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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
THK OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POKTlXwP. THURSDAY KVHNINO, SEPTEMBER tt. 1MH , I , 1 ' , - i : PRAYER SERVICE IN EUGENE BAR ROOM C A Hess of Portland; Accepts Saloon Keeper's t Offer Bishop Thobura Sees Gospd Ex- pansion in .Americas Conqaests : lOpertel BUcetah by Staff OmptMt) : fcugene. Or tape J.Aelde from Uw pottiel imkImi ef the day. there la M top to attracting mora attention here to day tnea that of a Innovation which will b Md ay C. A. Hess of Portland tonight- . . ' - That thai I aothtag which Mat ho lata an afraid to attempt la the Una of duty was ahowa by hla acceptance af aa opportulty to hold a prayer meeting- In a local ealooo tonight Haaa waa challenged by tba proprietor, and re plied that aa waa glad to, meet auoh aa opportunity. Whan the aawa became spread throughout tha ranka of thoaa attending tha stats conference. It oraatad some thing of a mild sensation. Haaa haa haaa member of tha Can tral church of Portland, but antara'tha ailalatrir thla year. Ha waa bald up aad robbed of t&t ta Portland reeently, which breucnt bia name Into print. Hla father waa oBoa a saloonkeeper, bat la now a htethodlet preacher. Tha report of tba presiding elders of Portland, Salaam, Sugene and Grants pass districts oooupled bo time of tha ooaftranoa thla moraine Rev. U E. Rockwall raport ad that tba Portland dle trtct la practically fraa from debt. Rev. D. D. SummervtUe. at Oranta Paaa dis trict, and Rav. T. B. Ford and Rev. a A. Wattaro for Bugene and Salem dis tricts, gave oloetng reports. Their suo caaaora wtti ha appolntaA by tha bishop bafora tha seesloa closes. -, Bishop Spellmeyer presided, with Bishop Thoburn on tba platform. Rav. Short of tha Taylor etfaot ohuroh In Portland waa received lata tba eonfer- Ta. fMwta o tba adders of ail dis tricts snow great prosperity la tba ohuroh. " l- Rav. Ifr. rlolllngsheed of tbO Cen tenarr church of Portland, uanounoad tha Portland newspapers la ralatloa to tha raoant troublo over tha will of a deoeased woman, dcotartne; that tbo oaarch did no wrottgb Laanlaff haavlly on filo ataff, and fao ' taa aa audlanoa of nearly 1,00 paopla, Blahop Jamas at Thoburn last night da emrad la offaot that tha eonfllat batwaan Amarloa and Spala and tha subsequent atnalnff; of tba anamy flaatr In Manila bay waa tha dlraot prorldanoa of Ood; that It opanad tbo FYiUlpplnoa and ad olnlna laUndo of that ration to tha praaentna; of tha ITOSpal. and that It will narar oaaaa until tha bannar of tha eross shall float proudly orar, not only our now poaasaslona. but tba ramaindar of tha tarrltory la that part of tba alobs, Blabop Thobaro, known as too , Paul of aTatbodlam,1 and whoso earaar - of missionary oadeaTor eovars a half ' oantury In all parts of tha world, waa spaaJdnaT from tha pulpit of Humphrey . Manorial church at tba raquaat of tha annual eottfaraaeo of tha Methodist BplsBOpal ehurcb. now la aaaalon tn Bu ana. Hla words wars listened to by tha larsa awdlonoa with rapt attaatloa, ba omuaa of hla oxaltad position In tba church and his world-wide experienoe. Time and again during tha proareas of bis address did applause that waa deaf ening; greet him. Bishop Thoburn made ho rafareno to -affyih1 na; political la hla address, but aatd that Ood had called him to tha Philippines after tbo fall of Manila and the subsequent oocupatloa of tha talanda by Cnlted States troops and tha unfurl ing Of the stars and stripes. He said he had long waited for an opportunity to send mlaslonaiies there, and after stady- log conditions had thought the Japanese would some day take up the matter, ' drive the Spaniards out and supply tha church a chinos to plant the gospel there. He was glsd. ha said, thdt Ood - bad opened the way so marvelously. . Bishop Thoburn is little more than a LOCAL OPTION .PETITIONS FILED ft 'fssiaal tmneMOj ta The lea real.) . Albany, Or., Sept, St The Sret meal option petitions la Linn county hare , bee Sled 1a tbo offloe of the ooanty clerk, and It Is stated that several more are oomlng In soon snd that many of - them are being circulated. Three petl ttona. bearing the signatures of 20 vot ore each, are