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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
-1 ' . ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAI PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER tV 1001 i PORTLAND DAY AT 4 I - : WASHINGTON. FAIR Reception' M Business Men s DelegationSeattle rrom- r . 4 ises Aid for Lewtf and Oaxk Fain i mm kvmn an om m m An ma oavmm ruiurt spp v MTui ros nmmm- WsTBAw AJB WL9VM PsUsTGIPAl. T?7 staff Oerr- Special Dispatch bp - . pondent.) ' - Korfh Yakima, Wut, Spt Today - psrtlsud day at th Washington a tat fair, and wtwtmr of good-sstured rlv- airy to fM Mwm tba atatea of Wash ington and Onion he bwn burled in an .ertert to make tba visiting aal -at . fori that tha day to theirs.. ' ' At 1 o'oteeh this morning tha Portland ' delegation arrived hero, out tt waa well ' Into tha moraln before lta member ' 'strolled forth. Tba trip ao Car has been euch a round of nlrtoinmnt that an ' . ar a UMla waartad and feel tba affaeta s or tha ooatlauoua eaentioa bestowed P on them. v . .. . To do honor to Fort land day, and fur- titer evidence soon . will, large detega i tlona arrlvad ere today from flpokane. Beattl and Tacoma. Tbto morning tha Portlaaders were aatartainad la a sight seeing trio over tba vsjieus-poiat of In- , tarest te tba slty. .Tha visit to tba Can was made tha feature of tha afternoon It to worthy of great praise and semperes faTorably .with any stste fair avar hold la tho wot It to unquestionably tha moat suo ; eessfut ono ever bald In tha state. Xta dismays ara not materially dlffarant from thoao made to Ulm and show ax- -.. Thla avanlnc tha Portland delegation . will ba slvea a reception at which Tom Bichardson, A. D. Charlton and F. J.J ornlnc with tho ' tunu wo aid.'; Bewsd Ptimtom to Meek Wwto , .asm Omsk rata. . . . Wataon will apeak Is behalf of tha Lowia and Ctork fair.- Xt to aaadlaaa to any that their representation wUl add to tha Interest to tho owning exposition. Tbo Portlandara will leave hero Cor homo at Friday feeling- that much oompllshad, Pa (bjiilil sweaem v Tba JeetaaL) ttle, Wuk, Sept. Whan Port a business aaon I aft aatUa raotor- day nftarnoon, on thatr way to tba atato fan at Walla Walla, they woro ooo Ylnood that tho ohanabor of aonunarea of thla alty would do ail hi lta power to aaaiat In aakinc tba Jwla and Ctork axpoaltloB a auooeoa. XHirln tbo threa hoar apant bora the party waa entertained at tha Soattla Athletlo elub. Tom Bio hard so a. man aar of tho Portland Commercial alub, vaa. tba prlnolpal speaker for tho t la it ora, and Secretary alolUo and other of tha looal obambor of oommaroa replied. Tho SeatUo ohambar will mako an ef fort to have th buatneaa men of thla city uao oxpoaltlon atatlonory for their utn MMMMiMtenM. and. bealdaa will aaatat In every nannr poaalblo to aid I EXFC2T TRADE FC2 CM IS VERY LOW tho projoet. BEAUTY DOCTOR HAS TROUBLE OVER WATCH C Aw Perry, who Uvao hi Fourth atraot between BeJmoa nod Taylor atroatn, onlla ' blawolf a drnuuolostat. Otboro oaU ' him a "bonuty doctor.- - Mo waa arraotod yootorday on tbo ohara of laroany by ball. 1 . "Dr.- Porry aara MsHnooa, or rather oalla beauty to any who bar tho prloa. For aequlrlnv tho oharma which ha haa - th powor to boatow, patlanU bar baan paylnc-blm I1H par traaimoot. To bo . oom parfaouy beautiful, or anouaH ao . to b favorable In tba era of ne'e hus band or ownathonrt, M treatmanta an ' rqurd. . Anon hto pattonta waa Mra. math M. Wlao&cor. lb wan tod tho ontlro treat ment, but did not bavo th roqulrod amount for at eaJla upon th "doctor." So ah smvo blm bar watch, vatuad at SO, ao aha all. Thon aba draw tird Of tho treatment. Sh wanted th watch back, and claim that tba -doctor" re fused to return It. " I - Ho wan wlUlnc to abtd by hla oon trbet, ho aald, and 1a bar tho romals ln traatmantav For hla rafuaal to ra turn tha watch, Mra. Ntaongor awor to a oomplalnt ytrday eharcla htaa with havlnjr omboaalod th watoh. He la rp roaontod by Attorn A. Walter Wolf, and appeared ta tho municipal oourt to day. , MURPHY MAKES GOOD i HIS VOW IN COURT When Thomaa Murphy wu aentenoed by Juda Hoyu