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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
V . TK"t OSTEON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, 1 SEPTEMBER M, 1001 ALL . CREDIT PURCHASES MADE TOMORROW WILL BE CHARGED ON THE r OCTOBER- ACCOUNTS PANAMA MODEL VOTINO CONTEST WHAT A PROMINENT PORT LAND. ATTORNEY THINK OF IT: Said Mr. & Sl Pague, wait known and prominent limb a ths It." who hu an offlcs In ths "Tall Tower" day or two elaos to tho writer: "The edaoatloneJ value of each A modal la Incal culable, Qpe ought to ha In crery acbool at once, without waiting for Olds, Wertmaa Kind to piano It thare." And Mr. Paguee opinion holds mora Interact from th fact of him betng tbo fathor of a sturdy, typtoal. rollicking American boy who tnterasts aim self In everything that IntoraaGi Americana. Mr. Pa sua also offered suggestion anant tho modal and its object ' that we'll tall von mora of anon. Jt will latsreshtyou If you've got a trow lac boy ar girl. Let's hav sug sections from othsr good Portland folk. iinnf o fOTut a a p. at. It Mary's Aosdemy. High .... Atkinson, ....... Park WlllhUM AVOtltt Portland Academy.... Palling - Harrison, ...... Chapman sunnysiue . ..... ... Highland ............ Central Clinton Kelly Brooklyn ............. Holladap Total wtw ...... ..W..1M.C4I 14.11 .... 11,141 .... II. 10 .... 11.111 .... 16.1U .... .... 1.171 .... Hit Mo .... !,? MM .... MM .... MM TIMELY SPECIALS from ', tha .v; Stove Shop -' TWt4 Flogr -A Word of tha "Quick MaaiH ' . Range.---;- ; L. . L 4 ",""""auwammm Tha "Quick Meal" Cooking Bangs la mada on praotloal Una as near perfect do human aklll oan devte and cany out. Strictly high class la ovary respect, 'twill last at llfo - tlmo and baeoma a rained hatrloom m tha family. Bntlrsly dlffaroat ta construsUoa from other ranges, aay -part-may too removed and replaced with little trouble and na Injury to tha range. Parts are put together with lock Joints fastonod by bolts. Tha Steel used In eonatruetlon la extra hoavy and tho sebestos double thick, thus holding; tha beat, mak ing tha body. stronger and mora durabls than tho ordinary. Ovens are roomy and baka quickly, using leas fuel than any other make of ran-, PI re box linings are extra heavy oorm gated and wall ven tilated. Tha Ore box kt shallow, bringing tho Bra eloso to tha lids, thus boa tine fhom almost InsUntly. This faatura alono la guaranteed to aavo at least ft par eont of fuL Tha "Quick Meal" Rang In short Is In duality, workmanship, utility and appoarano tha boat mada In tho world. Bvery rango guarantooa. Ask tM users. Two specials oapool ally timely now are selected for tho FRIDAY : ECONOMY SPE CIALS Third Floor. ; -$43.00 Rarige, I35.W, T -"Quick Moat" Steel Rang. 14-Inch oven, regular 99 value; npaolal for jrrlday JBeonomy gala, snob .................. MS.Rt) $0.U Heater Store, S4.NL j Hasting Btova, with enstlron top and top draft for wood, air-ttgnt. with cover under swing top and nickel foot rail, tool lined and braced bottom, regular, vol as 6.l; special for Friday only ...M.SO The Deferent Stcre" r - ""Vi 'J-"a..,,, MHMMaeMaawam J? J J mi Portlands Quality Shop ; Tomorrow, the Old" Hometead Store's Seventy-FburtiTGrand rrt nie OTcniy-rourm maay Economy Sale Shiwwd ehoppere now look forward to these great regular value-creatiag occasion with the eagemeea. that the child looks ahead to Christmas with its jollities, or the Fourth of July with its din, that deligbta the JuTenile heart and thrills its senses. ; v' ; ; .-; .