c THE. OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY". EVENING, BEPTEMBER 1801 i I TCnTI TCHCS j Marqaani mi4 ...."sweet Ckwer" CuluaMs ' fee Jilt" Bat at 'Trine TbroOiira" Cordrer's l"TW Ml Us l California" Ljrlc Vaudeville Ate ,.......Vm4TUl Bijou , , Yeneerllle tat vaesettiie No mors smoke, and; Columbia rli scenery mvw appeared mora beautiful than now. Its mountain, dales, turab 11ng watsrwtroni cliffs from li n o feet blirn, magnlflosnt landscape. colors of the rainbow with autumn ' Imvm, roeka that stand up from th esrtb as mighty monuments erected by human hands, the wonderful Cascade locks, costing lia.094.00. and delightful groves of all bjtnda of timber indlgen- oua to this semt-troploal ellme, all go i to make a steamboat lids on. thd Charts ' R Spencer, Portland to The Dalles, or The Halloa to Portland, one of tb rarest ' ptessuree of human Ufa ' Bpeocer loaves foot of Washington atreet Monday, r Wednesdays and rrtdsy at T a m.. The Dslles for Portland on alternate days. - Tel. Main 1411. Buy tickets t las ,. Dalles Whoa coming- wast, then rids to : Portland on the Spencer end Tlsw we grandest sosnsiy tns world. eaeoeaueswaa . " C. F. McCarthy, president of the Pa rlflo- Construction company of Califor nia, ts In this, city, looking after the Interests of Ms oompanr, which Is con structing the Morrison strsst bridge over the Willamette and ths Front and First Street " bridges ' over . Marquam gulch. In speaking;- of Aim Morrison strsst bridge hs said thaU ths oom- Denr had never undertaken another piece of work whloh baa- progressed as satisfactory as that. Not an aecldent of any oonssqusncs has happened sinoa ths work has commenced and no delays have been experienced for any reason The bride will be nearly completed by ths first of ths year. . ' ' Remember this, that whan you take ths Ballsy Oatasrt for. ths Columbia river trip to Ths Dallas and way points yon rldo so ths most handsoms, tus Btauachsst, most comfortable and safest steamer plying; between Portland and ' Ths Dalles. Ths Bailey Oatasrt la ths "old reliable" and onn always bs counted an for m safe and fast trip. Ths Oata srt leaves Alder .strsst wharf every t, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at T ; a. m., While ths steamer Regulator, ' another swirr boat, leaves . ths same ' wharf at ths same hour.oa alternating days. -Phono Mala Hi . . . . One osn hoard an Ov W. ear and -. within 10 minutes stop out upon ons of ths most beautiful reel den oe lots tn Oregon, loeatsd upon ths high bank of the Willamette at City View Park. Both the river bank and Oregon City oar una . connect with this property lino on either sideand pretty little steamboats will soon make landings there. Thsss .lots are now only $110 to I0 -one-third thotr real value. They won't sell at this pries long. Baay payments. Or agon Water Power Townstts Co O. W. P. Railway building. First and Alder. ToL Main; ltd. - ' A civil ssrrlcs ssmmlnatlon for mall carriers and clerks will bs- hold during ths lattsr part of November. Applicants must bs between ths agss of It and 4. and moat measure at least flvs fast four Inches In height. A knowledge of read ing, writing, atithmstlo and spelling to necessary. Ths positions psy from D0 to 11.200 a year, Ths trustees of ths Franklin college, Rochester, K- T-. hare , voted to train 1st oandldafea free of charge - for this ' examination. Appllce- - tlon must bs mads In ths applicant's , own handwriting. I ' Immigration departments of ths local .