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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, THURSDAY ' EVENING, SEPTEMBER ft, 1904 FREE ! FRE THIS WEEK ONLy FJ FPFJR ''-:".' V,- , ' - . For the Ladles Rain Coats, Tourist Coats, Jacket Coats, Box Coats go Free with 7f . . . , " an Order for a Gentleman's Suit At Fall Opening Sale Done for Gentlemen's Suits to Order $25 to $50 Eleguit all-wool, heavy, lata style,' right weight Suits, $25.00. The ladies' rain coats alone are worth the price. Finished sample garments will be shown you. They are beauties. Understand we make to your order an up-to-date Bain or Tourist Coat FREE with each order for a Gent's Suit., These garments will be silk lined, and good auk, too..;Yov will think so when you see them, ..: , :t: . 1 ' tj., v,: . l.v-.- .. t wX'.Wv; We have by Car die largest and most magnificent stock of stylish Woolens ever shown in this city. Just rolls of cloth. Come around and look at our display dowa. You will see lots of splendid suits marked $25.00. All our clothes marked in plain figures. It shall not cost you one cent if you are not satisfied, mat's mark it's a good one, for we have from $5.00 and a box of samples' start built this business up until it's the largest In the city. you never saw anyone attempting ' to follow the pace we set in these Special Sales. This sale will last this week ONLY and not an hour longer. j r. v. , . v v v ,y v : SUITS $7.00 Late Style Coats. Silk Lined 8ulta. will be made to measure when purchased in connection with an order for a Gentleman's Suit ANY PRICE. Our tailor materials are used. You all know we won't on regular sale, touch a late style jacket or coat suit for less than $35.00 -you will get one now for $ 7.00, if you have the man buy a suit ' We have the only thoroughly equipped and furnished establishment for the manufacture of Ladies Garments in this city. Skeptics will say: "They can't . OO K. out It wcu Known mi wv iuwsjr uu jupi culuj mm wi mjt. k wmu uui vvai jrwu um vcm u juu iv wi hvmiku. v fl k We can fit any lady on earth; don't forget that Straight ladies our specialty. We like merh, for they so often appear to think they can't get anything to fit them. Of course, if a sise is much overtime, a small extra' charge would have to be made to cover coat This sale is made for an advertisement nd right now when you want clothing. Two or three hundred suits going out right quick now will talk a world of talk for us this fall. , . -,, . . TODAY, TOMORROW and until 10 p. m. SATURDAY EVENING, this week no longer. Ladies, as many of you as can, come in the forenoon Mm Merchant aUorsh . r f ' . ! ' Iff Advertising Purposes V I - sv'-'v- : '';.."-.- f 1 a? - si win- ' our' -l , -. - v.v a. m: . , m - - - .1 - BSSSSBSBBBBBBBBlBBBHBSBBBBBBWn . Manufacturers of Ladles' Sufis, Coats and Skirts, Ready-to-wear and to Special Order? NEWS OF THE MINES : ssssssssasssssssastsssssssss' TEICERFC3T HILL IS BEING ERECTED ( C0"PRESSC2 FOR A SNAKE XOPPER MINE QVAmn sou roa vuuvA oovsnr to mm soujbt nree eoure v fob ansorarrn kTiosrsw : j .. -vr , Aet! work to ta progrw at tb Tn4rfeot mlainv property. Wallow eounUr. In thm ontrueUon of m 10 ump mUL A mwbUU baa baB araetad. & aUd road has baea oonplatad a quartar t a ailt Into tba timber and maoblnaiT for tha plant im btinc oaiirarM at imm mtna as raptdlv mm Uuu oao haul tt In. Supartntandant EM car RawaoB Tiippa aa daralopmaBt In proaraaa. whUa qatpnent im bains praaacntad. and thta wtatar tba manacaiant pacta to eom Manea tha raducUon of oraa M tha tar' aat acaid rat nttaaiptcd im WaUowa vountr. - Tha TandarfnoC Gold Mlnlne eompanr haa baca opanlns Uto ffroup It own for nor than a raar. Tunnala hava baan drlvan n tha main vain at depth clr lna" tare reaarvaa. Burvaya ra being made (or patent of Uto moat Important claims in tha croup. An adit opens above tha mill level, permitting of eoo rxilcai dellTory of ra to tho reduction plant. A commodious hoteL to be aad mm m franrdlna; honsa for tho oompanr, ha been completed, tn addition- to a resl- Hnne built of brick, a oottaaa and other bulldlna. It will only be a short time before tha Toadarfoot crew is housed aomfortaMr for winter operation. Tha Tenderfoot la situated shoot 10 Mies south of Joeepb, on