtk add..,., IM fcO ROB For odd and fractional alaao aawod add not loaa tkaa E.00 tM i.0R For oawina rorttoal grata to 4tl2 add 7..., AM AR AOR Common mayk hoarda, roga. tor itioa to IS la. wlda to 2d ft, lac oaaertid lonptki , , ABB 11.00 Bperlflei koartaa r hoarda 1.0t par B foot oAdltl.MuL Roird to COBBlot Of iBtotar tool tboa t ai ttletotoaa. FROST DAMAGES HALF : OF SWEET CORN CROP New York, Oct. 1. The Mornta CommergUl ayai Kong oatlautoa amaa hy toadlag paak m of tto ota to ladlcato tkat tko front of Peptoaabor 21 killed fro per coat of tho awaot coca, and that tko toaa to tho farmora of tko jtoto wobm bo jaoo.000. Tko com crop wao lata tkto iiaaoa aad practically only taa awly tartetlea hare been canned. Lead! itg Parken My Ibat the a ten go aacfe to far thla aeaaoa ha bean abont 40 per cent of tbc crop and that only 10 por Coat of that tanking will go Into nana. Till" to too third year tkat the earn crop of nlalM baa been praottoally rolnod. If tho rroat hafl aot oorurroa It war no area nu tko ST woo My w a boot to per cent or uo.aaaoi. to bar tkla erop rodoced hy halt will bo Wow to tho farmora and pack ara alike. Tho packer' toaa will bo mtotataod br tho fact that tke oxporloaco of th poat two year ha taught fkom apt ,tp mka aoairacki Xor a Uvery. Otkor erop worn aaooroly dapagid. "' Irporpaol Rrafai Markat. lirorpoat, Oct. Ie Ctoati . Wheat d higaor. Otoa OptBPhB, 4 otgbor. , - IrMrpool Ootkoa Storhaa. UrerwMt, W. l. ColtoB fntarag t T potato towor thaa 7 eater day. . : Row Tork Oottoa BUrhot. cloaod d Now Tork. Oct. 1 Oottoa fat toi pi.a. Ii ooajl-M pr a ato : eaMlwa. 11.00 nor dna; korkleberTlea, 10 par fb; erabapploa, He par laj eranberrloa, local. PB 00 par bU: Cap Cod. 10 per bbl;pmnoa. 9c par Da. V BO KT BX RSTarnLpa, 1.3B par pack! ItOBSt Jaaaatr. I, aid. Pw Onfors Cominf far Hops at High Pricss--High Soles Were Nothing But Margins Being Put Up DullneM to Poultry Eggs Firm ONLY DECEOER SHOWED ADVANCE LB BIT OmOB BB BOBAT--oAt ivy ijivna AO- VOSAT BAB BBTFB OO MBA TMOM. ThTR WBRAT MARKET. Opoa Ctoaa Ctooa Rtoa Today. ,,.00 Todaf. Today. Frt. Doeeauar ,.1 13 1.12HRtl.lH May ..... (Spanfal INapatoh to Tko yoaraiL) -Cklrago, Oct. 1 With tha tloalng aot of tba Baptambar apttoaa thorp waa a dUpoatttoa among tka wheat tradera to ao inacuro ana to. re waa bat Uttto of latoraat la taa owkot today. Thorp wo adraaat of fct bt Diaambor oc-Mona. Tha anarkot no nod to war at ll.lii aad roachad ltd klgh pout at $1.1114- Ttara waa a raarttoa from tko aura as ua ctooa to old. ..... . Mir wheat opuaea a, btwot n o'e tovefcod IU klgb polat e higher. Tho tow tulnt waa Un onder tfco OMnliig. Whlaf tko ckalng waa aaekang! from yoatorday. Late aewa nam do wnaai avioa 10 an rwr enconraglnt to tko kcar atomant Bad bat few Urg grata bob or of Ika optbloa that wkoat to pot worth tko BMBey. la toany paru of rkc middle woat tb iLronblng retarna ator than regret tko he try dK3go report a wblrk wtr aa widely clrcnlated aar lie? In tko toaaoa. Tb corn market to rety Mtot sad practically pacha agod In prtca. , Today a afBotol BUrhatoi "J . ' WHEAT, Opoa. High. Law. Otoaa. l.i!H ' iis .o14A ;1 .ion lASSn) May CORN. Datamfcag.i DocoBkbor , Jajaary.,-, FORK. .120 NEW YORK STOCKS -V SHOW RISING TONE Now Tortt. Oct. I. Tbo atocR markat waa ontta active today gad prieoa ara generally kJgl r. .... Today 1 BfEetol Hoc BMrkOtl AaulgBBtoted Oappar Ck... Atctlotn, eom ..r.....i. Atcklooa, prof .n Atnerlcaa Bugar. com .... Baltimore ft Onto, com.