- railway lines are busy handling ths ,k arrivals froaa eastern statsa on account t of ths prevailing colonist rates, and alss with correspondence that continues f to orlglnato la middle wsst and south arn territory. R C Magnum of Ohla ' noma has Written for a largo amount :-- of Oregon advertising matter and Is ' arranging to bring a oolony of people from Oklahoma, where Immigration baa been overdone and there is no mors land at reasonable prices for new settlers. There wars many friends tat attend snce at ths funeral ssrrleea Sunday 'over ths lets Daniel C McKsrohsr. Ths services were under ths auspices of ths . grand lodge- A. F. at A. M. of Oregon, of t which ha had been an officer. Ths re : mains wars removed to. ths oka pel of ths Scottish Rita Masons whors Impressive ritualistic services were held. Ths in- - torment was In Rlvervlew semstery. K. Fanning, snglnesr of Bnglns Co. -No t, met with a painful accident tns other M evening which will confine him to his room for several days, ., Whlls sliding down ths pole from his room to ths engine room the other evening la re sponse to an alarm, hsMost his hold on ths pole la his hast and fell hsavlly to .-V at sv m m ,4 ntBaVtfS lifll ' -A, w o a mjf BBS Us Do If That Washioff of fours. Wt do perfect work that always sat kfies and pleases. OREGON LAUNDRY AND TOILET SUPPLY CO. is. Drs. Adlx 4 Northrup OSTEOPATHIC;. PHYSICIANS 416 Dekum Bulldlng kxaminations free ths floor. Ths fores with which he struck ths floor broa some of ths bones la ons of his ankles. Hs ts now being treated la a private sanatorium, , Judge W. M. Cake baa returned from Louisville, Ky , where he attended ths National convention of ths Knights of Pythias. I), was ths largest Pythian .convention ever held In ths country. Judge Caks was sunrsms rspressntatlvu of sll ths knights of ursgon. Ha de clares that there la a great amount of latsrsst la ths east la ths Lswls and Clark fait and that ths attendance Will bs much larger than ths saanagemeati believes. Ths fair la being wall adver tised, hs aays, many are postponing; a trip want until next year In order to see ths nlr and teks ad van tags of the reduoed rates. , , Edwin Hoboon vf Astoria, - who mads a 'decided hit last spring as Ooos tan oe In ths "Ameer." has accepted an offer from Manager Samuel B. Rorks to sing oa ths professional stags at ths Trs mont theatre. Boston. Mr. Hobson Is a brothsr-ln-lhw of Ualtsd States Sena tor Fulton. Hs has lived la this elty for three years and was tenor soloist IS ths choir of ths Cathedral of Im maculate Conception besides singing In other oholrs. Hs has a- remarkably clear falsetto. , It was la playing ths part of- a society girl In ths "Amser' that Manager Rorks heard him and de al dd to secure his servteea, Y At ths request of District Attorney Manning, a further sx tension of tiro in ths Ougllatmo case has been granted, by the- supreme court. An order was anado yesterday that, ths brief of ths defense need nor bs Sled before November L Ths prosecution will bars days In which to flm its brief and ths defsnss 10 days longer to Me a reply brief. Ths oass will then bs ready to go on ths trial docket If no more extensions are asked This procedure mean that ths -case oaf Ou glial mo will not bs' beard In tns su premo osart before next year. . . t Articles of Incorporation of B Brtksn waldS Co. were filed la' ths county court; yeeterda? by Paul B. Froellch. Isaac Van Pains and B. Brlksnwald. Ths capital stock Is $4,000; the pur poses to sell butchers' tools and fix tures, fancy groceries,- sto. Incorpora tion articles of ths Belt Logwlng com pany wars filed yesterday by W. K. Thomas. R. C. Bell and Arthur C. Day ton. Ths asms tells ths purpose of ths, oonlpany; ths capital stock la 91,109, In three closely typewritten pages Mabel Mod tag tells ths circuit court s harrowing tale of cruelty. She wants a divorce from William Montag. a barber, and accuses him of a systematic course of cruel treatment covering a period, of four years, awe charges that he has beaten her on occasions too numerous to mention, oalled her bad names, stayed away all night and bragged that ho was associating with fallen women. Clauds Strahas appears aa attorney In ths suit. In oroeeins; ths strsst at .