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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
THE ORKOON DAILY JOURNAL' PORTIAND, tHXTRSDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, in f U I, v.. V v I MRS. VAN HOUTEN i 7 - WANTS '1 7.f 'l. V . Wife of Man .Who Killed Saloon Keeper Yotmg Seeks Release Says' is wonniess ana FMrtns sh Mn. that h win be hot dowtf by be busbend and DSlng MUt to stand th abus wblcn ha 1 Whl ( hav heaped Upe bar, : atr. Blenle Van Houtoa 1 utng David O. Via Ho fete foe divorce, Vu HMttn wm leosaUy quitted of oaarg C , Saarder. , v .,. '-7 "Ha bui stench, sj aaaay time, has ta threatened to enoot ana. hu oaUed ; bm every nana taa he eould tfedak f. and hM aaeasag a of TryKtng that . - woman eaa to accused ef." avid Mrs. , ya Hoataa en tiM wlta stand Uta anoralag. . " y ... .. ' During " aterajng awsatoa of u traU, Vaa Hasten watched al wife ' eioeeiy. - 4 Mr a. Vaa Houtan an th taad atated ' that tby wsi saarrled tn Portland, February t; 1M. They tnea awred to a. raaoh naar Dayton, Wash., where they . spent tha summer, lira. Van fhraten aid that he henaTsaoon waa extent "fcoelng potato, taking care of tha eowa nd ehlokens, and doing; other farm Job that aba thought ualeasaat. She Mtd that Van Houiea mould "gt, lasy and not work, ' Aftar tha potatoes oh Via farm naar payton had baas gathered, Mr a. Van liouten aald that they movad to Ore inn -CUy, whera aha kept thre boardara " .villi ha worked tn a milt there. ' -'Tha boardara paid our expenses, ad .my husband did not hav to .eaah hla . -mill check during tb winter," aba said. C'"WhM spring can a, ha oaahad'tham In a lump, took all tha money and spent it . a trip to Seattle and Taooma. , I did ail tha work that winter." ' Two reara of Ufa In Orafoa City waa , .anouBh for tha Van Houtona. Thay than , wovd to Portland, Wbara Mrs. Van Hou tan atata that aha bagaa koaplnc room tnd'JMaaa. Tha atorlaa of tha roomlns houara war told la datalL Mrs. Van Hootan aald that aha dM all tba work amd bar huaband a pent tba monay. "But h nTr would work," aba atat ad. "SX-ry time t wanted blm to help , lay earpet there waa alwaya a ream lax hL- . , "Didn't be often help you" ked At torney Vaughn, who with Judge Dell Stuart la eoaductlaf Van Houtan'a oaaa. "He aaalated ma by Bruaabtlns." waa the reply. - Mrs. Van Houtea toM now bar haabaad .waa alwaya naadina; monay, whksh aba . aald ah had to iw him- out of the raomlnc-houaa rotpta Aeoordlnc to . liar atatamant. Van Houtoa alwaya told 1VANT ATAEERNACLE .- aawawaUoai-that a tafceraaeto be v roc led on or near the fair grounds - next year mat with great enthusiasm at f EAR EA1R GKCL!:0S . this morning' proceedings of the eon - ferance of tn Congragational church. 2t la the plan to engage noted apeaker - - to conduct eervlcee throughout the at ' , aon and early tn tha summer 40 hav a largo Pacific coast congress for 'tan , oars Or a fortnlshL t ' Dr. J. K.- McLean, president fef the ' , Pacific Coast Theological seminary at Berkeley, CaL, apoke In favor of audi "an action and predicted tha hearty aym - patby and- oo-oparatiou of hi sttta. " In hla address he gave a brief review of the work dona by bis college. .Dr. Outness was Invited to. speak, and h startled hla audience with hla open ing words: ' The mission of Christ waa to greatest failure the world ever saw.' However, be ahowed that, turn In; the .leaf to look at Its- relation to . the world, It was the greateat sucoeas v the world