The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 29, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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Orrgca j&mvmd
at ate aoetofftoe f rvttuA .
fa traaaportattoa ttMik Ik Mlk a
MM Butter,
taun tec staarto mm
age paper. If'nt; M
W 44 MN.1 MM,
. M VP
mmom -
BootBiea OffW Hl IflA
Editorial IMU-Hlll B6A
oimt immmt unmntm
Trr-land Benganln Special AdT.rtlaln AfyT.
IS Kiaua itntiNM Terfc: Mb
tag. Chicago.
rm by Obcym. V
i TV THftr fc-arasL with Bandar, t T rl
Th. Pally IrirMj. I rnr "
The TmltT Journal, with ftn6mr. fl Boet. ATI
'. The pally loemal. I nniltat ABB
TV- n1iy J.mrrv.L with SnMbj. I BMsthS. 15
Th palls Joernal. I montha.... L
The Dalle MmL with (hmflty. 1 month..
The Pallv, far fMk delivered, SoeAey
'TV Pally, ear week, fcnvereA tndu ee
Vmm y Mail.
The Jmrrnel. with BaBSar, 1 ye....lT
The Patly loernat, t rear i,., ...... J
The Palis JnarnaL with Bnneey, oath. " 2
' THe Mly JeemaL d aonth f
r T?re Pally Joarajl, with Sunday. J "J
The Pelt JoitmL aaetitha Af"
The IVIIt lrnaL with ftnftlaT. Beast..
TW TMIt Jcnrn.1, 1 month
.Tee Bwaasy Jenrsat, 1 fT. ......... f"7
The taT hvnl month
The Seatl-Weekly f'i t
, th BBStt-WeeklT jMrn4. a It Nfl.
ee Im. fthawtatoA tall saarket .
9mm. X year...
few Mch hm tlfeMtratoC tall mumt
4 SiiMNHaVmM lit M4 W "tV'ft."
, nta. vxprnt arAm. arv4 natl tmomta ara
P. . t m ParttaBi. Or.
n torn
fcoml. IDAHO
Nwi atraet.
BINTER. OOM. KMWIrtfft Book ft atattg ay
Smpaar. 1 lfwUntb atraatt X Waafc,
itwrnth bb4 Oartla atrfta.
' ft k nxfl ' JTT Vaa Sof N-wa aaaaaaay.
wprlac rlrt: Ot)w; A Htlaaa. mo
fKW YORK orrrBwataaa'a, IUn
OdnEwoirdm ifwa ton pair-
Oil A FT A If tllaH hAtal nfoi aan4: Mfaath
tttattoaarr cnmnaar, IMA Paman atraat. .
IUI.T LAKI CTTT knro btl arwa ataati
lonw Braa.. S Wft aVrmid atrt. Bontk,
PT LO TTT PMItp RoW. 6lfl Lanat atraH.
UN rEAKCTBCO W. R. AMlac, Palaaahotal
mrm ataad: OolAnaiith Bna.. SW attar
atraat: rrA W. Pitt". 1WW Maft atraat.
RPOKANI, Wra.)t W. Orabam A -VACOWA.
WAB Oatral Haw aaaaaaaT. Htl
tfm.TXOMAH TAMP WO. S. IndUa War
arana. win at fialar A Ban' aadar-
klnT frlta at, 10 a. m.. iMday. aVpUmbar
n. t allrad the rnnaral of lata Grand Oun-
ajandn T. A. Wfto4 A fnU attradaaca ta
rmiiiNtaaV - L. H. Parrtah. OapC A.
fttuart. '
Br 7. T. WOaan, Uxth'and Aafeaar atrwrta,
at lo . aala mt aracartaa, caMUac at.
9. T. Wllaoa, anrttaaarr. . -
Br Bakr A Co.. Park aM A Mar atrarta.
at t p. ai.. aala mt iwrd boaaeboM ftnUara.
G. Bakrr A O- atirilnnfara.
Waathar i-aadtUuwa and aaarral Avraeaat for
Orrarm, WaiAlncloo asd Idaho. Uht ralna
tortlaoaa alooc tfca Waahlna'toa uaat, aud
arattrrod ahowara uxwixl jaatardar U aertfe
. waat OrfBxm and tba loand eonotrT. K)aa-
wfrM ta tba atatea waat of U Kockr iaua
talaa a rata of aaaiMDca oecurrad anirlng
4b. laat 34 boar. Hhowara aontlnna ta
toarta. the Upprr lk raaloa. New ataxia aad
at wlAflr arattmd atacaala Taxaa.
It hi nart warBM-r thla aaorainf lat CaHfarata.
Karada. tiak. Arlauaa aad waatara Oolarada;
tb taaatratara haa alaa rtaaa la taa Lah
Pttoa. tha Okl rail aad aorttaaa at tb
fw BnslaaAt atatc. fa Uie Pacifle northwaat
lb raaoaa lnct- jaatardar baa bea allfht.
.anatnet maaj, wiib aiisour Baor
' turf la Orwcna and martwca Idaba.
- - - a n
A fcaraal ara ka faaafl a J l tka M
Ptaaaatt haab atoaa
aaaaav. 1 Vaa.
Hax. . Alia.
as a
TO . 41
m w B3
T u
m , m
m ,,. u
a - a
ao so
n , to
ao 44
n u
m m
T4 4
BO 4
n . m
m ' ; t
T 5 at
M . M
ao 74
S ,
H4 t
US ' - M
TO - 50
0 , R
n M
T4 t
S v .. M
M a
1 " " .
Bakar fltr. 0
B1m. Idahtr.
Boatfm, Haaa......
Buffalo.-. Y...-.-T..V....
C'harlahaa, S. C.
. Chlcaao, Ul
Cinrlnoatt O.
lner. Cab... ..........
Vuraka, Cal
Ha. Gal
na. Moat .'.
aoaviUa. PU
KallapeU. Moat.
.LewUtuav Idaba
tm Anjtalaa, Cal. .
firm Yerk, K. T...,.M
Korfnlk, Ta..... .........
Uataba. Kak..,.
KUadrlphla. Pa.
r-atallo. Idaba... ......
PortUnd, Or
W Bloft, Cal
! ,tH fW. . . . - .
tUcramrnt. Cal... XS
m. umia. ao ........
Batt Laka. Utafe
Baa Die a, Cal
Kb Praactaca, Chi.......