now In the hands of the . clerk. They cocoa from the precincts of Crawfordsvllle. Crab tree and Hoi ley. .Where they have been circulated for tba past few weeks. As soon as a suffl- dent number of these petitions are fei ' tha signatures on them will bo cora ,' pared with tba registration books In the . - olerk't office Tha petlttoua all aak for " a vets eovMing tho entire county. - Quite a quantity of produoa and poul try ta being shipped through thla city from Ooltra and Lebanon for Portland aad Seattle, av profltabla trade being driven by the saerobanta at those places In that class of product Yesterday SAorninc 3 eoope of chicken that had eosae down from Lebanon went north on the early overland trata for Port A "Mali saser" aaat NEWBRO'S Weretete tfnl taea ft. NOT A HAIR-GROWER BVwtMt HaeMea wtti Set now bB aatwe dsas tkle. bat by eeatanrlng the m eateries ef hair fteelik the baa- la bound to ir aa estera lDtend4; ex- ) amine to sr eSt H ebrnb- baslsaea. It rqmlre set . no MimwA i am Hp the -wna th BaadraaT Sena." " MaamflM- WW ftc. ttamps. to IPtflCIM Ct.t Itpt I, Mroa,Mkh., far AWpUOATIOBTB AT WBrOMIKmBT gisBlh IXOrg, 1 ., ... . . ' i - midget physically, but as a missionary and leader of world-evangelim he stands without an equal la the da nomi nation. . Ha waa severely Injured by falling through, tba batch of a veeaal at Vancouver, B. C. several months ago, and haa to walk with a cane, and durlas hla address last night be leaned heavily upoa il V ' r& solati wrtlaad ' " - Portland will undoubtedly bo selected aa the neat meeting-place of the oon ferenoe. aa tba ministers are desirous of swelling the already larsa number of conventions for the Lewie and Clark fair. Owing to tbls fact, as has already been published la The Journal, special serv ices for the exposition erlH be arranged for before this session oleosa. The Invitation from Portland will probably be made by too Men's Christian union of Grace ohuroh, through Presid ing lder L B. Rockwell of Portland district. Thla la the plan at present. "I fully expect the conference will meat at Portland In II 01, said Rav. Mr. Rockwell. "I hardly look for any op position to the plan, as all wish to soma to our city during- tha year of tha expo alt Ion. ' The matter will probably be set tled at tha last day's session, wbioh will be Monday." m . ' Perhaps of lbs SToatest lntereet to Portland, next ta the securing of the annual eon fa tea so for next year, tba appointment of . a pastor for Grace church to succeed Rev. J. R T. Lathrop. There have been many rumors flying about here, some of them amaastlng from Portland. There are three presld IneT elders whose terms expire with this eeaaloa of thO eonferenoa, and one rumor la that one of theea la to receive tha plase. Another rumor la that Rev. "W. H Bellook. tbls year pastor of Suaarslda charob, m to have the pdlplt. "I will give yon tha swauimneo that neither of the presiding- aiders or Rev. Mr. Selleek will be appointed to Grace church,' said a high officer of the eon ferenoa. "And, furthermore, I will say that the man who gets It will ho a mem ber of -the Oregon conference and will not ooae from the east to fill tha piaoe." Aa was pravlously published. Rev. Mr. Selleek Is prominently mentioned for the poeiuoa of presiding! elder of ono of the districts to become -neoaat at tbfa ses sion. He Is one of the leading- members of tho conference, haa been in too min istry more than II years, and has had varied experience. Two years ago ho waa aent to Alaska to superintend the missions by tho Pugot sound eonferenoa, of which be waa then a member. Under hu pastorate Sunnysldo ohuroh haa been cleared of debt, a new parsonage hag been built and nearly paid. for. and a new ohuroh will be erected on tho prop erty at Rast Thirty-fifth and YemhlH atreeta, next year. - That Rev. F. Burnett Short will be returned to Taylor-Street ohuroh there, is but llttl doubt only tho doubt that cover all of the- appointments - aff a bishop. Hie parishioners seat la a re quest for hla return, ho wants to re turn, and therefore It la fair to assume that bo Will be sent back by Bishop flpellmeyer. Taylor-Street church la the beat appointment In tbo conference from the standpoint of salary