laat Monday to aerv ftp dmrs In th olty Jaik bo mad a vow hi en oourt that bo would arr oom tho tonau At that tlm taw boltovad that ho would koopkui word. -1 - - Yaatarday afternoon at A o'clock Mur phy, took hla uapaadora; and, tylae; thm to th top of tho eall la whloh ha waa oon fined. trtd to hang: hlmaalf. Ho waa ound by Jailor Bon Branch Juat la time to provost hto plan from botna carried out. Murphy waa ao woak that It waa thought boot to tako aim to tho Ooodi Bamarltan boapitai. Thla analdf whoa tho dootaro vtaltod Murphy h prtondd to b uncoooctoua. but etaortly after thop loft h aonurad hla clothing- and left without bidding- any fond farewelhv to ttf kind nur a Tho polio woro notified of th ooeapa and Murphy to being: aoug-ht laduatrt-oualy. STEEL ARMORED DOORS IN CHINESE JOINTS Inarm Word and hto day Una mat olgbt met with steel annorod door when they attempted to outer a room to which thay thought fan tan was being playod In a building In aeoond atrfcv Try aa thay would, tho oflloora war unable to break through tho door. It being oon--a true ted as though built for a vault. Othr Chlnea gambling houaaa ara hav ing door of tba aamo sort put ra, and fan tan playora aro of tba opinion that tby will soon bo able te withstand all attempt at raids. Sheriff Word ateted thla morning that tho dreaata of the yttow man about peace and ouiet would bo rudely dispelled. ' SPECIAL ST. LOUIS CAR. Very low rate, ro-dar return trip tickets to Bt. IriOUla, October t, 4 and a, via th 6b B. N. Oa tho ovonlng of October t. apoelai tourist ear to at. Loola vta tho O. B. dt N.. without ebaag. Oa October IT, It and !. th O. R -N. will alao aeU very low rate tlcfcete to St. Lou la and' vetura, good returning untU Deoambar II. Particular of C W. Stinger, olty tlcktageat. Third and Washington streets. CUT AND THIS OUT 1 ' GET A $7.50 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE ?freeSI Journal Company, Gentlemen t "it JPIease send solicitor to explain terms on Graphophone proposition. . ,i ! " A ' Name MtHaNHMlHWHiltHIlHMNMt 'Address.. The sole condition Is that you become a subscriber to The Journal for one year from date at the regular rate and pay the Columbia Phonograph Co. $1.23 for the first Columbia record, cost of handling, etc. All future records 25c each. .t ''v c v SpecfaJ arrangements have been made with the Columbia Phonograph Co of . 128 Seventh Street, to furnish subscribers to The Journal (old And new) with a Columbia ar-"--- m above terms. om werofr -ell barrel our vutuer -l 17; lll lll buahala wheat, valu. : general merchandlaa. value, t,- t: total value. Ilvl.ll. No lumber waa sent from Portland over tho aea during the month of Sep tember, and as a consequence th valu of th export to lees by almost oo half than tha chip men ta during August. wha the axpOTte amounted to Included In the Utter agurea to tlll. lt. which apraata th valu of th lumbar exported at that time. So It will ba aeea that th heavy lumber shipment of tost month account In a greet ur for th bis ahortago la exports dur ing tba month Just drawing to a oloo. There was more nr sent to foreign porta last month than during any like period within tho past Taar, the amount totaling U.tO.m ft. Why tho ship ment should ao audoealy fall to noth ing la partially accounted for by th war la th far oast. Another reason at tributed to that this Is always the dull est aeasoa of the year, while some x plstn that tha government to act buying so freely for tha Philippines aa n was f snort time ago. A flour cargo clearing for tho orient and a wheat ahlp for tha United King dom, included la tho former betas mall, quantity of general freight, com prise th antlrs foreign shipments from Portland during September The flour mounted to 41,404 barrels, and there were 111,011 bushels of wheat. Tha lumbar shipments down th coast made a fair showing, footing up to ,0,lft feet Thar were II cargoes dlspatohad, nearly all of them solas to Saa rrancleoo. The product waa handled by eight at earner, two schoon ers and one barkentln. Tha shipments la detail ara aa follows: Month snort trade September I, tha steamship Asteo cleared for Yoko hama with 41,404 barrels of Hour, valued at I1KS.I1T. and enough general freight to max tba total value of the oargo tlts.U. - - Mnaber IT. the British ahlp Beacon ttock ol eared for Queanstown or Pal- mouth for orders with 111,011 buahala of wheat valued at S,Oo. , Shipments sent coastwise Sept em ber 1, th steamer Redondo cleared for Saa rrancleoo with ttt of lumber'. - September the at earner - Auralla cleared for Saa Praaclsoo wjth 161.000 feet of lumbar. 