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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
TKl OJtEOOH DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. 8EPTHMBER t9, 1904. IN.THE,SP0nn;:G;V0.1LD SCHMIDT PUZZLES TH BROWNS r FOOTBALL GOSSIP AT M. A. A. C -RACING. BOXING, BASEBALL. . aUamaf my m ri'o tf V y i' i. ? V.; r : .j. ft:'. - k v -. 7i sciwi iexcb. : lulLAU Uuuio AK3ijnt vAaiioM nu bt WATB9: mu piats av noit ' OaklkM L Portland L Schmidt and Byrnes; ThUlmaa Stanley. ' ' ' The nanulMl BrowM Ml Metlnes t th pivwM of th Oakland ftwil nine yesterday aiterneea, end loot tbr the score f l tot. Thla nwkw the 6lnth straight that Portland hag oat, aad Judging fmlrijr at the looal Ulneun, . there la little hop of tha tarowns winning many mora games thla isaason. Baseball la not la tha players. The baesrunning- la beA, tha Balding er Idioms and tha batting my below par. U.t pmaeat there la only one eoaslstent 'hitter aa tha earn, and his name la Back, mltaough Drennea la iouaninc them up tfather lively thaa day. Yesterday Brown vara helplese tbefore tha eurvee aad apaad of Schmidt, land would hava bee whitewashed had laot Holland been given baaa on bells. laoortDg whan Roekeadejd'e double went (past Kruger. After Rowland eoored, Wchmldt became extremely eatectlve and letrock out Hunk! a. Book and Stanley it a succession. There ana never an ln-Win- whan tha Oakland twlrtar waa sot in. aupramo command of tha situation, land eVr retiring; tha etdedn order, tha tg-reat pitcher would smile all the dle tanoa to tha players.' benoa. While 'Schmidt waa pitching peerless ball, bla rtaaavanataa wra buaj haaplna up run Tha rlaltorV Brat taillaa cam tn tha ttblrd In nine, and thraa of tba four runa fwara aamad. Oanlar apanad up with ta hit. and Buck Vraneka protnpUy ad- vanoad him on k prattr aaerUboa. Dun- vy oonnaetad for a baautUol trlpla nd Oanlar eroaaad tha ruabar. Sonlaf- Uajr, noi wmhlnar aa ba avtdona, plantad auothar thraa-banar tn tho aoutkwaat ra plekat, aad Dnwlaavy aama homa ko auppar. Krucar want out at Brat )aad tha 'iftouauttn aaoond baaaman Mat In, Stralb aaot a hot arlva to rigrut Bald and MoCraadU. Uraw It aatckly to Boiland, but tba latiar ailod to hold It and Strait waa aafa, A aaoond lator "Brick" avaraau amaahad aut a Ions douMa and Stralb ooerad. In tba fifth Innlnc.' Schlaflar'a alngla aad WtralbW doublo aoorad tha fifth and laat (run of tha puM. Thialman had aat Mlad down by thU tlma, and for tha ra tanalndar of tha gama tha oontaat waa la. pltehafo battla with tha konora wlla-hUr la favar of Schmidt Tha aoora a)oUowai- ;- - - PORTI-ANtX - - " ikKKPaiR T ran nan, a, 4 l 1 f SicCiwlla. t f, f f fa J J CanbauA f. 4 t f f TlolUni lb. I I 1 If 1 1 Aockwnald; fa. f I j I funkia. a-a. ... ack. lb. tanlar. aiuaunan, p. a a . mm m A mm m. M i)WS-.a.a - A , L . OAKLAND. ' '." AB. . H. TO. A. m Total I 1 17 U BUMS AD BITS Bt INNINGS, ? IUHHART. naraad runa Oakland 4. Stolan SUM on baaaa Oanler I. rrancka. talla ofl Schmidt, l Btruok out Br Rohm Id t, 7; by Thialman, i. Baerlflce ilti Hecraaaia. rrancaa. iwe-oun ilta Roohennald, XMvaraaux. Thraa- hlti Dunlaavr. Boblanar. Btraio, )oubla olara Davareaux to Bchlaflay to Stralb: Vrancka to Slraib: Benmldt to Francka. to Strain Larf E.b?Itr Bark. Buakla. Thialman. Thaa of cama On a hour and 16 mlavtaa. Um- Tew T. liaW Oakland fan Fraatba..., Nrtbina ........ '; - Bafaat a Sak rranolaoo, Sapt. !. Btg Warran Hall prom 1 aad Jtm Morlay to ba pood, and tha formar eow-puaohor waa allowad to rat urn to tha fold, and tha Saala wal eomad bla appaaraaca by holdlna; a pwatfaaL Whale waa a myatary to tha Ancala and allowad thaaa aaiy fW klta. Battarlaa Hall and pla:"r7halan nd Wllapn. Umplra McDonald. tj ' AnTWOaJT aSBAAVaV Baaton . , tlaw York. I Claraland . t IS fHlcaa:o . . 'Si t f! bimi . . .............17 aft .us . .67 .B .431 .411 ii.i1.4.ltl ... ' 1! St. Iqula . Xxttroit . . ..h WWtna . . . . ...... .14 ' 14i J44 : At qaraUnd ,- ' t . -- ' ' It It B. o,-.::::t:::"t::::::. !J 5 Btri Haaa and Bualow; ptnaan and vna-af. ivtrolt . . ttrlaatnnovan an4 JPr1,",f tit CUrkaon, MoQulra and MoMaana. . . 4 - ita M.tUM. ... 4 10 t Wahlnaioo . .... J n.ttrtn AltrMk. Ttocn ana ttu Vanj Jaoabaaa and l Kittfoasa - At St. rnrat una- i- v 't?- St. boula . , f 1 Philalirhla , . ......... ......1 t 4 Batiartaa HowaU and Sucdan; Conk at and Noonan. , . acond aama . , . s St. 1'H . I 4 f Philadelphia ....... - , Battarlaa Faltf and Sufdao; Fair; buu and Sebrtoav - 9&K-z: it: I I III ((chlailar. Sb. .w f 1 I f 4 f fwui. ib, i i I . iHf'f! , , . .1 II kmm .... so4S4 fl M.jh n i 1 1 -, i ' 9 v! . 1.1 5!" rj-t'-i.' ' ' .' ;a.nJ . . ? CAPTAIN W. K STRANOUUnX COLUMBIA'S STAR HALFBACK, WHO IS TAKING A PROMINENT PART WITH ' COACH MORLET IN THBS WORK OF ROUNDINO THH TRAM INTO SHAPB FOR ITS ' : COMINO STRUOOIJI WITH MICHIOAN UNITKRSITT. RUSS HALL'S TEAM DEFEATS THE TIGERS .(': .. - i v , ;,- 1 1 . ,. 4 ' ( Joaraal PpKUl paratea.) Taeotna. Waalu, Sapt It. Tha ra orajanlaad Slwaah trlb nndar tha laadV arahtp of Rusty Hall, apanad tha waalfa aaaaca with tha faraoloua Titara yaa tardap aftamoon, and Plabar'a bonsala provad tama tnoaed. Thap ooald not hit Sklalda' bandara to apaak of, whtlo ntasarald waa aa aasr that It aaamad Ilka a ahama for tha SaatUa playara to kaop on pounding tho balL Tha acony andad with tha aoora t to t. Baattlt want aftar nts rtpht from tha drop of tha - hat A bunob of wall plaoad klU In tha drat nattad thraa runa. In tba fourth Hall plaoad ana ovar laft-flald fanca for two backs, and a doubla to rbjht bp Shtaldri aoorad- Ruaty. Tha aavanth waa pood for four taillaa for tho Blwaahaa. Smith tlnplad and aoorad on Fiiak'a trlpla to daap oantar. Dalahantr mada It top tha fanca for two baca and Prlak toanpad la. Laahy pot a proananada and Murphy aacrinoad. Haifa alnpla than broupht m two. In tha ninth, Wllltama doubled with a flna hit to loft and oama homo on Van ktal trana atnpla. Tacoma mada ltd first acora In tha ahxth. two comlnc ta on Mohlar"a fura bla of Kasn'a bit, a tbraa-baaaTor bp Lynok and Casap'a alnpla. Tha othar waa aoorad In tha ninth on a ooupla at alnplas and aM arrof bp Dalahantr- Shtalda dropped aut of tha arama In tho aavanth. bavins sustains a sllpht strain at his wapa-aarnlns arm.Scora: Tacoma i. , 4 M Sasttla 1 4 : I -t 1 BattaHas Fltastarald and Graham: Rhlitlds, Williams and Laahp. Umplra Brown. :j , WEIGHT DIFFERENCE S PREVENTS CONTEST Usaraal Ipselal aarrtaa -TMana. Mont., Sap. It. Foraaar Llhtwalnt Champion Jack Clifford, who waa achadulad to so aaralnat Frad srlcka at Orat Falla mat nlpht, ahowad tha whlta faatkar baoaus of an allapad toohfllcalltr In tha walahts and waa roundly hiaoad. Aithoaah thara waa a dlnVranea of only a few pounds batwean thalr raapaatWa walphts. and no ob)ao 11 oo waa mada at walphlns in tlma, Clifford rafuaad to antaf tha ring; ava apnrnlnv Fradaticka aaTar of a ttM prlaa if ha would do as. Thus tha ftpht Inc Bam kaa raaalvad Us qUMtna la tha northern motropolla Mrs. Hattla Qrmn says that woman ara aaldom auceaaaf ul in aammaralal on dartaklnsa bacauaa thay do not appre ciate tha Import anas awn bualnaan, tolndina tbear i TO MANAGE PACIFIC ; 'FOOTBALL ELEVEN . .