-Third and Alder streets last night W. M. Jackson, treasurer . of Washington county, . was struck by a oar and knocked to ths pavement. Ho boosa were broken and his Injuries are not considered serious. Hs had lust reached ths eft and had S ssohel In his hand. Hs wss removed to ths Perkins hotel. Hs will bs sols Is leave for bis home jtonlgbj. Farm products, women's handiwork, fancy and art "work, horns cooking and fruit will bs a part of ths exhibits at ths annual agricultural, horticultural and art fair of Oswego grange No. 17f, Patrona of Husbandry at ths grange hall October L Blue and red ribbons wlU be awarded. Mrs. H. M. Swing and Miss Erne Hayes somprlss ths executive committee. r Funeral servioes over ths body of Mrs. Margaret- Conroy, . who died September it, were held yesterday morning st her late residence, ll a rand avenue, and at St. Francis shorch. Bast Eleventh and Oak streets. At o'clock In the fore noon Rev. J. H. Black said ths requiem mass. The Interment took place m Mount. Calvary osmatary.'. ' Ths Portland Railway company has placed two ears oa ths Bast Burnslds branch from Union avenue to the end of ths line st ths Intersection of East Stark and Eighteenth streets. Ths gee line has double tracks and bsavy rails. and serves a large and populoua district. Transfers are glvea for the oars cross ing Burnslds strsst bridge. ; Tour shoes9' ,(,.. " Will as ' -:' " " Pons today; At ooos .... - v ' If you " t a- f. - Need them. . Goodyear Shoo repair Factory, Yamhill near Oas Co.'s offlce. Free call and de livery any reasonabls distanoa. Sam LovelL a former Portlander who has been In Alaska for ths isst three years following ths occupation of prac ticing law and civil engineering, ft at ths Calumet. Ha la Interested- In the oil and coal lands and also In a railway proposition in ths Kayak district, j John B. Sawyer of San Fraaclaco has been appointed local' Chinees Inspector to All the vacancy caussd by ths trans fer of T. C. Ryan to Kilt Island, N. T. Mr. Sawyer arrived In ths elty yestsr- ":-r :. . Mrs. Ida Shogren Frassr, wtfs of Ar thur R. Fraasr and daughter of Henry Shogren and wife, died yesterday. On ths arrival of hsr sisters from ths sast funeral arrangements will bs oompistsd. For Sals Best paying and bsaK ad vertised mercantile business In Portland, in center of retail district; 11.000. Ap ply McOarry Richardson, Atty s, 000 pregoalaa. i - . . . In s log Jam at La Camas,-' Wash., John Sweeney had both legs rushed yesterday morning.' He as brought to ths pood Samarftan hospital. - Dsnclne classes. ' ' Prof. Beggs' select class for hoys and girls, October 1 at I p. m. The Drew Second and Morrison, A. D, Charlton, assistant general pao ssngsr agent of ths Northern Pacific returned this morning from a tour of ths sound cities with a M. Levey, as sistant to tns president. Portland Wire iron Works are now located at Trenkman Co.'s on Fourth near Flanders. Work turned out promptly. - V... " ' ssasawaemBBBM ' lJ t ' Wa-Roo Tonte. The jrvmt blood puri fier, nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For sals by all druggists. Ws olean and press your clothes dnd shine your shoes for 11.00 psr month. Ilnlqus tailoring Co I4T Washing ton. . - e .. Hunters, attention? Oat your trespass notices st Peaaleg Bros, printers, Soer look baudtns. ... .. Bright boy wanted ts assist st wrap ping counter and to work about store. a M, On," ... .. -.. Chew Dss-Tal-Ounm, have pearly