Yesterday afternoon tho Woman's Homo Missionary eoclety hold Its meet ing. Mrs.aOsmou Royal of Portland, conference eecretary, made a report showing that the work of tho organisa tion had prospered during the year. Dr. D. U Radar, editor of the Pacific Chris tian! Advocate of Portland, delivered a brief addreas paying gi owing tributes to the work of the deaconesses, Tho day closed by tho observation of the anni versary of tho missionary society, led by Rev. 8. B. Merplnger of Mount Tabor ohuroh, Portland. land,' snd last night tea mora coops of chickens were in the exprees offloe at the depot billed to Portland aad Seat tle from Lebanoa. Prom Ooltra yester day 14 carcasses of mutton also passed through here for Seattle. Almost any day quantities of thla alas of merchan dise Is shipped from Linn county points to tha larger cities north of here, and Linn county Is helping- In this way to feed tho dwellers of the cities, and Inci dentally carotag a pretty penny for Its Inhabitants. Tho east approach of the steal bridge across th Willamette river bora has been redecked snd practically rebuilt, for new strlagers war put In and new railing built Tha bridge haa been cloeed for tho past week, snd It was thla morning again opened for travel. Tha county court today sent Us bridge crew to Crabtros, where a couple of bridges will bo rebuilt before, th winter rains set to. , ' HOLY ROLLER Y1CTIM RETURNED TO ASYLUM - spriel MspaM te Tas ftsawaLt Oorvalla, Or., Sept. tt. Mra. O. V. Hurt, who was brought home a few days ago from the state insane asylum with the hope of benefiting her mental condi tion, was taken to Salem last night by Deputy Wells. She still wears her bslr down. Holy Roller stylo, and talks very little, although she appears to bo slightly Improved. Mr. Hurt feared hot Influence would have a bad-affect on their daughter. Mae, as the latter recovered recently and waa returned from th , Bo ye' and Girls home. grows tea sopaJaetxy . - Herpicide Tes Um ret inHlli ' aiiKttt feaewieag of entlp esetnair te knew that the kttr seta 1U searlahaaeat direct fro at the hair -papilla. Tbarelors, OX enlr rsuooel trratmeat ta ta Mtroy the eaaae f the dla-aae. IlerpMde does thtai It rsrae danrtnirf. Stop r1I1ag heir sad re Uts Itrtuv A aVlMrbtraTWar evaeateg. UWH extraerdhurr results. Trj tt. Memfet MANY CITIZENS -4 . AT MASS meeting held last night te protest atralnat tho paaaags of tbo Sou the ra pa olfte franchise ordloaaoo la rta present form was largely attended by represen tative oltleens. . Tho most noticeable thins lb regard to attendance was the absenoo of seven out of nine eouaelt men. Storey aad Saeebao solas tha only ones present, J. E. Hedges was chosen ohalrmaa of the meeUng. and W. S. U Ran eecretary. After aa Informal discussion of tho merits and demerits of the ordinance, a MMlutlna Inlniu be C H. IVO. eondemnlng tho granting of a perpetual rranczuse, reciting wo vnnowe awww of the ordlnaneo and appointing a com mittee of Svo "to see their host sa Amvnrm lamllv a nrevent the passage and approval of tha ordinance a pub- iianeo ana to corner wtta uie ou ww eU and the Southern Paclfle railway la rannl to nretoarlna a franohla that Will be fair to all parties ooncerned." Mr. Hedges, oailltuf j. j. uooae to am eh air, took th floor and proceeded to dissect tho ordinance ta detail, showing that It failed to guard tha interests -of tbo olty in any particular. Other spaak-- ra mra fL stahuabeL W. S. U'Ren. C H. Dye. T. W. Sullivan and Mayor Dtmlea, tho Utter being the only one who Is not oppoasd to the ordlnaneo. In aooord anoo with tbo reeolUtieo, a eommlttea m aawthilail annailatine? Of C M. DM. C H. Caufleld, W. S. U'Raa, W. A. BuU ley and T. W. suuivan. . On motion of c. H. Dy. s oommmee of ftv was appointed to aeoure an amend roent to tba olty cnarter roroto- illn (ha mnllnr of a. frennhlss for a longer period than IS years, and than only after having been submitted to aad approved by tbo people. locator Mens was yeeteroay awunu over In tho sum of 1100 by Justice of the Peace Stlpp, and In default of ball m Bondne In tha aotmtv lalL Lew la 4s tha youthful criminal who stole the oorao ana ouggy several weee aw from U. S. Bergman at Sherwood. Two years aad be robbed a store