- i ' - aaraal apeolal ftrlsa. Factfle University. Forest OroTa, Or..: Sept. ft. Horace B. Thomas has been been ehosan football manager for tba oomlop asason. Mr. Thomas mansped tha team last year suooasafully. Ho la . ' H0RACB THOMAS. . 1 Manacar of the Pectno Unlvarslty Foob ball Team. editor-in-chief of tho school paper, the Index, and la an eat hue last la supporter of all student enterprise. Ha Is a member of the eentor elaea. . . PORTLAND SPORTS . TO WITNESS BOUT (Jeereal gparisl Snvfat.)1 Seattle. Wash.. Sept la. Portland sports will bo well represented at th ringside Friday night to witness the N aery-Long go. Jack Grant wrote yee terday that he will arrive Friday morn ing and ha will have crowd of Port land a ports with him. Twenty rssarva- ttaoo hav been mads for him. Order for orate are being received by letter and wire from Van poorer, Victoria. Ta- coraa. Sssi Francisco and many of tho smaller town throughout th ooa eta tea. Kvery Indloatlon la that th ca pacity ox, the opera, bouse wUl be taxed t Its utmost Bverrthlna Indicates that tha go will ba the fa a laat ever aeon here. Neary la down to weight and Long; Is In par- fact condition Peaeeck flout m the beat fancy patent MM , 4 FC3T3ALL FHAC1ICE ; ' RESCES TOSIGBT AJBR AWXaTFBBtrV tPJ attTtTWO, laaUB BTRBT AM 0T.T.sT FOR A FsUOVKOBl FMTS HUt rbtT mrMOAIaVOaalitWrtau CHOtTRR- dfHW FLATS OH Aftar raat of two ntphta the Multno mah 'varsity, will meat thla avaninp for practice, aad It la tha axpreee wish of tba manacar, captain and aoachea that every man on tba aquad ba preaent, aa tho men for tba California trip will ba probably selected, It Is tha deal re of Captain Dowllnp ta put a star team In tha Held this season, and aa tha material la at band ha Is rotas' to accomplish his purpose tf poaslbl' Multnomah has a splendid opportunity this season to carry on! toe championship of tha Pa cific coast, and It all remains with tha playara thsmseivee whether or not they wish ta do It Stanford aad Berkeley oaa ba defeated, and aa ana tha rest' of tha scheduled elevens. Multnomah's arosDecta ware never biiphtar. Tha Una will ba tha heaviest and ehauld ba the fastest, wast of Chlcapo, while the beeknald will show true speed In ac tion. Tha tackle playa aad puard jusbea, halfback bucks and and sprints will keep old Multnomah well to tha aoorlnp; lino this year. Tha Tale aoachea tried several now playa yesterday apalnst Wealeyan. tha principal one, whteb worked suooasafully, la d ascribed by a Tale correspondent 'The play Is called tha "tackle shift" and constats In tba two tackles runnlnp from their plaeaa behind tha line, tha halfback skipping Into tha tackles' place Just before the ball Is snapped Into play, and an attack following- with the tacklea oarrylnp tho ball In either straight football or a tackles' back form. Tka attack la varied at will and makes the moat complicated etyle of football aver aeen here. One form of playing It la to sand both the tackle and and back of tha line to run with tha ball and then tha halfbacks Into their plaoea. In brief. It as taklnp two man from, tha rush Una and nil ins; their plaoea witb tba bairbacka, while tka two man called behind tha Una are run with the balL" Tha Wealeyan eleven could do nothing with tba formation.' '-'' EUGENE SQUAD HOLDS V FIRST HARD TUSSLE (Joarkal gpeelal arrtee.) TJnrvsTelty of Oregon, BugenS, Sept St. On Klncald flald this afternoon tha football aquad of tha state university held their first scrimmage practice. Coach Smith his been putting the