Tt C T JF 1Y J' IV" r, - "7 II portknd't If " ""77", v .2 " ""I! Th. II r" , f - ' By special appointment, sole Oregon agents for the world famous Bonne at Cis's Silk tha kind grandma wore, i Gage Tailored Hata The Bahdal TalloradVnffUan-Hata and Connelly Turbans. Not Olds, Wortmaa ft King have absolute first choica of tha oooular Gare models. Other local houses advertise our diacards -Second Floor. - Largest and nswest Carpet Stocks on the Pacific slope Fourth Floor. ' i.- j .- v ' -. . ; Libber Cut Glass and "Quick Meal" Cooking Ranges-Chouse heaters, tox Third Floor. ' . .-.' ' If you Hve -"out of' town" write for anything you aea ad vertieed bv that aatablishment and tout -order will be oromothr and conscientiously filled by an experienced shopper, at tha ad eertised price f ,, . :, y y ''A..- r - ' '. - We shall esteem it a favor to us to open a credit account with vou. Won't you come in and talk ft over with tha credit man? Third Floor. . . . ;. , - THE OPENING GUNS OF THE AUTUMN CAMPAIGN START TO BOOM THIS WEEK ! : r ..... : .. n ,- , . . , . - v- ., , , , . - s And 'tis to be a campaign on tha old Bnea, dependable merchandise of quality brand that bears tha stamp of style. Only goods of strictly trustworthy character mj admitted here and we emphasise tha fact that prices are everlastingly the lowest. - Every department contributes its share of the greet, matchless values. The entire store Is one great fair containing only tha latest exhibits from the authoritative style centers of the world. Ws confidently expect to occupy at least one floor of the new Sixth street annex thia week and shall mark the event by a sensational Special Sale in that new section. Watch out for it! A partial hat of the week's attractions to .- , ,.,,.., -- Pted below tn ? .; . ' ; .:- - if '' A Matchless Three-Day Sale of N ew Autumn Silks Opens Alongside the Dress Goods Bargains i- ' WW. XJi THE ANNEX FIRST rLOOR 4t v AND FOR THREE DAYS, TOO-. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY If you'U read Umm Hnm youH ao kaie wonder why thta te tirmil the BUk Store- bF ParttMa wmafalk, or whr w tk BUk bwlm at tta iwrthwMt Tovv ImmS oC Um SMttfinU m wsattaw a Soak-feriteS oc Mt off u lMk Ull M a UM iimn tt niail rml aip n eft at onee, Tbafs 1a ltae wtta tb atlk atorr. 11 ytar wma mot a llk yaaT- anS stoeka of raw ana praaaraS alQc pU4 na, London auk aia natf T7 par- eant aiora laat Panti har thaa tha mum aMath a. raar prarkma. . la U4 at tektns thakr loaa. at oao thrra - artaMaS , t - tba lota aai amartoaa allk mill,, aatas te abase to bar. bava boaebt, as aarealns af- farad. Sjama CaUaraa oaaarroS, aaa tba oloaka ot oaab aiUla war naiahaS by m awatro, who sol tba Ooooa at a loaa, iro oaarlaa' aal te tba Uk world. A brlcbt day is at bona aad, lb a M loaa Sara work, silk om want ta atart wltb alaataa aaaba. - Btm tba Orat of tba maw's aowaat aUko aro awapt avt wttb tba raat. Tla a aiaiialoaa UaM Car allk boytnc and OUB BUTBR IS MOW IN KSJW YORK. Tbafa how we era aaablai to offar yoa Xor tba east taraa mwi -. - ': -... Vaaor Sutt SUka, tha aataaea f a . " pjajrafaotarar'a atook, boaabt by oar bayar, bow ta tba awrfcet. at traBModoua aaerlttoaj all oelora la tha a ortmirts our rasular Ma vrada, what aoma atlk asUara aaJl thalr tl.M -rataaa; apaotal -for thraa daya only, par1 .QQ bfORB BONHKJrS BUUCK SILKS. . ' A BIO TAPTBTA BABOAIIf. Basahu TSa X-tnoh all para ailfc , Blaek TaffMa, arraatad a vu f"' wovoa on ovary yard, aa ayaaUaat ; waarlolr aradai apaalat for ' ' ' thraa daya aojy. par , . AQ Baynlar tl-aaob an pwra Bilk MfclvtwiiMiit ta ro-S?wirVfcJ?J?'i?'"