bad ' over aeen. Rev. C P. Clapp gave the outlook for ' tha future tn encouraging terms, basing . his views on the splendid work of the I church In tba past year. The year's report of the work at Pa ' cine university, the Congregational ln- Btltuuoa at Forest Grove, waa read by Rev. K. m. BoUtnger. - At this sfternoon's seaaloa Rev. IX V. , Poling spoke eft A Woman's Sphere m - Church Life." and Mra. B. V.. Luckey o -A Man's Sphere tn Church Ufa,' . This vnlng Prealdant McLean will 'open the session with a brief talk and " Rev. George R. Wallace, tL D., of Spo f ': kaaa, formerly pastor of tba First - church here, wiTa give th address of t 'l the evsnlng. ' ? . A - K business was transacted t the . afternoon and avenlnc seaaloft yester-day.- Tha Oregon Homo Missionary eo ; , .iolety, at t:SO, and the Woman's Mls slonsry anion at o'clock, reviewed the r work of the year." The young people's ? .place In the enurch was ths subject die V' oussed at the af ternooa meeting. . . r In th evening Rev. H. C. Jlhsffer "browght greetlnga. from the United ' Brethren church, and Rev, W. C Kart Vvv Dr, tk D., of Salem, gave tba address . at the evening on 'The Chnroh and the ;-:- Hallona." - : ' - '-iv, SAN TOY SPECIAL MAKING A RECORD j The Korthern Pacific bag mora than . . ,t mitA ltt BtMl sovered itself with " ' advertlslnc glory. ., 1 'y. At 41 p. m. the tHg special brlaglng; ' ' W the Vaa fey" oompany from Spokane 4 T- will pull Into the Unloa depot 10 mln . V ate ahead of what was pmmlaad- and . having eatabllahed ft reoord of about .. 11 .":'. I7H aatlea per hour far the ontfr ala ' ' " tano af 44 ml lea. -' 1 - - - -1 i'. The special left Spokane a soott after V mMnlght ae the heavy production oould ' be loaded and Its time was olosely watrbad by tha officials her. At o'clock this afternoon definite word waa . rocelved that the tram was only hours . and I minute outside the cMy. Roth th oompany osoclal and th '"wan Toy" management are to b eon cratalsted. the latter because the early ' arrival affords ample time to put into ' place every plea of the massive scenery belnoglng to the product km. A large oorna of extra etage handa await th 1 arrival of th Bret load at the stage vdoor of the Marnuam Grand, - J ' ' m Saved Bm Beg. P. A. Danfertb of L Orang. Oa.. aof fsved for sis months with a frightful -running r on hla leg: bat writes that Rufblta's Arsic Ssiv wholly eared H In flv days. For vlrera, wownds. pile. It the best salv In th war ML I Cur aranteed. Only Ska, frel by I P-d Cross Pharsnsoy, oorner Slat and osv b. way to tb poatomo. , A DIVORCE Husband Beats Her, wui not worju hr that ha waa looMpa; for work, but waa wnabld-to find It "Sometlmea, aald Mra. Van Houten, ba would o Into the hay bualneea, but ha never a any monay that ha mlfht have made. Than, aaalo, ha would Bay that h had a band of atray heraee at The Dallaa, bat when ha would re up to eU them ha alwaya reported that they 'bad atrayad aaraln. All tbla while be would ourse ma, atrlka me, ac cuse ma of all aorta of mean and bad thljias, but etUl would take my fttoney. "It aama to such a atata that I re fused to ll v with hla any Ion car. Then be would eome and tell ma how every one. hated ma and bow bad he tbouaht I waa, but all the time wantlna; m to eome back and live with bum. He often struck ma whan b eelled to aaa ma." Mra. Van Hasten teid about trip To flan Francisco, wbre aba waa folio wad by bar huaband. Their etay In Marsh- field, aha aaid, waa