-." -m I -TOMORROW'S STORE PLANS ARE LAID TO PLEASE THRIFTY PEOPLE It Is made up from THE NEWEST AUTUMN MERCHANDISE, GATHERED FROM THE LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD. AN UNRI VALED DISPLAY AT. UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES I In every stock, on every floor, special bargains have been provided ,for tomorrow's shoppers at thi "Different Store. to sitrnalixe the continuance of the special Friday bargain day idea. ,. Values are mentioned below in which all of the economical minded will be mterestedr--and thousands go unprinted for lack of time and space to list: I iSl' Womeii's New and i Stylish Autumn Suits Grgnd $25.00 Values, Friday $11.75 i Grand Salons of Drees Second Floor. ' - ., The above iurpagsing offer embraces a splendid lot of the very newest design! in Women's 1904-05 Suits, all In the new walking lengths and not one over two weeks from the hands of their skilled man tailors in New York.. Every suit is an act ami $35 value, the best in point of material, workmanship, style and finish ever offered in Portland. In three styles. The Tourist and Butcher Coated and popular Vestee effects. Materials include cheviots homespuns and all the voguish mannish tailored suitings in English. Scotch and American weaves and popular mixtures. These suits are all beautifully mademark you! Not MADE OVER, by the most cele brated, -leading women's tailors of New York. , All trimmed in the very latest and newest effects in a great variety of styles -ace 'em in one ot the large aispiay winaows. K,un i KAi i them, PLEASE, with the sweat-shop product of diseased east side New York germ-ridden tenement houses and the MADE OVER, last season stuff offered elsewhere in competition. These are all hirh class suits of our. real $25 values, everyone. Choice rnaay,. xor..................?i.'o a TRIM WALKING SKIRTS FOR LESS A Worthy Special Value from Port land's Laireat, leading Apparel Shop for Dressy Women. . tacoiro floor . , NEW $6.50 AUTUMN XT waiKing Skirts $4.85 A big mtrehasa from a leading eastern annmifaetarar, who aaortflesd a part of his profit on oonaldarlng tha slso of tbo sureties. Ws para onrs, too, for Friday bujrara. Trig, trim, new -anS raahloat&bie Psdeatrlenne Skirts. . a vary timely offering, as tha rains ar now duo and her. Materials are ; m all th popular mannish tailor fabrics. In Bngllsh, Sootah snd Amsrl- oan mixtures. All wool, but m tho now affects. Colors' ambraoo grays, , blacks, blues and novaltr mlBturea, Including grasa mixed, blua mixed, gray mixed, brown mixed, blaek and white effects, ota Some nsv yokes, i.. soma trlnunad la strap and button e facta, and others la very novel fancy ' strapping, all cat hi the naw gtyllsh round lengths, tha latest fashion Idea. ' Baas f.t vain aver offorod m Portland. Friday only, choice for. -S4.S)S M 4H 4 got aantxer sgsnes far Oragon of tha arorkd famous Slusmrt st Ofces Sila a tha ktaa g aiwa Otey ageam few ha poaniav aga, Banaaft (XagUl and W. Bsda and Oiumally Wr- ewaar housa aw hs ooasa, XX you saat ahop seas ally, phs ear witH and yaw asdor wUl ha SUsd ssxofuUy by as eapeiieeieed shop r, a uh auwsvttsad pries. Sana and aaawMfuuy' niaa- uraasd sous aaaleguv fres as uS-of -aw t olh i Opaw aw sua b sua. Wa anaa a araal aT wteh-am worthy. araait a Vaih n ores' a, third floor. aaosks are "Caioh afsalM flniurlag Baagoa, Vswow Ooak gama and atsusa masasrs aw third floas. Oajtfata fourth Oseav Friday Economy Sale in the Shoe : Section UNDBKWEA PARED PRICES AND A FALLING THER MOMETER SUGGEST A CALL AT THE ltwear and Hosiery Shops All ready for that call, come Friday First Floor Sections. A mention of Boys' School Waists, too. ' Women's IM Union Suits at c; v : Woman's Munstng Unto Suits, whIU aotton. wtntar r weight, opon aerosa bust, long sleorao, ankle