-... Krooklm Rapid traaalt... .100(4 ..laii . loft Brie, 00 an ' -m 1111 noli Central . .141 Icmlarlllo ft Naobvtlto 7-.. ..1Z7 Metroplltaa Trartto-X .....122 T IfanbattaM Eleratod ;..1M Mluoarl Flclkc Wtf hew Vaeh Central 126U Ntrfolk ft Western, oom.;. atji 71 N. V.. Otlt ft Went SS PrnnarlraoU Railway , 1324 133 R ailing, coat 09 Ri. itland. onto "H Xa(krn PaclBe . , ,. ,.l Vt at. l. r. r sa pra .T.m.-r. Tcnoeaneo Coal Irua 4" I'ulted Btatea Steel Co., Com 18 Cnltod Btstea Steel Co.. ptd 14 Weatern L'nloa Totoaraah 4. to Wahoah. pfd dS Rid. Aik. 1B0 T2 SB 18 B2 IS SB IS Toanpah. Moataaa... .'.18P Gold Field TO McNsmara n-d Tap.,., 4 it Belmont Bt Tonopak OoM Mt .........c 14 Midway Bj Nortk Star IT NO ATTEMPT HERE TO SECURE TRADE BOB BB BAB aMBOBOXT OB AAA MWltta an ven break for tha trade, Portland has let Beat t la command tho en tiro Alaakft territory. Nearly half of tnlB trade fa wltb Noma and the Pent nod la country, which could ba reached br Rteamera from Portland Juat aa readily aa from Seattle Beattle'e traffic with the Norn country agKre cated SlB.oOB.opo laet year, and will 4n all probability ba rreeJer thta Reason. Mora than a doaen Yaaeelo ply an th run between tha pound and tho vreat north country X apeak of. while not a aingie Toaael oemae to Portland from that land of Immeaaurmbla promlee." ThlB la not tha eauptla erltiotea of ft foe to local proa polity, but tha worda of ft friend, ft Portland son, Bllvey Stuart, who has spent four or five yeara In the northland. Mr. Btttmrt la Juat home1- after a aoaeon'a ope rati one on Bolomon river, near Noma. Ha has wltnaaaed tha rlaa and apieodld develop ment of northland commerce. With each Bwelllnc tide ha ex pec tod to wlt nmmm the entry of Portland aa ft compet ing faotor. Time haa flown and the man true to Portland tntoreata, tola noma city, "regrete to report" that it la 1m poaalbla for tho panlnaulft to trade with Portland. Tou iwnkpmbar 1. P. Bcocgln. for BMrty with Olda A Kins? Ha la doing a Rood buelneee at Nona new; flno bualneeov When ho went north ba nat urally wanted to trade with Portland and placed ordera bore, but found to hla loaa and harrowing; experience that with tranaportatroa arrangomenU aa now ar ranged, Portland aould not eoll to Noma. Tbera la acaroely any difference to time required for tba voyage, but Portland la not on tha map, Soogain'e Rooda bought here would ba aent to Beattla by rail, paying a great rata for freight, and up thoro, Jn that city of tntenaej local pride, tho Portland article would wait until everything Beat tie had to aend north had boon loaded. Booggua trade with Seattle bow, for ho haa to do TL" Mr. Btuaxt aaya If tha local mer chants would get together and put a ateamer or two on tba run. they could Mmnkand ft ahare of thla trad. , Mil 11 1 as mt Tie da. prom tho vartoua puWlcatlona of Waahlngtoh and Alaaka, Mr. Stuart haa arran-god aa lnteraatlng Ubla of facte. They Riorit ptudy. ,JJat year Soettlo'a trada with Nome, aggregating tit, 000.000, was 92.OOQ.S09 greater thaa for tha preceding year, and waa nearly half of her entire trada with tha nortk weat territory. In thla total It la found that the gold ehlpanonta from tha north were S6.70t.000. About S.tSI paaeengera were aent north by Seattle llnea, And T.1M returned, aacb anan pay ing an average fare each way of lit. alvlnn- to the tranaportatlon