?,'f ana. la ft bow aoaiDlato Una. AH tha ... "! Talna UTh city, aU.OOlora mw vaavaa an hara la thta baautlful la tha Una. whlta. araaia and and boat waarlne allk awoa. Cosm btaak Inelndod; aptolal for rJ rfix-a aad aao thaav thraa daya amly, par yard.. Tuesday Specials : of Interest .to Men V 'Men's ta Ootf Shirts $1.69 Thaaa Bhlrta aro araonf tha lataat ar- riTaia. Hot a naa oaan" in tna iol Thoy aro Oxford Oolf atyia, ta blua and tan, and aro rasular IS.M valua. Spaelat. aaob ..... Sl.9 Alao Una of Kovalty Bhlrta, atlff boaoma and auffa attaahad, which will ha aa aala at tha aaata prioa. aoh . . . . 1.B bfaa'a Tall Sox. aaw and rary aaat pat terns, tha vary boat vaioa at jsei apaolal, pair ..-ataasrsa Man's Caaahnara Shirta, la aaat obaeks and otrlpM, makaa aa amm-tooo durabia worktn ahhrt good valua at ffta; apaetal, aaob ............ .4Be A flna lino of Man Wool Soaatarft la honayeomb and diamona woava. in hlaok. srocn, bUck and eardlnaL oar raouhM- awaatori aptolal for tomorrow, aaob ..f..o91,49 A Timely Umbrella Ofler- FIRST FLOOR, . " If yWd ward off tba ahafta of Joprter PI u rlna. yooll oo wtu n an te mut MtAtion that dlaalay if aaadaono Umbrtllaa la ana of tha kirto Flfib atraat winaewa. mow t... kaa ia tba AAiuctioo. onibraotae flna Mark Olorlaa, allk nliad Uffata flniith wttb attal rooa ana nrnw a n attfrnMiiiM BMortmant at kandlas in fancy ailTar, p-mrt. natoraJ wood, son " "orn trr,TT oplandld waarinv umoraiia. p - tbia waab ahalea for, . ... f New Fall Showing Leather Goods ; AU aao ftowaat atyUa ta aarrtapa baca. TarayM basa. awtoaiobUo baao, analopa baea ftaoma baea. daplaa fraoja bae. ta radl aaal, raat walrus and aU tba aaw laathora, f ': ' Walraa Laathor Band Raao, ta blaek, brown and ' taa laathar, braldad ' bandlat baoa ooataia aota poraa ' aard aaba aod vlnaerattat prioa. aa.vw Tba oow BbiTaloBo Baca with atrap or laathar bandia. te btaok, brown and taa; prioa. aaob 91,98 Walraa-vreia Baad Baca, wttb ptrap or braldad handla and taalda ooln pora aU oalorai prtea, aaob. $1.85 Larsa alaa Walraa Carrlasa Ban braldad handla. gilt or smMnatal fraiaa; prlaa aaab Sl.aO, SB, ...a-ft.eo SS.aO aad Walraa Laathar Rand Bass, flnoat quality. Bnailah walraa laathar ta btaok, browa or1 tan; prioa, oaab 91S.w Walraa gim Hand Baea b blaak and brown; prlaa, cb ....... .....Bfte New Shaving and Toilet Miirors Fteaat quality raal oboat Hand bllr rorft btavy Froaab ptata baral piaaa. wttb rtns or plain handla; prioaa, aaob ALSO, M. 4 i ......