the north tops of tho Wallowa ran, and to di rect eontlBuanoe of tha Cornucopia nln- eral belt, Tha Tenderfoot and Badser properties, owned by allied companies, are the first to be opened la tha new district. , ',v -t (Bpaetat Dwpateh w The earael.t Baker City, Or,, Sept. It. Nothing farther has boon beard her regarding the prospective deal transferrins; the Cornucopia mining property, but the gneral Impression nrovalls that W. Clayton Miller, repreaentms; tha Federal aompaay wlU take the property for that or a kindred corporation. Sltwe Hr. Miller's epartnrs suftloient time baa not elapsed as ye for Important de ewtopmonts, and nothing has been re sorted In Baker City t rdatlr to the meeting of stockholders, which was ro be held tm Brooklyn on tha leth met. per el np menu are ssocted Immediately. O. O. Bltsl and O. W. Bass, two mem bers of the medics profeseloa la Mlnnje ipolla, S bm., who sr Interacted In the 9-im of tho West mining property tn trn Oreajen. ymmmA through the city Mir(U srter a tour of the eastern piegoa district. v. r, TBTwawa x- TBIOT, TO BB OVBSnBB OB MOBB AWAIT BATZBATZOaT OB Vrm After an Mlsnsss for moat of tho Bununermontba, developmant has been resumed on ths Bureks. copper prop erty la ths Imnaha district, saatern Oregon. A contract has been let by ths management for (00 foot of tun nel, and a craw of sight men has been put to work. A oompreaeor plant wns Installed at ho mine during; tha Bum mer,, and henceforth development will bo by means of power drills, and on a larger scale than over before. Tho Mountain Oaa has not menced Its runs oa tho Snake between Itowiaton and Burekn msd as a result mining companies at Imnaha hare been very short of supplies. They are looking forward to ths time when tho boat Is put In commission. Some heavy hauling; is sJao being done from the Wallowa valley by ths e-mllt wagon road now, but tho operators will de pend upon the steamboat for. most of this work, shipping their supplies after ths water raises somewhat, and naviga tion la freed from els moat Imminent dangers. After tho 'Mountain Gem was 'com pleted, trouble arose over, ownership. A Uewlaton capitalist has taken a lease on ths boat, and thinks ho will get her on ths river by October. 1. Mo special effort will bo made to navigate Wild Oooso raplda until there Is mors water In tho rtfer, the current being dangerous at present. When ths Snake la higher, ths lessee believes ho will be able to make two tripe per week be tween Lewistoa 4nd Eureka, a distance of miles. READ ALL THIS You Never Know the Moment When This Information May Prove of Infinite Value It Is worth considerable to any dtt- a of ' Portland to know how to bo cured -of painful, annoying and Itching pUoa. Know, than, that Doaa's Ointment Is a poalUvs remedy for all Itchiness of the Skin, for Dllee. acaema. etc One application rellcvee and aoothes. One this testimony of Its merit: M. Sullivan, employed In ths strest drpartmrnt of the city, who resides on Water street, at 75, says: "Doan'i ointment la, without any exception. the beet preparation on earth for the purposes for which Its use la Indicated, and from my own experience I know that It does all that is claimed for IL For two years I Was troubled with the worst kind of Itching and bleeding hem orrhoids. 1 tried one remedy after an other, and even sent East for B Well known medicine and was treated by fihvslrlans, but got no relief until 1 tarried about Doui'i Ointment. I oro- cured a box at the Laue-Davls Irug Co."s store and tho first application gave ma relief, surb as I had not experienced tor two yeara I continued the treat. ment for two or three weeks, when 1 was completely cured, and since then I have been free from the torment Inr affliction. Whenever I hear any one complaining of being annoyed with piles i never iau jo ten tnem wnat to do to get cured. I would willingly give 120 TOT S box rather than tn mirror nn nliht like I did. .before I ussd losn"s Ointment." For sal by all dealsm Prion M Cents Poster-Ml) burn Co. Buffalo. -41. T.. sole agents for (he United States. Retnetnbr the name lX)AN'iUn4 take no substitute. , , - . - i OLD RED BOY CO. IS TO DISSOLVE NOV, 18 - (SpeeUl Mesa tea to The Jesmal.) Baker City, Or Sept !. Secretary John