cotnpantee lUt.iOO for piiMDttri alone. There ware ablpped sortA ftbout H.TM ton r PfXTOBBO VBOU U OBBB BOBBBBI SB BBOBABBBB I TIP ITS' IB MtABBBB 51 m 2 POM 3a I BA rRASOiRoo Btarnrt btooxb.' Rap FMBctoco, Btt. Tnaopak Ikltring ohonao: CLOnjfNO PORTLAND. SATURDAY- STRONGER FEELR5 IN 'FRISCO WHEAT WOVAB BAVBB A XS BTBOBB. Ktotobcd by Ovorkoek, gtarr Oooka Oo m FTaaeloce, OoL I- Tko week juat etoooS baa ahown ft amrh atrongcr feeling la wheat nrlcea. Tho volnma of knelaeoo abowa week mora oacouraglng toaa. Anjthtug tMilunh no would oauae a big rlaa. Tbera to koavy buying of Oregon and Waablngtoa wkoat hy Matere firm and goud roaelta are abuwn la tko way of blending Pacific poeat with oaatora wheat. It U the old atory. Tea yrare or to ago oaat ern mlttora woold not take Kan at wheat booaBB It would aot blend; bow kUnaee Wkoat to India peoaabl la tho Chicago aurkot. Tbo hMh at wheat tola cron roar haa onBaod caatera miller to try htondiog tbo PclBe eoaat wheat with their own wlia roauiu aaon aai U factory. Tkto rondlttoe of affalra moaaa NmK Im tko PnolBo ouaat 'wheat producer. AriTteoo from the foreln markota Indlcato very okarply their roqalremoBto. yraneo haa heca good borer of eargoeo la thla markat and kaa blda la for aovorol cwgooo. The whole con a it mo in faf atranctn. lao bobbb 00a- aumptloH tela crop year OOO.OOO.OOO boafarkv Wo iu aot rau anon oc woat into thto erop with email tocka la band., la .fact, hut year crop waa nearly nhaaatoa. w ana exporoog 11 bora) ly OonoKtorlBg tko ooodltlon. Tka ute ri I queWloe to be ailed uT Where .wlU th wheat come from to fill contract? If we do aot have aa wild a aurkot la wkoat thto year a we bad la cotton Uat roar It will be aar (in iwmkIw wheat la thla market Bert week win be monk higher. BeatUuet la ckangtBg. . . - The barley market m emu awe nran.. ww boldlnga or to the bande mf two or throe h. Aa not ecu. Box aao u uoir hnce oa every decline. We eea eea eely higher hIhi In tha fnturoa. Today 'a vffldai aurkot i Oeoa. Obsae. Wheat, Bartoy, ??Jv December , l- TacoBu. Waah., Oct. 1. Wheat, bteeauan. STe; club and raft, RSC HEAVY HOGS STILL . HOLDING FIRM TONE ki TIbAiu BhohntaV Act.. 1. Mil amtlMM B HTf Bnod dOBUBd fOT the teat packing hog, bat others ere very dell The cattle and abeop market are aood. The receipt today eonatoted of MS boga. 12B cattle and SUO ahoop. neeai.t mm nil no todnT" Cattle Boat Oaatora Oregon ateore, fS.TBB S.00: beet valley iteer. g?.TS; medium, toon. ao mi tn no- bnlla. Sl.Tft: ataa. 12. 00. nu. kHrr ld.nO: block. H.BO: China fat. Hkotfft.OO; ateckore and uedor, gk-SB iheepBoot grahi-fod wotbera ead laatol, 9L2ft2.Tfti pjttood anoop, S2-00BJ.B, - BAB IBARgaoo LOOAX RTOOTA flea laactoeo, Oct. k Laeal ptoche rloao: Bid. ABE. Contra Ooata Water ST..... InrlH Valla Watee t. ....... M -W Hmm m MLaif rl. .......... em VI mt PowoerT7r7Vr7-.... OH B4U HawaltoB CowBUrcUl.,..... i .. Honnkea Roger . ... .,. HutchlaooB Hog or Kllanea Bngar MikiwaU Sugar., Onomoa Rngar.,.. Faaukaa Sugar lOBBTB BASB CLMAMOt. The PWttoau ilaailaa keeaa laaarti today: Clearing M3 .OM .J DoUUlCOa .W,OD.e Lea Saw, Oct. 1. America atocka are BBckaagad. . Onaonla. 