. Paat Mlna
Tamcna. B'aah
VlctnrU. B. C.
' Walla Walla, Waak
WaahlnaTtoa. I. C.
WlnMamrrt. Maa. .......
Vaaah. Aria.
aVptaaihar ST, Mr, niartaa
tXarth Utvaatfe atraat, phthla.
, staaihw . ta Mr. aad Via,
BldT at 4M Hall atraot. a aoo.
vVvbaWwi 4aW
' apptataDer ii, r w. ana sira. nawara
Secla, at aW tnrlna atraat. a aaasktar.
- - ' . OKATBB. ..
, BiplaartMw Sa, Ida B. praaar. aawf 44 yaara,
at 9M Baat Mala atrrt; eaoao. aeat lafUia
mattoa mt sswrla. Barlal at Blvaa Tknr is-
rptabw IT. Anna WMtaarafe. aad M
para, at aaa Eaat Marart atrrt; raoaa, aaart
lavaae. Bortat at Lena Ph gttwy.
avotaaab Ss. M-lrla L. Oota. aaad T
ttnatha. at BW Baat Baaastb atrwt; cava.
gart aatarltaa, Barlal at Mattes aaaaa
saptataBaa Sf. Tflaa M. Mall. T4 yaara,
t Alt Bt Yasifaill atraat; aaaaa, eld aa.
Barlal at Saaia, Waak.
a-ptrtabar as. Imala Paafe aged M paara,
at 43 AXnnd atraat; aaaaa, aaAawatlaa, Bartat
at Ptr natrr.
Bptmhr PT. AanU Inn, aaad M rra.
at Aatnrta: aaaa, taiaaaila. BarUl at Lesa
Par sanatory. r
Ctaaaatailaai a
BVIIwand: awidarB.
Omana Otr r Ba. aaar
rtaatlfl. aawit, CWtu
Mraa. $. rUltara t a. aa.
-iitalu. taa- ehltd
t I a, aa. Partlaad
partlaad. Oa.
' Tb Bdward Borjaaa Cadartaaiaat aoateaay.
ftaaral diraan asd aaaaa laaara. CM XUrd
sVaat. Paasa AOT. 5
. P. Platef A Boa. fasarat dtrartaa aad
aaabalaaarav haa mntorad t a4r aaw aatas
lwbawaL m1 awr Third sad Itaalaaa sttsata.
Both ssoaaa B. A,
triS-Bfrst a., ranaral dlreetnra tJ aa
Aalsiara. tic BaanB. Lady aawt paasa Bast 10M
i Cla Bras, tar Oawara. BO) MatrtaaS akraaC
f. B. BcwM tad wtfa ta Jaha
ani i. Dun ai, i.isrvai rara....
Lafaratta- W, Bawtdlrt a L M. V. :
I ft
dt-t. 1 1. bkxk Rn. AIMOB 1
Imiiar tirtiba to Charlaa 0. Brrafea, Ms
ft. A t lal. Raat Portland; ahsat -an
rmt la Mrrarwla'a D. L. C r 1
Awna A Baraard ta H. C RMllsoas, lata
1. X A 4. A Krraratds add kt
' A'Una aftt
ManM at A. J. mrtaaj at ai lata
It 1. 14a-k 4f. Baltwood.... II
Ohart Q, tormmt sad wlf H B. A. Ms
I.taid. anrth H law f. A Mac. A
Ptriiba a4d , S
J.Ah H. Bwltt and wit ta Till Oaaran.
f. Tr,..t sMntwaa, Ms A A shtcaj
JM. H(afar M4 . .. .
Oty TrBr k Tkrtaf
raiu r av ruun
eooxs wik& o n nma
unn o ran. -
-Praaiatlaaai -fwhl awda --4jh)
Ladd aobool for aaovlnc froan tbpovt
abla roona Into th main build Ins aa
aoon mm tba) haattna; and vanttutlnc ap
paratua la eemplatad. It la axpactad
that thla work will bawla Frtdap or Sat
urday and will b flnlahad by Hondar
or Tuaadap, ao that tha roajular racita
tloaa will ba lntorfarad with aa lltUa
aa foaalbla. Brarybodp conearnad la
vary ansloua for tba chans. Whlla
tha portablra hav baait Trjr food aub
atltuta alaaa rooms, thap ara not nearly
aa onvanlent aa tha naw rooma will ba.
Zt la alao axpaoted that .work la tha
Breoklya school build I n will ba ra
umad Monday, far tha bultdlna; ta nmr
ly oomplaisd. It will bo raadp for
raceptton of tha puplla at so aarly data.
Work at tba Rich aeboal la proaraaa
Ids satisfactorily. Tha puplla hava set
tled Into tba regular routlna and hay
almost forvottavt tha anforcad vacation.
Attend nc at tha Cllntooi Kally
school la locraaalns;. It la sxpactad that
a araatar aumbar of puplla will attend
this school thla fall than avar bafora.
' Work on tha Atkinson school Is ba
ins; ruabod bp avary contractor. 8upr
lntandaot Rla;lar and tha principal of tha
achoal vlalt tha bulldlog aaarlp avary
day to ruak th work.
Ko . anDounoamsnt eoocarnlnsa th
booklnss of tba local tnaatro haa at
tracted drrsatsr attention than that ra
mrdlns th production of "Baa Toy,"
at tha Marquam Oraod thaatr for an
aaaTaamnt of four porfonnanoaa, bo
at n I na thfei avanlnir and ineludlns A
special prto matins Saturday, which
John C Plahor will praasnt bar with
avary raqulalta which la dsmsd aassn
tlal to a parfoet rspraaentatloa of thla
vary famous Cbloaa an ua leal eomady.
tn th bis ootnpany tharo la Jamaa T.
Powsra, who la without doubt ono of
th olavaraat fan-makars la America to
day, air. Powers orlajtoatsd In thla
country tho port which ha la eaat for
thla aaaaon, that of L4.H a Chinaman
who haa travalad. Othar membsra of
tho original cut ar Osorso K. Portea
cu. Nag-l Barry,. W. I Romalna, and
such other well known arttata aa Mar
saret UcKlnnay. a partloular favorlt
In thht section; Mini Rudolph. Josephine
Newman. Charlaa Arllns. John Paachsy,
Prod W. Huntley and scores of other
who hav boon- prominently ldontind
with musleat oomody of tha best class.
