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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
--1 ;:' ' I ' ' ' h - I JRKOOMDArLV JOURMAi; PORTLAND, I SATURDAY EVENING, C ZTC 10 THE OREOON eK3MentfE.''?Jfc. a aa r ooinq.i. ooiNO'ti aouuiu This Day With the Sports ."Doc" Moakiroan'a Carva Pool tha Brown How the Batters Ar Hitting Pootbatt oq Many Oridlron--Racing, Boxing ChtM Othar Sporting Newt. '. r j Ktbwy J, A. HOSlAN - : mm . ... i . - r- : r y DSKIIIAN PITCHES , . SHDT-ODT CAME Mriul. St Portland, a. BftMkanaa and Brrai atarhatl and - Bttakr an Bpanser. i "Doe" HmUbu ifci top ttt ! - dale eagraaatUMi r tsroay sftorns 1b a Mtt 4mM mnnr by ilwin thm but thr vagrant htta and appir- i tn th whitewash lib-reliT. Tbr wu nethiaa th tuni tout Mm Oakland team, ud It vu a. treat to km them pevlrm. Another M face appeared In a Broom uniform mi th pttchlsg 1 MHly of Mr. Btarketl. ana this y owner ansa waa eulokJr Initiated Into th amMlN of Com league NNWI, Mi th vteitlng Blsars aoc ftr hi wm He was touched up for 1 hits, tnludlna a double an two triple Ha - ntC hr playare, etnas put four, asad a wud tu sad gave on but on ball. ' Aside from all thl kt work waa fairly rood, ana a oould bo pitching rat ana wouldn't win. If Meewimea war pposed to bis, nod bla support war simitar. M eeklman waa tti sr farm ana simply toyed with tha Brownie. ' Ma atmak out ntna of tha local a, waa aafa with ntn on ba, and erackaa out two aafa blta dnrlna tba matinee. .Oakland' flrat run KM In tha third oft Moskiman's alng-ls, a fielder aholoa and Fraaelfa aafa dHvn. - In tna fonrth a alnla by Krunr and a doubl br "Had lxg" Davaraaux tallied anotbar. Dwraraaas" aafa awat la tba atxta tt ntna; aant Knvar aarana laa rabbar wtth th third run altar tha lattar bad aant tha lanthar la tba bnahaa far a trial a. In taa atcbtn atitb waa bit In tba plana br oa atf aHarkaU'a aboota and "Brtca- ancrlftaad blm atana. Brmaa i hit ta KuaaJa, and with aa ar abanaa for a wt uc tha loanl abort toaaad th batl nM tha btaaonara and Itratb ad jiaa arad. Tbl andad tba wort nd aoartaa (or ta dar, . rWTUAMtk n. a, t ........ ana, id. ... Lennald Sb Funkla ft a. B-niy, a. ,,...(.. e rt 'r, a. awaaUa, n. ... It u ti , OAKtAKZK Oawlar, I anckl . a. ft I iry, L r a f nlear. c tnajr, id. K ar, a. . tm. I n 0,1b. Vi... ravaraauftV . I vmaa. a. aoakiamaa. a. Totala . . 1 1? 11 BUN AJIO Bird BT INNINOaV sSiiilililj Uti . ....'.....a 1 I I 1 I M t It Oak BUMMABT. Earnad rnna Oakland, t. ftolcn Saaoa on baila-Mt BUrkafla. 1 (Oao- ley; oft lfoaklman, 1 (Holland, BPn- car). Struck out By Btarkalla, 1 (Dun- loavr t. Byrnea, Hoaklmnn); br btoakl ,nan. 9 (Irannan I, Back I, atanlaK BLarkella t. WarahaJJ). Saorlfloa blta !fltralb, Darareauz. Two-baaa bit Dar 'MMt Thraa-baaa htta Krugar. tBchlaner. 1 on baa Portland. I: Oaklajid. t. Hit by pttchar etralb 1 iflohlafler, Holland, Rookanftald. Wild pttcb fltarkalla.- Tlma of nama On 'hour and mtnalaa. Umplra atoCar- NAVY OFFICERS PLAY 5 CHESS BY WIRELESS an Vranaiao. OoL L Tha moat ra Iaarkabia aaaaa of abaaa avar plarod waa ,at tb una tin tba atranaaat battl avar roa-ht by tw warabtpa, Wbiia arulalna; down tha oaaat from San Fran ataeo to Maadalana bay. la lowar Cali fornia, Admiral Goodrich and tba of flcara of tha United itataa arnlear New York enaaa la a oheee aana by wlra laaa talecraph with Captain Hubbard and th offloera of tha arulear Boaton. 