1 September S, tba at earner Cfcteo otoarcd for Baa Pranclsoo with 100.00S fMt of lumber. September t. th steamer Be cleared for Baa Pedro wlth.401.000 feet of lum ber. September II, tha steamer Northland cleared for Saa Pranclsoo with tlLOOO feet of hinrber. - September St, the barkentln Ja Johnson cleared for San PranslsoQ with -LULUS foot of lumber. September IT, the steamer Aural la cleared for Saa Prenoleoo with 140,000 fMt of lumber. Seotember IT. tho steamer Xedtfado claased for Saa Piaaclseo with 771.000 feet ef lumbar, September it. the steam Aberdeeft cleared for Sam Pranoteco wttb 0,H fMt tut lumber. - Ssntamber It. th schooner Church til ol eared for Saa Praaolsos with 1,101.000 feet of lumber. - ' September ST. tho schooner Earn pa cleared for Baa PranclaoO with 440,000 foot of lumber, r - (, AO-BOtnTD AT DOOaT. ' Seimal Barges as4 Ugfctttema ta rrouhl a Poet f Oouoh Several barges and the lighthouse tender Columbine -are lying- aground at tha Couch street dock, and tt to prob able that some dredging will hav to be done before they oaa ba removed. The Columbine nut m there yesterday during- high tide and before she was moored sh was hard and fast on th bottom of the river. Xt to believed that It will be iropeeatbl ta move her during the next flood tide. Th dock belongs to Couch Planders and th Lewie estate, and It to said that tba owners are drawing up plana to hav th structure extended out to th harbor line, a dlatanoe of some 10 odd feet. When thla m tension to Dieted a good depth of water will be secured. Th depth at tba present tlm la oalr about IT feet, which Is entirely too shoal to accommodate vassal of ordinary drauarht. When built out to th harbor line, the Couch street dock wlU be on of the largest docks situated abov the steel bridge. It la 400 feat In length and tha addition wUl aiv it sa average width of nearly 111 feet. It to provided with two floors and will have aufflciant room In whloh to atom th cargoes of half dosaa ship. Th sounding show that. whan th proposed extension is made ther win be a depth of tt feat of water alongside of tha dock, whan the -river to at lta lowest stage. The Columbia will probably be la port two or threa waeka undergoing repair and by that time It la likely that ther will be ampl rain to raise th water to a sufficient depth so that she can be moved from her Imbedded noaltloa without any trouble. Th con tract for doing th work, baa not as ret bees 1st. While coming up the river, th steam er marked out tho various channel be tween Astoria sjnd Portland by mean of range-lights. Soundings were taken and the Officer report that they found a greater depth than thay expected. BXa) BjOwV- v-j . W9 tUve Pssm As-' Pour vessel are en route up th river from Astoria in tow of tbo Harvest Quean and Ockmhama. The Queen la bringing the British ahlp Hartflcld and th schooner Virginia, while th Oc Ma nama haa In tow th schooners Joseph Rus and the Mel rose, Th entire fleet t xpcted to reach the harbor aarly to morrow morning. . Th Hartrield M coming tn ballast from Ban DUgo. and ah la under bar ter to th Portland flouring mil la to carry a oargo of grain ta tha United Kingdom. She WlU secure berth at th elevator. Th Virginia and the Melrose ara In ballast from San Pedro. Th latter will take out a lumber cargo to that port. and tha former will load for Saa Pran cleco. Tha Joseph Rua la from the Bay city, to which port ah will aarry a lum- ber cargo from Portland. . Tho Oermaa ahlp Ifotnla la about tha only vaaa remaining at tha mouth of tha river, flhe arrived on tha outside IsUCHXW-vloSrTllh-TOBACCul rOR fVLL BMTWHLASS auwi.ronTLAKP.Qait. Seventh Street bet Morrison ; -ftftd .Alder ; Seventh Street bet Morrison ; and Alder t - S ' . . , , ' '; . 