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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
T::3 DAJLY ; JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER . 1901 -gem t k ar f I V4 mJ Maresass Ore.... Tey Columbia . . . "Tu Jut U rdra'e T B'Ua ef Call Bakar "EMaMSJ TliaO' " Area ' ki wm u VautWr) le Lrrle Tai iWrtil far , VeedertUe T T lire Purloin Bmmo'i oanug sett (or 1I.0M against the City A Suburban fUllwr mpMY We dismissed M-he circuit eourt yesterday by presiding Judg Oo?g on motion or Attorney John Dltchburn. who with Attorney J. B. Watts,. appeared for the plaintiff. No oooto wtrt iMMitd. Ik wu alleged by Mr. Benson that whit transferring from on oar to anotnar, wnaa oy in mbduv. at Third and Yamhill streets. It wu atartad suddenly. According to ' th complaint aha waa thrown to tho ground and seriously injured, being for sums tlma conflnsd in too Good Samar itan hospital. That aAatife itMnbOal ronta Of th wona W tnai miwwb ranMaa bum ' Dalles. Convulsions of nature have awl tho mountain, oanyona and gorge - and ilani of thf Columbia renowned throughout ail Chrtatondom. Th stssmer Charles It Spencer leaves foot of Washington etreet, Portland. Mon days, Wednesday and Fridays it 1 I m. for Th Dalles and way landings, re-turning- on alternate days. Whan com , Ins to Portland, buy tlcketa to Tha Dellea, then change to th steamsr and enjoy th grandeur of th unparalleled glorloa of tha, rlvr. TeL Mala 1. T Oeorg H. Hlma. aaaiitant geors. tarv and our tor of th Oregon His torical society, la In Roseburg, where Ha l BMatlni with Uh auooB In e- .curing aaw member for th organisa tion He Ml also collecting some valua ble Information from avrai of th old 1 pioneer settlers to tha locality of Rose- burg high school, which haa bees erected during th paat aummer at a cost or 135,00. During his abaano Mr. Hlma will- visit Cottag Grove. Eugene and other town of interest In the soutA-osn- . tru (an ml wa - imiiiiihtt rnie. mat wnen to k th Bailey Oatacrt for th Columbia. rivr trip 10 Th Dsn ana way point ' you rlda an th moat handsome, tit stauncheat. moat comfortable and steamer plying btwn Portland and Th Dalle. Th Bailey Oataart la tha "old rl table" and ean always ba counted , on for sacs and fast trip. Th Qata rt lssvsk Wer street wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a T . mw whll th steamer Regulator, another swift boat, leave th um 1 m tl antai knnr na ! tarnafmT any. Phone Main MA. ' , A ton minute' rid on either th itver bnl( rout or Oregon City ttn carries th paaangr to City View park, th artstoe ratio rssldeaes section of Port land, located on th Ugh river bank Just above th city. The lots ar now sell ing at from $1M to W actually on third of their rami value. Bull Run wa ter, sidewalks, electric lights and tele phon service already provided. Beat K real estate Investment In the state of Oregon. Oregon Water Power Town site Co.. O. W. P; R. R. Co. building, PLrst and Aider. Tetephong Main XM. riev. Andrew J. Montgomery or tn opinion -that nest month Tot win be "4akeh by th presbyteries of th mother with th Cumberland congregation. Mr. -Montgomery states that ha has no fear but that h prcsbyterlos will vote In favor of the onion. Th subject will be taken up at a meotlns to ba hold at Pslrvtow October Is. , , Mai. C M. KcDoneU Inspsetofl W Vantos B. C B, F , H and K. Third In fantry, p. N. O.. last sight at thlr armory. Th 'guardsmen ehowed by their awtnglng atrlde that their Stay 'at A marl can laks during laat summer' encampment bad given them th regu lars' bearing. A large crowd of frlenda of th soldiers-was present and after th inspection there was ft danea, .ft , Mayor Williams to at a Urns to know whom to appoint as delegates to th trans-MlsslsalppI eon grass which meet In gt. Louis October If. Portland la en titled ts 1 delegate and th mayor la anaioas to noma parsons who ar svra to be tn St. Lou la at that Mas. Any one who desire to attend th congress may do so by aosuaiatlng u- mayor of th fast, -. -i - v ? Children's felt sailor In nary blue, red, tan and brown, eseeilent feita, 70c. for Friday -only. M. B. Cop land. Ill Washington street. . Plans made) by David Lwts for a Tssldenes for A. D. Charlton, to 5s erected on Portland heights, hav been S f , '. V-'. All ft B ft A Oat a B W W S) at X .,', . . i - - S.laakasa ... - .