Tho ehorus ta an unusually 'larse ono
aad aonaldorod by Mr. Plahor to bo tho
best voiced organisation ha baa avr
bean able to aooura. A spoelal orchestra
baa also bean provided to Inaura tha
bast poaalble Interpretation mt Sidney
Jones music. -
In tho mounting of "Baa Toy." Mr
Piehsr baa quits excelled tba atforts he
has previously put forth In ataglng
mualcal oomady. There la nothlns that
baa bean uaed la pravloua praaantatlona
of -Ban Toy" which wlU be put In serv
ice thla aaaaon. except the book and
moale. In tba costuming. Mr. Planar
baa followed th earn policy that has
always made hla productions notable
aa th moat richly dressed whleb any
ansMaTor sends out. Nearly ovary cos
tume used In "San Toy" la Chinese In
character. Boat aaa now selling- for tba
enure snaaaement. ' , .
When a woman like Ross Errttngs es
prasaas baraolf In unequivocal terms.
saying- that th Columbia theatre stock
company la unexcelled today in tba
United Btatea, aa aba did last night at
tho Columbia theatre, the remark carries
soma weight.
Mlas Xytlngo la known all over tb
globe aa a farooas actress who baa spent
her Ufa on tho atae-e, and certainly aha
is oompetent to judc of a oompany and
of a performattoa. She say that tha
Columbia theatre, aa to appointments,
stage equipment aad general complete
ness, com pare favorably with tha very
beat theatres In America, and that tho
Columbia stock oompany la tha beat aa
she know of In thla eoantry- -
No wonder the people are flocking to
tha Columbia. Tha attract tone there at
the low price ar considerably bettor
than Portland baa ever bad before.' Tha
intensely Interesting play thla wk
(Bouclranlt'a "The Jilt") Is one of the
eleverest and moot ntertalnlng play
ever put upon the a tags, it la th beat
play th aTsat Boueloault ever wrote
The horao-ractns scene, th slnaina, tha
Individual htta of every member of th
oompany, tha sparkle of tho dialogue,
tha brisk action tha play la full to over
flowing with bewitching entertainment.
It rune alt the week, lnoludlns Satur
day ana tin and svenlng.
Tomorrow (Friday) morning at W
o'clock the advance sale of eeate will
open for Kyrte Be lie W. the dlstlnguiahed
English actor who oomea to the Mar-
quam Orand theatre next Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday nlghte, October S-
-. la "Balnea, Tb Amateur Cracks
man.'' '
Dashing Xyrfe Bellew. fin artist
Though he la, to not the only atrong aH
traoUon In "Raffles, the Amateur
Craokaman." The star has nn ha.
tated to surround himself wfth talent
scarcely leas pronounced than hie awn.
The part opposite Mr. Bellows la por-
- . -
lot a, hlort 4T, aaaayatde...
Brnrat 0- Willi area to Lambert IWwkea.
45xll feet Is tract 0. Orover add
Jeanph Weber and 'Wife to Joss Eos
acblegl, aahdlvleloa 0 and R, lati,
block 1A Portland Heaseetakd.
Laela P. Baaa to Jeaal M. Mlllla.
14 lot 1 block 1. Goldanlth add tlSfii
O. U, Baeaoa ana wire to Joha w. Aagaa,
VH IS. btork K. PortaBMutfe SM
rara: uumi eowpeay ta La are Nrmu,
lota T, A 1, klaefe TO, Cslraralty
Park .7. 7. e
Title Ouaranta A Treat enotaeay to Oar--flrld
Rolb-r aad arlfe, let 14. block A
Natb Irvlnstoa j. BB)
Praacaaea Bnroa ta Tberaa Beraa, east
H lat A block tJB, Baal Pertland ; 1
Lnala Oetdiauth aad wife to Laata P.
Bao, kt A Merfc 9, Ooldantth add... SM
W. A, Eatrbell and wife ao kit Nlcs
olaa. lot A Mock It, Harlai Tract. .. ftO
gtwHff to 0. W. MrToy. lot I. htoek A
MeeOaalls add to Bat PortUad 1
Oat pear taaaraaee aad abatraeta to real
(tat frne the Title Qnaraatea A Treat eaav
caasiner ar uoaamaree aeuaiaa.
S. H. I. ElsaaUy
hoeae, anntbeaei comer al Twaltth asd Bar.
nana anwu; coat, ao.
Beatrmhe' BL It. J. Waekatsltk, cettase a
Keat Plaadan ataa Raat Twenty-eights sad
Xaat Talj ninth etreets; eaat, ftano.
eptaeibae 3ft, Mr. flata as Ker
ney set ftuteaatfc aad trvaataaatA atreato;
coat, SB.SoA
Henteartier BA Pnrriafti fl arret tHn Oa..
repafra to krleft baiidlag aa nertseaet eartatf
at m-renth aad Alder; coat, fl.dno.
Meptrmlaw to. Hemes Kaa. eattog aa
aarthraat earser of Knat aarastb aad Beet
uraat stream; east, too.
I i i ii i i a i ii I i
a an .a a -.
rrapad bp bo ta nunous a plApap than
B. M. Holland, Tha lattar haa a vary
atron and striking rola la Captain Bad-
ford, -th Aatastlva. .. Clara - MiajMueB.
handsont and .tftsd. la' Mr. llaar'a
Isadlne; woansn. Stanton BUIott, Prank
MoCornlck, Haiti fluasall, Ollva Wynd-
han and Bwvarlr Bltareavaa aro wall
flttad with Important parts.
The forthcoming ngmgemsnt of "The
fllgn of the Pour," which appear at tha
Bakar tnaatro for on week, starting
with tho matinee neat Sunday, la msnl
featlng considerable IntraC . The dra
matist baa revised th story and has
made more oat of ft than a mere detee-
tlv adventure. H baa written la a
love atory and has Introduced some
charming oomedy. As a play, The' Sign
of the Pour" rushes along with a closely
knit vlot, not only untangling the akela
of criminal claws, but alao rolling up a
double akela of lov affairs. Doing this,
thrilling stage pictures shift rapidly.
Th cherectere are picturesque.
