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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
. f r U FCTTLAKDe THTJFSDAY "EVENING, EZPTEMBER 29,' 1901 :a&.-. ..fflW.'ltJ 01 TT BOTICBB. 01TE BOTTCSS. Cm BJOTICBB. BAILBAAS T" ft 'V F 9 MKM1 OF MM- wt at ft t! t. 1 fc i io. 14,ft, t, ' i a v pnoe. from i of t..en4 . t S .4. i" U.J J ' U . - a q aui r k 1 ' art OC 4. tot Aa, B. C i tot J. Auieuc tad L DC F , 8 'sXR;a A A 'N tu Arbloa BLOCK IT. lot 10, Jt W. Oeok, f J..,d; tot II. Owf Aaderson, JSiM 0. Jas is W. CooB, tw - let A. iAinmM W. Lkxtk. kjI.W): lot A Je W. took, TT; lot I, James W. L h. 50.. B'4k.K IS, tot k JoiM W. Co. ; tot 6, Jem W, Or, 91.01; tot 7. m W, Je' v.aft W ft, Jeara W. ; C-a, ft " 48; fc,t K James W. Coo. 3.17 tot 4. Ja W..0ook, 90-26; lot Jar W. CoukTr ; tot 1, Jim W. Czi. t'TO.Bti. BiUA.M. IX tat . A ""V at. . 1 it. SM.I8; tot 8. Addto'B. Ki it. "- BxX)rt ft, tot ft, Jotu, Hear? and Wuihb f. Wast, fl0M; Joe 10, J Jin. Htiij ud wmutai s w tat, axz.aui tot aarM V- jtma. so. 87; tot ft. a. w. ana lurr a. poo 31 i vrin w v Paula, ft.n: Ktith U la Marr &. Daria. Aitt.TM: lot 1. Andrsv Fsulae. tot i. Ill ULTNOMAH BLOCK SB, tot , First Consrt- gationai Cborcfc, m; tot 10, First coae Srttonal Church. lU.M: tot IT, 1 iberial 0- Bean, 87.78; tot 18. ft. T. and Ia B. Bf- r.M; tot it r. 57 As na, UU.01; tot t, B. Anatiott,"' UX.,4; lot. T. Aaorw -I. ftuo Indtrua a.T 7M- b. S. Mdwla A. tUrwurta. F Oil tot a. Jckn. Haarr and WlUtovi f. WnI 17K.M' lot 1. Jean Haha. t .T4. BLOCK M. lot 16. Jinut Bjao. NO aOi Ml IS, Janm Bru. Vt-mL ll- "da' rpanciL 8.1&: tot 8. rrd W. ft lira iiaor m toln t. ItH.OT; tot B, Aaaa Btlitaw, 6.tB; tot Anna actalM. 170.01-. lot 1. Tltla Onailo fa Truit OomiDjr, IWO.-lfl. BLOCK 23, . tot 13. Emll CUtasMB, 4S3.T0: tot 18, . Van SL CaMT, T8 W; tot 11, MarrKMaaib B4T TT: lot u. Thamaa Kmiu. 141 .71: tot f. Jsooa Tniib, 147. TT: lot i, Jam Traak. 4T.TT aoath U f tot , ONrjri 0. SibIUi, v 130 30; aorta U at lot a, alary Ooaeaurwa, TT tof 15, a Mlaatoalppa'Anaaf hall A. " oclatloa. Ua-Ttti tot ll, at of Portland, Trueb, JiiC.M; tot 8, William Traak, 6.a; tot a, WllUan Sobota, fttO.&li tot 1, Oaoraa Q. Otrkart, miU. BI-OCK. 11. tot 10, . BoMa'aoa.'; lot' 11. Bmma C. Keraba aM.'f7j lot h. Anofw av now w.n. " IU6.TT; tot . Ataaa Montrt7. WTO; tot ' fTsilaa. lerlln, tot 1, Larkta Joknaoa, - . KU.V4. BLOCK , m n. araa w. uutBaa. K'il8i tot I. Hary Bccka.18a.43: tot f, Hanrv lMki. t70.B(t: tot ft. f Conrad Btark. 7.Ta; tot f, A. C. XalaoB, ftW-U; tot L ' A. C Kalaoa, (itt.40. . TBOBBBTKL'H ADU1TI0W M AlWoa BLOCK ft. tot 1, Jma aMralaU. fiBa-Uf tot l VOOK'S ADDITION to Aftlma BLOCK 14. tot Lv ft, Bcttoul Dlatrlat No. 1. l4a.0l. A Utn 01 1 1 . ' land L-lnc betwaatt Ua aaat Ua of tot t, I bkick 14, Oook Addlttoa. and Una UW I - laat aaat af and paraUal with tha oaa Una Hu of Mnrrla atraat and a Una 100 faat i aortk taaraof lad paraltol tkmwlUl, aVkbool Dlatrtct No. 1, Saf.OOV ' COOK ADUITIOir to alhlaa BLOCK la, lot ft. Janaa W. oook. f7.i; lot o, m. ' Tbompaoa, f7T.TVi' Mt 4, Nate and Janata Matoan, ISS.79. BLOCK I, tot if, Iibm W. Conk tm.U: 1st lft. Jamaa W. Cook. 172.18: lot la, ianaa Gaok. Mi tot lft. BOan Ckstnad, f.4Jl; tot A Jjnw W. Cook, S60.4V; tot 11, Arthur T. Workman, MB l: tot S. Ota Bokmaa. 10ft.49r tot T, Ola Bohmaa, $0.4B; tot , Joaaa Boh man. ftO.74; lot ft. Tonaa Bofcmaa, ftS.Uli tot 4, OW Boh- iftan, W.44; tot 8, Ola Bob man, U.lft. SlOCKl, lot IT JainM 0. Speacar, 1M.S8; tot 10, Jamaa OV SpaiK-er, ftM W. tot T. J. . i KflOtt, .: tot ft. Hogaa Mdwaojt JUT( ' tot I, baby W. ShaCat, 7.a5; tot A Waaa B. Kallrr. o4.S0. ITLTNOMAPBLOCK ft. WaM U, IK B. Kata T. Jaulaaon, fUS 11! aaat H lot M. . Karl lehwarts, .U; tot SO, Annto O. Ban- mrt, ftoO.aft: lot la, caariaa w. Hoainsa, &.; tot IS, WlUIam Mottaa, &6.W; tot K Anton J. Balnar. ftSASft; tot . Ch'J VabL M.Sfti 'tot 10. John Ckarlatroa. M.Tt; t B, jamaa nornwui, aw.oot at , tit- flnla ML Hoot, Ifiil Lodwte, M3.S0: lot ' , HUM'S m. lot lft. tluot, fo3.Mi tot , Kmma ana aa lot a, zmma i.unwuj, aii.ow. asioai uanorna, aix.oa: ; tor 14, AmeUa iyrtaf,; lot 12, AnalU , ffrrU, lOft lfti tot 15. Amalla Syrtu, fa,U; tot 8, AoeUa aad Albait ijrlaa, .i6; tot I ft, Sattfea. Loa, L1: tot , Jatnea L r fOO.ia.. BLOCK U. Tot lft,, Job Bhn. 9 W.T north u toil. Mlcnaal 3. aad KaUa .5 liarraaa, UO-ft; mlV U M 14, Id C. 1 Boftb, TftftJO; Tot 13. Mtotaail. Md.Katla WuraanJr4I.nj tot 10. alar Klcnat. .; ' aortk W tot ft, Hannak fcf. KaniL $JA.; .- auath tot ft, Baanak Ifclutoan, la.B8: tot ' ft, Bdlth Aoa Norton. iT.7T; lot 4. Aoa f Mary OoWen,; tot S, M- K. ThoBi.-o, Iri3.70. BLOCK lft, tot lft. UM Qflff a, 1 fa5.74: lot 14, Jamaa JB. "TS-ftftTtot ; Ta Hiram W. Brlca, ftflft-M; i lo. Jarytl ipraadaorotiib, ftoa.ftB; tut 8, Cbulaa H. Ue "1 Morrow, ft0ft.3; tot ft. William W. Tabbliif, 1(10. A3 i tot 4, WlUIam p. BbaaffTC. tot t. Anna . andCail A. rtacna. I .74. BLOCK IS tot lft, NariaMtta Matona, U.M: tot 14, Wartarctta Ukna, ftKISS; tot 11 V William ftcaoU, ftttft-IOi tot 10., aUlaabatb and WHUam U JuUa ""j lot , Maarlaa 3. Oaranansh BaUt. nlra af, ftft-'l; Jj 3 " afanrtoa ravauaufk BaUta, nalra of, ftBS.TT; ., tot 4, Edward P. Morpkr. I .38; tot a. Ed ' ward P. Murphy, ft3.04. BLOCK , tot lft. J May B. BlMaalL S10I.7T: tot 10. May K. 1 Blrdaall. ftM.80; tot Ida it JokaMO. tot ft. Carolloa aw A. JokJiaon, JTft.!: tot . 4, Barak laahella Bosartb. ftTT.SB: tot A t Inuna A. Blatokv BaUla, Mm A fttf-aft, T- XuUl, ftft.TBft.8i A atatamrnt of aforaaatd aaaiatiwnt at Bntarad la tha DorAat of City Liana and hi now Aim and payable at the office of tba City tSaantrar, n iawfnl awwy of tba united Btatea, . and If ant paid wltbln SO days from tha data f thla notfe-a aocb procevdlnta will aa takoa for tkk wllloa of Cba aame aa am prarUad ' ky tba krtat of Ota City of PorUand. Tba almva aaaaaamanf will hear lntatwa ID tftaja aftoi tha Ant publlraUon at ttla nottoa, , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltat of tha City of Porthwd. 1 Pettlawl Orecca, Baptembat , 104. jBawffawallWt a0K latPKOTXaOart 0V 00 KAJTl ATZBTHL Botfe la noraby rtraa taat tka Conncll at tba City of Portland, Ort-foa, at maatlnc krU a tha Slat day of aV-Btamftar. 1S4. declared th aaaeaamant by ordlnanca Xa. 14,210, for tha IniproT mut of Spokane avanue from a nvUt 100 feet waat of the weat Una of Grand aTcnoe to tke want enrb Una of aaat Nltwtaanth atract, la the manner ncovlitod by ttfdlnanea No. lB.SU. a pan ack tot, part of tot and tarrei of tond .wbtafe are apadalty aad pacnll rly kosadtad, t be as toltowa, TUi A tract of land lylnf batwaaa tba north Una of ' Spokane- arenas and 'a Una 100 faat north thereof sad parallel therewith and between : tba west Una of Orand aranae and a Una 1 100 taat weat thereof and parallel there with. Fred ft. Morris. ftllM.Sft. ElXWOOp-BLOCK 2, tot ft, Kata J. Porta, 8,M; lot S, Rata . rorter, ftlOw: let Ural Ktata iBreetor' AaaodaUon. ftSft.33; Unl Batats lares tore' Association, BLOCK 11. lot L Baal Batata In- ennrs Aeeoriat.aa, ftOS.OO; tot ft, Baal BaUta i lnTeatora1 AaeocUtlon, ftSl.ftB; lot ft, Kaal EsUU Inraatora' AeeoaUtloa. S3.4S( lot 4. B-al Haute lBTsetorer Aaaactatlon, 100.19. , BLOCK !, lot ft, B. W. Church Eatats, aelra of, 4klM; tot ft, John ftkfehrrd EM ate, :l aatrs of, fc8.7l; tot S, BenL 1. Cuban, JM.iW; . I tot 4, ParmoUa 2. Boub. S97 8S. BLOCK SI, tot ft. Marlon U. and rlrilnUTM Tnw, ' tot 4. A. N. Wllla. l3.Ta. BLOCK M, tot I. nun, wh-ts. mum n, as, m and Marr Jt- Blah, Sftft.17) lot q. McCoy. !