'The ablp ware aevarai aaUee apart, but thar waa n diffleulty kt oomniunloa tloa and tha pUrara aiada their movea almoat aa readily aa If they bad boon together. Tba aaate waa a Kmc and difficult ana and waa flnnllr wen by tba player oa tb Beaton, , (Journal tawlel aarrW.) Taooma. Wash Oct. 1. Whan Man mwr Plahar of th Tacotna baaeball team reached the Bleventh atraet trounda iraaurdar afternoon, ha celled Umpire Brown aald and Informed that official that a repetition of the rowdy Jam of the previoue dar would man Brown's retirement from tha ataff of umpire. . "it doe not matter what team a player balona to, be muat ha a tantie me.. Tan muat aafnrca your oommand of th playera or I ehall aak Prealdent Bert, br wire, to releeae r4 tb aum war-- A4 LINGERING COUGH -V The cough that holds on n spite of all remedies fieeds ? fnergettc and ibov all tho ugh treatments A Insrf : cough ttiixturt won't iio; Root out the cold that causes ; thti cough.-" ' ,1 Ho ScbttV Emulsion, Why Scptt'f tmHlsioi,? Because It stops the irfit x tion, soothei the tissue, and . heals the affected membrane, i : When? ' Right Hwlf. Scott's mulaion begins to help with the first dose,W artsmdfena -uaaJcawun'awnwBa swnaowB arrav raatxova " avaTSf abb . in 'v'"-,' wtAMxnxs MAMma mm im ; ' or Twm mi row tetania. , Tt A aowHi) em r . - " .1 ..... I POUCE SQUAD AT TACOMA BALL GAME ; . TaoMna, Waaa, Oct., l.A aud af police, and tw or three efnoara In ohr 11 1 an' a clot has were part of tb proaram dlshsd but t baaabaB fan r Uidnr afternoon. Maaaaer Captain Busty Hall and Pltobar Will lame war th of fender, and they were anoortea from tha nrounda by th blue eoata. Hall .h. kb iiniVfiM aa had been ordered put out and did not lee before be bad taken tin to tail umpire urown u mm m k with iha aAelal. Tb trouble aama after tba aavanth lnntna. Taooena had tie tna aooru mm wuiiams waa at tba plate ready ta bat when Rusty told tb umpire a few thlna that would net look wall la print. mnw. .kiamd la end hia lJ)UaT .a moA nnr mora elevating. "Out of the cama," hollered Brown. adwhn hi eoanmaod wn ant byd eflk)ni wr aaJlad upon, - . umif urea tlraoom. Borlft Manaaar Hall's aw and. baa nU tb node roaulred to aaaaa anrv-w-- pttober. and ha did walk Why la the world be waa take out br th bla otalel ta not aa ar matter to dlaoem. wll Uama wound up the Inning and the H. .i Than, after th rowdr- lam. FHak waa Mnt la t pUan, Blank- nablp went t bri. Hurpnr ee ura uad Charll Hail t left. Teew sred lu winalna ma a faak alarlnav Th " ' " 1 B. at W a. ...-ffftlHM T I Taeooea lerUii! aidSrabamBoVla! wiiVimaririaa and ToaayIJlnplr-- if I T 1 I- Lou A Orattla .941 Oahlaad . AT IM 1W1 aa Praiwlam. Oot. 1. .IO ABdl woa a pitcher1 battle la tha ninth in- nlng ytraay. otn iewiew mmu Whenw wera la are farm and both to beared gnat ball. , oarei Laa Anankaj f lilt l" 11 Mam rran -liHttltl-i 9 s lUttarlaa Wewton and Bpleai Wbotlof and -Oortoa. Umpire KoDonal. , - At a fcoata,' ";i B.H.E. Battel lee BaWec and auadaa; Olbaoa and rarrau. i BL H.B. Newfrb . j. . . . . . .' i . .X Batteries White, flulllvan aiwl Haly don: Cheebro, Puttmana ana HoOulr, '' At Bbiladelpkki , Tlrat gum a ... . . .. . B. ft at Hatrolt II t Philadelphia , , . .1 11 X BatUrfee fTIHtnn, Baymona and Drill; Flank and Moonan. ..... aacond aama v " '- ' . 