anrtains; but pleas ant. -The two children. HaeeL awed eight, and Acne, a ad five rears, were with the mother or bar parent moat of tha time. ' Durlna; the 'Course of the amea mm- Inatlea Mrs, Van Houten waa afaown a lattar which "Al" Tounc. a aaloonmao. who waa killed by Van Houten last win ter, la aald to bare written to her, and which waa Intercepted by Van Houten, "Did you ever aae ihia letterr asked Attorney Vaush. ' Not until it waa ahowa to me In tha trlaL" replied Mrs. Van Houten. W T. Gardner, superintendent of tha Boys' -and Girls' -Aid eoclety, teetlfled that the children had been in the home eome time, and that they had atated they would rather o with their mother than their father. Mrs. Mary Rudder teetlfled that ah had heard Van Houtea ears bis wife. Mra. Masters atated that ah 1 heard quarrela between tba huaband and wife, but had never aeen Van Houten atrlka the woman. M. T. Haetlnca, father of Mrs. Van Houten, aald that be bad aft en taken car of the children and waa mora than wlUlnc to do ao now. Last December Van Htfuten ahot and killed "Al" Tounc ta the latter1 sa loon, at Twenty-fourth and Thurman streets. Van Houten aeonaed Touac of paytnc wndu attention ta Mrs. Van Houtoa. and atated that ha bad tator- oepted a letter written by the aaloon- Van Moaten was oapturad on tba eaat aide a few hoars aftar the tragedy by Patrolman Price, but waa acquitted of the crime of murder. for th Islander. Lewis Nlxoa Is al ready at work eft a. fleet of torpedo boats beUevd4o b ojRuaala. Leading nnaneior say tnat wne aoowaa aurtea tax Ban Francleoa 14 days ago ha had th term ef a oontract with the Japaa- eaa government for the onstruotton of 14 battleships end cruisers. Only two men beside Schwab and tha agent of Japan know the detail of th contract. These w msft r Job w Oliver Wren. Th ostenafbl purpose ' of Schwab' a trip west was to attend the receiver's sale of th Union Iron Works and com plete the arrangements for th re- organtsatloft of tba shlpbuttdlng syndi cate. Today' ramor gave i gnln canoe to the remark that hla -. visit to San Fraaolsoo bad rafareace also to ft "bus ttor," war Is fpuostbl. fsaUI Danateb ta Ts Jearaal.) Tacoms, Sept. S9. B. C. Belhrwa. United State ooateul-gen oral at Toko- Kama, 1 In Taooma, 8 peaking onoffl- clally, be declared mediation waa, out of the Question in th far eaat. "Russia," he aaid, "cannot contemplate ft permanent retirement from eastern Asia, and ah will absolutely refuse to long abide by ft treaty that stipulate she shall. So mediation would merely mean an armistice. While both nations might respect a treaty se obtained for a time, both would utilise th cessation of bos turtles to prepare for other battle. "Specking da a private cltlseu." said Bellows, "end strictly apart from my of ficial capacity, I think a settlement of this war la favor of Russia will moan an Impairment of American commerce In we orient. , in ueveiopment ot vast commerce is ft certainty, whatever side may win. but I eon view with composure th success of th mikado' arms. eTAPASBSS hUXXBTw ABTABOB. 