( v S Drs. Adlx & Northrup V OSTEOPATHIC y PHYSICIANS r 416 Dekum Building: EXAMINATIONS FREE Let Us Do It m That Washing of m J""11 Ws do Jwrfect work that always sat 1 . bfiM and pleases. OREGON imZXf AND T03LET SimY CO. I Biisnt Btffssl BiesstFtoss soeptd, and tha contract let Involves an expenditure by Mr. CharlUn of about lMvU, When th.nw dwelling m com pleted It wUl be one of Portland' ele gant homes. The frame will be of stone and wood and located on a beautiful site caelsltrunof about five acres. Th nous wlU contain 11 room. It WIU command a grand view of th city, th Columbia river and th snow peaks of at. Helena, Hood, Adams sad Rainlar. ' Plasterer hav Bnlshed their work tn th nw Bve-etory building erected In Sixth street between Washington and Alder streets by Dr. B. C Brown, for an addition to the Olds. Wortmaa A King atore. Th new building cost In th neighborhood of tfcO.OOO and haa ifi ooa uiuaM feet of floor ooac. The department - stor Arm I movlner oods Into th top story today, tor temporary storage. Tha building wlU bs read for occupancy In few day. i . . . .-) IjouI Ah Boo Waa - not horn In tha shadow of tha dragon, a his queue and oootl aspect suggested tp local Immigra tion ofnclala, and ha satisned United States Comtnlesloner Bladen of his eltl senshlp so effectually as to seour die oharge from th eomm lea loner. Louie proved that he was bora a( Baoramonto. Annual election of officer for tha University of Oregon law class of Itoi was bald last evening, with tns follow ing result ; Preeldent, Senoca, P. Pouta; vlce-preeident. P. B. Rutherford; aecre Ury, A. SL Stringer, Jr.; treasurer. J. P. Chahaila; historian, W. H. dtlvera r-geant-at-anns, Ben Irwin; orator, A. BV Johnston, . - .' ., . Contraets hav been 1st foV a reel- denc to ba built by Whitney L. Boise, after plans drawn by David Lewis, on the lot at Hawthorne avenue and Bsst (Fifteenth . street It will , be a frame dwelling Of nanosoms aeaign ana overr modern convenience and wUl contain lo room. The - bona will oost about IT.Oog, - . Tour snosn WUl bs Don today. At oeca If you - rr-y - ; Need them,1 Ooodyear Bho repair Factory, Yamhill near Oaa Co.'s office. Free call and de livery any wasonabls distance k . h In erossrog the street at wssr ran and Morrison Mrs. M. C. Balfour. Front atreei wa-struck by, a U oar, sustaining severs outs on her head and forehead. She is slightly deaf and failed to hear the clanging of th gong. Her Injuries are not serious. Aeensed sf stealing a woman's' hat and raglaa coat from the flurpri saloon, as North Fourth street, Frank Brlddfck nan arrested yesterday by Polio Ser geant Hogeboom and appeared la th municipal court this morning; to answer th har sf aroeny - Th Bxempt Firemen' a association, at a meeting bold to give xprelon to regret felt upon th death of their lata mmhr. Memrv Welnhard. passed rsso- lutlons eulogising bis good quaJltiee and extending sympathy - tothe bereeveo family.. v ? .-, - '. . If It'a naiht aee Beach about It 1B3 First, cor. Alder. Many year la bust fM haa nrovlded US with a knowledg of paints useful to ourselves as well as oar customers. Hundreds of patrons will testify to .that. Main UM. , ,- . , Officers hav been unable to And a trac of 'B, H. Whorton. who disap peared from his horn. TO Belmont street, two weeks ago. Kfforts that hav bean mad since that tlma to find him. bay a been futile. . - -. By stepping on' a grap skin last night Miss Panola , Taylor, ft muaie teacher, slipped on tha sidewalk and felling dis located her hip. She waa removed to Oood Samaritan hospital. , , rwtna a th fact that h la going to move away from th town, F. C. Walker, formerly eonetabl of Mount Tabor, has tendered his resignation' to th scanty Ws-Hoo Tonic. Th grant Wood puri fier, nrv tonic snd llvr regulator. Just what you mad the days.. For gsis by ail druggists. .'v ' Portland Wtr A Iron Works are now located at Trenkman Cov's on Fourth near Flandrs. Work tarnod at prosaptlp. "- -I ,( Th llttl gallery around th corner." 