If one haa a fondness for dacteotlv
stories, he can do no better than go end
surrondsr hla entire admiration for
Sherlock Holms. Tba epectator learns
not only to marvel at tha cunning of th
character, but to worship him aa a mag
netic hero. True A Jrme assumes, the
character of Sherlock Holmes.
i - I '
Tonight will be an event of groat Im
portance at the Baker theatre, where
the City Proas club will have their an
nual benefit. It la seldom that a a tar
Ilka Melbourne MacDowall can bo In
duced to give benefit performances, Tba
news gatherers hav bean very oner
getlo among their friend a. and tha re
sult' la that a erowded house will re
ward their efforta. Hrv MacDowall will
cloae hla engagement of five weeka with
the Saturday matins. There will be no
pa rf or man oe on Saturday night, as ha
will leave for Spokane oa hla north wsst
tour. - .
To go to the Bijou thia week mean a
hearty good laugh for the average man
and woman. A good laugh la north a
lot la gold, Hagan and Ha gen have the
moat ludloroua little German turn In
town. Xt'a new and aovaL too, por tho
Irian, and moat other nationalities. Ward
and Ward pre apt a eomady aklt that Is
chock full of merlment. Pour other
acta, each aanaational or amualng. oom
plete th bill. To every child who at
tends the Saturday matinee will ba given
a box of candy. '
- "ooom Bowav mr.
A Romance of Coon Hollow." which
comas to Cord ray' theatre neat Sunday
for a half week's - engagement, la a
popular southern comedy drama. It haa
funny scene galore. Some of the
strongest heart Interest ever put Into
a play. Tho characters are quaint" but
true to the atmosphere ta which they
are placed. There Is a line sextet troupe
of pickanlnnle alngera and dance pa that
furnish the excellent specialties of
"Coon Hollow.''
Tar soavm.
Th aaoond act of "The Hills of Cali
fornia," now running , at Cordray's
theatre, though only a picture of a
simple little farm borne aeane, ta one of
the feature of the play on account of
Its homaly surroundlnga, quaint and
lovable oharaotera. Pnudt Bacon and
hla excellent oompany ar giving the
patrons more than good value this week.
Tb plsy runs until Saturday night, with
tba usual Saturday atatlnaa.
- Harry Panlton's clover farce-comedy.
"Klobe" all emlles). wherein Cathrln
Counties appears a a statu that comas
to Ufa and deecende from Its pedestal,
will be the bill for next week, beginning
Sunday matinee, October ft. at th Co
lumbia theatre. It la founded on th
atory of Pygmalwa and Galatea,
-Charles W. Rosenau. aged It, was In
stantly killed on the Oregon Railway Sc
Navlgatloa company docks at Alblna
by falling from a trestle onto a pile of
rock a. 10 feet below, breaking his neck.
The accident occurred at : thla
morning. Roaenaa was helping unload a
freight oar and had gone around It to
open th far door. - Th board walk be
tween two treatise, upon which tha man
doing thla work usually stands, waa out
of repair and soms planks had been
taken v up, which mad It difficult for
Roaenaa to obtain a safe footing. While
prying th car door. In some way th
man loot hla balance and fell Into the
open apace between the treaties. Death
was Instantaneous,
Rosenau haa been In tb ampler of
the oompany aa a laborer for II years
He lived at No. 107 Palling Street, waa
a widower and leaves nine children.
three of whom ar under age. The body
was removed to the Plnley nndertaklr
eetabliehment Deputy Coroner A. I.
Plnley deelded that a lnqueat waa neo-
wthi ofmii awa iiiiB.r
Buffalo, N. T., Sept. . Save of tb
present aad former aldermen were ar
raigned before Justice Xenaflofc at 10
o'clock, thla morning; charged with
hrlfcarv. Tha am Haarr hlnaart. J.
Vhomaa, Harry Orrln. BL Plttica, present
aldermen, and Edward C Bel ear, Louis
O. Roed!, Henry O. Schneider and
l john O. Busch, former aldermea
All pleaded not guilty and ball waa
fixed at 1,600 in each case. Tb court
room was crowded, and all the Indicted
men were represented by counsel. All
are Republicans and claim they ara In
nocent and that the action Is part of a
plot to aid tba Democrats In the state
and national election, it Is reported
this morning, however, that two alder
mea mad confessions before the grand
Jury and are lmmane from prosecution.
Chairman Psaeley of tho Washington
atate commission to. the Lewie and Clark
expoaltlon arrived la the elty thle morn
ing, and after a short visit with Presi
dent Goode started for th fair grounds
Ha oare fully Inspected the work going
on and expreaaed blmeelx aa well
pleased with the proaraaa made. Wash
ington, he eaya, has lost none of her
enthusiasm and will aim to make the
exhibit of that state the greatest of alL
Mre. V. Isoeb, who ewna tba property
at Stark and Plfth streets, to having tb
frame building moved to tba afreet line
and will Improve K. She la receiving
estimates for a three-story brick build
ing, to bs built oa the .remaining I
feat of the lot. The proposed new
building will be throe atorles.
y ' Special' Sale Friday.
Ladles white felt beta, boond with
velvet, velvet bands, buckle and quills.
Regular and l.b hata for $1. A
M. S. Copeland, lift Waahingtoa street,
'. '
Who Will Get It?
- t - - , . -
. The next special prize to be avvtfded for the near
est correct estimate received before October. 1st will
be a $350 upright piana ,
2j Prbml Ma4M A Bmaafta GraaW fVam .M..Vauw SI. 200
M IMxav-A CsmsvW wremdl PiM ... . mlm StaOOO
. '-- ' - -. ' " ' . . VlltWa
t Conover Cabinet Grand Upright Pinoar.,... $M00
' 10 Kingsbury Upright Pianoft "800
SO Apollo Pumo PlByers... ....,... 1,060
SO Chicago Cottsn Organs.. 1,100
60 Grand Rapids Sectiooai Book Cases. 1,000
SO Roval Sewing Machines.. 1M
V 0 Kali i ma poo Stoves and Ranges. 100
' 80 Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos...... 100
. SO Solid Gold. Gold Filled, Enameled and Jeweled -
, lien's and Women's Watches....... .. 1,600
. 100 Columbia Graphophonea ; S.600
70 Al-Viata Panoranik Cameras . S.500
V 800 Pieces Heavy Quadrupl Plato Siryeiware.. M50
. 100 Gem Safety Sapors.. ' "0
100 Moore's KotvBrekabl Fountain Pens , 850
1,000 Volumes Theodoce Roosevelt" XfiM
1,000 Volumes Hodgson's American Homes1'. 1,000
1,000 V61umes "Stephen G. Foator'a Song Album?.,, y 800
1,000 Song and Music FoUoa.. , M00
moo ! ; 'rS" Toui.........a.........:..;..$
fM i insist la baaod an waa tsaai waa a ba aaa fas the eanee
of Tuallial of abe ,1 2a jnti " MsBMsg
Bj tx i S itt, amMmmm i i r
asd Sassay, 1 yeWv-. -j f
pally sad Basday, t raar..... Jt
Sally aad loaday. f eaoetha.. AT
wv-fin yi-::::::::::::::::.i.