T. TJonnely, of ths Red Boy Con solidated alining company, has Issued a notion for a stockholders meeting to be neia nero novemoer ie. una oojeci m this meeting Is to dissolve ths old cor poration, which has Its existence under tha laws of West Virginia. The new company has been organised under th laws of New Jersey, sod has Its princi pal offices in Chicago. At this meeting It Is expected thst all matters In con nection with ths company's business will be satisfactorily arranged. Alexander Prusslng. trusts for ths purchasing stockholders, left last even ing for Pendleton for consultation' with stockholders there, and will probably go on to Portland, returning to Baker City in a short tiro. Mr. Prusslng- -atated that all matters relative to the Red Boy mine looked well and everything seems ts be In good shape for the carrying out of tha new plans. The directors will undoubtedly begin operations under the new oomparty In the immediate future, and are now only waiting the report from an engineer In order to decide upon Ik.l. Uu A .rflM 1 COAL SEAM OPENED ' ; BY RAILWAY GRADE - ' ' ' r . (HeMlal Ma patch e M Jeeraal.) Vancouver. B. C. Sept. It. -The West ern OH and Coal company, which Is com posed of Vancouver men. Is Jubilant since tho receipt of news from East Kootensy that ooal has been discovered on ens of Its claims known aa the Mor rison. Ths Great Northern railway, which Is building to Pernls, crossed the claims of the company near Morrlassy and In a out anespectediy encountered 49 feet of coal. It is bituminous and of good quality. News of the find has been received at the company's offices here, and further dUJls are expected shortly. SUMPTER SMELTER : SECURES A SAMPLER rSsertal Meaateh ts The lesrsal.l Baker City, Or., Sept. if. Manager Fred D. Puller, of the Sumptsr smelter, who was la ths city yesterday, oon- flrmtd the report thst bis company had leased the Baker City sampling works and would take Immediate possession of the same, continuing Mr. Richards In chargei The Baker City sampling works will be used as s receiving depot and sampler for the mines oast, south and north of Baker City. Some classes of ores will be sampled here and shipped as heretofore. Moat of ths ores will be held until carload lots accumulate and shipped from Baker City to the Sump tor smelter. Mr. Puller stares that there Is enough ore In sight to keep tho Sumptsr smel ter busy all winter, as ths supply la abundant. Ore is being; received from properties from which little or none was expected, and the output of other mines Is larger than was assured whoa con tracts were entered into. CONCENTRATOR TO BE v NEXT BIG WORK Manager F." J. Hard wf the Vesuvius. Oregon-Colorado and Riverside com panies in Bohemia, returned to the mine yesterday. He will be at tho Ve suvius when ths new mill Is put In commission. Mr. Hard Is highly en couraged with the showing being made at ths Oregon Colorado, 'where the tunnel Is now in more than See feet, and ths breast of copper ore Is aa pretty as say yet opened la tho uppor work ings. - "Tho next work I will have to under take," said Mr. Hard before leaving the dry, "will bo to install a concen trator at the Oregon-Colorado. Ths showing of ore la such aa to warrant this Improvement as soon aa wo have opened tho vein further. Our main tunnel la now getting beneath tho eee tloo of the rein that has been opened near tho surface, vwhsro ws know we have ore shoots, ami tho work of this winter la expected to block out a con siderable quantity of ore.K COMPRESSOR PIT ON 3 GEM MINE AT SPARTA (Seettal IMapatca, ts Th Jesraal.) Baker City, Or., Sept It. A ccmpreg sor plant has been shipped to the Oem mine, tn the Sparta district, and will be installed on the property Immediately. Albert Qetser, manager of the mine, stated yesterday that ho bad found It expedient to prosecute development by means of power drills. These will be used la ths shaft, whloh is being sunk from the fo to the 0f level, end In such other work aa la ta a bard forma tion. - 1 "We have good ere on each level where a crew Is employed.' said Mr, Oeleer, referring to the reeults of work. "The Oem will either be shipping ore in k short time, or will first mill and ship concentrates." f . -- A haul of about ft miles