at Sher wood and waa ssntanoed to two years In the nenltentlarv. and was only re leased abort time ago. Aed leaa xy-a4. ' TaH Whalam Mneived tnlertea TveS day while working en th oounty road at Mew Bra tnac may reanut m aia loalng ono of his lower Umbo. A heavy taouldar fall from the too of the bank and at ruck him on tba lee;, breakuiaj It in two places, too rajureq, man waa taken to St. Vincent s hospital, and hla HtivahiUii aaaa that tt itiaw fca ntMt, sarv to amputate tha limb, on aooount Lof tho advanood age ef Whales ft yearn-- , waine Bikd Week nnhhm f the Balvsv tion Army, who recently returned from London, whore they participated la cae International oongress, will be features at tha. bml. Helvetian Armv hall- to night and smslgn Crabtrea has made preparation or a Ms aoaor ox their oomlng J, ft Pllsbury we hi th attp pestst - day from Portland. Judge Cake of the Commercial eras or Portland transacted business ta tbls olty yesterday. . The marriage ef Mlaa Jasslo O. Bur dick to Mr. John A. Ksae was solemn-' (ad at the eourt houaa bv Judau Rraa Tuesday afternoon, Tho soupla Fu Ide at Olympla, Wash. Mr. and Mra. Clyde O. Huntley, wno hava haan aniottriflne la the east for the past five montha, returned home yes terday. They visited tao sc. i-ouis ex poeltlon while abaent, Tho suit of Mra. MUlta Kruss to re oover IS4.IB for aa unpaid board bill from Themes Pay has been aatioably settled out of court. Mlaa Sarah Rrnbat anJ lfr. A. S. Clutter were married yesterday at Hood View church by Rev. uiuigee, -rne bride Is the daughter of County Com missioner atroost. Tha atma At tha WoiMt'l Lewis Snd Clark club haa been chaaged to the wmmu'i nlnb at Ore eon Cltv. Aa Inter esting meeting was held Tuesday after noon at the home or Mrs. ueoorge Harding, president of the dub, which am aat in future at tha home of Ita members on th Arst and third . Fridays of each month. To next mealing win uk place octotber I at tn noma ox Mrs. W. S. U'Rea. ' f. m if iwrna and famllv. for sis veers past residents of Oregon City, left thla morning for Sal axe, wher they wiu re side. J. C Cooper, a proralnent ottuen of MoMtaavUl. was la tba alty this morn- l"w. W. Mastarson'o lfltlo daugtiter la anAMmlit an oneration for appeadV oitla at St. Vincent's hospital today. Tbo Presbyterian church tonight win hold service preparatory to communion. which will be cetenraxaa at in morning servloo next Sunday. . SHORT CROP SENDS WASHINGTON HOPS UP ' peiel tnapaam to The laaraiU nuwnia. Wash.. Sept, S). "Look out for high prices In hops,' Is the warning 4n h winnus Bro there. Of this city. tha largest dealer la tha commodity fan this section. Crop aborts, is ui oauss assigned. The hop market Is la aa ex cited conditio. Yesterday ptiees Were advanced from M to 17H oents a pound Tho shortage 1a Wsshington Is aU on tho west aide of the atounialno, wtiere if is estimated the drouth cat growers out of fully T.O0 bales, reducing th crop front the estimated ROM bales to U.. It la estimated that fully I.QM bales have changed band ta this state during the peat few days, yet many holders are hanging an tics patio or signer prices. In Kngland it to reported there la a shortage la supply or wjtm ewr., and English buyers are heavy bidders her. It ta asserted that to per Cent of the California crop, M per cent of the Ore go crop and to per cent of the Wsshing ton crop to already ta the bands of deal' Hops opened at S) oents a poan thai morning, and M oents to expected during the day. Ctsedsl tmeeteb to The erael. ' Baker City. Or.. Sept. 1. The friends Of Dr. U. . McDaalela have circulated a petition nominating him for mayor of Baker City, to bo voted upoa at the oom lng election en November T. Th peti tion has been numerously signed by business mea of the eity of all political parties and eomplexkma. It la under stood that no other candidate will be nominated by tbo business men, and that those heretofore mentioned sa possible eandidateo have withdraws Or have been withdraws hy their trieads. MEETING i ; . e sjwjgf AalAJMstt wauunram o TMMWMTWA FRAxTOMZatB TO OOSC PAJTT A OmMOAT OXTT AJTS OOSf Mjrm APPOiaTgRPt v ' , "...v- r i t t; -',, V (spesWI Bwaateb ta The feereaU- Crtaeai--ll--vgli GOES THOUSANDS OF MILES FOR A DENTIST (apeetal Dapatrb to Tea Jasrsal l ' Seattle. Waseu Sept.