M f tl! Saa 'da V tu giaawa' MO aWOUTISS MM JaUOWBC
DaJlr asd Baanaj. s SMaaaa
pally set mcladlaa Saa.), i aaaaaaa J
Saaday alyk 1 year.
iiBjla. tw a aaaaaaav ............. 1.0
V . tom thta aa and Set b sasamsllyv -
Stata whet hey Dafly. Oonday,
Weakly or deaal-Weakly.)
Wggsa '
AVrctafale rVeparalioafar
sltoflaiing fe Food and Betf ufa
bng ttmStoande aMBmla of
Proowtes Did9uVxtaverful-
twM and HPSt.contalns iwithrr
Opaiaii.Korphine iwrtusSXcU.
A perfect rtenwdy forCrjiarkgV
Ron. Sour 3u3aWh,Diarrtjea
VVornW jCCfrVUmkMIS.lWriSD
, IteSma Sifnahrr af
Tmt&mmM- a
jmx.Jmm I
JaatAaay : J
jSae?- I '
aa TALl90C7vwz BaaeV
aaatla ta year
was A T4,ss, fas, af 4Bt pat eaat
wT mlSafatatmsaln
iM waa lAeaelatA kas. ex tft r eaat
IM wa 11 .., tea. mt 1A ear eaat
lACBajl. la, of As par aaa
bv par bbi
States feat kerhwBag Ininiilaa. she Dla
trlet of OaetuaVta. HawaB. StsBa
Maea. aad Alaska), m aa year
IBM was...M sf.Brl4a
ISM was..w....HnM.H.llA4a
ttrOQ SJwMla ( aaaea T41Qb9i444
IMS was (enamaieai...... TaJaBvaea
Mf laiuniiai of VotaJ Veea to V asstea
Mev. A IBM, mr the aeaea ef PreaMast aret
V was
1"S waa u,azi.iaa.
ISuf eras n sit aig
1 1 1 I 1, I I
Por Infants and Children. '
Tho Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears th
- of
For Over
Thirty Years
9 . .t.
. Tbo Orsot Cfilaaaw, Doctor
da eerled araai
cause hla wonderful
cure ax ao well
known tbreuahout
th United State,
and beoauee ao many
DsoDi are thankful
to him for aavtng
taear live
He traata any and
II dlaeaae with
Kwerful Chines
rba. roota. buds
barks and vagetablaa
a that ara entirely an
te me jmi BOiatu IB) wm eeaai'
try. and through tha us at thee heres
ies reaaedlM. This famous doctor hnow
tha action of over lo different ramedtee
that ha bas successfully usea in oinereni
dlaeaaea. H xuaranleee to our oaUrrb.
as t: ma. long troubles, rheumatism, aer-
Twiaaaa, iioaiBcn. - " -" - - -
imau .Hit ell virlvata dl aaa aaa
Hundreds of toetlmonlala Cbargaa
moderate Can and ssa am
fjoia uMAtios rmi
Patients ent of the dty write far
blank andAstreulatv iSllsss stasia. Ad-
tM Alder rt root. Partlaad, Oa. Msa
Men this paper.
Chinese Restaurant
Dalleloua Cblneea noodle aoun. Bn-
perb chop suay. Delicately flavored
vlanda of all descriptions. Cleanest and
cheapest place In Chinatown. Private
boxes for parties. Table Inlaid with
ahells and Bower. Handaomaly earved
cnaire au imponea.
$c3TE::a strup
ehUdraa while TTaeUUBg toe oar Flftjr Tears.
Hetlea M Sereay gtraa that tb
BMse by eretBaaec Ho. 14.171. antttled: "Aa
erdlaasea adopUag the report mt tha vlawara
a ua BMtter of the ampuaad opening, wldaa
lag, laying eat and aaubUahlBg ef Dawaaa
a i raat rroaa ta aaat Hm ef riik. atrt
tb aonU Ilea ef Colonibla Park, aaklng aaa
""awi at aaa oesenu ana aamagee sat
forth la aald report." approved Aaguat Is,
1004, baa haaa entered agalaat the eeveral
ewnere ef aad persona ntereated Is the land
berets sseeribad aa bains aeverally ttable there
for, to th Docket of CUy Uaaa, which aald
aaaaaaaesta ara atade dur-ad sayabla at tha
rrtce ot tke Olty Treaeorer, la llaltad Btatea
gold and allTer aala, and enlxaa paid before
October T, lftoi, the earn wlU become della-
qaent ana saea aroceedinga will be takea for
the eoneeilea of the earn, aa are provided y
id eaarier ot we iiiy oc roniaaa, aald
menta being aa foUowa. te-wlt:
NORWOOD BLOCK 107. tot 14. Bra Brtdgaa,
4 00: let W, Era Wdgea. ft,o4; lati;
CUraaee C. Baaltk, A00; hot iY. Clarae a
Smith, MOO;kt II. Allda B. Clark. 13.00;
let IS, Aana A Clark, 8 00; lat SO, inUa a!
Brlgga. A8.00; lot XI. Julia A Brtgga, W.00:
lot Zi Bdward Seaearar, W.00; lot S3.
11eodore trie, M 00; tot U. Tbaodorh Irto.
S.O0; tot Bk TTnlaerelty Park M. B. flaarrh,
Traata i rt. W-00; lot BA Dalaralty Park
M. S. Cherrh, Trasteea of, A3. 00. BtOCK
11 A tot T. Oeorge L. kared7 U.N; tot A
Mary J. Voaagj SA0S; tot7 Baajaajtn B.
anaver, ss.uui mK w, aVmjanHa E. 8havr,
Auo; tot 11. U T. araaaad. jAOtt; tot 1A
?. Mrawo, acom
Cella L. Proabatel $150; tot BL Maria B
Lebaas, Si 00; tot ZS. Maria B. Lahana.