84. Petorsbas Blspateh . ., Are Ptosktor b 'Vv, fosVsal fseelsl Servlee.) London, Sept. Is. A Central V dispatch from St. Patera burg state that a telegram received at th Russian capital from tha froat Indicate that th Japanese are making advance along th entire Russian front. Th Chinos in th Mlghborbood axe Socking . to MukdeA, .. . vj " POBOB4) AJaOtr 0V AB. : - ';..' v - -Jearssl gpeelel Serlse."l ftom, Sept. ft. Th St. Peteraburg correspondent of th Italia MUltatr re port that In th Impending battle of Mukden Kuropatkla will hav n force equal If not superior to that ef the enemy. The Russian fore will amount to 1 4.400 men with 14 guns. Th Japan will hav th an number of amen end l,4o guns. ' (earaal apastal ervtee.) Chef oo, Sept, I. Th British steam er Tlk Sang arrived her today and re ported that she was stopped by ft Japan- topedo boat dostroyar outald of th harbor of Chefeo. - , , ramus, 1 eMal Dtssatsb ta The Vasrssl) ' HarrieoQ, Idahoi Sept St,-Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Milter of this place are under arrest far threatening th life ef M. Wlk. who attempted to remov ft fenoe ereeced by th Millers. WaXB aVsTVOWBTOB BBTBOTKAB. ( (leuraal eial aervtm.) Berlin, Sept. it, Th reported be ipbons of Spain and trethsl of King the Duchess Marie Antoinette ef Mack I lenburg-Sehwerlft will paorUy be ftav 'jkouaceC fContbmed fro Pag One.) I WIU FXaUKV W pu OV-'V Oaawefl BeOewS BasHsag Mllbiali I 4 , m t j ' GIVES J53,C:3 10 . PaVUrctfa . BtTBTOjr . sTSBmiBOsT OF nw vomx tssisTB in oambi bact' fob bibutbbamw 4ovmm- btavxov op Jnraal Cpartal Servtoa.9 Harrlaon, tha lemoaratlo nominee for lieutenant governor, he presented Cerd Meyer, chairman ' of ths Demo cratic atato Oommittee, wKh a. check for 9 wOO. This is th reoord-brsaklDg contribution . to ' the state campaign fend, and ta aald to equal any Individual contribution to th national campaign fund. Henry O- Davis. Democratic nominee for vtee-preeident, gave a alm- ilar sum to th national committee. Harrison la ft warm favorite with Tammany HalL Tw year aaw Tam many a Job, nominal ed blm for congress la th thirteenth district, which bad always go heavily, Re publican, Harrison mads a personal canvas sad was elected by ft majority of Tbla feat placed him solid with Tammany. Judge Parker spent ft largo portion of his time this morning ceiling on his oh) associates t the appellate division of th supreme court. He also rolvd several osiiera. H aspect to return to Kaopug tomorrow. - r, , - AT tfsoreal Isaetal aerrtasJ Missoula, Mont. Sept. i. Fal rhanka special arrived her this morning after sneventful run from Helena. He apoks on Irrigation and the open in of the Indian reeervatlon lands, stress upon th fact that th Republican party waa well organised and prepared to continue the present form ef govern ment, which be says I responsible for the present prosperity of tbe country. Falrbankrs voice is beginning to show the. strain of ths aompaign work and la not ao strong ss it waa during the early days of th tour and th senator ta hoarse. He says that be la In the beat of physical condition. lMrM g,ni aarvb.. Indianapolis, Sept. It. Senator Albert J, Bevertdc addressed the first Repub lican meeting of the campaign in Tosa- Unson hall her last night. lie touched on th trusts, th Philippines and th financial question. Congressman Over- street presided. , CFBAJUi A Ta-fcaMa. ' (Bpaenif- Dwesam ts Tbe Jeeraat) 1 Kaiama, Wash..- Sept. . A letter from Benator A. G. Poster to ay member of th Rvpubllcaa central committee an nouness that Senator Fairbanks bind Sen ator Dolllver will deliver an address tn Kaiama while en rout from Taooma to Portland, Saturday, October 1. The train will arrive at 9 o'clock and remain her U mlnntoa, v.