teeth and prevent deoay. Far sals svsry- ' If row want s first-class hard wheat Coart Irf faaooog. Jtaug srooer soils it. IATB CLO CLD AD TRIED OFFICER 9 POBTXtAMXVfl V. FOBOS. SUOOUMBB Arrets ' III WamsJ FIOBMRB 01 RBAV Captain of Deteetlwi Sanuel Sim- died a 40 e'eiook this .morning. Death earns as the result of stomach disorder and revtrcens nervous - ailment. He had been In falling health for away months, being unable to attend to his duties as head of the staff of detectives of the local polios department. . Funeral arrangsmsets have not been fully mads. I wt ths Odd Fellows' ledge, sf which hs was for 'many years a member, will have charge. . a detail of polleemea will aJ attend. ' . Mr. Stramone was taken critically fit Bundar afternooav and lost conscious ness. From that time hs sank until ths hour of his death. By his aids were hie wife, ths polios matron, and Bis lit tie adopted daughter, Margaret, Ths sad news of -ths captain's death was conveyed - to Captain, of Police Orttamaehsr and to Deputy City Attor ney Fttagerald. When Municipal Judge Hoguu mounted ths beach, Mr. Flta- gerald announced the death to htm, mov ing for an adjournment of court out of respect to the deceased. Judas Hogue immediately adjourned oourt until to morrow morning. Bamasl Simmons was bora fat Wlaoqh slnv M years ago last July, and whsn but 4 years old orosssd ths plains with his parentfe, going to CaHfornla. He traversed that stats- with his father, en gaging In mining ventures. Together they prospected for many yeare. Tiring of California, and bavins heard mush df Oregon and the attractions SAMUEL SIBMONB. hra, Mr. Simmons decided to try his xortuns in nu cy. it was aooui sv years ago that hs arrived here. He m soon elected constable of the west aide district, and sines that tlms has served for ths moat part In ths capacity of an officer. k -. As a detective Mr. Simmons has many good pieces of work to his credit, but through all his caress two of bio ao- compllahmsnts shine out above sll Oth ers, Ons was ths clever capturing of an Incendiary who tried to burn down ths buildings at Fort Stevens, which he did by snllstlng Detective Hart man as a prlvats In ths ranks and running ths perpetrator to earth, and the other wan ths clearing up of a murder mystery near Kalama, Wash. In this ease hs displayed remarkable sklH by proving tnet ths statement of ths man hs caused to be arrested was untrue because of ths position front which hs alleged he heard shots fired. Simmons proved that the man fired the shots himself, and bs went to ths penitentiary for life. Simmons Is ons of the veteran de tectives of ths northweet Hs Is known to all of the old officers. Accompanied by his wife, ho spent many months in ths Klondike country at the outbreak of excitement there, Lest March hs was appointed captain of detective. serving In that capacity until six months pgo, whsn ho was taken 111. Hs has a -brother in Samv Francisco, sfhd d slstsr, Mrs. Grace Porter. His daughter, Margaret, Uvea In Portland. YOUTHFUL ROBBER ' HOLDS UP FARMER Nothing daunted by ths fatal mistake of WllllsA Bowen and Harry Morgan, who early yesterday morning attempted to hold up and rob Policeman Thomas Tsylor and were captured. S man,, sup posed to be qdlte young, at I o'clock this morning held up and robbed Casper Fuhler, a farmer, st Seventh and Ollaan strssts. Ths rural visitor, more for tunate than many victims of Portland highwaymen, had mads a change rot trousers tMfors going upon the streets. and had left M0 in his room by mistake. All hs hsd with blm was It cants, which ths robber took. Acting Detective Vaughn was detailed to Investigate the robbery. BIG CONSIGNMENT OF FINE FRUIT SECURED B. C. Olltner. secretary of ths state commission of ths Lewis and Clark fair, haa returned from Ashland where ho seen red 110 hoses of ths flnsst fruit la Jackson county for sxhlbltlon pur ees at th fair. The fruit win e kept tn cold storage until opening day. Strawberries are growing in profusion in Jackson county, scoordlng to Mr. Olltner. They are sold st all trains and are regarded ss nothing of a curiosity at this tlms of the year by Jackson county people. Mr. Olltner purchased straw berries at If osnts a box.