-; tot S. Joseph ; tot ft, Alice Kllhm. ftW.; tot 10, Elijah ai , Hellla U, Alice RlutB. aw-ia Mt a uiara a. lech. SM.02) tot ft. Lasra A. Bck, M.3; a, Lanra a. Bvm, sjo.tx; ioi a, La era Beck. BLOCK SL tot 10, WHUam toward. tot 11. William Hdward. 12.' 63; tot , Maaa-ls Brock. ft26.Ti tot ft. lacKia Broea, isi iw; let T, Bate . aiarua, 20-tot , Eullj UsbUbv aSO-aOj tot ft. lattia f . Maddm. ftS&SO: lot 3, John H'llhflm Estate, tudn of, 11739; Mi John llbalm Eateta, bairs of, im ut. BUK1 v Jonn V 10. Char lea Mordhorat, SoH.l; lot 11. Ilewsrt. ftlft.08: tot ft. Viral la A. AuatlH, $M.a6; lot ft, Mrs. f. M. BlKftna, 9ft.ft; tot T. Mrs. k U. Mlfflaa, aSK Mt Ut a loa Oordoo. 138.04; tot ft. Ms (iordoo. r.04i lot J, Alice B. Michael, ft2s.ll; tot AlU . Mlcliaal. JM 54 BtOLrK 71. t 1 J. k. Scott. Wf 30( tot 11. Ben J. Smith, 2S.flS; tot ft. L. H. Anclfewa, $2. fib; !t 8, D. K. hfelkto,2ftWitot T. D. B. atcUto, Efl.M: 1st ft. K. it. Robblni, SS4.78; tot ft, i la b. M(toa, 120.0. lot 47 Ckartoa U t httipto. r:i.42; to: 4. farlaa L. Whipple, SfMLlfi. BLOCK T4 tot 10, O. L- Whippet, fcW.OSl lot 11. 0. I". Whtppla, ftSJI ftft; tot ft, Hottto L. PiimM and F. C. Ooodln. ftV W: - let , Mobal 111 ma, ISS.ftO: tot 7. Carolina k, ftlA.47; tot ft, Cam Hue Cnnoliaa- . ham, U.W; tot ft. O. L. Aupltaata. ftWI.Ol; tot 3. L. AnPiearate, Sft.Ui tot ft, ft V ApfWats. ft4fl. i'O. B, titet of land tylnf botwaaa tha ftwarh line of Spohans av..ia and a Una J( feet smith thereof and parallel tkarewltb, aid between the weet fine of Grand aranns and s Hne 100 feet west tb-reof and par a 1 tot ' therewith, Im1 S. Morris, tlo4 H3. BJtI.I-WOOD--hJKTC ft, tot ft. WllUaln Send atrom. ftflft.STj tot T. jWllllam ftaiHtotrora, i:A 40; tot ft. Real Est"e lnrflators' Aeaocto' UdO. f"" 3ft; V't U I EvtaU I a?- lore' ,K f , 4. f 10, lot ft, T. A. J ,. ' r A "V v- C Vorria. ft.44t'tot 1 Al; k l7t' i aV V -a. i w .. J, tot 8, H. B ; W 7. i r L. Bays, f tot S, La v, i ; tot 1. ? .. O. r.rta. i . IsuOCK sa. tot 18. F Wock- -4; tot 13, l'Hs .4, U' las f t a U kt la. v 17. j- -"h . -is D. t see, k.J; 8. U i ' is, " ji kt I er, tot a, a ,3; ; tot l. Tr. 1 ; ow, tot . s IX (k. ' A. Heli, k , V si . . . ft . .4. A. k. - , : tot lot 11 e .ji Charles mua a- 1 loUm, UB-fto; tot If Jt" Wk.,l I .i, tot lTTslta A, 1 IL ft.80i k t IS, i a A. BU11. lot t. L L B own, Ii.dftj tot 1, L. L, fc ftuOM. BUKu t il O-nm-m 7 .,.11. k it. is : tot IV If. Ac- .v.s, t til. U W 'rfe. i. t rtm tft ore,- ftm-tot M. .a. ii aat.M- w ia. V. a.. Hrar. 4, 73: lot A J do. fe. wd MatlMa T jr, l.Jt: tot 1, Jacob J. nan, .i .0. T A A&.J8; tot 1, Jaosb J. mil -u. at TO, tot lft, Ellen A. Whipple t 12, M i. kL M- ,y, ftM.So: tot tar 3. Mts, ..40: lot . V WMtf.; tot ift. W. B. Wrik t 14. Wal Walter J. aoi ll. w. au nrif di. aza.u: ioi in. a. Dam, as.04; let it PLrat Preabyterlaa C urth, I 3.4SI tot 1, first Proebrwrbui Ctonreh, ftru.lft, B.OCK To, east lot lft, L. L, RawkSaa, S3S.07; amet H lot lft. U M---lna. 1 ,11. 80: wast U Qt IS. A. N.iLn, fcaXol: waat tot IS, A. U. Nelaoa. tU.m; tot 14, TTlT Hawkins, I26 i toi lft, Tnemaa Jfc A. hellwood, ft3ft,W; tot 14. Aianit C. Kinna. I.g7: tot 17. J. w. t ybaQ, SSD Oti; tot la. Arthur B. Scboltsa, toJi : toll Hota M. Gate wood. SftTStlot City A ftohorsaJi BaUw Co.. LMt.U. ToUl aa, A etalemant af aforaaald asaawimant has been entered la the Docket of City Liaae and la now due and payable at the offtce, of the Cttf T eaenrer. In lawful money of tba United State, and If not paid within SO days from tba date of this ntk-a ancb procaedincs wlU be taken for the eollretton of tke aams as are nrevtdaa by the cbartsr of the CBty of Portland. Tha a bore asaeaauaat will bear Interest 10 daj aftat tba arat publication of thia notiae. ' - AnaHta af rha fatr af PortlaaeV . PerOaad. Oreoa, Stptamber Bf. 104. . . ' L I r ': FOB ' ' TalFKOTaaaXW 1 XBBTX BKKT,' noun m mnwvt mm h vnu v. the asseaimaDt fy orditanca No". 14,314. (or the imyroTSUMni vi lauia ikiw inn Hue ol WaaBtnfton (.treat to tna aoou una oi rVrat atrwet. In the manner prorided by ordl- unM Mo. 19 RIB. imt rh lat nart ef tot and parcel of land, which are specially and poflnt- lariy BeBaniaa, .to aa -as iuuuwi, tim. VOKTLAMDBLOCK Sfte, tot 4 Bnlda 9. iKUnea, f iii.w: lot a, uuua u. uuimea, ftlll.ftu; tot S. Oartroda Baha, SeS.Oftilet 1, Clara rrleodly. A10T.8B. A, tract of land tytoa betweea tt wert Bbs VI leDU suivi aiins h AJtiv aw ww thereof and paraltol therewith sad between the sooth Has f Jehn B. Oauch donatton land claim and a line 50 feat south tbereof ail saxsUal thaxawlta, Peroy U. atljta. A tract of..buid triajr batwaesi thaf waat Una Of Tanta street and a uue iw reet west tbereof aad parallel therewith, and betweea the northerly Una of Waahl&atoa street snd the sooth Use of Jeaa B. Couch donatton .A i.Hm 1. tVlmhla 1131 OA COUCH'S ApblTloN to the City of Portlioid a avwKia wimiamkb a i si ua. bum;k ft. Tot 1. ntalheth BTOUaan,-HB.S2; tot 4, Elisabeth K. Qiuaa, ftU4.o; lot ft, iuwcb OHsan, Batata, heirs of, ftlM eftjlot 8, Jtod ImI. eUaaa Batata, hairs of, ft 108.1ft. BLOCK SB. tot 1, MeltMBBafa Coaaty, fBSi aenuh County, 9lU.T: tot ft, Maltnomab Ooonty, lAft.ii BLOC si 70. tot 1, --ioat Wslab Batata, katrs of. ftaftlftt lot 4, Adolf m. Mu fmt Int 1 Swiura STIatz. 121.81: esat 73tt feet tot 1. James 0. McCsllnia, Sl4T.74t k 4. EUaa 'Hayes, lli tot a. WllUsm ST BstIs, 8101.46; tot 8. William l.Mi an? UarTT. Palltna sad Bmlly Cabell. Sft0.1T; tot 4. HenrtetU and fcUrr F. Palllni and Bfmlry CabellMl.U: tat ;L Hsaxletta and Mary P. KatUns and Emily Cabell. 18. ; to 8. HearletU and Mary F. Pal Una and Bmlly Cabell, iflS.16. BLOCK TB. tot C Unata Loerenaart, ft7.oB; tot 4, IlwatJ Loar eufarl, aei.7i let SV Mra. Brldxea Babies, 887.10101 ft. Mrs, Bridies BahTes.ftftl.ftl. BLOCK lift, tot 1. Wafcemsn. Morse Trassfar Company, 1112 28; lot 4, Wakemaa Morse Tranafar Company, ftlOB.&O; tot ft, Lndgar gnlre, S4.8Xi to! S. Lsdfer Bokre.lT2.04. LOCK 127. totT Blcberf Btaa Ba,SJ; tot aa Batata, keira of, 11.70: tot ft. latao 'Kaafman Bstete. hciia of. StftOO. BL0OS larptor. $108.14: M S, Colnmbta Kutoeertn Works. 