v r Shaving Stands' a 1 (..'' ' J I xy r "n"i:wiT;Z : 1 ; 4i:-.-. . - i A WW ! .' aj 3 i..' : t v i w , . . I I! - , I , r, i II II 1 1 ii. as S 1 One Thousand from X ) to p ';'y pne In fLiem&hf - : ry wi & I ' ' tar r French lute CmV rers, fcia cut S22.50 During Tfcla Sato Only, y '' if ,.. "ff' ; x i ar i m m , mm---'-'.; t. .: . Durir-3 this sals we ask your patroilssc through undcrpridng that other houses cn do f rr ycu but there's a style, a tone, a character, a look, abdut our new fall goods C:i t ir.:?!rc3 each aMevery o t..;i our urwervins aim to provide for you ,? something different " from the ordinary Portland store-i-and it's true, and you know it's true-rthe ordinary Portland house will Ehow you anything, especially when you wish credit It don't take very, much snap, very mpch superior judgment to get out of thai old beaten track,' because it's so easy for you to buy and select goods here. x Come in this week during our September Sale and look around-fif you buy we will eave you money, if nothing .more. :'':MiiSM MUST RF? ROI n By Tanuarv 1. 1905. v "tou can help us by buying; on. . Just to stinwlaU tetsrMt in this sale we propose to giveaway absolutely free ; , ij V- V'i Valued at f 8.50, to the three persons fuessinc nearest to the number of Eclipse SI, 1904, Steel Ranges ere aeU from September uess In $1.00 Down .and: $1.00 a Week it .'v 1 '".''jHr' to January i, WQfi., Everybody ReglsUr Your Quei And while here you are V welcome to inspect our large stock of Furniture .and , Household Goods, which is without single ' exception ths largest, best; (.Eclipse This b thc Range r 7 f 1.00 DOWN AKX fl.00 A WEEK. We put It op on payment of $1.00 ready lor use in your home. The Best 8 tore on Every Point in the World a Range that has. stood the test of time and is Without an equal in interior con- , struction, baking qualities, absolute reliability and beauty of appearance. Bee it Work. " Ouaranteed for M years. We take your old store in exchange and alow full value. Ws Can sell you the Best Range on Earth bar none. A ;"; YOt PA1T f 1.00 DOWN AN0 f 1.00 A : WEEK. Parlor Siuite mtiiofur Snlah frames, uphol crd tn matt Trtoar. ztm ttMl wprlMf, Bte bT, mf prtc yoly : '.'I- - ' .- .rlt w wve'Sv-tooa mltn i.t- .-.-.ft'1' Music Cabinets 1 Btoo m a m is ttir- .r SlrdMr tif 1 r Stenbr ate miy . $12.00, ?: 1 Pedestals jji atn4 tylM. tot anahoc may, wftthrd or " - Mfiomt lla son $3.00 Tabourette Like cut, in Golden Oak; or -Oolden Oak finish only. During this September Sale Hil iMrees ince cut, m v ? . Golden Oak or Mahogany . finislu A v ;5 DurlnK.thls v t September JsfSiUe Only SB$t2ff : ,-( - av it , We are showing over 60 dif f srent styles, ranging in price from $0 up. One like cut, fat Oolden Oak or Mahog- DUR1NQ THIS SEPTEMBER SALE ONLY Prize Eclipse HeOTinS 50 IMffcrent Styles to ASM From-AU Pto "f'J - 1 ' We sell these stoves von the Easy Pay- c, ment nan. 1 , THIS STOVE IS $8.50 K Itove