-- AB IS OOMXVCn ' Charl ML Schwab, tn Steel mag- Bte wtU pas through Portland tomor row, m route from San Francisco to Winnipeg. H baa been fi Saa Fran-j Urtseo attendlnT the . eel of Iron Works, In which ha waa Interested. EVERY FRIDAY A SPECIAL WATCH -':rr Friday Tomorrow) Only 500 $1.50" Values . ... Mmm ARABIA ARRIVES v AT, RIVER'S KODTH - A Duiletlft from Aster an nounced th arrival there at noon today of the German ataamer Arabia, two end ft half day over-due. j ' ' In certain quarters there was considerable apprehension re garding th belated vassal, al-"' though th Portland and As las tic Steamship Cot disclaim ' having. at any time felt the least anxiety, over her, non-arrival. On, one occasion "on ef tbchr" ' ships rV quired M day for th voyage Th Arabia' laat trip waa mad In If daya. This passage oeou nlrd 11 u dars.. ,. - v" . . . . 4 J : : The Arabia aalled from Toko-f d bama on September 1. Mo as- plaoatlon of th delay u glvea In th bulletin. It la possible that th vessel encountered Some ever weather, th equinoctial period being now on, r'o r porta, however, have been re ceived of other vessel being da d talned for a rtmllsr reeson, iiiisEcras fcj flARSIIIANCCIEEJiS aVflZATXO illT TOBATa v Tb annual meeting of aHoekhoiders of th Oregon Railroad Navigation oompany was held at th gnral offices of the oompany la this city today. Di rectors were chosen, who will later and elect th ontoera who will carry forward the progressive plana that hav been laid out for improve ment la Oregon. II ts a foregone con clusion that thee oncers wlU b th present officials of the Harrlmaa lines In this state. Th director are: J. C A in worth. Portland; WUliau M. Bull, New York; H. P. Connor, Portland; W. D. Cornish, New York: W. W. Cotton. Portland: William Crook, Portland; K. H. Harriman, Arden, N. -T.: James H. Hyde, .New York; Otto H. Xahn, Mor ris town. N. J ; WUllam M. Ladd, Port land, A. L. Mllla, Portmad; B B Cal- vla, Portland; Miles a Moors, Walla Walla. .Wanh.: Wlnalow 8. Pierce. New York: H, W. Scott, Portland, Tha annual meeting of etockhelder of th Portland a Aslatls Steamship company waa also hold today for the election of director, wh will meat and select officer. So far a knowa there will be no change to tbe onVrtal rooter for tb ensuing year, and -th steamship Una wlU continue under tb manage ment of 'R. P. Bcbwerln, Tb directors or: ' B. B Calvin, Portland,. Or.l H. V. Conner,- poruano, ur.i w. . u. (jormsn. New York i W. W. Cotton, Portland. Or.; William Crooks, Portland, OM B, H. Harrlman. Arden. N. Y.I W. & Pleree, New York Sohwerln, Saa Fraa- At the Harnmsn railway neaoquarxersy br '.. w'v-; "V-1? -T. - MEN'S 'if i- SALE Frklay and Saturday This ia the time when a medium weight over coat : ' comoe . handy. Here we otTer the big gest bargain of the tea aon, a $15 overcoat for - , i. . . ii ii. . -t ;t ABWVAB MBBTIBOM 0 TWM BBS Oaf BdJBWAT JTAVWASZOB . OOVPABT ABB OB ll Special Umbrellas TopCoat PIANO BARG.',S -This' Wdk winds pp ouf tps cUl sais) of used and second-hand pianos. Thert are only a few left. so if you want one you will nave to. act quickly. This is an op portunity to secure a good, stan dard make piano at one-half its value. There are tome that can not be distinguished from new Those that usually sell for $875 mw W. -Th WW styles at $231 and two $300 styles at $118. Other good second-hand pianos at $150, $176, $190. $200 and ao on and all gold on our easy pay ment plan of $6, $& and $10 per month. . Do not let this splendid opportunity pass, but call at once. Open evenings, . '. .-'.v ;::.