1144 Fourth, for dosaa Lewis snd Clark panel photos at 10c . ----- Hunters, attention I Oct your 'trepas notices at Poaal. Bros printers, Sher lock bul id log. Chsw Den-Tal-Oum. hav pearly teeth and prevent deoay. For sal very- wasra, , - - - - - . ua . fiMtttaaa ttav vrttaeC flour, try Psaosck. Your grocer sails It, (jUS FITZGERALD IS : ' . ' MISSING FOR WEEKS Ous Pltsgeralot, n young nan rscstitly from Oshkosh, Win, has mysteriously disappeared. Ho had been boarding at the Union boos, la Sixth street. On September T, having been ailing with stomach trouble for some days, he left th botL saying bs was going to ths not1tal. Ha has not been ssn sinos. and did not msks an appearance st any Portland hospital. Ha had written to hi famlrr at Oahkosh for money, and this waa received by telegraph for htm at th hotel th day after he disappeared. Hla moner la still there, with a return ticket to Oahkosh. His father, whoH cams out from Wisconsin last May, and haa bn living on a claim near nos hur. cam to Portland September 11 snd has been searching for his son sine that time,' bat has not found any due. ... U M. Brown, a wall known ttwrchant Of Burns, Or,. Is In ths city. H. L. Truax. th Grants Pass mer chant, is her on business. Bx -Governor A. S. gteunenberg sf Idaho Is ft guest at th parkins. Barry Baldwin, former United States marshal of California, la among tha visitors at the Portland. Mr. Baldwin now lives In Manila. O. L Kenny of Seattle to at th Port land. Among tho Impertal'a guests to J. a Cooper, representative-elect from Polk county, and oaitfldato for apeaker f ths house. s Among President Rooaevelt gnosis at luncheon st ths Whits House y ester say wsa Bishop Cranston of Portland. Brlg.-Oen. O. T. Blllott, comma ndlng th United Statas marina corps, was In th city last evening, accompanied hy Col. F- 1 Denny and Capt. Henry Leon srd, msmbHrs of his staff. They have been st Bremerton navy-ysrd, snd will go from her to San Francisco to rssums their tour of Inspection. Under promise to Judge Hvigus, Clerk Olson, the entlr police fore snd nu merous attache at police hesdouarters, that b would supply them with pheas ants for the next thre Weeks, Deputy city Attorney J. J. Fi tag raid toft today A A short hunting trip FilOE DIB BAsrauff omBBBsi iun wxu oo- OVFT tss SjOOAZ amiT.sTBsl TOM QPAB1BB nwi as WMM OSUTTB A BeBmSfc . : f jDvsry. day. adds U tho nmbsr of eaatara cities which are seeking to buy flour in thin market. Tho last to Provi dence. R. L, and a big flour man of that city writ: "We need soms Sour and would request that yon send u your quotations In Id ear lots. According to one f ths larg mill men of this elty.ths ml Us of this terri tory tn larger oaes at isssi hsva al ready enough orders from ths east to keep their mills grindlag at full time for practically tars months. Thav way orders ar now oomlag In they could grind from tills year until th next season's wheat Is harvested for east ern account without Hooding that- ter ritory. In rssponas to th heavy demand upon this market, tha millers -have advanced their quotations for eastern shipment 19 coats a barrel, or to til. JGven at the figures they ax not over anxious to SOU. . " - Just now ther to but Htu demand from th orient, but Bom Inquiries ar being received and soms shipments will very likely begin about ths middle of next month. (Ths orient Is bow willing to buy flour at th former Quotation, but millers hsrs want an advaaoa of about II esnts over tho figure. . By th Urns th ortontsto acre to ths pres ent price It