- ). Joha Drake, a brother of Former United Stales Marshal James C Drake now saanagor of the Bnoquallmla Power company at Taooma, made the Ions trip from Pair baakay la the Tanaaa country, Alaska, to Seattle solely for th purpose of hav ing a tooth pulled. Drake to a prosperous mining man la the north. Three weeks ago hla tooth began to ache. Hla dentist waa ta Seat tle oa business and Drake would not try another. -hi otwUhaiaao lag, that naviga GIVES BIS LIFE TO SAVE ANOTHER ooxsAsm, . -- iaiMa Sa TV a Vancouver. Waab- SODt, St. News that William Ayere and James wiioy na rhair llaath In a Wall bv SSnhrXla- tlon waa brought to Vancouver this morning. The well la located oa Ayer s farm at Manor, thla oounty. It Is about At - - muw. Thar had haan mmt trouble with tho weU for some time, and m waaba M A vara aaeurad the nolo Of wiiaw and the twa men ooaamaneed work oa the well. On aooount ef the damp ness they woraeo in anon aume o about aa hoar oaoo, ana xsw aears each day. - ' Teaterday morning tho men aa planned to some to Vancouver. Wiley had bis team hameeeed before break fast Urns, after which ha weot down la tho well to get a mattock which ho had la hana tha aaw Itravlmie WlleV WOOt dowa a ladder Into th welL Oa hla way Sows be called to on of hla obU area to drop a rope dowa to draw th mattock up! This done. Wiley started to ascend, but when aoont pair way sp ha tajtitaa ait hark. The children be came alarmed and immediately scoured the assistance of Ayere. several oz tae near neighbors were sis aroused, and gathered about twu. , v RUled AIM w J llsg is is l -Aware daaoanda the ladder and When dowa called for a rope to draw Wiley up by. as he believed him to be seriously hi, Tha mna waa fastened about Wiley's leg and the mea on the surface 'drew hist out Avers then started to ootno up, but when part way up iixe .u sail te the bottom' of th welL In dications showed that Wiley bad tied front the. effect or . asms,, an men order to secure the body of Ayere a swamp hook waa seeurao ana raeionea ha and of the rone and with thla Ayors body waa brought to tho top of the well by catching tn boob in ais clothes. ' -- . Both men wore heada or famines. imri waa tg vaara Of SaTe SSd leave a widow and- four children. Wllsy leaves a widow and tw onuarenr jis was l years of age. .Tho interment took plsoo today. Aysr was burled, at Plonoes cemetery and Wltay at WUeoa Bridge cemeUry. a a amai taiHe tba women of the Baptist ohuroh be vs. organised an aia society. t' , b.iUm YVinetant Williams, who to be In command of the department of tho Columbia, to scheduled to arrive at a. harwh on next Saturday. Word haa been received at headquarters from tho headquarters of the racine aivision w 4ii iaaa flan Pranolsoo today. - aii. Hla houaehold effects have already been received and arc awaiting his arrival ' ' The second of the twins of Ray P. and at thla Blae died TSSter- day, aa the result of polaoning .with oonoentrated lye a weea ago. Marrltt VanAtta. wno nas oeem vwn- Aiumhw and Rntsh Prairie, re turned yesterday to MeMinnville, Orn where he will resume nis Minnvlllo oollege. . , , WASHINGTON SYNOD OF LUTHERANS MEET ' -f ' Snalal fuaeatah is The learBaLI 11 aaiMaid. Waab,. Sent. flX The Luth erans of the Washington district arc ooMtns A Joint synod In th Lutheran ahn-eh at this olaos. The opening ser mon waa preached by Rev. P. Oroschupf of Bpohana, wno revwweu tne worm di tho synod, which was organised ta Ml aMk nlna fiaatnra and alcht laV HI am ber, it now numbers mot than MS,o9t communicante and aaarly aw pastors. Tha avand te divided Into ton districts. of. which Washington to one of tha MMMvaat. namhtnns enlv to members. rha fnilnarin naatore are in attend ance upon the synod: A, Benaian, Ta ooma; A. Krauae, rortuino; J. r. iw h Oraann PltV! H. FlathOTA. Aurora. Oregon; C. Beuohler, Penlncula, Or.) L. Drews, Wlnlocx; w. Honoerger, twym- pta: A. Ftoblekorn, ruyaiiup; a. Haass, La Grande, Or.; C. Hopf. Kndlcott; H. vMnwk feltavtihi! p. Mueller. Lfnd: Oeorgo STyrlch, Oenesses; C. Schnlk, Col fax; A. Aberele. Sal am. Or.; H. Rlehe, Odessa; ' A, Hbra. Slckelton; P. Oro schupf, Spokans; O. r. Paueehert, Spokanoi