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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
V : j r i rvrn octo t x i t The Ctxolite Girl TELLS THE STORY TMAM KAMI . - Yam will And bv oa y fen via package of - -v;.'- X BAKER'S Breakfast Cocoa THB FINEST ZK THS WORLD . 41 HIGHEST AWARDS 7TX in Europe and Ansae Waltfr Baker & Co. Lti -efcHibta it. BoaCMMTM, MiSS. W ' VANDERBILT LIKES II IV AAUCAIiniTC K;.r MAI IU1WULIUAIL VA- Reports 'from "Chicago Indicate that with the blnnln of the new year there will be a practical consolidation of all tha Vanderbllt lines In a fashion almllar . ' to that adopted by the Harrlman llnea, : and that the Jurisdiction of President W. H. Newman sod Vice-President W. ' C Brown of the Naw York 'Central, wUI 7- bt extended ever tha sat Irs group. .'vL This consummation. It la said, will "' ba preceded by the resignation of K. ft I Ingalts, president af tha Bis; Tour; W. H. Can Iff, president of the N I ok el Plata, , and H. B. LedyaroY president af .tha I' Michigan Central. The greet croup then to ba' known a ff tha Vanderbllt system will be composed j of the New York Central, aha Mlekigaa I Central, tha Lake Shore Michigan ff ' Southern, tba' Bis; Foot, tha Xaks Erie 5 di Western, tha Pittsburg at Lake Brie, V .the Nickel Plata, the West Shore and ;j the Boaton A Albany railways, all vlr- ' tualty under one ' aflmuitatratlon, of which tha executive will ba President '. Newman and tna operating head will ba ; 1 W. Ci Brown. 1 . - There have been rumors that Mr. New "." man would retire and ba suooeaded by - Mr. Brown, but these reports are author : Itatlvely daaled, and H la said the two "i men will retain their present relatlre .positions. : . . t. f A strong man will ba placed ta ehants af tha traffic. department with the asms V relation to the system that la held by ; Mr. Stubba In the Hani man lines. It v, la' announced tbat other Important changes will ba made In tha trafuo de partraent, looking to the moat eoonom- ' - loal operation of tha whole system under the new organisation. , While the Paolflo ooest affairs af tha various llnea In this group are now in capable hands. It would surprise no ana ;"( an Railway Row should the ebengee ex . tend to this territory. Separata freight :, offices are malnt&lnad by tha Michigan J Central and the Lake Shore at Portland. Seettlt, San Franc laoo and Loo Ansvlea. They may ba oonsolldated Into one effloa at each point. ' j The Portland and north Paolfla ooaat - passenger business of all tha roade ' named, with tha exception of the Nickel V Plata and tha West Shore, Is la the - bands Of W. C Seachrest af this city. Tha freisht busiaesa of tha Lake Shore bars la bandied by W. T. Kelley, 1 and tha Mlchlsnn Central's freight buel-.- aeas Is looked after by H. C Bckeabar . ger, with offloea la the Chamber of Com merce building. Tha business of the " Nickel Plate and tha Weat Shore la in charge af J. -W. Adams of Sea Fran t f. Cisco. , t W. C Brown, who has reached tha ascopd position tn tha Vaadrrbllt sys ,. tern and la mentioned for first place, began hla railroading career as a brake '"' man on tha Burlington. betwen Ot ; tumwa and Creeton, la. That he was a i good brakeman aocs without aaylns. He Is stilt a comparatively young man. He hah reached hla pre sent place without the aid of any influence other than that V earned by hla personal merits aa a rail roader. mum AT SALEM ; : . PROVES A FAILURE ' (Baeelal ttspata) s The leanat) ' Salami Or., Oct V At a meeting ra oently called to discuss tha purchase af a power plant and the establishment af an electrw lighting plant for this elty ' under municipal ownership, tha leading apirlU In tha proposition had prepared a program of speakers who ware ta talk In favor of the proposition. A number , of opponents of munlelpal ewnerahtp ; captured the seeetlag and the result wda that the affair was a grand fiasco. The only thing dons was the appointment' of ' a committee oonslettng of Dr. W. A. Cuslofc, Mr. J. U atorktoa and Cot, B Hofer to look Into the matter. - There waa a big sensation la Lees Vllle, Ind.. when W. H. Brown of that Since, who waa expected to