length, ; vary prettily trimmed and well mad, ttoa regular prion ' ' la ll.U; Economy Sala prtos, ault ....OOw . t Women's $1.50 Underwear, $1.16. , . Woman's whltu and stlvsr gray Vests and' Pants, flna ribbed, vasts silk trimmed, pants ankla length, French hands, Thaso garments are medium weight and vary soft and flna, regular 11.10 value; special pries, . -saoht.. M.. - 9&.1S .: 1 Women's 50c Cotton Hose, S5c ; Woman's flna tanportad black cotton Ross, with whlta doubla sole, axtra good valua at loo; special. palr.So ' : Boys' iOc School Waists, S5c Boys' School -Waists mada -of hoavy percale tn Mua, red and light shades with fancy stripes and figures, ' regular I0 valua; ssooial. aaoh .-35aV Home Comforts Come Easy ; v v ' Fourth Floor Special for Friday. . , f fJhtvary days and nights are ahead, whan wa'H gathar 'round tha nWrthstonas in happy enjoymeot of homo comforts till bedtime than off to tho Land of Nod. wrapped In al umber and warm bad aomforta, Wav provided attrao Hona for Uv days and nights that'll halp to brlghtsm tha hours of aaoh that w'r privileged to spend In tfc horn nast v A Fine Rug Special for Friday' Economy Sale ' V ; $1JS for Smyrna Rugs, Worth $2.S0. s All-Wool Smyrna Ruga, double-faced, fringed an both toss, sis txa . teshes, valua 11.11; special for Frlaay, aaoh A......$1.8S v $1.28 for Silkoline Comforters, Worth $1.50. tlkolhm-Covsrad Comforter, aH filled with nlea whits cotton, vary light snd fluffy, actual varua of the Comforters ta !. spoeiai for rriday Bconomy Bala, aaoh ...,. ... SI. .33 Three Rousing 8pedalsfor , Ladiaaaod on for SmaU $3 J8 for Ladies' $5.00 Shoes. Lottos' Flna Shoes, patont kid ar vlcl kid uppsrs, tun solas, madlum round tosa. Louts heels; regular selling prtos of these sheas Is .. For Friday Xoonomy Sal thoy ar. Pr... .....-M.M Women's $4.00 8treet Shoes, r-l: $8.79, ;' v Woman's Shoos for Strsst Wear, off patent kid or boa oalf. Bluohar or BaL. watt sotss and military koala, . regular ahoas;. special for Friday only, pair MTw $1.98 for Women's $3.00 Shoes, Woman's Btraat Shoos, doubla or alngla soles, full round oas, vtal ' kid uppers, patent tip. military heels, splendid shoe for ovary-day , wear, regular pries 9.t0; special ; for Friday, pair ........l.a - v Boys' Winter Shoes. Boys shoes, made of box oalf, with heavy double soles, full round toss ' and heavy plump uppsrs. oxcoUsat winter shoos Slses 11 to Ik, regular pries ' l.7l; special, pair. S1.49 Slses 1SH to S. regular prlos :.: special, pair MM Slaea t to regular ptic J.5; apsclal. pair St. 69 How We Strive to Interest the Men in the Friday Sale and How We Succeecr-Two xairtples--FirBt Floor, 9 Doings taMAlirS SHOP r MEN'S ECONOMY SALE SPECIALS. : t- - ic for Men's Jersey Ribbed Underwear, Worth '75c ' A Itn of Man's Jereey-Ribbed Bal brlggan Vndsrwosr, winter ' weight, blue and whit strip, th bast gar ment vr manufactured to asll at Tao; special for Friday atoouamy Sals only, garment 4fg ANOTHER TIMELY Vv SPECIAL, Men's Black Caahmere Hose, Sic Maw's Blaek Caohmor Hose, aaamlasa, medium weight. good for fall wear, aur best S-pafr-for-fl hoss; for Frl- ; day Rsonomy Sala only, pjOr.. .fMa) ; or. ........... . vans) for to M VI : IN ANNEX AND ART AISLE-Second Floor, THINGS FOR WINTER COMFORT IN OUTDOOR WEAR AND INDOOR EASE. 65c Flannelette Knee Skirts 49c E Shoulder Shawls 69c 60c Couch Cushions 39c ' 1 Read the Particulars x 'f Fine Flannelette Knee Skirts, in pink or blue , and white, dainty stripes; combine waist band and 8-inch flounce with embroidered Domet ' flannel insertion ; regular price 65c Spe cial at 49a 9 White cambric covered 99-inch pure silk floss Cushions; value 60c Special SOe? Fancy all-wool 40-mch square 8houlder Shawls, colors pink, blue and white; rejrular 90c 1 and 96c Special at. ,,.,.69f Little Things Lightly Priced Small Wares AkleawFirst Floor. 