- i 1 ' . t Dr. M. Bowerman of Condon Is regis tered at the Perkins. Miss Josephine Conroy of Arlington la a guest st the Perkins. Dr. J. L. Jiarlaa of Lexington, Kyn Is at the Portland. A. Baker of Butte, Mont, la at the Imperial. Dr. J. A. oeiasndorrrer or Tns Denes la registered at ths Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Riley of Hood Klver are at the Perkins. i Mrs, L. A. Loom Is and Miss Sylvia B. Flnlay of Nabootta, Wash are at ths Parkins. Mrs. Sophia Prttchard and Miss Lu- cretia J. Prltchard of Tacoma are guests of the Imperial. . Mrs. J. B. Walts of Boseburg Is at the Imperial.' A. T. Fsttsr st Drain, or, at at tpo Perkins. . . Bssfetied Stock Oaaaed anss Alios bawls' Bssi jtrsns e - m aw ar '. I Miss Edith Angus The English beauty playing tns Utls role in .Dion Bouctoaulf s eomedy, The Jilt, , this weak, at ths beauUful Columbia theatre. Ths Columbia Stock Comsaay ts putting- an this, ana and tetsreet- ' Ins somedy tot s superb fashion; and H Is grutid with hearty ap plause nightly. So- good a drama at popular pricea, played by such : s hlsh-oUas sompany, la evidently oonsldered a' great bargain by 'Portland. The principal box " sfnos during the day Is at Rows A Martla's drug store. Sixth and . Washington after f p. m. at the theatre. Fourteenth and Wash- Ington. v , X EDWARD DOLMAN ' ; AT ST. LCIIIS IkAOX OF A TQV rhen we left hero September i," said Bdward Holman, who wltb Mrs. Hoi man' has -Just returned from St. Louis, "It Was with oompistsd' arrange ments for a room with bath at the In side Inn. - When we reached that hos telry we were escorted to aa apartment in which a crude shower-bath apparatus stood forth, and the toilet was a part nership affair with the adjoining room, in which partttlona. played a faulty part. I went down to the clerk to protest that my contract, whloh was for ths consid eration of 7 a day for room' only, called for a bato. "Oh, yon want a tub batbr said he. That- will oast 111 s day for the two of you.' Ws sought a room outstds ths grounrfs, and found ons six miles from the business center, but near the sx posi tion. This plot, equal to half a lot in Portland, had been purchased for lit, DM, and a pressed-brlck four-story bulhUng put up for ths fair. Rooms were plain, olean and comfortable, and cbaraes 16 a day for two. All water in St. Louis Is bad so bad that wo drank mineral water. I never took a drink but that I thought of Bull Run and showered blessings upon ths good cltl ssns who constructed our water system. Nona better exists In ths ease "St. Louis day at the fair brought out in the papers a funny feature of local patriotism. Officials gave ths attend ance that day as 404,000 people. Next morning a women came out with the an nouncement that shs hsd gone in and out again Ti times and claimed title to being the champion repeater. She was quickly contradicted by a man whp said he had entered 100 times, and must hold ths championship for repeating. Those with season tickets would enter one gats, pass out Immediately and return again. This fact will nam K apparent that ths total admissions credited to St. Louis day did not indicate that so many people entered the grounds. But ths fair is great In fact, bewildering. You cannot cover it all and will not rsmsm ber a hundredth of what you. are able to see. ' St, Bonis SUaeto COcaa. 