1-ld point mw.? of frolRht, at ratoa of from T to 123 a ton, giving to the tranasortatlon com panies 1,61,S50 for carrying thla ton nage, tha total value of which waa IU.OTI.000. Thua Seattle marchanta did 111.071,000 bualnePB with tho Nome country, and the tranaportatlon com panlea reoelved aa their ahare tl.etl.2B0. "Theao ara Interesting facte," eaJd Mr. Stuart "They moroly auggeat what Portland haa before her If an effort hi made to eecure It, Tha future la aurely greater. X often wonder how long the people of this city will let auoh vaat opportunities paaa without an effort. 2 wonder If tho tranaportatlon compa nies have woven ft apell from wbloh the people oannot awaken. There la no buBlneea ao profitable aa trada with tho mining element. Prleaa are higher, peymenta as a rule ara oaah, money a pent by returning voyagere la gene roue, and It la all new, from tha outalde, which addo ao much more to tho work ing capital of ft elty." STOCK BROKER IS TO BECOME ORCHARDIST ' P. S. Hopkins, who naa bought tho Ol wall Bros, orchard In Jackson county, will ultimately become a profea atonal orohardtst. Ho will shortly leava for ft trip east, and pome time In November ho will go to Jackson county aad build a modern residence on hla newly ac quired los-acro term. While his daily occupation has tied hid thought largely to tbo atock market and Ka absorbing demands, Mr. 'Hopklna haa for years yearned for ft Ufa In which actual pas toral scenes were substituted for tha nguros showing; prleaa of wheat, oats and livestock. Horticulture haa been one of hla favorite subjects. ' A shod to day aa to hie Intentions for tho future. Mr. Hopklna aald: "I don't know that 1 shall go to Jack son oounty Immediately to live, but that la what It wlU lead to. I like tba Ufa It la what I have wanted a long time. X wilt build ft modern bouse oa tba 4o, North Coast United. Take tho Northern Paelflo "North Coaat Limited" on your trig to the world's fair in October and you will travel on tha orach train of tha north weat. and It don't aoat you any more to travel on thla train than tt doea on any other. Special excursion ttcKete will be sold for tha round trip and tickets will ba good for SO days from data of tssu. giving stop-over privileges la both di rection - pop dotal iod mformatloR oall cm or write A. IX Charlton, A O. P. A Port land, Or. ,t . SPECIAL ST.' LOUIS at TB ttt I. & I f . OeAeta Very low rata, to-day retam tfftb tickets to St. Louis, October I, 4 and . via the OP ft. A M. On tha evening" of October B, special tourlat oar to St Lou la via tho O. B. A N., without chango. On October 27, St and tt, the a R. A V. will also Sell very low rate tickets to St Louis and return, good returning until December tt. Particulars of C W. SttngPT. city ticket ftgonU Third, Bad Wftshinttoa stxtatg. . OOaterriOBBABB ' aWOBB toBOB ITlAjrTTBZBB BfnVaBnm iBBBWB 16 U. S3 . - EVENING, OVERBECK. t Meca bora Clitoaga ehmAZV. BBATIBIOBBa OOTWOW. 101 Third Street. MoKftF BO A amUOTaVV rtoatlaaous Markets by Private Wlra Mule gervioa RKFBKr3XR--Levdg CoatlB aoua """"" United SUtee National Bank of Portland, COMMISSION (laaBPgaRRSsd) a cbfti ituT of Camarea, Oround floor. ..... QilVtTVbfoiii, SlocriiBlVoiyM$ B. K. ALDBN. ManRgf MOW BIBB. BOY FUSTS B 0O. titotAbllahed . mooan 4, OVrwaad XT ' ; OB OOMMbTBOB. US ACBBB AH fotca. level Jand: IM acres cultivated. 60 acres of which la beaverdam: house, barn, orchard. -.- front on good road ; . 1 m lie from j , good county seat tow on railroad. 