3, " K. H. K Detroit ..I 3 Phlladalphw, ,.... f 1 Batteriea Jaeger and Drill; Appleajata III rievsland . . . I t S Waahlncton .... 4 4 Batteries Jo and Buslow; Town- aana ana utne ', t -": BAVtOaraJb UMi Won. New Tor 14 Chicago . , tt Cincinnati ' 11 Pittsburg T St Louis Brooklyn H Boston IS Philadelphia . . 41 I .64 .ft I I At Brooklyn. at. txralr Brook lrn sCrNwi 'and Butiea'i liltaaaU Batteriea ON0 and Bitter. At ew Toe First aama H 1. a Chloaao . . .... i:::::::::1! t t ind Kilns: MoOln- New York Batteries Welmer nitr E Kiiiott ana auranaiL Second name TL n. BV Chicago I 2 w Tot S J t Batter lee Lund rn and CrNeU: Tar- lor and Bowerman. First It H. B Boston 1 Pittsburg i t BattarTea Willi and Moran; XTr and Phlpa. Second gam- R. R. B. Boston . . ,.f ff I Btltfrlet Wllhaloi khd Xedhwal Flaherty Archer and Pa a) pa. WALCOTT-CANS CO : DECLARED A DRAW (leumst BpasUt aarrlcs.) 1 Bea rranslsos, 0b lTb l-round battle between Joe Oane. th llght welfht ahamplan. and Jo Waloott, th welterweight ehamplon, want tb limit and wu sailed a draw. Tha decision did not meet with the approval of tb arowd, for they biased th referee round I r. and shouted "Oane, Oena." The lightweight elarly earned th de cision, for he waa the setter man dur ing th flnal sound and bad hia op ponent groffT an neraral oocaslons. Th preliminary between Jack Twi) Bui Ivan and Joe Angel II was stopped bf the polio aa auUlvaa raa too piual for bl opvosant. . . ., , tmra) Taaara) aroo.' (leamet Baeelal awetaf.) " ' Feadleton. Or.. Ost. Tound Bid JlcCoy of this slty was defeated In n lerceir son taa tad four-round bout last evening for th featherweight aham plonshlp f th north waec bp Andr Kin of Walla Walla. Both men displayed onalderabl abllttr. and tb Ablbltlon was an SKrellent on frani tha tlrat to the last. Binf waa th better Brewa. , t'.r BAODTIO OOAaTV BBAwBaV fem'.v:n::::::: I i ill RSlXbWv:":::::: I v J Hi Detroit . f y I .M WsaklaeTton. .H M' 4If tarowga- . J ...... ONLY SEVEN, MEN HITTING ABOVE . VBATnB ABB. A00MAS BA1 There rfr nly aarea playora la th P&olne Toaat league Whose betting av erage ual or beat the . mark. This I a very small a umber and titer ought ta be twice tb aumber. Ban Frnnole and Portland bar no slugger and Log Angelaa and Oakland have only ana .ttt hitter eaab. BeatUa lead with tkree, FHak. Mobior pad Blankenahlp. and Tec ma oomee seeond wltk Hrdyb and Baaea. Such good batter a Van Bursa, C Smith, HUdebrmnd, Delebantr, Meany, Sbaehan, a Ore hem. lioaklman, Vaa Haltsm, Beck and Bruahaar are all hltt lag between lit and Tb foul strike nil baa aainibtedly affected th batting, and M might be advisable for tola leagu ta ratara t the eld rule. Tb following are th avarnsaa f ths league players who hava hit .lit or better for tb season tm aatt Frisk, .141, Bordyka .SiZ. Hoblar .tit. Baaen 41, Blankenahlp ., Barnard .101, ackaffly .101, O, Oraham .Sta, Bheehan .!, Vaa Bum .itl. Hllde brand .ttt, Dalehantr .HI. C. Smith, .Its. Waldrou 111, Book .Sit, Meanr .Sit. Cey .HI. J. Smith .Stt. aaltlda Braahear .ITS, Oenley aim, lfoaklman .111, rla dean .171, Vaa Haiti .S7, Cbaa .17t, Wllae .tft. R Hall .147. Irwin .SIT. Cravath .Sit, Kruger .MT, Dunleavy .144. McLaughlin .Sit. Flood .. Hurpny .III. Thomas .ted, O. Qrnbam Ml TbialBMB .ttft. - r'-- n. , DIAMOND GLISTEMNGS WM1 H ne aiaaeu rests ta baa tha Brawns abut oar rtrdar yat It waB a treat to watea tna uakian nm per- nM w aaaii M lk utaltlea SIM played nail from tn start to th aloe of the eon test ana sue niaini worn Will always unt for good. Haan tharar. ahn aama salaased h htan aar Dugdal tbl week, Vaa Portland's winning pitcher Iherg 1 a I""" Biaaa Bltoher. a decent and upright fsllaw and a most reliable auw. It waa I berg wh won the first two gam that th Browns oaptureu in cnuromia in tn am pan of th year, and It was Ibarg h troa tb Brat anm that taa ocais wop v mm. In aU falraaw ta MaM Bmnlor, tt must b aaid that his work Id hot ap ta th BUndard, While his backstop werk Is fair, his hatting 1 not strong enough to warrant him belna kept in Steal man's position. Bteelma waa a batter man behind and at the bat far Portland. Stanlar'a batting average, alnoe Joining tba Brown, w .ST. Wltjua thar la aft leaner aa POOr- tuntty to charge, th lbs of a am to the umplra. tt beem to bo a popular scheme t exchange tha player benches lm .rH.r that tha fall-IV hOOllOOe Shall ba murdered. Th Portland bench on one end, for soma unknown reason, bsgnn to sink In tha ground, and not wishing to see his men take a Blld, Manager Dug dale ordered a chance of seats. This mar not prevent another toboggan. Tomorrow will ba the last appearance ft ha rwklanri team In Portland this asasfin Oa Tuesday th BeetUe club will arrive here for a weeka eerie. Then there will be aomethlng doing. -Pltahsr Hogg, otherwise known SB -Willie," 1 slated ta pitch for Portland tomorrow. "Willie" 1 a good pitcher mwA hi. Aa rood work heretofore. With aohmidt and Hogg opposing; oaoh other the fan will oertalnly see a pead ball aama, from a pitcher's etnd point, Itttm kflnxk A hall tOSSO Under tb leaderahlp f Pete Lohman IS Wllk- Mit auaauon one or in oa aeama in Uho loagua Had not Lohma himself Iku aiaahlad an havlnc at erltlesJ time several of hi best mob out of th gams en aeoonnf. or xnjenee. anm team would a at the top of the heap. Tha. fkaklaM InSa! has not n Bef I th league and tha trie of outfielder Is on f tha beat all arenns hitting. Min ing and baa running bunches to be MhiM In aha aountrv. In Jones, Schmidt. Oraham, Moaklmaa and Buchanan, Lehman baa a puoning tan k. af tha btar laa rue clubs would he proud to poeeeas. Jf hard and eou alstont work In the amort to win aaln succes, this anrappy bunch of Lob man's deserve to win. - . Oeear Oraham w jaaloaa of Bert - ad fhai raaafm af thta la that Jonas baa won tha last gnma ha pitcher Won hat tha mlaf nrtuna' to a tack up against Ik Butlsr when the big thief wa right, and as not ins won an moner. Oraham Says be wlli get drea next week. Do Moaktman, tb AdealS of th league and tha ladle delight, bad Das' .aM ni hia ataB valUHif and they did not have & look-in at the gnma. Tha handsome doctor naa raw pr la bla profession whan he h) out a win. Bestde belna a erack all around player, MoaUmaa ana, hit tha balL Ham Iberg ha received offer from .tru ami 1m Anmlaa. but ha not accepted term with either alub owing to th reeerva eieuse: un aooa not want to piny in, HhsJ pi ihoa SVwAJ fsua ' Th Portland Hlfb school in) nd Multnotnah olub'l ascend team are struggling for supremacy this afternoon on Multnomah field. Aa thie 1 ihe opening Junior lam af the season, obn .mm.d1 tr7 is aala. take latha Mrtob,, a. ' . i imp M " ' Ifesmal Special terries. V' einntnnatl. Oct. S.