1 "The fair grounds and. streets of St. Louis are kept remarkably clean. They have one device that might be adopted here to advantage. Sprays from street sprinklers are arranges at an angle, like our street brooms. As they pass along ths Jets ofwatsr drive ths dirt Into ths gutters, snd theifoe lnto the sewers. cleansing the crevices snd Interstices better than s broom, and saving ths labor of handling debris. In ths elty and grounds a special force picks up every scrap of paper, where people lunch and elsewhere. Galvanised iron barrels, too high for a pedestrian to look Into, are arranged conveniently to receive all sweepings, giving the streets a remark ably clean, neat aspect ---r--- CBtJasss Oemld BS fs, rvr "Why cannot the eitleena of Portland get together and erect three or four hotel buildings, like that I Indicated. have them plain as possible Inside so fsr aa woodwork la concerned, but plastered, and have ths first two stories rooms with baths, third-story rooms without hatha, and fourth-story great rooms filled with eotef After th fair Is over these buildings could be finished Inside and bs made pemanent. These need not be on business streets, but out oa Six teenth, Twentieth or Twenty-third streets Bach should be soma distance from the other snd made to cover about three lota If they are leased, the people of Portlani should have some restric tions In regard to rates, for every ons Is willing to pay some higher at a fair, but three snd four times regular prices will lessen ths attendance. Wa cannot afford to do as iarge cities do, for thsy hsvs the population we want to attract hers."' , Charles Bruno, an Oregon sawmill man who spent the summer prospecting ths Alaska oil and coal fields, baa re turned to look after his Intsrests In the Bohemia mining district Hs k regis tared at ths St Charles hotel. .... - Oltn D. Wheeler, advertising agent of the Northern Pacific railway and editor of "Wonderland." Is a Portland visitor today, . V ' - .-: HOME 9 and 11 North r s ' y 0) Want Ad. Rate- I Words 13c - tlTl TAV WOTTOI9 ri -tbtt we have tse tBMt Um of wall paper to be sees ywbore. And Is waking year choice yoe'll akw.obwTe that our price are remark- Mj tow. ntitaing m rampm wus ow on Inn ever shows la Portland. Kick aae dalatr efrecta and lints. Splesdld rsrlrty ef sew -lens to aajsct Weak Sarpwalsg raises la w"""-- nntr nun. Iff Ftost StMft. sear Wssktsgtes, GEO. BLACK ; yVBUO AOUOUSTAJT, Sll Worcestsr Building. General Practice. Investigations. . . - Estate Work. Special and Periodical Audits. AjrcrsnmssTs. Oakland vs. Portland SECftEATION mi Sept 28, 29. 30. Oct X 1 A Trlamsaaat VasdeviUs Offerlsg a shs LYRIC THBATRB thb brut omnrmo. , ia AND MBS. SJU). KBAtOsT. : tirl AXDIAJIi. THOMAS W. BAY, -KB. AND MM. DABX OABTSJs THX TITABC0PX. ' liSS W :, T:S e MiM a. av lOo NO H1QHER The bMse Sf parrte vaeavrttta. Papuan oua svrrorsMseM Ttvm a h 4iss a. SL Soo dura Dtloea 1 to lb to a. arrrorsianrfs a m 7 te )0M a. m, Aar atat Is me nMsare. M sn BASEBALL ladles' Says, ITsajsday and Prtaar ssnaa sailed St Semeay. SssS n. ImUrlTTa SSei oaUaswa, Ids. PATRONIZE INDUSTRY If you want hi-. Shoe, buy the R. & are cheapatTany - ' ; a s-. ana worKmansnip guarameeue Ask' your merchant for' them. If they.can - t supply your wants, write us. Our line of Loggers'. CraisersY Miners' and Vyorkihgmen's Shoes are ijnexcelleds '' MO-e-AS .SiVtvrwl d (3& Hertsck SHOE MANUFACTURERS First Street LAST WEEK OF THE FREE GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER This week winds uw the free distribution s BaJcmsi Powder glvaa with Ssndar Journal paid "Want Ads. It's your last . ohanes