A. Marts, Ratadruat, loano. Yale. Or- Sept. to Bv " taaportty vote of I to 1 the Vale school district to day floated bonds for tho completion of tho annex to the public school building. Tho question of bonding the district waa voted upon about a moatb ago, out waa lost by a small majority. ftsatlbP ThOowls Pleateat. PsIMeMe sTl4(rt, Taxatavl Ow)sPetL VxPaBsai i at nrlna. ISa. SW. Ma Pevar lUltes, Wa jf4 la bulk. Tba reselne Ublit ftenipes 000, aaaraaeeea m rare er rear kaek . Sterilag Sessedy Co., Chleege or W.T. ST bsve eammd vtth ailea fee tolier-els yesra. ia jar aco leal April I bates Uilni CwwiM r eeaallpulea. i la enera of e week I poiUea ptlaa lca te 4lBpaa aa4 s the fed of lit jraelatler aM Bet tnrnble Bia et bTI, Caar Pnjaxo e"wej S1 WW ea sbbb aBsesesM wewsaai aavs Weeper Basssmapaamto eS h, ddasr m,xeeTrM aer . "haaXlBBXeSS! . tion to about to eleee and be will have te make the trip back ever th lea and snow, be bundled up bis face, and with the Jumpiaf molar for sompanfv started soutbi t i ' He arrived on the Cottage City yes terday and half an hour later was In a local deattat'a chair with his Fairbanks scientist at work with strange foroepa. New that he Is out he will visit his brother la Taooma and start back ta two dara. He has no other business, hs says. to attend to at this tun and to badly needed at btf mine,.. , ... DIRECT PRIMARY LAW DISCUSSED faWsl Dweatrfc to The Jeer-ti l Salem, Or., Sept. tt The matter of tha application of tho direct primary law continues to agitato tho minds of politic lane, lawyers and oven some of tho others la this city. County Clerk Roland yectorday refused to correct the register of a man who registered la June, and who appeared at hla offloe yesterday for the purpose of declaring hla political affiliations Clerk Roland said there was nothing ta the statutes requiring him to receive this amended registration, nor did he think b had any right to make any notations on the registry books where ho had written tha word "cloeed" before th June elec tion last yesr. Th queatloa as to the nomination of a congressman or a member of th state legislature la such an Inopportune case. wher tho vacancy would have to be filled before tho opening of tho book for registration of voters ta IMa, snakes th question serious. The question of the- municipal prima ries that are not specifically provided for, however, seems a little more com plex than the other msttors oonncoted with this law, yet there seems that there ta little doubt that tho primary nominations must bo made under thla act m oraer to do legau for tne act re pealed all other laws governing primary nomination. tt was generally supposed that tho oounty registration books would be cer tified to tho eity returning boards for the purpose of municipal eleotlona, but there is noting la either the old regis tration law nor la the new primary alec tion law that requlree the clerk of the county .to supply these registry books to tho eity. It being presumed that the Intent, of the makers of the law being te require eltlea to prepare for their own registrations. Thus If Salem desires to bold Its municipal election In Deoemr ber tho eity will have to pass a regis- tratloa ordtnano and prepare to regis tar voters of tho city before SO days before the election, when tt hi required that tho prlmarlee be held. . The mayor and the eommlttea of tha council that was appointed to take this matter up, however, seem to be of a very contrary opinion, end they have de cided to reoommend that the primaries be held according to the old taw. They have decided and win make the follow ing report to the council, which meets oa Tuesday, night: .. W your special committee, charged with the duo application of what la known as tho direct primary nominating law of tho state of Oregon, adopted by the people at the late general election hi June of tho current year, hep leevs to report that. In our opinion. It will not be aafs nor expedient to attempt to apply th provielene of said law to the forthcoming municipal election In Sa lem oa the first Monday la December, for the reason that said law ta. In cer tain vital elements, so conflicting and ambiguous as to render a reasonable and effective application thereof, aa