die, had ts life saved by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Hs writes: "I endured Insufferable egonloa from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me Immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete eura. Similar cures af Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Orlp era numerous. It's the peer Jess reraedr for all throat and lung troubles. ; Price to end41.0. Guaran teed by Red. Crooe Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Oak steeeta, .en the way to tha pestofBoa. : , 0,:C2 POOR GIRL INHERITS 05,000,000 f T 2 1 amsnsaeji ' ' La'"- 'ri -::'' MRS. BDWARRD S. jgOLLISL From the New York American, ' Through the sudden death of Bdward S. Kills, one of too beat known of tha younger generation of New York mil lionaires, and last member of the family whose founder establlahedT the Kills Locomotive- works at- Schenectady, Mrs. BstsUe EM la, hla young and beautiful wlf becomes possessed af the-entire Bills fortune, estimated at U.OOMO. Mrs. Kills la prostrated and la under the charge of a physlclanw She was a poor glrl when she' married Mr, Klllst a friend of the former Mrs. "Kid" McCey on whoso farm near Saratoga the- beautiful "New York girl met lief future husband, later nursed him through a severe attack af typhoid fever, and then, aoaroely la hla ooava lescoaoe. became hla wife. Son of fohn Ellis, Jr- and grandson of tha famous John Ellis, who, from a position of poverty, became the pro prietor of one of the world's greatest looomotlve works and a close, friend of the late Cornelius Vanderbllt young Bdward Kills waa a spoiled child al most from the day of hi birth. ' " Whoa not out of hla teens he waa given an allowance of Sv a day by hla Indulgent parents, and thus provided for, ha and his eoastn, "Bud Bills, soon became noted for their fast living. Bdward Bills' health began to give way, and when danger of an early death threatened he waa Induced to ao to "Kid" McCoys farm near Saratoga, and submit ta a rigid course of training. - To the farm shortly after hla arrival there came Mlsa Estella Ksrle, a New York girl, and an old school friend of the then Mrs.. -Kid" McCoy. Kill and Mlsa Barle met and fell la love at first sight. McCoy went ta Europe on a brief trip, and during hla absence. Bills waa stricken with typhoid fever. . He was removed to a email cottage near the McCoy place, and though the belt physicians m Saratoga were called In to attend him, i-was always said, by the young man that the tender aurslag Of Mtao Barle saved his life. They were married on tha day that McCoy returned 'from Burope, and In cidentally, on that - same day, - McCoy learned that not one but two romances had developed during hla ebeenee, for Mrs. McCoy had eloped with her hue band's friend, Thompson, - and fled to Japan. Thompson, strange, to say, was also a millionaire looomotlve manufac turer. Mrs, McCoy later waa divorced and married him. -7 ' Bills mother was living then, and It waa some time before the marriage of her bob waa aommunleated to her. She aeoepted the - Inevitable, - and Mr. and Mrs. BUlla took apartments la New York." - AT THE THEAT1LES AY BZABQV The latter part of next week at the Marquam Grand will be given aver to Frederick Wards and Kathrya Kidder, who are presenting St re age's tremen dous drams, "Vaiammbo," originally produced aa "The Daughter Of Hamli- Car by Blanche Walsh. The tour hi under the direction of Wagenhals A Kemper, which la a guarantee of not only a nMgnifleent production, but a large and thoroughly capable organisa tion la support of tha joint stare. When "Saiammbo" waa produced n created a sensation ta the oast tbat waa second, only to "Bapho. It la af a vastly higher sphere, however, than that play, and leaa risque. The tent scene, which made critics stand aghast before It waa witnessed, la ao delicately done that the most prudish play goers find nothing offensive la It. Business Man ager Lohman la ta Portland arranging for the event. .. , - t One of the best popular attractions visiting ' Cord ray's this season la "A Romance of Oooa Hollow, which opens a four days' stay, starting with Sun day matinee. The