man tbrouxh a stiff practice In formation playa the past weak and tha man were anxious to get to bucking each oxnor, aa their la much oom petition for poal tlona. Tha practice developed thla af ternoon abowa that tba 'varsity this ysar will ba axoeedlngly taat and tha play -thtft-Smith M outttng Into tha team will ba something now on tbo coast, as he le ? living the mee soma of tha eastern ormatlona, and they look Ilka winners. As a eoack Smith ta tho best that 'has aver oom to the university and tho spirit that ha Instills Into the large aquad Is something wonderful. Tha man ara working Ilka demons and will bo In flna shape for tha flrst game, which oc curs October I with the alumni. -Smith has bean working tba man at different positions, and It may be that aome T the ' om veterans will be shifted from thalr positions before tha season and Manager Dava Graham naa an ou fr9m mmong the players Portland Aa date. November . In him Jhedule Jaireieaaed and challenge Dug to play a hunatta university. Tba Oregon team, which la tha only eollego organisation to tha make tha trip and play wltb tho big California eollego teams, will leave for the eouthern state O Lobar 11. While the gamea with Stanford and California asa not looked upon aa tha property of tha Oregon man, yat thara Is a deter mination to make tha California men work for every point that thay may win. At the regular weakly assembly which waa held In Vllllard hall this mernlng. tba hour waa devoted ta talks by tha atudanta who are at tha head of tho da part men ta of tha different etudsnt en terprises. Dick Smith spoke In behalf of athletic and told many stories how football waa played at tha Institution la tha Old days. Ha talked concerning the p recent situation, and amid that hs waa pleased with thp outlook for the INDIANS TO MEET , WILLAMETTE TEAM fJoerael SpafUl Barrier.) Chemawa, Or., Sept tt. Football will open at tho Indian school Saturday, whan the team from Willamette univer sity will una up with the Indiana. The gama has not beaa definitely arranged aa yat but It Is practically assured that It will be played. Dr. John Nyweumg, the school phyet dan, baa taken oharge of the football squad and has also taken up the work of computing a schedule of gamea for tba season. Games will be played with Albany eollego October It, and with the Multnomah second team November A This latter date baa not been definitely decided upon. The Astoria team baa written for two games and their offer will probably ba accepted provided one gam oaa be played In Selem, aa there Is no enclosed field at Chemawa at prea ent where the game ooetd be played. Besides tbesa games others will proba bly be played. Oregon Agricultural eol lego will probsbly pit their second team against tba Indian boys. The new material at tho school Is showing up pretty well In practice, but what tha team needs more than anything also m good coaching. Tha man are strong, husky and quick, but there m not enough team work as yet. Dr. Ny wenlng la paying especial oar ta the physical eondltlon of tha mrn and will aee that the boy follow light training rules. It waa hoped that a game eould be ar ranged with Mt Angel oollege thla sea-J son. A letter was received yesterday stating that the eolUge would not have a team this year, aa the nrw building were. too far from tha football ground a, while tho new flald was not In shape for this season. Mt. Angel and Chemawa ara old rivals both tn football and baae balL and K n regrettad at th school abac th gam eould net be arranged. A rowstRg smoker waa held at tba