to likely to reeelve another boose V Dollar wheat In this elty before the neat crop Is harvested to now being frequently predicted, on account of the heavy milling demand from the east and tha larg orders for Sour from that souree. It to now quite likely that the bulk of the wheat bought for easts ra ac count will be milled in this territory, ss la that form there WlU be ft larg saving of freight. . There to no abatement f ths heavy demand for Oregon wheat front the California miliars and although this market to materially higher than ths Baa Francisco market, the mill men of that elty are unable to buy there at the prices quoted sad are' compelled to pure has In this market at prices that are much higher, besides paying quit a heavy frstght bllL lmmGFon - AT RAPID RATE . 5 AS WOBX AT Fw. OAsT- Ol OOX. EBB. - Preliminary work for the new rcrtt flcatlons at Fort Canby to progressing rapftlly. A wharf Is being mad for receiving1 supplies. Ths eu aerial will be carried up by an eleotrlo tram to ths sit of th fort. See feet abov the waters f the harbor. A fore of men Is at work blasting- and excavating on th height for a base Cor th forti fications. - The new works will really be re building of the old fort, using th same site, and old Fort Canby with It out-of-date guns will bs transformed Into a modern fortification with ft first slsss armament of heavy mortar and long range guns. When th work will be oomplstod to fi question nobody can an swer st this time. The money for pre liminary work has been appropriated and Is -handed ever to the local department as It Is needed. With the completion of Fort Canby Uncle Sam will hav st the mouth of the Columbia river a ssries of triangular fortifications taking In Fort Stevens, Fort Columbia and Fort Canby, which combined with the mining of the river entrance would make It Impossible for a hoetUe abtp to come Into the Co lumbia. While Fort Canby occupies tfes sta tion furthest ocean ward. It to on the north side of the river. Naval experts regard Fort Stevens an the most Im portant fortification. It Is located In side, and across the river to the south eastward about eight miles. About four miles across the river to the north and ft little saetward, stands Fort Co lumbia. An enemy's fleet entering ths Columbia would be subjected to the oross-ftre of ail three fort Both Fort Columbia snd Fort Stevens are com plete snd up-to-date fortifications, snd th new Port Canby will he A model of Its class. ' ... ENGAGE ROOM BUT ' . CANNOT FIND IT After wandering - the street the greater part of the Bight and without food or money, Mrs. J. A. Parker and um viia. Wataon. two elderly, women from Kllensburg. Wash, appealed to Po liceman Teevln st Tnira ana wasning ton streets today for assistance. They reached th city yesterday sftsrnooa and a a enlnek encased a room at ft lodg ing house. Shortly after they went out for dinner. On fhetc return they were unable to Snd the plae and had only 6 oenta. They apent the greater part of the night searching for the room k tA Mid for. but felling, finally spent th last W cent for soother room. Their belongings are nvine room wcy cannot And. ' this morning and without food or money resumed the search ,for ths lost room. Shortly aner noon xn-r despaired and appeal to the polios One' of the women cam to the elty to visit her husband who lg HI at Good Samaritan hospital. Ths ether accom panied her. . - : , WorIdi Fair ExanivM. w Anlu 1 a and I and IT. fig a.nA a t. ranajtlaH Pacific will inla alaaa on sals special round trip tickets to St. i rfcLmA and eastern nolnts at verr low rates. Tickets will be good for stopovers. Tki. will ha the mat ewnortunltv to secure World's .Fair tickets at special raiea, Bariy reservations should be mad. rKM aiKunlM ttckata frmrn eastern points SO Portland are now on sal. For full particular, call on or address F. R. Johnson. F. end P. A 141 Third at rant. Portland. Or, 1 ., Jxids W. L. Bradshaw of th fifth