- . -v COR SIXTH MORRISOtf. la Portland today tha stockholder f th Spokane Union Depot oompany held their annual meeting And elected directors, who Immediately met and elected oftt oer. Tbe offloar and dlrotora ftro: , at JL Haniman, president; W, D, Cor tsb, vlce-preeldent; James a. Wilson, secretary: Alexander Miliar, assistant secretary p. S. V. Crosby treasurer; X. a Benson, general auditor. Directors: W. C. Bristol, Portland. Or.t H. P. Con ner, Portland, Or.; W. D. Cornish, New York City, N. T.; W. W Cotton, Portland, Or. i B. H, Harrlmaa, Arden, If. T-t Law. renc Greer, Mw York; J. C Havely, Portland, Or.: J. K. Teal, Portland. Or.; Jam G. Wilson, Portland, Or. VALUE OF DIAOOS - CAUSE OF LAW SUIT .V--;;,- v;e-, Oscar Vanderbttt, through bis attor ney. A. King WUsoa and a O. Nasi, tola morning Wed aa additional answer In the damage suit brought agalnat hla by Aim Austin, an actress. He admits having accepted th woman' diamonds aa collateral security for tha rapaysaent of SIM borrowed from him In Loo An geles, CaL, October 10, IMS. But he state that th Jewel war only worth 1265. Aim Auattn Is of th opinio that th diamonds ar worth far more than 2li. VaadcrbUt tender 9l to th court for .th full payment of all claims and demands against him. Mlaa Austin asks that sevsral hundred dollars be given her by Vandorbllt because h had sold th Jewel a Vanderbllt state that h notified Mlas Austin that th dia monds would bo sold to th highest bid der at Chicago en July It, 1M4. TABBAX4 p ffeeraal Special tervtea.) St. toals. Sept 14. Several valoabw nil painting of Bmperor Nleholaa of Russia hav been torn from th wal to th varied Industries building at th to fa- be re by unknown persons and badly mu tilated, Th painting war among the Russian exhibits. Bvery effort to being mad to discover th perpetrator. . Preferred Stock Oaamstt Alien A Lewis' Beat Brand. CLOTHING CO Corner Morrison Second: Streets FRIDAY and SATIRDAY Vou could look the town over : ' ; -and come to this conclusion ' N0. SICH SlITS FOR '.1. . ' ; anywhere. Cs -" ; ' y,',' -: - , i ;' " 1 . r'- ' ; ' --f.-' ,','. i Your Choice of One Hundred 'S-"-- ;v, ;v. Palternd :lJ-..;j Dispkry oa Second Street Side mm i ins -store nat ea me test CI OF TlJE C-ZLCiATED 1 Thesw frmenta are, without a TMterlals, the beat madav and . r pa v 1 . V mm . ' ,v".:- ' -. woman who buys these garment gtta a swtQ one 'for. lees than coat of tha snaterlauV uuWaiS ftVo . . j.yo Drawers .r.$ 1.95 Skirts. ; ... $2.65 Chemise . i $ 1.95 Corsej : Covers ;$1.48 to 10c Children's Drawers 25c to 10c These germents are elegantly finished In hcea, efnbrotderieav fucka, and are elegance in thdmweroBa. The style, ftniah and niaterial are always a feature Buy them. Wear them. OUR . FRIDAY? t .:. ras osrarf bxobwsuwsi nai aejeaja snreeui tm an orb r; If f v; 1 ffffarr-a wr-isTs aiWey sli1s-'1flYsTi ''' V'J'- ' U "" 3aBWB,B0BBBBB,B ' V FRIDAY and SATIRDAY . Here, a $340 in ' Doublcvbreasted folk. New ahadet, in every particular. ; and Up WB" DUPLICATE i COLOR Boys sawsaaa' ' t 5 The Sebbury is the HAT We are agents for the SALS3URY HAT. $2.50 t7 uov j u tne lAyrm. triced GUT:. "'"'''"vl Iin rrft tali single exception the finest e&ibrace every stU. ' Tha j- " in tc to 19c to 4Sc to 39c of these garments. Bee them, SPECIALS i Nor- to date When 22L see an up to date hat any where dont rush to the high price stores. ANY SHAPE OR fobt A -eV . ,f ii - f. ; .r R , ' , - .', 47 -(. K ii I WvP. r .y 4' 3SC r v W V W" ""S "V v