1 10.71. BLOUK l, wi i. n. 1ST. tot 1. Msraaret O, Wysant 1170.18; tot 4, Marnret O. Wyaant. SlftO.OT; 1st ft. Marnret Q. Wynat, fl28. tot 8, Mar tTa. VyVVnt! llfcftft. BLOCK BOO, tot 1. Maraaret Marshall Batata, balra oi. ISklS WifflJLw 1, Joott Kieraaa. asSB io; m a, on ainm 8810.00: lot s Joba Klernaa. tot . , Job Kleraaa. S810.08. toft I. Man BL Coneb. SS14.T4: n. Coach. ft0ft.S7; tot ft, Marr H. dopch, am lot a. marr h. uoocb. m.w: m a, 7 i 288.M; tot ft, Mary a. iXMaca, m-w-n. w eVLoaa jftocietp of San rraociaco 823884: tot Ba-rlofs A fcoaa Society of Baa rraa claoe, llOftUT; tot ft, Chr Ut lirieck ena t ei n, lltl.TB; tot 8. Joaaab Jaakolla, 801.21, BOCftl Mannfactnrtnjt Lumber Company. M.08. PORTLAND BLOCK Sift, Jet. , Haflrp. t. r&yVtek' JiaftJIfk"! tot 8. First aWanaelleal Reformed ConareffS tlonai Church. ftm: lot T. First EjaiifvUcal Beformad ConaretaUonal oreh, 864 44; tot ft. William F11fl0r, S8ft.dft;.tot 10. Annie F. weHtuaTTllO.TB: M Tl. B. F. BtalB, MS-Os. COCCH S APDITIOK as the Cl e PortlaBd-r 89. IT feat af Mock, B. F Blaln, MT.Ttl west St.1T fee of eont vmth U feet. LshTh H. Bur to, S200.t BLOCK . tot S, W. B. Konerteao, BLOCK m, SH W. U. nooerieoo, tot ft. WllUam Doaoran f U3.16; seat W, toi js-jftS 1 1 i Amanda W. Reed Batata, fcrtjajf. ! west aw i, . "T"l"; of. BLOCK 04. tot 1 Marht Kalas. OeorM T, Mrers, sis. so. au.uvn, w. eeei M, to? f. fcledma Brcj. T.4r east H tot 8. Friedman Bros., fteT.SB; west A 14 tot ui.iu ink. r.ihh ftiTi.loi tot' 8. A&tolne. Blatoe and Joha Labbee, nortb M lot B. rreemaa eaeimaro dtartrine. tmatse. 844.83: aooth H of lot Anna 8. Orth, 844.flft; tot f, Bannah Q. Fellow. 1100.04. BLOCK ftt, caet tot 1 Maxy. O. Sjnlfh, fu.T4; aaat tot 8, Mary 8. wa.t jl tot I, AJbln fcMta. 44.Tl(; weat Va oi tot V Albla Cbltt, ftfio.M; lot 1 AntonL Blaise and Joha bbfie, ftlttft-BS; tot 7, Antonl, BUtoe and John Labbne, IlKn hn; hi T, ADtoni, itiaise aou tabnee. ftl00.2d. BLOCK 81. tot 8. Antonl. Jlslaa and John tabbee. WMiw H tot lamina LfTra Si4.1ft: aoath 4 tot ft, Lntleer Bolre. 9lCjoljL Antolne. B i n and Jnhn Vbbea. 8W. BM7CK Tft, .lot 1, SDanldlhi Panworth. STT.flitot KSpaala- In. A Panwortb. ftM.lft: tot ft, F. W. fletcUer, aff in: lot 7. F. W. FUtcher. ftSS.lO. BLOC 118, tot t Charles H- Carey. OS.Oftl tot Charles S. Carey. tot ft, P n'univ TBI n- In n fl. A'Ratlt. IT1. PLOfJIS JJW, let . Jarnee, sovwudu, e"-- Crahea, ft(77j lot. John VrCrakea, fOT.ftl BLOCS 1M, tot S ColnmWa Enflneering Works, ftlM.lll let A, Cflumhla Eutlneerlt Workt, MT 0) tot ft, Cotombia Gnttneerlns Works, R4.ST; tot f, Columbia jEnlneerlnc Works! $120.74. DLOTX liftT tot t, Colamhia Knsuserlns Work, flTS-tai tot S. Celnm hi. KnaTneetina Worfca. I1IT..TT; tot tOtrnu 8Ttre a) Lsaa Society, l).17: t 7. John Qstes Eatste, fcelri of, S17S.2S. m nrt IBS 1(4 rtamllna B. W 1 (toon. S1B2.3S: tot 8. Caroline B. Wllaon, 144.&: aian.iai to i e. r-nmnaH anni aa - lot r,t.t, Afliutr MoT SK- aaath 87 feat tot ft Johnson Betats twrnnaay, pii.m; berth 12Hfret lot John bates K-tate. brtrs of. f7B.n: tot f. ha Gales Eatats. hairs of. Sail. fti BLOCK 284. tot , BllFa S. H ual.'" nd Preetna W. Qlllette, jkit.M: tot A EHht Q. llashes snd Prsstoa w. Oli- letrr, ftGH.Tft tot ft. Kllla O. Hufbea aud Free ten W. Olltotte. 33.48; tot T, Ellla Wee ton W. OHWte. 33.48; tot T, 0, lliifhea and rreaton W. OJltette. SS70. Biot'r! 248, tot S. Q. M- Smith. ie9.4l; 1, O. M. Smith. ilSft.lfti tot ft, 0. kV Im ilim.nS: tot T. 0. M- Smith. fttfttt.ST; rl su.n. I; tot Imltb. if way,' city aad Snhtirbaa Bsilwal Cwewaay, .lft 2 Total. fttft.TM.fT. entered ta tiie Itorhet af City 14ens and k now duo and parable at the of flee of tha City Treeaurer. la lawful mnner of Ihe C tilted States, and If sot paid within SO days from Us data of this nn-e each proeeedlTiffa will be taken for the eniiertloa of the eame as are seen sod by tbe charter of the City of Portland. The shore ai"ment. wilt seat 1 feres lft days after th ftrat pv" tloa ti V m aottc. P ad, OV-ei s, eetembe ST, ItOft, proline v- mmw, f.i.i. I .1 i "i 1 1-adOc Paper Onmpsny. 830.J8J . Partfle Paper Cmpaay. fsa.lft; tat 1 Pi rlfle Paper ; tot 7: Pacific Pane Coinoam. iM.IW. BLOCK 81 ft, tot -1 s. tZ FOB DCmOTXM2TT OT VKIOaf AVKBOK, KoMeaj is baireby live that fa OMiaefPof faa i it r- -land, o wn, at a natiiig aeia on the l''t day of SV . ttenbar, lftV4, daclared the aaaeaamant by ernluaoce No. 14,234, fo the tniL-rovniat of Lei an avenue, from tke snath iLie of Alberta street to 100 feet sooth of the aoe'h line of Lewis Loea donatio land is) i. In the BMuaer provided by ordinance No. j0, tm aab tot, part of tot and parcel of ' 1, wb -b axe ai-fllaity sad MCuUarly bene !, !, to be aa ft !. a, ria: jDLA7' n b' jK 87, tot 4, School Dtotrlet No. 1, iw.7. weat 4ft feet lot ft. Sfltooot Dis trict N. 1. ft. 08; lot ft, Bcbool Dlatrlct No. 1, ftiuft.4ft: west 40 fet tot ft, Scbuol Dlatrlct No. 1, 10.1ft: weat 40 feet tot 7, Behool Dis trict No. 1. ftO.ftft: tot I, rkhool Dlatrlct Mo. I, Iiux m; wt 9, Mary r. iiauaa, 101, b; weat J feat lot 10, Mar P. and John 8. Banna, .as; weat W leet lot 11, Lbrtstlna A. Circle, .17! tot IS. David P. Tbooinasa AUU. tlra of. ftOO.SB: tot 11. Christina A. Circle. ..; weat 40 feet tot 14, John B. Darld, 11; waat 40 leet tot lft. BUcbard Dopua, aa. in n .. n wv..i.. iiui u. It. Richard D. Derm. S1R 07: weat ad U' faat lot lft, John David, truatee, BBd 4ftr a Union aranua. 100 feat aaat thereof sod Sraltol therewith, and between South lino Dekvm STeaue snd a Una 100 feet north of and aarallel with west Ilea af Atnaworta uv v u ,) ,u turn VBBk UU, V, tract, J, a Alas worth, ftl.T74.47; a tract of land lying; between aaat line Union arenus and s Use 100 feet aaat thereof and naralM therewith and between snath line of A I na worth tract Slid ft Ua 100 feet north thereof and parallel ti tewits, roruaiaa Hallway t: e.oo. AlKSWOBTR TRACT BLOCK ft. weat W0 feet tot 4, Freak D. Palmer. ST.ftOi west 100 rest mm Jt Anrelia unan, WW. 41. BOODLAWN HBIOHT8 BLOCK f. lot . Sarah A. Pope, 123 Oftj west 10 feat tot Sarah A.- Pens. 11.00: west 10 feat tot Sarah A. Pone. ftO.ftft: tot 0. Barak A. Pope. S1L0: let t, Sarah A, Pope, 10o.BTt Mt 10 feet lot 8, Sarah A, Pops,Jt0 01; West iv tmmt mi p, ae ran av. ran. mv.tnm. aut e, a rah A. Pnoe. ftUO.fift: waat 10 feet tot 4. Sarah A. Pop. 8.T1; tot ft. Sarah A. Pope. 8120.80; weal 10 feet tot 1 Sarat a a Fop. 40t In 1 ft. rati A Pniu SlOT J aSBEtRinofe HLOCK 1, tot 1, Beoi. Frank - Un fadrlca, 8B2.0S; west 4 feet lot IB, H. H. 1 radsrwood. l.27;.tot , B. M. Underwood, Sdft.nO: west 4 feet tot lft. Maanls IfT Starr. il.80; tot ft, Ma nnle p. Starr, ft.Sa.fl6; west 4 feet tot 14, Jacob Pit tenser, fl.30; tot 4. John F. Dow, ftftT.ftft: west. 4 feet lot lft. Frank Stanbet and OtMUr Dreyar. 80.07. 'lot 6. Joba Epperly. 71.10: west 4 feet Jot IS, John- Epperly, K.M; tot ft, Wal ter bT Preetoa, vAxl; west 4 feet tot 11. B. B. Menaree, ftl.Ol; tot T. William L. and Maod Jacobaan. 175.1ft: west 4 feet tot 10. Sadie t. Prohl, Si. 01; tot ft, Sadie U ProbL as 1.49; waat 4 feat toft 8, Sadie 1 Prohl. aw. w. A1NBWOBTH TRACT BLOCK 8. aonth H west 100 feet of tot 4, Barry Howard, JIM. 16; north H west 100 feet of tot 4. A. B. Slow .era.vftS08.lft; west 100 feet af north SO feet tot 8, Portland Trnst Company, ftlOl.ftll aentb J 6,871 feet of weat SO feet of tot 8, A. H luatoo, 1 77.81; aoath 70.878 feet of esat 40 feet of west 00 feet lot 8. Clara J. Buxtoa, 841.28; west 10 feet of east 180 feet of tat 8. Portland Traat Company-, 810.3. CLOTIKDALB EXTBNnlON BLOCK 8, west Jiaf ice l lot 9, Jinie Barman, mm ao, woai 100 feet tot 4. James Surma n. 8122.00: west lOO-feet tot ft, WUber Campbell, 804.10: tot i M. B. Cadp. 1182 80: wast 10 feet tot 18, V.B. Cady, sfs.S7j tot lTjohn W,wd HSalll Oarumltti, 142.sT BLOCK 8, ret 4, W. 0. Sttllwell, -8138 0; west 10 feet tot 8. A- K. Steljterwald. S0-ftlf lot S. Eleanor A. Slmpssa, SlSl lft; let 3, Harrsy F. Cootay, 12ail; weat 10 feet tot lft, A. 1. fttelger wald,Jt.ftft; tot l, Bsrrey F. Cooler, 1128. n. ' BLOCKS, tot S. Sarah H. Drammond, fl30.83; weat 10 feet tot ft. Sarah N. Dromxaoad. Q.OT EBDALst' TRACT BI.0CK S, undlrUsd ix t. e wm.n n.tkkwi aaa as. nn. dirtdsd ta tat 38. WHUam Hathaway, 84.08; andlrldeeV ta tot SB. Oiarto H. Tbompsoa. U4.