has to be made from Sparta Baker City, but the road is good, and may be ussd any time during the winter months. , WITNESS HELD ON CHARGE OF INSANITY 1 (epeslal Dtosateh ts The JesrseU ' ' Taooma, Sept. II. As s, result of coming to Tscoma to appear against a man be had arrested on a chargs of as eauft. R. Hssssy, an old soldier who lives on Pox Island, was arrested end lodged in mil on a charge of Insanity. John A Brandt was the complaining witness Brandt asserted that Hessey bed threat ened hie life, and said there wag ovsry reason to believe the man crmay. Hessey was given a bearing today, but Instead of being sent to an asylum was turned 'over to a friend. W. H. Davis, a local sttorney, who agreed to be responsible for tho unfortunate man's actions. Excavation for the Opn Id-stamp mill near Jacksonville Is progressing, m full fores of men being at work. Both Messrs. Reddy and Opp have been ab sent for some tlms purchasing machin ery, and will have ths plant oa tha ground by ths tlms that the founda tions are completed. The management Intends to finish this mill so thst It may bo put In commission this winter. Asamo. ' Prom tho London Olobe. A blind llteranr xakn la nrnaalns- TBn- tsnd on foot as a newspaper eorre BDondent. An admirable '- be nimi describe the scenery. . MOUNTAIN LIONS MAY HAVE DEVOURED MAN "vi','-j'. i i .ii-- Searlsl Olesatsli e The lesraaL) l Mlasouls, Mont., Sept, 2. The friends of William Kretger, tho wealthy weet end rancher, who mysteriously disap peared about three weeke ago while going to see a neighbor, now believe that ho was devoured by mountain lions, as the animals are very numerous In -ths vicinity of Thompson falls, where Kret ger was last seen. ' The lions are frequently seen In bonds of. from three to six. and are very bold attacking stock in Abe opea wtth Im punity. . y : ... . . , CARNEGIE LIBRARY IN SEATTLE SINKING Seattle, Whim., Sept ".Seattle's new M&OOD-Carnegis library, ths foundation of which has Just been completed end two tier f atone laid on top, hi sinking. it M ever the Ureal Northern tunnel. and the ground la believed to be giving away, A great craci has shown up In the concrete work, extending thirteen feet to tho base, and all work has been suspended. " - - The Oreat Northern eniiaeere sav tt m not ths tunnel, but S soft strata of day lyin underneath the foundation which is slipping. An examination of tho ranasl is now being made. j r r KM 1 1 Yf Palacaa alaaaMry aa CaOtn af Art, " " 5? 1 " " 7'" -a I ktt tfca Mas Tm seels' e ft. Leak fcet M aa mat esraai sla Pike. e - MAMrmrmlrWssNliVB, Oaevrigbsd , Sf Caster Weakly. PaWkomay fimlnfiVT To St Louis snd Return SJSmlsxekwVesya, . . . s ' The Roct Island System cflcri two routes to ths Worid't Fair Ckr vk St. Paul. , ITmnesprfe, god through Scanjc Cc4tjrado , No change, of can, Ofdcn ts fit, Lous gad fit Paul to 6c Louis. I A. H. xfcDonaXBs Oeaeral Ag ' MO 3rd Street, eer. Aklex Street, r : Poctlaad. Ore. '; - -..v r.A?:--": (loersal Bpsetai anrrtea.) Taam. I. T.. Bent. . A lararetv at tended reunion was held here today of the old eoi fliers from venous parts of Mis souri, Indian' Territory and Oklahoma. Governor Ferguson was among those who aoaressea ins gatnsnng. - TARTAR IS A TARTAR. Soft, spongy, sensitive gums result from tartar accumulation. It should be removed at once by your dentist and thereafter prevented by the use of SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER and Its complement, aozopOtfT Ltaufd. The Powder Is slightly abrasive. Is ab solutely free from grit and acid, and Is lust ths thing for those who have an inclination for tha ninatla n w. day life. t FORMS: UQUID. K)WDKB, fASTB, ZAST PORTLAND : FENCE & WIRJt WORKS A. CAKLBONt Prtpflaeny - . Manufacturer of WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING And the Unrveraal Combine tton : BUffVATOB ' BKCLOSTTBBB' V BVSRTTUINa IN WIBBL Telephone, Union J7 SpSOMl The Portland A f ISfW ls. UfWBTi rates made to fhmBtag ishlkihmess ka the kotos. BOS TOUsTarTS fUUtClM. TeWhemaBMI SsaUesBsn, A modsnt . JL a BQWAMm FOLLOW THB iLAQ TO TUB WORLD'S FAIR See that your ticket reads via t ' WADASHR.R. Ami yeaw sas,s;ajre wffl Be lisiil St ssaaa sssnos to slat) ftOal C CUMt, P. C t. mp,, Im Aafsiav (aL I - V 4. V