'y: vv'':i; , ' , bi;iAip FALL PEBIING ' "' ' '; -:.'-''.'.. . ' , ' , v J .- ' . t- ' "' - " V - ' ' -j- ' " ' ;''. ; ' ' '. v - v .: ' . 1" ' i" V: " . ."VX,! ', ' ' - Gommericii Friday Morning, Sept; 30--pontinuing Untfl .October 15 Night Fourteen; days of Rare and Matchless Bar gainsall departments of the store unite -to make this the greatest money-saving event ever attempted in Portland. Don't forget ! Sale opens tomorrow morning. ; :' V S " .' ' ' ;-Vr- v v4' i tho, day before 'yesterday, and It to probabls that aba will not bo brought to Portland before the first of th week. Th Nomla Is bringing a general cargo from Shields to Merer. W 11 sou Co, XAQUA XS aMSS, far Piatt bp CJt O. Coming up th coast la ballast from Baa Pranclso and expected to arrive her toalght-to th steamer Xaqua. which has been chartered by the California dt Oregon Steamship company. Tn sal Is reputed to be one of the .fastest steam schooners ea the coast. During good weather aha to reputed to aver- as it knots sa near, xne steamer aas aeea added to tha company's fleet for a short time, but It la very probable that the amaagers of th line will keep her In steady apmmlsitoa ejatll nest oprmsv - On her outward trips sh will carry lumbar, which will b supplied by th Inmao-Ponlsan mtlL It Is estimated that aha can take care of 700.00a feet at a trip. Several years ago tha steam ar frequently called at Portland, but ah has not been her recently. Th steamer Despatch of tho same lln Will leave Baa Francisco today for Portland. At Bender's Landing. CaL, ah will take on a shipment of tee ton of bark. Pot the outward trip aha will receive a oargo of lumber at th Hum mill la Astoria. wvm w Local mariners state that th tug Tatooeh performed a very remarkable fee the other day. After being Boated from th drydock sh eama up to Port land and moored at tha Asb-trt dock. At 4:9 o'clock Tuesday momma be left down the river aad reached Astoria Just als hours later. After Pilot Patter son want ashore there the tug- picked up tho schooner Churchill and escorted bar te oaa. Nosing around for about half an hour la search of other vessel on the outside ah put back .across th bar aad reached Astoria for tho ascond tlm at 11:1 la th afternoon. All of thla work waa done la just eight hour from the Umo that she left Portland, and waterfront frequenters state tt to a eord. The Tatooob to la osatmand of Captain Bailey. , . . , AXOsTS) WA With a oargo of lumber loaded at th Portland mill tha steamer Bee sailed this morning for Baa FVasclsoo. Tho work of discharging- the Brnlah ahlp Carnarvon Bay waa completed this morning. After being lined th vessel will begin taking on a cargo ef Wheat, whloh ah will carry to Xurope. After completing her oargo at the North Pacific mill the schooner Ciescent will move down to St. Johns, where sh will reoelv a eonslgnment of rail road ties. , Local Inspectors Edwards and Puller Inspected the steamer Joseph Kellogg yesterday afternoon. - --..--,- On of th blggeat cargoes aha ever carried was brought to Portland by the steamer Aurella, which arrived la th harbor at o'clock laat sight. It meas ured tit tons, of which alt tons eon aietad wholly afKenral merchandise. On th return trip th Aurella will take out grain la bar hold and lumber on deck. She to expected to sail Saturday evening. bar ; no Astoria, Sept. . Condition of the Mil tn-. obecared;, weather ftoggy' wind. Arrived down! at t e m. Sta r Columbia. . Arrived dowa at I a. i Schooner Zampa. Baft up from Brook flald at 7:10 a. m British ship Hart field and schooner Virginia. Left up at noon tlchoners Joseph Rus and Mel- roe. Steamer Alliance want down to bar thla morning, but returned; too foggy. Astoria. Sept. St. Arrived dowa at I p. ra. Steamer Alliance. Baa Pranclsoo, Sept, tt. Bailed at 11 It a. aa. Steamer a W. Klder for Portland. RECORD SUMMER IN IMPROVING STREETS More street Improvements are being done in thl city this summer than dur ing any previous aeasoa la the history of Portland. Last year waa a record breaker