-f-ln a ourroemd boat bar last vn!nr Jsck Baansoholta of Chioago waa khockea out m ui mat round by Mike aenreea c tni itr. . ,f , ajB ttra usMB. ; . laakMmrltld. Or.. Sept lt.4 saw ths problto la your paper, I worked tt ut and got seven for an answer. It Is th half a ohicktn. not nan a ones. UAV1U n. DLOfln Hd awrrl slsmsi aa i tat tl I . Hiar kav sim ai-e. Spots aa th. tha son la tba lU .-aa lb, ateem, ft Dins '. aana calaa. aa. tarf. aiuJ eaa'l hnaw H ft) hl-OUP P "1WI li,a P aTwdasd Betal fbar DELMAR AGAIN FAILS TO LOWER RECORD t. " " fJesrael apaekd Sarvtaa.) - Stew Tors. Oct, 1, Qravsaend num mary: About shr furtrtng Hsadasra woni Una, i:10 tA. I About ata furlonpa Bmjalthun won; time. list. , , Mile and b stntisath TSiiaas wen time. IttT I t. Mil and a slktisatb Ptatc Bernard wont tlma, 1:41 4-f. - riv and a half fartiaaa Cay Maid won) time, Ms, muo and a atafenth Pf ia tlma, lit, Cteolnnatl. Oct. 1-Bummaryt " ' 1:14 olasa, pace, perse fl.fot. three ta five Bunny Slop won the third, fifth and sixth heats la 1:14, 1:14, 8:11. S: trot, purs Sl.tet. two la thr Bweet Marl won the seooad and third heat la S:SI4a, t:471& To beat tb world' gelding trotting record, Major Del may failed; time by quartan. :!. 1:91, 1, l:Ui. . I:1T elas, pace, pur ll.ios, tar la five Nanor H. won th third, fourth and fifth beats I i:ls, J:UA, SidTli. At W Chioago, Oot, 1. Bummaryt Six furlongs Fslss Bntry wonj ttaaa, 1:11 4-A Fiv fniluva Bffl at wni tlm, i:tT l-s. Mil and Tt yardn-Dtv nHapaaaa waa: time. 1:41 S-4. in furlongs WodlanT Ball waau time, S:sa Mil and t yard dlna Chief watt tlma 1 It 1-1. six furtong . Oopporfield won iri , .. r3f SL lonls, Oct. 1. 4elmar aammarri Sin furl lonan-Fanlan won- time, .. Five list. furlong JCorea want tlma. Bis fttrUag Taw Bew w ttaM, 1:141a. Mile and A statasntb wba won; tlm. MT. 81 and a half Wiwaga dwat Itaata woni tlnu, liT4 Mil and , ft nIdw1law wBi tlma, :tM- iXm and Iwl Beet Brand, a lirsr- Ar? a re?n uue i cMva tn : LINCOLN; HIS. HERO '" From the NW Tort Amrtea4 Frank O'Donnell, a ealna cheerful and benrdlsas philosopher of It yaar, la Im iriui la Ifaet Vark. nhamaaaf with Javing forped hooka t th amsunt of 14, tot apoa tha Bobwt B. Floyd-Jons Ha waa amnltwad hv aMsmrd Floyd-Jone. a lawyer, who ha eharg of th yioyd-Joaea so tale. .Hi aeiery wn t7. a wk. , - t - i Mr. Flovd-Jaaa examined enec ssnaai th other e-oucher returned from tha hankm ha' dnnnana and saw that th $7 in avri of them had been raiaed to 7t, to ITvt and finally, ta two Instaneo. to 7.vs ana upward. Said ODonnall.' "All this talk about Ch fatal faaclntlon of gambling- Is foottsb. Any fellow would, be a shine If be wouldn't go Int a business where h oouid naako a laa g monvy -suioa with a. Ilttla arorfr. "Ton make your nftoney first by taking long anota. Ton no' looe muon, ana vou're sure to land aom tlma Than you bet your winning and begin tf at "Th raei piaad Is t b n th tn1do of tb big rinav 1 got ina oot goo and plenty once, and no Just aa aooa a I