&8; awlrtW H tot 20, Charles H. TnompaoaTftOOl ; west 10 feet tot 24, O. Q. Cadwell, ftl.tft; west 10 feet tot 8. C. 0. Cad welL. fft.ftS;-tot S. James B. NUkeU, S4S.14; tot I, Dora E Nickel). ftlSft.BS. BIXK'K 1 tot , Frederick H. IinJTftlll.79; west 10 feet tat ft. Adelaide M. Nolta. ft7.NB; lot 20. NelU T. Brnadell. ftfl-SAi tot ft, ftadertck H. LlndV lill.ftft; tot S, Nellie T. Brundell, iioAlft: tot 1, Nellie T. BmndelL f 112.00. LOCK I. M 4, Mar B, Oleaos. ilOO.67; weat 10 feetlot I. Ella S, Plyauje, 88.82; West lO feet lot 26. Herbert r7 8at wall. Pl.SB; tot ft, Charles Oelsea, fllS.ST; tot 2, atrick . atodds. aas.aft: vtLCL Mlmaav WAIT'S CLOTEBDALB -AH BBX BLOCK I. north 40 reet lot 1. Mary Knox, i7B.z; norm , 40 feet tot S, Mary Kboa. flft.48; south tu feet toft L Adolph 6. snd Lonlss F. Ott. 184.061 aonth SO feet tot t. Adolnh 0. and Loaias P. Ott, 148.73; west SO fast tot ft. Bile STWalt, SSftSoT BLOCK 4. aorth ta tot f. Charles 1. Griffith! 1130.211 aorth ta tot 8, Charles E Oritflihs. ftSB.86; weat 20 feet of aortk to lot 8, Caarles B. Wfntba, fie-M; "Ml m e . " aa. nnn fui.eii amui H lot 1 W. it. Seward. ft35.04; west 20 faat south Utot 8, W. hL Seward, 814.77, BOSK LA WW BLOCK 1. tot 1, Jhn Evperta, fs.Hs; ast v. oaa apperiy, aoi.uu; west iu i apperiy, aoa. uu; west iu N. Wlllard. fta-OO- lot ft. : 22; Jot 4, B. C. Hlldretk, ry XV Millard, 940 84 a feet sot , Mary . Mil fss V. Hiidretb. 7.48: tot a. Marr act f lend trine between west Hoe nioa arenue and a Una 100 feet east thereof and .parallel therewith and between aoath Una of Boaelawn and a Un 100 feet aonth thereof aad paraltol therewith, Adolph Lasts. ftSW.stV ABLETA PABK La 14T; Bears BhreTl.; lot MS, Oeorar U- BlrreU. 8S8.M; tot 141, Ueorse O. BlrreU, ftla.01; lot 140, Praaels M. Qatea, Ii8.l; tot 19ft. 'ArleU Land Company, S23.74; tot 148. Phoealx Land Company, ft37Tlot 14ft, Lucy M. Little, SM.Iftftat 148. Laey M. Llatl. tot 138. Artota UndCmpaay, 824.83: tat 148, Ftora B. OraTea, 124.04; tot 144. Foe Doro salakl. SST.SO; tot 14. Jos Dorosalakl. 8156.02. BLSBDALB BLOCK L tot 1, A. U. aad Chris tina Axsawa, lUft.28; lot S. Axel B. Axelaoa, fti.41; tat ft, A. EklamL SOS.Oft; tot 4, Clareaes M. DUtoy, 7t!.42Tot ft, Clara Mor area, ftfte.lS; tot ft, Maria t. Joaee, 1108.48: lot T. Marl L. Janes. STM.IS. LBtiU S ADUITION-JILOCK 1, tot) 1, WHUaa ifoaa, f4.j wc z, wuuata tu Mas, 68. PliamoifT FA KK BLOCK L tat I, Ella F. riummar, flOl.47; tot t, CBSrie O. WooS cock, fllS 00; tot ft. Frederick W. Toraler, 1117.03: tot ft, Fredsatok W. Terflar, illf.ftft; t 1 Fradsrick W. Torator, f 115.00; tot ft, Frederick. W. Tosler. 81 lft. M; tot ft, Fred rick W. Tarflcr, 1100.74; lot 10. Frederick W. Toreler. Vm.T1; west 10 feet tot IT Frederick W. Voraler, ftB.aft; west 10 feet tot 12, Frederick W. Torgler. tt.aft; weat 10 feet tot lft, Frederick W. loraler, 2X0: west to feat tot It Frederick W. Trorstor, 2.ft2; weat 10 feet toi 10, Frederick W. Tor tor. 12.57; Wet to feet tat lft, Frederick W. Toraier. ftfi-M); west i feat tat 17, Cbarlea 0. Wood cock. 82.01; west 10 feet tot 1. Joseph. Menefee, U A BLOCK 8. tot L CharW C. W'oodcoch. ftatW.SS; tot S. Charles C. Wuo.lcock. ft2ftl M; tat 8, Charla C. Woodcosk, 8167.74; west 10 feet lot 4, Charles C. Woodcock, 1 1.5ft: west 10 feet lot ft, Cbartos C. Wood dock. 911.06; weft 10 feat tat ft, Cbarlea 0 Woodcoek. aft. to. BEVERLY BLOCK 1. tat V, IhrestaMSI Ceat-1 pa ay, ftTft.: lot 8, larsstmant Company, 1100.48: tot T, fnrsetment Company. ftlftO.OS; tot ft, investment Company, $150.10; tot ft, Intestment Company, ftl02.1T; tot 4 Invest ment Company. ftlM.48: tot 8. iBraetmaat C'mpany. Slftft.48; tot t, laTaarmeat Company, 123.. ID ; tot 1. InveitDMat Company. 8108.81. PIEDMONT BLOCK 00. tot ft. Investment Com- ? 10.88; tot S, Iwrsstment Company, . lot 4, InTeatment Oompeny, ftliu.04; investment CoBioany. ftltLSl: tot: InTesunent Company, 114V.41; tot 1, Is res t ment Company, ft 1 70.47. BLOCK 41, tot ft, Invcatmant Company, ftlSO.Sft; tot 7, Inrest Baeat Company, SlSft.dft; tot ft, lareatment Companj, 8&0.0Blot-Br-Kllaa J. Hollw Kilns J. BcKord, 910B.00; lot Kin vest men Company, 8141.06; lot 1, lavestiacnt Com aany. ftloO.ftH. BLOCK 40, lot S, Investmeat Cuinpaay, 9140.41; lot T, I n vast men t Oompany, 813K48; tot ft, InTeatment Company, ftw.70; let ft. Investment Oomiiany, tm.Sit tot 4, Investment Company, 886.30; lot S, Invest tneot Company, is. 17; tot 3. in vestment Oom- rtny. 1S8 08; Jot 1, Investment Company, MlTT. BLOCK H. tot ft, loreatment Com pany, 9180.101 tot T, Investment Oompany, ll 10.88; tot ft. Investment Compsny, ft&etf; lot ft, W. B. Adams, 182 00; tot A W. U. Adams. ftSl.ftl: tot 2. Investment Cemnanr. 877.30;- tot S, Investment Company, IU3 06, tot 1, Investment Company, 9182 40. BLOCK n ami aj . - 4 20, tot S, taveatment Company, 1181.44: lot f. investment company, fiia-oa; tot ft, 1 nvest- ment Com empany, fV2. la; lot a, Invea In vest men t to pa ay, ftM.ftftj lot , inveatment Cempanr. nnesr. I IM.ftS; tot 4, ft, Invtatm .M; tot ft. Invtatment Comnan. SAl.OSi nt S, lBveaiment iana MI 1 veatment Compear, ft 118. 80. BlvOCK 1, tot merit Company, ft 1 111. 00 1 . tot ft, Inveatment mt Cvmpanr. mpany, 8841: .76t tot ft, ft tot 4. investmeat Cemnanr. nvratraent Oomnahr. t 8 Investment Compear. ftlSO.ftTi lot 1. I p vestment Company, 8141.18. , TALNl'T PABK ntocV t, tot 14. William Ellllnaaworth snd Frsnk M. Warrea, 9130.41 ; tot 18T Willis a KHUncpwortb tad Frsok M. Warrea, 81 J T 87; tot 12. William KllHnAa wortb aad Frank M Warr, 9"7.t7; tot 11 WllUam KllUnnwerth and Frank M War ren, Wl ; tot WUllam KtlUnsnra t . ,A trmi ,1 and Frnnk M. Warrea, ITU M; tot 9. Will- tarn ingswonM sna rrans sa. warr t-I S arilliani lllllliiHinMk Ten. and ilOft.n? frank M. Warren, 1 11.80. Bllt'K 10, tot 14. Wllium KlltLn as worth sod Freak M. War rea. 9IUT.22; tot 18. William KllUnasworth nd Frank hi Warrea. 9121.18; lot ll Will lam KUlingvworth aad Prank M. Warrea. 888.70: tot It. William Kllllivawvrth and Frank M. Warren, 8M.3B; tot 10. William KllllRsTavortti and Frank M. Warrea, 987.81; tot ft. WllUam KUlingaworth snd Frank M. Warrea. 9lvi0: tot 8 William Killing-worth and Frank M. Warrefi. (U4 60. BU)' K. 23. tot 18, WlHIanj Kllllngawortl) ami Frank M. Warrea, 9i.l2.T0; tot 17. William Kllllafs Wsnh and Frank M. Warren. ftllB.Oft: toll, WUUam Kiino worth asdFraah mi. Ws- TO; tot IB, William KTataaawarth and I. Warrea. 