4 Slectrlc Una wlUooon run hugh , the farm. This s one of tha boat farm a In weatern Washington, will 1 exchange for Portland property or good acreage near faORO. IBS AOBBB All flrst-elaaa soil; 101 acrea In high state of oulUvatlon; v tt acres timber; flno l-room house. , nice condition; larn frame .harp. ' with alio; amokahousa, painted: - fruit drier, woodehed, workshop; 4 - ftcres choice fruits; 1-t mile to creamery, ator. achoot and ohuwh. f. 19 milaa to Vanoouvor ta Clarke , ' oounty. Wash,; one of tho bast farms In tha etate fT,Bwa. IRQ ACBBB tt .acres fenced; It aorea cultivated; It acrea aeoded to pas I ture; small orchard: nice atream water: fronte on main road; Jk mile to acbool. If ml lee from POrt V land, near Tualatin. rivor, baram4tr SlBOO. IS xcTRRal t acrea cultivated: td t-room house; barn; tt bearing fruit treea; fronts on good Foad: 11 miles out: 1 mile to Voat landing. A sure anas at BSOft. -SIS AOBBB aorea cultivated; tt acrea alashed and In pasture: t acrea orchard, with dryer: good wa ter power, gristmill In running or der; I large bama, with abdut BO tons of hay: fair house: water v piped to bouse and barn; I horses, 20 head of cattle. S wagons, all vinita nf hm tnolfl fl hoars, fine " flock Lea-horn chlckene: mile ty school; f mils to p. a, dally malt Only HENKLE, Ot BAKER SIT AbtaWBOB BMT. Benuaad, Oft. Insurance Company t , Of Hartford, Conn, GENERAL INSURANCE BUSINESS John P. Sharkey & Co. AOBNTa . Good Bargains BOS AOBBB---A1I finely lmrroved; good house, barn and orchard; t mllea - from town on mala road. Prtoe I0 nr aCra. SfS ACBBB t miles from town: extra good bouse. Darn, ana wen , im proved; fenced; close to school-, ' bouse, on good road. Thla M ft nice - home 140 per acre. 1 ant ft fTBli flnta to tho above; no buildings: good land, well Improved and fenced. Prtoe fit acre, BBS AOBBB Heavy, old growth Sy tlm . ber: will cm lee if 000,000 feat; close to the river. Price M.stt. TJCn tVABBB bt large and tract. SXMOSTBAB locations and homeatoad reUnulalunanta. Maxwell St Burs HOUS-CS aJkAoar now mod ara house, hall, bese- , , ment .bath; full lot, fronts on car line; improvwa strowi, concriii waui good location: snap at pi,ew, AdROORC plastered house, corner lot near Brooklyn school 11,000. dj-BVOOII house, corner lot, near Tbomp- son school BB0. TROOK now house, oa two ear 11 naa, In Highland 9(W) S-BOOM modem booaa, la Suanysldai 11.800. oyAOOal modern ue-tedata HouPS, In Holladay's Addition tt. 4 St. f-BOOM modern house. Bast Alder, near 13th atreet- tl.tOO. SJMPOaf new cottage. Boat Portland Heights tttt. ft-BiOOM now bouao. In SeUwood tLttB. - HENKLfi 4 BAKER SIT Abtdva BUsT- Portlau1, OR, Ed aad ahoald know about the woraWrrn MAJtm Wborltom &M-gv Taaaawvioaii taUBrhM. Ve venlent. UCeWkOMtMUaUy. aaaewd am ft tear o.iiH tor ft. he nDoteapply the ARVBL, Botoot am pthar, tMtaend etajan for Umatrated book-eMUrii fall port 1 aula n aad direct ton i vatgabl t" ladle. MAPIVRI. tuBoe BldgTTewtarto. For Bale By WOOSABB, OaaABBB B OCX, BOW1 MAB.TTB ftldrntib ofatefaV eV biaddt troubka, SurM In 5Hour URTNART MSCHARGES RbMft CBtk-rto paaraukti laBfRwwaFr wwtovwwwwWwWwwBlbaJ BaUrpHag Uiaeet fvroate Wwe Rjiliai IB Itoarlm, Wo CkaaBS Be . tatoroat Sap dkdgylBB laaRJ FARMS ORIENT ft f . . a CTARR Ci COC.oJ C Board of Trada, BuUdlng, Portland, ur. , CHMBMIRBIOW BUaUMRRWR. ' ST. JOHNS B '' Is tho 00m log manufacturing city of tho northwest Baal aetata is ebeap now. LOTS, BLOCKS t and ACREAGE IN ALL PARTS OP ST. JOHNS. : B BBS Lot ttxlOB. 