to seoure a oas, of this sterling; Closest Devere product--so you'd better avaU yourself e( ths opportunity T Just a Word About This Premium Golden West Baking Powder IS composed of ths very Enest materials obtainable, and Is guaranteed ABSO UTBLY PURE. Cloaset S Devers guarantee this powder to gtvs entire satisfaction and authorise the refunding of money should any fault bs found. It Is sold by ail lead trig grocers throughout ths olty. Ssmsmsss Shs Baking Pewda m given saly to tneee who bring SB S paid "Vast sd" fat tn IVIUT lOVUaa ; The tasting Kind ' Is the kind of paint ws sell The paint that Is mads for the Oregon Climate and that ths rains will not sJfect for years. If ou are later ssted in Paints, Oils or Varnishes soma in and consult as, s . we a . . i rrt isner, i norsen en co. 2 lss, iss, is non srmnv. ,. w MM4 AjgUKBjajajswav - Columbia Theatre CRAB. W. TASK, AaHstsat HeaaM. , 14 sad Wssttsgtoa. Pros Mala lift. ' I ALL THIS WEEK. i Columbia Sum Company I . noselcaalt's wasterslece. THE JILT 1 1 lies lee, so, wt . rain h'tl. Hitlsee tor and 9Be: entire saUerj, 10c. Tlrket efsoe open at Rows S Martla's, SI in Waak- liiitoa, rrorn 10 i. a M 7 i. s. rnone aiais 110. At mettoe ftem T a. ak te IS a, av Peose 111. llaMmais CmmA Trieste W. T. Pass iioi uuaiii vi eirw a hw" nea. mgt. Pkess stem SM. Thereear. PMst. Haiordsy slrkts. Sr IS, SO, Oetober 1: iprclal-erW n all dm htwrdar. TbS Mg ChlBese-BngUab noakel - 8AN TOY" "The Seal Tbtag." TS seople Is me ese T. veslng prtresLower Snor. eirvpt last 8 rowa. 1; latt a rows, 1-flOi ealay, Srst S rows, n.OO; aeroad I rows, $1.00: lest 6 rows, TV: gallery. The sad soet seaea aad '"Ttoal'hl'irlnee rrlees Psrowtte, . tl.Ss; rouetle elrrw. 1.00: balranr. arat S rowi, 1.0ft; Uat rows, SV; tire galWy. iOe. Net man mas a erete te ess any single serfarsMsee. sereea fer lUrqoain Graml Theatre . Phase Mats am ' TORIOrTT AND TOMOBBOW StGUT, RErTRMIIRB IT. SS, MM. - The Beautiful Ooawdj DraBkB, t 8WbBT Cl-OVKR" - A Special Semie Frrrtks. Prlwe towrr Soor. rtcft last I lews, fit last I rows. T5s Balrear, tret S rows, TSe: laM t rows. doc. Oalkrr. Br aixt sse. ssd togas. fT.ftO. Beau are new selling. COR DRAY'S THEATRE CORDBAT BtTStBLI MassffMe. Portlasd'a Most rpnlar rasally Theatre. TMilskt aad every alfbt thla week. Ike ess Mf hit of ta,eaaea. Hundn-d rnrsed awar laat sight. Betera ef the faverlle. Praak Baeaa. in the "MILLS OF CJHJFO&MW Sasenrted J Wilfred Bnger aad h and a Splrndld Casipanr ef Dar ffrlree. IOe. w. SV: epHa I riwrT'd eeats. 5ne. Mitlne arlrea anr part ef Adalts, eklMrea's eeeerlawat, loe. BiXer Tbeatrt ges, U swaer Ma Oresna Theatre. Ch.. tse.. Laaaee. POVB BlilMTS AND SATI RDAT MAT! MBS. Farw1 perform new ef BTXLBOtriLirt atAODO WXLL, . . . . la I bo ureat sofiarle. w '. "E MP RETS THEODOXA" WJe nerfW v-" sight, as Mr. -nv"ssse after sx... rvwlf iMiraa W Seat week. : Ssja sf SS) teas, a good . Working1 H. shoe. They priced Material f . a ' -t. - v Hahm V Portland. Oetron 11 m . TKT ja ' ' m . oosv tomt ajtd mamma g SOME MONKEYS KNOW MOLt THAN OTHER MONKEYS : Bui ths most Innocsnt ape Will tsQ you, If at all conversant with ths facts, that OLOBR WATKR-PROOF PAINT IS THB BEST PAINT MADE. A aiusr antes goes with every pshaga. . , PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO. GRSJtt ACTS J9T 7MB JTA. THX XTWS-VaVs, ,s Ths MarveWna Bnr..paaa KHsrWSai . MM. AXD M7 . BlTrfg, , . SSWABD S MOSS, ' DE SKT'T.DS. , , , ., - WILLia ' wm. o. -yt, TsTX PBOJBCt uMQTt. shews: l:n la W. 1:30 te 10 as. Onirral ahalaetoa M eeaU rata, as etsta. The Arcade's NewE::i SISAL AJrP PATTMA, LAHX AJMD C u, J BILL' t. . . BKtBBlS. 1.1 I ..oa, , XAT Of aatXAiCAS p.. -aws. . 1 W a n, i te U a ear "ert, 10 OOMCBBT BULL ' ' " SW - c - I