whole, practically Impossible; and we do most respectfully urge that the measure be left In abeyance so far aa this roar'B election Is concerned, and that the several parties ta-lthta tho etty bo permitted to put their respective candidates before the people by such aocepted methods as have prevailed in the oaaL and that the election proceed. and be determined, alone; auoh line of custom aa have gained countenance with the people of thla eity; tbls, until tha legislature ahall amend the law referred to so as to make Ha use at sue Suc cessful and satisfactory." HOP GROWERS WANT LARGER WAREHOUSES - (Sasrlat TAeeateh to The Jearaal.1 ' Irtdependenos, Or., Sept. to. The hop growsrs are circulating petition to have extra large warehouses placed at Independence. They estimate that close to UflOO baled of hop will bo shipped from her thla year, and there will be a large Increase over that amount aext year. Th Southern Pacific has two largo warehouses bet at the present time, but the hop Industry requires large storing space for the hops, and the room will be wholly Inadequate to star all the hope. The growers will -probably send a me to i Portland with the petition. They do not expect to be able te get pace ae Bsmmodatlens ta readiness for this seav eoa, but they bellev that tho present oendltlon should be bettered before the next season. No complaint Is made against th Sot-thorn Pacific regarding thla matter a the present congested con dition has not been of long standing, and tba hop Industry has been Increasing to Its present proportions In this oounty very rapidly during the last few years. 4flpeeti1 MsMtcfc to The Jeerkal.) . Oranta Pass, Or., Sept. to Mrs, 1. R. Mannom. aa old resident of this oounty. dropped dead yesterday while riding ro a wagon returning from Oranta Pass to ber bom at Williams. She was accompanied by her eon-by law, David Vineyard, and hto daughter. All three were quietly riding alonf and. talking With one another when, with hardly a moment's warning Mra. Han nam fell oead from her seat. Up to her last moment she had seemed perfectly welL Her age was about to year, AfUl V f f. - fameial INeaetsb to Tas Jeataal.) La Orands, Or Sept. ft. Christopher Johnson, tho owner of one of- the finest fruit ranches st Frultdalc, on mils north of this olty, died Tuesday morn ing after a lingering llmeec. Th body was Interred la too Mormon cemetery her today. Hh leaves a widow and sev eral children, end tha morning after hto death hto wife save birth to iwlas. v V. .! tWURVsT CUTelhT BUnTOS9S VO OOto- rbct RRSzsrma xatos ajto OOUalCBm to SO I IH TO RtoOOxtatSalto PtgWatoTml TO 9M aTatZaS SOOORS nm to tn iu uv. . still ti:e c3tic:j IS; m;zt DID THE UCGGLE-LG SAY? Th Woewtebttg, wto tarns ef the ttons for bis comrades from Oa. He has to answer on each week. Ills to answer Is sot printed. The reader Is left to dtaeover It. The pictures and 9 descriptive matter make thla comparatively easy to th active mind. Roth X th picture and the story arc guides to the solutloa Of the problem, and Z tho question admits of but one oarreot answer. The pusxle requires only ordinary skill and kaowtedce of tacts tacluded ta history. Mcaranbp. bot any and natural history, or aa aoquatataac with placee, buildings or cm- 9 bleene shout which taformaUos la eaelly obtainable, IS Is sot a gins ting .ooflteeVbutA V-ial olAeUlW. 1. Tn eiaulila Inlaraat ta ha Mat a Ha nuiill nra aha V.aa.4 a Oa. The Journal will give ttM In cash eaoh month-to those of Its X readers who send ta correct or nearly correct answers to th qiiestlong X put to too wosY'seug oy a is oompaiusw. , . ,,,..- . Stpte 29. - XJee this Ooupoa Onhy; To th WOOOLanlUCI BOITOHl . . ' THSJ SUbTDAT JOTONAU PORTXAND, ORBQON. . . . ' Tho answer ta th ejucstlon asked of th Woggleboe; hi th Maga sta SeoUoa f Jb paper of SUNDAY, SKPTEMBKR U. ta . WWH eea,yeeeeeeeee.ieefeeaaeeeeteaeteaa..aaeaeae.e trssf bb4 iramoso.........M...,M.,..v.... ...... JtVWU r dtP .M V1.nMMIpMHMIMtM.I. . Stat......... ...... ro axasliys of PTL.L OUT THM ABOVal COUPON. Also th soupoa to be found each day ta The Journal until Friday, September tt. Tbhi gives . rou six chances to answer th question suggeeted ta Sunday's page. Bach Suaday a fresh question 1 wsked. Thla question Is te be answered oa tho oou poa printed on that day aad oa each of th six wash dara following, ex cept that 1a the week beginning September SI only tho coupons up to and Including September 1 will bo counted la that week's answers. SAVnj TOUR COUPONS, and on the last day of tbo month send them ail te THB WOOOLEBUO EDITOR. The Journal, Portland. Thla will end the con test for September, and th prises will bo awarded very early ta th moath f October. ... . - - ... , ..