1.10: tot Tl WlUIam wortk and Frauk M. Weir an. ftJt.ft: U SllaJB Klllliuaworth and Frank M. Warrea. StUl .20: lot IX William KllUnasworth and frank kt. Wsrsen, 9HA.T2; tot iL Will iam KUIInaaworth snd Frank M. Warrea, lut.Ss; tot 10, W' am JUUlnas worth aad Frank If. War ran. l.a. MAKOLT BIOMl.AND BLOCK 8. lot 1. V. A. and C. 0. Tnrner, ft&8 W; tot T. A. sad C. C. Turner, ft;.!!; Portland Ballway eom any rlaht mt way, 6Ji&4.Ul. ToUL 87,- A atatemeat t afpressld a sea earnest baa beea entered u tbe Docket of City Lleas and to auw due and payable at th office of the City Iresaaror, la lawfal money of tbe United States, and If not paid within SO days from tha date of this notice each proceedings wilt b taken for th collection of tbe same sa are pravtded by th charter of tbe City of Portland. Tbe above seseaamest will bear Interest 14 days Altai-1 Srst pnbllratloa of this anrta, - THOB. O. DEVLIN. , Aadttor ef tba City of PortUaat Portlad. Orasoo. fstrtemhas IT, W04. ftMtsssmrr fob mpBOvnocxsT. of kabx. BTBXXT. NoUos la hereby rtres that tha Cornell af tbe City or Portland, Oregon, al a meetlat held on tbe 21st day of Sep umber, 1004. declared tba aasesament by eralnnnCe Be, 14,830, for the Improvement of Karl street from the aaat 11 Tie ef MUwnukle street fee tbe west Ua of Kent Twentieth street, la th manner provided by ordinance HO. ll.oftl, pon each lot. part or tot sad parcel of land, wbloh an specially and peculiarly benented. to be aafoltowa, na; FC I' MICH'S A11JIT10N TO BAST PORT- SA.ND BLOCK 1, - Wt Leopold ift'ftat totitt?'j. aBeott. l5S$f; tot B. Beott, 1U.1; tat 14, J. Brettbarth. 1114.81 -r tot 1. David B. Mr era, ftl07.Nl: t 11. AThert Maurer, 876.20; tot IS, Albert Manrer. ft270 20. BLOCK S, tot 8, Andrew McMaater. 9a07.0tl tot ft. Andrew McMaeter. tel. 24; tot ft, Fred Ftabler. J7ft.8X; tot 7. Fred Fleblsr? 92H6.03. BLOCK A tot 8, Cbarlea Kachold. 8254.84: tot ft. MarUa MoJ, tTO.ftl; tot ft. William ftweea, ftaOJUl toft 7. I'llllam Saess. 92A1-3T. CLOCK 4, tot ft. Charles Kachold. 78. 6ft; tot 8. CbarW Ka bold. 972.48: lot 7. Jotos Kna. ftU.84; tot f, John Kuaa. 8228.02, BLOCK ft, tot ft. 5S2.R2; tot ft. Joba Zlealer.ftTO 83; tot laand. Oplia, 2M.i. BLOCK ft. Loula Feurcrr fttM.08: tot 8. Loata Anna Marks, 1 21.00; tot 0. T. W. Marks, tat 7. .i-er- Mt 6. Feuref. S71JMI lot 4 lwa rearer. - 818.0ft: lot ft. Loo la rearer, Slftt.18; tract of toad Tyln- betweea tba north Ua af - Ksrl Street snd a line 100 test aorth there of and parallel therewith and betweea tbe .east Una of the O. A C. B. .V Co.'s rtaht of way and tbe weat line of stock S, Smith's addition. Oresea A California Ballroad aaa pany, 28t.0T. SMITH'S SUBDmSIOrT ABB- ADDTTIOW TO . EAST PORTLAND BLOCK ft. tot 1. Anna ; P Tetss, 978.08; tot iTDsrtas Flab. SS7.W; tot 8. ABcs M- SpanldlB. - JO; tot 4. Laells J, Laat. 920.20; totft, Luell 9. LeaL FE( KRK'S ADDtTIOBT ' TO TAWT PORT LAND BLOCK 18 lot 1, Mla ale L- BaMstrom, 9212.211: tot 8. Waato L. flablsrrom. 920 84; tot IS, Mlanta Iv Bahl strom. 9108.04; tot ft. Badaon B. Belsoa. IlOO.ftt; tot T, Hudson K. Netooa, 9108.37; t 11, Lena Mayer. ST4.S1; tot It Lama Mayer, 92R0.0T. BLOCK 11. tot l.Maa Look. All Bl: Int A Uii Laeb. 883.68: tot S. Georjre H. Cook and Mary Cook estate, heirs of. 976.87; tot S, Osoree B. Cook and Mar BT; lot S, Oeeree H. ueoa ann mary CtMlr eat a fx. helra af. ivt.n. HLjvm. ll tot 1, Fred Ftobtor. Saol ftlltot 4. Fred Ftobtar. 900.84; tot i. JocphBarke. vJSPS.; tot a Watelek IViilne. I21T PR BLOCK It. tat 1, John F. Belaaehsr, 9274.87 1 tot 4. John F. Betsaeber, 972.77; tat S. Frank and Aa lonta BpltuUkL 842.7ft! tot S, Prlska Katm, fcltl.BT. BLOCK , tot 1, Louis FJurer, 916T.08; tot 4. LonU Fearer, 948.18; tot 9, Peter and Inn QUen. 980.84: tat. 8, Thomas Perry, 9244 M. BLOCK ft. Kt I, V. tl. an dersoa. I2S6.SS: let ft. Qeera EtUInaer. I S7r? aa, w a lnh raorer. tot 2. I Loata Fearer, r2.21; a traat f tand lyin I between the aonth Un of Karl Street snd a line 100 feet aoath thereof IM parallel . therewith and between the east Ins of tha O. 4 G, Bsilroad eompany'a rlffct way and tbe weat Una of Mock B. Tm!thB ad- ditto, Oreeoa, Cnfornta ataurea ooaa i,a n a9lY OK SMITH'S SlDITTSTOW ABO APPITT0K TO EAST P0RTIANTV BLOCK S. tot 10. Ms V Darcey, 874.71; tot ft. Matale Dsrcey, SK0SB: tat B Annie M. Boy. IM M;- tot 7. Heat. ZlnsU. 921. 58: tot ft, Osrrl May at, aiKOKT Tntat an SAT 14. a iiiiimi .? ui BBMsmsnt baa been. entered In tbe Pocket ef City Lions ass si now da sad payable at the ofSc of Uw city TMaanree In lawfn! nvmev Of the United State. and If set paid within bd aaya mma ( of tkU Botlce each 'proeeedina will a tsaen for th eollactloa Of tbe ajne aa are provioea h th efoaetw nf Hut OltV of Port la Oil. The above sssamt win besr Interest 90 day Sits th srst publication or rais nooga. AadftoT of th Cttj af Portland. Portlsad, dreea, SepUmber tt, U04. . AawBSfVEVT FOB IMPEOTKMEBT OF TBS WEST SLOB OF, BAST KWAJIIl-nUT .. . k Jw aaa is 1" -. . tt m ta l-i I or roruana. vreava. a wniuii uhh ob the Hat day of Sep tern bar. 1004. declared th assessment by atdlnaac Wo. 14,220, for tha tmnrovemerit of th west aide of Bast Twenty -Brat street, from 10 feat north af the stiuth Una of Powell aUeet to lft feet sooth ef the north nae e llnak t llu rnirnM1 prorided by ordlasae Ho. 1S.670, apoa each lot. part ef tat snd parcel of land, which ere specialist and peculiarly hwaastsd, .'.,fWJ-..T!-nnrewnat s. m. S, lot , sow Sk seavaaa, wwu.wm, apt a, Kiesriar,, moca . wt , aaoiTie uuie smith. SW.Mi tat T, Mrs. P. C. McCanlsy. 882.6ft; tot ft. O. B. Aadersoa, ft:.00; tot ft. AUds Melnhoff, 88S.M; tot 10. Allds Melnhoff, IH2.85. Block: t, tot ft. Mary ftlveaoes, 932.0ft, tot T, Mary MeCnllonf b, lS2Jtt; tot 8, John ar..t.. asa aZ- lot ft. William D. Csmnhell 132.88: tot 10. William E. Pit. ass s'is.xvb.isri iZh. ' W.nnnauhae. ML Block IS. Lt ft. Bnsan C. Bntler. 948.15; tat f. 0. 0 Ellfsaa, 91O0S; tot ft. J. J. ttoraey. 882. W; tot 10. Mrs. J. A. Jseebs.9lt.5t, Black lft. eaat ta af north SO feet of the east AW MrWlm 4PllfeJ ' V saea. , f v fg ' eaat 100 feet ef Berth 0 feet ef sooth 180 feet east of B. BV, cm ma uaanuu, s.ia.eo; eaat ta of aoath 100 feet, ataars W. Blmaeoa. SST.TfT Total. 9701. ftt. . w . Mt h.HiU a laamnnt be hi SB mmmm la th Docket of Otr Lisa saw la aow du and psyabls at th of flee ef the City and If net paid within SO daya from th date of fhla antfee aach proceeding a will be taken, fee the collect loa ef tke same aa are pravtded ay the Charter or ta wity roruana. nv. .C. - - silt Kr Iniaeaatt t aars arter te nrat F'' " f Asrltber of the city af Portland. Pertlaaal Oregoa. Ssptambe JT. 1004. ABSaMBXBTr FOB IBTPBOTaSIXBT OF BTOXf. MOMAJI STBKBT. 1 Merle la neeebr a-ivea that fa OoaBrll af the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held ob the Slat day of September. UKH, declared th sssesstaeBt by ordinance No.' 14. tit, for th tmorovemeat of Multnomah a tree t. from the esst Un ef East Tweatf foarth Mreet t tba east lias ef Eaat Twenty -seres tB street, ta the manner prorided by rdlnc No. 11.841, 01m aa(h lot. nart of 1st and oarcel ef land. which are apeefally aad pcoaUsrly heaedted, ft be a toiiowa. via: FTRST ADDITION TO HOLLA PAT PABK A- ,TION. FOBTLANII, t'KEiMin oLO(. K . tot lfl: Tbe Til to hwratee Trust 00m-; let VTne nil Wa r ante co nana nr. bw.ti: wi a. 1 na ium Ouarantee At Traat company, S4S.M; tot 7, Sie Title Qsarantee m Truet aompany. 846. 