-.T Naw ShaTlBs btirrora turn abapao, VS9 0Stv 81.B5 and Ma0 Bama tn aoaaio abapao. Se SS. . . l.e aad .......' New Triplicate Mirrors Aaoartoi tbony. OMpla. aatobold. ajne Uab aak aad antlqao aak, round, oval ar aquara aaapa, aaah Bl.dJB sa.oo,,- sa.ow,, 24. OO. aod..,.....ei.Wv Of Interest to Art ' Shop Patrons ; Wa woald bo pliaaid to have ladtaa tntaraatad la arttatto faaay work aall and aaa oar aemmaaoad aad flnlahad CoahloR Topa, Caalarptaaaa and DoV llaa. Bapaolally tha naw hraid work la vary protty aad offaottva, aad aa alawla that aay ana aaa work thaaa Wa ara ahowiae about Tl different atylaa of Cushion Cavara. Booka af buaniatloM fov all ktnda of faaoy work. Wa ara haadouartara for Brat nard o Araiatraac Baihioldaiy Silk, tba fiaaat lada, aalfonn la ahadine and faat oolara. ' Oona : and st a Bratnard Arattrons luatraoMoa Book for Shnbroldary Work fraa af eharoo hV-Artj DaparUnant. 4,t SAVXNOS THAT COUNT IN New ANNEX FIRST. FXOOR Atgreeetve Barfala fttortea Briefly Told - aaSfoofaaaoae ""VT.. T -.. Monster Sale of New $1.50 Novelty Suitings for $1.19 yd. laa diffaroot atylaa aad affaeta to eatttt from, manatab twaada, aaat taviaialo . otrfpW mw aaat , m ebtefca and plalda, aaw aavart alotha now aaabad boatoana affaote and aaw aiUad oultlnsa. oar raeaiar LIS bar yard orada. alt now. no eld aaoda la tna lott apaolal far thraa days, par yard Thia la by far tha araataat bareola evor known a bo affarod by any boaoo 1 tha waat. A Great Three-Days' Sale of Colored Dress Goods ' Opens Here Monday ! . Specww for Monday, TuoBday and Wednetday t.nah all poro Wool Covort Buttlne. . In tba naw two-toatd affaota, apaaa - did faarta far tha Inaapaaalro tauorad aaUt raevlar Sl.oe - par yard; apaolal for thraa 7fir day aaln par yard. ia-tnah fatportod , raiaalabalr and . . Xibattaaa, m tao aaw abort aappad flalah, vary owall for etraot woari "' oolara browa, tana, mo la akin,. ' eraya aavya. a ! toealar ILM par yard; opoelal for A i r- $1.19 para v7 Oar raanlar I1.TS all para Wool Bn ' ltah TanoMaaa. optaadld oara at oar rapular tow prlaa; aalora era .-' soda, royal, aavya, browaa," tana, "A tattlaa, oadtt, Fraaob flvmr and .' dark arayai ssplaodld fabria far await atraat aaltaf apa etal for thraa . days aadyt par yard...,. Our rasular LM dlttat . apaolal for thraa daya. .j. pot yard Oar racvlar tl.SS dlttot , apaolal far thraa daya. par yard- ;. $1.29 $1.19 98c "Mow Impartad Vaecy Vt BwaU dorabio fabria for waiata and antta, a foil oalor aaaertaiaojt and all aaat, aaw affaata; ar rasnlar tlo aoallty; apaetal fQa for thraa daya only, yard vJV fLTI Blaak Droaa Oooda. .for thraa daya only, par yard , Blaek Prtaa Oooda for I days , only, apaolal Ma yard vol laa. twiaa voUaa, erapa da Paria aad aasbroioV arad arapa; thaaa twa apaalala ara ; all aaw, atyltah eoada and .. aplandM valuaa at tha rap- QfV . alar prtaei apaolal. yard.... 7VW $1.19 ANNUAL FALL OPENING SALE OF RUGS From the Orient f : : FOURTH FLOUR'; . That af aa are or ropa. Tba rich wont then? buram wall-te da, thalr farataaiae affaet aad eaad aorvtoa. tbaaa who aiuat or aha eat to plae cleat wo have a aptoadid tnnaaaiy propoattloa to .offer this, week la tha. Annual Autumn Sale of Oriental Rugs Wa know wo eall aiera Oriental Bupa thaa all Portland atoredani aombinad, and we know wa deeerva to. A aivaa thioar at a ylvn prioa atuat bo rood value, alaa no baetaeee follows. Aa thta buelneea haa frown ao mt, and ta etill erowias; It'a prioaa muM fit beat to tha pareee oarrted by wtee and prodant people. Wa apaa Monday, at apaolal aala prioaa, a eolieoUoa of Oriental and antique Raft unrivaled outalde tha bouadartea of New York, la earpet alaoe that embrace Khivaa, Peralana and GaahaMrea, amalhw aad mod lam ateee that In clude Bokhara. Kirmlnahahe, Bavouka, Salvae, Anatoltaa, Leeahta, Bhlraa, Daa beetaaa, abtrvana, Maeaoulfc Kaaaka, ate. The time for brlfhtanlac ap dall opete nnmit tha nml nt Iwtna ta r. mil " marh mm Alii rtim nn rill " ;" a lot hp pnoaa dortae tba Opaninc Bala, a tot awro. Tba raduotlaao tread this T . US Ruya fbr ............ ..S8.BO JV lg RuS for ..4, ...Bia.TS -A1 , MS Ruao for .............. .ilT.OO v lit Run for iai.ftO im- W Rsa for , S26.00 J ail Buna for 1AO.AA 4 Ruaa for ...isS.OO tl Ruaa for .-iaS.Ov st Ruga for 48.50 MS Ruaa for ....... ..,...a6S.0O H Rups for .............. 7I Ruga for ,....;.. M Ron for ts Ruga for .............. $tl Ruga for lite Ruga for ............. lit Ruea for lit Ruea far BlOw.OO UM Ruga for ....... .....ilSl.OO 17 Ruga for ....il5S.OO 958.00 66.00 ST5.00 9T0.O0 iss.oo iss.oo .oo AaS IS to at hvbetweoa ooallttoa not prtated hero at inepuilloaala redoatloe. Helpful Prices for Housekeepers . . w & - THIRD FLOOR. ' e prtoa eeVh '.V I V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.Viol ; apaolal prlaa) aaob .................. aaob. . , t RO verytntn In tba Una of boaaaforntahliiga that tha oooaoaUaal hoaeohaeper wiU want iuat now, aad at prlaaa that wU tooaea tao otrtaaa af bar aboppine baa - .-, Ko. Waab Boiler, eopper bottom : apaetal prtoa, eaeb OOe ratea mop iuikiim; epeeMu prion, aaoa . dothaaplna; apaetal pnoe, doaea Tla OUoaaa. U-oaL alaa; apaolal Bound Traya, emboeead, lt-la. alaa Soruh Bruahea, S-la.: apodal prioa. Handy Kitchen Seta, pleoee; apaotal prioa.... ..ISO Tla Palla, lt-ot alaeipeolal prtoa, aaob IS Oalvanlaed Palla, lS-qt alaa; apaetal prtoa, aaob ...15 Tla Baueepaaa, B-ot. alati apaotal prioa, aaob .... 10t Tin Cotandara; apeelal prioa, aaob . . . .... .............. ......0 Bxtenaton Broom ar Duater Handieaj apeelal prlaa. aaob ISe Claw Hatehetei apaetal prtoa, aaob t .....w. ..... .SS Oraalte Iron Pudding Paao, 1H-4U apaetal brtce, aaob Oraalta Iron Ttakattlaa, 1-et.i apaolal price, eaeb .......59 Oraatte Iron Pleptatoa, la-ta.; apeelal price, each ......'. 11 Oraalta Iron eeuoepeae, t-o.t.j apeelal prtoa, oaab ..;....... .IT Coat or Hat Hooka; apeelal prtoa, aaob. . ......7 Sonie Special Bargains Decorated China. Cklna Cmke Ptotea. regular atioe tao; apeelal .'... ..17a) Deonratad Decorated Deeorated China Bread and Butter Platea, roa, price Deeorated Deearated Deearatad China Craeaar Jnra, regular prlea toot epaolal ...8S l.U doa; ap'L don. aa China Teapot, eugar aad Creaawr, rag. prtoa kit: ap'L aat. .81.50 rrenefc China Chop Dlahao, rc prtoe .: apoolaL aaab IHnner bot. val. a-M; apeelal.. 88.54 Dinner Set, vah Lee.; apeelal.. ........... ........... 04.88 Dtnaer Bat, vaL $!.; apeelal . . .-5T.0 aa-Pleea 0-P1aee Saa-Plaea tfpan-otoek arttelee aaa aa aaehangad ar othora of oat ir a tree. . . ' Sa-Plaea Dhmer Set. val. tiMH apeelal,.. . ......... 85.88 loa-Pteea Dinner Set. val. t4k.t; apaetal.. .-M1.T8 . Decora tod Havtland Chhm Dinner Beta, wttb goM-ttnad baadtoa aad knoba, ltepteceo la eet. val. WT.aSj apaetal prlea ......818.88 ; V - v UBBEVS CUT QIaASS U : bkMi eomplete etoek of Out Omaa we have ever aarrted. beat oaaHty of i ajlaao, moat hHUlaat. euttlnga, aaaoaalad a uitmaiioalp. towoat prioaa. oaaJlty aoaelderad. - ( many aaw oeoigao ana inm mam m mam mt m mra of wfctoa wooarryoi aampioto uao.. - -. Low Priced ToiletNeeds lirot floor. v.