85c Writing Paper, 90c Writing Paper, in cabinets, assorted tints, envelopes to match, value I so; spociab box ..SOa) 8g ChamoU for 6c Fae ar Toilet Cnamsia, ta pearl or natural oolor, value lo; special, each .... fta) $1.50 Hand Baffa, U9 Flna Walrus Oratn Hand Bags, m blaek, brown and tan leather, with braided or strap handle Inside card ease, oola pure and vlnalgrslta, rag. price fl.le; apaowl, sa. $1.19 75c Embfoidary .kiawora, 48c Ladies Bmbroioery Scissor, with sterling silver handles, valaa o apooiai, aaoh ..-ad 65c Pocket KruVea, 46c Sterling Silver pookat Knives,, two blades, vaL ) special, each 0d Flna snallty Dress Shields, wnlt Ketnsooh-esvered, shaped U fit the Small SI, val. ; speolal. ar. lBa Medium si as, val. lc; ap'l, pr. 10 Largo sis. vaL Ifto; stMclal. pr. 4 85c Hat Pins, 19c Faaoy Rat Pins ta Cut Crystal, Tup- quoisa and Pearl Tops, valua llo; . spec las aaoh 15c Back Combs, 10c ; ' Shell Stray-Look Hair Oswibs, vara lci apssial, aaoh 10e 15c Machine Oil, 6c . CoMbtnatJon -oa best grade Ms ' shins OU, la all can. valua lo; apeoial, sash ;.....,....Sa 16c Kid Curlers, 6c Baal Kid Matr Curlers, largo stsa, t hv.1 dec tn pkgw val. its; spe- , : etaL pkg. a) 60c and 66c Hair Brushes. 69c All Brittle Hair Kroshoa, aasortsd wooda and whit osHOIoid barks, valu Me and ;' apodal on., - 40c Nail Brushes, S6c. Fin Imported Franoh NaH anwahaa, : with aid brlsUea, valua 4e; ap ; ataL aaoh ... e) t , 16c Talcum Powder, 6c. Vlolst Purfumsd Talosmt Fowdsr, walu laa; spselaL tan S - i Another Hub-Bub in the Silk Store j AND A MIGHTY STIR AMONO THE DRESS STUFFSnneawFirst Floor.- THE PRICE DISTURBANCE WILL LAST t DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. The gleanings of the last two daya this week are even richer than tha reapings at tha start. Read news of tha harvest, , ;w ; i, y " STUPENDOUS SALE OF NEW FALL SUIT SILKS ; i!4d yards of the vary vest Silks ihat fl-19 can Wy in any silk atorp on tha Amerleaa eonttnsnt Bverr now design and oolor la la tha assortment, 101 different piaeag to select from, and not a pleo carried over from last season. Neat eneeks with Polstsllo dots, neat stripes with Poin telle dot, ooln dote, nA T broken o hooks, irldssosnt and ahangeabl effects In fact, every sow design and pattern KUr Vflffl Shown 1 in th lot. For Friday and Saturday only , v-w m as m , colored dress goods for Friday and Saturday Tha seat l.e All-Wool Covert Clothe, la all street solera, IS ta. Wide; special for Friday and Saturday only, yard ...... T6g l.H All-Wool Frsneh , Venetlana for, yard.....lS) ll.M l-ln. Franehj Oaasoi s Hslr snd Zlballns Suiting, very nobby - for st rest wesri speelal for Ftt ' dsy and Saturday snly, yard 6 1.1 ll.ft All-Wool Franoh Vanettaaw Ssr, yard.....$l.ln 11 1 IS-ln. Mtaed Suiting, over 100 different plsosa to ssleot from; spootal for Friday and Saturday only. rrd.. ...fJl.lS) 1.IA All-wool Franoh Venetlana for, yard ftfte) All Colors la tha Assortment. , BLACK DRESS GOODS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Our regular It M duality furfclak Mohalra. la all new weaves sfshalr Crepes. Mohair Ottomans, Venetlana, Pop lin da Chens, Cartue. Naw Crepon, Broadcloths, stobalf Sicilian. Crops d Par la. and a great many ether asw weaves too numerous to mention th newest, terghat assortment and best values ta 44 vgsw b found aaywhsrsat the regular prlos at i.M per yard. Speelal for Friday and Sat . 