M 50lrt Z4, ralraratty Lead Co., AS.50;
an aa, vmvwmtj uan ua., n.oo; tot So,
W. J. ldoearAJAau; tot 4. W. . pVddl
Baat rortUDe blulk A tot b, prank staafc,
fj.; lat 10, Haana Cailandar, 1 ; tot 11.
Hanna Cvtander, 1.; lot LS, Kank StaaK
1.3S; tot 11, James A. Oray, 1.B1: tot 14.
p N. BarwelL 1.Jb; tot II, B. A. Whltlngi
lot 1A James A. Oray A1.X3; tot IT,
Anaa B. Vusrhlaa. fl.M; lot 1. Bug
Brock. fl.M; tot IS. Eugene Brock. 11.35;
tot . Anna B. TocrWaa, 1 : tot XI. Anna
a. rooraire.; ai xz, Bufpg, Brock,
1.BS; tot at Auguet L'awrtor. : tot 14.
B U Sanborn. 11.35; tot . Matilda Jrff-r-
wwa, ai.: an xa, j. a.; lot 17.
Amanda Oattry, !.; tot fi. Joha W.
Gray, graft; lot 20. Juba W. Orar, 11.00.
ran, Amanda Oattry, tl.OO. BLOCK 8. tot
Una H. Bwlnf, SI.B3; let 10, TtrglaU
a- nasiieaa, ai.; to ii, u. a. Tnckre,; jot is. una n. awing, ai m lot la,
. B. Terker, 11.95; tot 14. Barak i. Oray.
11.3S; lot IS, garah J. Oray, 11 ; tot ii.
w. a. Tucaer, fi-t ; an it, wera BL Bex
tea. II. ,
'tot lt. L'llie M. MeClnre, tot 'to. W
W. Brarkoa, 11.36; tot SI. Thee. L. Ray.
hefre, J ; tot SS, Uarj ht htanntog, tV.d:
tot SS, Btondlna Maanlng, 11.31; tot S4.
i-noa. b. aa, neira,; tn ss, rial lie M.
Parnaeatae. 1.SS; lat ), aarab J4 Oray,
!)-; tot ST. Sarah J. Orar. tl.SB:t K.
KalUe M. Paranenter. l 35. All that tract
af land blag betweea the aeatrrlr aide Haa
af Nawmaa atreet la aald Bmltbeee. Land
Onnpaay'a addlttoa to Beat Portland and tba
west nna I UoiamMa rart in aald City
of Portland, and beteren th aald aoatherly
Una ef aald propoeed Pawaon atrrt and a lien
parallM therewith aad 100 feet aontbarly
tawafram, J aaa block. 1S0.7S. Total. Sla.7A
AMOttsr et t
rortlaad, Oreaos, teate:
Aadtta ef the Rty ef pnrtiaad.
bar SA 104.
HeMea ta kerehr glvMr that taa Covert! af
ne City of PortlanA Oreaoa, at a meeting aM
aa the Slat day of aeptrmbet. 104, declared
the aaeeeaoient ay oroinanr ice, 14.X1B. for
the Imprvvameat ef W riant atreet. from tke
eaat line of llnloa avenne t tha weal line et
bat Seventh atreet, la the manner provided by
ordinance No. 18,874. apoe aach tot, part af
tot and aarcel ef lane, which are apadailr aad
necnllarly tteneltrd, p be aa foltowa, via:
bAVIB H 1 ' 1 H L A ND BLOCK 1. tot 11, Joan
Kane. 2m).M: tot 14. Joss Kama, IBS.TBj tot
16, ioha Kaaa. Sll sl; lot 1A Joha Kaae,
111 3B; lot A B A ltalaae, MS 9; hit 10.
. R. RhIdm. 121 ; tot 1L Daw lit Cllaton
and Hora Bella. Sel.eS: tot 1A Dewltt Clln
tea aa Nam Beue, 1304. IA BLOCK f, tot
1A F. W. PowelL A3T1.90; tot 14, T. W.
PewelL Att OS; tot 15, Lovla lrlnaar, 977.11;
tot 11. Leal L Trocar, 127.13, tot 9, Irene
Btllrwen. 134.40; lot 10, Irene BtlllWeU.
ISM.40; tot 11. Irene St 111 wart,; tot 11
fraae Itlllw.lL 12S0.S4. BLOCK 1. tot IS,
Bcbool DUtrlct Ne. I, IBM IS: tot li, Brbeel
DUtrlct Me. L J14.1T; tot 10. gcbnol Dla
tnet No. L tlx. 80 ; let A aVsool Dlatrlct No.
SB SB;' a tract ef lead lylag betweea
th north IIm et Wriest atreet and a II n4
too feet north thereof and parallel therewith
and betweea the eaat line ef block I, Daft a
Highland and the weat line af Baat Seventh
atreet If i tended northerly In lie area, at
. auao n.tti Ma fl aeia aa
K n,aNlI)' 1. tot C Honrr Daaetaa.
sjB.0; Mil. aaaaiaaaaa,; tot U,
RafiVf1 it
orrr botioka
Saalee M, buaedea. la 80: tot IA -Bit ale
M. LaunadM. 1M2 76. BLOK g. tot 1. Ella.
bath renarwaod. WS4.0S; tot A Bllaaboth L'ah-
A9.B4: tot 11. Alice KrKeaeU. K4.Avt
tot IA Alio McKaaale, S14,T0. BLOCK A
lot L Percy Paart Adama, ! 8; lot A
f Percy Pft adanu, 140.M; let 11. Percy
Paget A& ma, llS.ll; tot IS, Persy Paget
Adaaaa, Xo.04. Total. 14.011.40.
A atateawnt of aforeaatd aaaeaemeat haa keen
ee tared la tba Doeket of City and B) sow
due aad peyabla at tba afire of the City
Treeeerer, la latrfol aMnay af the United State,
asd If sat paid wttbts SO dare from the data
of thta n-itlc. aeeh nraeeedlnga will be tak, a
for tha eollmloa of the aame aa ar prieldas
by the charter of th City ef Portland.