Multnomah Amateur Athletie club last night, at which aome ot or more of the deb members -were aaaembled and an excellent program waa thoroughly ea joxed az.aU, Ad Indaoamanl la tiiik members; to ssnara naw names, arises have been offered for the moat aamee Introduced by each member., On the program were two boxing bouts between aersanous and Douglas and Knlfan and Dransa, whloh were walF received bp tba audlaoca. ' WHAT THE RACING ' HORSES ARE DOING r' ? (Jeereal Ipeetat nayahmV' Cmclnnatt Sept . Orand CtrouU re suite at Oakley park: 1:11 olaaa, paea. puree thraa In five -Belle Mao won three straight heats la l:Klfc.,XMa S 1. - -. 1:4 class, paoa, puree ILB00, three In five Xing Direct won three strakcht haata In 7:07, :M, IM. I It class, trot, pure H.Mwlnvader won tha third, fourth and sixth heats in 1:1. 1:11, S:im. Aerolite won tha second and fifth haau ta :, 1 U. ' ' At Wewtn, Chleavo. aWpt. P Worth reeulta: Five furlongs Lady WUmot won. Time. !:. Six furlongp -Lady Free Knight won. Tlma. 1:1 t-e. MUe and one atxtaenth Giarlona waa Tlme. 1:16 4-i. ' Six f uriongar-FUenwood won. Tlma, t:n six furlongs BtDoertty Bella won. Tlma, sin furlongs htuarsoa , won. ; Tints, 1:11 M. .. . . , , . ; At I XMlev' Sept st SV-abMr nark ru suits: Flva and one-half furlongs, puree Ba vartan won. Time, 1:17. One nrile-Cot Ballantyna won. Ttme, 11. Flva and one-half furtonga, pur as Tka Bye won. Time, 1:1H Slx furlongs, puree Lady Strath more woo. Time. l:ttVi. One and three-sixteenths miles, sailing Bourse Cockran on. Tim. I:U 4-4- One nUlo Trlpla Silver won. Time, 1:M- At Naw BUltSt York, Sapt Oravasand ra- About six furtonga Lady Amelia won. Tlma, 11 L Steeplechaaa, about two miles Vest ment won; time, 4:01. Walter Cleary lahed first but waa disqualified for foul ing. Tha Holly handicap, about atx furlong Otseau won. ' Time, 1:10 Mile aad ana-half Short Rooa won. Tlma, l:Rv About six ruriongb, aolllreT hfonaodor won. - Tlma, 1:11. Mils and one-elxteentk, galling Say mow won. Time. l:et. At Berth North Yakima, Wash., Sept. B). Sum mary ef yeeterday'a raoco at tha Wash ington state fair: Pace, mile heats, bast two In three Bessie R. first; Loveleas and Quaea Di rector tied. Time, 1:11. I B pacar-Taddy, flrat Tlma, F.ttH.' Six and one-half furlongs, running Bally Goodwin flrat. Tlma, l:tV. One-half mils, running Ball Read flrat Timet :-' t- ' . - DIAMOND GL1STENINGS Barley eennot play any longer with Portland. His playing hers at all was a violation; of tba rules of the National association. At the tlma Hurley came Itere The Journal stated that he could sot play, unless ths deal were fixed up. and as Manager Dugdals didn't pay the Little Rock club for Hurley, President Bert as I tad a halt yesterday. It la impossibls for Manager Dugdalo to reserve any of those men ba la get ting from the Pacific National at prea ent. Such being tha eace, where will Portland get a team for next year? Bill Hurley waa conspicuous by his absenoe yesterday. Misfortunes never ootne singly. t - Some ana aught to organ las a team game. Tha following men released by Port land would make a showing In almoat any league: Shea and Bt eel man, catchers; Shields and Xberg. pitchers; Freeman, flrat base; Castro, second base; Raymond, ahortstopt Francis, third baas: Nadeatt, Murphy and Camp ball, outfielders. , Ik Rockenfleld has been doing ex cellent work for the new Browns. His two errors yesterday aama In tha aao ond, but ware not costly. Rooky waa there with he stick, securing a nice (VFO9esVka9 fc Slats Davis say that Rankle Is on of the beat shortstops la