1 tl-5 Vfl arday only f. eyaev a a-a N. B. This Is the host opportunity ws have svor sfven Blaek Silk Dress Ooods buyars, and Whoa we any wa BS'S ever given, inat means ins dsbt sarasis mr si-i-nnyiasi sa raui somm f j An Every-Day Autumn R6ciui -a site A Bargain Bud Picked in the Domestic LanFirst Floor. 10c Colored Outing Flannel, 7c yard. '. :: SMS yards of Outing Plsnaet, tn plain solora, pink. Mua, wait and. cream, axeollent quality 'and aas- 11 y worth ltd yard; fnr Friday afeonomy Bala, 1 day onl. yd. Tel Portland's Finest INllllincry Is Here V And a City Fairest. Prices ISU.VSAV tSd OF BLaa, ,, Fresklahnees and oddity may kd the requlalta of a museum or tha theme of Illustration In a Sunday newspaper, but elegant profitability must form the moat tn th mllllnory nut native to this store. W demonstrated at the openings why OLDS, WORThtAN a KINO is tha vogue. It Is handsome, it Is becoming, and. In sitting-room parlanoe, 'it la so' wearable." No other Portland store employs so many, artlette milliners or reaches for suck elegant tvarlsty. K great, swaying plumes and other eosUy stuffs are needed la profusion, ths hat Is cost ly ws have no augto wand with which to touch and change values. But a atas of stuff la seldom best- art boats bulk, and th artistic hat la most oases need not exceed tit or ' 111. Just think that over re, with' tha beauty Ideas of Paris of Marl 'Antoinette, LAm balls, Corday -whom you pleas. And we're becoming mora famous each day for hate of th ovary-day sort such hsts as ws tell of below. We're gaining prestige every hour for creating values Impossible for stores of ths eommon sort to suc cessfully Imitate. ' For tnatsnce. tomorrow Prlday- 100 Naw Ready-to-Wear Hats, that Include tn ths assortment Rand-Tailored , - Turbans, French Sailors and Plain Felts Every wanted color Is embraced In the gathering among them blacks, navy a, browns, castors, reds snd greens.- Every style for every ags Is hor mis to 00 wager. AH the best 11.40 value on Friday only for ,.....S9d Little Aids to Dress and Purse , In Accessory Aisles First Floor. ' A aauator through th drat floor aisles that are given up ts garniture for th gowns you've selected or planned for autumn wsar. discloses a panorama of kalvldoecoplo beauty never before equaled tn a western store. Radiant autumn ribbons via with laces fit for royalty iteetf, and 'specially At for tha royalty of American womanhood. Naw eonosptlona have been woven Into dainty laces. Great bullets lay upon some that suggest they've been spread upon a battlsfleld ta dry. ."o ' . . Beautiful oolor la Oriental offsets appear upon others that blsnd with those af th rainbow that arch th hvavena after a rainfall. Such hautr was , nvr caught before, and mad to ear re Its captor in wear, aa red k ins in , olden times wore ths scalps of thslr captives at their blt. We've priced some dainty 'karahtofa, some gloves and soma laces for Friday at alluring: ' prices. Ladies' 15c Swiss Handkerchiefs, 4 for 60c ' A lot sf Ladles' fins Swiss Handkerchiefs that hava been fa ths show win dow and are slightly mussed some hemstitched and embrotdsred, ethers with smbfoldered edge, every on a genuine bargain, regular tss valusj . special for Friday and Saturday St., i 4 far BOd) la a Una of pretty new Handkerchiefs,. rabrol6trad, scalloped and bm . stltohsd with embroidery Inside hem. very swU and nswi spsctal rnr Friday and Saturday, sach ......SSg 60c, 76c and 66c Lisle Gloves, 43c LsVUe Olovea, silk lisle thread or Milanese, in thrrs differ g--black, white, modes and greys, rsgular tec. lie and Oes auay - tor Friday and Saturday, pair A I t of fine Laee Bsnda and dga la h. ad e SW " e yard, at, yard S"k rt, at y-i. . .'. Sut . at. i