without an equal for hatb tag purposes. NoVs the time to buy a stove, and m doing so dont ' mm m r'm wuwt knrmv rhaan hill- V, how good. The Eclipse is the Fin est Heater In the. world, air tight, outer body cold-rolled steel, lined with heavy castiron top and bottom. Warranted for five years. A real gem of a 'stove; worth $1100. Our September tab price , . - IS8150 -S M Uf-i- -f...' mi rie-ht Heater No. 18 :Air tight, is d good stove, made of best Russian steel and is steel lined r We sell it for ;1 i Sideboards 1 l " .This beautiful Sideboard, finished ,- in . finest flaked : Oolden Oakv . hapdolished, push drawer, bot toms ol drawers blrdseye maple, A swell piece of dining room fur niture. A ' Specially Reduced for This r ureat September Sale r A. . " v oi vun w ' $70100 1HS lMMHiUfal OmtcK. Uhtatni Iw bat arc) tor lwthr. with a mvaii ymt ruaraata for vprlnsa: SurtaC our SvptusMr A oair boecmii in uoucnes i V II -7 II I 1 II f II - 025.OD mm Couch tn lMt)irt r vfcur. 5, v rprMPgaiiisr Xr!rtW J"rrtArhT WW mi Mil , JT'lteU' "sT! wll te MKeMuitt4 0ttalMthM. ens Om ine ei bm IM s ON EASY A 3-Piece We hre Par lor SuHea for D v m Htf a .- $15.00 SvoBir r CarpvUne, trf aiMlltr. er t.o PaIImS TMtry. pw yard...:.S5e wutM wool vtvM, r yue.ea.se) tiMto laVmi woi ui Oottoe. iKr Bodr giHMiiiL pw rwd .... ...ai.es , yr ... . .see lt-Wtre TtMitnr. mt Mie.,..Bl.lS OnnlM laanUa. M rera... eoe New -3 KUg v 1 1 iff ' 1 ' ' ' ' fctartow. tail priot M.Oe ot ns . orte..M5gOe r AxmlMUr, Hrtftrd, tmlt, "S ruU Ban A - PrtM ..v8 yj! .!.-.,.; 1L-..' rill Z . IT.? llTZ Art mnrw inama m mi nmn, Boy BmiMU, tll. prio.. .SSO.OO tal prt 80.00 Stre WDM Vaint. tali Art aqiMn hatf vmV ! prte M.....r.f.SIO.O, primp ..ST. Vwlr Sslt. prto .. . ... .gaS.00 tJnlooUrt Smw. tall. srlM.M.O nuMBM. cioMir wm, wmu wtta m- fcaiMM, tMMy anwe, Mta " Mrtiaoa; mwW, laid tm4 Bmi r Um ........ M ar i BO . . Iipmik whit. hM wares 114. SS .IT- JT na2 MvuiH away aolor Uun , T . r ware .r........ aoe , ware .,..f Mia Fallata Chlimi t " 1 1111 (It ; Parlori-Suite S A swan vawt-eU sat of vmrlov fartrttMra, Ifka ool kmA of plih aaahoaar. emraS wita Wt Varaaa valomr aa aatre creat barsmia durttm our Sipfmiar aaio tot mty .. -, $35.00 Swell Bedroom Kliiiit: Owftt MM. Uke set. mat 6Mm mmkaeany mw ana v tt Sata, fttat artlela for Um aaar fcat aaoelal prtoa for or aoptoariiot aala . -.5- .ft B '- ; M ';: lib :v r$85.Q0 MJL ORDERS . - v 4-. , . r Received here Are, fcriven prompt attention. We pay alt freight within a radiui of 100 mile. Oooda packed add crated with cart We extend credit to out 0ide parties, Jtoo. If you can't callwrite rC r 1 4 r r- One Dollar a Week Pays for Anything; Listed on This Page v. - , i -: . ,;t ':rv.. - ;. ' - , . . .. ' , - -.. , Jt . , .a if-l.,. ir . P - ; Remember, We Credit Everybody Not a Choeen Few G2VURTZ SELLS IT PCX LESS A- to Oir Tcnns in $1.50 rtrTr" Ii7iaita as eaoi $2.o rT r- 52c ccr 75c tcr feck tin n V a - . . Ik e