-, Look Over the Uat ToaH Barely Bos Boawthlne Too Wane trgaat Blaa Four-Pound Bar Pa root Quality Imported Italian Caetlle ' aoap, regular 7e; apaolal. bar. .40 laported rronob Tollot Water, t-ea. hottla, violet, rooa, aeltetrope, lav ender, tookay eluh, value tao; epo- : otoi battto ...45 Toilet Ammonia, a luxury for the toi let and bath, violet perfumed, value fee; apeelal. bottle ..........IB " see weotb aieaan Ida. . Bxtra Pino large-aiao freaeh Tooth Bruahee, val.. tee; apaetal, aaob IB Writing Paper, ralod or plain, fa whlta, 14 aaat af paper and 14 aavalopea ta boa, ameoth fialab, valua lae; ape atal, boa IB ,. St AS Bfaadbage tea, - Walraa OratnLaather Randbaea, to browa. blaek or too leather, wttb atrap handla tnelde eardeaao and ooln purae, valua II. IV; apeclah v Pino Quality Bmeoth-Flnioh BbaU Book Comae, value Saoi apeclaK oaab.... SB '' ate fftlrilss, la. - ' Shall Hal rot na, amooth flnteh, etc aat aard. torso alaa, valua aba; apaetal, oard........ ...........155 Patent Stocking; Darner, with eprtiie ring to bold atooktae firmly, valua lto; apeelal, aaab'..., ..7e Bbftpta Beta, a tort tag attvor Boht ataa. twa to. bajrat-leatbet aaddy aagv vahia fae; earn tat, eat Baefcla-abapa Otlt Shtotwalat Beta. I pine to aat, round or nana at ahapa. valua tao; aptclal, aat .........10 Oold amarMeohteoaav vala7el.M; aW aaeh . .7 Instead of $3.00, for ths Z smart, new COWBOY ; HATS ssrT ' - : v ; :,- - : ": - The wery unusual demand, which amounta abnoet to a Craae, for tha piquant, aaucy Cowbor Hata that ait ao airily and jauntily on tha American girl's head, has caused a acarcitr all orer the country amona; the retailers. Fortunately our New York buyer foresaw their extreme popularity and ordered ger-eraJIy--4nipment8 to coma along in rolaya. 3 Relay No. t came in today and will form one ot the apeelal bar rain offerings tomorrow. Of finest Prenclt felt stock with leather aweat band. Beat $3.00 value in lowu .Tuesday only apecial, at. !.49 , .f THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES v.; "J :i'-rUi 1st Flocar i -;V.;:;'; GLORIAS" FOR MEN OR WOMEN 4- '; OBrroneoaly printed aa t" by a morning paper. Tbaaa celebrated ehoee bava one fixed prtoa $. tofor ail ttme. and the beat H it aboa la tha world It la a, aovor laao, never mora.) .... ? ' There ta one aualtty In a shoe that la hard to daaerlbe, for yoa can t define It or locate It. It la not beauty, of out. or fit. or wear; u to atyla, r ' Ooaw aheea bava tt. Many ahoea haven't tt. All woman want It. It baa ao relattoa to eoet. A US cua tom.made ahoo often aan't aappty It while a ahoe will eometlmea give It to yoa. Too get It la the ftlgheet deaoea ta a "Gloria" Bhoe. Tha atria af a "Gloria" Shoe for men ar woman la unrivalled by aay other make. Taa wamen'a Olorlaa are match) aaa tn thalr beautiful Itnaa. No matter -bow ualy a woman'a feet may be. Ibey eaa be made elrllah tn a pair of thaaa aheea. Bvary woman aaat be baautlful. hut every wo maa wltb thaaa ehoee aaa have atyltah feetr Aad ; ttila m a ereas deal. Thlrty-flva atyUa to ehaoaa from. " of footwear ara 1 , . ' Other taaaoaa Plaeraa fiagiee'B oguo. for men ........... . 