th business, and the tall Mood from Butte certainly up held that assertion yesterday, for ha put up a swell fielding gama. McCreedle was a star In right Seld yesterday and made the fan rejoloe by the way he fielded. The judge baa been out of tha game so long that his batting eye was not tn working order. Smiling Hank Schmidt ba lost only on out of the eight gamea be has pitched, and that waa a 10-lnalng t to 0 gam agalnsti Doo Newton, He Is In grand form now and th Oak will ba up In tha race, barring soma more acci dents. . Jimmy Buchanan, the ereck pitcher of the Lohmanltee, Is not with Pete on this trip, as bis wife waa quits 111 when th Oakland team left for tba north and Manager T allowed him to remain at noma. The Oakland will depend' pn kfoskl man, Schmidt lone and Oraham as a twirling staff during their two weeks la the north. BXAJTTS ARD RAOmTsTOF, (Jexrasl tsrcUl lertrat. : New York, Sept It. -Orator' O'Rourke, the Truthful Jeans' of tha last century, waa behind the bat for the Iron Man the- othar day. O'Rourke hi now owner of the Bridgeport dub of the Connecticut lesgue and a atock holdar In tha New York club, but Man ager McOraw thought It would please tho old-time fan to tee the veteran back hi tha ranks of the Olants. If 'only for an afternoon, so, as Joe Keller, in oonsaquenoa of recent discipline, waa too lame to kick, Jim donned th big mitt It must bavt seemed strung for him to eatch for the New York Na tionals again, for he Is more than to years old and has a eon pmylng on his own team, but Johnny Mod raw thought he'd be a mascot, and tha lOrator" wax as -willing to oblige" as ever. HI muff of McOann'e heave to tha piste let In Disturbances of strikers are not near ly aa grave aa an Individual disorder of tho system. ' Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will bo followed by utter eollapee, unless a reliable remedy la Immediately employed. There's nothing to efficient to cure disorders of the Uver er kidneys as Electric Bit ter. It's S wonderful ton to, aad effec tive nervine and tha greatest all around medlalne fer run dowa oyetems. It dis pels nervousatsaea. rheumatism and neuralgia and expels malaria germ Only too and eat la faction guaranteed by Red Croea Pharmacy, corner Blxth aad Oak, on tha wax to tha poatoffloa. BONA FIDE v;.;-;:, FOR - BargalnFriday tusjcaaKexaamxansj aBMiaBcnjiLjja.iirj J Just a cleanup of odd lots that , wc don't want at any old price. ' .A CLOTHING . -. .. : Cr ll ft ODD SUITS, worth $1000 and, iioo..,-, ... r. ,: . -7 Cl For ODD COATS mnd VESTS, sJX-0 J worth $10.00. . ; $2 $0 'or 0DD C0ATS worth 7-5a For ODD PANTS, worth $3.5a $1 00 For 0DD VESTS $2a FURNISHINGS 50c For odds and ends In the Manhattan Dress Shirts, worth $1.00. - - 39c For odds and ends in Work Shirts, worth 76c For odds and ends in White Shirts, worth 451-00. :. . 25c For odds and ends in Presi dent suspenders. 50c For odds and . ends in $1.85 Umbrellas. I Cincinnati's first count, bo that waa his only error, and hs lad th batting hoe In the fourth that clinched the vic tory for the metropolitans. Spectators who remembered him applauded heartily when ho lifted ths locust In ths second Inning, and they retained thalr good hu mor oven when he fouled to Polan. ratios a& UAwvm. Won, .104 . t Xost P C New York -. 40 ,,..723 Chicago . . ...... Pittsburg . . .... Cincinnati t ... Bt. Louie . . ..t. Brooklyn . ..... Doaton , , ...... Philadelphia , . . SB tt 1 .IIS .69 .117 71 .42 tO .S8S to t7 J1S At Brooklyn. R. H. K. ..,.