4-room cottage; , fruit barn and other lmprov aiants. SRS Lot Btx ltt, t-room hoaaa, new. ita, within four blocks of St Johns ear station. SltOO lttaltt foot t-room houae tSOt . down, balance tit par month. SHOA- IOIOO. t-room house, modora improvement 0 pito oown, oai gnoa In monthly inatftUmafttR. Shepard & Tufts Baal BstRfto Bvabaaga, Bt fohme, o. Business and Real Estate Chances BSOOBBT BOZBB A 0ASX A BW. Boomlng-houav' It lit per month. owoean 7tt( rant Rbomlng-houae. 14 rooms, f Tot; per month; I yeara' lease. rant, 4B Rooming-house, tt room a, l,0Sj roat tt por month, floomlng-bouaea la ail parte of tho) elty. t-room modern houoa, with bath; blaa , tared 1 1.000; terms 1 100 cash, fit par , month, t par cant Interest, l-room modern bouse, lot 100104; etty water II. IH; Urma. ltt down. Ill per month, l-room house, tot tTxlltj frvlt treea; Portsmouth AddlUoaj fi,lt, part eaab; ft anap. , Choice lota tn Archer Place 40x111 tt: to oown, a por Pacific Land Investment Co. MTVb Ptpoft Stiast Block 200x200 APR RL. long side, suitable for ware house or manufacturing nurpoaoa. For price and torma addreaa Cross A Shaw, 30 vvaaniagmR eireeu t - $900 ttot down, balance til per moo to, aVkRRS aae tot, in xaigaiana car a. $1800 acres; row house ander eonstruetlon; Riocits xrom ear line; very cneap. , $1500 IH acrea, new house; grounds woll im proved; I blocks from ear Una; a pica noma , BTOBBBOOBJ BOB) CROSS & SHAW 233 WASHINaTON ST. Great Big Bargain Lot 16, CEDAR HILL : $100 r ; WAKEFIELD. FRIES Co. CO. id. 1 Business Chances tUVWBOU. complete; all In Sao ooadl tlon; will trada for a farm. MOCK of general uerchandlee, doing a good buaineaa; will trade for a rarm. OB paying bBhWJWwa, gsatnd laoaUoa. In Portland. fully eovlBDod. ta a aood ml. ley county seat towa. to lease. BJUOt XOTBla, in a good sea tern Washington towa, to lease; it la - fully equipped. In good running or der; will exchange tho furniture for lenol in the valldy, or good Portland . property... HENKLIT4 BAKER" " SXT AMaghoa ROdg Piftlaaa, Op. " Hoot10.11 wa For Sal mt Wootimrm Tbnns to suit Choice lotg la Laurel wood. 13 per month. Take Mt Soott ear, first and Ai der. CBOn,GB W. BMOtdAt IBS t ailing Bug. Fhona Maag I m m BVaeg4hilSw.SBRtORl KERN PA iftasi SOSVi sort Red EstrteCti A m h Meatiftea Stvoat. Vaii W. Anderson tBRdsJ BAtatoBp lotBrid. And PlrtB InaurstntBeB . 201 McKay B.. Cor. WwdiUrti For Sale I I j ) Stewart Part TWENTY MINTJTES BY MT SCOTT CAR i4 - 50x100 $ 1 00 TO ?'rj JUST A FEVVf TQ 0FFSR $5 a Month Remember ":!'. Lots 50x100 Your Isst chsjtco for lots la this cholcs locAltty. - -1 50il00l9r$100 ; . " - - . - ' v - Pacific Realty and Investment Co. AGENT AT .STATION 7' , SUNDAY . si. --: 1 -it ' Branch Real Cstate Offlcs at II Por tho convenience of thoss paraons who wish to nurchaae property at Pied mont or West piedmont wo have opened a branrh omca, comer of Michigan and Kllllngaworth avenuea. In charge of R. B. Carey, who will furnlah lntendlas purchasers of lota with mapa, Plata, prloes and terms of sale. Take tho "U car to tha Junction, our office la a few blocks north. Tha preaent tranafer Sotnt will ba abandoned aa aoon as tho Ig car barn at Michigan avenue Is com pleted. and the junction Will then bo at the latter point, directly oppoaiu awr offtea. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. sad T TABORSIOB LrdTS ' I OBOCOB lets In thla beautiful addi tion; water pipee laid; $Tt and l per lot HENKL8 A BAKER . LOtS $200 V WEST PHrDHOHT 4 i uo pay post poara, ajwaiip "T