Judicial district le here from The Dolles, AUOSI aft ingirnn, , FACTGY PAYST03 OS!C LESSONS Splendid Method of Intro- due Ins: a Fine Piano. - MBnofacturwrs Poof ths BUI" Bllars PI sob Hotise) FuraUbe ths PiBtios, aol Um BnteTpflia" Ing Buysr OsU the) Bettofit Any Tcaxher of Stsndlns; May Bs CbssgB-Otber lndtcronts That Will SU 5cors of In- : strurnsnts. ; , ,,' ' - 't -. There la a fin piano mad In the elty of Orand Haven. Michigan. Its name is the fltorv A Clark. The workmen In ths Story m Clark plane factory are all of them experts. Nearly every one of them owns his own home. The finest materials are used In tb construction of the Story A Clark piano. In case design the Story A Clark piano ar simply unique. For two years Mr.- Story hag been coming to Portland to Indue Xllers flano xteuos to sell ths Story Clark plana Although Its managers were fully aware of the sterling qualities of ths Story A Clark pianos, Bllers Piano House having th agency for overthlrt y tor over thirty other hi, la-h-srads A American make, did not fsel Jus lined to add to this extensive Una When, early tn the spring. It beeems known that Bllers Piano House had dis continued the agency of a well-known Clano, on account of Its failure to tnaln aln Its original standard, Mr. Storey renewed his overture with tha result that today three carloads of Story A Clark pianos, ths very cream at their fine factory, are la Portland. Recognising the difficulty tn intro ducing; s costly piano in ths' western market, Messrs, Story A Clark have en abled us to extend to music lovers th following most extraordinary offer, an offer which has never heretofore been mad by any American piamvmakero, and which will probably never be mad sgatn. It Is this: As It to well -known fast that one good piano sells another, the manufac turers realise that by placing three car loads of these pianos In th select homes of the Pacific northwest, there will Im mediately arise a big demand for ths Story A Clark pianos Ths first three carloads of tBess Elanos are offered, therefore, to "retail uyers with the Inducements: , 1st. The dealer's wholesale price making the ttQ styles $tt, ftl and 911!, respectively. Correepondlnc reductions prevail - on the 1660 and fs valuea. Id. Everx purchased of ths Story A Clark plsnoMn these first three carloads may select whichever teacher or music school preferred, and ths bill for six months tuition of on of tha family will be paid for by us for account of the Story A Clark Piano Company. td. Whatever text books are needed In the course of the tuition will be fur nished gratis by th El lore Plans House, on account of the Story A Clark Com pany, 4th. And tost, but not least, Mr. Story has promised to send each buyer of one of these Story A Clark pianos a fine music cabinet as s present . next Christmas. . . In a NutABsll. ' ' Let us be ' thoroughly understood.. ' 1st These three carloads of the choicest product of ths Story A Clark Company , sr offered at wholesale price. ' 3d. These Story 4k Clark pianos ar obtainable either for cash or on Bllsrs easy payment plan. sd. Six months' muaie lessons hp any teacher you prefer free. 4th. All text book required during the six month' period of tuition are supplied free of charge. - ith. A beautiful music cabinet at Christmas from th Story A Clark Com pany. Only Threw Cariosuts, No Mora Bear tn mfnd that ff you wish to par ticipate in this offer you will have to at tend to it promptly. It applies only to the first three carloads. ' Ths pianos are now on display tn our main salesroom. To see and to test one Is to buy one., Kvery ens of these In struments wll surely be disposed of within the next thirty flays. If out of town, send for on of ths handsome Story A Clark catalogues and full particulars, which will be furnished free. Ellsra Piano House, SBl Washing ton street, corner Park. Largest and GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Oeseral Practice. Iavestisrleea, Batata