17) t 8, The Title Oaaraatee A Traat aoat naay, 980 2ft; tot 8, Th Title Ouaraate A Treat cempany, SM.10; lot 4, The Tit hi Oaerantee A Trasc omeay, 908.14; tot 8, Tbe Title Oaarantee di Traat aompany, 9&8.61; tot 8, The Title Ooarante A Truat company, 90S IS; tot L Tba Title Oaaraatee A trnst compsny, 9ft S7. BI.OCK IB, lot 4, The Title Ooaraptee B Trust seen pa or . 994 48; tat ft, The Title Oaarsnte A Traat tempt nr, 972 87; lot 2, The Title Qoarantee AT frait company. 978 42; lot 1. The Title Qaarant A froat comi-any, ftM.BS. BLOCK 0. all of tot t lylnf betweea an easterly aa tenalea ef tba aorth and aoath Una af Maltnomab at reet. Tb Title Quartets Trnst company, 980.90. BLOCK B. tot 16. Tha Title Guarantee A Trnst oesapany, fte.ftft; Th Title) Osarantee m Trust aompany Sit lft; tat U, The Title aaarante Trust company, 9S2 0T: tot 10, Tb Tltto Qoarantee A Trnst eompeay, 990.90; tot 0, The Title Oner an tee A Traat compsny. 948.74) let ft, Tbe Title Osarantee A Trust company, 904.78; tot T. The Title Onarsnte 4 Truat company. S&4.0B; tot ft. The Title On ran tee Traat Company. S99 06; tot ft. Tba Title Guarantee ' ftt Treat compsny. 900.19; tot 4. Tb Tltto Oimrante Trust , eompaay, 90O.Aft tot 9, The Title Gosraatee A Trust ce rapes, ans.ll) tot 8, Tb Title U aara ate Truat oompany. 8, Tbe XltleU aara ate at irust oompany, I.8T; tot 1, Th Tltto Guarantee 9) Truat 180.87; Mt 1, tbc iitte uuaraate awinaar MB. HI. Tntal Si. TBI W. ' A statement of aforesaid assessment has bee entered la tb Docket of CUy Liens and now due and payable at the offtoe ef the City Treaearer. ta Irwful nvmry ef tha United States, sad If nut paid wlthla SO daya Trum the dele of this Botlce sack proceedings will be taken far tlit collection f tha same a are provided by the charter of he City Of Portland. The above saeaament will beer Interest It dare after ha ftrat publlcettoa ef thta so tar. XII OB. C. DEVLIN, Aodltor' of the City of rtlaseL ftafUaadr Oregoa, sVteaaber 81, 1S0V ... S8S.T0; F ank M. K(i, isawnri tot is; t FOB aVFBOTxSXB'T . - 08 - BBABD AVaUrVB. J.j Notice fa hereby si Ten that Ok Cesncil at lb city ef focus nd, Oreion, st a m retina held ou th Slat day of Beutembet. 10w4, de elexsd tke saeiaameut by erdluanc Bo. M,S2t, for tba Impruveaieut of ttrand a van fruai tbe aerth line at Belmoat street to the aorth Una of aClsy street, la tbe manner provided 3 ordinance No, 18.V40, apon each tot. part to snd parcel f land, which are spscially snd peculiarly aensflsm, to he as follow e. vis: EAST IUrLANUlll.04'K 1207 wm ft feet of tot 4. Joseph Burkhard. 9T.U; aaat So - tr ef tot A X, K- William Sal ate. heUa C fti: l. hit 1 Joha Marshall, ft .10. PAlcK ADDITION TO EAST PoBTLA 7 D-i-BLOfK 12ft, tot 1, Daalel W. BoelMna, ftO.V2t tot ft. Daniel W. UoeLblaf. fto⪙ let ft, Budolph KlaaUac. 974 47; tot 4. BB SIph KlaallQf, S7H.4U. BLOCK 127, lot 1, Emma Losan, 978.40: tat S, Emma Logs, BAWTBUPNE FAKK BLOCK 1SB, tat 1, Nenaradler Bros., STS.40; tot Neaetadter Bros., 7.47; toi The Baw thorn Estate, 174.48- tot a, Th Bsw thorns Kai.te, ITS. 40; BlOct 120, tot L Laulae H. lkUse, 978.44; tot 2. Catherine "B. Beck. 974.471 tot ft. 1 Catherine tl Beck. 97A4H: tot 4. Oathsrta ' H. Beck, 978.40. BLCK K lot. tot X, The Hawthorns Estate. 97840; tot S, The Haw -thoraa Eststo, 974.47: tot K Joseph Belief, 874.44; tot 4. Joseph Bettor, 878-40. BLOCK 111, tot 1, The Bewtbortte Batata. STS.40: tot " i The Hawthorne atoUte, 474.47; tot S. The Hawthorne Hstate. 97X91 tat d, taw tlRwthoruo tat ate. 870 28. STKl'HKNS ADDITION TO BAST FOBTUBTJ UIxk;K l, tot 1, Joseph Hettar. ftOT.TS; kt 2. Joseph H viler, ft70(6; tot ft. Elisabeth Saints Bat ate. helra of. ftM.Turtat 4, Oesrsa aWra Estate, heir of, ft&e.TO. . BAST POB TLA NfW-BLOCl tHk Will, lnman. 810.12) tat ft, B. D. Inmaa, 9B.10. BLOC): ST. tot T Babett SellL,,, 9 S; tot 7. Babt-tte Sellla. I9C.91; tot I Babette BeUIra, 4,47: tot ft, Babette SeUIuf. S7S.40. BLOCK , tor 8. Joseph Paqaet, K8.40: tot f, Joseph fsqaet, 974.48: tot ft, Joseph Paottct, C),48: tot S. Joseph Paqnet. 8TH.40. , BLOCK Is, tot 8. Hand JT Budeoa, 978.40; tot 7, UvA O. Bodsos. 8T4.4S; tot 6, Charles M. Wibsta EaUts. heir of. 97A48; tot 9. Charles M. WlberS Batata, betrs of, 878.40. BLOCK 04. tot ft. Thomaa Blstoo, 78 40; tot T, Thomas Htatop, ri.48; tot Ban Shnarrea, 174.48; tot i. Bans Sbofrea, ftTft. 40. BLOCK M, lot S, J. Closest and A. B. Kvers 978.40: north ta tot T. Mary S. Itkempci, aT.4; aoath ta tat T, Anton Beltkstaper, 987.23: tot ft, J. Ctoaset and A. B. Devers, 174.4ft: tot ft, S. Ctosaet and B. Dsvsxs, 878.40. BLOCK 92. tot ft, William M. Led ST" ": tot 77 WllUam hi. Ledd, ST4 48; tot 8. William M. Land, 97S,B; tot 0, WHUam M. Ladd, ft70 28. STE1-IIEN8 ADDITION TO EAST POBTLAWD tot 7, A. 6. Basbllsht, 970 0ft; andlvlded r 14 W 1 palsey B. Fosa, Il8 0l endlvldcd Ml tot C Pnlwy I- Foaa; Jlft.OO; andlvtded 18 tot Rudoli'b Ktasllnc, I1H.00; nodi Tided . 1-9 tot K Buclolph KlsaUns, S1M.00: andtvlded 14 tot i Go tar Bart man. 948.90 aodlvlded ' I S tot ft.. Oastaf Bartaiaa, ftlAftO. Total. 94, IRS. 74. A statement af aforesaid asseasment baa beea entered ta the Docket of City Liens and M aj.w da and payable af aa fSe- of the City Ti assurer. In Uwfal money of the United States, and If not paid within 80 days from the date ef this notice aocb proceedings wlU be taken for thp collection of the aams aa are provided by the charter of the City of Portland. The above ess .earnest will bear Interest 20 day. th, am V,.0UJLIN Aadltot af the City of Portlsad. Perttaad, Orsgoo, September 87, ISO. 1.' 1 m..mmt J.ii,, 11 i 1 nim iM . ntJUVA OU. JO O, A. IS. DUeuiiaov, ISSFfft BlTST FOB latlWTEBTBirT OS? BAST TXBT2I STKKKT. ' Katie ta hereby given that tbe ftoanHI ef tba City af Portland. Oregon, at a meeting taetd aa th Slat day ef September, 1804. de clared the aaaeasaMM by erdluanc He. 14.217, for the Improvement ef Bast Tenth street, from the north Una of Tailing street to tke south line of Going street, la the manner-provided by ordinance ho, 13.567, upon each tot, part of tot and parcel of land, which are specially aad oecnltarlT benefited, to be 11 follows, vis: NORTH IBVINaTONBLOCX 7, tot 8, Metty BucfceBjBeTsr, 918.08; tot 7. Molly Burkea- 1108-Ofcl tot' ft, Molly BncAsnmeyer, 9144.00; it 4. Molly Bucksamerer, 9146.21; tot ft. Molly BaokeaBieyer,; . an a etouy BucaeaueTcr, UNIXILN PARK AySS Bit -BLOCK SB. PAR 100 feet tat 1, Joseph Cbaqay. 1254. W. BLOCK 21. weat 100 feet tat 8, W. P. and . T. King, 9120.03: weat 100 feet tot 7, " Mary B). Davtaa, 108.06; west 100 feet let 8, Tb Tltto Ouarantee ftt Traat Company, (70.801 treat 100 feet lot ft, B. B. Bope, 70.4ft; west 100 feet lot 4, Joha M. Pit' linger, 987.00: west 100 feet tot 8. joha hi. Flttinger 9122 W: wart 100 feet .tot 9. Barak tKlaaay. 91B2.SS: weat loo feat tat 1, rah J. Klnasy, 9181.70 BLOCK ft, west loo feet totT. Victor Wssterlund. 9HS.0S; west 1(10 feet lot T, Mianla L. Seney Batata, heir ef, 910T.63; weat 100 feet tot ft, Delia Bbadlngar, 8140 .69; wast 10ft feet tat ft. Dells Bbsdlnaer. 918.57; weat 100, feet lot 4. Lornewara, 9127.91) west .100 fact tot S. JVM. Maole, 9101-88. BLOCK S, weat 100 feet tot 8, L. M. Plerat, 9110.18; west 100 . feet tot 1. L. M. flare, ftlls-ft. BLOCK T. west 100 feet tot ft, F. J, Taademarr, , 9188.041 west 100 feet tot ft, F. J, Vand marr. 8148.02-, weat 1O0 feet tot 4, M. J. Morgan. 