could I lumped over th Un and beeran taktnar beta Instead af maklnsr themv If they'd bar let me alon for a few weak I'd bar bad th aU shinned ta death. ' . . "Soma fellow taa Ltneola sad Omnt and Napoleon and 01udtn for , their models. Job Teagsf s aped angb, par mine." ' ta preparmg for raid a ptam den and gambling housee th wily dnlsn of Chinatown have not only, put In Iron bound doora to withstand th aeaault of Sheriff Word and hia deputlea, but are transforming their quarter f the olty Into a perfect network of, lotrtQ wire. For several days lectrioIns have been busily engaged Installing apparatus at a number, of bona. When the work Id eofnpleted tb ChlntM believe tt will b practically Imposslpla t oateh tbm sapping when a raid la made. Thro or four teptrles have been hired IB do patrol duty In eyery Mock where sambllng kt carried on. Then sentries at all mea wh knew th sheriff and hi lieutenants, well by sight. - Imme diately upon th appearance of any of them tb sentry nearest th thllng bouse will give tha word to the Ins id entry, who wilt promptly cloee ana bolt th door and notify th playirs or mokara of th proxlmtty of danger. Th electric apparatus I design so protect th law breakors ta oa of disguise. Should any man who fail t exalte th suspicion of th outside entries enter th hallway of d house whir gambling Is m progress an elec tric busser will notify the vestry. Should be b ssleep he will awaken ta Ume to barricade the plana. : - On mi the sheriffs aptclal saetrttea has been doing 4tteet1v service In Chi natown for setaral day. A tb result of bis labor ba ha asosrtalned that eleotrte alarma have been losUlled or are belna Installed at th following Beoond street addreeaa: Boa 11, It. St. It, MM, II, It,, lMli and lt4H, , , . " 1 Otttaf plseas grf id be fitted an with alarm a soon ihe services pi gleo tries! workers oan b obtained, Whit en It Is understood, are not tS be ad mitted, htta any of iheae hous Brn Ohlnemen who are unknown t tha guard pin be auestloned. ' Sheriff Word our smile when ashes CHINAMEN PIE V GAMBLING flOUSES BA-rm'lTMMn mtaUj tnawAS smaaugp wobs abb tjj par u me tbabb wxu BB STATXOna WbTBSI VBBBBBa , BUSY DAY ON THE EASTERN GRIDIRONS X flearaal SiweUl SarvW.1 Wow fort Oot. 1. eaveml Unportent name ere down on th football schedule for decision today Chief among tnem Is th Harvard-WUlieme aontaat at Cam bridge, although the annual contest be tween Taj and Trinity at New Uaea and Princeton and Georgetown at Prtaeetea r sroualag; mere tbaa naxv Intarest. . Other ams of mor or lss fwta m th eaat today are a xoiiowai -Columbia and Wssleynn at New Terk Pennsylvania and Virginia at Phllade. phia, Cornell and Boohtr St 1th West Point and Tuft at Wast PoUt and Waahingtoa -and Jefffa M. rlerta at Waablngton, Pa. In tba weet Chioago and India nd Bt at Chicago, Michigan and Case school at Ana Arbor, Nebraska dnd Ortnasll at Lincoln. Minnesota and Cartel on at Mla naapolls. low and Cornell eollage at Iowa f City, Am td Co olleg at A me. Vnimralty of Illinois and JLnoa at Champaign, Northwestern ana Maper vUle olleg at Bvanatonf Wsbasb and Notya Dam at Sputh Btnd, and JNrdus and Bariham at Lafayette. , ,, . .... SEATTLE MAYOR TO Jc 5 ALLOW WO CONTESTS iC't '-: . v --' 47earsl Ssecbil Bsi dm,t ' k " " . Beattle, Waa-. Oot. ' lUaabH b stand th preeeure fee favot; of pnillaa off th Leog-Maerr Bgbt last night. Frank Clancy had no trouble ta Interest ing the etvtc nnls ta tb SMttar. One this oranntsaUoBj. bad taken a band It refused to let go and a b oonseoueac before tb day waa half over BharlfX Cud thee Issued aa order that all partici pant would as arrested M a attaakpt was mad to open the shw. Lavtgn Is now making- arrangemaota to pull Off th oonteet ta Taooma ta about It day, but no thing definite ana been aetUed. if- - Bedng contest n SaatU are don for good and all during th adminmtru tion of Mayor Bellinger. Tha ataror fsoia aa injuatts hi bean Son Ia vlana and doea net hesitate to say so. but fts emphatio la his sttmnt that no aueb conditions will arm aaala as nothing resembling a boning (eL which th police force oaa its, will pa permitted during; bla term af MAT itu i r v FBANX CDOTCrOCLI A VOBOBB ABlf RACE HOBBB FLUNOKB AT It. relative to tb precaution taken by th Chinee to avoid detection end arreet. "Where there's a, will there's a way.' h says, land I am goto t breafe np gambltna in Chinatown as wall aa fn other part of the eity7 , V.f CHARLOTTE DEANE AND CHAS. 1NSLEE TO WED Ml Charlotte Denna, formerly leading woman with Melbourne MacDowell at th Baker, and Charts B. Insle. lead ing man of the Sam rgaalaaUon, bavu uneunced their engagecnent. Tn wea- dlnn will taa tilao aom time next winter. Th rumor of their prospective union baa become ao pa re la tent durtna Sti past few day that tb couple finally ecldad to nnouno It. Mr. In! ta aid Id have ootae Into a fortune ro oenUv br tb death of a wealthy rela tive. Hs will retire from th MacDowell company after ta matinee today, and meanwhile 1 arranpind) for other n agmnt. v -. . . I a i s i ). j C 'A SpecW hcarsloi.' ; ; pctober t, 4 end I ar th special St euralon dates for th next worlds fflr ticket via the Northern Pacific, Thre big trantoontintntil train dally. These tickets ar good on 'Worth Coaat Lim ited" as well aa on either f th othtr trslns. Ttaketa wlU bd good for tt dr4 from date of aala and food for stop-over ta both direct Lena pull particular cab be bad at tha ttokst ofne. tlf Morri oa SU bornar Third. j -t , tnasr. : Mr. Wtok--There an be n jajsttc bapptaee Males thr ar matnai aeai oassiona. Hit BtronyKsnense! ; Ms had att Buabnd get along all right, and nsaka) him make all the eonceaslon. I 1 1 aU lm. Will Amu tt. Binhlli WlU Hit NXXDS A CUAUDIAN Ae koslaasa taa vae l tee toay Js Jssk altar ku hsettb sat gsisosal mmmrt aaeds a suaraiaa. To aoiiaa dksdnrf ead fatttal bett 0 t txoloaaa LTW wtea h- US hia I? a a btil k 4' ta boms B bid n&WDao's mi MY POWERQ HAS i v A ' FOUR Or SMILE ffhmaa . Bower la his BavmA Hk keed t b Jtn-r Pwt. but aa sa not drawinsr lib wr the, f Bjswnnad off I a rs'a'tf Baiwff r a ta a few refleotieaa b r. Powers j earned a pari la auatt oatadr tw year ar as saa at anrs sa ths Ueatr probabia; st f . a ta sat, oa k' fttoMwhat taaarat a Ae-up, His ok Is dona at U oaaab--fr hour lata. During that time, as af had a prominent part, a bilTMr 3i ta stag piwhaaty ros a J"" anr. m appears at sip atgbt prfermnos ant) one matinat a wnb that Is r taa3p a Hit aTra 0equatlr he td adtn)liy Mrtoaalp a humreui at work evo hours a wa. Of mr b baa to Btand around