55.05 Plaeroe'a Oovaraar. for maa .................. ...... S4.00 rtngraa'a Olorta. for man 5S.50 The aew "O. W. 5 K." aheea for men la tl chelae atylea. aU popular leathera, , beet worhiaahahlp, atralght' or awing leata. Bluohar or , atralght lace atylea. miliury or flat welkin heel; but only eaa prioa.. 55.50 Baelualve atylea In pattern aheea; tha famoua Laird, Bctaelar dt Ca'e mnfee; - high art la footwear to exemplified la theaa beautlee; for dreee or atreet wean hi all tha wanted teathero and aeweat etyla laeta. military. Cuban, " Opera Or Louie heela to the aatrame e-tneh height.. .54. 5S. B BT.50 ' awsoxasj aauat aza wmn or aveeai von iu rata vaboiiT -Bava oa your shoo billa by buylne hare dmrlae the great fall epealac aalaa. Some Matchless Values in v UNDERWEAR Woman'a and CblMraa'a "bferoda" Underwear, ta eotton, wool, and allk aad wool mixed. The "Iferode" Trader near ta the beat af Ke atnd oa the market today, that la the reaeea you rind It eoown at our eeuatara aad AT OUB COUKTKRB pMLT. . ; .. . WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Womaa'a flna, Uab weight Cotton Teats, lone sleevte, extra allk trimmed; ariea aaab ..50d Vaats aad Ttghta ta mateh, ankle length, each...50o Wemen'a medhtm wetght, white Cotton Veete. extra allk trimmed, paats aad Ughta ta mateh; prlee. per garment 55V Woman'a whlta Cotton Teata, heavy weight, fleeed lined, extra allk trimmed, peata and Ughta ta match; prlee. each ....55 Womaa'a Jersey Rtbned Teata, la white and grey, extra atlk trim miit, paate aad ttgbta aa match; price, . 51.00 g Wore ted Teata, Mi wirita and eiiver gray. extra etlh trimmed, ttghta aad peata to matoh; great ate value at tha prtoa, aaob 51 -SB Wemen'a Silk and Wool Teata, tat white and eUrar grey, extra allk trimmed, tlsbta aad paate to matoh; price, per garment...,. 5176 Womaa'a Bilk and Cottoa Teata. la watte, extra aHk trimmed, with aaata aad Ughta to match; prtoa, per garmoat ............. ........... .51.S5 MiOOBn 1 (HaW Fmmf4t V : Children's Underwear f CblMraa'a Whlta, fleeeed-Llaed Teats, extra atlk trimmed, peata te match, all alaea from I to 4; prtoea range aooordlag to alaa. . Ohtldrea's Woratad Taeto, ta white, extra eUfe trtmmad, paats be SMtob, . ataea t to t prioaa ruga aoaordlne to alaa. .., -. ChtldroB'a Worated Unton Bo It a, In whlta and gray, extra allk ' trtnuaed. ataea I ta I; prioaa range according to alaa. A, CblMreifa Bilk aad Wool Teata, foH ftatebod, extra fine ajualltyf yoa araat aea theaa veeta to be awe to fully appreelate them; amaa 4, e d, T, i. t; prioaa. aaob 9. ll. 11.40, (lit aad ...... ..51-00 AS FITS THE CORSET : i "" - SO FITS THE GOWN IRoy al Worcester Corsets 8a properly fitted at b Boyal Weroeoter Coreet by ear eapert ftttera before trying oa aaw fan diaeeea. Thaaa eeroeta, Ilka taa ifiaeao. are faahloned after tho lataat Imea, therefore yoa will be mere eertala to ae aaro a aatlafaetary fit. Tha Royal Woroeeter Coreet te tho boat American made aereet. beat adapted for tho Axaertoaa-wemaa, that le why ao many wemaa wear theaa, and wby we eall genre eereeta thaa aay other boaaa waat ad Chicago. - Women's 75c Muslin eaTfT.rtwme pm'MH . BWaaaieiWiM aaii tww Moalia taaNa of extra fe V - 4, W 4 e ; Cafldren'e Jaobota e- ' leaartha. ta brown, a. atylaa. mr jU-. f