- y - ' October 1 wtti hegta a aver eentest for th month ami another M wis) he awarded t the prise winners, according to the schedule give be low. Save your ooupoa of aext Satarday, October 1, and uae It In answering- the question ta tho Sunday Issue of October L That will give you .eight chance that wk. v ; " rxrrr collars m cask pyuzbs wtia. bv orvmN as poixows: 1. For the greatest number of oorreot anawsrs. HAM. ........, .Ilt.t ft. For the aext largest aumbsr of eovreot sswwera, M.M, 9.9 ft. For the third torgeet number of oorrect answers, tl.10. J-M 4. For the fourth Largest somber of oorreot answers, ftl.Ot. . , ... J I.H Z Iw For the tea aext largest numbers m. wot the ten ttesit icrsjeet ausaaevs oc oprrout answers, coca.. 1. par tho eievea aext largest auatbers. of. oorrost ana were, foa each . mTAJBSOPTBsl 'COKT-WT.' V-"-; Tha ' i .aat umaliai aT avmat iwim wine. - -V'' All- coupons for any one month will be oonsssatrrsjly raimbered. and mat be ptaoed ta an envelope and arranged ta ardor of their . public-. tion. Only on coupon of th earns 6at-oa -hs placed hi the same envelope of answara for the aaonth. It more than one tadrvtdua! ihoald have every coupon ' oorreetly marked and properly arranged, tho first prise would be divided between the winner Other prises will he similarly divided In ease any number of eontestaata have tba seen pumber of paawen that v equaily corroat, but not abaolutely so. . . . i . . ' - Contsstants need not wrrto th earn ans wet-on all eewpeas toeuad for any one week. A different answer can. be written, for eech day; but If you arc sure yoa are right, you will, of source, write tho asms assway on all ooupons Issued for efty one Sunday. ItsiaabT. the largest num ber of oorrect answers win. AU ooupons for any one Sappta must he) placed ta the same envelope and be In tbo office ef The Journal by ii9 a. m f the td day of the following month, .. - r " v- THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON . :;sTAhrreD rioht - v"' RATES ARE CORRECTLY BASED Oood IhtTjrance FutTiiBbed to Men and Women Who : Can Paw Required Ejuminatlons. 'V ALL WHO ARE IWDER THE AGE OF SIXTY CAN JOIN If too waotlhs bsst armternsl inenirsrics In ths world,, hp wstiggt ths plsns of Ths Order of Wsshington; for fun pir- tiaUetfaV plptka - ; J . , J- tm MITCHKLIa, Suprsms Secpetsry, ": : W MaaUSJTl Bldg., POftUlld Ofw. I' The L,a3ting Kind X ' Is the kind of paint we sen. The X Climate and thai tha rains will aot t -ted ta painca. uum hi sml sotuvatt as. Fisher, Thorsen & Co, timwmam ysTaaVaTsV MMMM MMMMMIMMM4 TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known the world over, arc the only dentists jn Portland hsvlog the 1st bo tanical uwi-uiiirj wj ajPl tumLfOT EXTRACINayrLtlNO and and guaranteed for TBN zBARS. . araaattaattoa , suvet t Ulagp aoid miAi- - TulX Set Teh that M old Crowns vU as BekOO Is o our fAi- LBfli M HITHOL-8. TOW F LFJfll METHOLA IOW PHICES AND oofn work noWS bt alibti in earn aeysranani. f , i ' i- j 111 ho pmoe. AU worn aone rAiNLAa-n,! hy BPsXjiaIjIBTB or tons rears expe rienoe. Olve ua a call, and yea will dad we do Just as we advertise. Boston Dental Parlors ruth earn- at iiisiaa Shiista, ahatsosMS ...............Tree .s fwm!rr"!sLx A . jO party, emdertakea t answer all a-oee. No. 26 ...a.... of correct anowera, 11. M each.. 3I.M m paint that tt made for tho Oregon T effect for years. If you org Inter- x 1 . r 1 or varnistiwA 4." , v -j' tm v. SOKE MONKEYS MOW MORE THAN OTHER MONKEYS r ; Fnrt tho most Innocent ape will tell you, If st all conversant with the faots.. (hat OI-OPB WATKR-PROOP PAINT IS THB BEST PAINT MAPS. A guar' , antes gxte with every package. . !0RTLeAND PAINT AND . WALL PAPER CO. , MS Seeoam t,V 1 VsA. Slaek StTpV 4' : V.