anotbar tl hour, but that Isn't satual working tinM. pe recite rtata aat words isarasd Mr years or so ago and i op so tod almt nigbUy vr sin; ho omrtaia etape acquired ta bla early yonth, and adtas oartain aratatloaa and peUre eaaetly tb sam aa tho be xeoutod whga ta ftleo waa first pat la t biareaL - v Canaasasatly Stn, AIL DAY SERVICES - AT WHITE TECPLE Thent wtfl M ntlnnS atetrew hi tha Whlu tompia btta ntiuf lth a prayw memg ai IS a'aloeaj ta tkd morning. Thla will Ut half an hew at th nalusioa of wbiu thar will a a awnasni regutratlen at th mam Sera of tb shurch. Cards VW b distributod and BM-Bir U1 be ak4 to writ tb Itaa af work which ka r b prefer t da durtna tho emlng rear. Bverytblnp pibi It to p dn to Intarest aU Baemher and . :i - .- : it rl-- . V . aVdV VbsTT . , . BEN HOLLADAY AUTO CO. W ' PhonaRadadS3i J,,,,,......,, MM. MM, OPEN SEASON ON CHINAS! I 'AND OF COURSE YOU l i i "A UUUJJ A POINTBUI Vtm jrm do wall to pttfrthnisw Z tnortinwn, wtaera yoa cbb bo Bwythlnf to ths huntJrtf Una) 2 " pt RIGHT PRICES. Wa art) having a Uf run on Pointar Bpeclal IMa-aihMM cuiauia, tna Toot fi4l Oopdar, ClotliJn and Show 1 v' A 6ig few oq wtifca AUTOMOBZLK ArtD 8IC7CLK MFAIMHa , tlltE 01 rf - I k" ' - JXU DIXSUW tV tx::Jiind AutomoWlww lor S Ctoaf fj, t trop ia wM Tlx S. II. C?j"'!.'.r.D CO. t; I'A EVXNINQfl . Ml OUAND AVENUK 2 Mttt HMUMIMt'MMMtMMMtsMMMMMMt a ak - a aa nw irpwss. aw a aaalect. BMm oae at baaaa -4 Vit afr aim. At BMI aa B. wfclck Is a eaataekma mimmm i, --a UaryMde id so aue. ff wt cr aa tt n or ,a jor t taa -HI 1 u t f. sitcntpa heupicide V ttt.N a aaatv ar .4l a tobna atai worklneT tlma II be ware paid ta annate hi nhwy woum vr tie n Cr iun -T e Kuam Otna tha tra, would auk am as blab a Frank BakefB altii hat r th Portland hotel, would Ittrniph Isxgeart sr pmirbblr to upward pflt.tol nawnbor. and r. daeed ta mU WUllam kaoleat mar is tb aivlnt of 1M brn, Oettlng tafs t th tin pncs af tba oaloul all, Mr. Power aa basdlr be Induced t tm out hi aaatnd mU ,for leed taaa half a dollar, wbioh l oar-. rly high ir wrinkling ot faea rmlnd$ to f sA Jdottld'a famous ltaileT amnoerdt 4Brfl taantd under ten ana tn." MM wekJr lary tt tHfls 14 than a hundred ilar short fl the annual arninaa af a Portland anrpnta with a wife and tw children, wh telia la to Baorrow;s Jnnal how h Uns wlthla ThS'aar-l ta) aH that at skat t yaj want a Bntfea y fortuna ray must ba barm a funny aa Ja T. Paww. or yoa meat kav a dt with, aa laaajtataa' thefr pamniea ta a wtady af In Bfbl,. Club are betas ranisd nmng th youBdf saeu and tb young woeaea. To morrow aftmoa tb neembera w4l at tend a mmnloa and ooveaant npmos and at t: o-olooh the young ladies will err A lauvh to tb siiuna hail of -ta ohrh. At. tha vain smrios Bev. J. W. BTOugber. D. IK wlU preac upon tb anbjMt, "Heav and pmU,m which Witt b iUustrat. alk. leas frar IsA - ' P7at Monday trsntnt Frni Itatof. and fifty yoong tadiss wUl are a rand) on ducted aandnat party ta Arte ball. Ad mhnuon, ladle Ho, a wn ') nled by ladles, tr. . ' 'i 1: x . ': . -aMAItJaar .MM.,,. .MM.,,.,,, .MM A " -,A , V"- WEED AMMUNITION, K UUIN, tilW th XaM Slda Headqaartars for panw toan tor taroa put op m yoa cm im snooty v VU - JWUIUratA . sat tttqasiiitad. " . . T I. r-d- L. est, Ban Vara, .... r .- , f 4 1 ' : K 1