The above eaaeeaiaent will beer Interest M
eaya aftav the Am publlcatloa of tbl. aotlaa.
i A adttor ef the Cltref PoKUad.
Perttaad, Oregee, September BT, 1PM.
BeCtoe at baaehe gtraa that taa Ceaacfl ef th
City ef PortUad, Oregoe. at Dealing held
oa the Slat cay ef At u Umber. UkA, declared
the aaeeM.aant by erdlnaace No. U.S1A for
tba ImprevaaMBt of riandars atreet, from the
t Una ef 1, ready atraat te the eaat Ilea of
Blrreath , treat. In taa awaaer arorlded by
ardtaanea Ke, 1I.S44, apoe eacb lot. part af
tot and parcel ef land, which are epactellj aad
peculiarly herelted. te be aa foitowa. vIb:
toiVHA ADDITION to the City of PortUad
BLOCK 84, lat t, Secarlty Sevlng Bank of
Sea Praitttooe, lMs.U; tot 4, Charlaa Thar
tow, traatue, MS. 76: lot S, Cbarla Thar tow,
tmatee.jar .41; andlrlded tot T Sea Bell,
lag. laTafti aadirleed H tot A Solomoa
nlrec BaUU. bear e 1130 91. BLOCK
Ms tot 1, .Oeorga W. Mares!!, SlT.Sl
aoath Si feet tot . 4. Oeerga W.
aoaia aa reei an , . u SSAIB; Berth SB fa.
ogat Plfct, gBAUt tot A
r.mmaa, 48; tot A Harm. a
Berth SB feet lot A
A Beraaaa
IB TrankEDan.
t taw. 00- BLOCK SA lat 1. Stephea Head
lat. be Ira f. SIB SO: tot A BUphea Ueaa
aaiata, Deir or, gox w; aoata h a a,
Oermaa BaTloas A Loan Bodetj. SLST; aorta
XL tn. . n F.v ... ay, A
tedder. 1400 4. BLOCK 17,
caaket ftoawany, BaOO.41; tot
Treat Compaa. gaXOS; tot A Bernard L.
Stone HtateTbetr of. pH.n:Tot S, BerasH
L Stooa Batata, helm of, 1431.B&, BLOCK
40, lot i Bernard L. Stoe Batata, balra of.
Sail SS; let 4, Bernard L, Stone Batata, balra .
et Sfll-TT; tot A Umij PhllUpa Betate, balra
ef.; anfivlded aaat 1-1 of lat S, .
Itondee Mortsagc, Truet A Investment Coe.
pan. Ltd., JuTn; andirlded H aaat 1-1 of
tot 1 laes DeLaahaatt. S01.T9; aaat 1-1 af weat
SI ef tot A Richard Brown, lies. II; weat
IA lat A Bmll C. Pat, 11B1.U; aoath 100
feet ef Pai btoeh F, taty of aUaad,
001 CHS ADDmOK to tb Oty at Port hi ad ; .
blocs eo, sadlvidBd e-ll east at -feet
of tot 1. WUllam H. VUrahalL
I1N.00; endlvMfd 5-IS eaat ST feet
f tot L Oeorga W. Mara ball. 9161. 15;
BoallTldeAS-lS eaat 7 feat af tot L Artbu
MarabalL, ao.4j waat SS fset tot I, W. J.
Haw alas, lM.TBt w. A, Haary. Westma,
160.15; aorU 14 lat 1, Jamea J. UurpUy, ,
S75.S8; aantk H Ml. Denato Oneway, 176. (
tot A Joha afargeaa, I55A.17. BLOCK . ,
tot X Aatotae, Blataa aad Joha Lsbbee. t.
AMS.10; lot A Btceard Oardea BaUta. heir .
ef, jl60.ll; aorth H tot A Domlna Uftwj,
S7I.T1; aoath tot A Ledger Bolra, l?5 7i . .
kt S, Aatolne. Blatoa aad John Ubbee,
(64B.TA hLOvk TA tot L Henrietta, Mar
V. railing aad Bsuly OabaU. 161A11; tot A,
HanrlctU. Mary P. falling aad Bmlly CabelL
I1W.0S; lot A HearletuTllary P. FalUng aad
- Bmlly Cabell. 6M 41; tot A Reartotta, Mary
P. Pallia and Bmllr CabelL I407.1A BLOCK
IA tot A at. Sal tor A Ce., S3A4S; aortfe k
let A aC Seller A Ce.. S1S.K1; aoath tot; tot a, Breyataa a Bamaierviua, aai.ui;
tot SV Braymaa as SumawrTllto, 130, IA
BLOCK 4A tot 1, Secarlty la ring A Treat
Comslnr. aaa.SS: tot 4. Seearltr Baruis A
, M. Sal tor A Ce., 124. ; aortfe k
. Seller A Ce., I1S.K1; aoath k
Plalda, llB. X: kt A Raary Watn--10;
tot f, Henry WataaarA S 4T. -
BLOCK SA tot A Henry W. Monaatea,
till.sS: tot A Gestae K. Malraard Beute.
rlra of, SOS.IS; tot A UtuUre K. Malrbard
Batata, helra ef, AM. 07; tot T, Charlaa Carat
sell and Onat Mnlrhard Batata, helra of.
S41ASB, BLOCK SO. tot 1, Charlaa HarUto,
SM0.4S; lat A Charles Bartaaaa, MA53; lot
A Oeerga Hartaeee, SflAU; tot T, Oeorga
Hart at
I Oas Ceauany. 134.67; lat A rortland Oae
aa, SBW.BS. uoci as, ax a, aiicna.i
14BVTS; tot A Michael Traer. $0111
Michael Tracy. 181. 4S Mt f, Michael
Cestnany, fSl.M: lot A Kile Belli, saazs;
lot r Bilk HelU. 14S.0A BLOCK SO. 1st .
V, Levi C Batter Batata, balra of, SeSA46; ,
kt A Levi OT Potter Batata, aetrs at. L90; .
lot A Lester potter, kit 7, Cbarle
M. Otoea et ax., SBIATT. North 100 feel
. at.. vi . m s.. . swi.mA aaaaim.
COUCH'S ADDITIO'N ta the City of ItaW- .- -
BLOCK a, Ml, Boaa A. Wooawara, aww.sai
lot I, Beeato Baodachah, 161.10; tot A Ps
elSe Coaat Abstract Osarantae Treat Com
paav. 1160.41: tot T, Pacta Ooaet AbaUaoJ
Guarantee Aj treat Com pan. S660.6A BLOCK .