play baa been before the publn 11 seasons. It la a natural heart story of the Tennessee hills and oombtoea strong dramatic situations with some very clever oomedy. There la some very handsome scenery and aa unusually good colored quartet, which the Seattle papers mention) very favor ably. - Starting Thursday . sight tha same company will present a new play by C B. Callahan, called "Grand father's Clock.' This wlU ba the only popular priced presentation of this play as the author Intends to produce li la New York City next month. The final performance of San Toy will be given this evening at the Marquam Oread theatre and a bumper house la assured. The Chinese oomle opera la dressed 'better than any of the traveling com pan lee that curry for popular favor. The stage settings are grand while the costumes worn by the performera are very elaborate. Jimmy Powers la the feature and tale Irrsslstlwa omidlaa la at hla best. Kyrlc Bellow m "Raffles- opens Mon day night He Is supported by an ex cellent oosapany and the drama to aura to areata a sensation. It remain at the Marquam for - four performances and seats are now oa sale. Tha sale of seats for the engagement of Kyrte Bellow la "Refflea, the Ama teur Cracksman. " la going wltb a rush at tha Marquam, Bellow la always a wslooene visiter and in hla new play be has a role that fits htm to a nicety. It la that of the polished thief, the direct antithesis of Sherlock Holmee, the pollsfcod detective, and a character quite aa anlque. Supporting Mr. Bellow Is B. M. Holland, the veteran actor, wbo plays the detective whose wits are 000 stantly In battle with the wit of Raffles . la 'several years there has not been a play of this character ao highly commended by press and public The ongagoment beglne Monday and la for- three nights. r There .will aot be a matinee aero, . - , . POUaV "The Sign of the Foer an original dramatlaatloa of Coaan Doyle's widely read aovel, la the attraction at the Baker theatre all next week, starting with the usual Sunday matinee. The play aa presented by the oomlng or Tganlsatloa appeala to all the tastes af theatre goers. There is throughout a fine dramatic action, and the lovem of melodrama are given a half doaen situa tions - that are hair raising affairs. There Is also a good wholesome vein of oomedy running through the action of tha play and the company is said to be oa pa bis in every respect, Today's matinee and thla evening's performance at. the beautiful Columbia theatre are the last opportunities for seeing Bowetcaalt's bewitching- play, "The JIM." The scenic display, the fins acting, the horse-racing scene, tha de lightful singing, the spirited attentions of this beautiful play have all made a deep Impression on the. Portland public. It Is one of the classics of tba stage the best play the famous Bouclcault ever wrote, v BXFOV VOBiBaTT. This evening will be presented the big Saturday night performance at the Bijou. Fred Col) ins. the serpentine wonder, continues to amass. For merri ment Ward 'A Ward and Hagap A Ha gen fill the Mil. Charles Gardner does some clever juggling- with the most ordinary Implements. - ApeeUl Otopatch a The JeanuM Taeoma, Oct. 1. David B, Thomp son, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from the United Ststee to Brasll, wss la Taooma today. He la visiting friends on the ooaat nd win later proceed to hla homo la Nebraska, i t; bl s a- 4 Double the Value of 1 Voiir Property If tt a) tow see awrekv taste! a eralaere evetesi of ear Ulhw. It ae aet tt It at stoat kaUag Sed It to the cheapen ta srira, sat set la vah. Diamond Brick Co. feraee wt keaeMl Bt..- PenUaa. Ol. Yard rest Aakeay ae. paong for a gos complicated mechanism to operate your shop and then being constantly bothered ; witli keeping it inj order. MOT0EI . , is simplicity itself in comparison. It is much more dependable and ready fo a the day by simply throwing w m y are switch i nere hundreds m tiMEoiiiPur mains; bperatm Proof an cientlv and economicallv. is better than promises. Get mmmmM 4- " SEVENTH AND STREETS , AftaAAAAAAaaadAiaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaTs - w V. Vw 1 - , - .