988.08; west 100 feet tot 9. S. BT. and Flora 1. DHL ftTft. 7ft; treat 100 feet tot F, K. Kotold, flll.Ui west 100 feet tot L F. K. Kotold, 142.00. HIOHUKlC-BLOl'K IS, tat ft. Beary S. fmtv 011, 9J".ftT; lot 9, Beary S. DoaaelL 9171.01; tot 4, Frank C. BuMa. 8124.42; tot L Prank C. Barnes. 9 122. W; tot 2, Agnss J. Oarner, 913B.38; tot h Ago Oaiaar, KttrffB I BTINOTOB BtKTK 8 tot t. Tbe Stl Ouarantee 4 Traat Oemaaay, 970.3ft; : 10, The Title Oaaraatee Trnst Conr- Rny, 9T7.08; tot 11, The Tltto Osarantee A usi Company, 810 T2 tat 12. The Title . Guarantee A Traat Compaay. 9180.88; tot IS, The Title Oaarauta Traat Company. 91M.4B; lot 14 Tb Tltto Guarantee Trust . company. S148.M; tot in. T&e- xiua iuar- 1; mt in. Tna- hub (usr nnany. 9244. IS. INN EX BLOCK 22, tot lft. C, 1230.44. BLOCK SO. 1st antee A Traat Com LINCOLN PABK A lfartha J. Stalse ' fT Lore Beward, 9131.19; tot 10, Lore BVward, 81O8.08; lot 11, aara B. Kins, S70.73: tot IS. a dt. KlBSi S7L.14; hN IB. Klna, STL14: let Sarah J. Klaaey. 980.06; tot 14. F. M: tot 1A F. E. aad B. Maltary, 9113.55: tot U, D. B. Bawklna, S148.40; lat lft, ft. Jl. BawnlaW. 9188-14. BliOCK t, est a. William s, mewsina, nil n; lot in. WIITlam J. IlawMm. 4138.08: BliOCK 8. tat ft. William J. Bawklna. wi tot 11. Mactoay EataU Compaay. 9148.831 tot 12. Clemeat 0. Jones, 8148.81; tat 18. C. B. King, ftiai 0ft; tot 14. Mrs. f. B. Kennedy. ftlOtOo; tot IS, Arvlif Lssp. 8 I'M. 72; tol l. Lot-en Beward. fllftO. BLOCK i tot f. v Charles II. Beller, 8180.TB; tot I Mirr B. TMries, 912S08; tot t, Cbarlea H. HriUw, SI. IS; tot 10, W1IIUH t. Bawklna, 974-0; : 11. D. B. Hawklaa, llOI.SBl tat 12, 0. B Heller 9128 R2,, mOHLAND BLOCK IT. tat t, t. . CsrSea. SlftKlft: tot 8, J H. Careen. 914066; tot f. J. A. tlndssy, Slll.W; tot 10. J. A,,JUnd . say, 8180.22; tot 11, Merrltt Lindsay, il&.hl; tot h. MetrtU Lladssy, 959-70. Total. mX iIbTtT rat. A statement ef aforesaid aaaisamant ha been catered ta th Pochet of City Lleaa aad hi ncrw dn and parabU at the offloa .of th City Treasurer, la lawful roonty ef the United State, sod If sot paid wltbla SO day from th date r .h la antfeai aaeh nrnceedlne Will ha taken far th eollecttoa ef tb seme as ere provided hr tha charter of tha City of Portland. Tb above ssaraament will bear Interest M daya aftac tba arst puhiimtion ex mis noues. TWOS. 0. DBVLIM, Aadltet of tb City ef PorUaaaV -. Pwrttaad, Oregon. September 27, 1804. F10F04JI9 VKMMVwT OF BmAirB OF KKJB T BOBS aTTKatsTX,. -' ' J MntieS la berabv siren that at th htaettas of th rjoancu 01 to uiiy 01 roroena. uregen. held en the Slat day of Beptember, W04, tba rallnwm resnlutloa was SOontea: Resolved. That tba Council ef 0 Cttp of Portland, Otwjrnn, aeema it expedient ana nmnoeea to chanM and astabtlsn tba evade of the center Uue ef Skldmor street af the Intersection or the ceater line at OarSeld sve nne from 184.8 feet to 189.S, test sbevs tha has of city era dee. Resolved, That th Aadltef' af The City af Portland he and be bl hereby directed to sir ratios ef th proposed change of grade of said street a prorided by th eJty ctertef. It eaaona trance a o In at th above change of grade may be Sled in writing with the ander algned within 20 days fmm tha data f th Srst publication, of this notice, , . . .jt ,', aty eroaff at U waocii. - ( - Aadltef of the aty ef Portland, Itarttaad. Oregoa. September B4. 1004. FOrBlTaTABTZB'B BOTIOB. rfotto to-hereby given that aa tb 4ts day at Seetember. 14. 1 took up .and rmponnded at the City Pound, at No. 201 Sixteenth etreet. ta the city or Portland, oregoa, tb following dearrfbed animals: Dark ebeetnat Barrel mare, whit oa right front and both hind feet, white trio dnwa face, and brsnded T en left kip, hod all aroandl dark cheat sat sorrel sanree. seed all anmad. roar bed mane, saddle marks on hse aad branded 10 oa right Mp sod shoaldst) and unless tha . owner, r other parson r persona ' having ' aa Interval Ojerela shall clalat aoesesston of tb same, ana pay an mats ana eearges or the keeping ana savertuin. them, together with the pmmrt fee en salil snlmila. aa rum vlded ty ordinance No. 0,02ft. aa amended. ef aald Oily, of Portland. I will oa tb ftd day ef October. 1P04. at tbe honr or It a. ta.. at the Uty Petied, at K. Ml Mateenth street. ta ssld city, sell the abnve deecrlM-d animal at pahlto auction te tb highest bidder, to pay th roets and charge fee taking up, keeplBC sad sdverttslna suob animals. Dated, tea 8Mb day ol tB-. " .. -i. '-i. .., M Foujeiataaiatv ttfKBKlOJI OF CAR ItJABim-t 0TBZBT. . Wbaeea. tha Ouanril ef tbe CUy ef Port land, deeming H eipedleat to epra, lay out. widea aud establish au eileaelon ef Eaat Twentieth street, la the City ef FertUnd. from the suutta tine af Diristaa street s tb. aorth line of CUutoa street, aa(d Beat Twentieth treat to be feet ra width aad to eorreapond with Bast Twentieth street as told sit In Aaer'a addtttoa ta Eaat Porttand. did . las 0th day of July. 1004. direct the City Engineer to survey tb saaw sad as mark the aoaBdarles thereof, snd to make a plat of such enrvey, and a written report eoaUlnlnaT fu ta! perfect description ef such proposed street and boundaries thereof, and af tbe Bertbaa sf each tot. bract mt part f cither to ha sa proprlatfld for each street, sad tha City Engi neer having made aocb survey, slat and report, and ftled each plat ad report la tbe offtce ef tha Auditor of tbe city of Portland ea th 12d day ef Jsly, lo4. aad aald report having been adopted by ordinance No. 14.176, entitled; ."Aa- eeeUaaae. adepllaj th report of the City Botneer la lbs mattse ef Ue pvt. epeeJag, taylu, oat. wldeataat aneetabll-iilua of East TwenOsth street, la the CUy of Purt UndTftO feet In width, to Its present coarse, from tb south tin f Dirts Street ta tb aerth Ua ef CUatom afreet. . Near, tberefar. sU persona, ta teres ted sva hereby aotlnvd thst thaCoanril of th City of l ortltnd b appolatd B. J. Mmrteoa, J. alty and W. F. Whit vtawera ta view said pro posed catena ton of aald street and make aa eetf Bsate af tbe benoftta aud damaa-e occastoned by th opening, to ring; oot and etabUehing : f the same. 1b a coot da ace with the charter of tbe aty ef Portland, aaM viewer to meet at tb ernes af tke Auditor of tha City f Portland ea tb 12th day of October, ltol. at the hoar at 10 a'ctoek ftt tba fotiaiwa ef aald Thc trnpesaft momrnhm, wldealaat, taylac aat .lK,r.T ZXr.TV r. nii-tS Btreetla 80 feet la width aad to mora particularly bo dod and described aa follows: Beglaolar at a point tb ta wMth Baa f DlTlaioa street at the northwest corner f Slock 1, Meadowland. rooolng thene westef oa the oth Un of IMvlsloa street 00 feet to a point; thence southerly and paraltol with the Mat Baa of Bast Twentieth Street a now laid eat, to the aorth Ua ef Cllatoa a tract; thenc saatarly atonf tba north line of CUnCoa Street to feet tith aasterty Ha of Bast Twentieth street; tbene northerly atons the east Ua f Bast Twentieth street aa Boar told cut tw tb ooth Baa al Wrialoa straat ta tb pise ef befloulng. we Th prnpoaed