Wars. Hperial and Periodical audita. THOUSANDS OF HER ON RAILROAD WORK PAOZPXO OOBStBUOTIObT OOHfAIT TT OP aVABOBl w XtTBBT WQBUK VO OOalafaVBnOMi Robert Brook, eupertnteudent for the Pacific Construction company, bt energe of the grading of th ArltasTton-ndoa line of the Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion company, waa ta Portland yesterday sad departed this morning for Arling ton. The company now has about four miles of the- new road graded, snd Is pushing th work with a fores of nearly I, 000 men. - v Th ' Pacific Construction -company's contract covers th grading and bridg ing for ths new line from Arlington to Condon. 47 miles. The oontraot requires that th work shall b done December II. The ties snd mils will be told by the O. B, A t. Co., and the line la ex pected to be In operation early next spring. Much of ths rout to lvI, and the work of construction hi very rapid. There le not a out nor a grade on the line that requires steam-shovel work. Th company haa a mrg steam shovel IB operation at Cascade spur, three miles north of O rants Pass, where two long trestle are being filled In for the South em Pacific railway. About sOO.eo yards of dirt will bs moved. The work to in charge of B. H. Huson, and to one of the extensive Improvement preliminary to the relaying of the Southern pacific tracks from Grants Pass aorthward with heavy steel rails. H. B. Huson, of the Pacific Construc tion company Is sxpected to arrive horn next Saturday from Nevada, where he has been going over the ground that will be the scene of operations by hi com pany for th next six months In con struction of the Oarson-Truckes Irriga tion pro)eet. There will be about 1.10. eee yards of dirt to move, The company has upward of l.sog men an ths )ob, and work was begun a month age. The eon tractors report that there to bo scarcity of laborers. - Oen. Constant Williams win arrive to morrow morning to assum command of ths department of the Columbia. It la likely that Oenersi MacArthur will aO nsmsenji the new. anmraBdeay-, HOME r m Reid i : ; - 9 and 11 North IWSAMBBWB. 1 Columbia THeatre OH A B. W. TOBK, asnstast JIsssm. M asd Wesfclnfto. Pbme Mala lit, . Ali THIS WnSK. The meat Colombia I tor. O-jpeay 4s Mm Baortoaalfa BMSterytee, - -THE JILT" Prtcee lac. Me. sOe: satire gan. IS. Msttaae Ue an Sle: eatlre l2i 72 ? fflea.esea t Sawe k Uartiaa. Stk asd Waafc lDtaa, frosi 10 a. . T p. m. Pboae Mai 110. At theatre tnm 1 p. av a IS p a. ruM Mi. Nsqotm Grand Theatre . nM xtaAa aSs. Tesexfct. Prldar and natvrday ITajstB. Spaeial-Prtee Hatmee satsrsay. The Big CTlasaa naglaui weaieai y w&AaN TOY" Sal end Wet, lit SO. , Sparial wailssap n. Balcocr, 11. TV. Satire aalbrr. too m entire suss gssxss. . Basts sew seines Mirquam Grand Theatre fiiSf sigsts. nasuuuns mvmw, Tka dieting uUhad BnaVUh artst, . sad aWsaid srlgtauii caat. tact itle atoor w "RAFFLES, , VsTB AJCAVBVS OmAOBafAAT. Asvaaca eel will ops tpBrnrrov (fttoay) aBeralng, at 1 e'rloek. CORDRAY'S THEATRE - eOBDBAT A BDgSSUa MiSlgSW. JWaakisgte street! a Mct rWalsr Tbeetre." Msttese tvtess-dalts, w; ehUsree (ej eeani, iu. - Mlgst prteea. 10c. e, a aed law. TOMIUHT AMD AIX WSaat, ' "BILLS OP CJHJFORMIJT 'Sea sf all rare! stare." , r week, atartia Beadsy stat Mr. Chart B. Callahan's - BBW TOES. OOBVAST , , A Mommnem I Coon Bottom" " Btarttng Taaraday Boasg, ; "Gmttdfaihor'a Clonk" 'Ttoet Uaae ea say stags.' Baker Theatre MaaassK. IQSnOBT. TOMOEBOW WIGHT AMD SAT W rsDAT MATINEE, ; arawH serfweww ef gllJOran BACDOWaXL, Is the Oreat SDertarle. KMPESS TUEOOOMA" We pertorwaae gatartsy eight, ss Mr. Mae ttewelfleeres for sweaaa aftt SMttsss. Baker pneea -Meat week, "The sag sf ta Bsar," xwm m Bn.gT bovtsts fiomi tom ptAa-Twa TBOVaAVBS &AVSK AX THS ARCADB THBATRB : BBS MB OTXBB SaXAX AOTS, gsews. S:e : aueslos t say east 10a CUNN1NO, THE GREAT IS AjrtOTBDlKa TWW'BASua - V , MTsTBSIOrS AND L taBTBLOfUj J a IL-BEBAX fftS PBSrOBMAMCBS AT THE LYRIC hr(wiM t-M ta 4Mt f4B e Wt Sk 