-7 IS 0 at. TOult . ...V Bttertesic6toiaysid I IX t Grady i Cro nln and Bergen. fThleaso . . .7 1 fjw Tort ju.v",7u BatterlefrBnggs an nnna: wina and Warner. Umpires Carpenter and O Day. ( . AS rhileierahla : - ' R. H B Cincinnati j T Philadelphia . . I'-v,-;'-! il Batteries Hahn and Schist; Suthoff and Doela. Umpires Moran and Jta . .A ' , . . At Blttom ' ' Flret gams r. R. H. R Roston . . ..j. . . 1 t F1BruVrfsPlUlBgeV'a'koran: Case and Phelps. Second gam , R K K Boston .....J f 1 Pittsburg . i ; t s Batteries xfcNVhols and Needham; Robertallle and Archer. Umpire John atone. VOOTRAXA At, ' (Jeerssl Beectal service.) ' Albany, Or., Sep. St. Th Albany college student body has reorganised Its faro of editors for the publication of th Student, the paper Issued by the student body during the school year, and the new staff, as ehosan yesterday at' temoon, to as follows: Manager. L R Acheeon ; editor-ln-eblef. Ml as Lena Millar; assistant editor. Kiss Nellie Mil ler; athletic. Roy Morgan; V. U. C. A. Wtlllsm Mcleod; Y. W. 0L A., Miss Georgia Iewson; exchange. John Bry ant; Alumni. Wlllard U Marx, valsdlo torlan of the eiaa of ltt4. The students are praotlclng earnestly for the football asason, and R Is ex pected that tha best team In tha history of the school wl)l be put In the Sold thla ysar. The Bret game la expected to be played with the State university at Xe gsne Ootooar is. flearaal gsertat Btrvlee.) Pandlaton, Or., Sept. It Toon Kid McCoy of Wilmington, tha feather weight who waa knocked oat la the sixth round In this ally three weeks ago by Jack Mitchell, la matched for a 10 roond go with Andy Kin Walla Walla neat Friday night The flght will fake place before th Pendleton Athletic elob. Colombia, It Prankln and Marshall. ponnsytvanl. : Swartlmior. 4 " Cornell. IS; Colgate, A Princeton. It; IHrhlnson, A Tale. 3 I FOR PSaiMesT. BARGAINS ...... JOC For odds and ends in t5c Sox. :- ; Wc ' ; : r For- odds and ends in 25c Handkerchiefs, .-' $130 For odds and enrs in $3.50 Sweaters. r . :. , . For odds and ends in $1.00 Underwear. .. ',.;.- -..'.'. , 25c For odds and ends in 60c Tie. ' ' , - ST. ANDREW MEN IN ANNUAL CONVENTION - " "" (AJBraal gseefU tarvma) Philadelphia. Pa Sept, ax T nln-. teenth annual oonvonUon of the Brother" hood of St. Andrew evaned m thla elty to day. At Holy Trinity chorch Bisbop Tat tle, presiding bishop of th United State, delivered th ahsrg to th eonveaUoa this morning. Th bum neat aaeaton opened this afternoon ta Horticultural halL Tha principal speakers were Jamas A Catt. president of the Brotherhood In Canada and J. H. Small of Chicago. -Bishop Whltaker will preside at tha mass meeting to ba held In tha Academy of Music this evening, and Jamee-L. Houghtallng. of Chloag. founder f the brotherhood, will be one of the speakers. Much Interest la manifested to ths pro ceedings tomorrow, when on of tba speaker will be the Archbishop ef Can terbury. . , i -i i mm, . BnuTXA rmxmmm oar tbiaa. Ueareal Sseatal sarrW.1 Bavaanah, Oa., Sept. S. Pursuant to the re a ant order of Governor Terrell a trial by court martial was begun here to day of all the state mllltm. of floors save on who wore In eommand of the troops at Btateaborough at the Uma tha mob dis armed the milltto and burned the nagroea Raid and Cato. Owing to the leaves Involved tho I trial promisee to attract more at tent loa thaa -any aroeaedlnga of th kind that has taken place In this section la many years. Th presiding officer Is Cot. CUaTord I. Anderson of Atlanta. SOLX AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED ; DUNLAP HAT Tn'iQnaBtaiidStlB But $3.30 Hat ea tarta ALL STRAW HATS 'A r.