S3, tot S. Joaepblne Arpen. SAA 1. OS; tot A
Alea hi airhead. 10 S: saotvltled 1-S jot S. -Aatolaa
Labbee, 160. SO; andlrlded I-S tot , .
fT Aatotn Labbee. SJ.7j .undlrtded 1-f
tot A Blataa Labbee, 160 SS; sadlTlded 11
lot T. Blatoa Ubbaa, f 1SS.0S: and It Wed 1-S f '
lat A Joha Laabee.j60.Al; asdlrlded 1 A tot
T Jobs Labbee, tfaAOS. BLOCK Tl. Mt S,
William H. Davla. S66AI1I tot A William M.
Mt a, rrea winaeiw,
Weat t
a af tfiMuU aaaaaimaiil haa been
aatered U the Docket af City Ueaa and a bow y
due and parable at the efac ef the City a
Treaaarer, lalawfat sMaef ef the TJntted lUtee,'
aad If set said within SO daya from the data
of thla aotfee aaeb procaedJuga will a taaea r
far the eoltocttoa ef taa aame aa are previeea
by tha charter ef tha City of PortlaaA
The itun aaar aa mint will hear lataeeet
daya jaf tea- tb Stat publirattoa f thto neOsa,
A adttor ef the Cltyef PoniasaV
PerttoaA Oragua. Baptembar ST. 10.
pbopobrb jMraoTSMXBt or itbmaji
Metle Is beveby given that St fa meeting af
the Ceandl of the City of Port lead, Oregon,
held oa tha Slat day ef aWptember, SSOa, the
following raeelnttoa was adeptedi
ReeoleeA That the CnaarU af Sk Oty f
PertUaA. OregoB, aeeam It xpedtost aad
popoaea t laaprov TharBaa atreet from the
west una ar angoy ami ao iaa uaw oa
Peter Oalld doaattoa toad Mslga, la tb aV .
towing meaner, to-wit:
Pint Br grading the atreet fall width with
fall inteaeecrVjss a ta grad as gtvaa by the
aZlmSr 'mmUmt Hag awtuvtsl nm alds-
Third By OBsatraetiag waooea ceoaewarka.
Poertk Br larlsg terra cetu drain pipe hi
aeenrdaac with the City Amglaaar'4 phUM,
K-dncattoaa and aetUBatea.
Plfth Br hiring wooden eldearaTka kt aeeereV
aace with the City Bsglsssrs plena, aairtgo
tton and aatlmatea.
lath Br coastractlag enbblaa ts aeeMaae
With th Cttr Bastnear'a faana. aasclxeatla
sad aatlmatea. v
Seventh Br hetastaaT aha aarfaea f fa street
fall width with faU Uteraeettoas t grade with,
Said Imurneameat a be fa accord
aace with tb charter aad ordl nance of the .
City Of PortUad and the plana. apacUcatlon
and eatlautee of the City Rngtneer Bled la (.
the flca ef the Auditor ef the City ef Pert
land aa the SOth dar of Seotomber. 104. la.
(totaad; "City atogiaeer'a Diana and neetflca
tlona foe the naproveaieBt of Thar man atreet '
from the west Uae of Baurby atreet to the .
weat Ha ef Peter Oalld' donation land dalm.
aad the eetlmal of the work ta a doss ssd
the prohabl total east thereof."
The rest of said Imnrvrraiaat te he a.
aeaaed aa provided by the City Charter apoe
the properly aped ally beaeflted thereby and '
which la hereby declared to ba afi the tote.
- tots as sereela- land Wag be-
twecn a nna 100 feet aortbeaaterly froav and
parallel with tb northeaaterly line of th ur
ns a atraat aad Use 100 faet errata wester tv
at and Derail I with tke aoatbwasterlr Una ef
Tha rata a atrvet asi heteeea the weetarly tine
of Bngtiy atreet asd Its ertenataa aortberly le
mseeat eoaree. and tba westerlr Bas af tha
The Vnstneer'a aatlmate ef the stebabl total "
enat for the ImnravcBWBt of amid TAarmaa '
atreet la $4,800.00.
Th above I mmf earnest to ta ha etaaerl aa a
mar a dam laiprovement and shall be nulfitalnee; . .
hr the city for a period of It yaara; provided,
that the owners ef a majority' of ta property '
beneSted by aald tmprovsmeat ar say por
tion thereof, ehell net netlttoa far a new er
dtfTetvbt ImproreaMst he for tb expire ttoa mt
mrh period.
Tsepiana, eaeriacatioaa ana eatimataa or re .
City Bnglneer for the Improvement ef laid ''
TJ.nrmaa atreet ar herehv adopted.
Reeoleed. That the Andltor of th City ef
Portland he and fee la hereby directed to glv ,
nnrtc of the pro nosed Imnrn-ramrnt ef aeUl
ttrtM aa provided by tba City Charter.
neatosairaacea aganat the boots imprnTeatost s
iy ba Bled la wrltlaa with tfee oaderalxned
within SO daya from taa data mt th Arat ,
pnMlcatton ef tblf notice. . .
ay aroer c ta Ceoorti.
THOS. ft DBTT.flf, " .
' ' 'Asdlear af the city f PortUad.
POHMad, Oregoa. Si-ptsmberlt, 1004.
Pealed araeoaala
wlU he received at the
flee ef tba Auditor ef ts City of Portland
Until ajetnrday. Octnher 1, 104, at 1:00 p. m,
rev oniMlng laaflinaa rnr ta ferrr "Ltonel
Wehetpr." In accordanee with alana and
aeclBcaitona arena rM h Prcd A. Bsllla.
and oa lie at hla office, 41U aecead etrret.
Be avopoaal will be eaiMldeted ealeaa e
eMnaantod be a eertlned check eae.bU an the
order of Oeerge H. WllUama. Mayor of the CIV
ef Pertland. easel to 10 par east C th ag
greaat aaMnat ef the MA
Therlght to retoet any aad aS tpa M aefebp
By arear mt tba atevrvrlve Beard.
- ; .tho. a bBvT.t.
Asmtar or the mr mt Port:
aTsrnasa. oraasa, Bsataaaber Se, ipo.
- ' e"