14 caeU ae higher. JOUBVBAX OOVBOBT. STAR THBATRB SB. Ign. ant B mm(i entitlea holder to cne admission when pre sented st box office. Tee sss ef test. as-vllka OsatlBBttae aarfarsMeeae fren S ts e:St S B. sendan cmUos I ts 10:W . Bvas leg arfrsunea West T tS MJ0 Bb Aaf MtaiB theatre. IS easts. Our Optical, Department " ' a-a-a-MSKejBKeXanSKeKBBSxn ta ta charge ef a rsfractlentsi whees skill and SMosspilahmsnta have won htm A grst-elass place among the leading; refractlonlsts of America. His Instru ments snd SDCltanoe ar ectweded to b the beet tn use. He wtIT examine snd US yweyeTand tell you their exact condition WITHOUT CHABGJC Its worth while ts kwew about year eyes. , til i PATRONIZE M MJ I y 1 JL gw INDUSTRY If you want Shoe, buy the R. & are cheap at any and workmanship ' gtaranteed. Ask your merchant for them. If they can't supply your wants, write lis. ' Our Jine of Loggers'. Cruisers', Miners and Workingmen's Shoes are unexcelled. .yx:X i-1 ' -. -: ,'' -V v- : ."' i ' ' '-t-v ' v ' .ir' ,; ;' ' - r an- - . aatxa uAa. xrJum tt t -r vur niuuvi - vev"f 1 t -., ,- a. t-W SHOE MANUFACTURERS First Street ' ToAttract an Convince These ere the two prime and insepsralcniotiTesfor advertising. To write con vincing srguments and give them such typographical .expression as to gain more than paasing notice is a task for men with not only a vi rile pen but a thoro knowl edge of the Art of Printing and adequate facilities' at their ready command. Such service may be procured at f.m iBaltejJ antt Co. First A Osk Streets Phoos Main 15 NIGHT SCHOOL Mofvday, Wednesday. Friday I Month V. .S 6.00 3 Months ... . 13.00 6 Months . . .25.00 Holmes Business College Yelwleg enn EVvM StB. tlill Military Academy POSTXAJTS, OESSWn. i private hesrslng sd Say sesoSL Massai traiaaeg. " tarj sisetsllB, eaUas srepsra tlea. Ears ef eey u admltlM St a Use. FA1JU TBAM SOW OPBX. CUT THIS OUT Ass Skall s Dr. J. W. BlU, BUB BUlttarr Aassemr. PortbiBa. Or. I ssts .... says, wsesi I was ts end to s arfHtsry seseeL Tae age ar - Plaaae seed aVprtees asd tsrajs: a tae IllaWtratoa saeerlptiv wtsiagM sf yeat eeheaL . , (VSS...., (leilrees) MONEY nent and paying Investment. One dollar per wees 'pays isrs aiTiaerw. TaTB SUsflOMAB 1BST1TOTB, v M niTB ittBlT. Phoae, Med ITsS. Bortlaad, Oawgwn. AETDSBSrjrsTTta. 1 Oakland vs. Portland - 1KRCATHHI PARE Sept 30, Oct 1.2 COSCSET MALL " SLASISB EBOgw ' OOSCBET BTBftT KlCCTK . STBI-NtPB. ft- 1 BASEBALL I says. Twaissay aad rrss. isasl'ail is see sklMrea, lAa, , T a good Working Ha shoe. They prices Material hviwbv Taiun V (i Portland, Oregon YeeMeCiL Night School 60 DWeTwaxt OtnUeA " 25TeBcJin FaH Term Operis This Wwwat BabJt Algebra .... Architectural Arithmetic ., f trfMos. .- S.OO irawmg,. B.OO 1.50 S.OO a. 00 Bookkeeplak Carpentry ..... Chemistry Civil Servies Classes ..... Commercial law .... Electricity .a Elocution .....;....... m. Bngineeiing Mathematles English Orsmmsr ..... , Prss Hand Drawing .......... Osography ............. CJeometry Osrman" Interior pecorgtloB ..V...... Machine Design Mandolin, Oultar ... ..r , Manual Training Merhanlcal Drawing .00 .00 i.oo l.BO 5.00 J.WI s.o S.01 .00 . i.o s.e Jb9 5.0 . . l.B4 el-vo S.OO t.eo .00 10.00 la.oo B-OO S.0O 1.60 4.t Pattern Making Penmanship . . . Physics Plumbing; Public Speaking ........ Beading and Spelling ... Rhetoric Sign Writing Shorthand ... Spanish Steam Bngineerlns Telegraphy ....... Trigonometry . . . Typewriting Vocal Mpstc . Wood Carving Boss, Mandsall Cwnrt, U, BSATBB OATALOglTA Cor. Fointh and YtuiiIeeZI NIGHT SCHOOL Bchnke-WalKer Business College toil) rm m HC16KCSHB.J3.C3 AJTB VAsmRB- W ft .TlVAwa, Bstahllahed tn 1. C Prlval or eiaa In'" of graduates In P" constsnlly ecCi' our eebooiT fc free. eVB. nee ec gMnassjMinaB, UU OBJ BBKB MB TEVB it iikliiisEt ....ff aewrs pes wesB BmsnlsA"'' hears pes west 1 Mill slIhlssT lH Bowtg peg weaSj Betttag- SH bona) pew wash Artthmssis ....1H kism pa weesi S)ssBaeM ..s..,S Bssbs sew vbbB