when about 10 miles of street were constructed. It Is estimated that more than that have already bean built thla aeaaoa, and there la much more to ba finished before the first of next year. Tha atreet that have been con structed or repaired thla year have been among the most important la the olty, aad the work baa been of a vary sub stantial nature. Much of the Improve ment has been la atona, bltullthlc. w block and macadam pavement. Several large bridges, Including; tha two steel bridges over Marquam gulob, ar oouatad among? tha Improvements of thla season. Bealdea the Immense amount of street Improvement there are many miles of ewer aad sidewalk work being- dona, and It ta all of a very substantial na ture, Aa especially large amount of new sidewalk la being laid on Portland heights which are betas much Improved thla aeasoa, While the amount which IS being ex pended by tha city for theae public Im provements is yet Indefinite, It will ex ceed that expended tn former year by many thousand of dollars It to a con servative estimate to say that tha Im provements of street, sidewalks and ewara for this year will reach the half milium mark, . .... ... FAIR MANAGERS WILL? NOT SLIGHT. ANY SECT J . :. i.'. """ ; ) ... ; Officials at Lewi and Clark headquar ters deplore th fact that th Congrega tional ministers wr led to believe they have been overlooked la th preparation of tho program for tho opening of tha fair, and declare that such Is not th case. Ther has been absolutely so of ficial action taken regarding that mat ter. The publication tn a morning pa per of th name of a Catholic prlt as having been selected to offer the Invoca tion waa unwarranted and unaathortaed. th officials say. and there la a inten tion whatever of slighting' any aeot. Willamette University. Salem, Or- Sept. It. The firm chapel of the school year was held this morning fta tho as sembly room and waa attntdedr by a large number ef students, tho majority of whom are new ones. k. J. Smith ef Portland president of tha truatee. was present and addressed the students a There ar four new professors In the literary department. Prof. Chaa O. Beyer, physios and biology; oomrs bare from Puget Sound university) Prof. W. H. Me baffle, assistant la chemistry and biology. B. 8. Bmttneoa college and Ph. D. Alleghany college; Prof. Lores. A. Kerr, registrar and secretary, wee pro To taks sdvantage of a liberal offer, and here's when you ; want to look sharp. Wt can sell you Waltham, Elgin and Deuber-Hampden Watches at 20.00 wiW a tun guarantee. You pay us $2.50 down andN , ,. 1 , $1.00 PER. WEEK OLD WATCHES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. it I. Gevurtz & Son YAMHILL AND FIRST $1.00 a Woek Buys Anything fa This Stora. ltot, A. M. Ohio Weslyam atlas Mary Plld. Instructor In Greek and Letin, A. B. University of California. 0 OOBSTSWOT BUlOTaUO fspecfaa piisstek Tha heel.) -Centralla, Wash., Sept. It. Messrs. Weddell. Haycox and Caton of dympla preeented to the city council tost night an ordinance granting; them a franchise to rua aa electric link through the streets of the city- The ordinance waa read th first tlm. It la the Intention of these men to construct an electric line from Olympla to One belts, with a branch lln to Oray'a Harbor. Ultimately the line would be continued to Portland Mr. Weddell, whs la a civil engineer of many yeare' Skperleiic, stetea that the maximum grade Would not, exceed tt feet to th mil. ' Th Deacute Irrts i A Power com pany now haa about i. men i teams at work and la 'r" to thto fore sa doea as p HONEY CAKE TOO LATE TO SAVELirZ rSpMial IHsaaMh ta Th leamel.) ' Spokane, Wash., Sept. IB. During the) Howard atreet Sre two mentba Sgo, Pe ter Klein, who had aa office In ess of the sharks, had a tin box destroyed t waa euppoeed t contain about I' He was found dead eoon alter the n e. and It was supposed that n hmi c mltted sulcMe. after be-- a ant over th lose of tr The box with the er sent to the secret rr and Tuesday a s oontelnlng bill to th valu of the termlned with demptlon. cessor f sclesee la Willamette 1IQ- . in iiWi J- --: r- sis'.-nfitf - 77 ' ', . .