operant1, wldeming, aayv4T wat and establlsblns of Bast TwenUeUt streat will laeted and neessslUte tb approprlstto to pab Uc use of the XolWwioc described pareata at tracts of tand: All mt tot 1, Maah 1, TMtarw ddltta. aa talnlaf 8,000 Mnsra feet. . , Als7 aU of lot A block I, Laeb' addtttoa, eantslnlna 9,000 square feet. . Atoo afl ef lot L block 2, Liabiw addlttoas contalulns 8,000 amiara feet, AUe sU of tot 8Thtoeh LMbo'S aeVBttoa, onaUlalnr 1,600 square feet. Alss all that part of lot t, ee I. Leabo'a addition, lying eaaterly af tbe proposed westerly Una ef East Twcatletb shreei aaatatahas Sa TlS .iftbat part of tot T, btoc 1, Lesbo'a addition, tying eaaterly ef tb proposed weeterlv Hne of Bast Twentieth Street, eoaialalag US Atoo nUmf tat Nock 8, Leabo'a addlttoa. lying eaaterly of the proposed -westerly line of East Twentieth wtra aatalBans US samara fat. Alee sll that part ef tot t. block S. Leabe" addition, lying eaaterly of the proposed westerly line of Bast Tweattatb street, eonUlalag 1SB auuar feet. AU persons tularin damages By reesoa af the aataroprMttoa of tb preporty above de scrthed, or any part thereof, in tbe proposed opening-, widening, laying oat and aatahlfahlnaT of aald street era hereby a peri ally a tided to Ste their cUlms for such damages with th Auditor ef the aty ef Portland before the 12th day of October, 1804, the time appointed fat th aweUuf of the vtawera tksraia. By ordsr sf tba Oounrll. Aadltar f the City of PortlaadV' Portland. Oregon. Septemlier 24, i&H. Double-Track Missouri River Tho CUesgo-PortUnd Spedal, trie moot iuxunous train in the world. Draaririff-roorn sieepinc cars, dining car. buifot arnoking mid Kbrarv car (barber and bath). La thAB ttirM days Portland to Chicago Two i;i ThroughTralns to Cfaleafw aft operated dally eta 0V OravoartR. ftt Nav. Co., U. P. 8L R. and Cbicaso a Nertb-Westcrn Ry. Cfakaaro from Portland aad points la Orasroa aad Bastera Washlngtba. Dally eacnralona I& FoITmaa aswrlat , alceplrig csra from Portland throafth ; - no Chicago witboot change. B. B. RITCHIE, At O. BAR EBB, Oeal Aft. rss, Ceeet, , Oaear.i Aawat, Market ftt rest, , am Tklri Steset, fttaa PaasKiaco, Cai.i1 Katuura. Oaa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leave. TJinON DEPOT, Arriveav 10.. Dally. For Vayswrs; Raltttcr. Olatsksato, Weatport, Dny, U:i&a.8a. Clifton, Astoria. War tsntoa Flavsi. Haas anond. Fort Stevens, Oearhart Park. Seaside, : :. T rOO p, as. DaUy, Aslocia and Scaabura. . Erareaa dsUy. !.. Astoria . . . ..A ,t J. 0. MA TO, . , ' ' fi. F. aad F. A.. Astoria. Or, 0. A. STRWART. Omaasrcisl Aaaat. S49 Alder at. Phone Mala tot. Ttaamt Oatwt 1B0 araArA hn. Ftoama SOO e"k Xin4MntlfnfcftBt1 AmmV Xt-SBlrtftB DftBll , staf JPAST TIME 4 TO SPOKANB, ST. TAVW DULUtH- alinrtiVAruiin, unit auv evna , ALL, POINTS BABT. DavllsTrit trio tbrousTh th Cameadt and Rocky aaountalna. For full partic ular, raidm, fdera, ate, cau on or ao lrM BL toMTaWMT. VMr Itatat Ak IBB Tklx antwat, aWta. - CCaiEaE LATaD IlB CawaMw-. I ta ta rkbeat taaa. pSJt aad amdk sactuea ia abswotW. That ef acre of land et artev aaat af Iprlsattaa. -n 9m Ore eon. avrliTg MAP PRES. Death jmj f(io- m a A4c. tnicago - -t 1 m T i I -tT -"ea ' 1 lataiwmwoToh. - AKoUxiCtin: JTRtiiNS tA:l? ThroMb PrUaaa stssdard and taatftat a- lag ear dally I O stake, Cblcago, 8po I tourist aVerlnc ears dally ta Ksaams ' t throogh Pull man toariat aleeplrig care (v v. ally eonda?ted weekly to Chicago. P 1 chair aara (aeara free It th Bast dati. ONKK DEPOT. Arrives. CHICAQ0 PORTLAND . SPECIAL, Par tha Eaat via Stoat lngtoa. ; Sris a. at. ft ftft a. at. hily., Daily. , SPOKANB FLTEB. Far Eaat era WaahiaeJ toe. Wa)U Walls. Lew ft:tt.h. 848 a. Sa, ,"u o Airseiunuy. Pally. , sna wreai Hortaersi ATLANTIC BXPBEM. For tba Bast via Baat- 8:18& a T it a. aa. ugtaa. ! Dally, Dally. loajwat. , ' w ' FOB IAN FBAMdBQO V 8, Gee. W. Elder--- fttapt, 8, lft, saT 8. OslamMa . Sept. S. is, SB. Fki AIt Dock. al9vftaf 8:00 a,ai OoIumU Hvoe Mvtataa. FOB ASTORIA and way petnta, conDecttnB with tror. for llwace and Nnrtb Beech, str. Baa- 8BaL Dally. er. Burwtav Absat -1 :00 a. ftt. Saturdsy eaaejaaa-at. aoca. 10 ;o p. at. naiU ITver Bee to. FOB DAYTON. Oreaen City aad Tsmbltl River 7.-B mv points, strs. Bntb and D'Hy. Modoc. Aah-st. dock. aa. ftunftaj (Water permlttlnar. J 8:Sft avm. uaiiy. auake Bleat Boats. FOB LEWISTON, Ids., and way points from S:4a.B. Dally. . Aboat 8 Ota aa. Rlparla, Wash., Briars. Spoken and Lewlaton. as. ami.'-. Dally. ticket orrir.a ThieA nljlfaablsae. Tata- , Bhoas Mala 71X ; PORTLAND ft ASIATIC v v STEAMSHIP COMPANY " ' FV Fokohama and Hong Boa. caJHiay af Kobe, Nagaaakl aad BhanghaL tallaar freight EW" taaatta. Port ArthaW and Vlsdtvorstok. For rates and fall nfanaartaa can an at ad dress afSeteta at sgeats of th O. B. A M. Cou. EAST riata SOUTH Lsavea. tnnoB DEPOT. AJTtves. OVERLAND fXPBESBl trains, for ftalesa. Rose-J :8ft p. av menbv Ogden. San Frsnefjae Cisco, Bt oca ton, nam ab-i Seles, H Fsso. few ur-f Uaita and. tha Eaat. Moralna trala ci aeem . at Weodboral daily except etaadsyi 9:09 a. aa. with train ret Mt. AneeL 8 Itv r It a. nilOftVBVe Brewaevllle. Iirlni- fteld. Weadllnw II dl Natroa. Albany aaaasnair con 4:6SftVlt. 7:80 a. SL 11440 p.m. nects at Woodbura with. neiio-! Mt. Angel aad Silver tea toeaL - -CervaTlta paasangv- II 8:80 p. BB ft :2ft i. a aaeriaan paeeenger Pally, lioaiiy, eaeepi bqimuv. ItarttaaHVOawas Batairbaa ftarviea ami TaaahtB 11 vision. ' Depot Foot sf Jeffetasai Leave Portland dally for Oawi eaw T:ftft a. ai.t 1250, 80, 8:. D OT. B:. B:W. IO 10 B. at. Dally (Mcept Sunday), ft: 80, 6:80. ft :8ft. 9 a. m-t 440, 11:80 p. BL Swaday only. trtO RetataJnc Cram Oswego, arrive Portland 8:80 a. m.; 1:58, 8:00. 4:88. 6:15. T:9B. 8:80, 10:20, 11:4ft a. ra. Bzaept M SB Aty, UJS p. bl Bandar only, 10:00 a. m. Leaves from eame depot tor DaHaa and tftte med1aUpolnts dally (eicept Saaday) 4:00 p. at. Arrive FortUnd 10:80 a. Bl. The leo-pendewce hlooniowrh Iteaar Lrn operates dally to Monmouth and Alrtta, C J- nectlnit with Bout hern PariBa ooaapaay's at itaiiea sna inoepeaaence. Flret-claea fare fmm Portlsad aad Saa Pranrieco 820, bertha ftftj fare BIB, sreouo ciees Berth 3 OO. Tickets to Beetera polnbj and Bill aft a.' Vu- Vlnh.h. ul anhu- City Ticket Offle Corner Third aaid Uigtoa atreet. rnaaa etaiaTia Sf W, 8TINOEB. , W. B. CVntAB. aty Tloket AaeaL ' ' Ctaa. Faaa, AswB, TIME CARD TRAINS TOrtTrUAND9 CBTIOM DEPOT. Deaarta. Arrtvaa, 9iSta.Bb. Tiftta. as, T!fV"j 'V . ' trtOta. m awina Uadved. he Taaoma. Seattle; nivmsla. SoafA Bend 4Stafta. snd Oay -, Btartwc North Coast Limited. m faaiiu. fie. 9raB.a. Tort Boaton and petata Rant and Southeast. Twtn-Clty Expreaa. fat taeoata. Seattle, pa-i isne, lieieDa, ei. raui, in.MMAlk - f!hteesro. taNB. Nm Vnrk. Baaeeaai and. all poliita East andl Ooarbeast. Paget ftovnd . Kaneaa Clty-St. Lnula Special for Ttceiua. (teattls. Spoken, Butt. BHllug. n,nHF. Om.ha. Kansas H .1. e- v ' 8-Jta.m- City. St. Louis and a III pointa Baat aad Sasih- ! 1 1 Wn trataa deity ereept e South B. A, D. tHAHt-TUM, Asatotaat Oeaseat Passenaer A sent. 98 htorrtso at, ear. Third. Farttand. Or. AkUm ULAltriS VIA XAvr rv (mm : . - " r X